r Air ('i'si~T1TP'J xflI)PtNDINT, FRIDAY. JAN. 3 9i n'il - .CRE PaO RY"ju»t0nArr-idà. ii sdtyvilh uI<W1ru 'b lîw prieims anîd1 ha lrge Ii i ofLait a ésa elusLue amen ts for lots -ti utbdivl.tlorî, te ehi(leet OfOR SA, E-NO hoter la 'Fitlia -i'OflSAE-Ci-e ltr1 lu0W Franrk utE-er f l ceres, st-cr i '-VYo~~d. ail tIllei-td i, utttsii 2% '*d« .arths't of Waucuodsa l % j uit' 'sa",or & . lmeyer' t l'itrr er (t'iry. & ORSLE-Ae-t-5lui-soun 1»t,ît!s gari, &rles.iIXJOt. Iii it "e & Aititis »^~WNTFD-"-Uiood arw l i - iittiy »mes'tearoad prjîertd. flics luitar- *uiar., prît-e. ltfs>l tîi lmle- ý Ao- dj4« utse yr i-ai-e otirini-e~ikfang nt'sriyvîth'. it. iLt fýDR SALE-Al kiuns î,Iutuls i mcmi _ç ounty andti tolemaltm Aiiri'.' eïeekefrt, i b1. i,UtI-n111t-t Wi., . 14-2 u, i.m uanteud u a hurla vub cîrcule MWs3aledlu Oouocakirgasisa, Prairb lO SALE-O ratuber tit-et! i- Qz; t0 a laEPIasNToîW' fe. 10-ql ê' WANTLfD-'OOOd gil o(lu i'nral ;ýomnswort. ' ceett us ilesh. il-ti WAUTD-L~W0 oin wit-limodem onqno~.,e stitatScn Lieh-d in westImT a"dcooled ln warm eva, - & -tàs' adr'e flh foi pori-lars and pa ..If setfsactory, roure p-I'ermflanent. &ddre» A. X. carv 41,uommmi?12-tf - ADJUDICATION NOTICE. ftblic noice lu b«eeh>'iven i-be t4o subscribed dmlnbatrof u th( ue usteall 111deceassd vIll as ". tern i-he Coei->' Court ot Lake Cout i- -i.aa terzatereof tobeliult!en a *0Court flouse linViaukegan. i d Couant>, oce befirt-Monday i I>briuary neit, 1908, viten and wlieî &U pwusons lving caies agaînst sal .Uobtte are noti-ifed andi reqtes(ed IÀ -- preIent thse saie Lu saiti Court fo adjudidcatioan. REIJBEN W. COON., Adiiutratoi Wauliugsn, Dec. 10, 1907. Il-4 t- ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Public Notice la bereby. given thb th Buberîber Admntato; cf th eSISe uf Williamus aall deceased wv atteond the Connty fouit ot Lak CoumtL ai- a tere th:ruot (o be buk en a th Cort koua InWaulisge OR « Idsit Cuunty, ou the firt-Mont! ài aubruar>' nuit, 1908. vben au virere ail persona bavirrg clair aitlnst sdiid Estate are noUiiet au -~rèquestet Io pt-sent the saule (o sa ofr adJutilcation. REUBEIN W. COON, - Administrato Viankugan. Dec. 10, 1907. I1-4 -- -State of Ilicoirs, County ut Lake,.si la i-uibe Circnuit Court utfIAke Count ;Irving P. Lisfecil. Helen C. WalE t"-- sd FeUix Waterloo vs. Robert 4ii btt. Fred W. Nesitt. Ruthr ý1'-Nbitt, William Neblît, T. E. B.oit -',Ciharles Phillipa. William 1l. Smi - aM Chares D. Boydeton Gen. N --'Pubici notice la buruby given th y- vin-ne ot an ortier anti dutre Iuni-be ahove untitlet! cause Circuit Court et tbo Decumb '0.-XA.1. 1907 thereof, the undi L Mater un Chaucery Oet a ýwtul, on Tuestia>'tire 219t- of ut r A.». 1908 et the bouc Oui et"elincltihe afternoon outse ay- ti t SsBi- door othiIe Coi lon» use latbo&Vty utf Waukegau. Coi t> tir f,ake audState ef Illinois& at publie sugton Io lise ighesta béat bidder th foloing describ ' - I nd drQaJ soiai-o situatut!inlu - Cotn of>' et aiteu Mate cf .-lui -ÀaU deacribeti58tas os~ .5.'TheNetih sIxtV,(60) tout trorn tbeNots aide o« Loi- 'I-o (2). -viopk ieven (11), ltuMclCay's Sem Io he,* 0 f, Li-tlie fi the l (uCit-y oetWaqkegan), y-Ut ."i). lm %Ma IÔNha3 UETOCK. ETC "N pigO4. 