#as le &U 7 rooc» 0 rlIkoo, lbo, .b.d ai ubtbleg niiac l or ontigblatu regts«orla theAuic Trtln eglat. 1 woggh, t4» à#,; tbeoi*,era vien uatured waIntvio L* rmiffl ta 1M001W. e*b. ~ bleuhommeu te o c ti e au ont or addra John P Da IL o S um ppm o o..Po' spo i.O1-W.e a la~auifrl lut Jd. WM1lme'ubdi on, beirs -- -- -- - - --- - - --_ _ _ _ _ a" lut k4cwn n 01d aLuSmtlj 111ce wîl orent the. mrn. pAIL FARM g W,LE-No bou« ertul L. *ârnra». ud Lku. II.4a-tf. FOR SALE-Ouit oh.&of paor bealth, xood fuax ofnI150 acres, penty W water, g.-od tarin bnlldlnw çrle s oa ternie. AVPP48 50* L t*U :b1 Wmngwo nt.WnkgnII.Pon. GIRLS WNTEO-W.C. Bi 5041 SITUATION WANTEO-Bïy yonni lady bo*k-keeper. A. V. t*re ot 1=1 WANTE[b--Woun o r girl for, «enPere husework. Mrm C. W. Taylor, L"brtyý vIule. WANTEO-À good girl for «eneral honmework lidre.C. 1M. Noyo@ . 50:2 FOR SALI-Modem Ix rocinlu ons ni inquire or suri-sa liE. TaiAvais. fiee>'. am"a -i~ A isaraia nfq*lf c «lai,1. J. al. M 484*..èti.a.cew.' FOR SA&K-Braad new .*Wb& riva bOms Wîth bain. poUltry houan ad I1 atm sof .ind. tw, blucis wstot the cemi or torne. Addmsms olvuer.M.Rm- lqsr.eeftsor$"0 Tanuuma Sdg. acres-------------i Tà2ltao4 s, la. d lsin% no. îAmi Miehtf1 ans mi; bo frs. k" 7or ason" c à iii'. beWui. Cas. 4cnu.aoc*dws. L 5"4 POU T J FORO Etu 'TIs 9s0. rliq taa,9 mxils. vutafPraist fw 5ac1 FOn.aut-Vanucof 0Amau dimlso bar., a- 1005., lait VOR Sfl--------------s------ GOOD FARt. W^fdTED-Puidtob a manegir of bom larmer ds.lred b>' m4i of uic pruc e. Boe ss a ..fed. dieeLae fie e 1od FOIR SALI-Ua eif Bekirlà 1140 eau. inquire W. H. (iuwirt. 1I FCItSÀR - FOR &SALE--$ borne jower gaemine sin onted on wbeiiwitbcireullar :.Or a *ec 0»0&Gas.g BEas, Prairie Jlsiw, MII.48-tf FOR 8ALE-085 1lbom Moloreyde, uh» .awa tire; rmu veil, =30 Mlh;a dsncmetratioa vi wI 'ragnu mmu sU elil.two wookab. offlâe et4 rt aq w ren4175. aésgaa FMLAt-bge.N.w Tork Elmet Ar Um bML aoEPar valS 4100.00 a *Mr, *areaal 13.00. 3X T . LZOW&s ~~2WoO.Num dt,. ~so -" pro p jg' dUver.qm$kly 50-tg "ARooFm ftmuT-5 acmso, I m oS ï6 W ou and N', zones Adire X . E. M.AN, FOR MIENT-5 rooni cottae, 080 pari nee.eeja*sat oeaetq IlOUgliTO RENT-if yon have a 1Addre.e 8. P. crmm llnmvm>ut 0t boase ta isai or tu bco.. vouant souci. -' MotfyDvM» tm». 8t iINSURANCE-We write âgeman, notîf> DYMoa 1 Avu,.accident amld life asurance. Ibrucifc FOR RENT-Theb o e >' house", Ara'fix., Llertyville, MI. 34-t Iuaher if preferred. Diison andj Cbureh Sëte.Cali ut Tiret ansi FOUN F31s". NT-9-roum bouge viM» barn on Dawllon tret, modlern convenleume. LOST-A lociket book Lcontain lir*. J9. roo. 3-0,11 eson 0t moue>'t the bal gonmLb lrtyvillle, in., Sonda, atternoon.A FOR RENT-&'m of 270 acres, wellI1liberal reward i wli 19giron lu the llnder. impruvd. foria terni of yeaus. locatsd M. A. HixLàN, Libertyvillp, 111. 