Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 May 1908, p. 7

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8. 1908 "AT MAY SALIES BFe»Ü 4M Saturday we starta srisOf great May sales that represent savings, of a fYery exceptional nature. The ,, oftheaws th d"rabty f erchandise and th owness of the pruces fr three strong logical argu- m>eiù in favor taf your attending thee ae. There la store news in thils advcrtisement that ought to prove more interesting thatn any alliers you have read or heard about for uomc tue. Sale of Ùmbreilas sajIS f.d10 Special Rug Offer La dil seei n u i rom aiz e a ttaivte The Bet umbrella for the price tbat yoD GeleciobfTh roomestzcaugt ban aidthe have ever bad an opportiinity to buy. The Globe.Tpices cannot be beatead Vie covering ia good quaity serge, steel trille, e ab ostfer a'c cial foto ow all x 12 attractive bandez in gold and stîver effets.____ Wllton Rg foral suorietal 9 axer12 also oxidized, bone and lyory, 98c U.pR Rug, floral andîiorientalclark tom they are regular $1.25 and $1.60 Wakga------------------ t.............atio Women'ps Deiaty New Muslin Underwear Ver7 Temptingly Priced This ought ta bc a real treat for it la very infrequent that yod have such an opportunity ta buy as beautiful Undermuslins at such low pricea. The selection ta practically 'an etidless one. Eachg arment indicates care i its construction, is made of the best of material, -and finished i a superior mariner. They are handsomely trimmed, some, with fine pretty lace, ahd others with embroidery. Here are a few of the offers.1 WOMEN8 SKIRTS-Made of good qualltY muslin, flounce la trlmmed with tucka and an em- brolderl' rufiL, a very unusual offer at the ...79c price ............... WomEN'S SKI RTS - Sever&l very attractive atyles, one macde o!fluie camhrie, flinshed wth tbrea rows of lace insettug and one row ot lace adging, others embroiderY trimmned, a 9& great bargain at 7~ emlbroidery betweef, ruffle o! fine 6 9 speclal..................................... 69 WOMEN'S ORAWERS-Made of irm quaity cambric, iniahed wth em- broidery, 4 loches in wldtb. toped wth fIve rows of tuck, 43 priced very cheap at..... WOMEN'S COMBINATION SUITS- Consistlng of a petticoat witls corset cover attac.sed, macle of nainaook mua- lin. icelY trimmed with embroiclery and lace, epeclal .1.25 Women's Suit.% 7.98 Many of these garment.s are samples and were bought at a bg reduction in prie. They are madle ln the Prince Chap, lumper and vestee styles, of a remar- ably gond quality Panama and voile In the ieadlng new shades and black, aMo noveity suitings. The 10w price will sel them 7 9 Ia hurry, choice...................... . 9 Women's Stemniai Setitsait $12.75 The styles are extremely attractive and constat of the popular Prince Cbap and Butterfiy. The materlel is Panama lu Copenhagen bine and navy, golden and leather browfls and black. The taloring is equal to th ricou d 12.75 a uc tihpisa f d bgret mc.... While tbey lait .............1....12 7 WOMEN'S GOWNS-Well macl.e of good quallty mualin, yoke ha?, clusters of fine tncks with wde lace Inaerting between, ruffle at neck, special offer .............. 43c WOMEN'S GOWNS-Very dainty styles, macle of good QuaLllty nmulin low and V shaped necks. yokes are tucked and trimrned wltb baud- some embroiderY, regular and ex- very s:ecîalat ........... 98C ~ ~ CORSET COVERS-Made of fine nainaook. in hait a dozen different styles.. beautîful) trimmed wlth embroidery .q.39 beading and edging, a bargain at .... ....... CORSET COVERS-Taitily madle of a good quaiity canîbrc yoke la of rib- bon run beading and edged With lace, tbey are easiiy wortb 35c, .peciai for this May sale ..... c wOMEN'8 SKIRTS-The quality of camubric trom wblcb they are macle la extra fine, have a deelp oounce witb six hemstItched tucis sud a six Inch embroidery ruftie,'14 special ...................14 Women's Waists, 98c We have about elgbt very handisome styles ai thia price, madle of an exceptionally fine quality Indla Uinon. The fronts are handsomnely embroidered. They are tailored lu a moast superior manner and 6 * would be cheap at $1.50, For this May gale we price tbem, at only ................................98 Charmini New Styles ait $1.98 At this price yeu wiil find a magnificent selection of handsome new styles, macle of an exceediagly fine snd sheer quality India Linon, tncked, embroidered and trinsmed. with fine val, lace. Others are madle of fancy striped madlras eloth aud also China a lkln colora and black. We have prIced them at a figure that will aell them ln a 1 9 hurry, speciaI ..................... 