western aid 4 as foltéve w Une 84 rdA lIse th Swis4 511,, Tax. i)OIX. ct, 2 1.3, 2 1.34 2 1.34 2 1.34 2 1.34 2 1.34 31.34 21-34 3 1 .34 3 1.24 1.34 I1.24 i 1.34 3 1.34 3 1.34 3 1.34 i 1.324 i 1.34 i 1.34 1 .34 t 1.&4 , 134 6 34 14 1 .34 0; 1,34 1 134 11 3.7 7 1.14 7 13:4 77 1 .14 9 7. 1 1 i7 1 3 7 1 34 7 1 14, 7 13. 7 1 31 7 1 4 7 1 34 7 3 34 9 I .14 9 1,34 -J I 14 9 1 6 lsi134 1.4 61 04 3( Ifs4 1 2 41 n.jeon t. 104h Ta x <40 13 3 176 174..dHa 28, 14.k G t. I-lk T... 14 . Or, 1 630 2 682 2. 1 71, 2rq- t . 7 i. i -11 T7s 61 76 ', 234 Z8 4, 2,ly 7 2345 6 , 37 4 22(, 50 0 6 119 82a 1 11 2 82i 2 11 2 n .7 26 63 3663 4 423 i f 3ot24 L COUNÏY and WAIJKEGAN WE EKLY SUN y, r YS.*. 88.W Lonéd *MW Iégé Mné hloh Me ltSa$dW te Have Made OedsdCémnisiltlons Enuaud. DM" ndUnder a morgagé ta s,ýIl toda In ber possession, récéutly Mirs. Vronicke ZalaIt of North Chicago ,na4e eu attempita live op ta the mortate t le salil and lu conséquence vwu arîestéd hy afficers o! North Chicago, chargéil vith haviug sold lior without a license, as théegode wbh hécvas bound under oath ta séli ve;e noné other thon vbtskeys sud liquors aof al déscriptione. Olrst $ho Lons Mcney. lu thé fint Instance Mrs. Zalak loauéd a amail to of mouey ta John Futér, wbo vas operating a saloon at tat Ure ne bNorth Chicago. A fév ruontils later the noté feli due and Piter faled ta malcé thé paymnt. Wornan Coffl Saloon. Tenext day Mis. Zalak Ioclted the à o!o thé àaloon undér a writ o! at- I £hment. Thé vêt goode vere mavéd te a ilistby garage, vbére they véré storeil for some tUme. Fstér Moas Good. Thé uéxt day. April 29. Pister. by psying part of théente and by réndér- log a mortgagé ou thé salacu and thé stock, made a stileinent vltb thé vo- I man sud again thé saloon vas turned over ta him. Faie to Psy Licensé. The uext day, May 1, Pister falled to psy is quarterly licensé and the saloon vas coséfi by thé offcers of the iaw.8 Constable Clarence E. Hicks Of Wna- kegan vas thén calléd upon ta Bell thé stock et public auctian. Hé made au atténspt te seil the planS but alas n one even offeréd ta maké a bld ou eliber thé stock or tbe location- Not to hé outdoué, bowvvr. Mrs. Zalak raceutly calîsil upon ber frienda te lénil ber assistance anshebc149 bound by thé 15v to sil ln ordér to sottie n i vtisthé Mau vho b.d ten- dérid thé niortgage. She sold a bot- le or tvo o! whlskey bt vas caugt lu thé e t la sasd. Upon arrest she signed ber ovu bonds and vas releas- The point ai Isseé sems to hé vhethér thé voman. through thé mort- gage. vlolatéil thé statuiez o! thé staté and vhéibér the cty or thé staté bas thé rlght ta arrest ber for slling liquor vibont a liceuse. SECURE SITE l'OR oTIIeR PlJG TsTs, Waukegan bas béén vipéil off thé lugilsttc mai'. eays a Chicago jmpér. Thé sherilf o! thé couty ad thé tavn authoritles rathér favored thé sport vheu the club tagéil fighxts b- tveéu third and fouith raté boxera and did not objécita thé holdig o! thé Jobuny Coulou-TonhflY Scully scîap. When, hoevévén thé spécial train troto Chicago dumpail Its 300 or more sports. and amnona theu a horde o! the lighi flngered-.geuiry vho Ito- meliaiely got bosy, théy coucîtidéi to slough thé gamé. Buckléy. ni., vîli attempt In také up thé spaca vacatél by Waukegati and ill iibégin placlng tsélf on thé Nmap ou Thursday nigbt. Forth opénér thé promotera have arragd an éxc&i1éntý card o! four bouts, vill *'Kld" Taylor aid Jéff 'Conéil in thé vhndup. Thé pair aie about th bét ltp lellovs In Chicago and shoold put up an itéiesiing contest. Tbe othrr tilts look thé réal gaods, as they énhlut "Dutsy"' Miller and Walter Lànéy, Charles Larson sud Jonuny Connors and Dlck Farrell and Daye RaHlo. INSUI. IAM AN ELETRIALMARVIEL W. W. Little, Hesd Elecimician, and Langé Force of Mon Have Béen Workine For Wîéks. Samuel Insull, béad o! the Caommon- wealth Electrîc Cornpuuy and thé liorth Shore EleéOi4lCompaDy, IR building an élé7trIticliSirvel o! a resi- deuce ai his far- juit soistb o! Liber- Ail thé vark au thé place vil hé doué by eleciricity aid thé placé la éxpecteil ta bé one o! thé shov resi- 'déoces of thé staté sud thé satire country. Belétrielc vres traverse thé faim lun évéry direction sud maké proyIio for lHébt ilepbOlc mooi um Md evén, 'e éeMaflry fiter béat aud paver and résidents are evén avakéned hy a systeni of altMs vhile ibère la a comsplets systéni o! bu.zers and bells for servants and wirés'are connected to do thé Cook- ing, baling. vashlng and éven thé lavo moving. The frank design of thé bulder ta to make une of lectrlcity lu evéry knovn way possible ta- domesti42 vork anid thé bouse vili comé as néar ta mn- ning itaelf by mgcinery as thé mmnd of man sud is expérience vith this lément ciii maké IL Thé head eiéctrician Of thé Plant lias been et thé !arm for the veekE pttIng thée geemés Iutaexécution. One atts.cbmeut yl hé an appara- tus for toasting bréseai atable, an. other yUl cook Ccoeeé. bOl pitAtües sud fry a steak at thé san ie é by éiecticlty. anothér la en égg and cof- fée bolier and still another is a hurg- jar alarto cotrivance that viii give wsînlng lu thé nlgbt thé Instant One stepi an thé staircase vhich is a fea- tare of thé grand stairway o! thé hanse. MUJST STAY IN THIEIR OWN BACK YARD Keép Vour Chickens t HM Oinr TheOY Cesse te bé Chlckens and Thon Bicorne Real Gama. Chicen ovuéresud thosé vho are nat chickéu ovuers but vbosé nelgh- bois are, will kindly oit up and psy attention. Attor-ney Geueral Stead. lu a decl- slan hande1 dovu ai recéot date, boldo as follova: That chickens, vheu they vander avay froru their awner's premîsés. seauing théir ovu private hugbut- lng grounds, andl také ta tearing up Mr. Néighbora unewly made gardén t hécame vild hindi. That baving hécorne sucb. and tak- f iug ht for granted that Mr. Nélghbor bas hécosé a ilId man, sud la wtllingd toi go ta extrêimes ,i aider ta square sccuts, théy tony hé chat. Thot havlng béénsehot, vithout re- garda ta vbst particulsi portian of the an&tamy thé badin Isaised ai, Mr. Cblckeu Ovner Je vithaut recnarse <n a lav. t O! course hé saY tell Mn. Neighbor il whst hé tilke of hlm, or,* If lie in' vihg toi také chances on jicé court publieity, hé say llck Mr. Nelgil- e bar, but hé con not sué.t Thise clie la o! partlculsr Impor- t tance, éspécially to thooé vba do nott ovu chicens but bave gardons undér1 cultlvation, sud hIlokeIliké a sale1 bet that some oee ili give it a tryaut. As for chlcken ovueis, vho are not s caieful a! iheir egg praduceis as théy might hé. théré ls but tittie ta say excépt: -Réép your cblckéns at home." f Wbat tony lhédans, lu cagé thé neighbor'e !family horné géts loose sud rouis on thé neatiy kepi front lavu, ror If thé cov lunches off thé tulip héd, or thé kînda "raie néd" lu gên- erai retosina ta hé détértoinél. 