Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Apr 1908, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. and WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVI1. NO 80. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLI2NOIS, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, V4S-0i Pages D e SUDDEN DÉATII orP CHAS. r.1WIAR Many Frandî Pay Trlbuté ta thi M.arncry of the oaceaied Seat Caîhier ai Waukegaa. Charles P. Wtand died sutidenly of heant disease at bis post ai duty as cashier ofthetIcFrat National Bankt a Uîtile beiore 8:30 Tburaday mornlag. Dr. Brava who vas on the sceau vihin a minute atten prnuaced the de ath due ta beart tailure. Waikiag tiava to vont am ss]alte get the exercîse, Mn. Wiarti cntered the hanktt5thas knowa hlm ever mince Apil 13, 1864, anti enterlng be lýlnd the gratlng snd removing hie outer garments, vaîkedti oyard the tront ai the office. Ha had Juat rmade a remark tet the cfect that the weabher vas net yet Ilie that ni sommer and vas about ta begin hie vont ion the day et the cashien's deat near the iront viadoy, whea ha vas heard ta give- a litie gasp, "O," andi seemedtet crumple ta a hcap. Son to Hiei Support. lite son, Wlliard R. Wlard, vas sta- tinned next te hlm at the long deat and turning he saw bis father sink tet bis knees. He at once vent ta bis support, as titi Assistant Cashier Jones. vho 1usd alan seen Mr. Wiand ink slovly dovasard. The son caught hlm la is arma andi thene he d ed. At the samne time, Mn. Nelaon A. Steele. vhose desit la back ai Mr. Wiard's andi againat the vaîl, iaclng the other vay, arose vibh bank cm- ployes anti groupted about the suiciten mai. Mr. Wiarti va remaved te a table la a little noom tn the r.,an oi the main hanit offices and a elephnne message îummoaed Dr. Brwn, vho, when he get there, pranounceti Mn. M'land tiad. Bak Cioiud for Dey. Thc bank vas t once cloied te business for thc day and a little card postati la the doon, la iront ni the dravu curtala. vas the menas ai ap pri..hng many Waukeganltes ai their frit aevs nf a very prominent citi- aen'n demise. Skecha of Hie Csar. The lâte Charles P. Wiard vas bora Dec-mber 8, 1842, et Coastantia, Os- verO ccuntY, N. Y., and came to Wau- kegan, tben Uittle Fort, wit.h bis par- eauts tthe age of 2 years, Enter, Banlinq Wortc. At 20, mter a common and commer- cial schbaI education, le vas clerklng la the store ai W, P. Wcrdea ln tbls clty aud la 1863 vas ta be iauad vith Steele & Fox, aid time grocers and generai store men. On or shoot April 13, 1864, he be- gan bis banklag career as a dlent la a private hanit tht the late C. R. Steele and the iata James Biddlecom stalt.ed ad on March 10, 1865, whca the present F'rit National Bankt vas iorrnally organlzcd, le vas retalncd ountil on December 27, 1865. on tbe deuil ai Casher Blddlacom, he vas made cashier. a position that he bas rctalned vith dIctiaction ever siae. Ha celehrated bis iorty-fourtb birtIu- day the 1Zth. S Leuve. Widow and Chiidren. ~,Thc late Mr. Wlard vas married W~o, the tirst Urne ta Harriat, the ~dughter oi George A. Woods, la 1869. ,t mrs, h"Wlard dylng la Octaher, 1873, and the second timie ta NelliaeB. Hiak. Mton, daugter ai the tata Lorenzo Hinaton, a ploneer. on the firat ai Decembar, 1876. Hie vldow survives hlm. Chldren are Leo. Willard, Helen wbo dicd. Walter and aaotber son, Myron, Willard la etnpioyed at