6110. Bfl0iit" , Iilwrtvville it. WANTED-A gidttm'dhr tp . roto. . His-wt - 'Ilti a h H. kith, Lits'rL.vill,' III dumfl STbeze tepini-cil llawall Of onO oebdD.Sr;.3aiihe altithe b oue f the'village Street. 100laebdD.Sr ilube- blegtvs srlh ortefrtmore sure. lit seeined ru nie liitlo POULTRY T gi o teih o h iâ less than a miracle ta ll-aIrt _____________________ 20 or no, then It turned culOUSIYOly 011 uld itbe guwounded. 1i-tulil ta,e FOR SAL.-I'îrebi'ed Pl>'m'aî1tlî Ru-k a lttIe landlng ut rlght angles. }ere un credit for i-bat niyself. tý-« I 4 it) me. IiNii U,,cY.1I as in fsemlt-dtkness. 1 groped MY Far train that, 1 eh0ud tili bùt-Ihe i'houe 2654, 1iiltyvilie. 111 -it wy for (the contlnîîance of the fSiht. absointe trullit If 1 ert, houesIt 1 SThe frst seres of at-ps, I hegan toa ee FOR SALE-Iluif Riwk Rîîs.rs$ idmly, hal endet! at a sort of portersw1 ldbave p to hMelf"tn Ie aCtînh ir' t-ai lh ut a a lfinit lI'lt-ris.W. Il lodge. I learnet! afttrwards tfiat this bv rvdmsi - eatîwî iiEHINGtE .vas a private entrauce ta tbu hotel agln-Lnfiltely more se than ahi- % bov"ý andi that ln the glails-coveret! Willoughby loat bIà lite. Then 1 waa FOR SAL-hftdyiîi.îte I>.' littie ruom a porter vas accustumet! xbausted, physiclly powerlcirs. Nui FORns unîl n onî'f-îl, . I havé' falled--s.lIl by thbe fatal thiA- i-Irie Poiof i or bm n v ll i.sucnds-because terrer huit! me i-li-lt $a a'ii. A.W. i)e'iiww, i-, 1 wI as still feeling my vay cautient- I icler hiti y about (for I bat! not yet seen tbat honnit for thbe moment. t maken lit- ___________________________ te flgbtet sc-psvascontnuei at isedifference, so fer au mv tcorage or thrlight angls nteps s otiep a i recowardios la concernet!, ibat yon a .' MISELLANEOUS roken sud uouv nthensthps cirloliving wilie Wllouglhy died. In _________________________ i of llght aithtie font of the steps lead-- suber case 1 bave been eigally weak'- Fu l illr,ý $1 preo or T)ýiIngIiio te, tret as lotedout Thnt vas vhat I sbould 'ýay ta lier If kikut ur, lliKHI RaT 6tf At frst 1 boped il might lie Helena. eea âetmn Bu i-wsa oanio a epig But 1 did tnot. You %e" 1Iarn frank In utheiL va mni n d ie aseain tht-se confessions. RtalIller. 1 ain WANTE-'it'i caci s a alieid 1.> ti.. pBti hott-pil Iu deaperate baste.w * r~a li- i t-t- 1.. 'lîta~i, 1 gîreased fILtLulbe Dr. Starva.BtsiWlgtitlutstiaui'I',i î-~-t- ~ id 1,îîîiî1 lild neintention ut letting hlm linos' even a greater cowar l bau it-fwoi-e. tcsi'i i1iiini,5, b-t that 1 vas folowlng hlm. i piresse Fr enItletiiih-tiit.I close agalust the wall to let hMnPass. dld net educeal tromn ii hl11 bideouis * iSURNCEW,'wrte rimarne To iiy astonlshment hce darted loto word Willouigbby bat! a;tîîhn 1befoiru tic., i-ot i...îIit -t.- l te spyporil r~lodge and! croiicbtd bulie e. Nov 1 vas (oicllîgrm 'FA srs. li-ui i-It-lii 1-rf deonlunthe. goom. 1 held My breath, ber the faci- i-at 1 knew 1 ilî'erved v'itchicg. hardly an arwta lengttrainothe rucreacb as keQnly. where he et od mottoulOass. Wa bait reached the top ofthie Stops. FOR RENT &gain thre circle of lîght Was llotted We walked eioviF tow-arif the Grandt eut.A vmanvasrspdlyaacîîdng betel. Helena, I coul-I ate, was con- .8thé stepa. I oould Ilheaer catcitinît cerneil tb lier ova houghrs as mîtri - FOR