ll m WFIou wAwrETgýORClo<75 moat% .-ti oa' iatv .111. Phae 464- 'w...47-11 ~ 1OU~ pft ALS-lbsiarbliàDoAW&.1ll LuINSwI!l HioeeI T84 bai roiSalJlu. alre1~ W mu'mt i..Othera vhemmatua4 wll rag 2S.tamllait t1300 IW saob. For fui. thar ypartIlarm. cell ouor SuTrn fetteJobn P. Davis, ML R. No. 1. <krusë Mi. obobett l 9« go. 6324t Aveixi. 81-« .- FOR SALE-nse tre oe AfE and lot keoun.e Ciff6od L. SuilB ili ise mt the sanie. PA L1 STUATION WANTE-By you*g imîOt INlady book-iiseper.A. V. car oft ivos- _ I1 airnaTr. 48tf PARU FOR SAL-No lietterItomi !al ilie county. rs reffeuibi.. Ai'rut'I Lý STAurosD. RoumLi. e, 111. 42-tf. -. I frOR SALE-Out acoanit ai poi sau,1 Itod 1lar11of 130 scrsu, plet' ofenten,. g'îod taàrm bilinlg»; pri5ees hap; ea> terme. Appin te b. B. LitehgWed, 2.17 Waehînitîou *1, Waukegî%iî, I11. Piton. 4714. .474 FOR SALE- Idoéern six rom boueu.au lIre dwu~. A brgeea. tquin-u 1, FOI RET -I FOItRUrtbheOff. (0,1<11., ra i mais Wt of Prairbie lw. Sme cr423fe a erf %utcutouer. tpiy etoWBon, Libertjrvil, *o~t. E NCOIIAL, UhertyileP RF1AT FOR RELNT-Sivmn noome,1 a.r. bath asdcoei onuMilwuiis lev..1Iquire Oes ile. s. IL 48tf NOlSESTO SENT-Il foubàaa ou.te luitor tu bueone Vacant e0o4, aotify DrNOxb à Auv'. éStI ORRENT-The e o. Grdiey houm». Iuuielmsd il prwred. Divison Mud Cbuoeb Stu. .II as Finue Nanowa Saab. 49t I FoetALE. Il FOR AL-s.i 4Ua FOR SALE-S bore uowev oelme~acmeed oagbemh*wt* t mawaataetaed. Giaisu B*ua~iiPalvb VI.w, lii. 484 - I LoVr~.dFOw~ 'I LGTA oit bb cta1àL.g lIea warHiI b. gi ré& tao tunder.a is .B2L:,Ubertyvie, 111. 48-tf!i Pain!AcGFp#4. Sgel~. statee1t lUise.Couil, et LI , . lu the circuit Cow efl et Louct.ai.lant»l. Oelor TOnM A. D. île-. Thofas* usset. Va. 'Unkuen boiesor devie t nofJustus iledet.,.deoas.d -Un- buovu bilrs or devisnnea ai Edwaràd Cr,n deemeO2 Uknous bliuson devimees Of jmus itcgens. ieceasssd,'- tnkuuWn bira or d eviee or LucyC. Cltm, mita. I...>'C. deeeaftd." OGeuvre Welli. Bnusa b&iew.on e. West. Mary C. Hisclçr. !SEn . A Rncky. mail T. liIneStýJobc »~as. Morris oM -_snd the -C nou evassa ut or perent's ltmgtese4 la île riai cta. de.,eilued In the Bll ot Cr7uat, In CangeenvUn. N'u.jMM SaItsfaCluny affidavit thua tue dellendonts 'ilelsoan her, or deise., ut Jmu5ltuodgems oecaee",Umknown boeI# au devis eto aine Cuvir. dee,,-.d.' "Uknowa boie' Pr 4evimeeu ,,iJu.u.. linve, deusasi,"ý &huas Luci C IlseideeseiL' George WIs iasW et., NelsoniC. Wet. mar . taIle,7* uîoice A Hinel>. Samuel T. * Hineley, Mlrid-More lad the *'Uoknown -. ne o ofir utr persuns uaeresibiltu thes mest - etate deeullbed la theui11 ot Omplats, canuiit ib tound and hat upua dilgent lâqeüIc thieup laceet ofmadeale iienli e s"ce>- WANTED-Situation hi' pnnE masn sd ml, n tarin. Stete voge. Box 16t, ieepvîtl., 11h. WAzzNTE-"Uaon by eonîpetent larm baud. litatp wagffl. Box 169 Libertyville, 111. WA N TE,0 a 1 . .1 11Seteinher 9,. 