the banit ta vblcb is iather this1 marnlng dled oa uddely. Parents WertM Ponstre. The late Mr. Wiad vas the son ai Mr. aad Mns. aIli Wlard, vho camej ta Idttîe Fort, nov Waukcgan, many years go. MrM. Wiard vas Mary Wrl ,ght of Tork state. - TIc late Mr. Wlard's father vas a carpeater by traits, but comling hant, be vorkcd at blitcksntllng. Later âeE started ta Caliornna but vas takea 111 et Nov Orlme and aid lta came1 back, atervard clerkIag at a store et( lliaville, Futa couty, ID, and latert rttat Avon, vlan. flrst ne 'i rked and aitervard started a flour1 Mn- sav ml 1. la 1864 ha vent vesti eq'iiMnandtourcd the nov country,1 comig Isoip 1869 andi later cettllng1 cid May 5, 1876, bis vldov tollowlng1 rnm April $4, 1882.t grothn "d aesie té, artam Stella, wlfe-of A. C. Wilaon aifItavens- wdMd; Myran aid Byron ni Kansas. Tribute by Rav. Dr. Whippla. Perbapa nmare ticicata and fit- UaDg tributa bas heeca givan the late Mn. Wlard than thet vbicb came tramn the ips oi Dr. John A. J. Wbipple thiz mornlag: "TIe cammunlty'bas bast a fitihiul and valuad servant. the cityhbas lest One of!lis very best citizens, anti have lest one ai my beSt irienda." Nelson A. Steele, president oi the irat National Bank,. and C. Jay Jones. assistant cashien, bath litelong associstes ai the late Charles F. Wlard, vho died auddealy Thursday nurnlag, vere Inexpreaalbly ahocketi by istieath ant it taak them some tiare ta recaver their pose. Mr. Wland vas standinag betyean hila son WilIard anti Mr. Steele vhen sudtienly vith an -'Oh" he aeemed te, crumpie up and hali faîl te the rioor. Mn, Steele, bis employer, and tellow bant employes are deeply grief gtriciten. Tribut.. Prom Citizen.. Following are tI-butes to the m1emý ory of the late Mr. Ward by citizens: CITY CLERK THACKER-There were lu Waukegau few men Indeed more popular or, better ilked thon Charlte Wiard. ABSESSOR JOHN DOUGLAS-It was; only thîs week that he told me about celehratlng bis forty-fourth year with the banit and 1 jokingly told biut he was getting old. Few rien were more popular. Mr. Douglas was shocked by the death vhlch came ac, unexpectediy. JAV L. BREWSTER - The late Charles Wiard vas a life member oi Waukegan Uodge, No. 78. A. F. & A. M., a Ilile member of Waukegan Chapter. No. 41, R. A. M., and a mern. ber of the Kalghts Tempiar Lodge No. 12. He vas a good and devoted Ma- son. DR. JOHN A. J. WHIPPLE-1 have loat a much valued personal friend and the communlty bas bast a ver-y prorinent, Industrloaa and rlght liv- ing citizen. These are only a few among the many tributes paid the dead man. Everywhere abotut the City vas the cry, "le It true that Charles Ward la d ead ?" OId school mates, nov past their prime, ail men of prominence and standing, heada of business lateresta, leaders ni manufacturng plants, ail were shocked and grleved at the sud- dea deatb and expressed themnselves la no uncertain terme conceraing the fine character, the Industry and the gond spirit oi the deceased. The late Mn. Wlard was a big Elk and a prominent Mason. WILL Sf LL BOOZE ACCORDING TO LAW Thot the sale ofi1liquor hy drug- gîsta ln Wlnthrnp Harbor, Wadoworth and other towos vhere the provisions af local option law have been adopted must be ln accardance 'wlth Incal or- dinances coveriag the lssuance oi per- mita Io the opinion oi the legal de- partment of tbe state otIllinois, vblch la headed by that