Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Aug 1907, p. 7

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,Jrt e ,sl«litau 60 10100 pfflds. Si .~utir 4~tiCoievLIbrtvIle. ILphone 464, rluligi" ler i is AS utvl.Datu uui. rauTo la l Im.acS.4> À 81-5I kh natlaaans.eauon o 44 .FOR SALE-9l4b oupose 4s ont eLnley aeLbrvls o 0 220. Mu. T. A. WKnA.. 7 POR SALE-On easy tulini. Bome aund lot knoocumas tiord-L. SnsIthI place. PAL'L iiac(Irbit..84-tf FARM FOR SALE-NO btter faim ho L. ST'AiiFOifl.Round is.. III. .42-tf. FOR SALE -Hlonteud fût. g0Aol lc- tion. ». W, TrIppo, Libeotyilliu111,i MU1,i FOR SALE-Oti eay ternis, ou, harn, bWaeuuuiihopief>and onue acre of ]and nt Pireville. Wime ddreu.s)dir. Wî.BrUL. 118 SM #3t., Waukefao. l'on SALE--QG a>uut 0f1 SW beltb, MOM itarni010 ne are., plutd iwater. gond farut buldug.;ii e emea;0us7 tee.. Apply to .H ttbu4' 217 wasingtoa tWaohvgau, MI. ie 4114. .47-4 ~oe mUNT s i FOR l$NT-fl Que.. GeI1. tm' miles vat o Prairis Viu. 133 ares o4M¶1 sens ta aicuatoneu. A FirftIrata b, Ubortyriloe, 1l 45-«l FOR RENT-5 rom e otsg., $850 per à moucb. E. eilou.î,, Llbertyvilis. - -- ---- --- - I"8 1 oi;.DaIL.R .N.1 uu VANTED' I. WANT90-ComPeit.girlormi e~ ttong cmui, for geNl w .mut lie go"I'cok sud gondl refeueg. GsCdcages and borne. Aî.ply MrM. LAULV, miles Ave. and Brnauway, LibrtY.viile. LOST msd FOUND - - - - - - - - - - -e---il FLAT FOR RENT-SBewuitrouns wvtter. bath apd joiet on MilicaukS Ave. InquiretC. a. KAIIl.< 4tf FOUNO>-Pavu ticke t 34"20 081 Wut fEl Loan ollice ol.Cbiesgo, eleetrie deo.a. iqUire a& this 01851M j MONEY--__TO 5505eV TO LoAN-oc approveu ntal. aueuity. Bu.- F. MiLItE erljvgbe, file.1 PAOK5EY TO LOAN-Scinool foui 10*1. $1500 on ul estee seutyl 4111f ViW. C. Twis., Tre MOMEY TO LOAN-Wk i ,poeali aIlo~aun nsneyforb FOR SALE FOR ALE-s tade for 14naboi IPSURANOE-We write Are. marine, FOR SALE--C;b"go daily unwm accidet ae lU sni ne . lhuONu & rUutes. Vheaîm fur ArsTris, Llery Mte . 84-tfHil'tilAuit».4 Mc a!.le 's>-141i. ad'. Waukezan, V : Real fstàte Transfers %* Jh . te "i siee %4~.sufvauli IY40se46 ej sojiiia Plies et al., 142 acrsI Etla T '-i'îî, ID cisili S le. lîi'it Iit &Truyri Co.i Fr'osiont Tji. " ,i ,ri f TtI.. Titllî aisit .u'od Est. Sinun *c-î Il Wi. i1i ll Bit. %WSluk,', 111. tii rTnk N. TëilpBaW.' I0*' Mi.'J lies. Ue . a¶i iii. North Chicago. a i i i ,tîd 'su" lo i j i i 'hra.' . Ž. î $1 .î,a4 n t ' nti ('ior'r1 s i; tI ai n la vael et aii i l ta Ao'titch lIe', $710. Iidtth A I. Ding. lot la (tlniii;i \kiert H. PnerSou and] wf. a ii .tLaki V ust Autloch ,, siF, lR J(nks, w1-Lotsp9ai e.[xOhu. r. ou i il. o Bk. (* O :î-xîlor.e I ;rs .plat of part .1s I1age \\arrnda. !j ît C . ' W f ati la . iJi. A. i "i v and iwfi' et a. chi l,, e 1 u and'] e rto ÉFralk ' »mira par* t -rat 015pi g.lait -r N.