11>0)7. &iicze Plise. bib-1 OTENOURAPMER-Kxýperlsneed; nom- -ptet baclileper praterd. TYPEWRITER OPERATORS-Pemua- nbut poitin &Qu adueâtionai intitu- lion, mué ood nage. ta 11gb scbooi or ceSeflggnates. OFFICE SOY.-,Oppertunitv tor the niaIt pense. to Imar a goad busiuou.. Sbould lave a grammar sebeol tWainng. Addremu aser lSep 6, &*Imm*Pre. LIborqyviie, 11k I. AI MONEY TO LOAN MOWEV TO LOAN-,On aproved rpee mStaW mmcuvi». B .ILLEa, Ub. ertyvu4lw ,ii. S" MONEY TO LOAN4-4chool lundto lu»e. 41500 on rme mite osurty. MONCY TO LOAN-We mai lpW*»l# of àiqlg uo-ne1-for u mgpewm Aho ulam& ...Druo ALuevi. 28." I.' WANTED-Room mai boaTi fi piStai tuaS,, aima morne wl*bouS board. 44dm.. S. P. e&e@t laaguuuuaw,. 494 WANTE-To bueya ari b avmter. AUnes.0Set67. Wmiorti. IURFANCE-We write Ire- eiu accident ad fle mmrla baosl la Nagesa Mss, Umu.wv1r R~KL m.LosieKelP'eJW. I 0< Or I. deaarihoe 's. ur, or dei vet uicesft f. ..-. I AT. Clerlu. ioualr. iii. land a mor, ed tecrowd of townsfoik .ýBtate Of Illinois, CountY of Lal-e, se~. fondants The ukmi'i1 and curîous touriste. q0frcuît Court of Leke County. Octo- main Peika, deceaed" a The laite wam a convention be Tem . D 197.klown owner or ownersÊ blm e r rm<Pý_D 7. nbsLdop J.1f to! block Twenty ;of gaudi brilltey. A Procesmion of Frankor. luCanceTyv. Ùo 344f Second Addition to the I fioule WAS pamsintu 1 l ook My' seat. aîfatr affidavît that the de, 'le Fort (NOw City Of maeh Soit distinctive of Ore Incident tendalit Ludolph J. Molitor resides iLake County. Illiînois,,, of Swils life or of.Swis history sud out of thie State- of Illinois, sol that fouiid go that process glory. process canuot ho served unpon hlm. serveit upon thera or eltt 1 looked out om this tereOtYPed havlug beau ilied ln the office of thýe baving been lited lu trie scerke or gayety with a resolute show Clerk of mid Court. Clerk of said Court. of intereut. 1 was determlutd sot tu Ntiel erfrhebyîent Notice in theretoire berf et W~ ncientet h.pboogrp in hesaid! Ludolph J. Molitor, defed*- the said "The unknown b bimy digestion, au the Ilttle lankeeper dant as, aforesaid that th.aov min ek.deaeda h!dluitId. Pcrhape It was My' morblil amed Complanaut. beretot6re lied auown owueî*or ownersc tfancy, but already 1 thcugh people bsBl fCmlitlgl orhl fBQkTet wer reardngme urtuil'.And on the Charècery aide therof, and UnecordAt ionCtyofu J weO 'rgardng e cutousy». that asommons. thersupon. ined eut tSecorAt ion tyh !heu 1 wue ure I huard My' name of said Court agaluet taie Clive Lake County, Illinois" de CHAPTER I. smt ansver Tme3ý 40s me bîck ..