48-tf une Mile sontbwest of Warrtontfrove.! Inqulre or addreý@e Edward Gibbons, LOST-At Libertyvillalalr, ladie' god Weet INmingtgon t., Wankogeu, III. wateb, naine enaraved in case. Elizabeth 02 .Jaroboee. l'ioder will pleatie nutif>' or, rtr he 0Edd Lynch, Libertyviille, __ ONDY TO LOAN - - -----------rd. ILOST-Lady'e red coat in Liberty. MONEY TO LOAN-On appov reul ville or on the road nort.heaet of town. etâte eécurity. B ,R l.Ln l-Fndrev tthis offile. 3-2 ertyvîlle, 11ls. 3-t---E00~-- FOUND-Wanderej into my enkentre, MONEY TO LOAN4-W. imateb>'pany maare, 3aiwhite feei and wite epecla f utiiening morne>' for Luhld-ace, baiad on let hp Owner me>' bmg purpobea. Also tari ans. DnmiNnetffire saine b>' ldentifylng and paylmga àimg Axn28-tf chrge. HÀ12oN Si.* MTr. VOLO Ailrt Y Rblr vasn ou ie sicIt lt Mdiss, l& "%j4 ~s.of Nanda, vae the pnoWo i< 41. Rusédentécer laet J4LbClalÏIpÇfley, ut Elgin, vus Miss Mnu ~ ltg'Rund Lakte, 0- F. fUMIna0el theis6,P. Rummel ic cU llardso ve ae5a ter Mod Mo'.'y Ill.Jiu Rchandreunsntet laoliu liiROds ad>'. -Baal lstvre in, toma lad Deuils Duliai WIILl, o 0ef lo, haeboeen guata at tihe home aIt1theo)unci-'.parenta, lMr. aja iras. C. sablS ecetl>'. 1 I Ur. and lirs. w. . jugôo, e Ilmoie, lova, are rîlnjgreais sud rlando in Velu sud iiity. Uius Cathepilnn >OWeU sud ilymui Lusk, of WeAt Freinent, vere Vôlo calle5u 9day..; lilasAnna Cumptan ia t huma aai alLer Ocerai veeku epent At L4ke Vi,:. Medames Abert andAabra sRught were b in cleur> satûtiaý. lire.John Roingmdaubt tei veut te Bol>"ih is Sturd*y moraing rsturnîng Mondoy &fts'oce. Mam. Jannie Cousmau Andi iabàgi±r 4viofRound Lakte, vers Vole causes PhisgonMaking Golf. (IoUn MIotbe playesi' reail>'Wolu i<[qpa te teper lu séhocw dta ».wi> rtmllasfetUug. sM ii'98 ami retanasi l * - , Ithat "bal 9atied hc ôrue1i 0 tain$ 1 tot soap misgtvlnt. utj *1 @uhail nt weary you vlth the de. ~ o vcription cf Our clou. The aucent wuas .tl7mo. liep md trylug ln places, over ton Fumer,. and rock. la abolittour heure p 'nc o rearhed tic Zasenberg Chalets and v en l tie Central Ie-faIt. A stîl uscramble a]"ss ut an hou r brougit uis ta tic trozon Sarahà snow of a plateau. Hers our pi t eVIla séeelied ta me ee$ riear, but my rom. WilSmi pailon advanced v'itla coniencE. I oA. fret the atitude nov dlstreslngiv; H1-b 01 bcd qualins ot mouiain elckness. or dvls Sat I l ruggied after hM. until %w e t, q.'o ili "au i rame ta the basne of a precîpitone valS l.D. Lueb q" ra~~r> ofteIe. We