FRIDY, RAY 15, 1908, Ecooomy Ih WeBIth- Good Foàd is Heth- This Is About BUGGIES Sta ver Buggiles Are Good Buggies and You Know lt IF IT'S FROM SCHANCK'S IT'S GOOD You are AUt Vonfud about buggies. Yau vautan Bacy Rider. You want a Ooul Looker. Yon vaut a Long Wear.r. You wmrt Vaine For Yomr Dolara. Ever>' aiviser recommindi a diffîrent Mate. Ever>' deaier eîugt a diffurent uong. Yoii are lite a inon loe3t lu the voodi. Whp t'u R mPe ta biuggy bîîylng tht- average inon in up in the air-Tva thînge are lu plan eIgbt-"The Paint andi The Prie@" amd the jote a1 IL le that the man- ufacturer af cheap buýrgies là dead ou the gaine no ha mates a job ta fisaisa $40 prias andth ion i pute on lu ie lait coateai paint and varulab a inioh fine euongh for a $100.00 job. Mr. Buysr tisaih le eaviug a01ev dol- larisamd tts the ce ob and in ix mauthas or a year hi thints nat. Just lotk anîund yau mnd thint of same af the Stayer@ tht ion tnow havebhein runnlug ten ta iveut>'y ere. Buggies that c-ire bouglis at a far price ton. Then thînt o nome ailier matres that bavs bien bongt lu the lait y ion on en anti are ail lu, thee are vorth thinkiug about, vheu you bu>' get yaur monei Worth. Nov Lsten: We have eold bundretis ai them mnd positiveli tu(iv that yau geL good vaine ion your mone>'. Thi>' tan not ha bs'a a an>' prie. We carry o gond ti'ct and wauld lite to tait hi oven vith you. rEuRD IOCWimrim &PECIAL ATTENTION Tel Libt BAKI and CONIT( To out of Town Ordere 1 Libertgville And Shipping Trada phone No. 4t3 iertyville Exchange R CTIONER ILERS SUPPLIED JACENT TOWNS ------------ oe 0000 0000 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 DO YOU WANT A PIANO?, If m ee n mad fr7 the isousSCHAMPER t. SCHUEUE * STRANG'S FURNITURIE STORE 0 O . E.STRANG LICEPISED UNDE-RTAKERq O Pnop. AND EMBALMER Grayjsiake -Bakerg mi RestauraI@t M«19s and Lunches Served al ail hers OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE CIGARS and CANDIES LAUNDET OFFICE Phone- No. 19. miSS EMMA GERLACH, Prop. Iqws tI umber yard CIIANGÊD -IANDS Lutniber, Shingles, Lath, Poits, Cernent and C4&1 Aiso MILLWORtK Gi VE ME A TRIAL F.,S. HEAD RUSSE.L ffl- t7 s.arhsSedtr. G RAYSLAKE Poaloffice scandai. The citisnnafai raylake amd vicinlty vere mucb exirciaed lait Monda uponq havlqg a scandali thein homel paît-office. Thie matter vas hrougbtq about by Roy. Chan. lRaviner, paston of1 tisa Cougregatianal churcis Wbahadm madie conipilt to)the pot.ogllcoffiaiai1 In regard ta havlng ltter. openad at' tii affine b IlilsWhtmore. Ref.1 liavener, a t tý.or,'go«,le h aggd1 10 lilasMary Call, oif P. Wyne and as a mtter of cana oi plesoa!" lav *or@ exchangid irequently.1 Hi @«ys that alten they vauld cameà oUened or with theappiarance ai haviug bie taupeed .wlh. t vs i 1 th himade complainte at the homee office, but with no avai ad upan heur-( lng mattene ai privacy whiebhis lettir. hadl cantalnid and were tuow u ny byc himéeef aud'hie lady iriend, It in eaid1 that the Paetor bicore' #ery mut-h auuoyed. Satisied tbat hi hal sufiS- cint proof ai vl "good cause hi took the mater up wlth Lb. biadaofficiale oi te postai service. Far the pait1 three monthe secret service min have1 bien wrking on the. matter and lait0 voit the iuveau tion came ta an di. They werèsatiafid thire veAs uit cause f:r camplaint. MandayIlManihal Griffith, ai Chcaga, vas sent bineta aret Mises Whitmane on the charge ai tampiriug vith the mail. Mies Anuabil Wbtmore, poetwlatrees, oecorted by herhbrather, A. W. WMhtur and Atorney Churchililot ,,ayl,,.andai marnlng for Chicaoa bere @h appeared hilare United StateeCommlesloner, liant