*~nby a worn. 1 refusei tu, look, namned detendtnt. returnable OU atoremaid, that the abovo The r"". tb Aline illge VU 10 el tthe daya urnoe a igcar deliberate. the lirst day of the term*of the (lb.. PIajuant heretotore Illed MI'ftest touchai th» Barrow 1loge- ibefore,. Thu. y >gi bWk Yights m , o kiudng outa th e gIatotae. .cuit Court of Lake Couuty, ta hobe 1.10ChaeRyideinst!ereou i vue mute.But WlllaugbyblBra, d lru.Ad *a 4im1u m a cr etr OU on taie loit ,a dot of llght ssid Lake CountY, ou the Flrmt Malt- ,mln hespuIs 1tw tu alm obbp? n 'oud; iqdtbavo eu1ié lug.mearn a ierCed the. black IgIOOM. Another and day of October A. n.1907. as te hi' (»U# a5iist the ahive "M trOdntaY iiPta 1 m. to exusd mire. lede .mu e a other quivered. untIl there vis a liv equire<l. aud which atlit ali til hSdaiiti, fOturnabIe ou Il hiausted. The lst &long cf streugth ,And mo the hgi u.W double row of thern buring nmre dis- pendlng. Of t& terniof the. Clrc ey iigo me Whn 1tance dowu the motaintidffe. Then LEÏ-IS 0. BROCICW-AY Ciemk. Lake o COla, to h be la vus spent. Fet the Mvoent 1I ;vie vs cnviiemmoeii a wlegvîd nto the on taie rlgiat, on austere glaut Pilatus W'aukegan. Illinois, Auguat 131h. A. u. lu Wiukegin lu Pariyzed-body' and mmd. 1 could'uihîne agate, 1* wu too liteto ît a I.j7.Cil'.OteFmtMo mid' ea bepimiagani im mun mlteexusi .'e I I lsed Po. ther Il rsî~e u îe e.' Elam 'L. Clarke, Complainants Self. ber A. IP. 1907,ase te b>'Il taIuside. g5spiIg fer reatk. And i- pie had aleadi' palluseutece. gt lzd ndte eycitor. .andvWlb suit l te sUSlm Most irnmediely W'ilougIibysi voice, No one spl.ete tue . s lcked ar off, up lu the silence of the snowm,'n---LUewis o. 1010CR !eue solitary beacon light shone like ia litute otIlilinois, County of Lake. as Waukegau, Illînoti, Aug Came, quit. choerfully. qu" steadli': ai askance. If sr U>' gii.d twas ai ty star, steadili'and gaone. Tus îîittîe Circuit Court ot Lake County. Octo- 1). 1907. "Ali rlaht? Bull>' for you. Look tempered vith iconel.. Mure t han once ~cmotdmtog tgoe ber Terni A. D. 1907.Bnai Pmie out hees h~ ace No ifI hve koiakvueîuasd<u nf fce tra h. very region ot the tragdy. James Gamash va. "The unkuown Solicîtor. deceut luck. Be eady te bear ia haud." v as a curlomît>'. 1 *".ai coward. birs of Germain Peika,dceed triai t cri' ul, tavira hl. IIIkd ta tlnk itau efblem of hope. and the "uukiowiî uwer or ovwiers lseotllniCwî Il ho wuld wat riveminutes thre:out ofthe gloom and d ai burued o the West one Tiuo! lc tt filnlC t If oul vit v.aintc. tr4CIfAPITER Il steadîl>'. Itgave me a sort o! courage. Eighteeîî lu McKays Scn di Circuit Court ef LaRe Coi Min tes, on. minute, 1 migiat le my,' Thi e éoli Umt. eo Ad.brTni.D.10. self aaa ti oiudcm ri ortr aAurc.bar-1 My elbow vas Jogged, aud out with tVon to the Town of!Little Fort brTmtA .10. aMy frozan upu. fre fpell-Os a h e detereuce. îîow Waukegan)'" Enily Hender- Fmderick IDuffi' and1 Th rp -lutre oe îe v r ish pisoàe ha dni te me