RENT-Tii' leu. (iriîiley teri, iii lier breath. LtivwonIHelena on bier way as was 1. For Ia Moment Ibleiihock oîf 30t0oare.. 2 iàiîii entw-vof Prairie Viow ta the hoiel for aid. the accident liaitma.de bei- ferget bier *Apply tii-si- atîîîîîal Bank, Libert ille. Andlnov I arn forced te a confession urraod. Nov that vu were ticar the II.81f ihat wIii deupen the sympatbv or cuti- hOtel list rgencY naine ta ber wiîi r0r- tumpi- feit for me when 1 rlated the doubled jorce. Sire was îlubaîrng leFRRENT-Hiaita' lu R&xkell.'r. tragedy lit the theglunlng of my nar- viether abc should taku me loto lier &-UI.s-f raLlye. But I have determlned ta make confidence. Site vas saying tu ber- ip I mysuif nu Il -self, i was sure, tbat IL vonît!lbe a 1.1FOR RENT-Eight room huu,'e ati1 For nov again came that curious generos relparatlin for bier unjust baLl, irîtce.istter gîa sd c ic-r-,paralysis cf vil.Agaln, as lu Lie censure of me un the tefrace cf the -lsillets t20 04> îper mouth. I)YmNI) 'iiAtrageily ofth(buAps.barrer robhed mu botel t Lucerne If shoi ltrusitedtial AusTn, '4 il I for the- moment cf power ta act lu- me Uic deliverance of ('aptain Forbes. FO REsLu otmbim na heantiv I1bat! cangbt the guent of 'Wby," abe agk2d aluwly. "shouid jFO RE -"urrîmiienertt steel. I Lew that Helena vas doomie t hat mace bave lain lu vair for mes sebuou bonse. U E. fIAi, LtLsrtyvile. nlesa I1irurlet! mysuif instantly on tht- therel Was be a commuai hlef. do LI l t reacherous assassin. voir ibinit?" 1 did indeed flIng myseif headiong No." 1 anewe.red after saine husita- rit on hlm. but oniy ater buehad firuil. ion. He- ia a Bslgarian. a political ad- iil MOIJEY TO LOAN . Tbere was a crash ot sbattersd glass; venlurer. 1 arn af rald. Mise Brutt, the shîît of his revolver vas stîli echo- ibat bu bas hbld mucb ta du vitbthe ad M0INEY TO LOAN-Wk mollie disappearaîLe of yonr brother" or 1 6plty of IouAnlng Monrey for bauid- Sbe paused, stai-tled. ré ing parpome. Aso af ans. DratoXIo "Hov sbould you knov Ibat-he I A vina1-tfvolcesvibrated vll.b suspicion. ___________________________"Becatuse I bave leatstriesomthîng THESEWILL ED.cf hlm t the ebatelait. I arn a guest THESE ILL WE. rîrre.'t-1 pointed ta the castle over, ait Spencer L. Crawford, Ruaseli, 29;, sos tbe vallu>'. e Forence M. Nortbrop, 19."Viaragutcfit ma ±- Nis almeaf Chcag. 3. HlmaMadamie de Varnier?" In-} Johnson, Lakte Bluff. 27. "u. at1 Peter Skarbalic, Waticonda, 42; ":Then. ir." asevas bastening lier lu TkaP-uts3. eba' stepsa atispolie vitit colti hostilfy, 1f John H. Wratb, Chicago, 223; B- It la curainly net Lu yoi, Ibat 1 shouldh lre A Turlan. 24. I -: le appualing for beip." id John H. Wroi-b. Chicago. 23; Bertha ~ "Miss Ilrett," 1 saild l ihsaine bit- t0 Eisabeth Brown, Zion City, 21. t eruess. "you drav icur conclusions fr William KazrWuen;BrMte very hasitily. la it Impossible for yuî Waters, t Waukegan ta bllieve that I vlsh ta belliyon- Frank McDermott, Decatiir, 25; . t.at 1Irishbte umaku atocenitL, ,u or. entus, 24. .'for thu aufferlng 1 bave conîseil Yu ______ unconscusly?" Fear to Explore aver-. "- She looket! at me lntentîy, lier eyeg A fP viles train Wol1ieter, Mais._ stîli vide wirAi ditruat. la u a rocky cbasm caliedt!tirgaory. la -% "But yoii are