.OAKE C O~JNTY INDEPENDENT. and WAUKEGAN XEEKLY SUN LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLsINOIS, FRIDAYI DEC. t3, 1907-1<0 Pages $1.50 PER YBAR IN ADVANCE. - r _________________________________ - I - r seigla. Eacpo.eîtby Ma Mo Womid HRave Aidod tai Eocpe. 4iJST 8ERVEO SENrTENCE sFOR CAICKfN STEAA.ING Stcn of a WoaIthy saeiln Marchent1 and Was ta, Have en Married Soon (From FrMdays Son) Charles Sîsck, 2Z. a Soigian hers. am, er, Friday mornlng confeoed MO )Mienheur &fier ho had been re- feiisrvisg s tan dey segi- * " e ic ic n Ste aîiflft , h o h d 9 t -x tawoand a file Into the ial te nid In a planod whole-1 of prisorners.1 ai clu. furnlahed by on. $of*mm ho woald have aided, John A lathemanne of drectiy a the galit for the afttmptsdC *Uuhiig on George Stroub, now1 io aeetenoolien allo it for grand1 , M de Vincent hîmasîf.t ' 1 tinte 01.01< M1mestatfre ,eO bu" o Iii. pres A .@Wl.en te «lm g tv mhurdr Wau i e nsudnerf ào <JA. An an autm-lcvMr- * ui Oen.tom"* a lltdat a i-e- le rr.it a u te pactrathb luêea mai er.t the tparieain atitainbAn off. At~ ticsame lie > ahclim Gax.i *MO boganJosn Vicenut aaie *O* hl mrife s Clu.. lhrif lupbI * Otri es sffpctaof abc s4ei auI a dhue t the ebancita 0»6&m antcFiicen fTue t i onaled sud silavavOff. nc l ecae f ý bUgà a rUit.c-hheIri brieugIl wu.cprIllners. taIliets theayta at alie 111e hu A orttis hte oftencei rs Bacng bo Wr arresteilanbis tUnn. AIr' ba lott acpe.e '1fda entenffcetor lee.htau la the eMarteu'. t elîtrino t oth OMOcE o aklg acfth eisii s fret ft the 'riradforath>at. oftepo Blak Arreaeda re.i ti Uiack Hea d arrstic tilletlgau V-t "Ycafo Asentenefr lra>'. s mail car 'fag a Utpn'vre mils cksuNorthe Idh4uabJe, talgobacof te ail t a rl4 BiIns u at sAreted sli ryslitia iteirerllfor Atutrltra.amilcr rWcn tet oraIiirrt. lui tteiîîg nel 'lug t tegave ttancIais nial er t r i ai urryf.Ira. r ~ Whec-c Sheriff GaI Clue. got tht- irlAt 'chi heu i l t-I tï'il "thec Lanyont Irtî'larestar'- ai Noitth Qeue s treet.*t"utîL)e illy îi riff flv i. T re stoirsi niitii-t-ut i As 'sOn. renet'eed rt-cet ingauton iitet'frît' alalAi bac-ksac-s, s frioît'd t ltti nlte and gave lt;s a de-scij-iiiof if tpiti- t '6 cbe»r as velast li- tîitti. Tt'lii % 'nwunt for -Black. 'rThOarres acts madl- rtc il Fiiduiy moruanng b>' Siieriff(Iifflu andîl iepty bsrift PoweAl, snd llackt'as aI ontcer tlient ta Illte ciii police station. wbcre lie w-as;lput throliîrita Cottîsi 0f à, Back Teila Hta Story. T a attilu Icîtort t-rs cet-t'Illei'fint ,r n p a i e n c i I tu t i-t ' e w l'iii iu t o i ' ti;nffi i tîn1.-ttut-ouftller giv m ca tiiri'tz'rîm"teîeIle _titi' 21 Ili-'llar.k. "nit un ir' 1I is dgelitiîn le Omaded ir ai rfiotîre-,. r tr- _1'-Qet whaf hl 'rin îtthiti art.' At,, t"O14 ute,'and lirirg teirîii.rire. Vte aic tràoitid tfiAs mu tutif t' tr' gtiît r 10 ogel Ont, If 30t iti n 4 lt ittit t i. as» iu the note ta Iiriîg mCi i i h- yon *2t111or $300 ciu- itî' -I tuok te stip of italien Iht il ti ' gave neantI Geor'ge St-sub it ir-tilt' '$125 tu psy for vbat fhey wüutteri.1 dii not 1tnitavwlat Uiey îî attîtri. 'l'Iey tbld nie ta go ta Launyôli*q'a rlî vare storenti crnme rglitbac-lNtiiît the stuf. . Buys Sawa Innocenbly. "I vent ta the store, banded tite '.min tIhe note. got a package ln refuir -ý1Ad came rlght ltac-kIa tIre jail ites- .30 'lThursday mnring. '"Cbaiqe Thayer let ne n. Jumping of ù,lbuggy ta do) Il. veut n > giall tîag ot fruit Iliat I1liai te bide uy real intentions. edthe flrut ta Vitncent anti c smetinte tock tire package es, vhlcir f beli between oMqlmy lbody iuderirestji ns' *4d blrr tIraIfo. - vwouit gve nme $200> or - . ws all we id g.' l k' - le