capable and active public officiai, Attorney General W. H. fftead, of Lagalle couaty. A desire ta set at reat the discus- sion arishng frnm cnnfictlng opinions in regard to the new law, and ln doiag on ta be fair to ail cnnccrned, led a citizen ta address a letter of inqulry norne days ago ta the legal depart- ment ni the state ni Illinois. The re- ply bas been recelvcd, and Indicates that drug stores may be coatrolled under the povers givçn to City Con-i cils by the cities andi villages act and by the dramahop act. A statement bas been publisheti la vhich a con- tract opiaion vas given. It appears tram the rephy tram the attorney gea- eral that that statemeat vas untrue andi that the vhole matter la up ta the City couacil. Graduatad fr-ar the Bar. Kenocha, Wla., Avril 20.-Matthias J. Elchaley. agent ni a Chicago brcv- ery, vas tanigt Inaugurateti Mayor ai the city ai Kenoaha. The Inaugura] provedtu tabe anc ai the greatest eventa oflits kind la the history ai the City. Tea years ago Scbaley vas an an- knoov a rtander la Kenoaha, but ba got started la Politien, anti be vorked hie way ta the office ai Mayor vltb bie ava party figbtlng hlm. 18 la de- clsrad that bhobbu already noUteb sloon men that sheUicagns aithe timon are plein, ad tbat If tbey dot. sire to keep fif buslnw* X MviEho neoemary for, IlIum Z.te& i e Muoet r, be TINY CORPS! !OIJND IN LAKE MICI1IGAM FOUI and Unnatural Crime li. Sen I Casting Into aki.etofBit of H-u- min Driftwood to Conceai Other Crime. Ed Wells, a laboren, touati thE body ut a dcad boy a iev hours aIr 100 feet fror the North Chicago vater vanta at 2 Tburaday sibernoon. The body ai the Infant vas lylai face dovavarti, bigh and dry, and vas Dot disturbed until the arrivai of Deputy Coroner Conrad on the acene, vhen It vas removed ta Wauiuegaa. The remaîna are tiacolorcd and marked anti are believed ta show evi. dences ef strangulation, sa that bacu of the fiud May bu' a stary ai inunder moat foui andi unnatural. Body Not There Wednesday. Milton Javis, day engineer at the waten vorka, la certain that bhe body was ot vbere It vas tound ycaterday evenlng. [le sa3 s that scores pa'ss the spaot daily snd could not have missedth ue body bad It beca thene. The biny corpse ta almoat covereti wutb drift ood and refuse st up by tbc vaves and vas rapidly tiecompos- lng a-heu digcovered, ahoving bbat it May bave been la the vater sonne tliae. The chitti vas not clotbed anti the opinion of vitnesses la that Il vas tbrown tato bbe vatenrlrgbt atter hlrth to get rid of Il, eoncealing a another. The body bas alreatiy turneti blackt go that there ta no means ai identi- fIcation. Brown vas hauling gravel tbis ai- ternoon when be made the gruesomie find. The Narth Chicago police were the firstbo abear oniit. Deputy Coroner Conrad vas aext notified and then the SUN received a special message. 1 Thé. body of the mysterious and un- Sknown babe found at North Chicago Wadaesday w..t thrown traM the South pier ln Wsukagan and carried down by the ourrent in the heavy Stormi. This Io a theory that la beld by laite men ta be reasonable and they go go far as ta tate that the mother la ta be sought In Waukegan. If thia is the case Chiet Tyrreil vili go ahead wlth a police investiga- dion, tryiag ta locate a voman or girl vho might te gullly ni the crime ai Inaticide, vorklng through neighbora osuspected parties. The theory