had pasestd ovcr Uic lut IHa'tt, ti CHARTIER lit. asno utrg l4 o entmernesg.;ut the glactera; na iad reacied the lof ' The One Woman. Mer vas thora jtr W twilrseit or for smnî.B111,f00 1 scaniaed ec actae Intenti>' asuinme. Rut ove. 49, R'seeemed ta me 1'l supposed nov that tie voret wae la Cias * pproached theat. Tiare vas a bilp, path'.lc tiat C "gilaun shouid be go !0acr. But the desrent vas by fer tie John i --délicate color on the ciceis utfia sý trong.- i munt aîfiMrnît and dangerous part utPoiler. ider vuman. 'siee s fruvninz' "1 I w ihtbor ae'lla.liegin our days work. Evea->'stop had- lu be hLr, o r-slgbtly. 1 cnuld net h.,s%«W viether Tlease, vî» tr Set nc-ing villa taksn vîti extrcin rare. We vere"4d a elct>'or annoyance wvastit dili.Mr, Wllldbgibý. 'WIl m lal-to tie ruped. ut course; and 1 annoyed.d vion,@ tinn note ot ber heskrlug. But pres- hast marnent." Wiluoughby by betng compeltcd ta hiait Psieee. lt entI>' Isvuethat II vas ratier resent. "I saat] t'sas aitier tourafiItor repeatedl>'. The fact la. I vas frigit-- U u'kucî mnent and thîni>' eelles! rentenupt myseîf." t prarefac. tilly. exhausied. ahotagi i etruggled iýaruet. Dy ring the pt vekc re d con- -y-1Iatter hlm as doggeaily as 1 conld. Simne5 jtenipt bi ilasbed frain toc msny aeu CHARTIRU IV. "At luat tic de4rent hermnetees aua3 tint t shoti ausnterpret that look. the 4lvmhad. issardens. 1 helleve tiat ve shoai tJüo nue The>' knew; tien, thec Itor>' cf my dis. "Di yen kom, Ni-. 3Vlloaghby 1 -have arrlved at Grimselsaatety isal va t'pr irrace.- Tiat tort voud explalo lie 'timatel>" Were Io"aaiOxford vîth cntinaied unr UaY In a direct 1lin. expreston of cotmpt*: but whvia i lm? I tilnk 1 dO set 1isremhpr iesand vît» the rare that b h r c er-Ciloutb trange rescuiment, thte-IndlgnatIon?' ppalulng aI yon.'* fzeounr lfrst movemenîs. But My'orf hem.à The yoaaager vumen,.tic daughter,, She spoSte sv5iO' tl a certain companîcit sttempted mlore and mure WlI usi for tie likrneas vas tenqtskoble,,utst slootnes.,&A çnbe Io le li sî rîg- dificuttutetsutf ciibing. As a roi 1"u. orse aoilnese as i aP5roachcd. l'lie ailS acîcid with a mahj<ùtilî,--a dislie dinot fllav lltr. flut presenth>- a and ari addreae.1 tiade vags sgnificant of a feeling more, ltuaI as eiia&i pt sened be- amuntaln ledge oiairaacted unr pnth. tark or houtilleand iceper than that vlwi c rause oetnytilàld. c ainiPprbaps Twc courses vere opten ta un: ve cmuId Nule agitated tbc niotlaer-. ie lio'ngît àfervet x of'-si m~itae a long but, sale detour eroundIli, I.Feo Il we thcenitier via opolke, flot tentence moi-e flttlt. Mit inatinct. or ve coutli sele It. MY conîpanlon »5ur Ct vWtthoqt evIdent réluctance: veiy 1 kucv that *à b"l Pi*ial repent- deccded upun the latter course. 