Api.PEl, 5n1908 - j > ".ýWe.don't-seII'j*s-" Ham'." Wè:sell Armours Star." The ham of-hams- illThe.Ham what[ arn" Armoura Star Hams, per pound .........................1 I 7c Swift& Winchester Baonm per pouad ...................... 15 c Lenoz Soa & barsfor...... .................... 25 c Quaker Ostie, per package .............................. 10 c 1 3",pouad cmo Standard Toinatoet......................... 10 c 4 cam just Rite Sugar Corn............ ................ 25 ci AT ROSING BROS.: ROUND LAKE, ILL. for Spring, Iloosier Drills Prairie Citog Seeders Deere end jamesille WaflUng, RIdimq and Gang Plows Disc, SWiugTooth end Lever llarrows Manure Spreders WE HAVE GOT THE GOODS IF IT'S THE PRICE ISRGH O FROM c a k SCIIANC K' S hac ITS Brothersi GOOD LIBERTYVILLE IFRED JOCMIEIM Telephone No. 46 j ________________Libertyville Exchange SPECIAL ATTENTION BAKER end CONFECTIONER To out of Towri Orders Libertyvile - Ilinou IAnd Shipping Trade MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWNS -------------------------e e.. ... epa ep. . FOR YOUR Cernent Blockç Buildings cail on BRUMM BROS. They wilbc able ta erect tme fine boume the coming summer as they have two machines and can cmany different desigas and snzed blocks. They do fist caawork at a reasonabie price. BRUMM BROTHIERS Phone 31 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. DO YOU WANT A PIANO? * If so corne in sud try the IarnOUS SCHAEPERF, SCHUETTE O Piano, at yaur disposai at Our store at ANY TIME. <0 o You willbc pleased wjth 1t * STRANG'S FURNITURE STORE * GEO. E. STRANG LICENSED UNDERTAKER * Prop. AND EMBALMER NOXAIL MIXED -PAINTS A PAINT TiIAT STANDS TUE TEST AND JUST AS GOOD AS THE BEST Haîf-Gallon C na ................ 70 Quart Cana ......... ............ 40 Smnaller Cana ......... ......- ....16 Ail kinde of Stains and Varn!ebes. A learatee witb eveny eu. Cors. in and look over our Wall Paper Book, we'bave e pretty sei4etious frm Çc Y RAYSLAKE PIIARMACY F. J. bruce, Prop. H. A. Watson, Druggiat GRAYSLAKE, IL.. FRAYSLAKE DPARTMENTI 0',ders-Taken for Job Work Advertlslng Rate& On Application Wnr. Edwards, of Waukegan, isted nearly ail bie file sud bave yet to hear bis sinter west ofRilneevllleeeverai days anyone.ayanytingegainthim'" This lato! the wsek. goea tu, show the fOste5i n awbicb ha was Lam b sd M. Cok, f beld by the. people who kuew hlm. As Ln bo1, u E.Cot fthe draymsu of tbe townlbe wilii he chIcgoýW.- tA at Hlotal Gardiniar greatiy mièned la tis work be alwa 0over SUD dey. parformed en fathfully. He wili be The patriotie entertaiumeut et the mlssead by al wbo knew himn as a true Congregationai cburcb wam weil atten- aiud loyal friand by tbîîse wbo lie bas ded lrriday eveuing.- been mont deas to. Il7 the town for the inoe o ausand honorable citizen. H. A. Watson transacted business n lThe fral a edWdedya Rockfelir, Wduesay.the borne, Bey. Havener iftciating. Misses Belle Hall and Mac Cleveland1 Burial at Libertyville. viaited et Waukegan, Satnrday. Wrn. Pester sudtm lamily vîited et Llhertyvlle, Sunday. Bse. Bail Teamn Dr. John Turner, of Chicaqo, spent a The (lray.Iake blgb scboiul boys have few daye of lait week with bis parents. organlad a base bail team as foiiows: Mr. Holland, of raukff , krnWlnke, pitcher; Marquis Shaffer, Er.Hoîand o Wakegn.wa a catcher; AI Savony, lot base; Morris guaet et tbe Kappie home fiunday. Muri, short stoe Elmer Bure Wm. Sprng sud Frank Druces pent Snd base; Clament Nhirtmore, le!ft fed; Monday at Libentyvîlle. Lester Shanke, canten; Bonace