10,-g Comtes n IOc Cae Propared wth Rleh Tornato Sauce J. E3LI TRIGUS WALL -PAPER We bave jut recived aur SprlnR Line of Wall Paper and al af the lateat and mail beautiful patterns are ta ire found in aur stock A freahly papered roorn wil go a long way toward mialt r'2< yaur home picasant. neat and bight, antd now (la thc time ta fix up when you start yaur sprrng hause cleaniag. The assomtment is large mand you will [lad something ta suit every taste snd every purie as welL The prices range from 5c a Rol AND UP Border same pice as the Side Wais. lai aur sample books ve can show yau aul elegant Une of the mnore expenave ippens tat wui cost you fr-om 2 Sc ta S 200 pe" roIL SfIITH & DAVIS LibertyvIlle, Ill. 'ýwf 1 J. J. Parteous le conftned to ie home wir.b a case of tir$messies. mise Ethel Dowus, of Racine was tire guest o!fIre. B. H. MiUer lait *rlday. 1 Mr. and Mra. 0. L. Mooro visited over 8unday vîtir friands lu Chicago. The W. C. T. U. wUl urset vithlirer. Sarahr Morse. Tuesday, April 14. Smb- ject: 'Lave tIr i reet Paeis." lire. Sidney Mores o l ings, Vont., Ëleïàe v isin.rktbbr 1r-lina, lire. Dr. F. . Krigbt. ait akogan, apent Tirursday senlng aIt tr, home of.Dr. Galovay. For Sale-50 pair gonuine Ho mer pig- eons, nrust ssil quick. E. P. libELLER, lbst'yvllls, III. Mms. 0. E. Moeller, of Cleveland,O0., ira bera vlating relatives lu Lîhertyville the pait fsw day.. Frank Day, esldlng lu tire countr nortlr01athe Village, la very sick wiz paeumomila 11v. D. O'Belly, of Soutir Chicago, viUi gehv e rerular Isntsndiscoiras ai St. Josep' church neat Sunday Ail tylesaifroon' iouidinge ta match ny color of v ail papor or any bard- woad finish eaulho bad ahtewio's studio. 28-2 Tire Lakoalde Cometery Asocation vil meet viti r@r. Harrison Brown on Frday aternoon, April 10. Work ou qutta. Chas. Sanborn, wiro in employed by the North Sirore Electric Con'any at Waukegan, iras been confine at hiri home here the piait week by Mase. To the ladies of Libertyville and vicin- Ity-I will be plssed ta, hava yon rail and examine my stock o! Laster miliinery, April 10.aiid IL MRS'. 'RaTINE. Fred Scirlicken @hot a fina specimen o! tb.e havit lat Fiday alternoon jut nortir o! towu. Il ueasurad tirre eet ten juches Irmurtrp tr p of wirig. Tire Congressional Record o! Mouday, Apil 6, saye; 'Ciaries W. Taylor is to ira pOttmaster et Libertyville, Lake counuvy Ill., lu piaceof Warren M. Heath,' reiguod." Wik liackley, tire drrggîst, la nov a randpa. ýIe re.reived a telerM fro iis on, Lloyd U Eackiey, lu.Cuicagoon Tueefiay oayiug« that a nine.pouud boy was a new arrivai lu the fan'ily. Prof. W. B. Owen, of the University of Chicago, je reoiding vitir iis wife and family on tire Hougiton tarin whrir ire purcbased anme time ago. Tirey will make their home tirere durrng tlhe suir mer. A. NW'-Waidrm..wiro uhirecentiy (oi pieted hie reeldeuce on Park aveune. mos-ed w-this rr wife and faml mie their nwomre tbis week. Tireylofmreriy reejded at Highliandi Park. Pick MMnhion rade a iving nriîr 10 Lexngton, Ketuckv tire iretothie week. Ileliras in training one of tire largeet strings of irorae aitirhe mile irack and iach week osecs rew addirions ho the bnh Chas. Eckes iras opened a harnese and smo miflng sirop ru tirs Butler building, two douo nortir of tire .10-biejibakery. 1fr. Eckes le fron' Nov York state nud was for a trne empioyed with . 