Sud itittbMqXj speut the $125 that Straub gave hAn, Blck staeci hiat lie had spent $1 toi- tire sawavaaaifile sud 10 cents forap- pies, keeplng fthe i cect lef I. se tira bis "prtce" toi- a jai dolivery le 16 cents- ,-riday înoruing le vas deeply re- pentant manimelntsshedi tearit, in commnenting an lits mîstortunes teaa SUN r nd ta Grand Jury. lie freely admItted iIrs abare lun1the attc-mpted jail delivcry sud walved examînatian betore Justice Hope, bis bond bcing fixot t $1.001> and inter retinedtet $500, as tlat net Ieleved lie yl atcnmpt te get avay vblle lie fears ta leie n thc counts' jeu with Vincecnt sud Melos'. Hie did nualkncv of Meioys Ihrie in-tIre ailegeti jaili Alot sud expessed suîrprisme v'bn bs naine-tvast men- tiorted. I know nathiug aban., bin." lie aoge la Keep Real 1Name. '1low l t I hat you oeil yoursefl Chailes Black.?"- he vas aiketi by a 11UN reporter. "phbr Gos sase do naetItubuiali my i-cal narne." ie sali atter having i-e- vioibbthenarne ot bAt farnils n Bel- gturn. - "MY ftbler la the evuer of a large stare In Belgum andthle inovîige et my diagrace vouli kil hlm sud umenirywite balrei motter te the grave. Thes' do nual mev 1 an An tr-ouble. Staete akeeInitiative and Dianlîspe Case, Aer Whloh itullans Lasve the City' 5 OMM (Prom Muariay'a Stun> At s tov moments belore s Sati, day afttrnoon. lan Uiccircuit caurt. State'is Attorney' Hanna noUe pro.... the cbarge of murior against Sola tare Mtoansd i-s. Mara Rossaiar Lake Bluff becanse et a isci of sut- lcent evidenco ta cauviet. At mal 2 o'clock Sherif (Gin unotA- liedti, hetvaIRaillons th t bery vers froc, abatthe110bols u« tirircels, Ici thern ta Uic door anti pointai the vas' t. freoiom. Mien sud vaman. flic buaband vbo taçe t bIe. ebarge a9 bsving polaariei DAt vite ta make taay for another vo- Mn, and Uic vornan vbo As saidtet bave suppiantedt he ie Ie, bath vaiket Ato the sunlit Uith December a&- teritoon. tIreur faces alight vitI Jo>'. Bth Rejaice i Freedamn. 'iamno gladt tJIi Ltlaail aver,' sait] Muta, vho bas icaruedte taspeak bis firi Euglisl while confinedt uthfe coutl>jal. I kiiewwe veîouid get fi-ee." ssid Mi->. Rossi, witIr au adarlng look at the' swartb> Manlit lier ide. who tovî-red heati aud shouiders above hi r IVýe arc Inntocenttandti1iknew tue>' couiti do nothiug ta us.' "t'are goiîmg a[ once te Mrs. Ras is sttsbouse' sait Muto, "sut ru il r'ialx tene for a finie." Tire [lntt resldes iii Chicago, t s sait, so that tIre la-r lt'ged mnitnrr-s viii droit onuflim itait kil,, arusta-as lac- ttiealiittg s cuact'riir-d lttonc-e. The crhildremu ut trs. Rosai art'lu lte orpthrnagt, au Laie Bluff, as is hulilajs soit, bis outeeliifront tht' c'- l'i t iitis lgedt tabave' siai y ftîtn i"fii'Ans. Anticipates Defense. 'l'ie strtie I saidtet have rînfitipai- "î a iîîr oî'tf thlet'df-týise ita tik foi- titi' tisitissaî ofIi~lle ' -ast- ntit htti ciotitrds i ut setout i-tideorpin f0ro-in vii'rthéi- griorîidkr itin wih thfle ,ulte ltîtil tI rin liirile ic'-t itel inus, i it Iast-' ait rietli' uti 'utla t ta it n l of ' tilt He WiliIlAe Good. Eiti tFîtiri-sIi- cas riciat-iiltu it ui ill iftl tis rcase' utair'l ti-tr 'tedi ir 41 It'îtnilse lit snilnirt Iiis rIilîdr"., thi ,litta andl lr, lfs tlrst a'r Jitlt cu'ite tWt ni n'- lirismiei'i. hit' 1 n' cliii died u' tliet(,Ir.tes aIi .akr- t3,1 and t he.i'i iiii(l o h on fil NIEWL YMARRIW ESCAPE !RIENDS iMusa Maude Wiimot sud Henry Kueliker Married at Waukegan Tbauksgiving Day. i -'t-t tut i"'i-arlt's Suritt li it 1,.-giviiig atuernoon, at'lIn.ai ,ihe t'oigre-gational chlîîc-It, lev. Hig- glutotîrn. 1astô'. millt] l iiarriagi' 1Miss Matn-e Wilnrot of Wrukegsti aud Mr.