Kapple,i Wm. Parker aud farnily moved from nlght field. The boys have secured the bis houe near the sehool bouse to the groundo ai the corner of Park and one vwaad by Edîtor fiavery. Joueelà Whitney atreat wbare tbey expect tor Lltwilir aud miywîîî move into t ue pullotnome good "ames this summer. hoenllcte y Ther.team le mada up of good atheletie boueev@.atsonby adrt e ld nboys of gond habite and ebould bhaa frenaitr, Wstson sumdaDhhe ale o ummar. George Thomson a promineutj fnindaSt urna. nudy.base hail fan of Groaslake le manager o! Thora wilIl ha aster servIee beld lu the team sud wlli mes the boys thbnongb1 Dsulab at the home o!f.. P. Shermau et lu thoir oser ventura and no doubt make 2:30 Fauter Sunday. a runnlng team of them. Arcb Deacon ToIl will conduct the Eanten services at 7:30 iu the evenlng.GGSLA . There wililiehas beautiful Easter anthem G GSLK sun ansd otberspeelamunlc. Everybody MisnttlnrsgFruDy o cordulylvtdt ted le seriously ill. We are glad to state that Willle Miss Grecs Crokar retunned Mondai' Gandinien is able Wolie ont again alter a from a tbree weske' visit witb relatives soyens illus. sud friends lu Chlcago. Mien lvab Loftus @pont Sunday witb Miss Raid, of Lyous. Ka%., was enter. friands at Waukegeu. tained at the home of Mise Aiy Clapbam Lira. #d Wagner and daugbten left oven Sund"y. Mouday for an exteuded visit wîtb Mt. udChroAetnvltdrla and Mmn. Wagner, of Geneva. udhadoAotnvite l- Ens. Pearl Tohi spont Saturday and ti ves bers over Sunday. Suuday et Prairie View. Alil wera saddsaad to bear o! the deatti of Ned Laéon wblcb occured Sunday The buntlug season for ducke ciosed nlgbt.i Wedneday and msuy of the houtns wete ont the finet o! tbe week and Faste? services st tire cburcb bave been brougbt lu qslteas few. postponed until Sunday, Aptil 26. R. B. Oodfrey transacted business in Bememberochool meeting next Satun- Cicago, Wadnesday. day evening, April 18. The Leippe Concert Company post- Et. Davis. of Chicago, bas môved into poned thain concert Tuesday eveulng on Mr.Ba Ser' eaut boune. account of sicktues.. Mr@ Ha@ Gldng a o th sck isi. M nLez Ames sud Miss Annie (Glea- in. Ban. Geidlon anou thide li. @On, o! Antioch, visited friende hene Sun- Lit. Mke eitor su ebidrn.O! day. Waukegan, la spendinga couple of weeks at ber aunts, Mire. Ben Smith. Fred Wright bas resigued bis tiooition T. A. Reynolds perfonmed bis usuel as foreman o! the Pick larni. s3prîng stunt Tuesday by captUnug twn Miss Rose Eau vlaited bier parents et fiue black base.onue weigbing about foutr(banuel L.ake over Ruuday. tbs., and the otbei- tht.. 1bo. lt le tbe M&- e tilret thât bats been Iuldu fGas LONG LAM uEa taire this seaeon. puedoto rsL*j udy Mise ( Mn. Kyle was ont this wsek makiug 1'. Carter, of Chiîcago, speut Saturday e.Nes and contracte for corn to suppiy the canning sud Suudey et Gîfiord Wita's. misse !actory wbl ie o plte 10n thlé fat. John Erwin sud wife, of Chicago, Robt fS Et. and Mr@. George Thayer returued came out to thei rcottage for thesoummer. citi' nie from Asbiand, Wis., where they recen tly Mn. Tutti@ aud Fred Fostar spent Sun- MissC pnrcbased a bouse sud lot, wbicb place dyatterotg ee bao they wlll move to in the near future. dauarter tnag er.Sba-o We regret to lose the goodeltizeus from Heny Stuîther wes a Lake Villa caîler otlS ont midet. Mouday. MNt. C traneect E. B. Neville ttansacted business et Frank Stantîîn lias almost tecovered tIN.T Cbîppawe Falts thîs wesk. lrom bis tvcont accident. lu a îew Mrned tIN. Baldai.i