0 Thé attorney général bas nat beén neqnéstéd to say. -Rlvalry Béiween McHenry and Nunda for Power lHou»éand Barns ho Le Cumpsny Wili Erect. Represeutatlvés o! thé Egin, .Wood- stock sud Lake deneva raibroad vers at thé tavns north o! Elgin Thnrsilay and made appoitments wjth thé vil- lage boards o! thé varins places fan the usai future, vbén they vtll pré sent thir applications for franchîses for thé név road. Thé déiegation va iieaded by Fnaonk R. Spéar, présIdent of thé compauy. and thé othéî ses- o! thé rond, W. A. Ballon sud J. R. McGarry. Arrangements vere made vith thé village boards o! Nunda, Crystal Lake, Woodtock, Rchmoond, Hebron, Mc- Heinry *cd Bpring Grove for spécial meetings ou dIfferent dates lu thé néxi ivo an three veéke, at vhich the road wdli Makteapplication fnr franchises. Légal notices o! thé Intént ta ask for franchises havée airéaly 'beén pnb- Illhéd. Theré la cansîderabié rivabry be- tvéen UcHenry sud Ntlnda for the paver plant and car bai-us, andl théY vL i probahly hé Ibeatéi ln lu ofo!thé 1ivo plaIes. Vaimns-Qttorb bavé héén inalé tri tlB« ÇMLi*5uy, -but ill éffuler sé to 0 aé- aithér LIBERTYVILL1E, LAKE COITNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, M4Y là,]19'8-10 ifageo OII'ICER BflIffl EBY FOIJR SOLDIfRS Oficér'Bèjam In Nealéy of thé Wou- kegan polioé forcé ws, Friday nîght At 12:30 brutally attsoked and beatan by four enlistéd mon of Battary f, Fourth Mountsin Antilléfy, Fort Sheridan, et Goeèse and Water stréets, and now lés et the Jane McAlister Hospital ln a criticai condition. ln the sttack, durlng whlch hé put up a bravé and gaîTant figlit againsi odds, hle bait was tom f rom hie body, hie club was taken from hlm and uséd on hie héad and body o that twenty- elght stitches were neésesry for wounds In the head next mornlng, and thé band of desperado«s made et- tempts to got hi* revolver, ln whlch case the end wuuld have been a tragedy. Four suspect& were sfterward ar- résted et Tenth street station by Of- ticers Tryon and Davie in one of the ciéverest pièces of police work on récord, and the policé have reason to bélieva thai they have the right men as the clothes of the suspecte were bloed coyered and their shcés showed that they had run for a considérable distance. Soldiers f romn Fort Shéridan ncw undér arrest are ne follows:. P. T. HOWARD, privais, Sattery F, Fourti, Llght gr Mo4lntain Artilry. JAMES CURBEV, private, Battsry F. ARTHUR READ, privois. Sattery F. PAT M .SHEA, privais, Battery F. Ail are statioued ai Fort Sheridan sud are with thé new batteries a! mule or mauitain artlléry réceutty or- ganizéd under orders fram thé United States govérmétit. Officer Neeiey's injuries accordlng o a statement frotn bis physician, Dr. lanrléy. are as follova: Scalp badly lacerated and étrips aorn out of IL PIve large cots on thé scalp varylng from tvo ta threé luches lu léngth. Thé sknil liséif badly lujuréil i tva lîfféreut Places. Hé wil more than llloeIy hé dis- ahled for threé or four veéks. Followod Révolé Mère. Thé incident came SitéI' idnigbt and at thé conclusion o! allégéd Bat- liera froni Fort Sheridan have Male Waukégan théir sébstituté for liigh- wýS.d evér aines thé mile and anl eigbtb lav clampéil dovu thé id ont that place sud Friday ulght tparked thé culmoiation of their salon révéla there. NaNné o! théir prevIOns ex- plolte bas béén in théelésaidégrée violent as thé policé