A. Foote on ber ovu accord and iheir elde ai the question vas iven ont.t Miss Witmore denylug emphaticaily that ihe hadl ever weddied vith the f Pa@itares*]ai lunoHyy hape OrmDner. Althongîs tien bhas bien other mluarr complainte made at different times andy public talk as to bow the office had Ieondui-ted, t ha@ bien considered, s a matter ai course, ai ail publie ai abuse and complainte. t hilng a public position the public niten seirnta, congider it their dut>' and piivilege ta mate ai big a kick ai thi>' choome. Mils Whitmare hai lit-id at (iraylae and vicinty aU ber flei.came troa a hgh sn'dTi ~farnily and bais àvaye conduct.d hirsei ai a Lady an &ily oacaonpaad bas neyer biretafore bien coseted ilu auy vay vlth scandait Ber frinda stand staunchi>' hiberir l Steir hie! that @ho le innocent ai the charges brought againit berarnd think sheinh only tiie victim ai circumtaucesL mnd that al il yl hi cieared up at the trial wbich viii take place liay 18t. p Rev. Raviner came ta the Cangrega. t tionai curch, hlghly recauirnnded about a yen &goanmd bai gained theil reputatian ai standfing aut for vhat bu connidereti rigbt egardiese ut public t opinion. BeHe i ncere in hie beieii that hi mail hai bien opened mnd rend by the pastucistresa ai Graylate. Theb trniteei aitha churcb whieh canait ai lieo. E. Strang, Wm. Smith and J. S. f Idurrne as weli as the membir. ai thea Cangregatioaai hurch, IL la allegid, are standing by Liv. Raviner lu the un-. iartunate affair. The sentiment ai the tavuipae, ai &@muchabsumhagathereda siiw equolly divided. laspectar Albert Swift, vho le co. aidered oui ai the brightst secret serviceS min an the force, @put several da à out her lstvieek and italsg~ita lii le the parti vho succieded Inlu ecuring evideuce sufficiat tO varrant the trn .Hi aiea @pont lioaday and 1=sdy ai the oilice luvolinx the stock and iootin oerthe boots. Be @sYis ,batirierythmg aithiofce leinlu y goati condition. L- Y. Bite nideu t ai thi e rch&,a t & Farmers au, ha vus A. W.u Witmori vas the boadomen oa iseia Whitusore vire notifitd Mouday that thîy vould havi ta appoint atemporan>' patrasster. L. Y. Sykes appohated .6rs D. G. White, wha vas tbe formern pastmlsiress under Clevelandsa adinul- %ration mud tb. office le nov conducted0 by tirs. White. It lu allegeti, tram a report of a poiL. office officiai. that M14 les himore viil not have the opportu1i4Li f holding t office agoin and ihat a Dov poetmaatei viii hi appainted. Jut vha viii oeit for the "poiltico plai" aor inn which evîr it mai bi, la ual yet.pubdlcy knavu. t le sald that thu office paye about onse tbousapd dolars a yeuxn mdt thire vili undoubtedlî bu plenti of candidate@. In a persanal Intervevwv ithlas Whitmani she itaLeIh"t shu la vhoily innocent mnd le oni>' an unlartunate victilino! rcuxstamcs, 1ha1 la bar mlad It la oni>' a polluicWehi.,.ta nuift len ot of the offic&e. erduesdà t tat a mifurther locha untili mter bsc trial May' 2leL. A pereanal intervev vilS1Bey. Baisser obtained the- folovlug officiai reçoit froin him: To THE REÂOE55 0F THE INEPENDEI<T: i visb ta itate ta tise public uhàt 1 dld nat have the Grayelaki postmietresea arreted. 