in full la that snme Waukegan man or vommn threw the corpae oi the babe, aiter murdartag If, off tbe south pier ln Waukegan i- tr the lake waters. Currant Would Carry. There la a strong current settiag out aloag the barbor ta the South and it reachea the shore la ita force juist this aide of the naval training station, or nearly where the babe vas iound. It la the Idea that this current car- rled the babe to the pott at hch It vas discnvared. A $UN reporter ialed ta find arnong men on the Lakte shore ane who had seen suspilously acting men or women on the piers ai lata and a tartber dlue la being aaught. $tory ofInlquait. Somewhene a motiieras accuaing conscience la tlnglng ber as vita vblps as It vhlspers the charge ai murder and somewhere -a ather', beart la belng tara as with the sufer- luge o! the darnned because up la Iar'sen & Conrad's morgue there lies aL namnelsas and unknyn babe done ta bis death by tz mother, it la prob- able. Poor little bit ai human ses drift, harn but ta, die, Its death meaning the probable concealment ai an Intrigue. caol; up an the beach south ai the North Chicago vatar vorka by the starm af tvo days paat, its tale ni lIte bas been short and violent and ta owa mother la ail propabillty did not give It a square dca], a chance ta fight Its battles. A eoraner'a Jury Thursday night Bigned papers attestlng that the babe had been murdered. Taie of Ghsatly Plnd. At the inquet bild Thursday night. Edvard ILWells told how, vaiking down the beach bear the Nortb Chi- cagO bath 1o0-00. le iound thc ju- tant, 'without clothot, horribly. ma],- cd, turalng black With putreiatlon, heMf beneath the bath bouga and baU beneath tIc dsIftwood that ad corne lai from lthe'so. l vas fot tIers WodneedsI yrob- $117 -,d cta&W1ram t tIer.the dgy ~ý ç -OMM i. The ImpoIrtant fact estabiished wi that thc chîlti vas bornalaive, shom hy the isct that the cord vas tie and vas murdered ruthlessly aft yard, prabably, by being thrownalir t.he laite merciîeasly. Where the parents are la a que tion. The body May have drifted f a haut huadrei miles andiut may hav comle irom Waukegan. Men Ar, Affscted. Coroner Taylor, mca un the jur witntacsandifpctn~~ï deeply affected bY the sigit ai th tunY corpse, the Infant bcbng r mo're tluan a day or tva aId, anti mc than anc vas cuttlngly severe la i Condemnation ai the flend or flIeu vbo coulti commit thia toui anti t natural crime oi Infaticitie. MARIAGE DECRE! NOW UN FORC y No Dranensatrons Oranledti laNo, s Caiholica Unies* Six Weeks of e Instruction is Receiscul fi-rn Pr-lest. yOn anti aiter .Easter Sunday tht ;nea- decrec of Plus X. regardlng ei hinPusala anti marrlagesamaaarg Cath( elIcri ta ta effeet. This s ill ur many Important changes it tht as eter ai the celebration aifuîarrlagcs. s AIl priesta vere requestet toa a rnounce to their congregations tih nL ules adapteti hy the blsboiitofithi 9province ofiMMlwaukee at tbeir nuet tng hast January, wlici rulcu are no- îta go into tance. Father Gavin nes( thea rercenbly alan. Tlese noIes anc No dispeasatlon for mixeti manntagý wll be grantet ielss the nancathoi piarty bas taten Instructions tramntth priest ta-me a yack ton six weets, nt rthe Cathotic church, Uic mass anti thi sacramenîs, tIn partular hahy math- mony anti ils dutîca. No applicattor leedti tabhematie befone bbc six veek Instructions bave heen given. Tir >Protestant