<ETTLEs wERE RED. I*eh ob e O tlU" Oser Uthe IL romw et * Tiettir buhat e t nh mio 'M dteg a ong mm *Mt *lh at tb*mtbougbt that W* le be a, la a vac, c WO pww thfew siliors md. W, omug bob*dmutm4m vra m5seu ochal Once" Mid ~la a seutateent moud as tbe' " <sbw n en argo li Seatti. «. 06 bsek A*WuWell. mand we et fre LI»voduideliveriuig sup- n usloca*lasm Ioug tbe. wut A rim. Fumny paces thel' Btw. emfel at-mwtui Dames. jaw bwesbers, libe the.Aleha- wusée udti . 1. mm a esse of bavlig te Isy OR yËue a buneb of Kroo boys 1I* utü truthe low lyiuig beach tril the supplies abhoe lui pei canoes. Slow flgteicg kt mi et tbe J0 l A& , e(mmit.1ie MIS » tb e beac WlOt tu ma1i - Matbt toz&l dwdme ftm lula«em et c ou lUttedm Mtib* wuh ms b. wha und *tIam « Wo ffltum eout m, amie <ornit R» «Von-tl.ts la btuminrou lb. tou~mibs m t ftb &I6veter uUb tie tule rcum g115 Tb *wnu'ta a b etor u»burtum VO Md jeu. ou t beh. aplil gta" m, Wb. coutlmss tbe imyma m iull tr. ternamvaM bg lumps la 0w -b tee V vtchel the prepars. NWMu'iy1 wumseaissl vte anle.W uUe4 & kut Itas due o t tt biesu, Iset Iteat IPm bela Suttl. to Fs bad ou boutd everail Utd tetrs ils vii..! teamboats for the nue mn... TI«wervs.bufut luiaoctioU transport Libe s flash ve got out x e theosectione vt tb I .wbeelm ce 1 igrsd thon on the utera ef the sa Well. We bmfl a donkey englno ýbo&rd for ioading cargo, and. vite iuemal ice,' Igenult>. ve lgged asugor to turn the, paddles and 1» aued awmy front tic dangerous it wmu a close $bave, tbough. We NU bear the. mani eatetsflghtia i "ag tiemmeveu as to vbo vouild Ve tb. fat one, and as that lndlvld- 1vms mymelf you can tsncy tbe e ot relIef 1 heaved vhen ont tes. ýfflui trimate vs>." EtnUp by pMeequitees conaelgbty yes.m 0'& OX«dfront ber boue ln the Weill, ok city, vas foun lui tu mllemvay hait buried *uIaJ almSct eateti liv. B ;e0Gd hLemIe Mo a poa ?vaiui fut abo fumte bp trulc No mu mua mb. te u burduem nvIie ags board Ms b o, Le dra. ordaniu> Xmeun kelteês stabu cb i.w 1 ýbtft8z suit la iseu Ob* -O oR. neee 'Càrrýd Voù Id" OO Par forý captivat ,gAutmn- SORtS e -h» te wOM pvWsn «i% e mont seuil> ived in thie greatteal Ibah ate tleo Ma=eteorpuffl rvsqurement.. Fer semI., style, u-dw iývi w. hsv ne h.sitltam uiljdmthrt a»eynover seen wb:CSuOMf CIite eual t. Ma.uve taap lrsa muid 051hateu'iM hei hstriobomuYe.u..ame 1g te t.cmé,In, anmud ubshor Yeu wlmh ta bey or net. Io suifte theiMelVeswtli ssent uieoumy Arruments requ4,ed ta InduiS >Yeu ta ILegCe the. ewner of mowe ef théor. Rte ui M isses'Ail WoeI DouIbl remtod remdclth Sute, oesits27 eaimdsew rprince cdmp eml.fldmodoe, bel> tiol MWdsp toi. 1e qualit> Satin liniii. .W, bha"thom ble.breiuid wliecolore We gP"bWmr utmwmy se.ftte. Extra fuit pleted shirt wlth fods,, Aftin wli nkm te ha daplicmtad th". #114111. For the teil S uni ...................................&s'tU u WO* BuifiLadies'and Misse siemo m p Il U ide 0 lMdpanmaterlals. Tho. pricen. tèuui lsi NP$dmIIleur lit order ta enable *Vary ont te hmve N ti suit. For theii. "iongouly .............6*98 WB are mmkieig a weuiderfal shcwinq elet rt teliorad mlalt $ 14.M0. t le wlth greet satlefton w. $14 M Inlute îi!àte inspect thla Collection. The> are the Marw 4yle, l tatord sitsWb have ever showu et th.se:rces. Ti". ar e fshlonsd of fine bremdtt4h, hrrlngbons piieviots, mxtures muid n«We ripe iftectel a adeos w nbak ae li esmi Prince Chap aun$ tlght.