i musant .1 aoabh - - nvkh~ Mm ltS 5 E Kediar viaited 4 v - wIoein~sabou, lia. R.mtih, MmLr. .C. Richards and daugbter, v ers a LibertyvîIlle nliera lt.Anna Lockbead, of Chîcgo, ' thvibber inother Saturd&Y aj Nias Su@ Msou viited witb ber sister a% Downer's Gro ve Wedneday. 1 Mrà. Chas. Trenuer and Miss JenDie kqedler were Chicago vis4ito)rs on Wed- J. i. Masos Who bas bees viitinu for *opl f eek*.;la lie oa st ftreied bonislst stu rday. Garsure Fik, of Libertyvie, c7alled on bis lter, M . Chas. Trenner dunday. Isr. M. W. Kuedier calltd on lier iiousium. Mr. and Mrm C. C. Fehr, of Derleld, Moaday. * lra. Annas Masos lis.. [".u vis-itiug, bar brother, Frank Tniiojy &nd failiy fo. s eouple of dejs. M iisséesVille Mitchell and Ethel Knedler vers lgiland Park visitura Thuraday. »i. snd lia.m. F7 sutertained cois- Remy from i Ubertyvilla Tbfrday. lira. M. W. KWsdlrentertained Mr&. ým.choa, lir. Gulra d lMra.B. 0. "". aetofllabiand Par k; and lira. d BttUntbbSla' 0f MiuasotaTuesday. li tUI.etI; oa s "a fore eidet os uoéaellw liUa. Rtuenthair vas qls. eetalOsI b liré. D. Rittenthaler anI .ail.. 5. nur. *u HattUe stancifl la viiting with be uniA d&lita alioins, of h""ag, IW &coupesef vembe. Mm . D Rtsatb&r and Ni"e. Rd M tbtar. of tmnst. vlited with twkdfft»lre, &v.M. RiltAialàer, of D ondImk, Tosédg. * l RarUd*'mother Who bas liNS «g br bée rmeauad ta ber hofthir *kbkua tiss ut a b. ialsting C;40 ýmlm. - Sverai péopis à caluails atch doV oad ,y lMr. ~e mgrmsrimdsy dfaapfeared ae. 2hmmarasn ta bo a dearth of nesin o« rteg bis ern &E'T. Tlr awu . 0014E109dlu,01 = esa tze.aa pndn be wvs. Rd ulaiad Clydearils bavaie tusdfrom tali veteratrip sud re. porta adue ime. su liasd' laa n Osîmmeis laes BIsry SOeFM« sud John tuox spot tauudy litM. smg Mnà.. oha gZilumn ai Léstroe., las . J.!Hasris returmu, bte er bo -a lihiauhua tbaOrtofihevsk,li&,lutr pntaufli au vtb "d.g lra. wbsa h. Olhaurmb sissibytbeps lfr. sud Mmr. t L. Harrion are Pla ans gon maing tuthe itydisthe 11-ts0 the vsek. mi. sud lirsa . E. Malman v er. Chi cage viitera Tuaia. . ,Qut.a paris ofoui nasonic i riend atsadd ai ualtion"al liceeryThuri Jas.Mopsian va# ie ously bt lyalsroc eesll-a fev vssâge,1 r»ay ur rove.4bilt sat i Wunable t do Nus vork We ifrmai îhbi C. A. Goldng bu utat typowr5iygantiug fa tbe t o.. ber ai >w di toi il -rda Tb-, Ladis' id &Soc isl.yvimet viti Mira. Latirrop,'Weduesday. Ot.P1, aitwo Uri. aud re. Roi. M olixtf lMite.- el, Iova, are guesteira.J. icride. àMseZta Namcy entetaiiied berasister frais fogera Park Sonday. .r?. Taft, of Chicaga, was lit town Monday. Otto and Lovdall King, uf Wia,-oisin, @pet Bsnday wth parents bers. lira. Sharan n d daughter, Florence, have ieturnad f ront the city. S. Blackler and foiily. of Lake Forest, ara spending cornerimte bers risiting rel- M41es Lottie MIl-Bride ie fhone frutt li- catgo fieighue, where âhe las bWe teuch- wg the fiant montb. Mira. Litc.hfi..li eytrtiijuii'd friendsfrois