Party ought ta clearty n i erstanti vbat it means ta marnyj iCatholin. He (she) nagbt tu bavg sone tanvîctge of tic main raîtlias prîncipies anti taties or is (bar) tu tune spouse. lbI la arnat testrable tbat penscas hi aspouseti sorna time befare tic mar. n rage la ta be celebrateti. Pastoru a-IIl, ticrafone, cxhort anti encourag sncb betrothals Or caPOusala ta bu matie tour or five mantha bciorc mar, niage. It a-ii bhelp ta prevent rasi fohardy marriages. AIl marniages bebveen Catholici muet ba solearnizeti at the nupial mass, Such manntages ahaulti not be allovetinlathe atternoon vithout erg- ent a-csons. Mixeti marriages muai bq pantormeni ta the pastoral real- dance. No manniages, a-hetber purcly CatI- alc or maixeti, may bcncctorth he par- format la Prplvate bouses or atter 6 P.rn. No Cathoîlca are alloyedti t act as vltnesseB lit a marriage ofai ay tiat gSeta-acteti hefore a Pratealant min- *iber. Wbea tIc parties ai a marrtagc be- long ta tvn diffeent paniahes, the lamini ment bc publihiaetintabotl chunches, 'ticpricat vbo ls ta par- forai Uic cenamony ta obliget ta nati- fY tIc pastor ai the athen party in tilla, Who, la tura, ta obliget la con- science ta puhllsb the banns. MO Pilest ia allowedti tacharge any tees atier for the publication ai the bains or fortire registratiuon ai mar- nIage, CIIAUrrfUR Us RELEASID BY COURT Man Who Worked la Waukagan la ths QuurtOrmastar'a Departmaaî et Wira Mille ia Now a Free Man Aquin. The Cook cauaty grand Jury Mon- day votcd a n bihla the case af Clarence J. Buckwalter, iormerly of Waukcgan, chauffeur oi the automno- bile by tbe avcrturning oi vbtch Suale Simpson, 718 West Lakte atreet, vas ikilled. Captala F'rank Tyrreli nf the West Park Police apcarcd betore the grand Jury and preseued the evidenef agaînst flot only the chauffeur, but ai- Harry B. Kewltt, thc veaîthy lam- herman frOm Boqau, Wash., andi Hl. H. BM te icauoonkeeper, vho ver- tI other occprpants elthe ma- 0 bine. Aiter cmnlderlg the case a fev minutaies euMd lqry retunnet a no lDi and swa& euesas W£.OV lirxb x-V,,M-xý 11-4 Aj)VAýNU-E- 1 - - ..I. 1 was WORLDLY POLITICS of February 18, andti tv men,Mae AYB C ND AT adl POLU TE ZION CITY .ae Jnfaubaefl ;rshed t ronig FOR SIENAToRSII ter- tourr others crawling tht Ice fieldi zto "Wiliha" Voliva Gets Real Wnoih When alone anti reachbng bhe shore lu utten Repraseatalive- Gao. E. Fuisa oet se Fsmlliariy Addraauad as Bilt exbaîrstion. Evansîon-Lake Viaw District efBtorid on Raetiier Insurance Granteci, May Bs ia tie Race. [r T on of, religion tirjpped so Attorney Be'njamn Parunalce, actI Maay members ni the Illinois, dcl.. that lhe tentures ni gaunt anti grala g casîrselfor NMr s.Wm. Raetber. an- gaItinbave cancludeti Repnesentative, lag wariinesvere exposei, Zionrnoîrîc-ed 'Tllîrsida . lfht after a ight Georg .Fa ith vntnLt City aas a-hale tiroppet ielu pretense la-stiRa4,' br nîronth-, w îth the in'ir- iey district gnon a-iI be iLn aved. .