îJ~ à iv tu6lUne of Or-m'd Set rmdl for tii Prqp. GRAYSLA5IE, ILL. SPECIAL ATTINTIOW To out of Town Orders And ahipplng Trada - Md Co Ubertivlle uideR H OTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIEO WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWNS ------------ - s.CS5o~isse; ý7,IEE US ABOUT -Gang end -SuIkQ .Plows Con, luVesteu's Enilage Cutters Corn 'h makers Gmol.oe Enes Diggers AYSLKE I Orders Taken for J ob Work Ladies' ome, Journal Pattenm, 10 and 15e AT RIEGINALO B. GOOFRIY'8 Lyman Atweil, oai Ouna, pent mv"rlday. wtb i. paenata swesk luturulug ta thi. ety I*iuita. Normm C. 000mbe who la employedl st th. e e, RtueSk Co., apet Bsn sy wth le parente at tbeir suimurbome ou Ofages Lake. The Lake Vouty Talaphanq.etral wru mved this waek tu tbiapper morne of the bsuk bulldier. lilas BelleBall wmli hava the manageument of the ane sud wmlilbciesel dby liâs . Nelle Remînaton. Mr. sud lir. Lyman Lewme called on fredes d relativelu nGrayolake everal daye recently. - Howard Higley sud wife returuned ta Ciiothe t o the week aiter mp nduseveral days mith the formerasi parente, lir. and Mmr. E. J. Bigley. F. B. Jabne, ai Chicago, @peut Satur- day and Bnn'y wltbhbis cousin, Wn. Jahusa fthis place.d Mmr. Janes May vsitedl relative@sat Racieeller Fridal lait. lir. and lir. Loule Rlecklioff wil oon move ta Uibertyvllle i the near future. Mr. Rieckboff is section liooo o,the t. f Pan] rallrosid and thla, move wil makte it mare couveniet for hlm. lilas Pearl Kappla apent Sunday witb friande at Libertyvilla. lim. John Devin@, utof Cicago, spent guuday with ber mother, lir. Flary. lim. Paul Toby leaependlug ceverail1 weekî wiCl ler sou. John Ludîuat 'Juuction City, Win. lilas Emma Somneriter, oai Koîze, mai a gueit of lier aunt, lir. Wiukle lait Friday sud atnrday. Win. sage spent Sunday at Chcago. Mir. sud lire. Mi A. Wagner rt liouday for a tir mlsviita teveu's Point. eksvita1 Poe aHanien only 5son of lr. sud lir. Nicholai Hanien dled very euddenly at hla homa near Fourtli Lake lait Frlday aiteruoou. Hie death mas ery euddhaê sud phulciaus mare uuagie tu lacate th exact canses. Poewai een hlinl tomS Wde.day bliie hi reudi ia were greatly shoeked snd grieved ta isar of hie eudden destiiBeR.uma myWs Mau acly tm.uty.four years 1Ot ag sober, industrlou, iipht sud raaects by ail who lueir hlm. Re ehvies a mlle sud little girl hu eaare oid, ils =e ta and twi"»le ansd ea hait ai asta mours hie dat. Thi e oi wmi eld Bunday altersoon at lie M. E. ehurch. Burlalà et Cie (Iraysaka eemetsry. The servces emesably'con- ducted by 1ev. Washml. lira. Pst Sullivan sud daugbtar Verse. qaut Buudsy et Llbprtyville. Pat Bulivsla ba eu reinstâted a» setion bootet Graylake division oi tbsat. Paul railroad. Cmu lyla Bruoe apet Frdsy sud Bastrey wlth Iriends lu Clicaga. Min Mary Deithoan d lier éslalsr, Chrstna @peut uuday t figau li Re mstnsd datlrar uinlg.itoti. pi rome t i &nom MIme Hall wiCli the telephone. lira. Witliam. ai Waukeas, vsited ber daugliter frain Baturds, until Tueoday. lire. Henry