nv.r- Pardon. lut this seat la reserved.' chotsud Stella H. Kraft, lu DuR> ,vs. George R. Jq bang. Tt truck thie ici' edge of the Aud yet 1 ilageMd a week at Grindel-P veavle h ple u e (bne~ o 40 uei euo.l l jutting rock ta vIdch 1 clung. Tle aaid. ft 'sas Quittc. perhaps, but wae Insolent. But 1 snswemed quietly: Satifactory Affidavit, that the de- 3464.tryAliait siov>' t tîî oer otd~ u lest Iretsed 0 ru"I5 asr.T eetufs placehy asotlier' fendants "The îîokowvu lirs o!flier: fetia Gorge R. Johu slowl Tt oit ver utilIt sayno iplacardrefuPeik ruadecessedntsGeosudR.tohe Ioosely lu the wind, still suspended Tt vas net a pleasiat week. If 1 I tr hr a opaado h ai ekdcae n h u-celia Joonson. are net r finl m boy. alkd o th vilag @tacttheguiestabe nr wre hechairs turned uji. knoa n owner or naner of lthe W~est taie State etIlqu»ois, go t 1 rcu netbattmy. gdru I n. valkedabupti iaette fe bb udes.Why do you say it la reBerved?" one-third o! Block eighteeu lu canuot 1* served licou tai a ton0 exhiusted for an exertion sou eh other andd inuied in brutal oAu r asked thus question 1 glunced -McKaysi Second Addition ta the of thera, having beeufliet ellt a -tat.- T swyo getlyto our etmy xpcul. l thir tupdor my uahýulder 10 see for abom, the Towu ot Little Fort (uow Wauke- lice o! the CIek of sild andgitroand tlt Itsved g et> Ibota e tmi' exise . lu mmthethedman irai dernauding ut> place. gin i canant otbe un<t sd.tuat up- Notice fi therefore herî sudtro md18 eered.10 e tiatif onet. yesI ld cmmltedtheon diligent inquiry their places of the sid George Il. Joîni PreseutlY au unseen terce vould graepunupardonable éin. 1Ihld failed a Tel- Ou the stops leadlng t0 1h. termace esîdeuce caunot bie ascertained e cette Johnson, deteudantu it and pull me headioug ta destruction lov.ciimber ut a Mmuent of peril. troun the dlniug-moom steed fao )adieu. lIaI proceas cinnot bie served upon tu th. glacier b1.10v. la the men- iTey delight.d ta bettonbole the tour- On.etftheur vans a haudmome, distin- thera or either of thern sud iî .t thabtthf e ahovepaait C hile Wilioughywue started. Ilote-to ma"e me étWI.More nuiorlous gulshed venian weli passaitnmiddle detendants Emli' fendershott aud liaretofore. IlIed tlcîr f1114 Nov I dimed, flot cri' out. I emild hi'recitntlu, tatbfl e , ib.tomy o! my iansd suirlgtiat cf hem, oeebues$tella H. Kraft reside out o! the lu ild Court, on te Chi cu1look Ioup sud Iyul.médit slrugglIng dlsgrace. .1I vueoopletely otraelzed. smuid everythlng. - Stite of Illinois, no thst pracesu can- tlereof. and tht a cerni lfeeli'for mi' breath. But If I had No ou. teok thé, t.rentl>a of sking If 0f thie 011cr, on. Bright gay everi'-noct b. serveai ulon thein cm atier ot upon iii.d -ontut i ld Ci beeaulooxhee taff lvar him, ta un- the. blâmn, vae vIol)>'mi' owu. 1vas tbin>'. aud