have taken good caré of thés. juct Pure Viclouteiat Chié! o! Policé TYrreli -d AsIat- ant Chie! Hicks havé froto thé firsO comlng hère o! the sold.lrsané d ce dems that on thé véry léet or saslk est sigu o! trouble thé soldiers ve. ta, hé arrestéd sud thesé aidera have héén csrired aut ta thé letter vlib the reenît that vith thé exception of lut nlgbt, théré bas béén na serionsullif culty vhatever. i la bélievéd that Friday'B affair grév out a! a gênerai condition of rovdy drnkeunéstl and a spirit o! de, fiance ta thé law and vicionsnuan" paralleled. There vere bétvéen 50 and 1« [men hi thé group o! odesl h thé four vho are sstd ta bavé colt mltted it vere al alone, mont O!h' athéra baving le!t long heforé for ti et 1- he lé Orne other Invidént provéd thé un dlsirablUtY aud viciausuess O! thîs mIe- mient of sacléty lu WaukégaO and tbat, was thé tact that a campany o!f lfty 1eRt Waukegao on a car a littlé aKlé 10 Fniday night sud an thé vsy ta Highvnod grnashed oui éveny light o! giass lu thé coach and damaZed tihé fittings in s ruthlesa mnaoér. Officér Neéiéy had mast roundéil thé corner a! Wartei sud t7eneseé streéta when he obierved thé saldiers fan thé first tise. Tbéy veré singlng sud their général rovdylam had attnacted attentian fros those on the stréet. Neéley confrouted thé fonrat thé réan o! thé saloon ou Water and Gen- esee streét and varuéd them. tellîug them, thai they bail hétter catch thé car sud gét oui o! tovu. Hé tali thés hé vooulil écopelled ta bock thés up if théy coold not, keép quiet. oue o! thé foui solirs took of- fense sud goi "gahby." Néétéy grsh- ho! the mai and bail co-men7éd ta valk hlm tn thé station vhéu théesec- aonil soldier grabbed him by the am 1piunig ?ne ungey ]B sovu right 'Bru abedig thé O etr ià hlk 4e A hiiludllW sWPeéd* hlm for blit gun. but vas uuauccessf ul sas Neeléy alvays carried ibis weapon in a secret pockét avér the héart. Thé fourth solder, bllévéd 10 hé Howard, grabbéd thé club anîd the as- sanît startéd. The first lov bit vas at thé start of thé atfray vhen thé second soldier who camé ta the relief of his arréot- éd pantner bit Neley béhtnd the eart with a atone as large as a mat's hiand, vrappéd lu a handkerehléf. Nééley feil to the grouind and thén ail loinéd In thé boibardmént. ShOéo, hiles, clubs and fiais vére hrought luto une. "IKIIi the -.Murder hlm," une of thé sodiers shouted. but just at that tilDe a hoarder at thle Wahburn Hotel stuck is héad out of a wlndow and startéd tu Yell. one af the t.llhau< brothers then camé an thé scène. The sldiérs vere varoéd hy Orle of their psrtnérs, vho shouted Hîke," and théy ail dld. Down GénéseStreet to the bridgé, acrosa thé bridge and dawu Marion stréet thé chasé oentlnued. In thé meautime an employé at the lugalîs IverY Stable.,suised by ane o! thé Rulbané brothers, rushéd tn Néléy's sidé. He lay on thé ground lu a héiplesa Éondtin, vlth thé blond gijsbing from o vudis on thé head and body. Hé vas plekéd snd thé Larsen & Counrad ambuamnce sanngnoued. Officér Trycu. vbo stood on thé cor- ner of Washington »nd GéneseStreet, vas notifleil. Hé bégan pursuit. Asststéd hy Officéi'Devis, thé two telépboned immédlaté!y ta the Narth Chicago policé, vitl$ orders ta arrést auy and ail soldies on cars or othér- wise passing tbrougb thé village. lioarding thé car, the tvo officers made thir vsy South. Thé two officérs. sastetd by thé crew