the it.v Surrrly. Ufr. Saadborn-snd son, 'ui. of Clhi- cupga, sPeut 8Suuday Ibt their bJOUte lier@. lir@. Hery Kablank, who bée bren seriauiyill. ie aomewhat impioved. Unr. L. Specht bas retuined alter a veek's viit vith relative@ in the cty. .Mie'. Maud Wheeler snd J. Frud *1o Libertyville, ver. smen in tova n da-YO. lem Warren, of Fighwood, inas borne over Saturdoy and Mundas. Bernard BvSivaaswonobliged tu reiga ai the meat-maiket, for a short tinie, aving t0 as attack cf lumbago. lira. Henry lKuhlak's mother vas cailed frais the ciljy ta tay during tiie formr'a Iii ass. Poilmaster Wiii Knlgue lbt Tuesday for Dakota viiere lie bas takes up land aorne tinie 5gb. Tii. achool board met aitihe sclifol boume Tbaodiv evenlsg for theIiinterest sud inprocemant of the achoel rouams. Mise Zoo Locheansd friand Nils.Ander- aon, havaehae sata tiat th;e olcomb bomne Md other friands bers recenîly. T'he tii. and cmuent faclory hms basa lcw frdtor deys a isbllspart of thé mkisery la heiag i.psred. lit. sa",liMa GrAves, of DoamI O0esveore tii. galetsoUf. P. eMsjYr I, ad "#ilY 8odai'. I ra.m ]d Blebl@peut Mondayv ith I rulati*u ns lu agn.1 aftermoan vib lir a. H Flovei. MIs . Rsiis la aticnding a conven- tion la Harrisburg, P&. 0M Ise hl Bitadt apeut several day. thia vask la Hlghlaud Park, the gussi o!1lira.T. R. Wyles.* lira John Noudgre, Who bas epent the poëi fourMuthe vith ber parente lu avadea rturned bomea aturdeb. lira.Adams and Miss Lai@ spet ast vaek wtb Mr@. Klnrbark linItavens- wood. 'F. Biiratov & Co., of Waukegaa. are arîcting a de 10mb stone on J. C. Eude's lot laut he cmetery betveen Deertield sud Hlgbland Park. Uri. and Mia. Eugen Eaderare viitiag la Nev Yok. 1OCéariseaWaavr la ouloyiug a tva vesk'a vacation. Ums Kit Karzli la entertaiuiug ber fjýûd, Ums Baman, o! Genview. ýA cement walk la beiag laid ln front a! D. M. Eraklnsa suad C. B. Eagton's. isel. . Hubbard is sntertaining ber lather fris 0h10. Uirsud d trs. Cheter Weasingt are uovingilathue houge formely occupied bJ' W. W. Clark. Mir. and is. F. E. Mayer yl leave Madat for a ivo veek'a vîit iii lir. and Mi. Rarilel in laier, lova. Frederick Sua.ile, trois Californal. la cisiting bis relatives bers at pistent. The social club met viîh lira Brod- bal. Thnrsday, Sept. go, 1007, sud sant a veey pesat alternon. Bora te Mir. and lireWin. Miller, a dangliter, Sept. 18. :Marridrscsaly, John nan, o! Vlag Stock Parim, airCornne LoBais. iss Anaus ieke wuaavery pluasas caler on relatives sud frlsnde Io Poistieu lionday. Maridsusias in aPelatine, Mr.Hu diik t ifice Bwsllov, bath ol P&Wa tani, Cosratulatioua .xtsniad. Palatse W&ri Boa araraniiu, do issfor Tliskofflylng evmaug. - Mri. relI Md ltis ana took u ovag- "uitrip te vlat sit éaticla usWlMon4 and reécrnsi FriSal, Ch. OTti, havlmg bai a vers pisasaut vist. lir. sud Ml iraKisle took a trip oui vtestfora Cbangseliooias. .Tbe MisusPrlberdylmusd rewaiveaig Atllsg onBlbte oiri Baudsy. Ur. aud lMra. John Uisdsustock hsCsé ubaffsi tbir Place o! uskldeuce sud alli h. ut home to Chir frisalmter Oct. 8, ia ta spuerdast ovuad by àtmirs.lyera, Mte..t7Y MXr sd lira. fumpber.v,or -St' p st J. Hlu8b6o, of Libertyville, Wva 1 lilibu<Ur ail. 41[ord atteuded th@ f amutai or bmrlsud.-U Ra. fo*la l lUirs a nJaiy md visited vitit »r,, Tm iJillonry tes-att.m""0"8s"%va@ vif m»ued laut Wsdniedy aAd u-sIy 25rulssd. Mmr. f. L. Holmea vautto Cicagoq Miondeyr reuriilg Touday. Mmra.A. 9. tewart blaes..Ta.day 'tu vist be« daaghter le 1flIand Part~ before going te Wasbbqgt, D; C. TMh L"~' Aid mutsThursday off thîs week In the. chureb parlor. Mmr. F. W. ýVeàtworth and gadam Warren. viiied Satnrday and Snday witb ber d4ughter, tira. Brown, of, Mils Helen Safford. of Rocheter Acaeîu, cin liniei"idav returmng Susay fur a short stay wiih the home folk@. Mm. Elizabeth Tower retaîrned bomse fi-oi Chicago Wduesday of thie week. Mr@. Tower bas been visiting lier son the pa@t two Smenlthe. Mir&. Josephiue)d.athewt4 vîsted severai dnys with ber couis, lrw Menro Webb. .i. ud Mis. Ralph IWeton and1 EleolrgeSafford @peur hsnday witb their parents, Rev- and Mis. Safford. A. H. Stewart attended the fanerai of Iiso nîerehsbsîîd, Chsrle.i Knott. husband o!Ida lBst@s Kuottat Satur. day also visited is @ou Lvthn. Messre. Bainî. Martin and Pollock vers Cbicago business callero. Ed Marinl attended the Shrluerti. Mr. Neaasier spent oeveral day. vlsiting hie daughter ini Chicago re-tura- Iîîg Snndsy. 0111e Daine vsited ini Janeaville ast 'ruesday. Mi@s Margaret Watson. of Chicago, (amue ont Monday for s veeket vacation. tira. Rosie VanAstine hail a severe nervaus @hock lasi Thuraday but at pissent vrlting la inaraving. Mis. C. E. Desaas@peut Tueuday vit.hi ber alter. Mma. 'FedDeninan in Highland Park.11 lir. and lira. George Holies, son off1. L. Hdisee, haye imoved to Ind ianapolis, lotd., vherp Mi, Holines la employed by Arvnour.& Co. Mm. IL. L. Hughes apeut t4anday and lionday vit the homne foika rturniag 04. fl 5t1AYt.emupsiufrom Mip~ioug o!Rassell, hu beau~ eMaIu1 f#ads e adturlu e a sst li a m tedman ad dagt' Ruis Idtlliug ait Bldvsl O asum.. hatber, Wou gove mikin la Tbs, .$avat Home vas bld siqe 4ei,.ob eMuat of b.d V.aarM olu It tbs Rétbier bad beu off, the-a wvolf ha"been conuliderable Qmoa- tri"s. Altibi xhbitaoveroaëu. The apaellgospel omtlngaýwhiiohave eebeauhad.st t h cburcb for tbe paat kv wmko bas. losed. Tii. clurch îb os grMtly Wbead ud tienbensd by the arsttuga sMd quite a aramber of aew membera bavp bee43 added. Susday mornfug -e viii have the reg- ular series. ly tie pastor. Subjeet.for vnornungsivice. -The Proof 0f Reps. ae.'eEvening eubject: "Tie. buyho of Jeaus," C. E. Walmsaud)iesFranklH. Shepad front Elhhorn,wbo tave be5ii v aïf 0eng Sheprd aud family, vere unit la mariage at the parsona<s by Ras.. Zera». S*tidayveningK. Tbey lfor iheir homel Elkliioru. uuaday'alteiaooa, vbereibe groom je a pro@pernu. unier- chant. Big