\V1,,Seer :l, West BIelion TIi. Q. C.. $1. A T' . Q. C. Dn. 7a.týi r in Chancery to Ci Fn.uc OI)[t e a n dwlIe ýto ('hurles Schler.drr. lots 30 tol 44, bic Pt'erson ind ir le, plart of N. W14 lreyerr sali. Noth Cbicago. 5i- A.W t iotà TI). Q. C. $00 M. J. 3brartli. and] wtt'to \\:tri. H. ;Ilith tOI vite to Mary E. T. SheridanloI es1and] 2, bli <ti 7, N ani! 9, block 1. XV»l. IL Oakland] sub. 'aukegan. W. D. Siîitl'saddtî. to Round Lake, AvoKiJflne Grannis to Alfred] Nelst Tji V. $50. blin tîi. of lot 290, Lake1 Frankt Pikiel an'] wlfe to Carl E. W. ). $300. Sayler, lot 4), block 48, S outh Wau- AN n ILEtey kegan. W. D., $1400. 1 AdJudcton Nu ~otiçe. Carnil M. Rea'] and cite W Ray- Publitieflail ste eby zulveit mnon'] Sherwood, E. 4 lots 1 aund 2 of Su oupurof N. E. Y4 Sec. 5 Avon Tp. Q. C. D.-$. ;o f Lake vouuty. John Dollanz (bach.> ta Frankl#..bu liousuis. lot M4,blOcIL 1, Washburn. yo v o Apriagu 501. W. D., $260. 0ictt Johsn Kerr (bacri. I ta Raymond' ýibOeu court oral Sberwaod, E. % of E. % lots 1 and 2 #0 iU 55 of N. B. V% Be. 5, Avon Tp. Q. C. *M O. . Wlliîs8. Austin. and vire tW PerrY J4 L. Auptin loi! 6, block 4, lunlRidge- Pbl- b" Iand ub. Vwvâkegs. W. D., $1a.. Wui. OUe4 ir, and]vifta FPrd. tu L. Arens, tv4 lot» lanDreyer's Bab. l -Noth CbtcaLW. 1,,00.v.lp Perd. C. Are a andvite ta Beleys th!b Mt,. Waukegau fEr*btu Os.. two lots ln Waan D)reyer'. mub. iNortht Chicago. W. D.. NA American Stel & Wire CM to, 0. IL Sayleor, 4 loto tsla Waakegan Nigais b lei lmad. W. C,$,f.l IM!, 5 acres in sotheatt SOC. t iM b ltn8 T. W. C., $950. -W .Beusoi m vite ta B. W e*àtose 3And 3, bStc223. L je D .. 12,600.- Aiolter. -Jr-, ad if. 19 Itelew av.e . Icnjguthat iber ame &bout ta b.e une ythoir fellov-menr' trick.- "Nilet usncoiier trief heb r lapassible fer oui xcsng f1 eu prevent my ""ete trou belsg vorise', out ROS tht It la ioca tealal. Suppose pro the governlng commIttevas Informed lia' la advance that the, atuempitaecorS Cif tise tricks ta..beb made. If. at any -~ session. alteur the govers. the tl; committae. or atty exchaage au- dan therlty, colit Ifr oui reslson compel a 1in nimber te$onee pertkg. even for e thse purpose of sboving ihat bis tra.e- ta actions ver. ieiimate, thes satire of bssstsdb*lani courages, con ea~frseIl' mtao Wutiiïý ambllng.- structure ot itock.aambling vol' atiJl. ual iW attsear clii ite hir bon 0f gold.,the -A sullea guovi o rom 1the ;am. Thinis ilt trougis: Suppose a man liketh mo rodait of ther rsproi lors. sudf hers. Robrt ih*t l'saremi doca Barry Connt or niysolf or sny active cul, ~ -wb iium badedi0fmiiloa.ta a duenlt.,commission broker, begins the egecu- at ,ji dum tileul buadg intenaof myor. Ya i Lt nie sbo« yoû lbhs posstiliîy lieno f a large