h*le Ic If contabkeasPialait 8e %mIka u 1. .11luarla icsleucc 'felephosé lIc. iii. Utyjei u0olle rae, Ri e, ilO iser C isi ~*ClIITIN PRCE 1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE; _______ __________ Aclearloff bonne for thee bpardis of LZ~< i. 51JT...........................Ediorheaith of Cicagoansd nearby towne 4UST........... ................... ......... ...a....o...a.....e.. ....ed.tesdayoga zed WeeeMa o* ono SM- KrtLLXY ............................ ........ ...--............ City Editor ,i Chicago. A meeting 01 physicira .5 representing thse dUpsrtmsnts fromn PI RIDAY, DEU. (5, 1407. Garn, md., on thoe spah t0 Wanltegsa ____ -un the n - - and extendlng to the ab CT eNAV CLOSING WOULO BE WIDESPREAD. belti ln the Office of Dr. W.» A. £ivanu, Withh lie gathhrlng cf evidence lu mItted îhàt thse saloon mepu are for eommlssionçr of bealt*i lu Chicago. A 126 aeoSunda>' lent, the Chicago thse firt tine lu twenty-llvv ea(%rsiconmîlttee OnUipermanwent 0raizto LAW ildCier lqIanched i ts filet i wtliaPjrebeiisioui. Manyv Of was appainted aanet the ne tMeet-j, i.~u umipagu o tose uady cos-theni tire pente atriciieu over the'oi gc i socsln hc iib lu ie eiy.Proacttis or o-look. Claims the News.1 helti on Saturda>'. December 2. oMeiers 4tSaio tI, ill~~i Ia pnhitig ]n te flyht oa the Chicago echarter, villilbe eleeted snd by-laws adopted. ibu aiecf lq~uq, o Budsy re e lnted Soclçtlas whtch stand asm ally report» vinilbe made train oketd ythe. league jally againtit the- organixeti represetatives ortise; eaich board ct hélthinl the Chlicao thle proiirietora of the placés Is test 1- salooukeepersansd iirewers, matie a'hes.th district. A rage of salait pot' ,#j. strelous figt agaluat (îIt>icbarter, lu WNaukegan willllie reported tie U JChicago coe s ssaloons otn Thee>belli that It lgtmigi rm thep <qo*s-ane day ta eve5P polier healti de- ~UU1agWae n sd other a;ubur- lng of the saoos unday. Partaient li the association. The~ etti c illesv bi ave ta follow suit. This attitude on teit part matie l number of persans vio allai> visit 'IW St. Logis ciosed Ils saluons on te supporters of thse charter suer>'. I lcago frani outside lowus andi citles ftÉU h renaît vs tlint al lie Thils. lcludeti Mayor Busse and lhe male, k possible for disease cou- *OWuOer Cilles of Missouri where the entire cil>' hall machine, andti eairly tlti -dln one section ta ho carrieti mnsul bail sdbien allowedt wnron ou al the big Chicago newspapera. miles awar ta auther district lu tie *uuda*y, hmdte close aisae. At thet ime the prediclona vas madie f1 vainew contagion la Chicago may ln titis caunection the Joliet Dalit lat If the charter vas tiefeatet, the; li takeft ta a farocff sabarb. Ne"v sonod& the foUowing waruingg salooniteepers voula fSud that they, Noa Soundares; CommO» Cause. Were Chicago ta close Ils thons- bati trieti ta takie iold of a bonzsaw; Teeaatth abutr-ln j*aIts et saloons on Sanda>' aud Joliet In opposing the charter, ilusanuitnry affaire hetween Chicago A"i lAckport saloons vere permittet AIl the pro-chlarter forces are orelantis suburis," saald Dr. Evans. "W. fe reta, lit ies vculd h. Invadedet a nd lu their fighl nov the ohave a, commun cause. The. best re- hy sac a borde of tougis andi dis- saloon men wiîî get no symîîathy subise eau h. rescieti b> a hearty co- repulabies frotslihe big 1Cil'ty tat front tiat eleenet. a peration of ail departmients of hesîti bie umdb no;safetj for the comn- The Ilomocrals of Chicago who are lu surromdlg citiez vith Chicago," =uyit. This tactaiglit as velllie now out of ofie. oult iebupleaseti ta Dr. Evans w55 the lftrat ta unater. 