of thé car, hid théaeslvés an thé front platform. One stoed dlrectly hé- bind thé matarman, the other cranch- tbrough thé car vludov lu thé hapé of hélng able to catch a glinipse a! thé fleeing assaseins- Thé motrmn an sd the couductar gai viséi a moment. Théy assisted thé officers by vatching thraugh thé wlndovs. lContinued ou pagé 10) RAVINIA PARK UN1DER SAME MANAGMtT Automobiliste viii velcoffé the neya that Edvard C. Wélch vili continue as manager o! îhe Ravinia Park ca- zic. Mn. Wélch has béen associai!d with thé resait almoat incé ita hioep- tien sud bis frienda are légion. It laq announcéd tliat arrangements havé béén ruade for thé accammodation o! Inore automobiles and thiat thé coni- Ing séason tauriné parties vill hé glv- en eveny attention ta énhancé thé pléasure o! a spin to Ravinla. Trhé bridge near thé park, vhich v-as oui o! commission for several veéks, la novuder repair and is opin to, thé touriste. Manager Welch âf thé ceusina anticipatea a rush O! ebrjly touristeansd has piépaiéd for gal lnergéucies. Ravinia Park la tbe oeiiy amnusement park lu tbe vichiity of Chicago vhlcb may hé reachéil by siipérb. roadc ail thé vay frons thé ýbttslaus cénten. Enougli Monéy Rased. Ravluls Park la assunéd to thé noith shore for anothér season.. Wth but $3,M0 needéd ta, complète tbe fond neessasry ta assure a succéssful ses- son, thé bsckérs a! the movemént to cave thé park Ttiesday évéuiug sald that their vork vas practically over. The comsitee vhich vili make a last canvas o! theé north shore ho co- leci thé neceasany $3.000 consiste of thé follovlng men: C. M. Hové, chair- man; . N. Stevens aud Péter C. Lut- kmn. Joseph R. GriMfn is lu charge af the vork. Amaug thé "auxiliary vark- ers" are: Mrs. H. D. Cahié, Mrs. T. C. Hempstead and Mra. Norman Toué. "Itvîli hé a companatively easy mai- ter te get thé suppart nov neeed o savé 1the resoirt,î said Mr. Have last évéulng. "Bot 11.,000 vas nééded and ve practically havé sécnned $12.000 tf that suto. 1 hélléve that oîîr vonk vil hé completed lu a fév days." Conenarian Deud. Mrs. lobsuna Garvey. aven 100 yéeara old, iand ovér aixiY years a rési- dent ai WArreuton tation. Ill-, vest o! w&ukegaýn. lied ai ber home. Shé vas bhlu hi bl ad dla one o! thé gisqd l ad vomen o! thé tàte. Thé eqm -vas héli Wédnésday it ti0fûeo é»ih of thé itoMae- CAPTURE MAN'WIIO SiIOT MIIS WIFE, Schléyer Givés Iliaielf Up at Seven in Evsning, ECiding Long and Carefui Search Iin Vicinity of Kencalia. Chief Tyrlil Sunday 1 nstructéd the policé force of Waukegsn to spread a drag net for Martin*Schleyer, who that sftemoon In Kenosha ehot hie divorced wlfe and a male vsistor, Herman Koehlér. Thé Northwesiamn, théeiectric rosI, and ail raide were watchsd by the Waukégan officers and thé chase Idd not end until a teléphone caii froin Chie! OHare 0f Kenoaha announcéd Schleyer'a capture et 7 t a boarding house. Martin Schieyer abat and sériously womiîdéd his divonced vife, Marthsa Stoon. é thét Knéa dahywaten npon. lH erm nhed the fiictéd tionalewounds.Koehlrandho licés a Kéoa, vauns. iating .hlye a at er ome. Jéalouisy an drink alyre déclarehomt. heahlcuse afd trnkeeo decaedt c h aseo he.ot Sclyî Idafe srglewt Koehleyr lfich héleas duglsarte Kerlné tak efgehibc asrhyiarmdn Hoe, ot aefge 7nalock gave ise buse to tet 7olicé. kgaehi Mi).tohpliyer.a btthog h adMéu and eyrigs ht thih hthae adoe n littehope af . h