Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Aug 1907, p. 6

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vm 5 W5L?. £AUUFS m*&atm zoo oWu 4 fl pOMONPIE.I." g~YgEiR STflOti.y lu fiO 14. S. ......... ........... .. 2=04»,Y,, 4UST lm 1901., MAXiNO TI4Um TLL- xetcilcuce laaone of Uie nmaet strIk- ýRC ibtcerica]cs ci raitroaitemplo' 4&, Tbcy arc tralucit ta IL.TheY are n~e", expected touinov anYtliiug »pta vreck. The nov commission ý'," ch G vénor Hughes la. given tu T»w orki ulue proposes tu bave tblacbahnSed. fit anta ta know ý_%sout every wrecl< tiat occsirs, and lt l"rbsteie nformation prompt]S> ln ý"vToîLel Cty corporations wili be :çoslpelled to reput overy accident re- .g10«~ng lu <bath or serions InJury tu jaypersan, au> collision resuiting lu , àgi0tisdamage la cars, sny dersl-. meut of a îassenger traiunviletier ln tie quttsay or on tise elevaled or imbunbaii Unes. Tihe rallrosd cous- ;'5fies caucerned aise are dlrected ta ioort any serions iterference vits or toppage Of. tramei. Thse reports muet h. made by tele-1 pboue imusediaýely ftier sm'y such ac- cident hetween the baurs of 8 lu thse inorging sud il ai nigbt. Any acci- dtent occlirring atter Il o'ciock muati ,bc l'epirted et 8 o'ciock the netit .oralng. Ail telephone reports muet be féilavol *lthin lb,'..daya by vs'lt-1 'tos atatents ta thse commission.i wTî-vrttft statemeus nmuet consini the tollovîng Information. (a) The. ame of!he tic prtloa awnlng tile road. (b) Tise nàine of ltheCorploration leaing or aperatlug the roait. (c> Tise date and hou,' af lic acWi dent. (d) Thse precla. location o! 'le ac- cident. te) Thse numâber sud description of tise car Involvcd lu tie accident. tf) Tise naimes and places o! rosi- dence of employes il uyan- vy cou- nected *ltil the occurrence. (g) Thse names sud asidresses of itagseugers or oller persoue kilied or injnred. (il) The naines snd residejices of einployes killld or inJus'ed and the ex- tent of the lnjury. (il The circuinstances atieuding, aud these uppaeed cause of thse aci- dent, wils tise nomes and residences of ail vîtuessea who .5v lise accident or eau give an>' tacts lunseereuee to tihe sasise. 'nhis sla fut hecowsing an age of isublîcil>. ItlaI a good thing. Every ltwWCialer mian knows lsoié dhflcuit la ta get information frous a rsllroasl corporation If l la anythlug Ual"fte company belleves wilii e ta its detri- ment. Tise public tg eutltled toth le tacts, sud au>- iaw or uny ageucy ef tise tavtilat aida ln brnging outthe tacts looks god lto tb.average minu. MAN meil OWN MAKER. A renst Cisstauqua meeting a aller a quarter et a century ile again FwM tl i cls vIii eil 'hear vent forth. but titis time tea"Sudthe Utlag. Thse lecture,' tald o! an greateat vagabond; thc moat cvii elu paintes' vha, la bis efforts Mau lu appeamne. lie vastegia Uic thceinaserpiece ofbils lite@inoiel for Judas Iccalet.-, ttweetve years upos n n allOY 4e satlciupenonenwlomee »«.~ lt'vas a portrayal af lae abait Unes of Isspation sud M~t "tic tvcivc disciples, bats for is fella mmasud ailthlat the lie rmt palater bem abis la gocit. n ladtielioeus g rek OUt apon Uic strfct snd aofisuazsniy for a stttlng ameitel te»doXdYî Of oaaritg fou"aunsd bromglt ii.ta bde rous. The FQXg lma11 t l ti *6uht tic mmOI isuasoiabout the. studio a" dai tr Mdbeuita it uappaaScolu lu a voie aofsadam sas ha traineit bg tY. HIlkM liedli ta ait as bils eaumicit meuman jta action: MW of tise blat 'l have been hairo isclore. Once. 1 MO D~ bsmt -ivasd tise iutiug ont lu thegec races. aa modal for tuil itre tae ouspletiou. At Isa christ', .DUST AUS £8SMENT. kbô«r4so!frevit(w Of lthe dîer- 0etIons' of the state aro..ngagod >e vorli of terretlug out property ivn u e cassessars sud lu r.- g thc vaincs ttaCicd la thal ai- r listait.Tillacanspalgu for s e'qultailleaseasmeut svilgel lc Approvel. il la a vel Fa tt tisaI ville tioge uIn %d- ercamataaces mluet Psy taxes be futll ution of their po. 0s.6tien Of vecîtttare pcnintted Ive Inta th. aseessor bt. a part Wr, prOpertY. Put more terseiy, Itl a aaelI kuowu tact tisaI the ricis do flot psy taxes lu tise saine propar. tion tuo hisolaealti a» du tile Po, Il la ta overcouse thia -conditiou that tue single tax andcather- licories of luatonlae icupr@poscd.: The so- lution of lise isoblein presenled has uat yet been roached, havever, and tlsere uuquestlonabiy continues -ta be mucis ovasion e! taxesê. Tlist dfe,'- eut revlcv bourds, boveyer. have tram lime leUlime doune spledd varli ln thii direction aud, as above alat- e, tile casnpalgn nov belng conduct- ed vili meet vils generat approvai. TRUTIl AND THE TAX MANi. H«esse avers viien the assessar tinte their execigtor5 <ivIde Il amoug Mm &rouanSd tuat tIlir ir ulsî Uiir heins. WO testinavaiuable than vilen tiev It la suan ricn trait tonov, or tiacinfon sale. Tusa yesr ail Mot ilAke conaty accordipg ta bordofcviev average lu vaue &ait those o! Waukegan towuship1 Ont tben. te borsemen are net theà ly on"s wbo bave property vîitban obmmadatlueir vancilatlug value.i lim of Sur patriotlc ctilins inru-, n 80 veli that Uicy sncceed tun 6c0091139 1501,' vealtS until tho sand thon alitee asly trami gracé. There are 1ev indegd whoaviiicieh» a conductar tartier,'than tic -leilgl of a car, inaïi hlm ta, aceepIhein lare Un boitait of tic ralireai vibbb Us ever Iboughlul tor tiair qmlos-t sud convencurs. We excuse ourgmci easly -for saine sineansd fos'get. 1ev mu wsSit btastdaulon a.acklag tic truts ta the taxusan vien lie oules arounit. WhAU. HAVE ON£ FALINC. of the tisinga ve, taM.pes'actly1 #Mt* Visic ovins Is » *ouats.iesV Mg U«Wlg praclicea 'mntes the ibel Mwdwgc azil a -.oef "df -sac-ht, "kialI' lii do vhicb belel-iiut cileving siste n d te mnu sane anti Who vearsa adiamondas 5bigas s ter o«yher'Y may ual lu th eiscat hoenvici s ndou,' iy thc man Who adorashi& noteeviti . six lnch ring sud limastboeaa 0 Our coin- ths-ug ielsecrs. ii thon Wha tic violethiing la ahutteit &nMay a>- dovu v. gel tothe ie polai' sayng il of foily.- 'Thcir'a s» muci*god lu tic vorat sMy ha tu o! us aud *0 Muni, haitla thec WM i la. liseof us tiat snoe cfuns shonlittalli tisa ler about ticesest aofus." Mit . OLIKP 801.11.KIMS p. 4«s a Xr. Devis la sali tut prerer the kilt v-UM Iti the Inuit 1'cconig sacli Wb Wb igiisunds like a eov PUIInt ier - t oe fout att tie, inuitlne vas lu Vm#eit ait mince ebu hadeiait.-ia c*m oU sr f lils »Y la aiaking Uie m"c a setu.c Il asoosilns te ramer ever tic j3e Uornla st Weeti S Iti. litaoft Hep *Vlth sa* pos, Sas .5esau slfi, ug- til eictreatuise n law hbrMryto oat OIt of ,si""4dit14 listercat1l s imeaité ellaRR. Ra-t.w a¶" -ouwpan~.- De Ci~ty.- la Jellet tiy ar- prou-e@ive Tbsi tbbk that the arffla bM s"S'T ii dlt mev eu icd&oat th tb»iodge et Ut»A- s e Wdg opwWfu.ttoe las phytiolugté Uft the ton fer tudr beudI. xmafuiety it vosld net do te a **c7 si t grlstgtmul math nstrictIonansd tej are' te 1%e. aubjectl adelict. nfe. s lsabo*u la thce,ile0vins 1Intr' wVie Wu.Bcdteiei S4ag wileliappears la Oie Jouet N.Wam "Th pbs~qogyteeber vba wil - poeiy mti1lu to t" . abdena knavledge of the dlnity ot phymi- cal III. and the true respect for self vouid couler au lavaluabie er- vIee" sald Supertendant Long viien lntervieved. -Such a teacher Us a cry- Ing noed, a blant vaut. Bu the vioe experiment, vould prove a mot airant lits,'.if the prapor isychological pointe lu canndCtion therewith sbouid tsillto be properlyl knuckled ta. There msiat ho Uice right teactier choaeîî. Tlhe teaciser who cabs h&udie bath her pupila and her anisiecta tun the exact manner tilatthe attuation reqnlres. The enildren, tao, vould need ta be'cuti- eu vith the greatest execine Of dis- cretion aud af discernument- "il la bDî3 proper tisat the work-' legs of naturai lawva siould be en- rolled in lise sciool course of cIndy. Things of that sort came siowir howover, sud we can flot expect to much In a brie! Urne." "*We have Uic materl h er. vitil whlch ta produce such a result and l lies with us ta iesd the eate in educationul mattera. Tisl proposi- tien of a teacher vWhoviilsciier- atcly Intruet ia physîcal maltera bath Uic girls and tic boys, capoc- iauly the adolececnt chlldreu la ont - Uiat means InuecItheUic conity. Th1e adolescent ébuid bas hitberto been' tbe mont negiecteit ludividual ln the achoals. M a a attes' of ts'uth the adolmeent child la aimost tiue PtIPil above ail clbera who liua lhe mont ued of a ki udly, inter- est.d teaehlng. Upoa-tii. proper- derclopinent of thle adolescent chldi reste tiie future af thse canmuity. "Tic ildes of acgre%atlng the bya and girls of the digèent cla»sseso1 Instruction ln physiolog>' vas *Mt mentioncd at wecc. Sil uanc- tion on the part of tise sciloal boa,' -wantd evIdeuce Ils hele( !lu thc 'debt tiat every cemmuuity oves ta Its school eblîdren. "Thse W.' C. T. U. so it la kasertoit bas taken up thse tasil of endeavor- su.g ta place necessary . kuovledgre of lite loto tise bauds aItheUic h- drei lu tihe et aud cleancal wv>." Nunda Ilarald nsd Weodatock Repuli- licm Are 'Oitaekaflfer the Mati rm Cary. The Nundailferaid test vesk cou- talncd a cul o! Supervisos Luna b'.! nMlltes, o! cary, together viti s sketch o! liat gentlem an sd a atate- mient of bis aspîratons lu tiiepoulls lune, and the Woodttck Uepubtlcaa Io Irmk ta say lia If theicPeople oetne.- Henry cauuty vaut Mr. Menfth ta rermset lisenila Uicetipper liouse et. lise Mate leglalalre tise oSmiag eur Yoms', I it bno serloqa cilctloui te Cir saylng po hy tisir bahotse. BY 's astin Uliag asbeau hooit lu Uie aicarvauce 1fr paay ycanatUi tleo c onn r t bi ssatemu ian" )sIeX attve distric-t bava e ttu tllag cf the og*eofetmentor aug m'pOMSBtttiê a ont athe otig« ai i hovbeas moa ê 8& MmeMr. obhumir vil MX »@e*"ycppslaa. tien t- th tiiq!g»u- iùwgomin hear, thé Iv. ekéo o&uqplmstattiv viii debtles <Laite wuntio lck h f «*%i sl àthc aeastMailt tlaê'-4 $x beea Iseli ài Nensà . e 'Asem. Hou, W.IL @too bAi *à th bua sengtsi p tu, Memry csTwDl*t 4 one e Smog et tis ekw' ael Tee. ay carefuliy aelectt WA e' pric e C. Ii 'rag retaller jau )R VALUE t oorapured '*Itb-,Iwlat tb AEMUCUILOE audwl viiigvemno muoh more atiauo to t LOVIERS OF G(iUL% TEA f~efollowlng grades compared: Par lb. te Ibo. . HC4 CHOICE SUN4D JAfIAN .......~.. 35e 33C 30.- - Ueuily SObc) FANCY SUN-DIIE JAPAN .-......50 46c 43e (&-@oc grade) CHYLON AND INDIA TEA - ......... 50c 46c 43C , W*Roaimenask Octo07ôc) ,FORMOSA OOLONG., .... ........ 60C Sac 55c (An SOc qsàaliîyy E. E ELSWORTH LIBERTVILLEI ILL. AExclusilve TC& and Cnffee 5tnrq *a~d -(aLue wc <Iiapay. ' ' " ' m===CALL AND $ES U3 M-Sec $~amples Before the Fair W. PARKHiURST BOND)S FOR SALI E «et all yotr eau out of your Idle money. I can offer you FIVE PEU CENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS on snob towuu as LAKE F'OREST, HIGHLAND PAÊK. EVANIMTN and WILMK'ITE. GOPGkE 'ANDERSON LAKU FORAST, ILL. MLc. IL ÇGALoYAt. uoias-from i1 t8 a Md 6ta 8p. ni. UbertYvIU9. lioa. EYE SPE*UIIT' Parlors in ssth hock teu 11a:80& m., 12». to9 P. wm No charge MOd. lor udMija"Oa U14DIMTAXER sa l~ibAT4lMR neol pa, mo eTelaphan. Caeri 1 m sDVA o" sai sei pl c ibwwl $mm hase be8t 'tiseLakte Ccuty WsSy - i"slmii PR IE= naval aitvrtlsM.n t. 15 ll 0"ii hae~5 ropreseute -a. oone4o b«k Dot»HI:l têIs-i. &ait teother ibu tbefairt Snaneula. ment.- ni., III. PAUL MAC GUPPI. ATTORNUYT TlÂW. DR. IL FL SMITIL DF4NTIST. Bmta-8 ta 12' a. m.sud 1 tu 5&p. w D19NTMN gounrs 8te 12 em.<4taS 218 w4to »strtt 'Phoms #761 Di 1L. L-TAYLIM IOU3-taot10 e 2i.9ta, 4 su" 4Gte W40smu 8ou doeJ, ooit. a iohIesseu *M ira- IMrrOWM J.. N .4GO. xT4xL .. Came at Iut...Now vateh thinga grow Wiil b. tu orn 1ow'bu wikji r *j gt hefe it où1 and mYou Win M- and oreO ESwith COë -1 1- ýi

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