044olirw. lt biais a.aded Intereal aeé the salonsof Chicago cdoseti np take the . vo f brlnglng tiether bue te. the 111ght, tu a . ruel n Light under s Uspublican govrnor.'the varions departmeuts. A letter Viâm - -s tnte's àstpnrey- sd mayor. beeausel vas malietl ta the iead of oaCh bureuIo 1Wiit la tous of Joliet fi tri,. of of lhe effect Il migit have lu drivl1 seversi - daysasgô. FQuiteen .pbysi. : irn 0h07 ctili ear Cbi- the sa"ecuelement oser te 1h. Demo-Cassnvdti1el Ossu 40M vit. e te Mlea agenersi crs±ic Party. . COUfln H1-osptal Tes. 1 td«e-0fia%-huiti»svlonnoue itgt AU of these tacts are couutlngi Beveral suggestions vers made et4 4~ téo PoverM s aloon and brew- ieaiy on the. siie ofthle Chicago the meeting, Il vas prapasci liai M' fatalsia t e, Iloufot but b.li.ead- v ndt Or<er Longue. ilbe entire district ahould have ahon.. pitli vere ail amail pax patients eiwol*TAA4$LOAN-&HO EALY.poo it rested. It was'aise agm!'d CH'bnotbpfa ur the SLoAn -4HoroPEa L.. htuasthec cocf mainteinlnilai- heoifas or ii.hal5 orcd a vmiovni-ime. This la a5irstore.s s e heavy that It w-a #m M» nd hebt ind ant *110v te greout harslship sud ha alrea1>' pro-0hardly possible for s»ualer towns sud 11 »adthe vellry essetWalbut d.cead vortlad" ffects..cistspot ea dpat 1*01tu" *ed wmj55 nes. vhe serve Thun, toc, tiers are thi e p e nlime t porthc them iia eat L*4 btte hDojs assu? th storeso. Mnebeat.sud echts cmu bosId have lie oppeatunty aofhiiag . mat. Yur OhlsAîaa shopping ozork tefMr bellot advanages if>$ir the CilcSgc Iaborntory, aci buri-S' gnba utaisirsCommence tlilr*C ISISSSItle expense of ils Individuelcase P ii isbein esetlstock shopping uriy. Tlhe msonua.la a hard C.opMmon Mai. ffoai Mwe e 00 LW vttty au ls t ons at hban ma wes v isnIlumaie dei. -nei.matr of economy Muabol moffa .o oî Il, tbus8, tasg. là,diffitby thse peope holding off oonmlMsdal.o th.iebuflng efvis' Wlt ieit t es * fa 51ithetirpwmamemautOif hebalinute clu. as atitoxl, ai1D. Sas huosus.voa *e elier tiscauifert# acstuai pain amecued w oa aoisas. is Dr.viBlaees e, laumM. - The =ilovmt hmbasboDame~"' rate.su d th, memers of uth e cci- réso, oeliabs s ving ilu- Uouai Oeeand members of ~ a= a av terille.o tee i*te pim tban na.Tis u dtts *ilau; lieheCountry a10 vicies. t vr uoltah » os 00u m ta pt be rae d. oi;tt betudmai atheorpe t d niluelathd emapaer lu liaofclty. qit ibâan." O f peope ble h Cr huta m shoppiay ng erl aIâg ocars 10the tat a par tIis bte 10 bi facorils MM eoplte o aueban can ual ex. ltig e i. Cnton». 