were guets ni Clarence Wuiollcy. of Ouruce, Sunday. Bill.y Deîtzlel. of (lhii ago. spent S unday 'Word Fred Wrighît bas putvba8ed the teuatGyHok fMs acre lot ofLb. A. Frank et Druces Lake Miss Krine Vi aeli ires a tiray,,lake ltockfoî, and wlll meae îîîany niew improvements. çailer Satorda.vendîl i Dont forget towu siection naît Lira 'talor isiî, tcd tIrs. Emitiia Sir- Willia Tusa.Tbree tickets lu the field. eneous Lioildey. gan, bri Tueaday.nepîîew, There ailha services eit tbe Episcopal Et. Stoffer. of Slver Leke, Wis, was wltb itý Mission on Gond Fridey O! tiGe wesk a business relier liýre Mouidey. Edmonè Frlday evenîng. Everybody welcome. TeC 1 We invite you n h cati in aud inspect S. Wbite. of liiaYslake, vislted reain TtheC ont fine nie, piano. It is au eastern tives bore the tiret iii the week. et e makre sud e higb grade instrument wiîth deviein French walnut case. Prie rigbt. SAUGATUCK d.E.le Grayeleke Pbarmacy. C. E.K 1 The scbool bed their first tire drill last Miss Florence Lodeskilofet Mouday fok it ,, -kl Fiday over tbe new fiire escapes. DeKalb wbere she ai atte'i&càooi. Jfon 1 Mnis. Ueo. 8treîig entartaiued the William Hutcbinsoîi was out et bis John1 Ladies' Aid mest Wedueday a! tarnoon tarai recently. their fua and a very pleasant afternoon was passlet. Leo Anianu an,] Wiilie Kueesley bave Thef Rester novelties and postal carde the beau vety buîev the past week clipping Wadswi lateat aet the Grayslake Pbermacy. borsea. Milîbti A. W. Harvey is cotractîng fon Mahal Chandler vîsited lu Wqilmette. relativei acreage for sweet coirn for the cenningMEt sud Ir,Johin Thomas vîsiteil were lit factoty thio fait. As tiis l a great p their mothier rerniiv. to the town eecb yeat that it le run we hrope that ho may lie soccesfuilin obtain- ENa. Byron ConIby sclent Friday ini ing the required amnount. Chcago.E MN.. C. E. Allen and dauglîter, Belle Lire. Clark Clîaîdier lias returuet homeI and Ers. Marrie Cilver arr viitmng !nom Wilînette w1wîîre seeliasbentkn relatives at Kenneha. care o! ber bobrwi sil bon Fox and daugliter, Sarah ba4 'e rti','r wlio le D moveti to their nen- homîe in trayelake ont foet lî-iiîîa whicb was tn-ently curclîa,îed îf GrantModye. Liisk. That laîîgîîd, lifeless feeling tha t AMA comnes wltb spriiig aîîd early sumr. ir, Obituary. cen lbe qutckty chiîgi-î to a feeling ut Mr. Neti Maaon wiîs boni ut iîîîîhîoe, buoyancy and energy by the judlcloîîs ROU n ec. 25, 1860. Died Suùelaii, prîl 12, use of Dr. Shoot>,, l{estorattve. 1908, ai hie home. -At thie age nf eigbt The Restorative ib a genuine coic yeere b. moved ïitb bis parents to the to tlred, rnn-down o îîrveî. and but a Masonibomesteati neai- Gages CornI-ra3. ew doses le needed in sathsfy the M O Lu 1892 he vas marrieti to Miss Elle user tiret Dr. Shoot> J Iestoratie hi Woolley, wbo dieti two yesrs leter, there actually neechng tiret thred spot. Tire AP) was oua child boira 10 thema whîî died Indoor lIte etfn-Inter îîearly always at tbeaeo tbreeyeara. On Jue 14, leada 10 slugglsb circulation lu gener- 1904, ha. was manriedti 1 Miss Nellie al. The customary teck ot exercîse Ebuinger, OC, Libentyville. Ble mo ved sud outdoor air thes up tireIlîver, stag- from the old bomestead to a beautiful netes tbn kldneys, sud oIt-timea weak- home wblcb be baderwedonWesto-rtieid euse the heertes action. Use Dr.Hos Place, grayslaka, wbere they bave since Sbooli's Restotatlvs a fev wecks and made it tboir homne. Duiug this,' tins ail vlli be changeti. A few dtiys test Mr. Mason bru beau drayman o! the vîll tell you thet you are ushng tire Com, tosft. Haovas a character o! sterling rlgbt ramedy. Yon vlli esliy and W orth, nprlbt and bonastinluail bis sunely note the change from day to & il M&d nsqretsd by ail who knew ay. 8o14 by .hl" tg ld, IM@veknowu hlm ALL DEALER§. Mfr. and Mm. N. Brown, of Pleasant Prairie, spent Sunday hers. Idis Irene Knowlton spent Saturday and Sunday at ber home in Onarga. Wn. Fendlck Io busy paper hanging in the village. Mrs. Ben Sehiosser vislted in Waukegan over Sunday. 