yetfeel that anc iad saldthora, havIng.leen Ilidlu t.e oilice the abeve Bernait dfeted faiten laI race ftmy aiovlet, hevlb. l . oad it s h nu otiiîng, t vue met tla.aÎir cf prend ot the Clemk of mid Lourt. able cii il. iiBrut ieyt1 vue taglv hi ti selitnce l fe h oartTa stee dIsicin Noarse i> aefr tice la therefore nerebi' glven tu, tue Circut Court el.Ake voud sri> ued pemedg'Butvue IliéUsa thnug ~ Ie hard tt qaf th the the mutid "The. unknovu hoieinofGer- bel lit et .Cout MaUxf vrouldsurelyneed p«mtlr? lie lu = 1 bâ livedtbrouh the ho maind Polka.aldeceameindPettadd thd,"aun-th aisul-gala t iaaid iirConnu', A itu. eIl. sd tien enotiier, aule 1 e o nh»Y« vm ai'e.eaclimarked aller, It vueBot thlat she wvai me.-ksovu evuer or ovsf th ae West Monda>'orOctober &aD fouet for a footWod. I coulé heur vida au lut. Ip#m"uimy thingm. 1>' paung sud heautiful. Otler vomen ose taurd et BlocItElgl$eeu uin. W rais roil. ud» viW bien bnuutialg deepi'. thoue a iyet 1 Ivmu.lly hleau i e 1 wuI aisg are i'ouugansd beautiful. lit vueratIer Mcltays Second- Addition ta the mml puIg e« eudnt ae hlm. I1iéten fld, bolhome. I vas &MUngtoAmerîca, and tht tle b reetîed trams thc quiet Tavu. et Little Fort (Nomv Wauke. LW1p= ROE ring upvurd a pre>' ta msulai f.as-, Amertica Io a le« distance trom pr.e.ae.of tua vaomua s obie erou. ian>" Emii>'Heudershctt undS SteIsa Wuau , Illlot1o AUV mcl tetrorisum no m muaou lmina. Grndelvwald.i L v ue nlîkely. 1 tried Il>' A"d ouln tuai leaumadarhie ai ILH.Kraft, defendeuts as alOre.aud D. 1907. No l cmeslvi' nt mgl tîe tapcrmuade myi'cl~t t the stoen'and larare. Ie aseured. direct lok of thtt h. above nimed Complaisa nt rbert Oreuandmiuem luit tIell vida Infflte canua.. The the kodaki vould tollov me there. But 'er ci'.. vuetruth î1e.î-. le s- or ort.lednlstBIBcf Ocupieu opguneBhos d1fl Ues oflte démet OmoUtedsI. If go, K ut My s>'feoa-tovnem« »«Do eu mei. DIa 1001.4 l.i'oud tIhé5T.o ii huer'ii -lut. . vY« for e, nppogtd ff iF thevwold aive e tC m met ofthîee ut. lik-*«t thé*olitaTi' liltle bescou thereof, sud tht a suzamoas tIee. ,a Smi ued out of gsilO Cot egulu PALet raye ilbar IiiW.ghb>' frocliabose,119s«ce fIas'. la- Io a a ire and ialet tiat â-I ot4id M OIa the' abo. uaued déendent*. géaetiw statee iti hal' hedam a aibut lImpossible. WiI- poplc la the tl«ai, d1aad ilhsdbelama nýeuhie ou the finit dii of!*tie t«M utle lad' menmaI b. isli lt.. c, ifIr 1gev. op Myit eat once, 0ftle Circuit Cdhrt of hie Couutrte ibtelaieatui osane. of the terrage, sud <look a lm odésir,. aegas inu nid I..ke osio Whama y I*Msewvuplafc a theabl~e place. . Iril Monal>'of = 22, A i. 0. rouf ! ti onaîus, ué îvue aroau I W tu aICOv myceittualie iter. au le b>'lir ,equrad. sud wvilî«XI igafflIté., aie propietor oft .' at a il amapeople. And pet 1 vue euiIpni la thse. vu LEcWls 0. ÉROCKWAT Clos' bot« w 1. lad hiterto beid lagmai!' i u.td im t u Wsakegau, flîluis. Auguet f O500S& diseteti> &lut- delgn.d ta visIm m au 1qve .vii WisM M'elbev D» . . - 11. A. geai-bye, vUe iguin 101.4, 1 failt 2ne EP51U. BenJaIn Parmal«e, C piainaste '"diu, iRaddau. It vil not iéTt wue the valSai vlo lad upotali taSolichtor. pg% M eta remember mi' hetel. 