rcaer Thrée o iti eroe fberat Kolr n o!re vhb piéréd is lunand aleneé shattened thé boue ln bis wrist. Formarly Llvéd in Chicago. Rcléyer Io éaid ta be a member of a veli knovn fafmlly at Rochester, N. Y. Hé sud bis dlvorced vifé ttvéd lu Chicago util éight years ago. Thé troublé htveeu thé tvo Scbléy- ers vas o! long standing. Last Sep- tembér Mrs. Schleyér vas grsnted si divorcé and thé court turnéd over tu !e ollvlng a chen etr$1,000.in th- nasha fng a tclaud. Onre., and St nonce fm Polaaddre, andcorttai thée mdenathé seothie coutthet theonuda ta t a o ie o! thé proundngé T ehé jdgmnteuovashet asîcd bu Thm. Fchler t atoset asdebta crinPropeer. aund nigbstu certiyoertBt bsfomrdvi anil Koehléyr out hi teé,fudre po- lic elveonthoe rmtad arrang- mients for te boaetncematdbisrrange aenl oriscthe sooeré pAtcked and re allo ie h snt vay. an Shoots Without Wsrnlng. c Hé bail béen drinking befare hé an- rivéd at Mms. Schiéyers home. Hé gavé no varning ta her, but immédi- ately opened ire. The vomnan acréamu- éd fan Enehier, vho veut ta ber réa- ctîe. A band to hand struggle !allav- ed, ln wviîci Schleyér vas disarméd. Thé revlver vas empty vhéu li pasaéd loto thé hand o! Koéblér. and thé hammen tnuck ou empty cant- ridgés vhéu he attempteil ta prevént thé escape o! Scléyer. CERTIFICATES ON TII! MARKET Au ondér slgued hy Judge GOoaCnP of Chicago ana permittlug the' salé 0f récéivér certilcates O! thé Chicago & Milvaukee Electric nilvay lu thé autaofo $1.000.000 bas beén fIllul thé Mivaukée fédéral court. Tbe cér- tificates are sald ta thé Investmént Reglstry, Uimlted. o! London. Their t ale meanulrthai money Ia nov on bnd wîth vblch ta complété at oce thée lFrost lUn s hetween M i aU. e andl Chicago. As sanasai a vorklng fonce rau hé organizéd opération viiij hé commenced. Thé tnacjp o! the acarisn are already being lad over 1. thé SlIxth streét *lsduct ln Mlwaukee ,fand othen building apénations vilItu -ail prohability hé completéd lu that clty vithin thnéé Months. Thé road ,h eiveén Mlwaukee and Chicago vl hé laid ai thé samé tuée. It la thought that thé Frost cars wii h bI full op- eration béfoné thé close o! thé sum- mer. AGENT SWINDLED _ lmportéd a Bridé it Seemai for a Coun- trymen Who Marrléd Womsn and Forgot to Pay the Agent. A matrimonial agéncy e! a some- vbat Inferlor description, yet vorthy o! note, due te thé findlug o! aillar huréans ibrouahout théecuutiywas locat!d in North Cbicago recently vbén it bécisme évident that itMe. Wa- rianké Alalaké, of North Chlcaao, hiau négntated thé arrahlgelnénts ljY bich dô" >ttiwal» « »«àN euOie«o *1'Prri, XàLe1- lN A U V7A WJL. réeiéUbs ince AESTABLIS-I-SITE About six months ago lt (ictelops ibis woman loaned Petkus $6 with which ta purchase a steamship ticket for a single faré from the aid country, ta bring back ta this country auniod acquaintancé of the ivoon's, whom if she proved ta hé a wtnner Péikus was ta marry. If shé did not prove tac be a "winuér' howevpr Péikus wouldE flot hé forcéd ta marry thé waman and would not even hé compelled ta ré- mniber that hé owéd thé $6 for thé stéamship ticket. The girl came and Petkus feul head over heels ln lové. Tbéy wéré mar- ried, and contrary ta négotiatiaos, Pet- kuka forgot ta pay for thé ticket and for a note ainaunting ta $45 whic be bsd borrowed froni thé samé voman it1 tg said. Thé woman hrought suit whlch ré- sulltéd ln a jury renderlng