lit (bu chateau." ahc Leat cae-oenro iiawv rupeateil.' You are a frient! of that lu aseeni Luleat! Into ili-c-uitotr ni i ilIfmu oa h a undm Lke tar-b. No une lias Net bail tbe ci-uiua"î, It Was an Unequal 8(r11gle. brother. If you are bier frienti, lic ld- ta pentrateI ý LSit. its f vî ; ý con Y-- l lestiur s~-a~deu ubumine?" an, sud ta attriui ,usicb ad Iîî,ýngîîuuîîuîî in h taC ' s rppe wt I bave net sait! Ibat I am bel la a verY ' t!lftîaI ndîl îanul'Jîiî hini. filnti"1Ipretestet! quiet!>'. ut! ceeding. A ,u lt iiiuî il, ;- It vas an it ncial struggie. I fuît 'But yen aSe St the chateau ' Sb( mgplureti sulîlîrui i ,i 1G ii*1o:iv' Dr. Starsas balry banda close about spolie tht- voîda ebstînatuly. That naîtmy Ibi ot!dI sas bîrriet!backvard, factt as, ilulier eyeiu. ani uanswershl- tiiNew Trout.vrs, agu n-t. ad A change cf Sorue bort lunnn¶Yrcr CHAPTIER XX. "Yen; and! 1 know tlrat Captait garments sonît! be w-Icomiet! hy Mîan Arnlyel rtiist. Forbes la detalcet! lbe1 Ikncw tha, Lo. for slace rhe introduîction cf tht' Tite forci- of the btow hal stunnud lbu bas just altet L you that fat- crusse tbuy havi- heu-l statlonar>' froni me for the nmoment. Presently 1 huard antd bas asket! yorr te geL belip. AnÉ the stadpolnt cf - .t.and it woveu ltlt-na ealigfor belp. I struggled nov I vaut Voirt o ltave the Mottai lie vellIif flutfng. jakîiiig or strapplng Luaiy [eut and! Icaîret!gasplng agaicat lu mi- bauds. dci-tandt! tat as mi Fis; ceult! bu Introdut'týl t ioîvivlfy tIs tbe sari rlbt. I la atili 1 bave set myself t>, garmat,-Tatlor andCîl tier. -Arte yîîîî mach-burt. ir?' ahu asketi 1 Once yoîî sait! ru mû tîrat 1 shoul( er- In--- -l Frenchi, lu a eiîul. îiitel if i et ctsave aflite foi' the tIri' ibat vas los E. A Uteful Explanation. veice. Sire ball not rtcog:iizeit me in thr'ougb me," A. «The cimate la vecy colt! lu St, Put, tht- st-lgloomu. ?,Vou bavo Ialit-tul iade that repit ti, ershurg, la It net?" 'I amn not hurt at al,- I rellied In 1 ration. Mâi'. Hat!ton.' slle sait! aimer itb 'Vus," asaeret! tht- traveler, "and English. "But I am suri-y, Miss lretti-, humhly. 'Fate liai iîiild me tht No. fortunatel>' n. Th ilremaitance en thaî that villaîn bas mialleis escape.'"'1I houlti bave lidgtd ylutsau hastil: ables an official ta argue Ébtisi-bu l- !'i tancy 1 huard somu one- rush after an-d suas'rongly." bat sbl"'ring liecarîce bu la chilly lnsteat hlm," albc continuet!. cuing Lu me ' No, no!" I spoike iu tierce rumor un- of becut-se bue la neiv(lts"-Waahilig cdoser andi tryluz ta diigigtr5 r y sîrantt2t WVlIl youni-ver bue Just t lu I on star. teatures. me? That vas aitl-accident, 1tlu iber "I arn Mc. Hadtdon,' 1 saîtî, quletly Yeu." don- One impossible Sky.Scraoer. She repeated Lie naine vaguely. , "I do nut like ycu huas thot you sa aid An Ilazt-ul..iiunurtitil-an iras ruta- "Tire coward," I adt!et! S0.1 day Gled tat If uzi liai.tbose were bull! Tbure vus an avkwart! pause. We It vas bopelesa to uolaie ber undei t rov ring ont, -tii ire lîlck, vush 60 blegan to ascend the Sec-ond fliglt 01 stand nus'. 