1 u me OMimt lfs. aam rsldle muid vithh imaurtul 'P"M-ie il cici o rcuali of(uola Couti' o ae,. dohdao- mu-bercumA.Dl 10. '»lst ould le tee mucl tao oxpéCe 1 Iturned ilnuptI', - as er ag uA.1 . "M7.. Unknow 1aivered. ci'uically amueod ai bis The ponmirof the. tvo vomten lad ovuer or ovugra o! the EuRail 0 ebremn.rime., Sbs sab" ai the table, leasng tiiiTd et Biaci lteeu la MoKaple 14", ~ ne aeitated a moment, «Be tout ou fOs'gArd aigtili',ber «lpression et Becood Addition tu LÀttIe Ft = th. stépa o! the omnibus. ose. startied and aer. Tc m tou- (novw aulî.gas> sccordlui to h -Mr. Hîddou, may Iigay lt i lave Ilen~it mhe wu. S i nlugt-m. mmdl- VIat-theoorecerdeit Juta.30, 1847 .. âts 4 syupathli'for pou? Do net let the lit-MU sa 8111'. caroi l lang urPrise luBol* ii of Deedu Page 10 ln the t"i08 maie~ ' ilieaccidentes pol your lire. Noue at and veloome. Ot ai 1 tar4 i ter ,Recorders once, ofmunlu aie Vsftf us ire alvaya brave. And certailli'stupldl', tdeamselle vueiucead db>' County sîtuadInluWaukeamc 14*0 as4 ille 0 ocvlma, , M iare na courage ot the spirit u Weil su exPreisicu1 a!tdismai'. $lie *d- Caunty, ITilulse Emili' Monder. sIbm m eueeriffl la. ~ eric i tin lleeder flala mearblitynd BllaH. lKraft:ln Clan. nom sOi or X ISv nsofvte bdy. The Ad ongo Wffed telnde- clloudai oî dutt'heunkopanamaod~: "ToAreria, Irepie gimb',asîle'. HOTe vui>' <c ibpre Crsye!Nol346iet euetehrd o! Blg "vbeme u preseut there le n verdict." vaiter. le ad alrIsady let mi' aide, te Litle Fort (nov Wiukegss). sc- MA P~eimpi onai "*Butt ut once?" . ummoned Irnperioumii'. no donli' yerdiug to the Plat thensof racorded beau, 150Inea of 115 1ouglbY'vue no amateur; but vlthout **Wl> ni?" I askedln lurpnlrise. île ladies i*10 lad certain!>' mistaken June 30, 1847 lu Book H o! Deedi 400eIabemOi leei.i ausauco-o. I could flot hope tua It us your affair of course, mon- me for anoller. Page 10 in>île Recordera Office of! unotun bele m ees e>o muve hlm. Il muet lae deadafor ue sieur, but it leat-he was eeklug a I ladt lI!ris«s. Mev 1tseated my- salid Lake CeunI>' mtuated lunWau. ,-4"" "* ' U.lewm bath. But, sud liis vu e i.goung pretentious exvuesslonof utsîrpaîîy, self agalu, and aveýY nerve tingled kegan. Lake Count, Ilîlinois" cannai ex=e -. geu thought. viien <tie criais came, vould but hoeneded Iamieiv 'hit ut Toast do vida ezcltèent .Tii. sdvenlure vueisbeiefound and tuaI upon diligent ln.u- *Unua aim Or .sU SoIgneS. docemni.1 all the awînl stImulus releaero m pr fupne o let tbis simiple affair spoIl i'our not yel ended; 1 vs sure of Il. And quiry thelr places et reuldeueceau- devimm el et Ja i eâamal oued vOll? Or vould larrnM bllididgestion." 