1 complamned ta the Maul n@petare at the Chicago deprtinst mrtay invetigated thse case foar quit. avhlle, vhich led thora ta flally -taka the steps v hicb piaceti ber under arreet, 1 bave uothlug ta do vith the case, other thon ta appeor as a vitues. Tbe1 mater la entirel>' lu the bauds aifais govrnument mnd I have no daubi but what the case vîlI hi haniet properIy ion ail éoncerned. Reepictitlli, CHAM. E. HIVEMEEB This le tb. tiret Officiai report ai Bey. Hovener ud appt-rs on thet irt tirne. Deaih of Nick White. Lait Tuiedai aiternoon thei friands and citizosenofairaylate vers greaiui sboctid ta isaru of Lthe îndden deaub ai "Uncle Niot" as h. vao famliiorly cafle bir many. Be hal bien sien on aur itreuts only a gay or sa hilare amd liai- day hea acompanied hie brother, Walter, ta Wankegaa üd vas hfeelaintheehait ai heati. He ipent theevenmg vitis hie daugbtar and frieuds oi the famiiy smd did eototre unihil 1o'ciock. HBu&am at 5 aciock Tuisdal momnieg but "kin. ing li a litile eaanliamd not feeing viny veil bhgnstined amd at seeo'clack .his dagtr iud hlm la a n unonsi I a loveaïad 4evotlou. aie vile,1 W«s an,. invalid thse pasct tw or 1 Iyear. of ber tfs, hebd hi@ eVery care Iattention and nei neyer ceaaed ta wo b er lues whlch came ta hlm a year1 churcb ln hie sonly dai and vas a gr i tudent of the Bible and ad rm belle af It. He vas veli-kuavu through the cunt! and edmired by aIl wbok hl.liaiMot ofIdhe lits vaa ipeut at fai:m ait Long Lake until the lasi f îyeari that ho bhm epent with bis dan ter la Orayelake. He leaves to mi hl» diatb a daughter and lutie gra daughtsr, Eva Carfleld, two brotif Walter and A. Md. White, of Round La Henry Bar, af Round Lake, a half brot ansd tva inter@, tirs. Kate Wait, Waukegan, and lire. Mary Graham Evanaton, *d a hast of frit-nds. F oral vaa faî4 Thuraday aiterooona a'clock ait thet bouse and '2 o'cloc t i Christianceburch ai Fort BH l, Rt-v. Tue 0f Waukegan offielatsug. luterment Fax Lake cemetery. Base Bali at Round Lake. Tii. base@ bail fans were out lu earn lait, Buuday and about 100 pio wîtzbeiied the gamea at Round La Tb@ firet gaine a between Round U and Jahnoburg and was a warm( tibî score bain 9 ta 10 l in lvoir oai Maroboni of round Lake. Ray Save a Grayelaka hail piayer who played wi the a one won the- honore oft ga= b uaking a two bagger hîta lraimi three score@ whivh won gamne. Te x ae va@ betw4 Lake Villa and Ro.und Laite.1 lirooinvers deieated again by1 Labre Villa tm la a score of 5 ta 1. lias Nellie Brown' entertaiued beri taers from Long Lake Saturday. Mi. Allie entertained af friends ait a dinuer party Stiuday. Mir. and idre. Fred élittimo,of Ci cago, yen guestiaiofrelativrtes hre l weet. Lou Frank viii open ii) hslie tw criai iactory lu time for 1I eýý c aiond orderp. Ray Savery bas acepted a îîustio type setter with the nem- ediior fo~r1 prent. R. M. licCloud and wjfe, of Chîca4 wire la aur city 1Banday lookiug for @umnmer cottage. Paul lftby vieltad his mother who very ick #ASark BRidge, Sunday. Dr. Oleoft amd family, ai Autioch, wE the guelte oi Dr. E. F. Shafler aud fa Uly sunday. lirs. Wm. Spriuger vieîted friends Libertyvlle Bunday. The Nev Commercial Hotel inu Petercourt block opened up for busim tim viet. ,Z Loale Pulgimaà a married ait Chica laist Tueiday ta aý Lake Zurich lady. Elsworth Uliwclm luit limbTuesd ta jolu his father at Oklahoma. Wm. Newton, oi Fax Lake, trane&c business here Satnrday. C. Y. Stahi, of Prairie View, made1 tiret vieil la Grayelake lant Saturd sud wai veil plaabeed with the tavu. Mir. Kyle, of Chicago, traneacted t nese bies onday. Mir. and lire. Wm. Smith wlsh announcethe glat tidinge that ;heyz gradpaet t ababy boy, *eigl Iebona ta 1Mr.and lire. AIh Shulzàser, Tnsiday, May 12, ait th home ait Hastings, Michigan. Bath the Tribune and Amerir reporters vire ont bieslionday gaih ing neye of the poiitollee scandai.1 Tribune came out wiih a cade account ai the afiair as il vai, wl the American made a big bungie oai affair a@.n"a, hitiug upon twa three tacite and a lot mare thal