ordoir fer a client, one, a 44 knew tisai ifuy ame fad lith»sily of preventlng là the Ibture anyauu's SaY, 0,111Uo ias vanos'laformation of a di: mhlIiorn f peope vliom >ou temdolng chat 1 ha"S délito teyou go recciverobip, a are -1it aSmine,,theIiila Iaea ndsces.Tu ucr . mny urne. durilfagtb&vpat fove yearis. dfeat fLapresideat, a decration oftlien liw Ailth cpial oqr tewor m wror t itebundmed asd o0 ru, heyretua fr nv sbanig. erve suibhout deqtrUoln. Ittslu eiliacte'] Open lnstaattly, clisutsasdelay of Ibn,~ ~~l:~~e i knsowca*ta Yeu "tistere are etailua minute coul'] ruin thse briler, or hie ci r lin, ho avesuficintintllient- t rnies excbange meisier who di li bon». or lis clients. If the Soverulng irem, gther ueit surplus leatisately. #osild comnia ROY crim, bérring. Perbape. commuttes coul'] thus ealttthe brakur s Ili. bring li ta our gambllag bell, cliere murde.)'.to gaia nilbifob. Tousr Met. te accouai, thse professionel boer or Cir c2tu onci i.laplain proof tisai vu bers have tram tlima te tîmne uhown the. acieuer, wba dusiru'] t0 prevent ber upoon aldes an' Iig âd hch ne",e or dspulrattine5ot a em bea. , hi l rm Iuliagvoul'] bave but te . - rdc cho the sablins, zi ta e.mise certitde , I4 re bogue pas the yrd to the presîdent of the h produu notinj ae oblMed t talM frtr thosmu vbo do produce, k s4leds cheks, counterfei stocks an'] bonds, excliange that the broker lai question of omillions eacb ua fr!xpi ses IIInîl is fer gain o! issu tian millions, cas about te cork rovnley'î dlscov- 1 il d Iien detection cas prîl>ablf.ýIjI' r7 aud lie rculd b1e taken ftm e bidde and hundreds of millions eacb year for Il ,asre crimilal eRUMseà and tbeir crovd an'] but t he returned hies prof1shu-îr yau ba6y ibai vu bave '-i bae oth mg te nive Iliie Irt retu fr ,tv.uli u an £rue leluiadisgrâce anca place coutl ]bu taken by otheru and]lho ulcu what tiney brlng te usi. Yeu knac mtai siate prison. Tt smilSSurs t; oIis ex. cu' urIe suite tvr olro heblin e u Wall change desperateuogis laght talle the "Met of Wall street, li la Impossible *;etmeans. higher pnieus for ste i chance d e, w frme rno tewlh tus frta prevent the repetitlon of those acta tei rails, for lumber and] cars, an'] that fortune and] op«u4XM#~pte:y, bave si-. by chich it la le years 1 bave aacumu- mrit i tisas motus iher passeuger and] caYs bhoua touui cit nerve enougin laie'] a billion dollars, impassible te ki fregin rtestathepeatl. ou know 'ta atiempitishe Çrliu5i.1 repeat iha glass a short sale or a repurcisase onf - ha ibihen the manufacturer brîngs lis ibere are ai %a imn exehange ment- sud reusale. la sloce']. Wiseu short Mic cualtit to Wall treet sud la roblie']of hors vito i .om*ftt a=Y crime. harr, "sles. audiresurchases and] ressies. am e Tg i -the li. e