19 j'- Many Pleasing Styles It le lndeed, a fascinatlng collection Of Womeu s Heedwear that the Globe ta now dlsplaying. Bo extensive ls our variety thit - -as one lady expressed herseif - It really la bewildering BW thten when there are go many di brent ideas of styles and types of faces t's necesaary to have a bontifnl ahowifgln order to be able to suit each lndividu. The styles we offer at $4.95, * special for Bturday, are particularly charming. They are hand madle shapes, trimmed wth rihso and silk flowers ( ~An offer that canos b matched elaewhere .... Heather Bloom Peticéats, 1.98 These pettIcoats cannot be equlled lu beauty-They have a bigb ricb finish whlcb reemble very cloeely pure slk taffeta. They are cut fuland have deep 7hredd 0fltyne. Cornelu popular new coloréaned also 19 a t ...19 Silver Bloom Petticoats a mred very specll 98e la an extremel)' low price for sucis handsome petticoata ¶'hey are macle pf a qnality of Silver Bloom Taffeta that bai a ricb sill<y finish, are ct full, flounce le finisbed with an embroidered raffle. Corne ln black9 c only. Special sale price..................................... 98 DyGoods -Speciels wOMEN'S GLOVES-The "Globe" speclel black and al naw shsdes-2 clasp aizes 5% te S, Splendid values, et pair .......... 1000 TAPED CIRDLES-White, pink and blue-alEaSB 181 to 26. Our regular 50c iludi. 9 for .................... .....3 9 RIBBON-Number 60 and 80, ail pure ai taffeta ribboS, al popular colors, 1+ per yard............................ 1 * LISLE Qi-OVES-Woens 16 btto eln8gtlF Hale tbread l u h ,llck and whtea 51' 75 ses, t pair .................... ....7 C The "I Gosard "'Corset The CGossard" Corset ls a favorite arnong a great majority of weil dreusedl womn. It laces in front bas supporters attached, cornes in wblte and In wasbabie. Tbey are'adapted for the 5 atout or the lbedlum.................. 5() ,YouqNg !fes Su-ies, Macle of fancy cheviots and worsi.eds In the new shades of browu and gray. Also plain bIne serges. Single and double bressted styles, ages 75 14 tu 20 years. Very lo,# priced at .....75 Good Clothes for Men at $15.0 You dont waut to miss seelng t1le sueppy new suits thet $15.00 wll huy et the "Globe." They are decldedly thse heat values that we have ever heen able ta effar t tise price, so Immense la our slaction that every mau con sacure a style and pattern to suit is tancy and ln a sixe that will fit hlm as perfectly as though It were custom made. Tisey areaail taîlored ln a mot exactlug marner. Every new weave, sud color ls represented, sncb as chocolata brown, wood colora, new tans, overpiaids blues, shadow tripes and e bost o! other good ones. There la no apeculation whan you boy one of thase suita for they are right in every respect. Corne tomorrow and ask to ae them, choice 5 io0 WALJKEGAN COUNCIL MIAS BUSY SESSION Th e Proce dirigein Otal1 I ppointed by Mayor Buitock and cou- were as foliows: Claima and Accounts-Dilger, Bid- luger and Bellows. Fees and Salaries-Haarbsuier, Bid- Inger and Mcflermott. Fire and Water-Mann, Haarhatier, Morrow, Statz and Crapo. Cr an Hi Ci Di r don, who were rep eenm This compeny prevlously M among isa clente l u g~ 200,000 of the bonds of t : he Milwaukee Electrie railroad, tZ;ý cousin corporation. tJntilflno* beld aloof troin thec hondholdtrt' mlttee, formed to co-operate Witj receivers for the conservationof Interurban propert.