- ry. Tuestiay anti vert hammer andti bngs ance cî'rupallyvilvh.ich Mn. Kas'bhercandidate fer bbe senatetsc .d sialter anr ehection, s city affair, la belli a bp-iy tor $ 70.XAI çb A'lcr N. -lptQ te whIrh ta-n ticket-s vere la thtfieldi. suaded the ioipuaiîs 10 arcehît Mrs. Nîrt utayat h un Peaîlc's anti Theocratie. Raethp's peti -,iîai 11,11,11 logether soluteîy retuset int discus the quel-, ne Peatures were alleget ililegal eIc- vilh that oi her luoltier. anti that Mns.iona. althotrgh be admitteti thât b, ils bloneering la the pltling places anti Raebber has aireadi rrueiv--ta check hati neceiveti a large number ni lattera ide on theb streeîs hetorc thear by voaen tramt thecoiaiîfr that anount. tram varinas parts of tire alate »id un- allegeti to be fr-ar the Voliva camp, Attorney Parnialer. has tait rî) a gai- partbcrulanly front Chicago, urglag bIna nuîch argumntation, anti a tbreateu- lent llght tir bebait of Alîs. Raeîher (0 malte the race anti saying there É'il figlitbebtta-en Voliva binself anti anti bu bas aîreadli- ti-elu-ti a crm sIas a gootd chance ta step ln betwcen onle oI bis allegeii oliliaents- muaicatiars front Michigani tharsking M'a u0 opis How the Fight Took Place. hui for the interest andittmtnr tbie0 the membersNlsni tndHopkin- t bîi iglit tank plactelut a qiteer a-ay. ln vhlrb be bas hantileti the case. gation aho bave anmbitions thearselves ftînris even tii an outsider. Vlilva a-as Attorney Parmalee fought onît the a Il secrtbtakle ilbfor granteti that )n rnoing ni) thte s tiI a palllrtg place argurment with bbc lnsuraîîce inoar Pôss wlll anuroure imseli as a cao- ta gi-t in hi-s vote tbis mornutg a-heu pans lavyers about a a-eek ago anti didiate for bbc senate beinre congre»a lohtî il.liarnit - catndidate for aider- hait nly recenthy recelveti sorti ni the adjourns ta the midie ai aext month, lîlaîloti the fPeoiile' tickt-, steîipeti p otar rting of the check. or Immediatchi after th at cleet. to ini aianti«rait, ello, ii -- The senatorial prImantes yl ha te Now t'sîryaac knws that VlvsN V LA P O belli Atuguat 8. sa that thene vilI ha s unI ande l Wilbtr OlesiNant Wh'itnearty three Munthe in vhlch ta con- o Harntît hantietithe îîrnuhet tht' rude' P IA IN A S d uct a campaiga ton the seat in tIe -k diintitve the hair ni the danras -o- upper bouse la case Mn. Puas decMie .1- ci alîbacrat Is saidti t have arisen sud Widowe' Increase of Pension Madae aîyt itntatevlen I bi. eyes shat sparts 0!flire. Easy by Fact Tiat flants Wuli tempters vbo bave boît i hm tînt la. 5n Much Tua Demnocratic, Not Have e beh Fiieti bas a chance tn vin a seat in the up- .e îIIý axeul sroth anti calietiHartihy et AIL. per bouse. nt thbbcihat, it la sali., bis argument ___ Has Tatan No Stop Val. ýt beittg that the îlebelatî Bull a-as tati \hihe it la knva that a gootirny- a' itemocratir Poritaster 'itarhîIvtA. \atroîts NWeti-0fEthese letters andti tlegrama have invîcd ehini Baa, ieiday rectîseti a telegrani direct gone directly tu Reîîresentatuve Pas.,- Tben iamhly ln bis bura la salit tra agega Gog dut It cau be asserteti on pretty gond ans- Shave waxeti aroth anti In a Sittif rage Fossu vblcb actnavledged the poase- bhorlty that bc bas as yeb taken ne l e I vit d V o i v a b e b n d t e b r n o I n b bt h e la rg e n a v a l b r ai nin g s ta tio n a be P la b hc d ire c tio n of e a te rln g f a o - le era Itontln hegooti nid iasbioned bil tsing for $1.195.000 bowaantiom- the senatonlal campalgi, a vay a~~~~~~~~leting the vonk t litLaie Bluff. Tenalbi asgetragath - Friendit cbarlbably partedt Iearitleis oarasOftepasagofasthe illt h ouse vitI flylag colore, anti Mn. Fle. tahanai b psag i I bi, I hO bas heen lard at vont Oen ti nMea on Ticket,.eerm riiginWueanaotaeasure even sînce congress met in Men on the Peoples tictet are-C 7:30 laut evaalng. Fos