lie ila']' sometbing te tise prie ian i5 o, bots and'aise. Ontan and] coolen o elothe.sud ailier uecessiies that lhoth maises and] thai lie sele te the peuple. E YeTu' kaoc tisai vheu the copper, t in, an'] ron minera part weuh thirSt - surplus te the 'System. li means Sti ,c oiblgher pries ta the people for ibeir th tWcoppur pais an'] gutturi, for tise cater ï. that cornu. through Isa'] pipes. for o their tin dippers and] cash boliers, ait'] I for their rente, an'] ail ihosnuces. ME/ 'de ta sales loto vblch maçblaery. laqmber. /1/ka Y- andi aiher rau' an'] ftiis.']material o entera. Ton knov tisat every buadre']M( w* millions drappe'] by ruai producuri tu Te niaise thse brigands of aur wol'] ens lover 98 balli- vage or letsaef the aucistlles su']H. 'MONO luxurim.s ft ail tise people, an'] espu- . i 8t clally for the fariner. YTu isocâtht lue ] Iulit lt t us,,ot fWalltrent taeln gloat over fthe doctrine of the System' -i.titi. chlcli the people parrot smong theni- I belueis. ite doctrine: &taitisa puispa 4 Qt5)ai large are flt affecte'] by aur gain- th,. 'w.sbllng. ecuib"teî, thesepoPle, livin Nt te *0gAmbi. vils, nover .ain maeWJl simut.And] yut, solgFi ailt ti, Fou caver tisought. dm aHlas your viedoni an'] cynIithI. U i ghi t bers in this Istantimn he o v ad contrai, cas tise open ateSne for D. -escin or al of Yau ta mhoue great W.* r., chest fgaI'] thai yeur clients, tise "t tii'bave fille'] te burstlng tram al. tu» the Stores of tine people. Wliat I sot, C a tc dû yen vise men thini of theo Situation b as you now sei?" Iî 'Ebere vas au oppressive stilînieue on tino fluor, Tba great crov'], whbih ItyTs. VSiventianm ri aly ail the uembers . ot ' ak ie exeisanga. Ilteno'] dm hbuiging l>eed, eyes and] open mouthe ta e e.revela- - tiens ofthteiir fellow nmember. Front IL 0 trme te tlnt' as Bob Brovale! oue floi)lflis hu vai seeI o ']eaî!ly ogi'. here]t me ezehange rase a bosare ielcw iSeof Impatience, for tntw liat deneBoulith Sand& aWs. 0usd. e nd 10 uirong outsidecoutl]undern'] tMilnons ci rîglual silence of the uisnîlo hugmn ruhe.ina. peuhalîs, i i:. , a P)gain nii mas ltde imposîsil3e, stocki speculatlon viliit Wik.ah ben tise heurs uftetn an'] Thni ot îoa ai ,'t, my successors tid5 Vnnsokseuainl & ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~wl i-trecsnyrbfeisoutmis surely coule îiîîiîî aur milsi front i dei, tihe'peuple can nu longer lb. t6 AItireu nmatiqi epil ne ts ISins im etinte ilitlng iton future exîi- t.robbed byth 1e 'Systum.' In luavIng huarts adoula vore holng rmvn sc fthe exchiligc, iclii enumerate Yeu, the cacliange, an'] stbcis'gmbling frei li tur. ']']niehes lue dillerent c lassetaotmembers vina forever. as I shah vhsOn I leavu tibis . troline é, es1 r Mdaimble . .