1I abuld!have confesse sad pari-ments o t-at- ltiner and ite stupa, ny covardicu souruer if 1 vîshedta Lub irt! pera'ns Lt-ai i famllt-,fIL vould have --I amnarr-aid Yeu ane assuminga sbellever!. She bail Badaud as t Li tcalié lC,Oî, itoi-lesIiigir lu ordur ta nome te vhlch yen bave lttie rigltcerle. Anti this jut!gmenft cousedl n un* atcommodate ii' trille population ut Mr, Haddon' ohé satif gunti>'. I bI- arucl thie greatey pain. oeil Gruter Nus' Voî-k.4 and -Iliset hat yen saved mry ilfe Juat nov. *"Llsten." 1 drus'liebt-rL a gardet lbed Irrn Ucli obliger! Lu yen. soeil 'A lfe for alif-that la vhi teSnç of Pitteburg. 8h. exi-euaed savwhite baud lu thi yen sali. But if, Insteati 0f a Ilie. (b n A' J crazy mac callcdl on Lb. mayor of 91001111. Theru vas gbsolutely nthiug veru a man's bonor Liat Ieuld as' roi llttsbnrg andi askeui lm ai ufinance a of sentimeutallam lu the actioln. And -if IL vers tbe bonor et >'0 ralîroati tu beaven. Wltli (le excep' for mysuif, I vas cynIcal>' rîmoved. brother?" u f ien ofutPittaburg, Phladelplla vçult! 1 recelvet! lier (banlis aimest guiltily Hler flips Irumblet!. Shu Isanrît!Ir luI probabi>' le MO enut avallble lot-a- and a 1111e sullenXy. vwi-d me In lber apicl. 5ead in for the alter teimiaus, ut sncb a "I lttle tor"'. he continitet "Ob. Yen voulît crusi mu vith tl 'oat .lfne. . dreerni> 'thtat your. cne ail men. woold j veigbt cf mi, gratitude. Bave ir - TI-telM" b>' 11.'ItgaViela guet!deal boters holti tandsand eus v De'pat p u' -h eodasti.. i O-?~ b other's hnor. tand equel" v'>" ~ ~ ~ l Wneîav>s oiti veey strl.'a . -,other melu your respect?" è'1rty for te ýbappy vuiuae\wh0 vuulî AI t* bee #uvs a Iudy accident, "tYen," abs said t ami»', ber eyi e'uompyif ! - »1- (1111htrait wdL >M* ,r ib rtbrîglitvlh unsitet!tsars. "Vie net abo"It9wp04M V",aa- a 9 aSa trieur!c su mch nov, WO are - '~ - - . --t1- 'j!c4eep iutyeé b-sAMefit my 1)6 liajici qiv UN 1 1 rive cenb lp*ý Une Per Isioc. arn testing your taith," 1 oked t bi-ler lissai>. 55e r turreti My glances vithbrave aius" -u yen recive nu word. .18.1er f&Ms Ceptaes Voibseor 07Mys .bl .IE.Ot t>flgt. if Foua semt a-neE w the-be cteau b'yoa- brother (Md tuta 1 Venuy L May tge>' Innufl. top, la quire At t. Grand butierUrM. lo laBOS Loche. sHilesua miei'aa e sui Ai- Laerne; h lIIelq yee.' "lHe bas aireat!>'114e1)e4 U&. It vas Mr'. Loclisý ubo direciet!Cegia»t Foi-bus and! mysel! bers lu terhit-f feu." "And! yul you eut inclide amont aMY services," draviet! a voies bebIla!un, "the tact thant I vas se0ti-rtnate as tu save yuur lite lust nov, Ums Breti-?" 1 luoliet!up spe«eua. Roinason Lot-le met- MY startiet! glances 'sth icool eoeaipt. "Thai- yen savet iy ]' Ite?" rupealeti Boiesa, lnvoudet-, 'Havi 1IrnibedYet>'liant countr- mnuof yotur gratitude. MuIOBret?"V ibu dumandet! carele»ai>. " Then i vas yen via rushet! doue tthe si-arway?' I stamnînetiet!. My tes bot witlialteane. r"'tes, sr," bu saIt!, aterel>', 'ut vas i. Iitront a plussant dut>' toeuxpose 1- Lie cowardiruet an acquaini-arcu. miss$flreLL. I coulti bave furgiven hui ebhiterrer, BuLtishat bu ahouit! mas' Fqrerade?, as a bure s'bill I vas valu!>' &tternuting te putsue tise blacitaiard i whu tiet! to murder you-traL ln a lItine te mut-b."' a 1 centrunti-ut Min, rMY handis tlent- I et!iluMy rage. Batt ilt!not spuali. i A defese wIAP ImpOselhls. Istaret si- fr hlm In eimues.