Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 May 1908, p. 4

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e Owk a r Snld okeoau r h iot tu oris.cearenioi nd" .porsda upen ble, br or retail license in sny masolOr by orest treesuytlie onwblcb r p;rnt a clear vie fo I embeisealwibob s& iquere re.B .u t - Dollars fIro.the lom Et r rpublie bgbwa ans, b. Snt 0 ~ sder penalty fr ne doILg for ssci, offefl jtd lene.provtded that flDot More thon twenty dolla no, mre 'Il b@ 5anted te sur P=noD'oae undred dollars sud the rorfaiture t t paties on ll eleetion of the tIoard of Truste«s of bis orb J~eS5 utle il IllqU5icem. 0 gr ed 5a 1.. BO si= SoCTION 12. Ordnance No..15 .Sud ~reesifrotheadjou- ordlnoen0f nconflt.It t is rdiooce0 herebY rePeuled. whsuia ed sud triefi scovbos 13. This ordînauces505110e Cao *~aisthodife tusasllnit as Ordinance No. i96. le nlqorn eusîoued tu i'aeMay 4.1lm. îetUnet Mttan 01te Vetod ir Pradet. passed over Pregidel veoMaI. 1lm. ead sud ilbd A oe.May 11. isse. ne asthe mli :gor Pablsbed. My 15. lm5. ~rwLaevr. On l In £&b K. CoRLIri. 0er]P ad sud tyled itrsmn ud uLAST CIýiAPTR 0Fr , THEIR IIUNTING TRI r eutlt t an euegllon l EnA. 1eealil* . cr- l.sI>lrp àeoolid t Guide Was Hefd Under the Grî Chen 1tsU d etled u sur euathermalor Chargeof Killiîng a Moose suy quntitybut is Acquitted. wliIlDi eltitret t80U G 4oo__ Iv» vill od ri or i ,I» bui ted erc 0e a te t« ofs da r au ffl fin ber eld th, ha. tir Ce ai ber t are O ~"th fi IP e Si ,ave la ry auy oet tsoc 1net sauras- The fanions huntiug tripî of Drs. 7ber liflse l3jalo an ad Foley and Mesrs. Lovel trDollars nor and MacOGuffInlu fil aceunts of wbich r ,id Boa&rd of appearsd in th!@ 'paper at the 1.1,5 they ria a&y auch were lu Wyoming, bas yt a chapter ithiltue tllsas that bas not been told. The tales ofL rtieg. settna de<ng, or the ibeir prowe.s aud the wild aud un- tl mensd elvilised liee. tbey lead while lu thal; b 'nted sud theuu.etied country are yet f resb lu the t 06 t ta g,»mmds of tbeir many frende but the most t M 1sIl fle w" S îrilling part ol the tale yet remâAiua ta it wI excit6d te told.l sud tb bntl e sBommsthat one eventfuldawhe otbuiti Dr. Gallotvay chot an .1ke 00 uS and the carcees Maa lf on the spother r~tingtutaseud a man ibers the id betre t f olowing day for the bide sud anCies. ail b isued Onblev ay beck o the eop lte body &,s w" f a deed mo. was fouud that bail s d CUIIIapaetly disil a very short ttunebeo. pbad OfI'~lohnpriual vUIlwasthougbt *,..-oislyeve eti~o the matter but ou thte followiotg day ods vIe shah ttrausPired hat there laid beau two ont? 120J8.l gemns audene cainped vwttblu but a short diqtaneotthiis moome sd lu the amaestcourne oftheir rambles tbey unveiled a pom50UO0fdark secret. Ce ae out b g tipthlgt retumned ta ther home in PÏ th 1i ~ eat and no furtbdrr attention Mo as given tO the matter. Itsecern eeti ame 5 owevei" hat tihe game 'wrdess id ormakin oui been very busy and colketed such a wer.u la budget o!evidence ihai the guide wbo =im furwtq was wib the Doctor ai the tUrnhele <00 155500 th .1k wMs alilTsteil na the culprt who q.I0 5e u fiskl &bot Cie monées. ioom e le ut l tu »eh si uunertoiare veuy seaune article.aud L" or "»o tim n $b tey allowed ta te abot 0& _ fofatur *ch cdcoutS for thevry lien nlyqurion the par ft < é ware = us fthe «&. sa Woo ld .dnstbir rk -Yicu.m Ce. tiorouahly andl wbea h. issecame ta tom:sThi trial the proe.cutlou brought about ne 5, ue e elgt wteineees on te tand tu tentify. the sune of n-Tbohead bosu brou ltai groal expense -b -51<00 o evercl hundred mlle. over the monu- bt Piiuiaut %0 tains tu the. couty sent towu wbers the -<s herebi ceusvrac talsd. wboag from the luvas proven however that it wasac Z=o 551vts< eau ees et aken id.utiiy and ths guide «5 autoized, by WBas bletu