-. tîowl vplattorm, 1vilii as!frtrmthe depth e0f arlne BhBraculEg ýpanuedan'] ,ked wil culowi ).qtPs , shuart tmat kas beun broken.tramntinhe idk 5, devi n ta. ti fae t the breaibles 1"Firat, te ina In In']W.Trust rfudt fasu htbsbe Due'], gambIers citLS acontenipi iSai vas a ciemer vina Is of t ,,*Systemi, type. 1 preuUlthe0f asoulthat bas n whua .supemb. lHe vent on: but vWho l ontî'iîe titi' magc circle. Aawfllee both 'y rsnpobison.te vIl q PIlîbii "Men of Wall sireet, ltiri cn tise jmin outhIis cI iliireasan: I bac s felowmsan o! my esomlllty at ad- t l 9books ai tise auciEntg tisai evors' uvl scores utfnmen, îlio stan'] bo n 'i 'he iseocnna ne ud lu i! da]. uai1 ] romain vîtinsî iuf a cure or a de- Street '] nd t scilvoi] a vsver on u an fte o I ui 0 deorni $50m0 olalsidu1o peon] uiviâ h ave tenu ot millions uthatisi *; ae ocan]t d 4;lky tr an, lot 'sam ruveallug etaYeuula ta Yeu e cure liche'] by 'systemn' trlks, If net p>.j binedIInimossibh le.bums bsîthe aven Farest.tamforthi.bîduons evil, but I do say that Ilegai crimes. If 1 perfarm, titis trck morie y i lerasshll havbefo teg chat I amn glvlng yen ta a tsry«et cfBovnley's, the tricS Of I sslling o ai yohes sa havesbructuru e.I forI, an'] tisaite loItl iiiebu1te é%hrt until a panie s ii0<liced, 1 5ali Ii e tudaiing strdlc yu cture.uiet wrdacure, tmylneYui»&M I mlin n oOwl Ot*your conscience, tinose Of yoit cha more firy bil thau lbe ane 0tchicS che»r. For ail I knoc, msny ot te1 bave an!, dm thie argument: 'If I bai the yau nov fuel tise fisiles. I do *ut ame imlllonir15 wbom 1 «I Saute s isea 1amsrnfsuc .If1Sc If 5.1 i Iduoua. Wisen. 1am thrOngli. RAY = panicu an'] vho ver. SPPlaud- Burt , ellarn sur e teuas.IfI se-1 èa~ nmber ai tise New Tari s tqci -e'] Sy 'tue Street' an'] th& Prmfor millions I soeurse I ii ise tram men chang'J ebso v ite fels tise trou tu 14i l thlr ablliy and] dariuig, Mdi vises h okte rm te n il Il etIstn r« &du*uuibod andïn]Ig, bsnesan i0144la »W coul']taeMine. The more 'l'an']r *à t anvi reîunl b- ei baiet. versely doli5* tu& tal oiSons taise.ithe uOGOiTer î ole-0 hu dimue mnsthee ooderation t at :& udhaig ee t« v hou tise stociigamblIUiti-, » _rbendoiectei et06 Ob ay 0 4 o u d m i S é sera I e . w u u e b e tb r o u h i$ O iM O tfill: ;l4 w il ii le s to l, a u mbor4elc 'aI oa a. apphSviaiti . ltag structure talleatet. ii.d«Y fer'1 a4ýl h fl o crime, an'], la sot "sios bui pa. t h e NrwY o kfe Io rfa li ta a me e& Y r t a i rn a l i n o e p h m i m o a d < a d e e . Ë S L A q i k t > g : g * t o i r 1 tu,1i r o s e ta n u 0v u r th ê t e t I o p h iee s v s 5 1 a m u . e edl ;t*W E om I avt m ct i e tlm myos uopiThe s MUM " mi tisàau alIq741111,y 'Io elstras ofton nai r tetelv ll is aZ th57 s l .SovIyamitis ,it'ma - -ftea tlt » Wafl ss l u tactte! clii 8a pat i tob anlUd h eriiy itood heforet attouptei W, attept dro cI S*iigo ste 0Sscoî, i au e euasi*ee «ie Fy oumrt" yet una o455ddUe*. .' ~ ataon iboulil Oc'] SImdIIOVOY.vil?' 