- mWhat tie Devil la Vont- Rlght te Play the Part of iriquisitorî" ina a rather blgh.handuî iniauner. Vihat tire devil l8 your right te pua>' the part ef inqulsit0or?" "GenLi>'guntly. 1 sait! nothn abohunt My rugit.", 'l'hen I mlglrL ask viratlelayouc game?" 'j make ne pretense te an>' t-ght. I bapp en te oIdt!hIe carda, Tlat's . "B>'that yen Mmin.I suppose, ltAi- yen have put (vo sud i-vo tooether Mdt mad e sb. 01na tbitW44 r- blp ls>' 7m? sri-brtla e la4abhuit "d » belp I Est dmIseW' *W hhis. I eh malle i S riff tu wff te pidv4 th, bil euLTou"ne m rn'iffl. ronhave sg'E~ saloIwamsS- utonlunib5Pma i~ twe. I veni- (o yowtl ai-Lu kad Offered Yeu>y tr1esdbI*' " Andi yen coM e -ae SOAds4mv Scsrelyy d dtt " Dateul Ducemben Zab. lui l 13-.4 Master t,.Çbw A Canite steeftt,.- "Von t-an alvars teil tihe *00, are unhappy fi-cm- th et tient-" saidt!e t iraivtua yen u ookeut f tisewld ,p fina >'utneyer clan i-ait 'Whuibu t! that #as ciie d OJa lahi i t a - Aivaku" - ýe FARM MACHIN DEP i.,t.. ui îi u lacii, r,.u îuîlî VcI.U:1 . u i u - - itt of V Illinouis, Ceuni-y o% ti yr tîthir 'I,,Iul u- i it,,('ircuit <'our tn- @ 'Aut llrct tlue Iflm ta sluitrîuuit," ;hi- i'U t td ie.uuI 't 'oiluy rit-il - luIc. My't-il i l uiitir uand - . - , -Iu u Mary .J. Huitc'rti.il vs. 1 a i-titi- utt i.îe-l, e tbriigit i-ou Mtultur - , -f I M.i . h- i-rsor da-vist!es nf ThInu wcie hi- .'h le 'au le-truc-il iat Youin-îiui-iereftut l." unlinei heirs wçi-ru wih Mr Wi\'lloliby at frit ime p ît 1iI - -iset ofJosirra Pi-Ioi. otfr' hiii.tii, yun t-anu nderslant! lus' -t' "-Sa (ioii iine3 uttnusr.y lîknnhuma tc 'Ior a-1,iuoit- bitt-rI>- v-r eqenteil aur i! oneptitti. tordt! r u 1 iu un'ieven bu- Pei-lnn. ilceauet!," u;'on nient. l"rglvc me If I arn aguinsus- I a look. 1 1.,,! .-îii-' Io trust -me, dtities et Gui-tonit .titetr 0l picilou-, luit ihai I shoirît! Ont! youu îiitI h'u(.iil a 71 1Lw ,îl.a t uuh-oatinr rttvluu Lte guetao f Madamue d' Varclur cii-, Iluke tnus .lit I -, -... lttSiliainrht. feeeasi'il.'? nI Et tha LIm-' I ~~î Lte> tut.i'ut-hut- nrh, tg. t lit ti liters if ttiente "If 1 amnrî.t-îep à-lu.ou oliNýt trtast -I shi ii - ....u ilîtu jv ,--iurbu fil iia nioutigt- tucorder! i-u Me.. ith fr. 1.-( -! ' uîw ietîîY. H l; oI of7or otgages. ttiupag "I viii I1 do." t -- ittine, I. Tuvuer, Ersetus " lrlicitly?" C-rAPTER xlt. fil-h!. 'ttei-il ulterileîii, Ezt-a- 'Vs1 IArn Trusted LU Iil Miduiglit. Bttiell.Roh-'rt Drseciurry, 14 "Even tiongrl etnrtiiaist-a a. eem 'Now,-. tt-î ,lu .1lhi' ganlet-" a-itleDtuirtbeccy> Sarah DIlý rnltcrly agatittlire.' Everi rhouah t Locke hlltt t-ii l hittself lie Itaîl herry, \Williamî I-. Plagier.,tPliug nrnsy set-m a friecîl of Madamnede Var- sit-t-t-t! r, Rh rai,- a rigar fr'Oobis ltittrlelit. IRaymaot! Brttr nier-tu bc ln* leaitue w1Lb ber "ainsi case Iwhîchbehi'Ditl otîr t7-rrume) Ma ry b. tîlim, Park Allau e.Pm you ?" anti si ngarrliurc nie wlrtirte irutaI Allanutonu. Mary E. Allanson. gà&w Sire hes.itateti. 