1. Luce & Co. Tira union temperauce service ai tire M. E. churcir iset Suuday eveiugiled tire main auditorium and lecture room ta tiroir full èapacity. 1ev. Van de Ervi illad the pulpit and made aonme convlnc. iug arguments on tirat abanrbing tapie. E. S. Kesiey, traffir manager of tire C. M. & St. Paul road, who purchased tir, POpetarai Iset aprtug, la raking exten- mmve iuprovemeute thera Ibis sprrng. A. W. Litcblleld bas the contract fer lusall- Inga a lrgeKewauee vater systein sud plumblng. Meurns. Paul MacGouffin, Bon H. Miler, Dr. J. L. Taylor and F. H. Just attende. tire Hamilton Club banquet in luChf- colsiFiday evenlng l hnon oo Scsayof War Taft, the popular candf ,date for7preeldent. Mre. Dr. Taylor and Mis" lia1bel Peck wera alan preaenl An tmknovn nman was illed by tir mutk train near Evrtt last. Tnesday aternoon aod w as brougirto the under- taklng ooa of Lynch B roi. that everi in«. H e was a middle agad man and evldontiy tramping. Notbirg was fouud on bis person that would lead to identification. A. F. Siieldon iras siguitied iis villingi usas to rmn a hall- page ad In tire Business Philosopher ad vartisiug Libertyville and hm bi lformed tire Ctien& Improvement Association o!thins tact. Tis adverti iug yl ho given free of charge and lm someting thirt veny materially aida Im tellaitthe worid et large wirah a nie - u paLbertyvilie reaiiy fi;. John Welcir, o! Antiocir,iras purchame *the W. H. Skinner residauce ou Fine treet end wil.l mova hie family bers asý r ocate permanently anaietir n utire mni fture. 1fr. Welcb le a monument buildel and ah tire present tiare is iocated in Ant loch but expects to move bis business ti Lihertyvilleanad wiii add another bué lss bouse to oui uhrrving village. Dr. (Jarteusteju, ot MiI,omkee, au ex periancod and iýeiabie opticien, viii b, ah the New Cirtie irtei trie Friday A pr!11~10 examine eyee and it glass. Tins je i tirt viil iere and ire exiiei to comas reguiariy in tire future. Giv hlm a trial and you wii nîri ho disai pointed. He viii ire ai Gardiniersa houý in (irayalake the following day, Sati day. See bis adl on another page. A large athusiastie cowd iled th towu hall last Friday eveniug at th last local option raily o! tira auti-saia0 ornes. Dlamoud Laite and Rocheelt vera alsao, l rapreseuted. Tire motin vas prosidod over by Aty. C. N. Duram sud tbe chorus o! ecirool chirldren ser GeoD. Congor, assistant superintenda RAINY DAY AND rle L sA WET VO Libertyville Township Votsd *"W and Sprang Other Surprises Next Wednsday, April 15,, ls Market After Spiritsd Political Day. Battis. jl. C. James, of Antioeb, wae a vi@itor bare Monday. The war le over. Election day The asessor wiIi get You if You dont passed and tbe votes are eountodi watch ont. He'@ on hi@ way. the vatrions candidates are elated Wm. Sage hoa purcbased of Wm. a. quletly phllosophical as the casea Harrison a bouee and lot ou Firet street requIre. Thora bhave been hotter flgt and will take possession imrnediately. tire old timere tell rns, but noue in wb more iuterest was takeu and for wh Guy Ells, wbo la atteuding the North- the onteome was watcbed with grea western law achool, spent the week end T 'Mi with relative@ and friende bore. 8e I option upporters werec Mir. and lire.Chas. Galbreatb, of Chi« ildent and workiug energeticallyi aasunt 8nnday at the borne o!flMre kePt a vigilant watch at the poili IJ~ ldo. well. A number were cbalienged ilute proeincta and