'ltaian, I veW~e] to ea«» ~ kar an' aisul'] e tU', , sUaI fbr lhe grut teor Ab««eti Ai Ta a", enuiy boud akrt' d al. lait dinner hl otCve I assamimm 'e.oy cou']dh a a tu, at. airer useSconue, à"atu etm Mpeis' proitice aaàt4W i.lia AU diimsr 1itcae sale *. ndîcin ou' eabe t' f515 Uns.-Tasiie olTae 80 Itat orIllinois, Caunty of Laite. eau fuidaitThe a' truit. Court ai Lake 'ouiy. O'muain Pulka, dec m Tefin A. D. 1907.. Içuavu avuer or Franis P.Crandon vs Ludnlph J. hlItof, aaioek Molitor, lu Cbaucery. No, 3448. Secong Addition latlsfactary affidavititbe de- tde Port (Nov ndent Ludaipn J. Molitor reaides Laits Couniy, n f tue sBite ofllinois. setir otuai t ot a a oceilu cannot ho serve'] open imserve] upon tise ring beu fiole']luthe office ot the havig beeu fie lori of sal'] Court. Clerit of sai'] Cc Noatice la ibumefore hereliy gîven ta Notice la thon ie sortit Ladolpis J. Mouitor. dotanit-te sulfi"Tise u tut as aforeeal'] ibt tlme ,ahnve main Pl, duc ie Caniplaluai Sereiofoi'u fole'] navu avuer on ýBill or Campiant ha sat'] Courlihait of Block in eChancery aide iliereot. aud Second' Addition at a immalns thureupon laiued at tle Fort (nov 'sai'] Court âaahit lise above Lakte County. Il nie'] defendint retuinalleon atomesai, thaitt plainant buretci i ie day of the terru of tise Cie' Compiaint lu t Court of Lakte Cousit!, ta bbohl'] Cbaneery aide lte Court Housu lu Wauisugan lanmns ~tuee ']d Lake Couuty. au th ino Int Mou-Cotagnsi ày of Ociabur A. D. 1901, alaby Cutaant rw reqtiired, sud vtlcli suit la stil fendantsO, roture ?ndlug. aiet théterniuof LEWIS O. BROCKWAY Cieris lAkObe uty. t Waukugan, Illinois, AugustIZ13h, A. liu"lu Wall 1907. Caunly, on tise 1 Dlam L. Clarke, Coniplalnants Sali-.ber A. . 1907, tr. an' id aclisuit liflie of Illinois, Caunty ot L.akees. Waukugan, 111 Irîîlt, Court o! Lake County. Octo. 1>. 1907. Pr Terni A. D1. 1907.. Benjamin Pa -lames Garnialitvs. "The upnowu Sametor. heirs of Germain Polike, decease']"- an'] t13e "uuiovîiover or owueis .9tate of Ilini if the West une. Thîru of Bloc Circumit Court ai tiglîteen lit cKy Secou Atddi ber Terni A. D. t lat to tteTownofut mte Frt Frederik Du ,no%', î'.'skeitnnl" Ernlly Hendor- ufyvu. Oa shott an'] Stella H. Kraft.' lu Lpcella Jalîne Chinucmry. No. 3450.' :t464.. Saiisfaclory Affidavit, Ihat the de. Satlufnctory .4 ,dalrs *"The r kovuh ra of Ger- fendants. Georgq tn Peika. ']ec a Te su th']Ue "un- cella JlnunsOn, nown ovuer or owners ot the West the State oftfil e-third of Block elghteen lu cannai bie serve( IKays Second Addition tu théo of tem. havlng o oftUtle Fart (nov Wauke- lire of the Clerl ai)" canaot 13e foy~d an'] ti up- Notice lu ther ndiligent inquiry their places of the sel'] GuorgE esidence cautiratuieascertalued go0ella Johnson, t bat processcannaitlie serve']rupou that the abolie uni or eibher of tbiem an'] u.aitute beret9ore Ble'] etendants Einiiy Hundersisoti and]l e ;lla H. Kraft rusidu oui of the ln ']i Court. aie of llînois,' sa ihai proceso can- tliOref, an'] th ut bue serve'] upon tirur or emîher of upan U 50] uidOu uni, baving beau file'] lu tue office tueoe bv ai 4the Clerit of mai'] court. able aos tue Orn Natice la tinuretore nuruby gîven ta tue Cls'ouui Cati eo mal']"The unkuovu heirs,.ot Gem- botul'] at tse C nai Peika, decease'],' an'] tne -'eungarn la sal'] Lak own'oacner or overb of the West Mou'ay of Ocim atird of Block Bîghteen iu Sy lac reliuins cKays Second Addition ta the atili poudinig. revu of Little Port (Nov Wjtuku- LEWISC mn)" Emiy Heudursinoit an'] Stella Wousegau, il. f.Kraft. dofendanis as afor"d D] . 1907. bai the aboya nana'] Complatuant Herbert Grue ieretofare file']hiBill o f Coaint Campleinanto S isai'] Court, on tue Chancery aide- hereof, an'] tisat a nommns .thor- PAUIL MAC ion issure']oui af sai'] Courtsgalsmt mstar*utilîo0.1 he aboya name'] dufendants, ruturna- ta the Circutit1 e on the firsi day of thie terni a!of ole Tarin. A.1 tru Circuit Court of Lakte Cauuiy, ta duMaiyee. ut tftoul te field] sa, te Court Haus kgWaul.imwn botrsorde' tgan lu sai'] Lakte Couuty, on tue eusse']' Il *UnS5OW irst Monday o! October A. D. 1907.e, aufciorso seL" a lis by 'ac requife']. an'] ciicisuit butmrdneuisêso' LEWIS O. BROCKWAT Clou-k. Mrifed na rue Waakegantl ilinois. -Augusi lltb. iiV. late D. 1907. e.,& W. oittetelu Benjamin Parnialei', Coianangi bu~~teie lue. Solfritor. crtield, Mary P.' Atlbslau. tMury' R. Statu, tf Il itiols, Coïti1nty ut Lak a,- Iluii:Mandie ciruit Cooua -1t-at oS.<ca & oîit sa.' M . 1 ber Terni A. D. 1907. - sltt.lneld and (11 jaîm's(aniash lis. 'Thet' Inkniovnrt-ai cuisi de*entit odîli-S or vuners ofth11e East aine lrrçbanceyGieni thi,îi of BlocSEl.gliteen lit %IcKay'B Secini Addition ta LittIe Fort C.i.o tihe551deïe utdeiles of 1utThtsiii tlnow Waîîkegaîtt at'moriug tr i Te kt..iatt li.,01« Plat ttc'réot riýconîle' Joune 30),1947 ~itu, i<1peltts*tluec lit Botik Il of Deeds Page 10 Inlit e Riiir-l.'r's OffIce of Satu LakeIt ý eittittuir% Cotity sittiatu"] iii W auIkegau. LaIlie the soîedealile ('oilt3. Illliiis "Enily H-eurter- iuut1 ' iitop saitt, an'] StOlla H. Kraft ln Chari oitiuli'a P't cery. No 3451 ' rc I.'2iai S'a'isfTwtory Afidavs'it, the deten.. Illîieiutteriu datts '-Theneiikno'u'n vîu"or oaîl ut lIe.iadun ,i er.,u tifte Etisi une unir'] or Block ti."ý Lighteeti lit 'ilKay's Second .Additioniatc feti trite1 io .ittli' Fort' to, Waiikegait), aC- ti rl iteil u sue itr']iig ta thte Plat ibereot recoriledi tcourt. itîte 20', 1847 in Book Il of Deuils -'j'uuooea eina Page 1hiii intIhe' ecar']erîa Office orton'uteueeaed,' sziii I Lak.e 'otity i'tiate'] litr t'atî' or'î . e a .ttita, l4eCt' tyIllinois" catuat .t7n,,uuw'n Seir tho foiîî'and' that ilipon diligent in- scihi-i. .decesa Iîotbî'lr plates of restdence ca detteem of iJohn ioo tee io ui ie a,.certatilieîtise tat prot'ess i0 n 'usaSiVi -tniit lie serve'] ripouTtheom, or 'w!"i- u elher of tieîti endtireItaithe deten' .04 auneunseld. dents Eilly llen']ershott and Stella -*'Unoun ovine, fi. Kraft reslde ant of thne State of the rmai essaie 6 f~inois, so titat itrocuas canuet b tha i% f ters'] lpat fentor uthe o!tuei, u=ber t7 kie 01.4 seaviîîg eeîirien rth ofieta!thratiseruoir éeid l2leri, tf sai'] Court,.au a se dl Notice la iheretore bereby given ta ot olsbl t(lit' said"The unkuocu ocuer ar k lu id Co% isvners outhie Eastone tisird of qitied sit]wbloS Block Elghteeu lu McKay's Second ,Waussn, 4Ai Addition to Little Fort (nov -Wauis-.petMcOia gan) sccordlug t» tise Plat uiiereof recorde'] June 30, 1847, lu Dock 1%0et flou'] Page 10 lit theo il']ortlr'riQ Wle 'of sn. Lais. Coaty, o Ilasceou "Emliy Hendontiatt and]. Safle, a8.m Kraft deteuttllts at # e.l$ tisa! the above nama'] Completivt, bon> toitorefled islu et0f omaiBlt id nal'] Court, ounushéi1aIxMvy i ow thereof au'] tistai e'nummons '2hé1W -ufon Issue'] ont t f aidCot 4 the abovo namenO']iesodo»t »AIQ an thse ont 47 ay@*t*e et tise circuit Cour @t aw e' ,li Se bel'] Aitise Oourt »~ l: i Pixai ondus et Oetobser147 Zr ,le- miilvi* qtpane imébl11 LEWIS810 m . r .a né. 2H?.om Paualse Coiplalnat Circuitst otit I etat S.iUi et Ak. a.lnlon - l tao. W tise o " 011,1 1 %i -'&sm#y..Diaoi' t oimtnera. m1ou oe cb ufore herehy sease'" 5q I' ord0m or f * Tvemsty la 1 nta the T" 1111301" ulefesU tie abovena aOre Oia' bi'i sali Cort,' Il thereot &W 'l u4bMan tesnO(S ü». sh tut Segln la u FInt Monay ç as la by 1ev f5 lm auifpeléfas IBROCKWAT illois, Augwet1 nniiueeC Canp lis, Couaty 01fIA bLuxe Countyl. iffy An'] Plot orge- IL 105511 Bn. In Obauee AMfdevit. tisaI. ;e R. J'oltiou 4 are mot rei ilst, mo.. ta I apon ilium. g been file'] lu rt af sald Court atfome bureS! 0 ;e R. Joinn a le! endanta s ma* enamo'] Conili their Bill of!ol on tme Chmnop aI a suuoin kof el']CODW* s'] defend]atOi, mi day et 8* t ur of Lake,'CeM court Kounle e couuty, m. tber, A. D- »« il, and'] Wll' o. BROCKWAY Iliols, Avanut 1 en An']sunoot solieitoi5 cotWFV. Asiu ed8 nt-.5 .a Pel. c eu'. tiien ot ci It a MI sue, t cm or ,.L Rober 4tule of tre Suril or' devis. m. ee, ell g 1 .P rý 1-IL . 1 - ------------- 'il

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