'Shu fa a tiangsi-ouu amuseentut o ne Who Ias corne cf Paul Alianisun. Mande B. Bimm woroan. If My Loor brorher bas tallentat-rosa a -inukq sunilngluib e whitefiteld, Par]i Iuttectielti, Haxit M. a vieillit te ber bhorrible lîautY-" ioad, antiW vie b,îlu off Its des;ierate terfieli. Gract-fil. Outterfieli!. Hueil Iqaîrrl bu, on My guard," I reput-t! uttemptIolue5curIte vîtb a valkiiug futterfielIt! guartilan of Hasel M. ligbîl>-. snîllina at bec tierce rritent aicli. - t-rçIli.anut! racu S.. Butturfl, Mu-r. I vas rilent. I1utfusudteie bu t-t-- u"Iirnkoowu uvuers et or lper" 'fuit youi wyul continuu toubu bt-rl chiset! Ikýe a scboolbu>'. I-ad 1 met i'iýtcrestet! in the ruaI estate decrt1 gilesu la tirai wise? H1ev tan yoe e- L.ockçe. bis mmnd sLlîlunuprejodicutdlin Lie Bill of Celuplairit" luaC0l" ettil.rtlt-ast- of Caltain Fut-bus If againat mu, I siroulti gtadly have toit! cury. Genural No. 3469. you remi-tla ai theà ehatmtu" inn uverythina. t-yen aSttLhe rialiof iPublic notice la lierci>' ginue 3 11u, t i tb1,-. ru lire traiit- ontcm ormaltIca myself rileculons lntirbs uyere4. i ly vruunofuta ilecrueeunurs.W iïj - But bis mind vutseo videeti>' matis' abovu untitlet! cause la sair! (ircu - u r garding mie. bis luterferriceubat! Court' at the Dut-embut-Terra A. -ita I Ieeu so rai-ally ilî-îmeuu, ta r1oui l1"17.therot. the- ncdersined, MM«l - . ~ .. ~ IneL brina Myself te the humiliadea i Cbaneery et sait! Court, viU i I - , ~t-~ n position Of Onee bn I)eseut-es-Ot One Tîncstay. tht' 28tb day cf Janary, Who uxpiains. ual>' Lu bu doubler! aller D. 19h18. at'Lie bouc of Onueto'ck, at. ~ ~ ~ a th. ~ il ie afternoon cf sait! dey, aI -The spisodu lu Ilile porter's ladite Do:r of tht- Coin-t hotrse, lne -h w.sas even neus'far fi-uni clear. Ihae'if MWaukeganr. le Lie Couety et Led already sait! that 1I ewth at H eîe n's a d O rae out lîlnois, sat- i tpublie eicapu vas neL due ru au>' isrso f tien Lu the lghest anti beat hIdi min. Sav a!cnuae!bmcfb-for cash ln liant!, thnu olloln; ' Dr.Stava adconeald imslf -sribet! ]and!anti i-al ustate ai" lîlut!the glasa partition of the portfu i- te snyo ak n SA» lotige InN the lantilua. Unobaurvut!, 1 ituCoeye .kuat l - bat s~it! Bt agluattinsvaîl va lr- linîoisandcuit uecribeti as ftlIOvs, had boodfla agaDàtthe RII wath' it: " I bat! seun Helena cemning uptie Pr flevthatt the e - stairs: I bat! seeta Dr. Stara levul bis wt-aL44 NrthRa etin1, In o --? revolver at ber; 1 bat! beard (bu crash sip4Ne-b ae1,Hato- o f glass andt h'ruport cf a revolver.IdPîcpiMrdadsnb -, '" i- I bt!supost hat Starva bU firet! folleva: COMMecînga ai- (S I bd sppoes est oecner et sait! nunihest-es tînt!misset!. - Nov it appeare t-at Locli's shet tef section 3,(Une seeance a ~ Itat! sbtttired (he glass of the fetiguer ection lin.7 six-chnînet s e vhile Siarva bat! net lt-ut! st ail. But Bye a00 (16.7nd ebabis (oadt" hI~f i Arntte Heip You, Yen Must Trust wby Lot-ke shouit! bave buen lu theetaatbsd ui-a od- M,."sîalr-way-w-vy bu shouit! have beun net-theni>' along (bu ceairutofM4 Lu ug yoi tht-tr, bas' eau 1 deony Ut- contcaleil tbee-vas ntot uI-st- orr.sat fv iku iee muai te sace bis honor (if t bunnet yet Ceutaît!ly I bad no Intention ef bumil-parallt i5vub i-be gse 1nli oft 1Lte late), Orissa I remain ait the t-ha- istlng mi self firither by aslilng for an qiuarter section toai-be s- ~ lbb' eau-yes, unls famt rnen apparent t-xilanatiosr. mtu"lsciu! sait! Section 32, thease uMt"i gote (rnis ith Madame deVaruler?" "Cornu; niatng"be i d sdeon section lino tae bsi "Von are (estina xcy bliet lnu e sLu asipI>'. buAi.tn