Krusemark rs±uruiad irou Chicaga leit Friday sitar a e.k'i vlat witl fi ndsansd relatives. WilllaWitham irlia baibeau .peadisà eeveral welmwth i senter, lire. Wagner returued tu bie home at Wa*k.. gas Tuesday. Dr. E. A. Cran. apet Buadey lu Chcago. Atty. Foley mai a Chicago vsiter Bunday. lir. ,aud lire. Rd Larklu, af Long LaIe, trsnie.ted budmesbers liouday. Mr. sud lire. Wm. Wilson sud daugliter May ai Zouda, Wla,, calisiou relatives ur. e z y. Athur Uttt, of Ivanhoe, Cillac relatives bore loade. %mgntThuteds of lait waek Ïtb-Mze Artimr Mule. lasnNm Thurvoil la et pro=st sésy- lahiWauka.e.u À. J. A4=1 adfasuiaimtao bor'aet I re Wha OI tMue lly ho lie utets, ILL Pb ýeMENT RaOt"s On Appllcauo Mud Kmu[en m *wis, of blaigo, sud Claireümaissdi Llb.rtyvlla. Cari lîlerWou aWaukege.n vlator i&.Ir. lTaeu hm la caed ber hotlI atCiau~ ~ d las moved back ta m2er bo.si ake. Gai> 1be Wft Baturday toi su eteded v litbs Miter,lire. Budge W.. ant, W mvedtirolaui a furltua ai s Id guaof lire. bur boma b~éUlelia retedfor the Loula GarwooIl. of Waukegan, @pont Bunday mitClie ispaents. Leonard Doolttie, of Watikegan, spet gunday mtb ils parents. Dr. John Turlel tak iug a week's va- 0 tiouror to tls oiiiimnenemet ai the1 Miss fIrene O'Bies. of Chicago, wlio wai aiuceesaOieit inuithe Grays- lake hîgi ichool lait vear, eitered ber 4tb year work st the Chîicago Ilnirpre.ity lait Tneiday. lire. Zaule spet Sîda with ber daglfe. re. rCars nis. ut Lîberty- ville. e~. and lirc.Wllis MacaMillan sud tauiily mIl leasva Cils eek for Wichita, Kau.,where they exîî" t to make thefir futurs homus. rayla. regrets ta, loi. no many of thelr good fi, ilies. Henry Kueliher vleît,.d attIaukegau Sunday.' Dr. blfiac as aClii.agi islür lion. day. Oeal. Adam@ sud w m i..ited ut Chian- nel Lake lionday. Aiuouoethe Cbluago visitor# Tuesday wmT: Wiu. PeterChans Wigltmau, Dr. Palmer, F. D. âîtr*shal,and Milas Bidier. h2Ile Galahev, eet East Fox Lake, waa a caller isre'Tuendey. lir@. J. R. 0 rau. and Mi" iAnnaGra- hau, ai Long I.ake, mere in (irayoeal T-dy. Paul Falhrilk. d Antiach. called ou frlends boes the firet of te week. lirs. Dr. Clark sd daugliter. Alethia, mma on the 6l Bt. LItttie arly ii sufferng iromn attaIaitpbl tr. Tba Avon G;euetry Society mIlm with lire Frank Harden at AndfoDr dîmner Thursday, Oct. 10. Vlators welame. RL W. Churvhill wai a McHenry caller Wedneeday. MIse Nellie (Iriswoul and lils Croker, of Lîbertyville. îalled on ilnde bereJ Wedneday..1 Mime Florence imrue. vlmtad Irlande lu Chcago the fi rot of the wesk. Dr. Crane wao in Chcago Thursday ou bueinem.. R. B. Godfrtey wasin hiChcago où busiae Wedueday. John Brewver spent Buuday wlth friende iu Libertyrille. Jim Brown froin Liaertyvîlle,. calledi on bisi brother, Ed, ber Wedneedy lait. lil@s Katie Roiejgspet lait Thursday lu Chicago. Jo. Ananu tePPut a couple of days wîtli triendo in Chiago. Mie. Frances Roslng ba@ gone to Gloiben, lujd.. to spend the. wiuter with tsr sister. M r-s. Henry Thiae. Chai. lias<n audMartiThelen speut unuda.v evening and liomday lu