1i Ed wrar l "*le fitruc utal you arc, Mr. Hadrien &anre vuld finersus her "ulemp oraabIfsfastened tie rope about mau ah S-Mr. Ernent itadion' anc. ijreferreld r, bard t- ihat. wsst nifolloved im' parex 'ht Is truc." 1 replied qulctly. Ana su I telS iMy toryCbitev vti- 'fo Dnyon vie» me ta inter tint the Hale jý a Then Von were vlth Mr. Lawrenre Out feeling. sottcnieneu r Vl',gh ieA. Willloughby vben the tragedy uor, -1I met hleu «v tie i l ttime le ldtotc rgey' een sddl eucrred" siee rntlnlaed le a deep, .night betora hbleatbr ld a th tmon Hee nas voIre. Jr. SI- s aen vairs. "tndeed!" Net' Voires let vîI wtb "I wish yoas te Inter notb.Ing.' Lachai, Tces. naia. sger. Se ic As aiilantî Ibathe "Biait you, plîce the blanie. t et utEMarge5,1 à- «Iam Ifrs. Breti-Tisula ag isugi- siouid bave i0=111111 itbs ,,,. wîîî au <cily, on one via le deai anoinact lathea tut, NI" Breftt" utter stranger. , cfeed iinelf," ebl nalted angrîl>'. 1api Agale 1 bovel gravsly. TiiegSM'i "fitvas net Unt f rôs d bati gîven -I aa sur-Yyen shouli thlnk ao. 1 tiit. J ae a ilght Inclination, but ber up hope thât lie zseaUone-d you, MIS&sso~l'-xîng te give Yeu tie facto qui coth,& mec Qfl tili gaffsI ttntl> et thea StUe Brett' I1 said vit» sane sternneaa. gn i iouetui"t nt beaux e hit Chtiai at bureci ou thé 'But mural>'bis dflth vas the resaIt -îj ounot visi to vrong you,." but hemiet 11 Mnene. u0 a qUitèUUeiXPoeii accident? The sai le a tuer voici. "I ig t a ce utetheG 0 1 board the luinet t rot vit» as nevspaperu gave ceetbat Impression.- y 1.tîî M.ek~i Idis cuelp.lty. hsica 4%uiiy Ivs& ib.e erlallnei suaPiriauay. Thev ie wr *jtW"1 raubîci thatUcne rs aurn -ute p Etai te myseif. 1Iab»isrdiltesd the. lok accusi me ot talacooi. la danger 1 hardi>' keov. Or periapu Ow- Ieloe I.m. t avaka ciartiesi meailes. -Me accident CAMonly alter vo 1 siould he mare siiu f Isaai tt 1alelY talai lut plan. OMOse pople j vesbOti utteril7 xhaîasîed by tiecacnnot tell just vian'-i began to ts -vho ver. ompla» g isuu l 6utnffrfl ia* a nIgIt >1*711on the &froid. W.idclbd atos> Ont e pmea te me itai andta ena- iniitlnwewlîecu* round the ludge. Mr. Wilh.Circuit( '*em iuttt. Andi veré tic "pappocorretstu slbs itel" udelas brT r m «Te 1a-a have board. onl>' lat&. M a4%tbaÏ --iouhbjavs u $i net. andel>'.as eIl *~ wrc ...se ses a ruaii <i. Iide a'. afa*eet JOhnl des«eS mututa cimbi" Andl d . thm> ieak. cIlu a "Penbape," asicaislix». rstt mit- Mu. WihleuoJ*r miethaisesis"m@4syehst N eterI>, -"iL vaMli-.W111101glibY lu- "Irag m ngl a tourlet.Tiihis -'tiw te te fae etthé ok. 1 Jr., As D Me~' I 111ra et b»4 igysbecs la Europe. Miraitl dovm.. Tim. lm uap.. votre atad a MXotesMl' Tic daiter tonui £ gqýà». svtuf1 sasthunssai. ceaftailaf vell a i ul>'=; ffl. satls >- ehsen~*er". einappeaaglr .ss - . 