-, iery',Kiebier o ai'Gisake. 1The veddinit mai-ciifi-ont Lohengrint vas piayed h>' ont. of Mr., luebltei's Lfriends. Perry Haris, and as th1e ,notes et thie veding mai-c-h rang Ibi-ougli the chu-ch tlie bride sud rgroom, unassiateti, reparci lteflic 1 rae»t . hic CbUt-cr.vere bhey vere : W tst4.befQre neaily 400 fi-tends. The d,1sny vas a~ the veddiig cermony ý*JY sa4WWd cOUPlOepOirgi el avenue, where a wedding banquet wua servaid in thei r bonnr. Only lmmediate friends and rela- tives, sievel]tY-ive. attended the. ban- quoi. Thec- îiing friands nt the churcb htr"i pluieil ta bave a gond fine witb thfi- groom îand cxpected teittnrt fop- erations on him mmediately atter the banquet, but lumone uuknown man- uer lie srrneceded in feacaplng out the back doar and tbrougb 1the ailey, wherc ho e attenei 1te1the Just resl- douce on Firit slreet. wbere lhe re- malued foi, alumost tbree haurs. l)urlng Ibis fine the bride was at- temptmîg t0 figure out soute way lty wblch %ho wouid ho able te make ber escape. Whilet many q., tIre guesta pretient were iidding fin~ds at tIre door goodbye. Miss Wllmot, naw Mrs. Kuebker, slipped Ibrougli the tide door and aeronsa the yard Ato thre home of a nelgbbor, where abc re- mained for a few hours aiso. During ail ibis tnie a uearch wat being carried out by th1e many Irlends ot the newly married couple, but they Were unabie te locate tbem, so tbey returned to thie Wllnrt home and watted for thre couple ta cone back to change thelr clotbes. prepsratory te thelr Journey ta, ryslake in an au- tomobile. During threfinie they were waiting Mmi. Kuebker donned tIre garments of tic lady nelgbbor aud umade ber es- cape to thre Just renldence. wherc abe found bier huaband. Fearing th1e buncii uhat vas walting for 111cm at the bomne, tbey Immediste- l7 gat ntothe. aatomobile and bas- tencé to Orayolake. wbere Mir. Kueb- ker runs agrocery etablisbmoat. Tbcy did flot have any.other clothes t. don and as a result were foreod ta rolmain n Iding at Uier nov bornelan Graaiiake ail day. Bath parte. ta lte vedding are wldeiy known antd resecoted yoang poule vhorn their frAn s &MWasa* keffl generally visb aIl manner of bappiaess. Lewis P. Todd, Patio Away on Thankaglving Morrtng a t th. Ago of T'7. Thuraday noruing. Navember 29. et bAstlatc realdence. accurred the deatit of Lcwis P. Tadi. an ald ansd blghly respected ctusenof Deorftffl4 sae 77 yesa. The.case being Pneu- mania a amiullcatlo of «ordue troubles of long standing. Despite the advaneci age at de- ceased, 11e news of is domne came as a sbock te the ,nany -friande andi acqualntances ot one who was classai amoug the oldest settiers of Lake. couuty; bis asatIllness belng of sucb s..ort duration that verv few except the Aniediate relatives and near nieighiburs vere aware oIflihe tact. Lewis P. Todd vas br n Duccs Y.. Juiy 23, 1830, wheïe 11e grew ta iantood under the guidance of palents directtt descended framt that sturdy New Engiand stock whicb îuolded the maîiy character of those who came eariy to the vestwsrd t0 huild aud shape the destinles of the great states of the union. Deceased came ta Deerfield on Oc- toiler 6, 1856. and frein that day un- tii the cose ot bis Ilie lhad beeu a resient and l cosety connected wtt. ar. the. importaut affaira of tIre village. Ou Fabitary id,.1859. lhe vas unit iii marriaketo Caroline E. Gailoway. who paaaedl away %farcht 29, 1883. A second marrlage ta Engeula A. Wood- man was soiernulzed September 11, 18,". Tbree sons aud the wite sur- vive hlmi. During tIre civil coict between thc iiorth sud the south. the deceased en- listed n the 33d 111. lnfantry, servlng as a itrivate n Company E unti the close of the war. FrntIthe Deerfild Presbyterlan r-hurrh, whlcb many years ago was ruilt by hlm-haviug tollowed tIre vo- cation or carpenfer-and wbere during ii s lotng residence n the conmunity, ais iitiriiig efforts ha. been put forth te) hr>d togetiter thre little baud of worshlppe-rs.rtttd vhere onit tomber- lec-s lioî ~ hts i lin istrations au wDrin of r-he-rrhlave bteerii ivent to -ou'.