untrue. However the paper bai a ve 9"a1 circtlatlon hec. and very li prestige and but littie credit le given s contente. Misé Emma Gerlach transacted tr neu lu Chicago, Wedneibday. Deii Smith, ai Kansai City, la the go of hi* parents, lMr. and lire. Wm. Si Welker Ttlwusend, ai Waukegan, sp Tueiday, Wedneiday and Thuriday the home of lire. ai Whsite and att ded the uerai ofi Mut White. The Waukegau Gozette came ,Wedneday wllh ab copi ai the paîgtof scandai that was tla the Ttsesday mw lng iditian oi thse American. Oh! tbe Gazette always vas a "capy c but oui wonid think il they vire1 eble la get the neye tisemeelvei Il wouid copy from a mare rellable pal iban the American. But as the( nayrng gobîrdsaioffeather fi "JInezToutesa fChicago, iat e1.1W.. lMre. Des Jardine@. Shibai i obligil ta give up ber position ai phase operatar on accoaIaif bati bal lias Helen Raymond, ai Vola, ilp Buadaby with fieuds here. lir. Besley, ai Chicago, vas a guet lise Bd Bowling home Sunday. lls Lulu Gibert, af Waukegan.v a $Mut ai ber slster, tirs. Clhaton We buza, Sunday. Bd Waehbnrn and viii vire theîgu of the latter's parents ut Lake Fi inawdar. huesf Pearl and Bertha Kapple viol fiands in Wankegan Sunday. inas Mary' Graham, ai Evanitan, tendqd the uerai ai Nicholas Whit. Arthur Dibbie entertained hi& brot rIm Lake Villa Wednesday. GEa. Strang trauiacte 'd bueiness Waukegaa Wedneiday. Att,'. Churchill traueacted buslneiE Chicago Widneedoy. R ani Laitue, ai Waukegan, spentS day at home. P ryGraya-f Wauke an. @eutS deyvlthb h i le aitthe Ld Kapple ho hIels Neilie Remington was lu Chia Wè4nesday. Oving ta the extreusely bad rmadea veather but few attendeti the Boi 1Lake dane given by the laro Wsduesday eveuing. m V. Range wanin Chicago onb rnuss.Wednssday. : i11Uthse latent magasinesand bh aie a due lia. of siationiry cum hIo WWhy auna What do y-ou knov about ralny Joseph Libîîl spent Tueeday vith ogag weather and bod coade0 frieude lire. et," ý lias Grace Prie irom Chicago lu Mn. and lîrs. John McCanu haret-er. aven mother, lire. Bauman. with relative@ ini Chicago.,ri ýhut Tam Meade, George and Diet Bush J.J. Kelly @pent Snndoy v ith hie iamily. ikn [ne fom hiago@putSaturda night and Mondai morning ai ber home bers e imw Ca a hegoKima - Kea.luc c 1 four da tth lbalbt ocennedtedeath oni Mn.JohannaGar-vey. igh. Mees. Fred Drakiman, Sam Tannant, Bmr exact agi la untuavu, but iL le said ounLavrence liagnihsu and A xie Miller tram that ehe lea ver nen lundred years aId. OUR- -ad- Chicago speut unday at the htoslug She le surrylveti hy tbrew cildren ai hosc houem. foiiows: William, John, and Johanno. ate, Round Lake Marnons played ninu Tue funui'&l vas Med Wedneeday with ýter taulngs with Jabneburg bail piayuns and liniient ut St. Marie Ct-emiter>', O in o inigvwih ate Villa anid got beat 5-1. WARRENl. Fuu- laGeB ing ond Sam Tannant vire The Warren Cemeter>' Associ-ation vîli 2 5C PER~ at1Waueonda clesBandai aitirnoon. met vitb tire. M. F. Beryver, Wedneg- thi Mis Gnevieve Effinger le spinding a day aftermoan, May 20.Wllga fcaio t aer couple of vauks vîtS tire. Lia. Eendee. s fras ldn 1 lb A t John Breven la spending a ev days IGEIECfe.Sl n1 b vith hie parents at West Fremant. lugleside Camp 3989. M. W. A,- miels at Yaur raitroadsaion1 tir. and lire. Wm. A. Roiug spent lait ievr et and third Tueiday ai eacb ,net Wednesday la Chbjcago. mouth. Vioiting Neighbone and membere UA IY O e Frant Drummond mnd naSuets moyed arne î'rdially invited ta attend. .J A IT a~e Brit~s lace.0. HawÂAR, Counci,. O U. this viek WiliSithpi.H. HENDRIt-KS, Cient. L.ati Jim Garman and Chanies