Chicago. Samn Tarrant and Fred Drakemn spent Suuday in our vclnty. Miu i Ale@ Renelau spent Sunday wltli ber parents. Chris Delsler spent àunday lu Chicago. Lyna Murrie speut Buday w tli hl$ parente at rayslake. lirm. . B. Roeîug sud danghter EBvallue visited relatIve. la Freinant anu Ivmthoe Weduesday lait. lia. Jin Broaad astlurl, of 4iertyvllî., are i0 d as s oirdaye irti ber sieter, Mi,. Gsy NOol. miZa isql "a is, in l Jahn Oaa let a teir d&" aMo forea souChle trip travelllig or a icagi Ou ssa le coverlg us. hie iroka lhab sud le Dn om ale t shot om MilnsNeulle Willlaâauhistma.Frank lins Urne.Rusas epen Mmody ni I. Gîh*is arepafla tnant houme. for A. e, Couile. " bU4. ! AI t*tisae 00T. ~10 Alil the tar'mev are bnsy cuttlug corn and digglug potatae.. Win. Bell sud tamily, oi Chlcago, vlsiel ovor Bunda a t Mr. Waddell'a. . J. imane, af Fox Lake, called on old friande hors lait week.' Mmi. R.elly sud i)nllle Peuder av. spasdlag a loir day. et Rlcbmond MimeseIl Dtm.yerlntende spasdlm the. witer lu Waukegau. Oa». artlett il a hvlug hlmstore and reeldençe palnted. Tho«.trag i dolug the. work. a day lI»t vaek lu tbe village. MIke Lui la où the i l; lut. Gens MeCan asud Wma. Murray taok la the. show at Ochwarts Theatre Bundày aenuug. Wm. Feudick and Gordon, af W*ukq. gan, *peut li«t Thursday ln Wadmwrtl. Lyon Wooiley aud fanuly, ai Mflenry, vlalted Ot Mr. Mtr.hler's lant week. Mi i..Ale Lux entertalidlim Vnson iiud ean Walter, from Chicago, Buuday. The show given ber. luit Thursday nlght wae largely attendad. The animaIs dolng saine fine perforuing. The coon was an exception it walked the roansd ths. bear alto don. very well llrnbiug a telegraph pale. If you wag't there 7011 certaînly mlaeed It. H. WiDter loeinl the brick yard@ tlieme day.. 1E GRNGE ALL Mir. and Mm. Champeny @pent Snnday wth the latter'. sieter, Mr». Worth near Wadswortli. A number tram liere atteuded the funeral of Pete Hs.uson at (Irayalake Suuday. Ernest Barnstable le on a tmo week's trip througli the weat., lir. aud lim. l)uulap spent Montiby lu Waukegan. lire. Sta:fford, ai Waukegan, &pet Thursday with her daugliteir,lia Feuer. VOLO. Paul Avery, af Chlcago. mai the gueet ai hie mather St the itabt. Paddock farta Bunday.r Mime Elaie ilmith @peut Tiureday niglit miti riende at Round Lake. blilasAuna Compton la speudlug a few me. st Oraylake. Meurs. Fuller auj Turnbuli. of Wau. couda., mers Vole callsrb lait Buaday morang. ~M.and lira.Mat teiea, 0f Johusburg, @peut Buuday mlth ralativeesiVola. liasGeargla Kspple, of (Iryslake, ,wai the guset aif ieud near Vola Buu. day. lm ir.Rchard Comptan la vlaltlug lier daugiter, liMm.Jeunle Comenia, st hRouûd LI.a liieme Monde sud EMaie slatau mre Graylakeenielas Tiureday tfteruoon. xo Mie raoe olg ba s a tGo. ebh». lad, sud wmIlma. e r ble .wlth bar mltitlie. Halry Tili, thlslnter. MImeBuon" Erapebaâh la ujaylug a few waek' vacation fhum bert idesa hooieheepe for Mev. Jus. lkmp. ; . lire. Jeol tadlfield ud lias Ausa liller @pont liouday lu Lîbertyvilb.1 Ur. sud lire. Lewis Lualm.d