a yprdict Lla favor o! thé plaintiff. Now it de- a! thé voman vho wan for hlm thé waman hé loves» Thé case vas héard béforé Justice Etigeus ltuuyard. roSS WILL INCRfASIE THE APPROPRIATiON Répresentativé Fois. vhoé la eiar- man o! thé, bouse naval obmmlttée, la trying ta l]and for thé WaukÇgan federal building $35,000 lu addition to the $75000 already alloved sud r- ports today are to thé efféct that: there le a good prospect that Wanlte- gau wiii get thé much needéd lucrease whlch wIii make Its future fédéral building among thé beat lu thé stalle. Congréasman Fosa 'bas don ue ici for Lake county lu thé lasi few yearsj among vblch are the follavlog: 1--The location cf the Gréai Lake. Naval Training Station now undér con- struction near North Chicago for whboh héolias alrady sécuréd appro- priations aggregatlng $3.000O.0. 2-Théeconstruction cf thé Wauks' gan harbor for which hé ha@ securéd appropriation% totalling $600,000. 3-Thé location of à fédéral building as a fiaet appropriation end thé offer- ing of a bill that stands s good chance 4-The stablilhmsnt of thé rural free dellvsry sygtém in Lake county oi n 1904, when firai thé syliain camé it it use; twentyaix routes *ore In- e stalia0l and have beén kepi Up té d'ut. 5--las other Plana net YOt announr,- ed for the Improvemént of Lakeép cunty. He ls nov serviug bis seveotb terni. Wants -More Lové. b Loz Angeles, May 9.-Mrs. Gracé i Suell-Caflln-CoffinWalker-Cofftn - Lay-q man-Lové, foimely o! Âutiocb, bas vlthdnu er slxth divorcéesuit aud a reScullstiau wth H. M. Lové, sécre- tsry o! the Las Angeles board of héaltb. thé latent af hen loez strigt of bushands, has héen éfféctéd. Her1 attorneys taday flléd notice of dis- taîsoal o! thé suit. Mn. Lové la de- ligbted. and says thai lifé la once more one swéet song. Mn,. Love lsaa daughter o! A. J. Snell, a Chicago cap- Itallet vbo vas systerlonaly monder- Pd yeais ago. Shé marrléd Frank1 Nixon CoMn ibrée tisses. James C. Walker ai* Péikins A. L-aymn, hotél clérks. once each, hefane marryiug Love. WVant Pérsanal Efftqcie. A petition fan thé réléasé o! per- sonal affects claimeil by Mra. Jane fOR F1511 ATCI1ERYýýO1' Appropriation for Buildings WîiI e Asked For ai the Next Station ~ of the Législature. Thé site for the Illinois State Fish-. Pry as destgued by State Commissio erySamuel Cohen, of Havana, 11ii b1as , heen estahlishéd. Commlstoner Cohen. accompantedA by Aldermen David Q. Hart and John Morrow. Capt. Richard Smitt Chasl. Carnish, United States gov eroment,. enginéer, Nick Larsn, C'iton S poor and a SUN reporter, vlsited thé site offered by the goverument, laid out, thé plot and adapted méasurea for the immediate construction af the hatch- ery building. The Site Acquired. Th.e site as offered by the Unted: States gaverumént lies at the north- east corner of thé governmént land on, the aid Island. Adjoinlng this1 site la.e the E. J. & E. property wien aiso ha' a lake froutage.1 The site lies north of thé nartb pler about 500 feet with a water frontage. The site acquired nieasures 200 fest i Ingth and about 2no feet b in tLb- Coinmissioner Cohen, armed with. a pétition signedby thé mayor and Oîit~4~ officiais.,viilmeet with Major judil V of thé Mlwaukee division this aftte.. f union at which trne he contemnplsaé%. making arrangements vlth theé oer - > ment for the use of the nid buildings vhich at présent lie thé proposed site. These huildtnpl tiers at used hy the goVérrnéi spectors and oficilàasof the ~ Lakes Dredze and Dock C40OtlPsnY thé trne of the building of thée vater. At thé next meeting of the li législature ln January, Mn. Coh .1 sgeek thé pïskegéo! a bilapprçës Ing a large surn for the conatrtwé of au up-to-date hostelry at Waguk At prosent, vhilé Mr. Colles! 