t aCh.pepDecembar, nov vilI bave fIusnn SP. Biece, J. H. Harnly, B. A. Chant- Fole t lhepole are tlmnting vhile the bilIlta entier consîdanatign 0bers, R. T. Alabon, J. E. Gotts forîthe acquiinag taiIbi mportaint chalk 0lantIc senate, ta tatal up thut polliu" ~ ani E.J. Pttavy. tation la Laite county ai Ic h eat a an E.J. Pttaay. ne situation. It la tlils tact vieh lia-' Men on Vaivas Theacratît ticket dmiWhya-i aea hmvh educes thc people ta bellave lIaIta are: J. H. Syrs, O. C. Pugh, C. W. the establishment or a lIte aavlng about a arnaîl or leus ha May le Butz, B. C. Thampona, J. P. Detienne station at or laear Waategai harbor. brought &roundi hy hie irlends la 1111. anti T. Becter. Easy for the Widow. nie in a point vîcra la yul cofoeZIl Women Electioneer, Washington, 1). C., ApilI 16.-Pen- ta become an avoveti candidate. r- Alleget I llegal clection methatis Sion Cammisisanen Warner Tbursday A senatorial seat la ta he contstedchangeti up against the Vlîva aide are sonouneti that widava nev ou bhc ion the first lime this Jean Inna popu- - ta the effect that sauns ere elcc- pension rolI voulti ont be requircul to lar prlmary. The fielti la open teana.l tloneerlng a-lthlîî tea teet ni tht poil- matle application for the Increase and tIc fints ai Rprentatlye Inlg places. trami $8 to $12 a maath necently voit- Focs outi latire teath district are leW b Earlier la thteîtay utla-as chargeti et by coagreas. cornlng Insistent tIat b. should ai- that mea elecuioneereti eve lntahbbcTie commissloner bas lastrueteti leasI bave a tny for tire honer WMh palling places, ta say nothlng of, the the pension ageadles tlrnoughout Uic they helleva ha bas falrly canneciîy> aumber that gatbered about thear anti country ta put the îav ltta ciyct au. 1bis long service la thc bouse. ' viwthin tbe legal huntireti feet. tamatically, the tiret pnyrneniz ai thc LIvaly Campolon Probable. - LitIgation may tottav it la saiti. increase ta has matie May 4. This ac- If Mn.Posae decides ta go itetthe tion vîlI nult la a aavlng ai sevarai content ion tic senate ha May sur np fROM ZION CITY bundreti lÙousanti dollars ta the pon- a lively campalga, HaeI la a partleu- Jounera affecteti. larly tortunate position hecaun e b COMeS TI TH ioRY Widovanont shrcady on bhe ralse, bas been nominatet fon thc bouge and - but vIn are catithedto taetic lcrease, he las bis district salldly helnd iri. rTaie, While Unveruflad, la thc Tilt Of arc nequiraul ta mate application, as N ona vould ast llm ta reciga isu]l thc Townsa nd Thora ta Gossip lntahti past. atter the resaIt ai tire Auguat prima- of Mob Volence ries hall been annouaceti. Soon. Horrible byn n iocm- LETT!R WAS WRITTEN AKDJO AC ment ta a stary that comass unvarifiet WITII A PIJRPOSE S ! O A C from Zona City ta tIc effect that a girl AND TI-IN DIJG Pull thene bas givea birth ta tva chiltinen Claîme Man Namned Cook Has Vuited Detalaedtu t exencise tve prigomens. ai vhich ber ovn father la saidti t be Hlm and Hie Attorney Threat- Private Wright ai Company RP, Tues- guilty of parcathooti. ens te Cnll for Account- ty-seventis lnfaatry, at Part oàerF'a., L The malter ta sali ta have been re- ing. shactladtilleul viti base legirant esàd portedt t the Zion City police but tIcptteky oth aicsi d case bas nt yet teca taten up antipttrdcat Ucpdok.l i rnMay not be. James Mcloy, thre matana-ibness la pocitet. The ama ta the case