Othespot 31-tf 5405 Woodiewi oui vire sein on aur street lait Tuesday. the tir. and tin@. Gea. Boaluz and brother, Tht-n le a Plut Pain Tablît made CHICAOC wîya ole.Suhy by Dr. Sboop that viii pasîtlviui stop the Mr.. C. Junge enhatalned ber brother any pain, anyvbee, ne. 20 minutes. ~n t and Baturda>'and Bunday. Drugglste evenyvbin seili thm as the Frant Flan>'amd Miss Anui Birreit Dr. Shoops Headache Tablets, but F n % M l wein vire united lu bol>' matrlwony lait they stop other pains as eaily as The Manda>' lu Chicogo. They are living in beadacbe. Dr. Sboop's Plut Pain My excellent display i the Martin Thaîens roomi. We extsud Tablit simpiy coax blond pressure e i wonxm congratulatione. ave>' frorn patin cintire-that le ail. a~s o nehi r is- Phil Flary and wiii vers e iag an cornes from blond pressure- K e k r& - visitors Mondai. congestion. Stop tbat pressure rith K e k r , Dr. Shoopis Headacbè Tabiets and lt-w EAST FOX LAKE pain le înstantîy goni. 20> Tabule 25C. 1 make it a mPeci6tYb Ch- Tht- Fox Lake Cemiteny Society wiii Sold by ail dealers. bote la the latest u! C.t tt at lire Orlando Hoot 'e, Thurodai _______________ yOitt ie. .i lataternoon, May 21. Vietors weicome. ce Chr'le Lutz was a lirayelate elier TUE NEW SANITAR'y ELIlZAB ETHI lt-e Tuesday I k'e.. .ss essnsGRAYSLAKE, a Miss Ada Caine vas a Graylate vîsi. CEIt FrALllT ___________ astor TuedoIy. Wishee ta announce tIsai C. T. MIoYEcaCau a&fSM, . the The nurse that vai caring ionrtirs. ihe>' vii arien up thein Adjuudiceati a Eut-n IRussell retnrned ta tue city the tir et new factuni JPI>qbU o Se la bereby ag Of the- vit-. or e~t s ufthegr iro Mis Eva Culver wai a Graylake viii- - rü lay 23d ~~n Glodwea ton Mouday. a atiran~i i ~M hiCh&@. Luti epeut Bunda>' vitb is tama. lu due tîme ion ordere ion Decoration HU115!ueeisi 0 ,ily hire. Day. The vern hast ai cveam viUi ha tlt vers Frant mnd Burt Galiger vire Russell mauiactured bore at prime reasonabla. tea.aeat3~' a colr.SnaaY. Che ortysie luc g, go. =01 tse so e John Shaluecrint ha@ returned tram L.FAK age at Bolland vhere bu ha@ hein visitiug rela.-.FAK aas tires iot thi peut tva manthe. Ttlapuseme 36 GRAYSLAI<E. ILL:. -Ç1aUkea. lL A"s~ the 222_______________________ ses. eteC rday ta are Lhein !au bher. The àcwa 'hil or vaa rer>' 2ta pent yat tten- ont arn- vel aL! aidr tolt bemn sein t at vas ragh- lieste 15ted ,ait- te- ther sa at e8 et Sun- Sun- icago ioud bush.. round 'Ittea viii. !tap's tie >Pd*- t Iota 4 O. Q. rr~ ra Au~ o - o' t'..'. tott~t s'dir~ ao~ ~ I1..L. 1&i~ GLoÈ DEPARTMLNT STQý The "d'Best"' in Clothes T HE Best is none too good for any man. That's the way we figure, and th"ats the reason that we seàrched out the best clothes products in the country-to offer youa Perhaps you are Planning on paying but $10.0.0 for a suit, or 'it may 13e $30.00. Whatever you have clecided to invest you can rest assured that your getting the bast value for your moncy when you select ont of oui' garments. 1At' $20.00 Saturday we're going to show you the biggest line of swell suits at the price that has ever bien displayed in Waukegan. Most any clothing store wilI sdif you a good suit for $20.0 but why flot get a better one for the same money if you cari, You may select a suit here Saturday at $20.00 that thé average dealer wil charge $25.00 for. Corne and hinspe i values. There art huxidredsof stylés, shapes, niaterials, colorlng and aff suzes. $2000 LBTYVILLE SchanckiBrs "'U'I .aaàae***BOBOOSSOSS- ---------- .**e*;; MOTELS AND RETAII WE DELI VER TO AM BON M. ULLOR Atta.y AdjuadicationNotice. q PARINALO, -------------- ------ - ------