0 alaiW e b u 11W- f paoseeMU" e v truc lhlir asart pcis in rea bulltis e tsate utao 10 ta rOP.ftu-tfia. b itla; tis ur M4 noticesrte,. lin sv- outalde0" taer y 'lmisé u l tag i. 11>01r , IMM -un Mt s Cort.tas fot-as ei ol a heipa vrtntl ber ngd uewu erlnch ebCit. tbagm eheaSMies oemearc am ffe mplr oyas.met It Ieust ethst partofla. ol A» W SIIP4T piCLote thON MODIRATI DRI pir itayaeit heeti tarthentsartenre kiuWsor tft Zut P~ 9U& elIfitrseetti t san i veeagron cadi s senlea helvs 66 #tmy ,ep40 i mote fl eta ong tauli 0.»cf s an pcf oalcdont iry d Drhe.tylmiteM at baeW a...fr.hle#4 rMe»lt.s 10 are abo ut 1.edrp>oryev .2pon l a b Par-Doel r. V. Prmart ,ýfttbmm T.WttDg O IIO&I noM ue.Tic 4tsm la liven lach dtus ZnteCaIfl-r.N.J Lsc: ýi'O IY oloeilc»».pleteImehts M e>' 'ma(l1amoonf a i &acohol ve ary.hlca -Dr. W. A.Wyas. MWrem uit , a7u taty tis(ai lie.6 domalanIaW s ey 2iand e Oak Park-Dr. C W A rbrinSark. l4tt*04S hua bo dy w$e10r.4euandesu tewihAuCicao HihC.-W. Ge. P ori î1oýX0ot'wr =i Qundtm o etiwih tre ere empabrdreived W EktCifg. -or.A. .cute. theM*t0lie e thrIo. laia of r ery I ; mt.o atho eir oaer.Iao- .A.Eas ffleL4ftffl u shwn iaisamore 1h. 4yand ade IL Chicago-Or.t-r G ,ocrl 1 bawm Q tba i41 700 stteIL use ow! inoe f ue eA ouuutte . rg ber.pva e4p'î tmm Î9s18 Wl tl gm al. ioeus.. ia rsf10 as.te ia, hit aspitaCicasoIn.-etOA.-. NacCrie. I~~~~~11 P" siaanOM roupa ivglss a day Su i euet0 ascape d- nz.LserndD.Ge.l's WWp,4pIRF élautonoive t a rav Ie lurjuyr taio.Eemmlîlee vilrepa I. rta e sst WWJtW « u S ouisMVI,'Oesse l huet eu MmB uit a efecls m eting vli lilD fr. Tim. -M tom Si rairn oiue aith I lesaciate ord o «edlCitope d lame nD.luer cfncases tnt haveThie i ~ ~ ~ ONR Dsotlaoa itrac an doce 0 eea a av bc.t. Th~ epoti subunbaordicsion et Cblcag T» 9»% o! tii ar C o« ounty ce11aioden, thiom ectionsuthae ft- metiatgusvim e thoilclane. Th Iâ0»ÏIaatitîtiffms «w « b of efuthed ae oniio cabhe ampo c.lare urofcss hthaebe bl cf t limaa" deomt wu. is epec omtaorhanie o!eu fitlBtyrpotai n uuEèsE WI iChicag aé»rsa ndtromlcotea cf of of aie lnte.ountryciis otr'iSuad hebs *%le 22. Jct f uc ntr W* et the as 0-WIctua iui s, vr u ecte ft, al .to bae urpas-tRetoii iÛmelp ta hyiaieP,; , ' l uutmi=s o t mn fleshoullatmh e esha io>'tthei alldextmpleien~ CasMisineGece *111111XOlfst iait de epechsd Ablccape to i roeiostinr -yHE WL W1. .li sicacetu tiksand li p.. lntic lshaaa rseiyfee ouy .C ulkr ryik 3 = tman t hie er fdet&lved To! testutaie cntrecinutryud onitî - - 'nut C Sr, riCukee, o,7; A pi 3V"Du U sata poyt Wtie t ondtino v nollbJceblabtsetfo li s.er' Clye2A. NtoZo i 3 ..Ptm*Ofmlganft essoasii hav e ten Eethi oldt. h Rl M. sIPiu. Hghan Prk SOK e 21sCla oi Zeuhau>er, el 319.ari bav beau.PROFITS SYTRI MEAPYTûRdUCteIou oNsitirncnsTeut. 2ie Mor alle ccersIlim thepain bthe nti- ys of Punotrt haser- .tinrd GC. iC aek, GMllte23; f ! e du iisryanonuetia ienas ati proves, Ce oa h m o ndari te . ais, 9. k7 obdu Ém o lhie priedcolofoInyh ounthie san ait cut i.i rJonk . SCoh>, Nrh lada. 45; pl uppiloti iv hem ru idtahe rUn-u iIdlch .s. Tifo etianien. 46; Ma Nr s, an. «M'Pploy, Iathlr voi l nlauetti h ly ubetco s er fyie W. H. WIn, in Ci>', 23,14 ligh remer ave otIl-b aeker arergtl leteîrttrssMWihin Ie' aductlabrslutdevPIu t 01m1t a ai!heur satiod ealetvpte Jor . 001> 0f Raa.ndWl.apid is. Outs ual pea. iThe otiraloff,18 o6.g ii. nditteCn. appiedIfthî e Wdo.d ho:, M o City, 26;"dats - tb*r« ë ais e ntlv s o- o,ites tu a i. canln etelaonstand Whiran, 2 n6t.eu *ttUffy Orbthe ilafd newliii hat -sunhaseSubInld pinetulat1j htl Il elie atra C C .iimulalrn isuaeo I&ibave ! lsahrsud i ylcoler, andteptse. olatiue t 2gr Grain, vt ui, uts, l ,oil -t"toue mdiU I s the 10 ovonta the isysica atnigioft au î vnîst Hbait esputCvta, ha; pse iM1 oltu lie hatrai- lffhierit 'a ads al plat ntefr y.er. orR. S, WQ.lon SRC.O 8-- f-- --- - .