sns, sud llasCatherie LomeilioaiWest Fr*, mont. $peut Bunday iVola. Mr. an('lirs. Frank- Zuladari have moyad their liousehold toods trou Lom- liard, fil., sud are uow living atthCe NeIebli'haine. They mill maie ta Ne- Hanry lu the near future. Thorem lIlie nopreachilg lu the. Volo M. E. cburcb nez% Bunday atarnoon. Ou the o oiionnudsy, Oct. lath mûr- vices flllbe bel at theaiualour. WOON ÈMoe lire. E. Hook vlated *,th ber mothe;, lira. Datlsai k uru.. a iew dayw tthe pont meel. Born, toMli nud lira. EmUlChblaueou lionday, Sept. 28, a girl. lirm M. OBlelusu le vlatlug wth lier dangliter, lire. Waters ln Chilcgo. Mir. sud lire. H. Garney, of Russell, vialted Sunde.y wltb lMr. and lira. B. Guy Huutlngtau. uhobolai been employed at B. Mito's dnriug tha aummer bas returned ta biselhoma lu FraukSBnitb, aI Chicaga, la $pouding his vacation at tbe home of hie unother. Among tlie Chao visitar@ th pust waek wer.: Rd Paluier. Mra. J. Martin lire. T. licCaun, idre. M. Builae.u lire. W. Hunker. Martin Borensen aud Jo. Rliymeî spont Buuday at Grais Lake. Chai. Wolf la etrtainlug his &inter and clilîdren of Chicago. Clil.,Christlauan liai bought Hugh 'Brogaus tfari neuai Beau Bill. oUSEL Rn.pa.à"Awrtl he Ti.Uni- Verdg«0wMme in COiQo wid oukes it r e. gt trepaim.Everg UnivemoniStovul a r.utéd to be fie beatof .Me... -CeIAM.&Mee. . LBM'5.IER DANCE At, ROUND LAkIE Ôct 5,1907 AT AMANN'S HALL Music by Haphe8 Orchstra DqgM eChecke<lFm Re hag Tk"etsSwaysfive Cents ice Creaa aMd CAbake9Se-v Cone sd 'Ha*aà GSd Th=n AMANIM BROS.. Propo. Rouod Lake. I&. Iff4R C. MM RUSSELL. ILLINOIS -u=0F PotgoAd china K 0gS Baire d Plymouth1 R0ck Ch Ickens YugStock Fo Sale HIENRY C. AMS RU8SELL, I.LINOIS FARM RI3PAIREÜ, Ilwlth ý Thoroùghtîes ANb Dlspatch W. &a rerpared ta m.mu . euet bron theeau imt ag patent - piGaud muet b. asMt* doua ly tia*pr" ' aa0, give sw w 1 Oppst» e . pauti. ýGrou*kt eJ Have 701 any 'i to seud a lW would appreot patronag-"a ThurMday moiu Lumber, Shd Poats, Ce"n AU wrlia er. not at ciiuroiiBuuday ime MlLLWO«% - mlsedspent treat. Lv. Hall eaa mt@rWauat B. A. PRe.. . PIllas GIVE PME A tRIALI bai se.vred lbis services mti CIe ohurh. Mr. sud MmIa ibàrd Tuil, ai lois4 sà» vlltlug bem moibsi, or&"n, I.a Se'H Mir. and Mms John Danser aeutvi sSday at MarrIes. lii .M. Banner sud lies, . C.- Coule mwer. luaVsukfgan Wéaodaey Tmb caill g doa«.i u bit e. 0LM. eo v=io mh udthe uhoréuq te wa bmek lierd&sam, thayaiea ilios KMjo bahoinvTm po4wly. 1 bave. >9 psnsd a flW AR- Everv ome ma ulsd1 bu oflIe ) NM SROP ia the ITWILERt MMbQonaiU 0*.-Tii. ayl@eV .BUILDtlG, and mil l e pleaie eYMPatby o te oMUmslt. willb. ettCMy aid oustomeri here.. F Tba rIan. i! W. ~ AID-MADE HARNEISSE suad u hie~ .ms,~ ju~p-ING A 8I>ECIALTY. Lt* af cebbqs bu io iMppid *9 P aHUSR 40,bw das, WINmtI3qR L4ANI<T Lare Assotment Jusi open"d Up - WOOL BLNKff STABLE BLAP4KETS SOMBLANKUTS Wl!!> RAV4COVERS RUBD!MSORM YIRONTS l'OR BUGGIES "CHAS. Hl. KAISER -------------- ------------- ------------ LOU le J, -T, HE PfAffll --------------- s 1 Il ý 'la , 1 q