bsFer Hll m.,ubF rmriiig t Chamwrmin ot eé or bi&ta"d White pla tiglit ttle a"i *0. eft e bo* eatlpd Wth bisa v«14 a»d hue may b.em- ) bwýmpeoldered In, wsâoe ((j Music Al MM Day mma of tht. on pisce j&pa.. ams b. h" tulasix aie.. Bond te098ll once,. tvlng oumber of 0U. s»d It wlilb. forvardbd ii wash cottuna. Biua Ia pN~ lrttl emblnatIou. Ïlét smong thua rhirde- pa JU w5 st, anS tu t Miâle guimpes or shéer mate. ib. vora wlth lb... Wa1tq itiésa deirable ft« botb tub plimatérlala. Bésiles I 5vs Ma dz.eay appéaracevhich te italued tu the regufltios i«tat uLAtoryprtt siter. 4toe t bai e ads siter Ibi r1k jumper and suIrt vers et o'Meubi.e.The yoks, sle.ts iM4 girdié could b. of laffete Lt mtehés icolor 4h. daricef 0 th. gooda. A. foiS ofthte. MMt e. mai on the sit For vos, M dreu sveM lguimpes coul W~ Tut one mt tb. uni à quarodary net mai. sthér vlt .txr..-quatO1lesvtés.AnotUM ac *lêb*it. batiste préttily tck ua èeanother liaI vOUMi srve gr on cool Sdma cold b. mad" - .ssn ii 9<UDIOC CHOLLUT. CHtIC STYLES. wty Nasdsoe.tfeeta In Cet- -1 -. »cotte matsrias abesrý bMe mmetbiancs teponae lim MIb lie écmei by thusla «f "wvfabres efor Uttié troc»e. »M la a iovoiy ttfle of coonU "m. «BdUi fl des, m" lb. 01 iriS vsa Thée$oral strles t a"s prte.A 11h11.suitresu tbl Ftodsut mw le . lamé -éots to tAis o- kw»betCM, »dai t WUIb. rvree Y" t.y m&Éal. elrb lbiicate .«ect or Ibis fagboma li b. Dresaso * siai a becuming es.- a 0o8 gu D«t jet lu 'ber .the »Wv .pilAg halabavée 00 Msevai l m iS ua bme ami the brio m .Jotasite- bime U.b allwéi ho f511 oit«W tbkua avery at- -mU*voe. srtkmkmr pn e 15. ptsarexé steh- ý>*W teBooace. deptb Savo 4»- ama presed lu skI.g hMât amlm estht 00 eu au 1051% apitiom Sm- #10 4)& Af ow il bu Lés 1e tbe pa* a auteb- le ma" et lili ~ ~mgi tAI ----- ---- ----- ----. W. Have Street lYrwo to rit the Individual Requi- remonta of ail Women. ked al-ae0owa- A L T E R A T I t o t N s FRE F R E WVe Speclfy Seyeral Items of Interest for Our Opening Week. NEW AND DISTINCTrIVE MODELS.UN WOMENM 1EN SUITS IN GREAT VTRIETY, X&PECIALLY 8-1LECTED FOR OUR Opeming aie. A NOTEWORTHY LARGE AB8ORTMENT OF BUmINI BLACK AND ALL COOLOIS. Made of ail wool Panamas, in the popular Prince Chap and other fancy styles. Coats lined throughout with heavy satin, full plaited skirts. No one could help but marvel at the uncomion degre of quality and smartness ini which these suits excel. l 7 Values up to $15.00 and $18.00. Our Openlng Sala P"ce ................. r OUR $1500 SPEIAUL SUIT FOR OUR OPENING WEEK SALER. Will be a positive surprise to every woman, as. such values cannot be shown anywhere for less than $25.00. Owing toe our great bu * gfaclities we will seil these handsome, styhish smits, of Panamas, Serges, Mixtures, etc., in new dip front, > sexi-fitted styles, aloo butteÉ y shapes- Our Grad OenigfPrie ............ E 10 TE VERT LÂàET NOVELTES. In fabric, color and trimrning effects, this lot includes some of our best and niost fashionable smits, Rglr$30.00, $40.00-and < < 4 W4.00 values. Our Opening Baie fPr1 ..... Ea&~r MIlinery This is an espe ~-advantageous time for the selection of your new sprig bat, as we have the largest and most exquisite shoin of rni.liery ever brought out this sea- son. COME A? SEE. On. oft h. feslur., moeh commented on th our litiilnery Departmont la the wld. range of stylo@, qhowlng a ramant- al. dlverity uofal&4 «s.end beautIful celer combinatlon as. w.ll as manty oti- gIl a nd lanclnatlng new Ides. ln trlm- mlng and au malt>. diffrant modela. We mention one of oui sEc1xialP bargains for Opening Week, $6.00ý beula trinuned IRats, An Elaborat. Sho PLir SM I ýoe& O-DO of Our speui 1, Importation of 8>1., Pôopis F Uý T C Ev' le Cordia Attend 0o *Whether Yc chau Our StQre wiII reveal a surj needs of Spring. The new bic merchandise will bc A GLA2CEC AT OUR WIDW 0 PTM"z Dashlrmj Spring Styles in Suits, COO, OUR MUBLIN UNDERWERAR DERPAUTUENT I8 COMPLETE. WE OFFER AN UNLIMITEO NUMBER OF DARGAINS, SPECIALLY SELECTED FOR OUR OPENING SALE. 25e Corset C'vers, for........................l10c Ladies' Goýd Muslin Drawers', for............... 12e I Fne White Petticoats, trimined withI lace and embroidery, worth $2.00, for .....8c i MANV'OTHER GREAT SPECIALS, TOO NIJME14OUS TO MENTION.. CORRECT STYLES TO SECOME -THE SMAI.L WOMAN'S &TAURE. W. Have Very Ai#tactve Apparel for Juniors and BASTER CO NEW NOVELTriESAND NEW il DIVIDUALITY AND CORRECT STMt 0F THEt ORDINARY FRATIJRES AM *Our Tha Regular M I Value I V $&.0 5.'= R.11 IEASTER- COA Children's Coats, made of trimmend, sizes up to 14 yeai Specàilat........ Very Handsoine Children 's Regala $5,00 and *6.00 va Outr Granld Openltig-Dispilay -and-