4am, - themomueli u t molt But far belovtic>' oie M fendant, "Te.' I1saMi la a lots vin" -1 1& isMesi pésa gaor a >' y tin, 111111140%by MuIts. vitlbe Vins mw dtt o ira sem t Mme4mËtstheMD« 00» .oma e ta tler voicié,Me aad i -120% air" Tand. sttheui qnisU ti A e t. l mvam ai Md pvmrd, tbrctms- avlng ilIn, Ir" m tc qesioni-s.ue s tla §a pigl*a P5mm ta tmg ta ..«ii i . 1%0 mi, vwu inuu Clorit ai t.; C la , UM0f reititaiTafading, t - As tué mais the led« a gett cÇwm sad8 oer ne*W« ta me untfiL »M Mr~. astinasveyt mns to ur flothom 1. ahvinim Thc ev. a uè re fil>;S 1 -1 memmu the essai etUciww 55us. Pousm vewutw slu ma la-ofcm»ou tsesk- Iokfm.Sceldogg. .5 "W biiMieIl sir a ati'.mUatO brnus, Oo wald. lMr. Wlouhy b a - les *oi @RIS4és Curt ai %Obâ lbe Bsai- heteL. Hea-was m saut; i fflotendant*. 411bllet.;dSwlaad ta Bilavas allié- 'ss eé "t s à4w asa b". f-, i #yasu Imumnesa iygrouni; hb le ée » w jar Bouge I Ït tb b. a*ishobai von et Q*g C5De lchvil la.aikse ornt>',c Ilelda fa the sasbrettiaas bis c- eieami voeu bave us0ui betA. 1) gbots la scallngsanurisin topa. At ' >" j Sh5hd sow alhinu0 for4'iv. 1111st 1 Mltmedasihm vit» fBnIlfirh erUf"ses ta 0111vis,. t.pvu 5: is eniusasm innsi m--Band or font. auna gmore. 1îlus! supossuhi t ~'leta a>'lnsxp@ricn8l esa vsWCIIJ people cilaicimonutains aimpl>' fo ere tl a tirrible prsicaMmt . D. 1907. tic vlew; bécane un tic sàmlm ne otgb>, bovever, vas cieut fl Md ie" c? a " ea Ilttle farici' tia fone cofiet. If be bai btvfl e citors. vers mercI>' (n the mountan-sIde. ~ t lsi.IPlae l Bult as Be talkcd I bçgas te nudur- Sundl t u >pht lu> «tend. Et vas a gaie-a confllt-a t». de lt vasrtcom>'plect . Stc battli fyun vîsh-inwvilcionue ptted Oie racks on eltier aide falillUg ab»« ut e lr oas'a strangti and vît lea aud-to- sert iDlcirbaab nt e eT. bani figit vllh nature.atap a sse.te i. Even more of "Grdual>'ilscnttlsau~b±ee£ Willougby> ackovleigeS tâtât. Tiere dceeuti. ule. I vs veriew« vn nthintferI' t but te bivouac for djusu or "i~ t the borde of tourists dlsgugted me. thc ight. andl trust for botter inck M onoere,. .1 " IteH«Evirythlng." *Befere ve bi inisici oui- cîgara 1 thémora. Wells. Nel "vie vate rs Informeu u>lapdt luki> is lelsa; y aILte1*8lmpauuible for as teaisci-ibe Itouft mu 08'play' this nev game nîracîf. I ilutei fei' yen tic silferlugu of tiat taribe SaiSe'd' meut agu tiat yen vere Mr.