- The purchase waa macle at là maklng availahie $950,000) for the. pletion or the road. It may be 1,0 Licenses-Crapo. Mann and Bel- tion. Ows. Work will be begun npou te u - Llghta and Lampa-Dilger, Bidinger, completed portion of the rod wtoa- :ellows, Mcflermott and Hart, a few days, as Souri, ln fta Markcet and City Scales-Haarhauer, engineering force can bie reorgantu.1 rapo and Statz. It la estimated that lesasthan thre t Plats and ignbdlvîsionis Statz, Matin montha' work remans to complet. the~ tnd Haarbauer. nndertaking at a cost net ta eeXCaIM Police and lu(icetary- NIDermott, 896,150, the figures named by n%. [art and Staîz. neer Bin J. Arnod n a speclal e r4 Printing-Bellowa, Dilger and Mann. madle for the receivers. Public Buildings and Gronds- It la said that the compfeted rond>. 'rapo,, Bellows snd NMann. wil be able tu give throughsevi Railroads aid Harbor-Morrow, c between Milwaukee and Chicago,m - ermott and Biditiger. ing but one change at Sewers, Sidewalks and Crosaings- two hors snd forty-five minutes. It %forrow, Haarbauer, Hart, Statz and will connect witb the Nortbweste~ ilger. Elevated road at Evanston, bnt evnt, P'treets and liridiges-Bidlnger, Me- ually Its cars may hie brougist ovar t"i. )ermoti, Hart. Hellowa and r7ilger. Ilnes of that coippany dlrectly teoh Water Works-Hart. Crapo and loop district witbout transfer. : fiorrow. The court order putting ln effect tIs Board of Heaith. certificate sale probably will be «W. E. E. Gavîn, F. C. Knighi. J. Mi. tered tomorrow In the eastern district Kalowsky, F. L. Gourley snd J. G. Mc- of Wsconsin. The order confrmiug, tee. the appointment of Mr. Moore à1~» Board of Local, Improvemnenta. will bie entered to morrow bell lu CU2 W'. S. flullock, pree4dent; J. S. Mer. cago and Wisconsin. row, J. T. Mann, Peter Mcflermott, C. t. Crapo. John Staîz. State ofIlîlinois, County of Lake, se: In the Circuit Court of Laie County. Library Board. John H. Duggeu and Sabiua Dugffl H. W. Durat, N. A. Seele and Mra. vs Sarah Lea@ch, Mary Joyce, NeUle, E. C. ason.Kinkade, Michael J. Duggau, JL, Ag- t. C. ason.gie Dnggan and Harvey Onstead. GoW., Schoi Bord.No. 3479. Bill forPartition. ScholBoad.Public. notice la hereby given t.»4L't First ward, Extrancl; second ward. by virtua of an order and deet'.. "&' John Townsend; third ward, Chas. In- tered ln tbe above entitled eaU. ,k adthe Marcb Terni, A. D. 188U gails; fourth ward, John Reardonan Court. the uudersigued, Mse ifth ward, J. C. Mserchant. Cisancery of said Circuit Court on Tjiesday the 91h day o! JunA Fire Oepartmont. 1908. et the bour of oua o'clocii ln Chief-Sars O'Farrell . afternoon of said day et tbeBu.t 44 Assistant Chef-D. A. Hutton. of the Court House iu thse Cltr Gibson.Wauikegan, ln said County o! Caîîtain-DavI id sn and State of Illinois.oealI et Lieutenant-John Klema. auction. to the htgbest and bout Firenien-F. Webb, J. Baîz. E. der for cash, the followiug d Webb M'. Toiga, Pter and res] estate sltuated WebWn. onga, etr eeha.Connty of Lake and Stete of!ltMW; Drivers L, Stewart, W. A. Gray, L. to-wt:- Acbenhack, iB. Adams and E. Klne- Lot il, lu Block 1, iu Higblasid Smith. lu Lake Couuty. Illinois, ex ____________strip of land 150 test widéaàa- westerly aide thasoeof. ali ia o! ot 0 l B kci1, lu Highland CrLEBRATE TiIE.IR 0lu Laike Couunty,Ilîlinois, desoebed GOLDIEN WEDDING folows: Commeuclug et the SUh runniog uortlswesterly aloug th On Saturday. May 2, Mrs. Jas.S.ei'ly line o! said lot 60 test; soutbwesterjyparallal to thse Kulghts and is wîfe, old resideuts lina of sald lot 217 feat; thêncq, of Wanlcega, were surprised by ml- easterly parallel to thse osste«9Y atives from neer sud fer to celebrate of said lot to thse Soutborly 11». their flfty-second wedding anuivers- of snd thauca uortheanterly 93 ar~ the sald southerly lUne to thse plaee Atth lime of their golden wed- Dsted May Stis. A. D. 1101. ding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. ELAM b. CLARXŽ , Knights were ln Californie, so this Mater lun celebratlon wee callecl the golden wed- ding. Stete o!Ilîlinois, County of Lake,$0 TJse attair was a compiete surprise In the Circuit Court of Laie Rudolpis A. Stoisman va ta thse elderly couple and the meeting Stolzmeu aud Anua . Btolunl.., o! friendsaend relatives wss an affect- No. 3647. îng acene. Public notice la haraby gvM - Almot a ifby nagi teleaandby virtue of au order and deue>~ Almot a Ifby agi talesandtered ln the aboya eutitled cause chairs appeared, ltb were spread, the March Term, A. B . 