-I' -tiCo-wog ri crt. tooit place tir' 1>111:11 " 'ih' ,unir i il romîainsa of P. .it . T o. dd,-t Iii i'r ýIii, i n t het i i 1;ni App0-riir'rpritos ;aWr -1.1111 , 1. iC bv,. h 1pIt r re r r rl i e i i~tri' i'rm , ii ioi ilrl i 'ii' aui îr.Iiploii îi Iloftrpub-r lii' liiiitiîirius i a-h-i Betîleville. $2tt1,- roiaitr tîi.$2aiit i St . Louisa *21 rt lolini'. $2(itiri ii; t'rii,. $25,- 1,00; Pr-trla, $tttttîtttt. ol- titi'Rock Sa- flnerease iiilit i' tre'lat es ut' twenty -'ipItttyeii of lthe subtrrasury ate aak- i-t f $jt,ti As Anciludtr-dfor tlire ai- îtt iistratimion ot'tb iterntaIirevenue districts of ti s ttr-. Data for Uncie Sami, 'llie ftilcago reiel)lolit (Compî~any, tlire Americamcjfeiephone aitd Tels- glapît Comipany r, Hunier Jamison ot Nliliureiaipi bis itrivate telepbone luet'atîd the' LÀke Comtin' TelephonA 1Company viii ail have tte urtltth ig-, ires ai' the nunîher of telephono lu- atrumntnt and Unes ont accordlntf uew reqîets forInomio.b~ mailed ont by tihe dtviotèsi of maut factures, canons bureuau t Washlng- ton. BLINDPA FEAT O F CAIPAUGN Baye Secsetars' Thowaur Quayle cf thc Laie muty Laws sud Ordci Longue WILL PLEOGIE CANDIOATES FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY WIrat the Law snd Order Lrague H-as Been Ooing in thre Ci'>' of Chicago. i -ar ioniay's m-ti i L.ake' cointy lAs ne lang.- iii'lie crail- ed b>- tht',cest of the stat,- 't i- Hume of the' Bliînd Pg.' For snd againat th li hîtuîtînraarc ta lic the aides lým the rmunn race for claIes affarney. ai:'ordiiig ta Secreisi-> Quntyleocf tire La.ke canots' Lav sud Order Lusgrr urui i(he man wlio canes out againat tthe lavîcs- ness ofthtAe lqueir IraMihi'Ioui pull tIre unte c-lui-ch Vote. TIre blint i pg lasta Ae a etmpaigui Issue as weli as local option. Pletiges vilI ho asiet et candidateis for thc ollce et slateoa ttorney'ai thlIe candA- iaies epcning. Hmrae!fBlind PI9 Mero. "Do s'ait nov viat tIres' cail us dovo le Chicago? Secrtars' Quayle asked a SUN reporter Mondas'. They sas' Lee oua is the borne ofthlie blini pig. *iWc bave fits' Mod pigai n thiAs caunts alaone, déiaat Laie Foi-est, out at Ingieside su& An aller places, sud vo are thinking et makAng 1the blindi pg an aiac laulite coming race for stato's attorney, as il alouli 11e maie a sue W tOheicasie etflte men. voues sud citklirenail vi-ecks, Gala P#tWfulLelters. *0. the plifol letters 1 get lu îe- .gardto tah1e blini pig make mys heart "A Laie Foi-est vaxuan, evîtentîs' onc et no educatian. no fui of gram- maticl .rlaakeesud speling cirre w»s ber lbIter, laid me, hoviber lius- baud %peut liW heurs arirewi al mmre'1% .liad carned mnes' lu a blini pig lai that place sud begged me t. cxtlip&tQi tIre cvii. eudiug vitit tisi sigulficant duut-cu -ranota aigu us' nante., "Thlnk of fIat iii LatIe coutl>. "I get a dozent-j. tu-tIers tcliîg ne of uhtut tAgs Ii ti- Foi-est. Latel>' tIres'have ber ut iuriiiutin, thIs Isat ont. bting rir-niir'iI nie 1v.yhMayor Jackseon hînrii'. *"ttWhat do ttî1tt1i natoutthtii-loc-si option Issitir iii 11),tring? "Benfon tîrilgo ruitfi-aiomr, anti tiratvili nr-an ii' îassiug of bbc Winihroîinulibtrr stalton ut leat. 0111cr focis will n i->o'dy.i1do not hope for tnîrrîr f-oxut Waukegau or tram the' Fox Lj, s'district, itut inost af Laie