alter heated argur A benefit hall wilI be given at the ad readlngolfthe election lawe ma town hall on Suter Monday evening, wsa wr im.Acow aefo April 20, for St. Joaspha chutch. Artunur estate late in tire alteri 1e. J. Van de Erve will preach on the under the impression that a residoui subject: "Love Totur Enemise" uext Sun- thirty days ln thre connty entrtled it day, both morngn and evenlng. to a vote but only two or three out Remmbe tht i làCorett& F»dthe buneh were qualUd. Iloembr tat t l Colat & re- The "whlshy crovrd" were alsoc erleka now for grooeriee and mea- . idet and ezpreba surprise that PhaSe 80. vote wua 110 larger than it wu i CousIt & Frodericke, atapie andfay that morulng were offLeulng odda t grueils-met mrketas ell Phne the town would go wst by over votes at tire lowest .!tlmaste. of vstn, Thre vote IbIs eawla rthan UmIss -UmsWynn. f vn»o befora ,670 votes belncuit a»d Uai» a adunday wltb Mise wr'- s,Çfrom e a number that d% nuot vote &W elle few ~more on the s liRt, abetc Ms isTrePtiOw rettrndf- a ballot. Tb@ wei ad dry vote lu 1.as FrsstMonday alternoon where wetpredcucwas s 50 beingoenui airs u bom lestispuit woek ln a proe. on eachsaide and17 whodld not vote sional opsclty. the question et ail. Thre sat aideî Dr. P. H. Martin and wife lit Tueeday threw thre vlctory btirte wste by vol morngi for Denver, Colo. where they 147 "Tes" and 185 "No." Tirere b will spend several weeks. hey will alto 20 balots custilutthis precinet wit], viit otirer pointe o! interest lu Colorado. an *X" on tire anti-saloon meessure. E. A. Blshop and family returned from Vo'itng began brlakly and betore a short viit lu Indiana las$ Tbnreday. O'ciock over hall tire votes waasci Mfr. Biahop is much improved by hie Wels, for collector, rail aiead of sojourn aI West Badon Springo. at ptickt d ilerfoJ1oedhwitb oue Warren M. Heathr was able to ai lPTicerra wjîî maka ixteen yeare t Monday for tire tiret time in iv wek Shnorty' bas fiiied the office ofloui and bas been ashowiug a rnarked li)- ,isor and ire je the oldeat member on jprovement dnring the pas L few days. board. A 'lady" wbo froin replorts Wag Libertyvilie returur. wiii be founu siigirtly off color witb au eocort strayed another columu witb tire election rE into tbe village Tnesay evening. They of the couuty. DemocratR are of cou lmbibed-they got uoisy-aud were juîlînbeî to ire jubilant over the fact t 'pine." Tiat's ail. their entire democratie ticket was els s but republicans ait up and look v and know that tbey had march respoi SIEV RALINJ REDbiity jn tire ratter and tirat the Ic IN VARIOUS WAYS resue ji-not ju reality a questior natjonal Poljtrcs. lu tire offices - neeseor and sciiooi truste., Bondi Fred Jelley Lats an Arrn', Raioh Wjsnier biait the fbeid t.> themseivesi Mulholland has Leg Braken in ran -el]. Thre deieated ticket was a gond ti Two Places-Other Casualties. and nas beaded and composed of gc muen wbo are beld ru thee btghest esik Fred Jeiley, empioyed at tihe macaroni by ail Wbo know then' as honorable factory ni tire Fould'@ Miling [o.. wîrjîe and respected citizene and wirose del workrug at thre kneader last F'riday ean bardiy be attributed to pers mrnring caught hie baud in thir hi reaeoua nif auy kiud. The vagariee and beinre ire couid wtbriraw it bis political whirirpooareuotto beexplai entire rgt rawa u ,, nt h adte e uo way of!elu o Fmachine up to the ebouider crusbrng and Tidbloautine vtsar oa maagling il eo badly tiratit une fîTe forw*1elpet are capable meni reruoved at thre eocket. 