14, IS Tyrone Power Says Atmr Thlfk Toc Mucli of Audibnea WRONG TO PLAY FQIM EFFECT t4aturaless uShauld Nat 84 Neuleted la Ordr That à Faine end Untrue Effet Cam B Produ csd to Impeus. j 8,eUttor-.'Tsrritl* Unre«L" . ly TYRON'E PQWMR * la the treatment of pays aumag ta be a transcrtpt of actual Its I y iegus lrnost Impeinttve thit the a~toablould discard ail hie previons knlilIeUcf wht le fasely termed "t«chnique.' Tht la to aay. h muet b. ssongh oran artist to "act wlth- sut ectlng;" ln other worda. to lyse the ebaracter. to banlah from bism *11 attampt nt malng as -affect-" zAimmt SEngllab mPekýD« Éadora whO arn reared »oIsly in tii. outward forme cf drama thii method. If one may Bo mil it, of ap.aklug from the lualde bu almf uaknovln, and for the. proper aefteventatkmn of snch masters te Oe. derman. EHeyse, Haniptmn, aDd. abow ait , Ilu e mvsuect look te tb* torelgn stagie. It le pot that vs IMI& tsmjerament. but knovriedge. We Ma alwsays thinking of our andences. tWi la our fatal error. Let the actor 9&&n only of hi. pay and the bearing his part bas upon the whole and ]et the audience look atter Itseif. t viiibs better for the ltutrpreter to au"qs that tee idune audience. Wbat we cail "bringlng the curtaun dÔwn vlith an effecV 15 lartl aivaja forceti and untrue. It bas the duIl ring cf "as.coin, but teliinthe nln and lnjudlclous lt appeajus an efsct. and v. find ln ail the drames of the. Ibsen school that the curtain falla upon what-In the. Mind& of thio* reared solely la the tbsatricalim cf the drama-in mont Ineffective. but la reallty i muet treinendous snd &p- peallit We mmnd on our stage that a few moments bel ors the. end of an irt the. action of tihe piay becomnS bur- riihedi actors appear to gabble thair liz ns.sd to apeak vltb loudsr vol- umne, there la a bnibbub of sound. geai- .rs.Iy acmopsuladb7 violent oemb.. huladn.. A"dailoù&in lufor vbati To tm tbsenuis., asIt veste brlag the curtaln dovu .vith a hpfl an tu exctesthe . uthum a~ ta dap bis banda vigcroiwly at a&uMd% tbinly dlsgulud place of clptiqP. But in tthe dramas d'et dae m t sncb mbJecta as vs viwi my, d b- @en achool dosi dii.mtbod cf ta~u in& a cmrtsLln dcvi la artlUtc crudli. ton. Therela nw excuisfor IL ted the. plau play ltasf; ilot tb drama un- wind Its colis àas Ue t lsai; it-ths.' be Do. stlving for affect, for points, ft« endilug of acta. The end of an m&t la merely an episode. It la d'e breatb- lut spot cf tbe drame for td'e smtal repose of the. suditor. Let un I frost feel tliat the. drame (thougli the cur- tain has fllen) vUti continues and viii continue, thougb theIi. ltn art out and the tbeatar .mptld. W. are not il childien, to las pleass i vidaà baby rtte-or a rosi aterfali. Another great error In ou exposi- tion f modem dram a itheisterrible unrest that apparently posasse. every ont on tAe tage. t le bpossble fer 0"acter to remain laetailong lIncas chRir te tell thé ainry, and tii. ladites of unis m szeaoy us by stern.lily tvlsllng upvazd anddovwuvard i -ecwa4 iiU= rvitOu .Zldf e Stnetath=i ,.i uela sbouan c ýtk Modpem &«»drma er. uphowuae -'Wu lt cks-vlth theua.shrpsd up. a». faut-for fait it l-*rissfrm y ~ ~ ~ o *t b a f'haepln the acto et f lntagestlngthe audiene. unio the Impreeson thatI gusdbabave curssivéeasans. 1 l * dliatsa m. *4idatPtlý0M 4that d'erg la endm ms m 3n 1w lure d'an Wheelisa gsemê Us in i.a ult 'ââm$ bm C Osigecusvaiïïtry thoi ahm nee*pe"là l vueblig m s ' Pf&0 PI els ué, f j'- Nesi Salisf sellas j, w- out of "q ~buy(qla net always the n~estitafectory -4t m"essxtra car lamea and ogjAf. ýqw-bsng pRs!Uy dusfplLatd la aàsh~t Ume wtli eur perchant&.* Illhe orsft Wmt "wsd Ost9" dspm . trWa plneet Wauksgae adi vwnllty. F71W 8"10e la a, atm eftrictly w5ys -mail Y"the bS< values@eneUthé market and lin- sWl4ime 5y,"Xur ful omlWs' wwmrt e very penny you qwuiilaun Vory purchasaw.- gamimtoo y-OM stlfsUe meaay chssuftlly um"sd Ou nett:--A sqws dent te al: ont prices ta e»" customeis end that the i. lw At Grand Dlspla~y of Moot1 rie es awn fmwAI& tetive fdue sqwgw Note euh- brssu md eaY s*Nef 'el.. - -pupis. Trionueeiwtt tIi.w toms Th« lac"kW.0a4 Immuftant ttis aMs gisater ntawlsq551@ -A e.sIO t, vWli arçp ed Mao voniseoked moulin on OAs gpqmd Içiar lualeot- ed ta lace OWUrt an sd t& peg4toklip wee" mto ho fouad the inet peares Md mout a£wemllng demignu la lace 4t*> b est *çI#p 4w 'n tapestry orui: us a a" SoaThe Tas tmurigoude Am e t aum "Aruiosu", basa-thsatandard 0f 1 tapeetry goode. WIitt -tractive vals. tkh oeu-lo monita 7oai attention. 1Lepé cafrdanprioms h 29c1.$I ~~:toaks a~ 111111040 At dllh&sm te thse trading facilitles aerisi ycai1 W ~~ mom » àe uaies ore Ilgasetraio I.e m..... la,r4 w liSmielai iSla.éht tlagepsSrvISMPtiDepyts7 Ili q .uFW, maie.s*çfa.IontIPr"- thse salelle lest-Thun WB km atuir' e g e Ot te e1m a r4 0se l ~ s i a a u oe'tNag h pel a 4#4 nom