Cabbage, Head. Mmis.Nlle Stipesby exhibited at the. reeai baryes? fetival at Ourses a cabhagl e vlbing 17Y. pousds and secured'irt preuîism. The beadila oild and splandidlyfoned. fItvas exhabited atti IUs fXptE?4'T oie this veek aud attractsdi ueli attention. fit la the giand-dad cabbage of theni ail, the largeet aMMinlatheae part. tht. year. Their Pifth Aunic.rsary. tir. "ud lir. Henry Liebtfeld colebrated the Siftb,*uaicersai, of their marriage at tbsr, boms.ilaLiberticille, .Ocit. 1. Aboat tienty-àfiveguesté vers preaent sud Pator Vokeit, o! Wauiagan. mado a vers nWsimpromtu"adrffa. Tbh oët and iôamemcived aa nmber et preeta aw oodvsre. Refresmenta of cceutssau c ake vara mrved. Tha eveniug *sMMioSI pleesatly @peut sud thalr friands depsîted visbing the.s iasu mode happy âlnnivarsiisa. - - - - - - - - - tc. Woodlavn, amaacopac by bar unotbsr, lrau e"ford% vbo ul sisal vitb ber for a vsek. tir Frank Yul., of Boore, came Taaaday to siait ber moiber sud aia ber alaugbter. Kir. sud lin. Buanplery retiarnadIot Cheir bomisIn Bt. Paumiln., Teds GAGE LMCE tir. sud Mmr. Il*bse, of (laine., vere Paliers la tuis vlelniy SUuday. lir. and'tiMm. Fred Wight drov tir WoodeSiok Friday rotuaaing Snnday. Mmr. WIII01 o'sii sud Miss Ruth TrÎgg vée Wauksgasn vuitort Tueedy. A naisher of Semas bave beemkert busy haulin>' 300 lIsoofgravel frais Calby's ta Mri. Bears' usvmai. tir, snd Mmr. ,lo.ph Gonjo. o! Wau- kegan. visftei at A. Gonyo'g the lat of the veek. Mri. sud tir. Paul Vaa Zandt sud son, of Oak Park, vla.ted relatives ber. Wed- nesday. 0. Neil sud [o! lu. abip e toc-k ta the eity the fbraI of th esedIl VEST'Ff EPMONT. Henry P. Nordmoyer baêt four cova lu the esme maWtar hat othera bave hast teu. Vaterinary 8p.eliag dlaims the dimse f1< oC athrax but the covi bave bhen cttng, apolanous vsed ln tiie pestu re. jaeob Fraderici la bavlng a nev gaasry boUt. Faimera lu this slilliy are harcastlng &ehool begna la ta» Gouhi achool Tueeday. Mri. sudlire. E. , i9ansd son, o! W ksnvisitaihmbuesSmdsy. Kcep true to vga,-leelfalth sud dot tae daya viii 44. tvlslb lova suddd miaasprm<t g ost la y-eudI ilag ansd %»P tSica atala of na la tbopucit a"d vitr. an you "I "" vair cm s c gov afsa&P. Prov1n9 coemdlanca"sudmev tué. asectat of t.hi hppy llfa.L ligact Chambers. OcodusesugSe t e aprincipal éIe. meut of aurobaractqr, sud tis grat mées oreatiraetlta ccioa Of athais. Gicatm. vl4cb supervne liPO ibis, 1se tai rtu ratalahtLa 0 ood*ma. ougit ocly tla uI. M a IL laPublic f auntaln. t iu té it uei catsnvsy, ~ s E»> BW 'IliESEWILL WED. Arthur C. Stevaag, Nortir, Chicago, 22; Franes Eassen. Vhicaffo, 21. C. B. Wales, liuuboru. Wla.. 27; Frank R. Shopard, Osbkaah, 27. Gustave A. Haiubefrrelaer, Chiîcago, 21; AnsaFe charit 1 Pavils Waaavlcî, 22; Rabîna Pikitaite. 20. Bert Juager, Milwvaukee, .25; Net- tie Noaly, 21, marrici hy 1ev. Mc- Narer af Aatioch. Francia J. Qain, Mlddleton, 111, 57; Mary D. HoyaU. 