1ttedfrtieir carjouone ntfl-eeSoir Thre arciderit hap pened aborut 9:15r hin oaw thr irevious experrence thati thre rornirrg and at noua the plant ....uceh value and thre otirers (ltec cio@ed dowrr for tire balance ofi the day. peteut to take hlod aud nu tire iosrt No onue was workiug usailhuai at tire cotisieiutouly. tiare it happened but as bis baund was Afterwards. draw flaco tire mrachinje he tried lu vain to throw the bell and cailed to Cirris Tbe Local Option votors are ni coi Hapke wbo wus startiug uptairs in tire drsappointed tint tbey did not wrr elevator to corne an d heip bri. Hapke electron. A lew mouthas ago port rau to bis aid and burued botir arme even tire onifcere would have beau Pise quite painfuliy inr au effort to stop the to tblnk that we couid corna an lors boi. Otlier@ attrncted by iis cries victory. Yet as thre people .irgaE e atrrved at about tbesanme tiine and tire thiuk on the question many o! usc heboi was tirown over but not far enough to believe witirin the pnet wesk thîi wo stop tire machine aud witb every few would wiu by a omali majority. la ravointinus of th@itebl the machine iret battie of the carnpalgn we made *jerked pulllng hi' into the machine oue serions mistake, we aironld1 *agaîn.kuae fougbt harder. The jna el the machine used for Ounr forces corne froai the battu stimrng the dougb and bas a large good figbting order. Even those ircular shaped aistal basin wibh large voted agarnet Auti-Saloon teri -corrngated iron toues on emci aide that have not heen embittered by our6 work the dough and 1h was under ans ofOunr Public meetings bave1 theibe that the arma wae drawu. Ha condnctsd wlthout abuse or el d to at tire lof t ni the macine and witir sentimernt. Thoy were san appei bis loft baud ire wildly attempted ta moral aird economic grounde b nro rwork the throw-off but a amurail rap and intelligence. Thé literaturew Id beldi It and praveuted tire boit froin baing we have used bas confined lti t1 1- tbrown eutrrely ove, until irelp arrivesf. and bas been witbout malice. e A Jeiley diapiayed an ntioal amount of tional meihoda wbicb were employe 1- grit anri nerve and ater the accident mauY p laceswera n used bore. )r one o! bis irt remarks was that hoe cause o! local option le much stro l.would not iav bail tus8 year. ne wga today tbm> et auv time during le taken 10 lDoctor Taylor's office wbere agtationi. Wa begin to brow tirsoperation was performed aud was trengtirand we know that Ourc -Y aterward removed to i home about a will wln many finonda as the v mile north of the village. Ha la tire soun eic pntr usin 1 o!Mr. and lira. James Jefie3 and bas Itig jOeaY toîel wbat mght 0ay od&aogtr by b il been. More than a dosen of aur i 1 bnk Weil ofhir nrd very M nc» lis c>lbSvea.ftr huma. The tiesh about tire bresât was couuted asniachsas those of oidreeld 9-alon hadly tom, but wlth bia youtir and Thore was poaaibiy somemlsundsra 68strong constitution eho as beau pro. lug about markiug the ballots. bd gresng very rapidiy. energablo work ou election day i Fre Jeiley wisires to thauk tire mauy have belped. 