caeinit>' citi go Au thre riglit The SU N hlvri-dti ratNec-irnt ivilI aIra pruhaît>' noadry>, rulîug ont Wads- verth. Russell arndîthAer saloons. Been Wagon un Lake Forest. Accamduig o Secrefary Quayue tIe lieci wagaor -tiititis agaîn brokeit oui tu Laie Ftnn,'at tad otinr norbh shoure tovns. lw it' ro-t difficut ilquai- cru ta liglilt atdirIlitinît- ettho sec-ut-t'a lic-tai-y aurain'rt. Né stepsa lîr1-'-In-irtdecideri upoit. the altttioun oiii .,liii- tî short. re- former leintz drir'î-rîr'rIai îîmcscut ces- Itcialy tii I r tliid pie,. As Ifta luInChicago. Tre ftlIaitii:ir-l tshîow bowtht. flgt r i-gi.-i- r' it'ont, couint>'.nit lis.Laken fitiroit' iioidrty Anerîcan- Offilrprs rî rn.Cthicago Lacwtatt Oid-dL,t"mi' i inîn îîî'n'aredti ristun- mon policinii inrt-uIti- cil>' cui- plIyes tarît il' t n"utbars rthiu mIre lest r-t-' - , i '. ' 1ir- al mi ont Stînrini the' eux S i 'r t' ing ii, rur suttts uc-c ui.- t : aniilii1,'i iiii liAent' r."ti im a uifti' c-as acrr t itit i G- stiiirt Ors Iluitht Lt - i î'iovingtiiti ihey wcur' .î t' It 'iliquiaryes- 'rît' . Ii n'- . . tti gnti ln st c-il in îr'ilrlr i ib. -tt, andtti ins flue netotiiiii mini vîi nccirut- plisaiit Il iii i en' lrti - uking Mayar Briîsai tibi.î- IIIA ont, itr policemîen uv,-u'!ui nartn iroit' itese Policenman Forgets Oc-ri. Ittttt1w wii i piiceimen wttttu ituesses tute tt ru-r' t.iiLti t ti twotatiec-btevot' ed iîtrvn1-t r'- '1tr)ct iAtus <clft polilce' t-t tir unî T t he t-t'-etlves. i-e- Itres<'uiinttiiý tiiisr-l i'5as vîtiskey F aatîîun -itiiiini'dloîîtte irrmoomut v, aluAitgfui' ltiuuii -iior onItaof mnifrîn ut. oturi io ff dulte ena -lter. lu JItuiiiciîlet saloon at MilicîuîairA tiateil.ti strtets. clost- e'n bythe' f'arat Avnue t'Station, - plIOiceiaîtNo. 2251ic'ntkr-d n ait 12:01 ; 'giay Ir fullî ttttfornm anti apparent- -ly an dut y. Ie' ordcretl vhisiey anti vas about, to dinlk Ifc-hei th(- tr i'iild. it denly whiep't-il s-,îit tructe) hii, wbî'rplipoalIre iiirr:'I ri In- lte glass back on tih'e ci-aur ldrilsheîi ontf. Ictvlng tir" iii eyti 'lit tii' .i;tt aud tînîaiti ioi. ireun ;uittrArîir C-ity emtipoyer; n cri' t'>t l I tth' itl.r Plan Fight o'n Ctub Clars. Attorney ri ner, S. Vi afltei't',tan addi'r 's lu Rave ir i .tri srttt Chuiîir u rade a liri: i Iiil itita 'If tire saute ', i î ' iiactici'd béee riAt ast i l' . ,'tiîir" tho' licetîvi of lay sartitit i ouin cia li; rcîioled," hei' at. ' t o' ise coulAi rott]e' tho t-ît1 'tir,, niai otîce.le ri'ti cir. il ii 'rtý- aighi holli cti. t l noi'a' v 'irtu achievor' vthoiti t,;us nirrtaîmcp. "Af Ibere l,;a rirr caylit wh irh'the City officiais ci-n ic î'titî't irîua t. t>' we wAttnont iteit:i"trýi i-non ri more ittingentfmn'ssunn'ii ran tre are nov iýilîg. 1Iauni, niintttiiîg auy promises ot antt>hireati, but every mesus Possible itîtîer the tari ciii hp exhausted betrire this figbt s giveit up." Attorney Waiker sale] tIre clubs anti "high-toned" boteii, li wbicb the gatberlng cf evideure lAs difficuit. wili AIle pscet! under Investigtionua-t-,tn as possible. CONSTRUCTION WO*K COMPLuT! $ix Hundrod Men ln Employ of Road Have Dooti lid Off EMt Contractors Have ta Continue Their WorIc. The <Chicago> & Milwaukee Electrlc Rallvay Comnpany bas about complet- cd al Uic construction work that !t bati la charge Aitisel on is new fine~ ctcnung narth tram Racine ta Mil waukee, says thei Racine Times. The coipasry tseit titi the con- struction vark on tbe lUne traRa- Chie nortli ta a point about four uniem soulli of the City lAmisaof Miivsuket. Thi s tretcli cf tour miles vas let ta VcArtbnr Bras.. one of thre ie:ding railway buiIling companies of the countriy. As a result of thre completIon