1 Peterson'e dittbing miachine pessed tbronb bere Monday ou their way to Gaaake. The St. Paul railroad company le building a bouse for the section boss, T.1 Lange Who will soon take iossesion. 1 Fred Caohmî,ns and family spent SUD- day with relativee in this t.own. Mr. Husbsnd, of Cbicago, was moen on our @treete Tuesday. Mr. Grave@ bas treated bis bouse to a coat of paint wbicb mnakes quite an improvement. On Frîdey. April 10, 1908, ocnrred the death ol oua of ont old and raspected neiglibors, Edward Bartlett, who died alter a lingertug lUne of a complication of dies.. at tha miga of aixty-sjx yaars. Bauds, Isa lovlng wif. ho leaves sur- vivlng tht.. children, one uistar and a large circle ot relatives sud frimandWt mounubis desth. Mr. Bar"lt about ton years mgo was aiIlcted wlth bllnd- ne,. from wblch bhonaver saw the. liglit of day but lie bore it aIl with patience and bis place la the. home wlll b. .dly ml.sed. On BundaypriU 2tb, a long procession of relativsand friends wended tbeir way to the Congriatonsl churcli at Milîbunand from thora to tihe Miliburn cemeteey where wîth bowed beads and sorrowful. bearts was con- oigued to its iaot rsttng place the. remains o! one wbose memory will bu long and kindly eberlsbed. 1VOLO. tIrs. Bon Roming was 'a Jobnsburg visitor Suuday afternoon. Mre. T. Winkie, of McHinry. waea recent calier at C. Sabelso. Mise Lucy Dunuili lestbeguest of Iriends at Elgin thio week. Miss Mary llaught @peut Saturday afternoon at Ormysilake. Lon Fox and dauglitar, Sarah, o! Round Lake, were gueots at S. J. Russeli'@, Sunday. Miss Auna Rossdentschar, ot Wau- conda, was at bomne Saturday niglit sud Suuday. Mir@.L. V. Lusk aud Miss Catherine Dowell, of West Fremont, wsre iu town Satnrday nîglit. Ray Fisber, of Wauc-onda, waa a Volo cailer Sunday. Mismes Annie Millet and Mary Hook were ini Wauconda, Suniday altennoon. Miss Anna Compton, o! Elgin, la visit- uig bierinoutber sud sister bere at present. Mesdames C. Sahsel and Jack Vasey sî.ent Saturday atternooi in Wauconda. John Sabel, of Cbicn.go, visited relatives hiere rinday AXrthur Frost, ,l Ubîcago, was at bomie Saturday nîigbt snd Sunday. tIrs. Jennie Coseman and daugbter Muri were gueste at the Kirwaulhonme Sunday. Mis Frances lloslng, wbo bas been suending tbe wiuter et Gosben, Ind., is at home lu Volo at preomnt. Mn. George Huson and daugbter, Roba, visited fneunds niear Waucouda, Saturday alternoon. r O.BR Inez P'ollock, of Cbicago, @pent ywîtb the home folks. C. E Bater i. suffering witb ber id will bave tii take a test. Raseinussen, of Chicago, Lire. Strenges nurse returned to tbe lsiav. Clara Foute svent to Chicago aud on, Weduesday sud will remain atuidy C. E. inan aud Ers. A. K. Bain ted business ini the city this week. Trotter exictis togo toEvan8ton wdays. dreceived Saturdey of tbe deatb .Hauîîeb Dwyer ec McOuire, of d, 111. Sister tu Wm., and James )bn LiGuire of tbie viciuity. ain and Henry Wedge, of Wauke. rtbers of Ers. J. M. Strang and wWilliam sud wile