-HadSon. vaueîr at dangers, lui y o>'cmpaunnîgt .gaie"srisee a ha Yeu mauda ndcrstaue ave Yuuont 1 tetinkti irsh aed~higt e spatereibe st plasecejan tnaebn Yen vS uncrelni vi>' v bav Sealugiciatthein. Iwas presaptuous vs eniai dfini on thenairow mouatsl Slîîc eziuit fullov" againattheliabting vInS. Wecoresuinod LwdC vîsi ta icar tramn My lip-lisOliiP8 'Tie ustial misînke of the toit. iaatmre ttcS o~~~.o eie o! tc urvlvr-o ti traedy" îlaeve" reimeaaaed Miss Bratt, rId' reai>' i-unk our tea. We. bualUsai wn Wllloughby liai levbi tie daugir. 1 _"Adyubge hto'hw WmieLé Wiandcthbai facosd un togstier, ho lghtclose ta sach e fer v armti. W: Well5Man bi . oke f bar. tmca Àe"t est I vas villing enongi te do minutes'ats une. E-rr>'nov a n nrs out oue opens Ou'. heart. even te, a m «olie hasuggesîed tiat. He vas t»miWb haed uo<t»ei-le b e s ates atranger. And ho bai! totl a. et tla pbmWang ta make tic Strate« Paus. I preVeut tiair bslug post.b 2tn'111t heanatpi5 i bearl's desire; lbebai told ras of hW egis tattic vord'pana' di net tic greataît auterngvasca)asi b' deupalr that eebad, uot rtesi ihWfls supecially tormidail .for lbe de- 'aur e0 r thfga e i eal'nmi ae 0lc love.sAt ieaat net *ely Eut i No efot afih i h edynw lulivet e WhuI a olt vgie ci 0 la .tElat guides vere nau t A .1 saa l rvuns."*'Naanen. vian Idt astcat.P»Pscuq.r' eIareilsiet - ilo lue continue] I dar cru relzaIftha"- uem 0baih WU& j>'*agenot vit»hlm. I dld net réalise that ? de seasd aIt Ifta vr o vt ia.o .Ctf cllnabing, m rasa aMs>'odeia brei-ricemuet tube regard me. AuÏd Vf alest, sprt, required arductul trâliuleg. Had Datas Mixed. ourhis.alla 1 eet elhrever>'tilg-tiate laeorgeWel bai ici rpruarleg e fe eo -'Xe ecit mornlng et il1o'ciock vs Bacauce tic papers lan tic suit r Ci U4aidre Ts, ain ans m o ition wted fi-uni Grindelwald. *s vers clalmai that the intendant bail troC- uann vere Indessita b. Oie pri-ie O cf lvit» tie coatomai->' aereIbex- pastesi on tic plaintiff's properi>' un thie rosi fa meein. 4iia ftthe Alpine climbar;. tat OUT Anigut 16, wvile lie case bai beau &,".t"'ih Tetonvadl Imaltaec ast liptgthe Srivarzegg Club But, t ua nUc>~fu nsb t<» eiture maÉ ert oueadyXaiitie eeeate nte1tfordy eoec u nl cala I kev ters uitis e Ire-taiS, viere va vers ta F-ank T. Fowler tlook a non suit bec a ias liat ansesfor myueff. Whbier ti.s *us»tiMng-t îgt bav e nfore Justice Van Deusen I n tscase 60.. On tie as sd uvei bna r nt, I Iot ismae. vit» valking sticks iu.tsad ef aguleut Juin Mcsaion of LaetsVilla Houeslira saeBâimor>'a m o s.ar I -o . st.lésât Sbis lttbls. it vas for thé inat pat Mcudmy mornlng. on theliretà anan.o 1W» d Bia aie luta ##=blé pati over gîsas>' hlope. ou paberl eîn rMaovecn r ute IaslSt> of