9- frienda wiro 80 kindiy reurembered hlm lu the future asilu the Past ont la aftiMr bis accident and ho tire employses wll fot be for or ast any"Ila In o! the macaroni factory for thoir kind. a-y party, but for Te home and ag ce ones and the floweresent hlm. He the 81a0i13.on. lu cb ,a rtaipaigî appreclatea most sinceraly tbeir tboughh. people o! every party sud creed ed fnl aYmPatiry. ___ againat our commun enerny. For et Bo iu a i adbdynaie ears thoeawas nat enougir ssnhlrr Roy aT itus reil ii M nd a orlng. Te Ieryileto bring the question Ilidat he wre ili ondy monin. Th lue, nwlu tha tiret battie of! sr injury thougir painini wili not ho serions campaige) we corne wîtlrîn 18 vol Or and ho wiU hoe able ho work ln a few vjctory. It ueeds no propbet t tdava.Hes attempteri ho bruah sin what tireresult of the second batt staples frorn the inside of a looru that homupuex pring. ' H. F. LAWLE waslun operationuw heu there ham came Chairuran Pubiicity Comn down and rnasbed bis baud. This lom'________ z-ai alightiy differeuat lu construction 1rm be the otirers in the miii and badi t been The Citizens Ticket. ty any of the others hie baud would have Tire Citizenseacris vias ealled t f. beea taki off.____ at tire towu bail lasi Mouday @von ýt Wm. Caya wae iirrowu 1rm a irorFe J. W. Miller. Ciras. F. Surale, Jr Ive Saturday alterrnon aundiradiy injur-ed made tbe cirajrn and Ed Au P- about the abonidero. eecrartar~.Crctwsedre tel Eari .-ret a ndre ir. While uuioadrng a cask of chains at meeting for tire office o! village tira wire miii lut Friday atteî noua, Foliowrg jetire balancentftire Ralpir lulboiland was @truckhby a beavy lated: tha cust weigiing about 1,000 polirda and Polira magistrate, J. W. Butlier. tha hie rlgbt leg brokan hoelow tihe lu i Truâtees, F. J. Alieman, E. L. )Ou ;Uptlwansd tbe let onue iradI. bruiseJ. and Thos. Coriett. ier Tirerd mexuber was set anrd ha will Cihlse's commttee appitd he rover wtirout any serions rieulso. Colby, O. 1. Luce sud C. C. BuIhis: his Twsua tire firot wOrk ho had amnei I.several momtir havlng but recently re- lt hrrred trox tire bospital wbere ho baid Peaples Party Candidates Entier Oxfords IN TAN AND BLACK COMPLETE LUNE 0F (lents' Jumdism~n con'- oufITS FOUNDATION n the raps ased THIS BANK MAS A PAJO-EJP CAPITAL 0F S50,000.OOn ee to lu to SURPLUS AND PROFITS, 820,000.00, UN AD1DITION TO at we THIS IT MAS A BODY 0F BTOCKHOLDERS WHOSE Mn thie DIVIDUAL LIABILITY AMOUNTS TO $60,00.00 MORE. le but bave tlein, Lake County National Bank, itory LIBERTYVILLE s ILLINOIS ~ fight. beau el on bason which tact@ euisa- ed in lm ngPreto The ongerYeu cannot ezercise tocs much g thecaution in thre slectimn Md apeciIy- our s lnofyour plumbingAxtui«e. Thefr velsrs Il c1constructionand -manner of kinaadm iii b bveparamnoust impoutnce ta yo If you wM honde have good healtir. Ilehe mwre uadm ofcur ôw 0 e irlim m ort in ewmuooatg dents cdmawork imureyou plumbing cfki stand- Lo uns cauae for you. Whsrhet y me ore gping to build or remodel, It Winlyy r would exaine th ie W reaWC bave Ou pL lan or 4pài A l eth.ech f l * unit.LIBEBTYTILLE. ILLINOIS r egh kto an a newi ct. of ,ER, ýo order FOR ning by by the MARKETDY0 re clerk. i ikt Mens and Boys' Sunimer Socka. 3 pair. *Davis Mens $100 and SLSO Shirts. with wdse MB bosos. &Motiarch and ilatis rw M "au es - Vomens Bwak Murcetlzd L%~tW lght unau r Skts. a@ beld in 6c pasi 8c. Vide Laces.Embroiduk .md lnsetloe, .'m74! efolIow- 3-quart Handlid Granie St'w Pans.. viIIa.rs TI K.* wuo o7- m LEster wtM fancy, frm S$1.2.5 tN 2.00 Plain ManmWsh Waist.% 50c to 75c, a --F.ýj