1 velcerned the diversion. even tbaugb net lie ascertalned se tiiat pracos kSotilewsessoet lestais. met *'Perhaps 1 shallinger 'a day on pan ud humiliation ver, te bie les CanI' b evdue huo mn And til ho ame 1 culdaigoeU Ivwo it Lucerne," i said good-aaturedlY i' ace. I hsd coee f0Lucerne on 4 cither et them sund Ihat the defeis- And sthilI l. e ame aIcoul» 'Ays"lendddl prvl Oetr mulse c1thu .dants Emily Hendersiott ana Steila ep s.ul toul hm ovlIeva icua'i'soansi. er," b e nned lu appaval.momct aeyhipule s tha mule? H Kraft reside out ot the liai. of or me-and thon. arilat 1 ha&t teard lai"oseu irreeatsoly" Wblifftelaguietta iplsIlinlois îo tuat procemu canot lie t, %"tb* mauiem i I bad knovu musl.happed. didbfflen. jAni se I came tun luîerue lnslead ot For tue thirdUtie lhe valten spoleia erved upon thera or either o! them, Itudb«eb&lUlOtnompsu lis fest lest thein footbold. lie wvue1Iiing Imrnediately ta America ai I te me. I ooked up at irlmcaînli; I havinglucen fled ln the ome o! tue Ua5Orniiolurof laaging hi lia arme oven the rsgged, 1adoit niended. 1 t vas net exactli' lad kuova le aouîld coume. Clerk af aaid Court. abase apaasd desdea» is o blue-greea glacier that ai-ied te re- bravade that senti ne Ihere ta meuh "The ladies visl to alueak tu mou- Notice is Iheretore bereby glven to llt ciIOf "CleOt5Of SM5Ç_"_ celte hlm a tiiousesd teet 1.ev. ui1the scomansu neers of those vho May' sieur, If monsieur la ai liberty." the tald The unkuovu ovpen o ts o e.>' u*4t»Lao A moment lhe slmugglcd trinticill>'. have board et my lilugrare. Il vue the The nmrmonslied corne, as I 1ev amners oet fhe East one i fird a)et A . ai. * a TIen le bang msoluteîy atli, sybtidy of the lutile Innkeeper. . 1181 Il vould. 1de nadepBokEîte l ca' odqflcetb4 suI4A 9 "Ga yo rech c?"le inti IesI inivl. ncete assu r l er t vad s beaîhag fast, Addition to Lttle Fort (nov Wiuke. Wa, oia. ueuL0l yourech e? li pntd. ho 1 trve, Iliern WO l I.ginertwuaccordiug te the Plat theomeot Peut iouaout*5 «Bruce youraelt sud reach me i 'uft.TeSI lelo i i'odi. g u"rî u it ug.recor ddJu 087 ublHe "ia. But le quick." ' but ltrite restaurant 1 vas not neco- 1 turnud; 1 advanced tovard <hem. Deeds Page 10 lu the, RecorderC Of- I did ntoumae. 1 vaa net efraid tu.- itd, I began tuohope hat 1 i fght - ~lice of saldt Lake Couni>' iitnsted li stutaetufflism4 Ipa4I di Ih idahl, thongh île vorld las,.e- elie .- lu the wrltitg runut, laveter, iuTu le- continu4.