*Uttng cot, eimbormtsy bralded or plmin tmllored muid lui varios a ngute. Skicrte are lui thee new ful ide.plated modaeal wltli foi"e et theii ..............t.t..... 4 50 1 Tb* pride et Our stoffs la amprtmohgef050 at.Orowu "aililh Walklnq sutse 0 Fine roadcloth, blue, browui, railmuid bleck. Thue coit la besutlfail> tmloredd uhe self straps dowui tho front auid bock. lage gthered misevegored shirt anid deep foot plmts frmm hupdoun, self fold. E For thte fait opeuinly ...oui .............................. i.17.50ý Srurt Prince Cliap uite 0f Pretty Striped Scotch Mixue, nmdv-lvt colrad«f4jktt e ih« Ietqaiysatin. 17 0 Tesrtb bo Lat ais res., lmd Kve8st wu llmndsome DOMMefor Prtift orir t«Wsmp 90111mmtg a Wup lu ne umil. Wie, browui, ligl id ue. Champagne, «rem MW midther colore.Large jumper smeevés ad m i ,0yoth. For the fmeu openlieg iae .................................$ £xtremeiy Proty Dresse.for Ladite' amd M Nl, mode op iln mil wool Nu'a Veiliuig uid lleuiriatU Caesuire-0dreuswlilthe ii.Cay mde mppemarmnce, morsenouithe eider of OU oile by msu suuriauidWIntelligent drsmslnktr. Thase ha"deombdraees lamluisaIaInablecolore anid Were purchaed by us te r*Uet M 0.0, bt te a, t the fait openlng the strouigeet we hmv.smer 0hmdtin Ae Place them on mla for the wssh et............... ......... 0v Hndéome 811k Druesa, made up ilui lins .fnhed g.mau.e'<ail taffets .111, beautiful sbadt uid n«~e ahwi lui such vrlety of tyles. Worth, 017.M0 but for thi e i ek onl .............................l 5 Ladlamide s B UsmItiaWhit Net Drims, wth Whitelt. mw. * skirt. Wlet handsomeily tellored 'etli lac muid modaillouis.Worthi *10.00, apeclal for the opeuilng week et ........................ ............ ScheI Dressesfer e.Llle NMa Chiidrcn's Dresees, mod up lni beautîful plies mud li à gret vrlety of stylas, for the. fait openlutg onîy ....... ... ............. Grls muid Chldran's S@U, Suite, ite, UP ta le, lI a varlet> Of matriale, ~ferthietell openig Ouly......... ................. iMandeome 06.00Dresa.., li il wool Cheviotanmud pîmlie. b$Vt :letflyole am uJtmper affecte, sijus Up te le, id.selifor tii fell Opening ouily et ....... I........... ... .....3*596 -t"v u<e..h m de IL~'* s <w 1( WAUKEGAN E ARE truly proud of the magniffcent Uines we'are able to offer for- our FaIl 0O1p cine-we find, has i s decided advantaes which we arc now able toof concessions which we have beeni able ýto secure have beený truly wonderful.W very lowist prices. It aflords us the greatest pliasure to be able at this tihe tx will offer pleasing surprises iii ail sections. To adequiately describe the infinite paint in words the myriad beauties wrougt in golden brown, red and greeno At~nn 5mdWier CoUIS NmTW f««. have v e& les MmE(Atsum a sv Ceue i wlhvk w. were»ustheeughyathied.Ti t re.w uate'<las e scieutowÎbïbeiatia 1.-w f 2.- laesl rnph i LADIES' COAT, 5U INCI£$S LONG, SMADE 0F FANCY PLAID CLOAICINQ lui -tonmuid broeu mIxtures, trimme ovr s hoildrs MWd reuuid fouIt i eeular yske eNeet. YOIlsoufeamud pechete pipeaIw* velvet. -C*ule lnild vwlhvelvet and trlmmsd wfth fade> bretl. Umbrellm bookc. gxtra W O apoemifor Our fail opeuilngaet ............. * LADIES' ALI..wooI. SLACKKiCEtsEY TiONT FiTTiNO COAT 52 laclues long, trictly mmn tellored, a vary heudn-0c a ttl gegrmenit vworth 5., 9.98M alem&#for sur fail ,peng set ............. LADIES' HANDSOMELY SILK -FINISI4ED UROAI). CLOTH COATS cutiroly llned with heavy atin, à $25»00 grmvent, speclal for1 . 0 Our fai Ogsning et .................. ............ LADIES' COAT, 96 INCHES LONG, MADE 0F FINE PER. SIANNA PLUSH Front, bock, eroand botto n ud collAr, trlmmé&d wlth two roui of mlk breid auid lulpid with veivet. Collerla ed trlmmed wlth tncy ellik b.1md. Pony bock. Lînal throusheat witii mllk. Spocîi for tihe falI openig . LADIES' COAT SMADE 0F 009D) QUALITY .8R0AD> kLOTH IN BLACK ONLY el Trlmmed suer eltoulders muid down. front -uid back muid &round cufs wlth si1k brmid. Coller Iliuid wltIu volvet. Wide strsp meam dowui conter 'of bmclc. Llned 7 9 throqghout wlth satin. Specîil for feui opsning.....7 9 'Ài or tOc ifntst Bomes. At 2ke Beautifli dollar Bo iuetm at Fine flli .1.e dollar Nigbt- gowuis a' 53c Ail Our 25e Vailigs go At 19C LADIESV TIGNT FITTINO COAT, 52 INCItES LONG. Mod.e ofgo" qullty broedcloth In blmck. vlpsotcoller. Llid throaghout wlti stin. apelfrfmil opening.................. LADIES' COAT, 25 INCH£$S LONG,ý MADE 0F RUSSIAN PONY PLUSU Entire germent handamm.y trlmuiid wlth wood fibre silk brai dollar eud suifs lnflmd w»tIvelvsanud trimmed wltii fmuiy t*, Pony bock. Llied througheut wlth samtini mud facsd wlth sllk brmld. Speciai for lu opeuilug..................... LADIES' COAT, 50 INCItES LONG, MADE OF 0000 QUALITY KERSEY IN BLACK( ONLY Trimmed ovar shouldeseamud &round sleevee wlth pull. braid sote.va muoltlmed vitiandpll brlapsmuid outsh. vouvtchandolr, e uid pull at lapn id vte' Yok. liuied wltlu Veietien. $p"ciel for full openlng. LADIES' COAT, 52 INCHE LENOTH, MtADE 0F FINE LiON? WEIGHT KERSEY IN.ULACK, BLUE, DROWN AND DARIO RED Strap trlmmed ovor shoulder, plped wltli satin muid trlmmad vi silk ornements. Volvet cont coller. Front auid back of gemei trlmmed wlth self trapplnu, tellor etltchod. New thaped e" plped wlth satin muid trimmil Ite maill .1k oruimmenta. linverted pleats an sides. Llned throughout with satin. Specil for feul opuilng .... Autumn Waist Display Ne preetier pr mers ceuspiete sud seasilhle sh.wlag et shirt walsli b. cesceheA. The susepimeut lu se brie ..d varhd ihai le muai b. us. appveclai05 Ils vsrlu<y whlêh la eue ef lis chiot char.., maba descripel but a few staple umuber. a hepeless cadi. W&Ialn Whlihte, black or plaide lui &H colore, buttoui front or backp long or short elcevas, ail aimées, aise amfine line cf black steeu igms, $2.00 values, epecîi for tic Imlopenlng -t........ Aleo a fine lin. of net walots wite te new kîionaeteisvo; &laco bull> ruffie net walats lui crsm anc ilhte lined witi siffc . Aogufàr 07.50 values for tih. fai open!nqsamie t $5....... ,00 Waises, black, wite muid blue, brillimnl or nuns.veiling, mode with tucked yoks ' bock, alse pure linon wlts, tucked bock front, linon coller, mîso good linon shIrt eM Ail thèse valse button bock or front mW <i long or short seove. aguier *¾ 03W0 values, for the full openliq at. Fluif> ruffio. net vmleta, lui crem man trlmmod wlth cnlaIc* muid lned wv U, alllc. Reculer 4&00 velue for the fail opeuilng sale At..... $ .ioue7 deerve specîml crdit for th* magnficeut lime of walostew.have1,! "Ordfor th* poil openlng teoeilu et u.M 'It lea mpositive fmct that avery>V 5 ,"mbsr li the lot vms mmde te saliet net leuethon 07.5a. 1AS USUA,.WR, ARE SI!IOWIN0, ABOUT TEN TIMES "IIEASSOnT. MENT o0F :A«. THEN t aoR. ing asmortment o f Wais we offer at....... Iiu Wlbom sto eh=&dlo gooàdse fime White Petuicofas W. are offe'4szg ahdu e&*varistyid fâne, WiePettioate se the. specil priceof ................... 8 Ail 81.00 Qormtsa t. ..... .....79C 50c Coreétavit b two pmirsaie igarterm aittehod ..............29 le