1 backhng énousb to eréet tls« P94 site, furihir fonda vii hé mesq raake the hatcbery thée bst -1 lakea as hit lahopéd'it yl bq i cornplééd. If thé goyermmmit refusées t oui thé buningu nov osr the Island, the building eta t;;- structure viii*tort ildt.diatéY. A chéap structuré viii hé . Letér afiér thé passag*e-to thé îmî priation bill, a more mnodoeu x1tQ, will hé éstablJlbéd. Win shilp in egme.j Whitéflpb égs by thbbIc1is»ýà' hé sblppéd te thé local station te" thé govéinsseni batcbéry at Dete» Thé scarcity o! vhitédah hi thé.. re. giona makés this mové an esat*Ë Trout gs Obtalsad Hé"é Thé tront éggs vii héobtaluéd fmS, thé local Sshérme& ninboichMsM Iloni o! ihesé eggs bave beau Ih*p1W» ou thé rnhbish pilinlthé past yééâfU Thé vhitefsh Sud iront Oega. hé thé ozily fresh vater tss é 3Q baicheil at ibis port. .Ï Large Un pan&pAd glas Jto 1 hé used la conceui t b1h1W ing o! thé Bash. The s à fnom thé maie aàid fesa i 1* séparatéil sud latiq lobig ù pans and jar pram. Vl*4ip pIété chargéeo! thé ocal étBO.Yý service te lEvanston Annems~ Durw ii aud Gla dlson e Dovie, 4 do . al én er Servic eoe Y r , k andl sou o! J. Alexander Dovlé,vraiona!thé Northvémemar e heard, by Judgé Landis lu thé fédéri S d olto anysateai vl a- circuit caurt. ftturday noon. A févtrhi Attorney Pappeubusen. repreentlng run over théeIUne on Teaa John C. Hately, recelvéî o! Zion Ciy, WrIday, but régular service viS said Wéduesday that toeétUnie ago hée tarteil until Saiurday. thé receiven made a settiémént vltb Six stations have beén bulît ait Mno. Dovié and Gladstone snd hé suston. They are ai Calvary, Me supposed that éndéil their cîshus, stréet. Démptér striai, Dévia airé Hémaald ibère lae utibi mre pérsonal Noyés streét sud Central stréét. property béld, but If vas paid for by Wheu thé electil service béai thé maney o! thé cburch. over thia binée apasséngere hurban service viil cesse on thé Il Boy A-ccidentally Shot. anstoîl hrauch o! thé Chicaga, M Little Gé"rgie Béas cf Wancouda, vaukes & St. Paul road. Fregt v vhilelnluCompany vith hie brother hé haudiel by stéato for several vee John, Roy Ham aud Royyand George ta came, hovéver. Taylor, vas acciléutally ajiot by a gun bélng plckéd by thé latter. Thé Stéarndi Appointsd Engnéa'. patient thus fan bas uffred hut little Thé Chlcagç & MilwaukeUléel Incouveniénce, sud let os hope hé say biné vithn wiaukee vili héu, nover. I's thé odl tory vltb a nev pletéil ai once. Judge Tairant * victîto, and If accidenta neyer bappén- day signéil&an aider autiîllciig r e to mon, thé ratoady vonlil hé neyer Mlielty Trust Companiy te élt qte allo a boy to bonieba gun. Thé B. Stéarueamas .spérviabgefl< ;Mii yreccrâi shov, huvever, more aeci. sa zisry of $80 a month. Th*v -dents vhth gens lu thé bande o! men. tiOn of Attornieys T. -W. fflmÏ i Would -# not hé bétter If boys tod Edgar L. 'Wood. at reuftuUV" t msn baaudIed desticylua pur N U > M"sas1icéo! *3, @&Au'Ç*W. .ug~B~* tproductio ix*? h i oq ud 0-2 INDEPENDENT. Id mm lin 1 Ili 1 Il - 1 1 1 ý $1.50 FER YEAR I.N ADVANCE. n