or. Of aminue, qesslSouday W. nuer a"un i feanlet FPINE WATCHI REPAIRING ANDRBW FIUSS JI3WELER UBERTYVILLE, ILL. gvery housewife la Lake County Who han one liedjU P8* lonr ha boee no mc tcesul with, their baktng that we at once win another regular eue- komer. -A .W Vour hm ý takeu a premlum at every Lake ou t fat whlch Itlas1 been ezidbited and ta eliut qnailie.ire bouooWlg botter kuown- very year. Tihe IuL SciulhrMu ML o~li f,-OMMiSi un. Vais, VeRs i soa. fB Mas thlegset Do born m i ci08 TueUIon 1" b yul bsmaWtabe pba t, ulg li oe 1poum et ilg Mn.bemuedsi.o inneeolis, Mi»n., = es4tait.hbousaller a Ivo *e'Irfl lbere fila vue Iorperly a "boal Isaewbr#r vie havwee apent li gmmer vtptlu p.utei4 Mn. e. Mme.L B . Bijant retauns borne lest Pniayw. Tii. W. C. T .vil mmst.thla houms frei stata m nlof by e megal.0 AMymnl ore packagboue oaih etbM. vildg bMlMo.mLeSiaj a ai vue ta bo ia et$"dyhy Cdr.blot leverrnay eurmagrne iii l entfy aNo paylmg loC IbimoUs.. Meuier anJelDm"o joung.e o )Wl returus borne baving spet a OApM t rour tii. socly oluma o! upu.àr, Indiena, Journual - L-- ---- --- L 0MAS &id, Mbn eà ber é T realle4 eo. medor = w*o-aei o br spitlotioiiemcuned. dtfnISo ia. o b.outon gi r louuWarnntook pac Yt i SdnstroLmta aam tMê wrer wNvod tu lis baernau Pl,.Krems.B A teachér'î laInln1 leool leaebereaadi#a bl ai b lb iole 01 loh, 7011 0cmbuyth1118beeot 0< 'ou do not know wJs*4 yùy, onhavtired a bwd1lgout *Ol boe btter. t, riiebo I. BglaPrlm gat~surday of leut moetal lb. b cg but i cDonad. Tri. W. are now b'a applea dl- rectfrou k tate. Leave Tlu oceei --ve tbeir next dameeo Ug V. 15. at tla Mu. L, fi.*ou, Freddle, 0f lambo. Pareufotà, tMr. and Tii. vilffl booutda hIy elated over tb*i MW quSau.. are cozy aid virai uni '7 vieiorai 0 VaN kbue berne ýued hi Deije DrotImm iopa "U" ahbalifboumeon c"s ikhe b.msre been b.lr SIn"mo. coninu. - at alur g. ~ evave~s ymrlygoi crovi.Tb. tJl w he sésoth mua o! enolber u00«09ugpicture altis. taluneuàt.' Bl amnotwnumberai yult tbe ispastu. Thom . vusom eepmurioue individuel %eo«morygçws,'.vb owned a bouse. oe nt té e il*liborne dowo no lavltllved. Ir4e*tmaday-butll db&i Thaa 15lde tona tasher, maissou.suad tbe bones vont intq beflme.t iva.thme end o h hors-*" tbh t. ! i Peapla ai Ioskehlp bave bren "aeelng tbile t * 4veks $Ooea ttyu eba=-, alying imachines but 1.2 erj<ai with a Coerer t fpq» being taken o! Mu »sd eurioundlng .u a.Pom obv t'UilIbave au rlunly Ibo o» boyyon look frorn Ueaquut 8*t Tuendair b ne 1ties aimpoovement Asmola. tmn ld ai adjnooiosimeeting at the . MW volInga bonl b* '1'ueay evealng. eThe. routin.b.im va tmnawted and no nov ievelbge.snh of a startllng nature eeumt4 Thé gàvti NotpaiCar Cornpay, of ft Louisý, le inog for a locatio. 1Th.Y vil îquirg'froarone to two aie 1 ofgrMenai ao» alotory brick builin AK maER debiout 50 ty 1Go tset. Ie eploy abfut 25 skillhed mecheele. sd bmii automobile.complet. vlttheDoexcipum ai tires and trimminga Oonmnttee reporte ver. beani on Doe banquet wblch is ta taite paes. mxl ýTQemduy evening, Nov. 12, Mteto an, bail. Invitations have bom n smmi.a number0f pro it peaievatrom ont-. p&tavn ivhted Uid aIlangements prurseingtowrda vir eucwwswu '!be invitations issuei vone limitai ýOvl*g ta the fact that tlare bai only ýb. a certain number et plate. eb. k*~e,nonconeequenitlv th* o nornu tees neetrcted ta lishe u"ber of tuvittions sent out. It le, bovever, thé laike o! the association tbq& I 1inle be 101&p wbo care ta attenid banquet )MW do -s0. Ail permone ut eo csvin >tlailoneanad vbo vlsk ta aum ~q do no by banding in tbdWr Ms by 44uuiay night and p"aylgoen"M Pl 5eê4slar vhlch Je the prim e pr plai IpdyJ B. Morde, B.HB. MIner :or lie ýlg##adent office. wtâ Iattended andvlilgo &o a@ oe.nue of the q*PO*rn.ila eIf you dont aat" YOuID be 4Ï*ýThel's ail. Ig adur Nqv lieaagest. 4mBill ouccoedm W. Q0. ple. le bath vel anitffryao1iý Do inrduitiaM xnoipa 3for neyerai jeatm't6iêàébtt etonmtre ktm pr quj Ilm . qne li Wil" TOn Broadway lo thug. Luck1 Street 'te Reculve a New Coat of Gravai et Once. The village board met la rqulal @eu"sin t the. nov village builing# Mona evenlng, Nov. 4. Meting clel ta order bProsldeut H.B. Eger. Tihe niembers prenaet w ve.. Alleéînai Lynel>, Welle. Kalmo and Boye. Minute. of the prevlous meeting ver. reed,mad aptroved. The report of the. village temrer, joy B. morne wae rend. The Onsice committee ouilli uae Md ou motion l>y Alerun, m.onditd bY BOYOP vhlcb curried, va« accoptsd. A numbier of bille proeeted for »MomerentVraen read by the clerk and enilisi. Motion by 4Jleuan liat bqls b. acceptai e&M paN vawa s condait by Boyes. Motilon carrlei. The followlng bille make uP, the rnontbly gioet: Bmne-eer Lbr. Co.. mdee.-O.Q@ J. ILNMI sisi Police ... .. lidCrebir, atovae ofm..... .0 M .Anli carpenter vork ...8000 Deel rnrye 1 M.& .......65.0 La.Co . W. Cc., telep olng 8..«.76 Ib-r B. on ..................... 36-6 UQousto4 lébor................. 900 mii, ues,....... l. 7:51 LCougmler ..........00.00, Labe o mesieprlntlng. 3.85 C OCopead gravet............. .0 sitandard o ., oiie...... . » 6' North b1ore IS leu., be....149.37 B.W.Coby bV - alry 7&100 P. A. Brown, atmel work. ....10.50 le. E. Lttr, atm" wyak .......74-00 Oer~IMM, .ettet vork ...55.00 J. InsI vre ork.......102-95 Owlng te i lcres.. of buoines beln traingated by the. village. elerk, Mr. Alloean, o!the ""W cecomulttee, carne torvard viti smre uggetlono iDl regad t, kmping of the. accoucI.. Mdovaiby Lqncb, eondedbY Kueer tbat tb. mutterbe iufened ttheb iance committse.. Motion carrigd. eS. matou of es .Lake CounîY frayaI compsany offered a proposition to the board for the arevellag o01 Broe4vay. A number o!fleepètere bave vol*6»O -ervcejgraI or a portion 'of lanMi the village will, pay fortihe rernalnde. Movei by Lynci that suggestion b. ucetiand Broudwarv gravulsi Bscouffl by Allon. Mtioncarri. Onaceounto! dely o! bid-etaaeoqp contract, painting of tbeOrater tank ir w la poct#%oned until spring, reportei Kaiser o! the. vater commtls.. Ch&&Smit.1h came befotithe. boaei le eabaeln hifront of hieproprty onu motion of Kaiser lhs vue grâetai pnivilege 10 Place moeon vhhinliceofo ieisalk on bmvpropr. f@@bon"m bj Amie. Motios arrld. X alc toa djoum u lsnborder and complfWe the business o! thiémeetig. BAL a. . Cou*rr, Clerk. Subuarims va.. ie L)ld ioq ever permit It ta Petcolal tienonh your brain colin . vh ia WWUil allfiure nm orn ol u be sk# poqUtm e lan he orntaona - jovn? fb.y ina, bave beenlivigne l"cols. d aulkers" undi gumng a 1kW bour, of! ittul nem ia aba lbsdmoorn Or the top Biat o! a chmap lemamit but the minutta y arrive in a contry villag tb.y ne# up hMea l6 baloou t a onlj fur-lt noes. boveâ, unila [pie pnicitu. immoneratshbair compoe . ý lion. Tlay bave béee u ctstommdI*log mmay of tiie goci thingl a hMMIItbat 15e lIrilsi amusemet. o! aa uraili tDIVulà ellmy ont of keeplng vlttlufOr festidionatuete. Thengal auueof o! .r trouble lanliaI t. 1 e on't know how to Hire a good> eleanAmoai iII.. The peacebe, beahbiniexistence tiat tbenative 0o!à «»Uali tage eil knovele not a part o! "pi rnake»up and It aMefttaimu soUMo time for tbieun ta become eclmalmi.ý Tbie le not t i .ào»aIl o cmn, they ar e .exception aud it le onlyof1 the <uibi clanthbat vo a-, s pmuing. Th* otiiene bave enougb phllooPluY SMd eaopu mon neto feu into tii. dall.y routim nesd tu appreclt the mauy sapeior adveaigom t*et -copoe Bk b fflitlono. -j%@hhitorieculcoubtrY "rube" la a tbis ai thepuet and in tbi...dji o! qui*' lmporIetlon, mail iellvery, no otbù r bémm ae ivanla-mhe. ii.doeb bohu»fomh, ti.dy Md hladac pw mm, w" vlcbmore than countanbàoq» Q» 'gond tise," au Iiiepolmi u and Nu"tblcb ame requkelleso! a .4' taqqation and quickly acqulred bY tlu Amotber DOuter WtarY. W. <aBoi, ormenly maeer .the s«etioa vilt biSaIau suivIS duew ifMtoý7 01 hfbltsis, over tie.macbibs ab "'U. Boit haa baijean. o!repwU e * ugnsohieo! vOM bosan ldM âm "d4 Il atio. Uid- bis um&tgw « a ubhàilueW., FIonr? M order 18 .t1 stys la e i ever u»&d celved a ne e to Lake( m. 0. W. MiVER F. P. DymoNO 0. A. WRIGIHT 0. F. W@ WOOL ai. No. 99, Grocorles md.markei, alad order a, nck, ci, Washburm &Cro@by'.