67. m Jan Rxepneckskl. Noti Chicago, 24; Blefacla Buebalski, 24. Oren Olcot. Aisiocb, 133; Luella Garvood, 33. -Theodora Vondervarif, 22, Liberty- ville; fIda C. GIrog, 19. Chicagolcease: Andrev Jackson, Lake Forest, 25; Mabel Andevson, 23. W Hlrahty G;aagha,. Pebria, 22; Louse Donabue, 20. Robert Asby, Racine, 54; Kîttie Ga- vin, 48.1 Frank Ensurlger. Philadelphie, 26; Louis. Auhacir, Cicng, 24. Adoîpli M. clilietIns, invinia, 40; Mollie Schaakil, lilgilsird Park. 40. Albert D. Jackso. ake EForest, le. gea ga; (traceUTaylqr. lege4 age. Heny Wegena, Vol&. 68, Suanna Kreuaback, Velo, 48. Leoc Seller, Daccehi, 22; Eama Begt, 24. Speucer R. Stade, Euisaiander, 29; James W. KeÎfisn, PMIladelpba, 24; Arthuan L. Rcfcla, Milwvauke,24; lia>' . Evan, U. A. J. Tot*iMe l gal o; Besse As Par os lMe C"IiiSe. la bils lntmetbjsànt, pcmirh, ha la okerisblmg t, lasse fiat 14bp vits.lîl neataiy roei thea. ga visam"tic fol- lmrsvilIl bl U.'b«ht Itae Prssent tis hé bua "Mu totamaiIvo,", asdWill .aéollatemofn seau attalaflae. for Wuisar. Thei otirer Cm>' bd vunasaont vsiuting. and. anrong Itw»flge vscaîfli aveu to "couaC ta cirs0a ftg tra." H.evas comp$IW a 0rély riu- ou hi&a n.uorv, but "eu the t car#" la a favSelifly occupatio as t te >' paesa vihl a lgiht or the vfdo*s 0f hisebaise. Tioa4lathe va, ie il lt: "(Jus, tue1 Crai, four. Ove, six, maon. elghte. tsc n ti, cica,ès- as 1 tboa t tr w tgul géoméMd 1tbsili la sorry fer, ffl le"wL s.And yet ii q.4ow1» "iam eeUhucd 8t RA-M lc4ep-teo mit tcê m. Ihm Immlen s u noevqiiIb. belpIOQ& Mdani"v 1%07 h6 01:bai mm=- *V - abwY8hmueé eta 0 <mataiâme. W.ii. 1 inut relmumatea erdea tie table. ibue efioeé iWlpS mguuir tisa. Tief ry f imaeiêy:las,**e camaimai edts0 Mds mot «»I ma ne. a%4Sx toYlae an<xuisite baautr. 'v-0.na, 5*0 v 801li11110tise vasit rsas cf ntur-tD i. friands?"' anmitisais bis, ovE. -Itrememaber.." f1ai&.1bo101Y. "v 1 thougit of tie Hosîfos et et. i vas at colloe, a *tory cf Bernard. There for centsrlée men 1tuat polted au obvions moral. W bai aven aId dovu tisir Ilives tl a, u» yen hie ta hear it?' tih* perishing., Well. viy abioti 1mot Site isadea i isck grimace. "h la one of tic uitIle band for %the Umne Bcratea. monsieur, and a phlloo. befin? Wiy should I not becoroo a pberl And asla losaPher hnPecked dittiate lu the order? A fev moutb4ha .bis wl f& antfjipe! Am f obé e 1 of arduous training, and 1 sbonfd la do vitIa a lienpecked pilosopher? roady for the battIs Rgr m eiosy mnIu> a If 1 vent to the mouaatery and told Rgdm eiulmniu.ad tie good ftier superior of hesérd tlume. But If you iusit-your 3"O; vow Ihad ade.woul ho aug Iet sahltan pautiefy." lue foraiada. orvoul Iraolund'at "The beueked phlloseplsr, thîssý' st ra and e mntor vofil Iaudir' 1 beagaomevhqt grimly, "teileas stan su hop m tefalihiit? tiat vhen Hercule.sb.d attalis mes» I began tha day, tierefora, vagfueS' boud hanest cout on a journey" te a". hOPeful. 1 ne longer persIllai my* 1the vorld. sud prsrntfy cama tu a self te ho troubîci ai thée vblspers o! partiaig cfïtvO vays. Ne bsmtatd esivqts sud gadi4, îXee O Ourtd asto vhiI vag 1who sholl the &Solety orf my fellovmon. I paidicliose. white bu hestatai liera Mny tva francs adileéon tir the kur1appearei ivo inaideus, euhi cf- saal, andilstened vith ral ienjorniint 1 wom proeited iat aie vont i leed te, its excellent orchestra. j Wm the way that ha ahoali go. On» My eoat vas lWgity, brusbei. <if ibe maldeus vas clad cbastslY la Tiare vas a felnt but exquialte Par*- somber but Dot unplaasng rinent. fuis.. 1 glaucai, s dd a dosen IfHercules. you vil gounMY vaf, ôtrers. ai..tbe voman vho vu Pa@s* yu l ud t rougi and tiresom Iug. Tiare are lrambfes to ImPede yoVIr The «altI, but SnlieiblT potis'us- prograsa; thereara sharp simuestih" are, govua ithî "t eon irs B ilai iicu~t our andai. lit viiialvaYa, pllcity. paused by .7 sidea fa sctioni b baurons, but k Il fiae"to e bp- of a aeceni. fI vUa MY acugaltacpan$.e ' of the reading roem agalu. sud she "Ah, happuns!a l igistae vomis b.d marmurad aIl oimor.nug. A te m. . "se pramii mmci."n done, ad uoted the gr«Untinad an- «Me other maman vas sztrmohy viedl me. beautiful and bar ratant vas of al-. i di neot aturu t h.fe continui vary tisane. 'liv v* ag' b sim i. ber va>' iaistilt. puishhbng Me for Ulny , taklng Harcue«aiSentir y heali. ruisusby s-11109gàacret Me meekingleayiaame&ted berneit st My rgit. Tioew»en a mialg of a oWkihdll, alant tin malice la th* illusre gall. The iatuiUaScame. AUl the venld bahabakt < bai eiirs, and made J.»jway h»«hglam.d doors -t tba raeS.viasesa su efctreo lit rang persetlUy. Ths e sy crevi 01 OBeers, touriste. 5nd -uh cf ta - doms te PUaY t tts eievatau-s rati« erculéensufora of dl»tpeion, a gabmilugtaY' iai ParMU - te loue ai te minai a fln-frisepiace. cgn.e taemouaaitaUmel moel hermes van vhlrfsgnuai l ImuaInr racorse . A coeuper '~ cisagela 0fran c nte for me. 1 tossed 6 coin (iou naeofthte umbais; sud ltoat. I stakai amtiencola, tii Ume agaînsit theSli. Agala 1 lest. f stakai ail My flcfr cPlaceblut Dsu tvo. .--.- a trevu vith i Sera. It bais Wbfle fivel5bed theux tbeuirh bia migat' lpl oe lu my paill, my M »aichdbsa adg U enaRE ve f ltgbtly. It vas my aivanturasaOf tort.,and tiare la munie te g"ue tis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h boiu ei se oe 5~lurm.My vay teadu te pleamie.' the eadig rom Oft MM O e n amneto!ticefBrat malden va fitaid bar er.bnov la viisica coin- vina.,; thre *nin*aof the Otrer% cern et My 111 lut. lfa *'Ec Umeas.lîttle heises, you snom. ased - Im ndo vrybld issus, imov tirai 1 am t I paed;IMyviavs eed Ma M abunnai." 1 sall nab o 010. leeki ai n>'1 vis-av tit 1ao& "Miyfrlend," the amUlle, viun. tMaspfdat tolo. i nstâtbave fel ber ly, %bey ae sirnpry figstauad aetUbad& ehlita lierait asgtrkber your back face. ThOY ane sausitivO, Iaie laapcdd, emr ey0ar s er. th luttée hcses. But f yon; -s- 8.lssidmaiehytoame m;.c ve »hall sec. AIlons, v we lahopr. bisuava moicime dent a îtte sbnln frnc o nuier 'l'h. nais cf the other'Maien *1111 dent Nov, n m8110128 rac-bombas <, Vice, si*cScriaila a bclmw. fub 27.no tI 111 brIvie ais sa Bay * oua volon. "My dear ssemaa. vY kno tht I l 1 hO. àkiu U11»ane tee iehicious. lion ttt 1s&bum te vin for us, ve $hnsisilvi." a-i "Ne rien va plus," erosked mn m- om lius vii 70U'1411,i 4M talfla chaI lu a diugy drma suit aud cruspled* me quit@ brutnlY hy tai ver ccii 39* fhiti hsois Haspu fiamacanlim Isivman-abe la Virttie; sud 1. the ghrshybetves Né Ptvahey Sugans Tory viciai oua-I ami u5u4iTVice. tiumb. Tic Uuy Jockeys la bise Irait Ani suamesic lagi" dhlcouare . gren, and rai spadi vl!tlyr 'Pro mIlI ave na the course. PnesnUtly strffllei1 plylagthte morii."1Iprotestud avk. one behini tic othar. adOS0 O atlevpIle mtdlvec a pause. Tie crouplier strétchai eMt ".n1 fI l ple etaiaty bis rake, ad mv la OTouiiv bslainsgetla Inuacc thre traie aillcatlon,"abs francs vîi ti the ier w v l so-the *%tme owth Paum ist «unit rsemy Ton o Of'et7Mut etraomida lat~ stla me-" tumeii triab."istay. "Hum!" 8h. lkm*£, baek crltical, "pouf! A ut#* pattence. monsieur.-i' balIayi15ec5eo B It l@ tic jockeys vho are sulky. b i1? bav fomutea e ioW iena u. Net if yeu are bon"e 1 Ichnehic Qulekj a Icetae bplamte,&Mi a lu "Or goeai? mu5s, ec"si. 'This tins vareb"lî Wby uot say brava?' 1 demmamisi certalali via" biterhy. ira. tiu sla $""en cava vo 11"r that yon roueioreta aur now vaet çde. aa» wiii Cie nidsfriand?' la mr Mtacoqt. , .airie "Ual cf your lot* lamentai g8raAdi' bail rasa. O11»i éf t« *shMi. Moëir. dous, aiscaM od SMO*t sepat 1"or. ta*Sses, "tisatith slesb «AMi 'Ai thais#U! -c wtrimagi caine vou eau ha Of use te nie? lie 'tlme et ut 11, . "fib tat la bttent "»UsstOOi4 Ws rus ~teis-hélti oIsietixi I am ta lae of u0" teyO70% flus a saisUsie5i-glU oyci5 ae-- te h. èfirienda?' «,es ras,ville tba", à-ait ou "Àj am in gueri," Inturausi vil "vmt ma la pluivefi, <00 mse. cailib. "oimrnaM, if you .»ara Thé boldaM 01ethCe MetaPiOr AfÀy-as page pusbed i il X- atartlaiand r*palsi me. teUkl! us. uvi aban& l a -Tiseilaàuides, U5d%00 1I ourý table a ps ouaeiý. Onta mt saMi, ocelil OS', a 1ii,11Mti aMt>lace via ta lsaroi. ber - xactly asmiiaOtt ora ' .7,WPué mecriad irmy ouran 9 -" UrGle?'mea liRai ber 2 a.ey brevi huit*leg.-1Iman, liMr . " s"nboyt uoodedbut bolOt b algit lbeeuou." abiflihiJu7efl, bermada # Oséeua.'t1 iâ Ss- 0 mil iat ~ so i at dias s if. BAIRS1OW MwtiIe a&W Graote Celuetoey Work of Evey D.scrlption Corrcspomdence 5oIIcited 16GenesSt Waukegau LUMBER -ALL KINS- Good Grades at Fair Priem. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOSJLD- INCS. BRICK. Lime, ALPHA PORTLAND CEMENT. UEWIR PIPE, DRAIN TILE. ETC, G LRSIANC% ARE IN RIGHT IN SEASON WRII- Screa 'nPaint Pure Paris Green ANDSamNs IN WaII_ýpaper DsiA.;YOUIII JOiN L tRVINGI Jr.. CONTRACTOR CIIFrI BLOWS ANS TILE BRI~C AN'D ATONE WOI<K LOUIs Je