prasimpillas ald thé,eu 1 < ruaide of lie Lovai' Orfiel-,hormsla sulaisciaraioni- tic 'i- Wai fla-ler-a hypalla viudlng alung plaintif', tare et SeaidLaeta sti tiat mus et ble iùteisiatrst vasuqMy jff'"' viainsunSdojrmiastiat I must It lhadt een eiuapi ani varningu SPataio1 empbalas. * init ~Welvrere arotsc tic anal: rnls ainet nelng ît posti. -'Xtleui, lMir BitU tad te-Bar baftre It vaslilgit, soi 1 vUs rtier Wtacn the iliferenre ln the dates te î5I5 lidugiter, 4"loqy pi-er timý. r ellavsi vien Ivo guides. vbo,,vei. ppeared lie case vas lmaedlatcaly d.<see Radat 5p5k . ~re~ loe? - sIting t ticebtfor a Party erisetai irupped aallimuci Sugiter andi a "' Wbi "Tyeu. mother. @O-J4polsa' ua. t tat day. sho6ktheiair bheais #t theuva wsuit vas starteil t once. "i sah vlt fr iu, Hton iréVatiier. anlé varned us thâ i P oUAi "IShanug wattf « oin caduva-, i-st .. si 10at-int i pa5 __ulo trusa,-.vs., Joie Berltt -Un Cauo.nc.d andeise u Eaii tned o .d ofl Lsvs 0. aqpaav C. on eut -r I=es. Cis nltytlaIt. 'cri- A. D. 1907. H. Duggon ansi sbiaa Dite vis Sarah Leesol, MU>'joyen, eKîncade, Michael J. Dugffn. te, Du=gn i Irs O- lu, Chanca>'. No. tOe de- Sas-e =Lass»as nt a li. am fOte Stste or DiluaIs.go <lah eu gCanneot srveS non0lii-. VC beau tiAffi Je e OS"Or'nithe i la tierefora erg>o y . o et li lam ticeaboe eMusiOa ne buuetaf«Ore011thi* qiI plbant 5ir M-'Court, aonb ry aide.,tÏer et, ansd tiat à m tereffl wm5da t ml grainst the above, naclsi de- e., rotuiilq onOithetot taa t ieCricuI rtc bont. tu hb tat t Li lu Waekegaala seu an iere 1wt' aa' tot - t.190.) . M7, ma la requla eir ci uitWleUtllp n ig I tgn, lilînele. August Ut» A. a& Millher, Ceilapleleante soli- »D 484 Ca thi. Illinm sConu t rLake. e. am ircaîl Cours ut laIte Coaaely tminais. asis aria. A. B.1907r. -Ia e Rae. vs. "Cneladun haies or Cu if Jistas Hodues e ussed DUn- Nil 155 or davisce" uf Edua: reveQ*Ur. '.7 4'. 'unI.ou e ltaor devasus o<f t'Pa' 3ian. deeeessd '" Unkmon ales etOf of Lury C. CurtIs. alta LicrC. helai lead.a- George wons. Baueah .Uni isofn C wesl. Mary C. Mfiuakley. Sais 'Minrlies'. Samuel T. Hinckle,,JiaiuadtViJ orria Mooe an Cdthe Unioun koi >for peraoxs uateresîed anlaieheCeea.,l.i "rite l n tla ie l h sof OpiaInî.' Nmort icrs Gen. Nu. 348 WIIi ctury aildavit lIatlaie defendasta "**i) bar-, Ir devibeeN of JiisaisSodges,. lhet ..j.noiwn helns on devisvonsu f5> axuer. decace,,* nanu bl' i be f Roger. Ocoeasd. 0Ch" aihlmrad, d.,1eesutLucyC. Curts it !y C. Moure. deceaffd.' George 15 anal Wcila. Neison C. Wesl t. r 5d p. Horace A htinOctier. SaumaelT PAIJL AtAOWVlti. Mà. I.a1 MsOSn Cspa Adjudication NotUce, ;14 1 :f 1 J4 how iî-Ni;ýAwj Il