spent Sunday r and attended tbe funeral of A Bartlett. C.E. business meeting xville beld b ome oîf Engene Clark, Frlday gApril 17. A good attendance le to, treuseet business. :topir. April 19, "Suuday Our yEester and How to Observe it," 20: 1 10; 19--13. Rev. A. W. à,leader. Rose and wîle will inove soon to rm nortb of Millburn. fuerai of Edmond Bartiett. of wortb, was held Sunday at the rn cburrb. Interment at the rn îsmetery. Many Iriendeand s lrom varions pfarts of Lake re@eiit ewas wel1 knowu. ASTER ANeC-E -AT iANN'S HALL IND LAKE, ILLINOIS - ---O N - - NDAY EVENINO kIL 20, 1908 Good Muae Ticket@ 75 cents iea cared for at Dowellts Livery ne and Have a Gond TInte AMANN BROS. ROUND LAKE, ILL. ONLYÇNE~AYTO RETAIN Young Man i wth New Tbeory Says A&A pends on Stomach. 1, T. Cooper'. lheory regardlng thre only way tu enag.rlB human stomac l a tapidly becomlng a minent good hasti"h toplc of universel discussion. Cooper A-mog msny ircmt clairos tbat the human stomach hiai have rsceutly boomas. become cbrouIcally derangad by mod- Coopmns tbeony la ln.]IL M. ern conditions, snd Ita lcknesaSon-em-4% D. Rusuai'Stro,, erallyla the resuil N.Y.. Who am~': « 1 ln saeetItriw whfla Intro- trouble for about six Imm. i ducumba % mediine roc= leading clints, 1 Iwould become bleahid ItI. Cooper sald: "Thera la mast one a dlutnauaed feeling for m.vas Il way. lu my Opinion, lu malntale gen- Tiswould ho mcccmpsai .1 cral besltb, snd that la by building n-p hum, and 1 raachad th. pa i the digestive organs. The vantit m- could not enjoy my Me"a et ai Jotlty of Americans today have weri', '«Itrt diffenent rame" . lg fiabby, dlatended stonlachu. This b. fort to "id relief, but vihh«o beau caused by many generatlons of Af tan taklng hrne. botS.. et Gi cver-feedlng aud lsek cf 4qxerclse. outil New Dlacovesg I am mttrolyC today tire eutlre cvlllsfl rice la ai- My stma do o bthrne- fected. This la the iria cause of Most of the Wiihealtir of today. IUtUa eu lea.stm.I5nd e st a nd Ir ha, doue 10 relleva It iutîl the stomach 1I i- ih-'WUly WOCOm& kw. le once mure brougbt bock 10 normiet ileie ta anyca. aUheB conditions. tcm5ech complants."» "I amnsuccasaful becaria. MY p= M.- r. ocoirs'Mmluesmare M ration pute tire utomsehln l sound con- a remarkabé. nucord. W. maS dition. and uai1 maintain this la the a -Frank B. LovefL. Clip Your Hors«,. Before putding them at the aprlng woek. Clip off the long thick winter coat that holda dirt and mweat and causes coidh ci2ugha and alliaitroubles. Clipped boises dry out qqwck, tIe7 test welI and their food doci them zoo&. You csn cdean them qicker and ais Co in and GU One Of àam Ste-îwart No. 1 Te linest machine ever made for the purpose. Fuliy guaranteed and the pnice ail compicte as shown la only UVEKY STABLE SHOULD HAVE ONES For Sae LiberyIl Ca'eH .B. GE- Ill ANYONF. WISliING TO BUY The Staver Buggy will find them for sale at A. PADDOCK'S,ROK 1Russtli Eniàber Yard IGraysiake 1- CIIANGED lIANDS Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Cernent and Goal AIso MILLWORK GIVE ME A TRIAL F. S. HESAD RUSSELL, ILL LUMBER- ALL KINS- (iood Grades at Fair PriceB. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULO- INGS, BRICK, LIWE, ALPHA PORTLAND CEMENT, SIEWIEI PIPE, DRAIN TILE, ETC. G.- H. SCIIANÇKL MWd Restaura«t Meals and Luaches Seriveo, atall heums OYýSTERS IN ANY STYLIE CIGARS and CAtNDIBS, LAUNDRY OFFICE Phone No. 19. MISS EMMA GERLACH, Prop. HORSES rorSAL At COL F. J. BERRY'S PR LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN