«upiu a r of tMIsusLt 1bi 0AeIeooLo ~HuiLandiA. 4 ,of Crysta ¶4kef ,su~sdto ear f th guse cfHarrold Jenom ai. iiowîY recovernug ouatveo! fortle T.FW nMoedAY slitho Ahi114140%*Ou t s t D f rom hi recOut opertion. -. rA.ltbough ha Wedn.sdY tu h. piesnt st the weddlng Cr èt1r Bd t a- Aevew lmoatit Mdtiof bar cousin, ImmiiQodkn.tI~ B i î ttHrr Rng hé i t 7tbat ho aiProuty Who hmbas b..tandlng A"Hbarswfett "11 aüdMise 94 606" frH861pklteElgieuSUD bavi PIR» for 8sd, i uneto Eing i d saea, ay to vieit Moltive@.- 'TOaîlra e. A~ BS1Iart speut ait f IMO ma éby S thi. aknglira. Toux Jo or and de hter, Helen lot ~ ~ ~ e m're.n hre okeuxoyer mae a IC4preturneti ire.» fnaneti, Snday morung. MoI4d&y 1w Weukegan. gtrmm Iutcul . vWtor Bodai. MW&B. Tin, of Chcago, lu Our > i écn broe aa . a ndti M. R. Scharreturned home Mr. m e* Mob~ et bR» deon aient vIlles. IhMwebk. lu, t» thtr uorte. trom u JitTueaday, whsre tby elslut Saturdoi wth r*Ulm &i t (Grais John Mmeanad daughtar, na,,*ae a 0d thcaldo sliho vlstlng-.tht rdangbtor, ira.. . 'Vtn I okod ao )tli il" Mary Pei net to Chflo ,Mni1Eckrt.eer L te Furma s the or the r Qoilc, Aoi.emlv aMondai tu vi is r. E. gBem. ' a Von Wadeltadt uruéd te atmatChicgo, apent Suxxtieî mith ber parente TeLdis i el hi Unsfl ay. Wir mot lr Ms.Do*r ff. 21, 1871. B«e o.br.meig~thMs r 3rebhem ns.W=. . lndlck and family, of Waukegan, ichool edocatonoaat J. B rn w a ine cafl m.Tuedey of thuie ek.avn l 9boe rhn héolvedmOsi o!F0nk 'esyaThesenor choir prectice willI eh ttt bto Mnehur, lu ., at th] 1 Week Fritayi ngt et the home ai M&. P.Rier sud lin. Wm. Klrt won swanuarrlod tou li rHenry VauPhew. ijiteOrb amiong relatives here laW of Idfem on ept. tEFUZF.X.Smth let for Wauke on - M o» undai. mm. tff Waucoude lixdey tuornlng, where h. i.=taBoule 0Wtii.Weddell wmsin Kenosbseal d la thé pueraI mâer- ,Mdr. . Ros, o014CblcaOj Isipa qpeper heuglug for bis sou. 1ofosutht. m'eek. gW"lIh tif, survives everlweme.wlth ber parent@, . .enix We uu<iraa»d that there bas ibe»m Ids. T. Leong I@enetertainîng ber@iota] everhi publie office o mms J. Amoelli hors. savera application@ for our sctiooî, but tht.it.Os- ring te l Won- Ulm Euuly Mether, of Long Grava, et tIhe preaent wring noue have b.» J. Mtohler m'es in Waukegan the pas erme on the and~ brother, Afredi andiH. Enopha. of hiieti. week. ano the village, m' airtie View, maismen lu tom'»MoudaY Mms. jensen wm'Ies dl home froux Misa Etta Crner. of Rueiel, visite( ,villagfor twe' ter-e enrouté for Weukegan, ou business. Ci.o hr b 'smlbbrsn i.Uo ahoeaadyls ak of m' tbc mpteles M,» r. and Ms. Krarnsr vWsted et the HaroId, Baturdai mornlng On eccaunt mes wervtn con. yehm hbomte o!their daugbter, lMr. énti Mi. of the. puddeu ickuaiso!fber mother. RUSSELL oboard 0 o tt'.ar e ntKngg se Wucna,0ude. Mamorel services are to hbelti hro Tbe continu aieshava matie th ubli achoolast i atthe Work h beumoed Ou the usirnm this îaar, and we uudrsteud thât b" m oade a sot mpasseble. Lau h m'a vice prodeit pf mhich Iving Payne la having erfcteti on Arthur Bulklai, of Weukegan, la to h. Thureiay the irorst torm o f the eani an. #lo 4Wsd Mai 11, hie pace. the speaker of the dai. wu eiri.eei with continual rein am vlved hi a wil!., a sou Arthur Nebrich la sick at hi oie om e b many Inonds o!flMr@. Frank Dolpb terrifie gales. nother, tire aiters and ber.. r. in tte.da..e. were glad to sec ber et cburch Suuda, Thra v,,o,,0 ie8 etMrs ob Funerel m'as held from Tbe Dlamouti Lake minaotar accupied alter an ebsence of nie. weeks frout the on eccount of the starni. bon Weduees, Maiey .i relast Sunday. servies becenie of siiekuesa. Ber. J. B. Ben officie etdi o ade nifelyo alevle Mr». S. J. Young spent lest m'eea the remains irere taken' We 'Ine & "er&'certfctce. f<> @t Jo orir n 'm ' f ane li re. John-Bonner's ut Milîherui. urlel ine i.famli lot pajable on ti.maud ana haaring interest visiteti lest undajaiet the home of Adamn lr rtednadtmlo ico taihiascreih t the rate of a per cent par annum for Ttus.;lUr. Porier was taeaiseriouuly MýCitne n aiy fHce @tr ei eauvle rbo Iy ui otifroinsix montha ta one flidurlug the day and m'esoblige to have maveti into Hart Siver'8 bouae.. vic. t tbe grave. W. y-er We invite yaur bain.... remelnu ntil h. recavareti. DrPaerbsovditthSnl heartfIt sympathi te FIRST NATIONAL BANKC Thi. vanhoe camp, M.W. .ml ie itl 'esM tttdpt i.Proctar Blocek Libertyvîlla, 111. a benefit dance anti raffle ab the Wood- J. A. Reeves and Alvin Melville ai ________men hall, Ivanho., Frday, M"y 22. eigbt iseing in DakcXta and à "otàea. Ma edn.DEEFffD Pickîs groirere that tuteudt ep lent N ii., Mari Wbite i. visithxg et T.1 May Weduiig. ----i cuumixers this seeson cWansd se. EW. Ncm'll'0. S1'08. Misa RIfl ia ehIe, Downers Grove, m'es Parkburet et once. R. W. fflrsoxtu. Warner Colby and temily Ppent Sunda etsi, of -.qidMi.the. gue«ta of Mr. snd tMrs. C. B. Kasto» 182-6 et 1. 0. Colhî's. Jseaph Tuiliky, o! <>r8uda. . dei.Nellis. Mollie t'olby sud Myri »d ln a erigéaet the Bev. J. C. Engel former aetor of the IAyTAKM5C Corris @peut Sunday ut hume. o 0'tCicago, performixgà y, Thé bouse m'aiptettily ar th oceatn, the Cloe Md white wbieh wm'a emiet *btd speclons roomo the 161 Mtu ad 0e*ntivo. le4ng nrcdmaiplayeti hi lorqulie, o! Chicer irbIle1 primare cm'wnb thex ls tàlNt.'itthe frot 40»andtb. tm'o botmmo, skbrother of thgrom aibroW ro! the bridp, rké botembo m'es 0ln RxeVn art»@ad. Most oa 4,-la Point tde Tpinrianti bel or osn ind laimte anmi ceiei ïsusnony mwiussx Ro. th o thýtj mE, lircou. aL oo,»" <lx yoeta4Is woinai d erons 11Mb o! of tbe bjb = o b - h t i 0 QàWm wbéeï tbéý' bave bégn frlwo m'o tu ueko heir zira hg 8 u -oc . sud tiingt k*ba Md.Bie. Maits» shoppIng m ithh tsoote euti e Maina a" lu an(le b thmuiltgi WWY W hb C~ tel rmshhylàe c McCormick emnay Iat Friday even- lut. Mr. and liUn. Eue lwilileim Immedately for 8ýout4*Dtakotgk. Mr». L . R tth.weauantiMise Clark, o! Chicago, wero Deerfleld cller.s unday. Mr. and Mm rsBadke, 0n i Wloouan, were Deerhild viaitors Monday. Mr. and Mi. Zoehier, cd Waukeghn, rlîaited wth theij' daughteri Mim Ed Bimehi and lirs. S. l.ûths 13unday. Ï rthe SamRo. a ufarnwm% th typhoi feveé la a hospile t eia. Canada. Laist repgrt heard h Wa@ iaprovng. F. B. Neyr andi famil @pont unda la Chicago the gusecd Mr. and Mma Mr. and lMra W. C. Eggert, of Chicago, qmot Sunday with F. iforenherger and ,i.Mary Brown apont let week iu ]Uglaad Park wltbH omer Weaer andi The Aumy Club met Tuesda aveniug witthe Ml..Khxh. lirm Todd was called to Wlmette, Tgu1oy1 br dtâter, Mm is. W eut J.a , urIs Uowlsirnrovinq alter a ve Siopille«.Welhopefor bis Uev. Beldon, of Raenowoo preacjsd tu #wa Preabytarian chureh Suuday, Iu iii absence o Bey Linlager. BrHUtVqhiaoi nd Rudie Knak vlitsd te W kuh.Mouday. la uan Dneadieti Wednetlaî W-- ,latb nsneeylum. 8h. wa 01 ttOro ll. B rant, of Palatine. w-e brought bore for inter- mâ. My 10, in th emeter -W T. iXtlom' viatet fieMods in Pela- arty tint asti attaxide thlb initiation of th. ly 11. Master, Stan.'aIùWlhéy ail h.as !elhh- oawé. fuiol to010w thelihiof il ai the* iie men of thaBoalt» lda ulimen.. 14o«f )Eervl'd.ncmntly, MAs. Berthe Pepper, 4S-k; of làkezoricb, to Lous Pohîmnu, of j'lm «bnw ina altin., Mie Para Daim- ~ ~bGeo HrWt, o! Plumb Grove, eue WoMbts, a formear n"dent of Pea- bine, m'ai marnloti la Columnbus Grava, Mlra& Tortie ..xlîrtained Mr@. . W Nqeagbss*.Mdt se»,Harold, recethi, '*- WnPOrr' tosagli«aaosW. H. àeti orQOkW7 ai Ie Iliara on tlb. dot qeeg Grç'. m'qe*es*i>ynan Who bad Md W,-ani foàtibr n a içtod ifitmori0 boN Atguat 24, 1858. Ma~pWma*nanle 8.<,bs t, 1881. Ber b.utpue,dùba»4 site loavesto mont' id th <e MI Md A4s1a anti AthonRy, 'ho q6bx dn ti e la ifori. Bb at*W baves four si brotbera anti ber orefater: r a W 4t' Mis. N. Zmn , lins. C. A. 2M J7urm. NIeR mms.W. Koo; efeller (eéedIntJ. .~lnronG WtIierOSt JWsli, Raton l. Wtdpranti P et uer tm'a dier- lsIaivl, lin. Kth~,rienKs mad lir ellusi.. aiass w»t boet 1k fot' bellt« ý - imebg& *mpattent lana&0 ber tison aui . rlu.Bb d eany verniBnd tes of Who sympathile i lb.eher<sved id ve ftnxfy. Card of TIseka. W* misb ta tienltthib Manda mWho IncaL 6. OMMUoxl'AlFAMILY. S ap iera couple dus onll E * q i t Mr. and Mm. ErU in (is anti sou, Ber- lI, spet faturtiay et LàbertyiU. wils Nqlda Wictreroheim Wha m'es worklag et Highland Park lo home &gan. mise Cardie Schleî spat lait ireet et Liberlyvîlle m'th ber aliter, Mr@. Chas. IÇlepper. , The party laet undsy 'evenlug et Fiank Weianld's in. banor otflMr. anti Mrs. M1ke Richard, o! Minu@ta, m'es wial atteudati anti e fine lime 'es re porleti by aIL Ueo. Storm, o! C>rcago, speut Sundai et Long Grave. lira. J. Belly and son, Bd, vlsiteti ai Fred Sellg'o Saturday. Tb. llglxlning truck Mich Buech's barn Mndai. WEST PRMONT. Miss Elizabeth Ahert vtitBd iuW tegen Satrtaî. Fred Thomas, o! Arlingln Halgi vlsited In tht. vlcinit Bnai. Bert Slp, a! Lake Zurich, la spenc a feir weeka m'th Nortimexer Bran. Frank rbart la traubled wmith a ayise Pr. Gaven, of Waukegan, is tonding them. FrentkIlordmie'er, Wmq. Alcateri girl frsandsm'on. McHenry cahers a w ega Sundai. Frisutis of Mis. (ieo Blabectér wil grievetiby the neme of-ber detivl qccurratiThueaia, lay 7, et ber hi la Chicago. MI!. lnhecter la quit. v kuairu ban Thae moutL- correspondient far t.YIrayaabT"nteseysthat th. boys nanU the olti buggy again titi. yeat .teeof buylng a n.m' ose. The rne for tbis là the. boys bave esougb comi sense te use the olti on. and'not eo common conte to buy a neir one. Jacob Fredaricke otertaineti comp front Chcago uuday. . lir@. Kaeeat anti Mises elen #am pe men Waakegau visitere Mr. sud Mrs. Sylveste D i.I LibertyvIll e,,mae osean auoui n Bndav. R. Myer matie a business trip to Heury' Tueetiey. LOON LMCE M. aid'lire. Arthur Peterson, Chicaoc ane vlitlng m'th Mr. and A.C onir;. - Mr@. George Peuibon, wbo h»a1 slck for soma. lime in somem'at bote tua presest. Ben Bure, Rowardi Bieebe» and1 Wedge wer. la Chiago, Bundey. R. G. Hughes, A. Paearson aid Sheeb»en ae~tula poie for phonis'on" lb. milo. Hane, Jeunnleanti Altur Sorguas Cbicgo, viteti funtiny et home. lin@. Nlson and ladys visite Chicago a feir dais thé pWt wirlet. BAR72YGTOUL A. H. Boalaser and tlas Margu Boohutm'en rChicgoyvisibore Batw Mise. Ella Naiber Zue and Mer CarraI, af Park DiRe, spont Bar M the hom of C.P. Naebersud fat lin, anti lrs. Wt. Bodt,,Misea. G deneeblelt anti C. Plage vistet i r1ounxs la Welng, fil., lest BundiM -#1@4 Miltireti Etriet boaibeau Ili mot m'th chicte» pox. The itemeptlcai ,uterialurnent athb Zion cbtfrch ItTnedai eve m'as mell atteudeti. 1%The ne m'enouthe if, o! Christ andtbi t tainuxent utier lté auspices o! lb. Y. M. C. A. The W. C. T. U. wil meet lu tue1 C A. racine Thuistiai enlag et mest. Tm'o ci th. Coo couty ton anc. orter anareexpectedt o h. pro anti aIl th. members ant fianMent questedt teattest. The Prohibition ouv.ntion of w Sohfinstorial Disrito! 111130111 hlt 1» ite vlalget7uo.a Bre aud reet rhicb lome Weil- the are mon ngh muny atur- , o! 1,of Mus. of o, e bZü éàlàthe offie _ O ci<>O& ON ot thtCek f seltiCourt,- patio. l__ therefora hereby givan te théegialti Julla Maether, Frank L. HiUricb, Me- SThief IntÏernai Room et Motel ria Aune Bcballsuberger, ,siO.éhUn- F Bý_lrown WUhii"fy NWIIIt Lui i ti, Heurietta Beahel, LIdcy C. Zlm- HaIpedT;Iimsif t Valuebles. maruxan, George Coautrymen, Frank Countryman, Samuuel Couau7mpan, Boni tIte stiesda nthiou.Dora OBiihasd Ida Couutrrua, 4de- Soin, tie Weneey niht, 0!enidants as etoreaaid that the abolie bt John "kaey, entèeati>rooffiet the RoteI na med C(ompla.lnaut harotofee tleti Bmw» ln lberyille, occnield bbisIBill of CompWoelut » AICourt, con Pichard Gibbons, Tho.. Morrison and th. Chn».ide therèoL andti tt a Ir Jack To. Who ieuorktni t the Insull estamons theranpou issueti Ontof Iad fer,, ix<i lflTi th ércltbiug to! Vsy Court againa thle ateenamed "de- _ À ah 01 607 au valua--ve» 'lewng tetieuts, returueble on the treft day SThba~ee. a bl oaattl or o!the term o! the Circuit Co,~to ,o Tbýieo"tha ei morulng bt .e Lake Couuty, ta h. hsld a et or W ov e0 , th nht miqlay temb Rouge in Wankegsu inu904 Lake Aei. When ib*ebodlooadoo taseti. a os.Caunty, on the PliMosidai o!OtCcteb- Rein-( wa. gobe.t»affair bogan. tho 0k m lr a,£D 98 si yl~rqieI, U "sron, snd -thq.&Upioco" Kues, Who aud which suit la stIl Pouding. M s lid boe»ralsagueksu4erllYâboutthe LBWVIBO0. BROCKWAY, Clerk. &n t bouse .ta nigtt. Gibbons et once m'eut Wakegeu, Illuini, APril 27tb, A. P. Onîfit eter Maral mbery Md l!ft othera 19.98. to mi.terte4n the tbof. 1D1EN H. NMILER, 4-.l31. Wbean Umberry arriveti h. e o ed Complaîuanvs BSouctC nai the sspect anti found a m'atch belougli bar to Gibbons, vaiboti et $25, elso over 04 To in mon.y that hati been taten front TomD bt Motrtison, e kulfe, ring, antaîl Stilisn ..i m'rench, tobacco Mdtiother ,jdda antiiv ti endis., Kelley baving cleanati thant of gr 8veriihlug ha coulti atuif la bis pocketa.$e Marehal iUmberry*et once arnr.ed the21 man and toot hin totathé jallirboreba 21 loft ilnu carge, of Yoe and IMorrison. u xae Keltey thouibt h. saw an oppartnity et ta get evay anti matieaeau ies I on but Yo grebbed hlm about the m'eat bd and tbr.m' hlm loto lb. chair and thrat- enoti ta dance a two.etep on his coller 's, bons if lie triedti bagelu. The cese m'es tri.d betore Poie Mag attrate Butter et ulue o'clocvk Thprsdaî morniug sud h. m'as hounti aver la tb, fait tarin o! Court in deteult of! 700bail. rY Tb. prlsner m'as a bard cuetomer W'ho bad evldeutly bail previone experlence le îtb court affaire aud as h anaibs own ce.matie ,vf rP eaaticqueries anti r- pu« ita. the.m'iitaea. Jeweler Hums__ Om'i thertv iPot o! 'h of da m. *blch t uos Fe vftmi mw t 4 et Guru.. mibth e Chttenden femily. Fred Wlly anti femily apent Suutiay et J. R. Corris.' ins. S. J. Young @peut part of the ireek in Waulregan. Bd Lusk matie a busineêss 1ip ta cli- cago Taasday. Miss Mari Raught was ie Waucouda neceutll. e Volo visiter Mondai torenoon. Mis. MariBooak ha. reapaneti ber echool after an absence ot eeveral veeke. Mr@. Mt Glossen, of Grîsmalti Lake, altendeti cburch here Snnday tarenoan. Ml.. Fanni Soxten, a! Weucontia, calleti oa'ffentia ber. Sunday. Misa Kate Raing, of Round Lake, visiti br parents Lare a few deys lest woek. Mesdames Bos~pHuon and George Walton wm'ein u lyelake oneaday ne. cenly., lire. Win. Dilon m'es 1h. guest of rela- tives lu Wantýpgna Satnrday a-M Buudair. M. aud lire. L V. Luat anti clil4ren, and l ise Catherne. DowelI ni West Fr@- mont, m'en. in tom'» Baturiia. MissesKete Front anti Lucy Duunulîl irere visitoré et Waucanda on. day iail meek, Mise Anus Comepton mai the guest ai benelester, Mr. Jennie Compton et Round Lake race»ltty. WiII Hiroulmus bas retaruet finie Chi- cago irbere ha bas beeu laking treetnýent aI ýhe Illinois Bye anti Bar Infirmiar.i weeka lu Chicago visitiug frinds. The Rockaday echool closed Friday until September. Mr. â»d Mii. (3.0. Stophens gave a patifor the young peoplla let Frlday. A fiue tima li reporteti. Mis Lucy Trotter,% of Evanaton, la again ln oui midet. XmisO. A. NIou bas been ick tbe pait week but st pisient la improving. MW .Edlth W1bo ,of Gurne, la itay- the match aud th ix.pioner thonght hlm iuncmpateut ai haohtilearnet i@latrae la Germauî. fH. sali ho ad beaulIn hé levali busInesswhon a boy and soin Wag in the court rout madie the routait that be m'ai stxll la It <Lond epplanna.) The only excuse lb. prisoner offereti 'es thet ho a 'i ruuk b ut bo lasaeidtt have beau onîy fegniug andi lid entereti other rooms Ibet nigbt prerending that b. wes lu the wroug room sud,- mas goiug te, beti wPen ereat iy 'tbout a coat or vest. Ho telti Attorney tMiller Wha lad the probecutian, that haom'ouhâ mate thein ai the troubla poseible but he la nom' salaIt' houati et Waakegan wraohawilll ual iake any mare trouble until Ottbar. À campanlan Whobam's1 mith butnaet the tinm'e s releaset. A New School Lawe. The receut change iite . chool tam' will enable-pupils o!flte counutry chools ivbo are graduetes of the eighth grade te attend a regular four yeara' course la a hîgh echonl, andtbi ar tultion mnuit ho paiti by thoir haomediltrict. The lam' wlil materially increass the etteudace lu &Il the high achoolà, sai hreteforo many chiltiren have bho.» tiuetia igh @ech" treaiig beas. thoîr parente coulti not spere t he Initia» money. Wlth th. dis- trIct Inteeti of tb. indIvIdual meeting thin expense tb. po"rboy in tha country wMliho an equal terme mltb bis mois fortunat. n.ighboro su tarai hlgh oho oppartunitiee ara coucerneti. ,Il a gxati lam' ant ill doubtlessa materlll ierease the htgh ichbti atteudance la every tom'» la lhe atata. ml bon thdr W-1- M big tu *0 m"Ma r-f -01 k id i veab of »Nom 7m ce q» imbu or «Y lm mu wol i ME un 73 0 D'ru M»q. 8 ng a iem' m'.e t J. C.unope. D àI geStsai.Atsss but» Ulmi lormSnc Anderson, o! Lake &an- nts. M »r at Pomct,apealS"torde ,and Bunut iem'th ÂJISO e MMra.I.' L. RoI,»..la entereAlniug a o!W atndte istor trom u isbngtou, P. C., alo on. uta oo frou Indiasue. r os d EL lit. Foster, otfhhcais ipentilug a 0J ne 10e. hs o, Of Florence %lvin m'bo bai be.n@nd m1 tOo kug the. utter lu Dtroit wmt ber 'à liedunla 88-4t jgrantimotifer bos returneotihome. DM. A tt 805 W- Mis. A. WV Saord Io vsiting hem mtate oe Mintos, Counti cf Leke, as. tiongbter, Mi. Wboton et Wh.sten, 11. Circuit Court or! Loto Coumty, oclo- ortie Ulii Dl, iBdm'eil of dufve., speut hen Terra, 4. D. 1908. ray. Tunday wth lira. C. B. Deninen. Frank tlilriclx va. Julia Maetuer, ridi C B buines tesiu miI h bitietFrank J4llllrlcb, Maria Anus chal- otiey thtE.boe e meeJ. g H. 1Boe Fld eyt ldnbrger, Mari Busch, Jasplhi1311. ade th hoe o J.H. IoneYýFriayrîctiMagnus Ulrtch, Aup .Heath, iiiili.Mai ~ Bnnette Beahal, Sophia fenhel, Au- Ban- C. E, tapie Mai 17, "«Being a Christien' gustt llIrActi, William Ulrich, Kate m'it st Honte ant in geBbooL" 1 Chron. 18: Guptaîl, Lucy C. Zlmmerinan, Santul Y. 12-14. Marget White, leader. Conurymn Sophia P. MerrulI. Dora t. A fite son e.». Tueetiay, May 12, o Smilth; Ida àC;uxutryman, Edwin Coun- gladiten the home of Mr. aud lMr@. J. C. lryiuen, George Couulrintsn, Williamu gironx ý3ope. Countrymen, Frank, Countryma», uing Auna - LAbtivor. Stephen' Kelier, gn' AJ m Georje Quentin, adminlaltrto ofthe toc.. Otto Schmnidt , inllstratnr o! the Y. Id. Obit*ry OStteot Sopla Rappant, deceaseti, Ibtis -Auguet Bnohlng-mai bar» lu «utii- andi George Rorcber. upar- er, -proicseto! anover, Grmauy, tAaoerY ,,Nu. 3847. teéent Apr. 27,1861. ne.dtedMay 1il 19e Staitit'y affdavlttthal tht de- m. re- at tie bovie.of hie brother la <hioag0' fendants Julla Maethier. Frank J. Hill- H e cameq ta ttcountrylunJ818 adti rcb, Maria Annua challanberger, Jo- 1 thettietilaCh *ho rore- ho. m'e nn.septiUlrich, Rliudetta' Bashel, Lucy m'a es fl uscs<itlce hueineel 'lbis brother C. Zinmmrman, George Countryma py 4 sa. 11s0tien., nove ti eéie and Fiank Couitnyman, ara uct t'est "d tu w*fýgfor fouir douetsof! tèStte o! Illino.se notiat ~ ~ nuavid te i. 4 pDgofflesa not be qrved upc» thé,» b.e- ~ n~ IIr p .tuo i aior siter of! è andti taIth* de-- d =iwl 4 ary W !xat.0tiuiel onrua,. o Sdewalks and Cernent Blodu ROCKEFELLER, ILL. Lut Me Estimata Upon the Job CALL ON J. J. SPOHN ROKEFELLER, ILL. Hardware, Stoves, Eave Troughs, Roofing and cFurhace Work Etimat.. ou n lHarware BU prompty gir.» HIAVE YOJR 1HOU FOR ELECTRIC NOW A LA DWS' 25Suité exander Hein, formerly of tbe -Ornsiein Compeny et Wauke- viii open up oue of the. mont ieut Ladie.' and Chiltiren 's ting stores et tbd% aid stand, NJ. Genme St., Waaukegau, the poitoffie.- ic elady wmo mil 'give the Dame for the. ncw atore ha mili, a $25 buit FREE. ?d naine. ta Alexander hlein, N. Geneace St., Waukegan, May 27. WALL PAPER ?sddstaui s IsEibibsdmeâtss dm3 asli md b.poai ad thke boi t t*stmades. WM. 1HAWKINS Psinter aMt Decoretor MAI.! DAy,Il. JS[- WIRED LIGIIT SPECIAL OFFER If yon ive lu jour om'n housi, locati ou ani n! aur dlalnîheting lhues, m'a afier un mire il complots Jor yaa. at cont; anti yaa ean pay us hact a littie acI month for tiro yeara itlîbut laterl. * The Ilumblest Home cen afford lectric light on théeave bags. Itle t.e lb.ft !Iiscoin- pany te put elctrlc llgbt mitilresechof &Il dais.. Tb. coet bai been greatly raduceti. For dtile il aIWantogan 85. P4ORTI'ISIOR! !ELECTRIC COMPANY 230 Nt Geneace Street, WAIJKWAN. ILL DO. YOU WANT A BARUGAIN We have et aur fsctany at Libert.vvila teir enali lat@ ot atide anti endis o! aur MODEL FENCE. Thés. are the as bigh Carbon Bprlng Steel ai our regular stock, tb. rmli1 differeuce being lu unove» lengthe. Vhe ichy lit you =ey talce yo<w piçk at about HALP REGU, LAi PuCE4 PIRT COMI4 FIRSTi SERVED, Inquifre etFaatoy andtake fenic Home wilh you, AMERICANi WIRE !ENCE -CO. SEE DEL.HAYE BROS. hefers building Cernent Block Moussa.- They brave had six yeara' expérience li Cément aBlocks, and wtth bluir neir macin. thot' cen *&aeyou 10 par cent. They wif I furnish yoa plans free. CONCRETE AND CEMENT WALKS GUARANTEED ,,IELlIAVE D. 'ay ~lav I. * 4, i 1 i-- 't 1 Pr«byte"ft chureb, graduaffl trOm tU 1 - 1 « 1 ! 11 à Ilý, I" - MUIBURN