1908 of tempting dishes appearecl and wlthin Court, the undersigned. MaNsr an hour twenty peuple set down to a Chancery of sald Circut Cu on Tuesday the 9tb day of Jua, delicio usa fest. 1908, at thse hour f one o'el Îk 1 A remarkable tact was thse praseuce afternoou of said day at thie of Mra. Samuel Weeks, Mns. Knlght's of tise Court House lnuthe sîster, whose golden weddlug took Weukegan, in said Couty c*- and State o!fIllinoisstell ut' place at lber home in Newark, Ill., tour vendue for cash to thse hiIsbL years ago May 28. beet bldder, the followig The guests remelned until Sunday laid ani real estate, situated evenlng. departing wltb beat wlshes County o! Lake and State ut to-ail: for Mr. end Mr@. Kulgbte and the hope Beginnîug et a pontu the that ail will meet again in 1916 for lina of the south euat quartr their dlemond weddlng. tion Niue (9) ln Town.sip The guesta wera: 5Mr. 0. S. Weeks (44) North, iRange Bmev.. ka f tise ThirdPtnlslM Newark, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Louis point belng six hundred ulàt, Weeks, Milllngton, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. feet weet o! thse Norths. ea. Howard Lewls, La Grange, Ill.; MiU said Quarter section,; i0u Elsie Ward, La Grange, Ill.; Mr. and South tlina hundred tisfty thence east six Isundred Mrs. Arthsur Blanchard and family, test; tisance South Weukegan Mu-. Charles W. l'ergs- thrae buudrad nInety sv~ son and cbildren, Chicago; Mr. and teutisa (397.3) ftet, thu Mrs J.Heber Knghs ad Bn. two (62) dgreaes wetWt ' Mrs.J. Hrber Kngbtsand on, ra i nuety two (1692) ott' n the River w icb oit ta isuudrad sud twenty aiit (1": *CURE moNEY TrO soutis of a point lu the nonb iC"' COMP ET!ELEC RICsaid quarter section due nor1i - is~undrati seveuty two (7> Chicago, May .-At a single stroira thance uorth forty savan (' the $1,000,000 isse eof receivere' cer- west four huudred Six aAd - one hundredtbs (406.56) ,St tîficales for the complelbon of thse Chi- nort)s sixtean t16) dueos Y*èt' cago & Milwauktee Electric rellway bundred tourteean dcose bhaIC has been pleced; tise concurrence o!ftest; thenca nortis ft>ssr bimud practicatly aIl o! thse securlty toîlers teeu (419) feet tu eMatit oo!-tP* fias been otaiued; the nacassary thance norti ssIxty ove (65) wtw Baalt aloug tise castor o! thse R t 'unds become Immediately availeble, buudrad eigIity two (182) Met te sud the project tirst undertakan by nortis linoe of quarter ocoa A. C. Frost & Co. wlU hae brossgbtto10 ast Ou u sarte MotionL" completion soma time ln July. hplace o!nd beghtlu.11 As a part of the arrangement mai- two and s-evonty ain& b lng possible the aarly complation of 79) acres of land mem or »Qe. tise new lnterurban lUne tiat la to AIo Su olnieing et the, Iln Chcag wih Mlwakee Gergecorner of tae. sotis '.455 lin Cicao lt Mlwalta, eogeof setios Ton (10) lia G. Moore of Detroit has ecceptad ap- aibFrtn to~ur (44) Nortt. polntmeut as oua o! the racelvers of 11ev.. <34) bast of the tise road, such an appoitmeut lsmv- dPuY UseIls "sco iug lbeau necessitated by tise rasigna Mb% 8.)resth~o tion of Helge A. Haugen, prealdaut o!(20 rud. t tisa Stata Benk o! Chicago the.pi oro Buglisis capibal wlU i mIOsta thse Ton Mie Chicago ami Miwaukee lâ»i. thse Da 041<a3 certificates hava leen takeus b,, th.e Oý Dry Goods Specials WOMEN'S VESTS-Fne rlbbed, low neck and aleevelesa. Esceptîonalty good values et ................................... 15 UNION SUITS-Children's saultary union aits, high' nack, short sleevea, knee length, izea 2 to I 12 years, cant he equalled, et germant ..£1 BOV'S UNDERWEAR-Balbriggefl shirts and draw- Iers, long or short leeves, aukle or linee lengtb, sîzea 24 to 34, garmaut ............. 25c IWOM ENS HOSE-Fine cotton spllced heel and toe, for leasthan 35c, Sjsecial et pair ...........................19C

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