-l Waukegau. Lakte Couzïty, Illinoisa0 iLondau aeellv advertised te tue _________ E yHnesot Sud ales. âÎif.elm fusai ta belleve me. I dld But moTveL ét tr ! i igrace; mda Kraft, deteudaluts as aforesald tba htCasm>'wo. gaz. laccaume I could net. Mormon for t*wr lb scy f11. i dIrish At.the above nurned Complaluant heme. l5Shtm arj"iAts mnomeut bercit me e!fut> vemi' reao"ueoo those cursed koulaks adorned Every nation muit have lis oru art tofome flIed hl$ Bill o!fConip Wnt10 te thlnk snd set. Mu' Inlî vas frosn. the àt ipage. R vas only a question ai distinct sud celuarate tru.m ihuito' sad Cpnrton îhe Chauceru' , aide sei ï..gaiosb - - Miy Inahu vis aumb. et heure lefore 1 sluuuld be kaolin. 1 otien e untries as lic lauguage; sut thereef, and thît a summions therie- blb 'Iien' tiie nîghirnare paueed. Sud- akdeto h-tri- neie. If ever Ireland le u fntliber coul ai upon Issued ont of muid Court agaluat esie dlOy 1i'I va am. 1Iltoak lua deep profoiuldidscuouagul. found hemeau wnst-oul of art it car the above named defeadauts, netmX t brouth. 1 lniced mysid! aginit the~ The terrace, screu'uieul Yb>hay.treea Oul ie b done for heu by lier owm able on the limaI day of the t.l-aiof 'inal grisa CUlITfor the sbouti auîho b0Uld sit ceders front Iluuiuui i o d ti bt artise. A teacher lima Eugland i theCircuit Court a! bale Comi, tem l my Na oi4attretced uriL rite " îte lake. swurnued aMIt the- b bwudb ano!dneos e e ld et île Court IHoule tg Wau' el.. "làC. Butaili lutat nloghi'people v ho came ta Switzerland, But ara oî eams'uateoi 'îegau lu mid Lke, Cottatu'. om th Outai hâtInsan Wilouhbytu ee but tlulhe ceeu. hy oi. e imet.-J. 1B. Yeats, lu the Shan Flnut Manda>' «!October Aý . DIff quiotji' Ioied bis O-evea vhile cai n neeytnu eErp .Alll.as lua by la equired, and wluloh suaite ou 1 satiared ailt M>'pauron etreuif or 1ioittn ful vie> of ugube n a Este.i .11pendiug. - ~~A . S tiiat, Tesat Ot; miandbetorealie para tet l fuît taut me rsai EI .BRQCCWAT <CIssk 'iba -u tua, tubel! he criai oftovordi vit4moit vaus:itabes oned tae. i ~NLake dé Thirti' Cent. Waukegau, IllinuoisAu"sei 10*A. Wau'cmmB. 1a a ue. Mlan, vîtueut oesasi: o .'Wnfeiheuuirlhe.. - A cientilc usotrenomer innolucea lEý 1907. 1Sotelffs. II s ule 1 "Covsvd?? aiwysttox 0te tlaIil.hexoutstop lu tic study ecf il. Benjamin Parmi eçComqinit ot Rb odyb'abdr Ée o» s It b 1410oe!»Natiolenale tIe quay wu *Mi. pisuete viiile tla Sud out ifle>' *réSoleter. 'AjNl.l igsu i îearci î~ trl1e~ ~ . with thIlsteire tmuiticoSq lor&tota. ibted by blt itreiioursolvee h a. s-PIs teha> 1 casuelil e an ot » r Wmce ffl ehnd Qivea' tle nîe! de- Af tIheCorti efndesof. ma' usîne 1 caý etI onkè llic cduty octsat aei IL . aijourto aiW salO Laidô dii, o! Cta«. d inaieOf 1lt 131h wA. buta eai, leio Gt. W ose n &Im4 e1cer>. a&ol " ut lie lu, T ew- OU luh Il. W-wvr #à kwprIlosac imfl ataisnbom ~ PiotaAYMNil. - 4-W. are eeliueive agents "rM"aub<ivibicu, tChu Libet ville. I>nioiip .1 ýjj