-haetbo ttatr whpv A* ts Ouara nteecl Je*elry YOU TAKE NO cHANcesvM9 #YOU B&JY OF ME.NsylmggQW"atca.pkSo of ij-elnry.r sdvuwm la beesv a mmeti ieecvcley iit amsol ees4yogod mit looJ-J d o uth" biud-EveryElmg 1 un lauin W sm %Md là h leokm-uus article 7om bssy d me. tluj slso. wo Pmosdaitoy -blog ihbot snd gel a meSO-ct y@timoey bock. DLAMNMS VATCHes JBWLRY. aLOQ& SILVEMRE md CUT GLASS AT REASOftABLEPUCES, AU Vateit repufr work gnaateed for a year, A..IUSS d so.s £A.Dts Cep t. ........' hvu'2ScVâaCqmid-t MW a............e M ulk ........................5tS 'Mws m Ail miUndssruas..............S Iwo Coitas PliScaiUmoevv.a............oc Mage.s ôwauIsl5m.. E. W. PARKI-URST WCIANCA SBLOCK L3BÇRTY VILLE A CHARMINQ ENTER. - TAINER mla te oBiller Piano. Ifil tlm halt playat. Il la no les un excellnt instrumenut for the beganir, for it's su error ho ms.'&or Otpane vw ldo ta bu-m n.au" For lIe tyro a d',ti. vltuooo--tbe aver- age performer s veil--Bone el"i thesSSoulier. Louis J. YEOMAN WAUIOAitILL P90PFàE$IONAL CARbS I oDL C. ie biaOMMY. umss-from 1 te 83sud 46108 P. LYNCH DROTHMR Lift" yla Cotecio %lou 3a - L>lbelyIbs. il. - OâSceoverg8.41h £ Drt. osphone115 . Beakbnmosphon.761 [uua;11 te 120. M. 1 ta ed 7 te Ubeityvll. lmIois DE EDVA"D V. SNM 0"ic over Postofice luimi: 10 to 12a.m. 2 o 4 and 710$ p. m. ibertyvilIs, lilluois ILAHA=£ MI D, Physieim ad Oui gbo Feu Lake, Stock Fmm ingleelde, fil. VAITNY 1&iDA6Y> PAUIC MAC GupfflN ATI'ORNT AT LAW. Ubsrtyvilt.. Illinocis puovui1 DL RIL aSMIT11 DENTIST. OvEn LAIS gumAII T IIIOIIAL SAlIE 80055-e;ta 12 a. m. sud 1 ta 5 p. a, DAJLY. Llbsityville. Tlirtais. DIR. GOLDING DENTIST' gours8 ta2 .0.-1 ta p.m. Kaiser llck* Lithertyvîlw. .1 tinos DR, 0. P. mu 1 1RFM M-, V1ITEMN.ARY SURGEON. 515t51A5v WYATZ U VEvEqrMN Uiertyvllîe. Ilinuais. LAWYBR 218 Washington Strftel Wankegaf 'Pions 2"~1 DR, , L. TAYLOR. u.-7 ta 10 a. m. 2 to 4 sud 4 ta esidmmObou roadvay, opposite Partk Ubeftn.vhDmis Emeio.uSAuIsuz. ssuc i.e oef SALTIEL £ OLRY' OliwGoodout 4k< r M't hm e t .sm * h. npke l an dSP............p.......... per pottadvoe c l . .............o...... clovCoSem ................. iOld o JawPP G::n. po per p-----.......------ rUt ~ ~ pm ..a od. .Sis~n............. 9« ib opw......................... cloueper o bu, Nia"Cm abu .L............ E. noe. Il aLLSWs rTHe FOR MEN Warm wear fol' cod weather. Uose, onfortable clotblng and furul.hiiigsfor mm .SérrIce- - Ablepresntsthat wlll be appre-. ciatId.VW fit men from head to foot. FILI aBOOTS AND SOCS. ANI), K COATS, LA- AND MITT!IS, MUM' S. NEW LUNE o0F CAP%. NLW ASSORTM N NCKWAR. MVRVTINGFOR mmI~ J. B.-MORSE & CO. fffANBY BLOCK :LIMRTYVILLE - - - - - - - - - - - TrHIS US 0000 WEATHER FOR COAL GET THE BEST- KINOLING WOOD Q A L CANNEL HOOKING VALLEY SCRANTON EGG RANGE AND MUT CARTERVILLE WAS14IED EGO VIRGINSA UPLINT IF YOU WANT YOUR MENS TO LAY - - ýý EEO RE D COMB MEAT MASII çATIDr~A WE WILL SATURAY GIV AWAY FRlE FINE PURE TOILET 8OAP IED -flE CHILOREN I FEMMONS-ME-R-CER LIJM-LOR "COMPANY P4ONIS 47 end Ill#. E. A. DSHOP, Mgr. ý l --.!Àbu