of bbc work donce bs'thre Chicago & Mliwqtt. kee Comnpany lseif Preient Fet bas let ont over 600 men wba bave been uni-bingan"lte ine for t Abe- tweeu Racine sud trie point lit vAic thec McArthur Bras.' contrat began. TIhe portion huit hyl'yitr. Frost's Con- îîsuy lasnov ready 'practîcailly for ap- eralion frram Racine nortli b Ibis point, about tour uiles soutb of Mil- waukee. TIre Mc-Arihtir Buos.' coni- tract vork lastIAl! nuilnisieti. The iPorion ut tht-finemue mt soîlh of the city beitîg c-utîitruc-fed h>' Mr- Arthur Brus. s tîemît deisyed ili con- iilelot i Abtree or foui' iciy Artavy cutsta hrarmgh wbic-tli te îi'w racks are ta be mun. This woik vbich Avoives tlie renaval ot au nîmense anounit of excavation lasbélug îrushedl as raîtdi>'y as mien and-i ney cati do il, boit tIre worli iAsno beavy that t vii lie sanme time îef Itefore IAt ii1w llutihed sud lerutit tie oteîtAug ofte litrue for thtougAi trafflc. if vas lroped this work coîtîri hi coaileted au the. fiele ould be opened about Decemher 1, but tins viii not Ire pîossible. Thre portilontofthfluine Mri. Frosts couîîny bat initier roastrime- liont waulti le resdy for olteratiotufili s fev rlays ivre the' matter flot ire- veutetl by the vou'k ai tr the KAîmuîle- flile 'ial iand oitIttlitt(e tmiles lm- tieiatet> sutii of At. \ý'tien tIre]fle Arr eoiiiffe,-i' l. iiic','i'i lclilie doit- bli tî'ack andtilicli tr ri- ertd jîlt as soontrts thre roadliet t'ait ri' t eveied iti foi crs 'r10 rai i i uvet At, WEATIIER OPINIONS Of TH1E PROPIIETS Juîp and Crank About the Weather as Tossedt t and Fro uy the Men' Who Ouglit to Ktîoc' wli Iii t i'iliii'iii'D- 221- ;. ti li"'rt .lmli.v lltir ta ir0,' I. l' î"riiît tti il iîtlmr'oaît t :11r1 t titoa't u . Ailî'rî'. il i ririolT, Intan'ara nili wlnter vitIr. oIt, short sie'll otir severe veafler, 111i suiteai' titis, ie, snow sud Aleet, blilzzards lit thet i'r'tean sd beavy gales lu tuie laki i-e-nit ogether vAîli a reai. ahi fasioneit.aiuvwy Christ- nras-sntî-liai-r-tIre it 'ýi.a otitht.veatir- cm progt'nrr fni- or i'! ier atpeti ont b>' tilt' ncroIog.icil prognotcator, Hi-t '. i-tî. Hilcks ni'StfIotîla. lDt. li-m'fai-ecniit night be con- aici-rd ,tr'rulti. etween Wec- adand tutiiititîiai'.e exlects utormm o ai i-ri ahIc-h viii turrta aleet, anti t'onrinu rîrcîr-. massi, fi-oui et to daqttttranui the, countfry. Blizzards ita>' sisit Mîctilcitte Ilat, anrd the va- terri ai'thi' gmr iales mli tic-'laslieil it gi-t-at ftiry.'Fi-rn about hec-cm- litr il lut lecénîiîem h9ve ns>' bave a bitter r-aId wvee' anti hear of earth- qtiaklrc lu otîrer 1itt1teof th& vomiti. Tire rseondi trainperiot vîli Ire renc-tioîtary, vith fitft, storny con- ditiîcu. 'The third aloi-m îrilud, tramn Dt'cembem 14 ta 19,. yul lie mari-ei ivithi, xe'slvi' aloi-ia of nain, snov sud steet. Itti',nred anti foliavet lis ligb, tirngetousi, violer gales, par- ti-aari>' ou the sens. Antiter celat andl t-acantic crisi il ceuilet' auDe- ct'îuler 19, crtvering tIr-et days lie- fore atnd afier fIat date. Heavy anawwfl iiiIe flcheNature An tIre fotuitiistarm period. vAiic-h Al Aoc-inde Chiristmias day. lun1t1e S11 perli, .tram December 26 linte oui of the mentIr, Ibere vifl lie anidea changes. Dr. Hcksa ayu varmer vcsatbcr vil b. lero Deceuber 28, but liat a adien change te, a bAt sari yUl foliav. lic prapiéteseli thc ni s'est vil go out villa agroat coud wavefottrameb.narthwLvst Howaver Night and Sandas' Cérlîfloaft MaklngliasS 111,0111Cul Outi and Suk Sitatement la Near. Clearing bouse checka la the antrunt cf 51,080,000 avalblng the. oeil of Chictaga banAr 4 i u or a businesa Mondas' ferp sn ftsn evidonace of 1the ailevao t