quit. clearly prove hie mt.aitso»m nnocene but uut uutii the wrtiis v=. ooolle.isdeuce ôf th memlbere of the Liberty- vile party b.d been eecured. Tht case 0004w« tu$ s vasbg oe eand c mot ex pensiveue rete mtuathse tate atthoritti... The. eridefice stil, 19 owapW almoel a weeke time and that s fL pro muai lai setion of Wyomng waa very islcae mai arousod over thetrCel. The trial fwsiisd otns atteaded liy large number from 01_=_W ml" &raoundl who came and @taedaituttil h courtbliededd dowu a deciion. -Prmsi t The faciet tiheguide va. veli kuowu 'd the.ooete lu the coiuainty asudthat bis tetimouy 2laî 0e*-!.. wae subeatatlatod liy th writ.n ---Preideut. 1.1ieOirits frIUCInotyvll la perbepei talaful er = terra lu ube acie pententiary. $awf1fose id. s ramst=Iip. s» .jdJ a or ie, &ss"l à n ecio lf TIMUM THETI!CAUSE .,ittes iter Of mt4.giardîsu or fa" INl onlatoxlea 1 0 o C nlalutac tus Ltto 0,t oron Suud&y. ,vslglhdy. or an generai tisdr rbt.een 1 C0CIoOC aeC .m.05fday. eW fer @0 doimS for es', 0e" wf Dot le s. 1-testy doar .s oe mird lar- and erte electio f 0fsdlABoard of r. orsh bericun fren bail ee O Cat Ib. delncd lu the eus of Minois1. sdram sboi', *Mm aforesid. by himfcf. bar- remraut; tw bc open o. Subday. 47 a iel holl4lul. or a5y OlemIl rilosy,or ietveen 10IoOOr taurd.y to be it111001k. and IL of aur dat', or surer an peren c-tOues ta pax tluasd ont or1 oiSraut the "nme; or wfmuosttout-%ne eritten -sneetr=urs arent or guardiau fesmia 1or lutter tu or about wu @bop. or to aesi y 0pat a su'£&me *s4 sur nard. dIce. cieck, a, batlgatelle ta.0. pigeon bol. Or tbing s-taerer for the Biauit. bettîng. clunint or j O7-r tbLsg or article of ,, tepr abatsoever lu immrasSop. or il a o1 hoor sonuertiug .lta Lb. for so doiug or essu Of not les. thas t.euy oà ouebuared dollars. an 4Otectcaof »sIiBoard of &Wb155C57 f ltoxieatbug Of 0fMt e Inmc luu * ei "utO embiattoe. u1cts, or device. or eo f a y 0f 1the Stit* sCii .»O 1 .tesmPenaltyrSala Mledy la Evolutlom From a Single Noe tling Prom Fsar and 'an Effort te Chier. Wliy do bîrds eîog? Why bave birds al cavasang' Primarlly frorn fear. l'. tra@ thai our lijnd.augs of Sprlugtne are of joy. of bappinemu, of love, but lu the tiret place tliey were evolved froni "tear." A i4budy of almost any liases of bird fl aupt u s be T. lait of the blacir- bidle an exemple. Is cry is but a pro- ioiigcd repetitiou ot one note of rattling alarui. intemaiieil by motiou and turne into a pleaing .ound. Tlhe cre8ted larir sud wreu, too, support liie tbeory, lu- somurli as cycun wbeu engaged iu coufliet witli hliîr fllows tliey oiug and chant ol-er the bodie of ther defeated lues. As a matter of fact slmost every bird- song consisesotf Npeated eau. of alaru iut.eraereed witli additioual musical sounide, rspreeting mny divere smo- tiens. BaL&Yugiearued tosiug, progreosamoug the. many difert membera of the bird kirigdom ui bl no meass lien unform, for eta o habit. ernulation, tempera. met, urroundingeansd amout of pb fuel energy useesary for autiaiutugQ amre rffected in their songé, aud semé et' our woodland bide sesdon,, if ever, ming, smpi tce es t tlulaid on to bythoir end erotu seure fooad eve itm ittle or nu leteure timefor bur4tlng Nov le tâté time Mhon birds lu freedom Commence CIer addemingerie, au- iuopuclng lhe prouifty of il. e ar4ne vols. erseif te tht builing ofthCie i.. Mdced b a o! ber youm M&eru The glorlous Fourth eof.luly, the day rail eelebrate. ld do tJar eway ani h ime no more than rlghtt hat Liberty- I. sbould celebrate lu a manner both tupi"@ aiisd iing. W. have the w6tIon snd whatle more we cam roduetheaitraetlo. There wlilvery kelie a race meeting at the mlle lek whlch wlll lu a Mpeiure lie one of le main eveutosuad twil uudoubtedly ring a number bers to @pend the day .t ti. village eau