la aihagedti the case pcndlng agaInat Wm, F. Wei- 'SpCagiamth"aedi. ha a half-vîtteti cipple anti the girl mers, Mondayt chargeti a former ai tic pnlanacra, ln sailli ta he leas than 15 yeans aid friand ai Ils vit vnitling the letter "Sure," ansveredthetic andier, put-- anti uanarnled. vhlol coirveyed the oea-s ai bis ai- Ung hie gon aside and heglnning et This much ls positive, that the chul- tageti death ta Chicago almoat tyn oarcb tbroughbils porkts. Wlsll tiren arc ta the householti, that thre monthas ago. Wright vas at tlsaonc a! the prisas- girl la unmarrieni, andti bat sie ta Meîoy Iniormed Jutice E. V. Orvis cri lit hlm an Uthe at i th a et«"e probahly thelr mother. The star-y ta-who viaiteti St bis home, that a îonm Whea thc saltiien recavereti bis seere« the taIt ai the streets lanZMon Cityar fIienti ai bie hall vittea thc letter tic prisoner, vere Just gettflg ont of anti ta crestîng a great sensation. tticth Wautegan youag lady for the algit aver a bill, Wright fired b4a vilI be învcstîgatcti at pnee. express purpose ai breating up thre gua at thora, but tIc piaonnra lad Thene ta vilti taIt ai rltiiag the ah- tnendahip that existeti betwcen them, stuffetilit vlth santi andtbarnael ex- legeti tather out ai thec cty on a rail, Mloy dlaims that he bas trace theti itoded &,gain stunnlng the pr-i-sue. or tarrîag anti îeatîerîng hlm. vriting ni the letten dova ta hi. Wlen tIc fugitive priaumers ver. former fitenti anti that he yul n caugbt et Highlanti Park Wright wus tioubt be caliedti ta mc ion the putintahUicgoartihouse vitb 1thmalleH BODY FOUND AT cowartity act. lad bnte icriles llin tnylag ta boan IlIGHILAND PARK A man a8sumedti ta h Attorney the match. Coote, ni Laite Bluff, bas on -tirea Thursdlay tia body of a man ha- diffenent occasions ai lata attampteil New Paper lan ouha. llcved te ba thit of Henry BellIing- 10 visit vith Meîoy, but bas heen un- Kenoohla. bas a nov dally paper, tire hausan, drownad la the wreckod An- able as each lime ha calicti at th i rit Issue ai ublel appeaneti on the spaci. is s ound nt Highland Park, iamlhy residence Mchoy vas mlgsang. atreets 01 11*1 clty Baturday. The Tic hody vas taunti on the beach Just vhat the man vanteti la not paper lu the DdlIy Proe, pulhed just off thc anti ni Central avenue anti toava, although It ta cxpected that anti edlteti ly Mantln Hcmjay. li i tIe fadier et once notifledtheUicHgh- a-ban ticecase camles ta trial anti he ladependet i polUts villa a loa-, landi Part police ticpartmcnt, mtei Cook la calîcti on the stand tuat le fig tovanti soclallsm. The mombers whlch thc lady vas reinove te ta ilI ha asitet, "Wby hamatie the ait t-he b.effltanlal staff ai Uic nov pegue. fnior's undertatlng rueoas and that tempte ta vWt ithtbMclay, If le have net en yet lean anaouncesd b aiternoca at 5 Deputy Coroner Con- tii se." l le imit lat Uicstaff vilil e rmoi. rat oi Wasikcgan hld an laquest, Mcîoy vîllIhla lnWaukegmn an the sp o of elI kiown mai o! UDw*e Sltory af Anapuch Wrck. moraflg Of tbe 4th ai May. vIel~ibe and Chicago.,-18 lea nir»4« ~ The Anepacu wusvaecketi off Wau- case pendung ,agalant Wm. r. 'Wei. tlix. D"«erlae t elve keff gsz th e tee pack eout ai the aid mer, and Wm. Johnson a u st for trI çiç09M ot - 0f tÇ Wàl tret on lte terrible nlbt Wbe.Jndge DnaI» .,u. $1. 50 PER YE-AR IN A I)VA XP.-W

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