oc- renes' stringenos' so far am ObkfqoIla concernai. * Par lte ist time ome ISV"ppean-ue of tbicchabfla the. elear-Atg bouse assistant aotarlce ulto aige thon bail Sonday lan viehc te t-cal and t i tlaauncacei tIrtbie- atter tIres' vili not horeqoirci te voan ut ugbt. ' More than $8.Q0000 lu tbis scertit bas been tilatributedtiet batiks titpasltlng for then securîties ta tIre anount of one-thmnti marc tiban thirurface vainc. Thre enlireiisie1 ns>' i-nuas liglias $ The finlatiI of lte yesr tor a% statenenb f ram national batuka may1 Ire mateie nme Unie tIi-r yack. Chi-i cage bunkers repart then'r.eltr'e ads'i for t at an>' tnte sut New- Yorik batiks si-e sait a tii-gArgng te conip- tu-aler ufthtIe cui-ienc-y ta Issue t ati once. Country batiks, Atla1. mt4,do1 uel vaut It until tht. latterpat-tof th@~ mnmbl. The <ail ta maie sohject tri flc dlsicietioi ot tIre comptroiler ut the currelins, but must lie sent Ont neot lafer than tiecenher 30. WATER COMPANY SE RVES INJUNCTION Oun Saturday fIe Watei- Comupany olttatliieti ait InjuuctAon againsf the cii> tif Lake Foi-est utieverutiqtht- c-lt>' fiont Iuterfernîg cAtIr tI-'c-onu- irai> lut th(- restaration cnt the Iiitoff btaxes ai ttuc Cetntral aud West1 fîtuenitliii'-Water tI'titpaliy shut off the mublIîiirwineof vatrnfi-tnt ir' c-Art" Ii-ty stîtut i ff frtu thelIn ar-oA trIItiitg'r îashiiv itprt cf iti' tre ibi 11w s-'nnî it-jaut turs tîuîed thne iî at-r onur tin. rrThe ~C-ompnyi t tîrî '1111t1 ui [f tutti lrti--ttild t0a iau nu-st t tir- jautrun ril' i - t t tu ti hIl oui ag.r..T he tti ter tvas ht-u!t t uneil oui i i r-u nirtd *ei.i---,'niandt i tw horrie filietI inn iv ii I itrt iilkiirîvui. tiîs lhirvettl- i h !1ý i- 'ilituiy ýsIlîlig ofuit Ie a t ir , r It lti, ilir i- t't ta t'tarr- tile 'rît-r.1 1 It trni nit cas uluîlseît. The 1 iai ili tr-t ii tiitijti'd tori rsitre lIre lirut-cir ct tOrnutue pîuiutuit surithe' ri t ha luhii efni iiin ir'i 'il. Silncethat gra tîiti 'trI lut1inqv -r ri-t1s srln,1i iliii,' dit,' c-tt-t' lias blurrit lise in flic ii'nh b>'rt-tlî.iti' 'tînl5 uifu ti uti tiitulile tidjiimt' Ilai ns .lli'ii r ttiiLhait W unir-ruaiet,rof tiihe toublesr. bî'u'îî in til-- t iv-I1itttm ri-1Iftus Nithie- injruxclion bIas bte'tîgitu s'euuns arnd lia un ii al u îîc ii c-silotus as cd mititti- liaxeýs have becienrshreth, ut t iui i r irnruu-t ' r-î ies ail buiîîîulr'î' thla t lutcion tIre Cotan- c-lut tr. "î'nrtr n î'Ias tl illhuit tutu>' ic-ftilrlrt-tn loiShut off lte vs- antd Iw L,' , rt-ani g twint' lin iiutulit n tint At ltiti- biocriuaIave - lit-î atrimui. arc-rtild ost-ttled, Mr. J.Iiiiit-trii r-it-Iie luas wt-ac-bc ld idues nI orik as though a i)tec- lt.e iinu Ileîtîr' urIna If aru n'tîry, tiist-ttteiuuc'ut ttetve-u lte ttyanid andu ilt lius tu-rer ItuiA Iut 'bIii r-iiitiîu1atr vas very cloget'biali,tii-- fb-au il it îîîîn'lin mt ll)]tuir- bruuRer'. Lîtkt' Foitster. TiTt. If. ic-isý)ii t-f. Lattis, andrhlias - - Pt-rtf. Bot-n it-tlu, hi tirgeslt-xiciams. "'114- .'N Ieîrwîîr ilat ~ni-rth titi ilt't'e us Ni t. .Ioltlsql,riuuiufort-niai- 'uttirs eigliitSalons tattra i, ii t-unit' Ilug itierllitiuuis ir' ttie griasi boie 'itliiiitht. uile stru itucigAit h liunil, itethod:It f tht' ganse bone s blac-k cheu theIreuw tprohi.bition ritue lac lIeut> las au-t v inîci' ehesi: îIfawhite., got-e lho effect Janruars' 1, MITAgo out 'a etîtru, open vnter; ; tfuiottIet.. a of business viliorut a figît anti bave un çiefiuitels' deciei alter long ilelîib- variable vIoler, vîtIr oçcasicnal i-allons, Il vas nt Si-at suppoaiti lia sbouWit.' Tht. boue tbIrlyear. bc'ýau>- lires' veutOffrir legis bettle ta tire noibesn, As irite. vjh o nc biaci une* iav. TRIAL fOR MITCH-EL. IN DECIEMBER Nov Posture Of the Cam. WI! an Attempit t luapeaci TeetA- mun' of Euitor Smih ZION CITY MUNICIPAL LEAGUE RASSE FUNDS An Unknawn Witncst Seçured Ais' tAe Defense ta Canfound Testimons' of the Gazette Editor. t Fi-on Montiaya Sun> sensational tlevelopmentat are ct- pected An flic argumenta iendi09gte a. -new trial frroi-lad' ,litebeil eaI, lia - tht' December teerif therefcrcuit court. Attempt viii Ire made fe Impoacir thre testimons' af William J. Smaith', editur of the Waukegan DalY OR' zette, a mystericus ýmaD whe viW a itisoner lun1the counts' ail aI lthe tiaite trut Smi11 tut bis alleged lnt*Meic wt Mitchell being bbc ucani a! lui- peachucut. aceariing ta vaut Avant Zmon Ciy Ibis marniug. Whatl fIlth Testifci Balli led tilat Nitobl Pq IS told him boy ho, iteffl, Sidtw»ý. ed lic ima o! et * iardat-g Greontatglj,i udla lie, S Thie paint afttel a ti bat Io laueied 15.' nuadodetel ve'î 1IMà sas the tOtirnaly at tbc ggeaor%* utub ei<>Mi tim3j»Mor5e ibue Walter ammuel"bb i~~ 16 b- Puatet tberfantantloiec ~. ernonies attendant ugSpél h i dtsi. tfaluc 'ratioup PI4ht" The ZinCity MuSIîg. LIa.fgî4 lut ralaci fanis tI iaaw~~ê cyldeao lu theIN.Sfttral, la l- - Mtchell vs edmail but ne v tar trio lov eac thua, bovever, sdtiber League la sai ta o ekeoing che 18s iity of tt vitneu a imsea.onaý What cantentm ie. IiAic This vitnesiW, WU> va. dehdif tIre cousis' 1.11 aI thl Um ttino obê Simith Iinterview, or vho w" . t- flicre aut ble sarn lime, la s voo t lassai t taibt(laI Suth'e tr Qui tlie ibue 's stand Stt t#IM Isat log wus s fabrication, maie ap nt er.-' erythlug that ho even board or rsA' about the Greenhaigh case. TIre detentue bas long-sought ouaet wîtnessa us the unkuavu, but SU, nove actualAs' ta Impesei c tliunu as alleget lasa nov aire, Whal DefenSes Mov. Ie. 'Teprincipal fumof theicdefenp$ for a nev trial viii lie that gudthW» tane vas net lualci as lIa ot 9 vilt- mesa lu Uic inicîrnt as ljie rnzi9sr.S forimpi-esc-nbotsud that lieue va» nu notice ta the icfenae fIlat Sur%"l vomîiIre caledtefatire stand. The outrance of lie Muaic»M , Leagrie la aisea s ucvfeahurt lu tiw defense andi shaws bow thie fasite ut ZMon si-c le liglilfor tuebr aumikWp. i May' Bar Mm-. Mitchell. TIrestate ou lilspartI mas'bar lI% Micll fion tlling ber stars'ft aid lier liuabani, An thirB cucul liaIt 00 nev trial lasgianîci, TiAs viii lie on bthe groupliaI Wtbe' wite aboutit net ho peruslttlo u1 tabi' fIe sani againat or for 11er hbnmb>.. Mrs, Mitchell, hovever. coulé îog' fake the stand if perutîltterld tAl- lt-r star>'of t -he GretiitaIgli cae, le un hic-h site artedl a printcipal snd net iri-Ab'f an-t. t la allogodi. vihat. dlanger oft I)raseeutitan ne. abît asbeeef in jeopard>' an tht.c-barge omuct andi (-capoiet convitiOto uis'beceuse ef [toim chliireî.Q Motion to blia l iAn Two Weeki. 'ritnemtionîr lor us îuev triailuntIre Mitchiell case viii ntable heari tfo- ma'ovekis Istecaitise Itmn ust Ilit-anti IkK%(th-'îe luilge vnhu'iarni tflintiat, tri-li-. Jttite I)oitiut'u l( oi>' u llii ttt ftc hec-e luntil lte ihi-tI ct-i k uftt Orvis Aduits Smrth Plan. Whem tntervic-vrt tutu the. possile Ampeac-bmexttaofEdltor Smibh, Att*e' nes' JustinîK. Ou-vis i-.'tctatlly adilnit- toit that ditîîfwas abat bis cahot for-. Whel ) saketjos at h i-t't-tiliil,.- ipîru'achmnnb oad tF Aui, smli'. - IAtueaie severai wasof aI Aràn tuent," ho sai. "Onea in tao's Ai 1a iaint',;teItsîions'as giveu iffle, -sqtuare' ctit the nfilets andth i. tir ta Arove that hie rspulte t-tutli snd veracits'lIna l<110 * I neot ciftIre besl' TIre interiew tank pWacet, ID vas ieârlng rneoa's OÙ et Cam. te bav sot* m 0t i* bL ti VOL. ~VL No;0.