aiso belli ta .well the rwd and furnhi b tem vitit other ,uoemenbta duriug tii. day. Wé have »od base bAil inande and a good uve aia=oa ad that eau fnrnilb cotaltrab the day. The nouai Àsea At thetown hall would aloo lie Mother feature for the evenieg aud a Imen, tunmeut Would aiea tie a .ry =ratical sud valuable addition to e ,a prograut. Several of tbe ewne i luLor couuuy bave voluntési -e departnteut@and ibis village added ktoiher new one ta the flot last fait sud 1at tbey would ail lie glad to ae part teno perfecti! ressouabîs. Favorable iplulona bave besu expreeeed by nurnier in auclia proWet and it may yet become bte real tbing. M.thodlst Services. "Mt. Plageh-itegret" vs. tbe cubject f' Rev, fB. F. Lawler*o addreeo aI hé i. E. cbureb laet Suudey @veniniug. lamoua mouutalu peake lu Bibial istory forni the topit: for ibre Stnday eveniug .ervlcee ibis moutb ibat of 1ai Bunday belug be flot. Tbe sermon va )llowed by a reading by Mim. Frank B. Just whlclî was the beautiful aud fautons selection the "Burfai of Boeff." On uext Sunday ýevenîug, May 17, riehisi the Epworth, League auni- versary, elght of the yonng people wtl taie part iunithe service. Sunday eveniug. May 24, the subject is "Mit. Carmel-ludeciuion" aud the reading a election fron, Tennyeon, 'Too Late.' Snnday, May 31, eubject: "Mt. Calvary-Self Sacrifice'" Reaing "A l.egend of Servie." by Van Dyke. 'Watcbmau, wbat of the niglit?" will lie lb. text for the moranug sermon ai tbe time of the regular eveulua o»"vce the Epworih League wlll observe lie nl»nettb aniinversary wiîb a speclal aong eivle and ailier ezerciase livsev- oral members. Corne ta tbe.e evsning mesetig. A Week of Drame. The. laye. & Lambert Stock, Company wll open their teut ahow ai the corner of Lake etreet aud Milwaukee avenue Os- nézi Mondai evsning wit a tLrqt.claaè repertoire of modem melodramas. The compauy bas been organirtng tie for the putstvoeeks sud vili PIay -dso canvas duriug the sumuier through Ct> ýjke region. Their, openiug bIig or Mou- day Dight, viU "e TheéG0>l and tbe stipede" sudviiichange nlghtly dur- li the. week atean 1011d, -"«Doro or Dewn Fuet." Wedue.dy-"ýLady Audky,*eSecret." Tlinrodey-"C&pitois, the New@bay." Friday--'Eaui Lynne." Baturday-",True Irish Hearto." Tht company viii stan frImhors sud bas abet wenty people aud a mlxed or- chq«ra .ompoeed of bath ladiés andl geutipeo. Speclaltsend moving pic- tursWvii aise, b. a feaiure 0f their Pro- WhbC tihe Tribune @aY@ of "Ths Girl ad the Stampode," the openiug bill whtch yull te played by the. Lambert Hayes Co.. Monay ulgbi, MAY 18, wlCb the sn me edin ole uthe casi. Tue muse Int gpIz.eenuSait L.ake Ior 06 long CIme vas wiaeeeed ait thé Grand lest nlqbt. If the management voud @smcore more show@ Of this calibre It voulil serve ta elevate the staqe 60 fer &o$SaIt L ie oucerd. Goo luck ta the. Girl and the Stampede. If YOu are contaejplating suicide niaIs the esd = eant. Vi@it a performance o!fithe bert' Haye@ Co. and you'il die laughing. Move te Sheldgnhurst. A. F. Sheidon sud fazqtly have moved te thir Dew Country home at Sheidon. burit user Lake Bar. Tht od Fry bornetesd ha. beau rebull sud mauy change. mdo lunte od farta boues. A larg open are place for th big bacir 1ag fI,z ogL sud nd urons has beau buiti loo boues frorn rough atoue sud yliving mren. Au open tMirvai Sud balcouy artlstie aud mriei add romane sud bssuty tueh.tranaormgutinUaretoe, painteresud vorînuuob*u'.m aetatht0 oie f= m oue.-Thi. ldel ai t te aide of téboues bas bad a higli itône curbln' buillt about le and walSe for the. oj eweep sud ôeke tecelta makre I com- piste. &lIio ead roomy pprch bas lises added ou the frot of"Ch oues which lk@bthepart et comiori sud ees. The wlbois sciasoe B esm ehave Jes toeom- cure the qpalt ced aid fssboneil Yet bave thietomfