Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Aug 1907, p. 4

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7 r .m~ we ...-- ... . . .... . . ... &lDA UqUST 23. 1907. euiimr, andle the llgtof, receat aveMN ,tr the NO amatka et, wgdlt mthre llmetilght aIWaukeona esgeaoe. &. àmiifle f tire §get, and If te brin tto ilmiat un 0'M " 0hs ablfty and pureefltYIllliy t t a n cce ~tu riàiai.endtgulied and lteer e acteifer tactîcu0 h. lembrraclng tue u ppertuilty. 1*10cf uietime te bu the anauhlmeattempted te dlsrept a flh rfafl ii, embreliug its membersinmu ltîgation, wlrlch 'iW*traeed .te him à itl attention, neterlet>. and publcity. ld.1bit fergutten "Mev." Tucker uit tlhie teit bld- for $erle>h. atccmplilmlied about the. ooly putrp ocecelv- aistino warranta te ire isuad for thre arrout of Indviduel*i nter. Md pfemoting wayî and r'oSng for iOetring a publi c Park fqr IN believes "Aev." Tucket. te ha a ment undesîrable citizeu aud opinion tirut hli a cirronie trouble monger willl b challengod by find Waukegan »s a whole just about unaulmerme In expreiiing a met regrettable feature ofthtie rholu mtter, in> our mind, te the Re'Tucicer la aucceednqini attracting. anid wlilch appuals to eirving as t weuld ha rUndeirabte te unother perion. t>. uncommeul>. commen man la in th(l. instance succeeding in muaitlite publie attentIon. In becomlug a sithiect of convers- qetherweie ihe could nt -hope te be aven 'notorious." are mon 80 anxlou fer ntoriety they would disrupt a cirurch. ME WAY, DO YOU KNOW THIS Tueker PERSONI ý*m mtisa reliethink they are cmulstlng 1he Saviour. wlien tira> ilomble tire aniahlHoerodeon into the Mol>. City. Alnfhter )prit. uetr off tire dey reitIrte prayer, 'Gl1ve us titi day fI11 ate *t preaB000ei ctizen. OWffrertiee almeutevir>.tewh hula itlIcTucker? qMl'cgnct r oumaîl ouly by cempariion; a reart on a flou, '='1 1 n. th ie taan. &,Witt for Tuokr te Ilget thirlipark for you, yeu'Il %voit cee . 616, the letc tu rcker was promlient, wreaInlu aylug tire 0 fora-slaw suit tircaé.as, a. aviler o f th. people, and ho proposacu te do Il Bf wiii-' $0 -MO MOARUMl kftp yeuan tickets, T-ucSien tte tcontrat>. net. Tut IILS. kt tâo ourt wuti a caca c fitti for hlm te valve hiec daim for ý Ï .Ug - ài . te t X s;e hc. h t hoir. >ý 0al ot hd n1Tua vlndWdtVe. narr*w *aMd i r tebearisperainalît>. la .foreed upeu *~*ul sii trruusr treWaatcgaudeePte herceîfand venld l - tetwy cireme, ire s1141111 pploar for, her m6roi *sd F* IAÙit fl eWe M IndicI- gM eaibovior. lo«auSee o tten ,tiies ilf-appefntad Y* irfliP4 tire preecu. fermer, Itre of Tuker'sIl1k, lackt tact. judgalint and cemmon sec».; atireurnt irs. ud0. oes,40 84us nga1*d des of thalue to' ire -aMad oet aelVOes. nManrvsd umlindful e! rosi' 1t1I,@ cocluZL publie, ilure, tbey are a menace te "t=1thafus ùitirao reri- tira cmmuait>. btirrvimenet oucep. 0-0-MtDe Ven thre SOM-tiSa leads tireurto bellere tiryamar 0 ilége ýw cort. reformae. WW mmsetbtug" pirel>. ta Publice otul»oir o!theavers"e 'te. L.~u> rat thre former" la sncb a@ te tirart th.e uSd 0,1 vaa put ta se lneolder- possible le acempîtair. Intire pubr- mm in turth«esee t hlm lie mind tirai. reformera tee eten 0 t W bot * al1a& . ronggt t Iait lartl frous a doidre for, hàtreut moral acaMen. Irle preuailence or for pogrel>. fnaitea r. t zute hiema"fa.," wvgain. Tire.t.lattia dffereae he- ý* .. hegeveènnrart pai t Ieeu as alrte reformer anrd tire hhlSaver $&-fMr vir*fnotoriety oaeklng brand, and If tirer Imisif to e lmubptrioad and le an>. ged' resion for tolaruee or lit tut .Xistig rau. sufber, tire public fats te appreel. asece kelt wIa». beau sMe, l VIVID, IMAGBNATION. bor Deoa& tire reunda et tire muet be la scbool uoneus uecesarlly thre eflet tirt ceiro truant and lavfolly employed. vv, nr o ger requIrl mema . ýbe Canto. achool district board boeet written ont6o! ieaeearha<employa a tnant oflcer vho vîli do hts dut), buring thre emlng yeur U&Iitp 7%cirbugstlegll-as uu li Idurlng thre laut lear, und pi>. amned e la1 ralalug ail eblîdren may expect te attend -of .çomW#umoy attendance elther public, paradaI or prlvate 10t 14 estal -e"etO 7 te 14 aceol or tire> aud tirir paenUi vii w guler the. 010 15w. The oe deuil; wlth as the law cont-m"u. Oioor *91l tirrefore have more At least thîs la thre expregaog, of hm ever, &A bl iîll bave te those lu centrol et icirool affaisan ud kr tire atteudance of chlldrear on far as Iceevu se rescon *7. are 14 Years of age, snd ah>. 1h.>. couldn't kuow viraltire>. the Ag"a e! 14 sud 16 they' are tallclng about. 140W THE LOT $USINES$ GOES. Be reti> "5e,." Tucker shosld 3-Tire ot was dgnated b'ihe ÎM uenle.ted thre Wiukcgau muificeniee cf Nelsu A. tucl«. h~lt ia tiroir ot icherne: 4-The enturpriag wai Mset inug coOl. pint f ru mib>. Private Individuel# but b.tIre Morral: a ceritfton of fifty il, norfoé the guin ai a fere Pritas a ýW a publie Park for Wauke- morne of gottiqg a publIc ppk. 5--No ont. ircIucibut Tueken nMd1 Mt people tlreuglet lIttaI of he did t te set notenîtt>; Oae f gettîi tire ff§lotbut $--Noe ueosihared lu airya r=11r chance ef caipub. chape or rwsanngm d b>. aribeentbu for a public park got valut ceoiVgd.j OTHERS AGREE WITIl WAUICLGAN. OeWtable that the Rer. Tuck- de net bhanaid tht, plan et leaut :ýUIlllIupon te crmate auIr ha voulut have reclted la trnch gord. ù tir WaueMa Day park tovu. ia botter off w1tireuit uci Mek "-ametre for ralalng vire bring micr wie«pread aolt f*Orap<I b>. b>. tire grteet UPOirIL lOcm eMo ta Tooker ~ psstièR t Qe vOMitad, Quaylemake.zehmlet rutnlras *t= wrtt vtA Md skoalursi'bc kept rdamiteg-?4stf t..oubà ".1 wM thtie Pans lta't* etadu$ktta lUN ceusai by tItheie1*0 *A tir. Wonl a the",cauttous na toeo oa f evO ui? aail' ta 'ver>. uhaî e 'teAtBae s.eu0»thina la loi u< More t*alOhI ta t» 99.ouatry t4ta t» atMi>.progre t t *. buUd,49 ai City et aGan. TiNe 1*.'rals tiret *». bout mule. tàw e«la rçtl- *uàget t* is». ,tIre a4"p tae thée xpeirdluueofet euty aiMW Ute> tt~lam h. bellef 0 the mapaerM - et tire Unted Bas*, steel C«»«&l- tien la' the prosperous fature of eur S ae 're Su ad bellet ju actiots. lier. la exr enterprise tiret for thre prosent and for urne>.menthe to coule caunot yleld a dollar of, astrIge. and lts only hope for alcemas muet bave a haste tIn the absolute bellef tiret the future, lhe flmmdet.uture of bus!- nes.Interests of our country.willl be prosperoùa. In glancing over our country, there Ja no enterpriae that stands for se mucb. that se reagaures the busineas world tirat the presël s torma vili be anccetded' by the aunahine of prospar- lty, as thie cantlnued 4rosecutlon of the erecîlon cf thIe uew and great steel clty at Gary, Imd. W hen lIre managers of an lnduatry hIose ramifcations. touch every phase, of business lite, ses uothlng that warrants th.'ni te stop the plans that wlll enable trnt to su greatly Increase thre otpat of thelr producta, there jreuno reason why meni engaged In every business should curtaîl en- terpriae. As long as Gary la belua battît, It la a safe bet lhat business conditions are sound and heahblp'. The M'at treetý business weatir vane bas been shirfteiltu Lake Miebi. gsn-WaIl street la no longer kin&- Dalle Calumet, $outb Chicago AMOIJT Or SCtOOL !UMdS S47,455.45. Of This Ameyunt Cu"ba tithie Lrg- est Pund aud ilamre thre fait WhBieTows of Waukegan Mm eSmaillut. 1PIgure, iu the tuneul report of County Superlstendent of Schools T. Arthrur Sluptoa show tirat tihe peini- usent biunda of the différent nichol districts trIe year esrned a total of Th011. ie MMs ahtcir eaed lina meat ne>. amounta t0 $47,41%.45. Cuba bt hae b.bilgut tond dber earanngs er. tire itlbestamourit- Ing te $317. Ber fund ta 8,00. Tire tov. of Waukegan hathe. amalleat i ad, 8MS5. Her caraînga ver. $e2. Tire ament of the rand la eei dit- tuIct sud thre amounts filenruei ar e as [oiova: Fuird. Begten.......81,720.49 New ?. ........1,6U86 E. Auatlech... 1.78.00 W. Antibeir...3,064.33 Wmeziaae.. .. ...525.00 Warren. ........ 3.076.29 Aven ............ 2,335,00 Oratt..........2,647.98 Shieldsa.........1,295.32 UÀbertyville.3,00«.82 Preemont.......,911.Q0 W*ueomb . ...... 2,2M0.00 Deerield ........ 2.04t.44* Varen .........4,362.34 .1 ..... ,632»69 Cuba ..ý.........5,600.00 City. Waukegan... 3,608.79 $4745546 Ceunt>. Supit'rîteudent of blImPpsn bas declared for ýtest booka for the sdhools 1 04.30 160.24 342.57 2.00 227.89 3100 Sclsl uniformi cet the Sotnt>. to decreaaa the expen.. for aeol b&ks, to tactîttata the tras- fer O! pupIa mrade neeicsar>. b>.thoîr Parents moving, and to prevent Ioas Of tIme lu reaumptlon of etudler. Texte the fat recommended are as follove:, Iteadera--.,o recommendatien vîll b. lilde thîs year, the ubicirr-uvinii eutîinue to urne tireîr present.4ext. CertaIn clascsizwlI be uuggested for atadrtluttre adrancet grades, MrtimetlC-Ie Werner Aritirme- tic8-tire h6oekiefrlea. Language sud.*Grammar-Mother Tongue. Geography-Tarr & Meira- two book ner«. Hintor>. - Meet#omery'i Elementry and Leallira Fad%. Phbtiolegy -, Bawtwlla 11evte Keep WetI Band Our Sédies. Speller-liant'ir Progr"eae. CIvlcs-'ormaai Ià a chage ta de. sireil. muat eut or blass>. cy . ,t*aow Prt alorsat tb 'U5B. l ndeth" uone irulaitue4 M%;as mial ceethut tire 1la I¶*Ww em ed CanadaThintie Compilener <tire tovnsip cf Vernon, LaIte enumrbl woua cf T. WAUI(EGAN. ilI00ilWLEver>mmm who bha.wmi t. 4W.e ew are.eekahlu £V@mk>'indis CALL-AND SEs ugi à* di4o a In ESmW Bor SAL Get ail 70U eau out of your lMie money. 1 eau i cd&r you FIVE FER CENT 5PXOL&L ASSESSI[ENT BONDS on snob towmha m LAKE FOREST, HIGHLAND PARK, EVANt3TON and WILME¶VrE. GOROE ANDERSON LAIU FOReSTILLI. DIL C. IL GAUCOWAY. nouna-four 1 te à8Ms a P. nM. W. W. DIriCII. Optemotwlet s U4 tulr EVE 8pI,çIALST Pautore ta Leti Block Frlda" w aai Sbudiiu Honre9goi11:8 a. n., "'0 O19 P. M. No chargema&s eW',anDIl on RDW. P, STU04MDL UNDETAKER aus MOALMER Tolepirone Centeal oir ntMd Rumoem eoitto Aywuey's Phone1 LYNIQ U" PIton 887 P'AUL MAC GUPFW ATTOINET AT LAW. Lib.rtG'ville, Illinois DILL IlH. MIL IDENTIOT. OVSLA u OOFTIAIor4AL BAIS. a4auua-8 tb12 .' .sud i1 to5 P. m lb.ftm. ltl gours i e Sa104ý1 o 5 P is4er Blockc a!. IAN. L wi 'Pb ornai ois ao'»7tel0 s P. aegea %ÇD . .tt" IL ala bur lugrephig T*ab~ut aeul eet4 quaUty andto, SUP18RIORVALUE u Teprice..w, charge, oomn;«rod wtth wuat- h average retfiler and Wagon rieui gW, grade for grade ARE MUCIM LOW]ER itd wIll give oo uipih smore matlaaoton to LOVER.S 0 ODTEA ýrht following grade. compared: Per Mb. te Ibo. Hf.Cl. tHo= ESUN-DRM DJAPAN .........35c 33c 30e (Uauallyi.d tlocp 0 . PANCY SUN.DP JUAN ..........SO50 e 43e (A 000 grade) CEYON -AND INDIA TEA....50c 46c 43e (Wagon mon asI @Oc le 75c) FORMOSA ObLNG .......... .....60c sac 55e (An SQc qualrty) Eu E. EBLLSWORTH LIBERTYILLI!, ILL. ,.XçIuSive Tea and 'o ffee Storecý m e c4ý, Cod J.B e ouieSwear, etc. >R~ &coi (*><>"dMSumlmer ' at last... .Now watch thingir grow Excursions WilI "be in order iiow, but whItie you are enjoyiîîg theire W ' Ê*MW» Right où, ant li i wpnt' It later..... WORRY. .... Ite o.1 YoU eau ,gaime? - 14 Bina ...You Win rnS MONEY aud 3e, ilmre ggswith týy IL~ CO

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