hhf fh mW L- theu tumos, Mi-. Hatden. I suppose "Ton are vain "-or ubat'" I de- qarteof Setion 2h all t i-le I &~ 1- yen amoolli the suspicions ut your amsnted vltb au asestrancue iîtinet qatre eto 2 eTv4 thostusa as readil>' as Yen do rune," foui. I vas piayung forUime. Shourit Nort, Rangse11MSBu t tbe-$WU e Shu spoku itterI'. Anti If airs fouet! I. or shoulti 1 net, tr>' eta iae ai Itpal Meridl&n, uoatalatug kt dfiutt tutrust im* nov, lies'mut-b tlesrt-e,0.Lockte? Tht vas the ques- accus. Aise poilurt he e0* more difficuît uben aIe lest-net!, net tion I vas ask1i5 rnyseU ualer andi quarter of saId!scilu 33 liku ,r the viole rutntb.but a damnleg hlai- shi surbd rnas fo init!,. trutr. -"Tua rentembet- I varnet! Yen. Isoi'te ns or lus;bitlun " 1Ah, voirare vavurlua sîruat!>'ln foldu ! Yu n ers s pavaluI-lihe 01lt o- iotfsl Lietrut yn bve romset tagiv tlever bande of CoeuuaSarsioif.1i-er section ai-'a si-Js 8 me. GreatCuti, Yeu thmnli (bat Itlui.asprefertate Iuk thiiai yen ai-e liet 11 t-an0v01uttse n*4,ij pluasant tank I have set myself? To ratiner tan ber atrcCtiplce. Bui- f thereof. ant! rmantsiba- 1. samibe on Lhms 'orni.te pua>' the bypo- you bave be" bol01eneagh le alloW (ee 4111515tu lte noitwet irite, tuaspy on lber uhen I arn ber youcselt te bu canght mn i-bsnei t lier utfsait!quarter s-loU ,thMý~ guepi-, (hat I1rnay doa ber, coax ber Intirgne. If Yen have made your atel': i-ent>' tibaina (oulthe s.Iv ér into elling the truth, that 1 ma>' un- esta at cee wl-b bers, Yeuumuti- epet toutthe neri-hwuen ueri-S5 « ,' t-sp hur accomplit-e anti bursuif St the to psy theu piper as Weil as aIre. . ter section, tireue eut MO et iglit momuci? Mis BretI, I vouit -j ses. Vonust-e Nemesis doluagmore Or us tea &alake' - vash my bauds et this agi>' business mu Lu Justice?" lte place et begtbanlUtx& -If I bat! net avoru Lu endure evur>' 1 bat!dut-idet!. NO Mater vitat l' twut>' chalua te Ve Signemie>' anti rIai cf bulng msunder- penet! I s'uit! eep mi ovu counsI Oflng, cootaiulng U ty &>'N tot! nef uuly hy a mue lIte Captain fer U t-sen.i vaswu eut tlu lm- tirai-pari- et sait!prembuu - orbua b>' b> yoursult. I teil yen thai- lied into & cOnfeaglen. b>' John B. Aliauson(t lis I bave net a clear fite t- arr>' ont "Se Yen admit that tlie law bliil andi Clare A., hie- it, te tIse I1 uMy plans-if 1 fail. or arn baffiet! b>' erra sfer you," ct-lut!Loecke qvleitl>. A& Vlasn Rallreet!Coe0e0 serro wt-lmuaiin nin rcuder, 1 amn a "Anti at-syen Justice ort-hie Law ln deuil dateti Bepteauber 28, 18, diagrgced mac. No one vilI bulluve diagulse? B>' heaven, Yen ai-e ssunt- recorder! asDocueul 32M0 lfi Mny defuiiL-a--not t-sun Yen. I may 87 qf deese, misse 3 t-yen le' lcrgeto-L prison as a cou - AUi Aisu excepi- tint part couvyed Shuutamon i>t br bnd lumîo.John B. Allanaun <ltn bis la tatlme y o tbe lon." vhbr ansinmneifs i-e Wautegsu & Sonobv t- Foraie me. MY anxlety issua"<8Raly>'Cerpep >'i-o ee -grest. I do trust yen. Rturu te datut! Augat 10,1, 8M AMd e Madame de Varnier. Mc, Hatdeon. 1 Anîgusi- 22, 188lu Book 90utof o lisil Ir> to bu patient. But Captaln ae25 ni(uoia sè ttForbua. arn 1 te du noLlilua Lu blp ru, 1890. ansi recortissi Qetohe lehlm?" 1890. lu Bookt 94 uf tisai5»Pq -6& siuiuaule vsS ýa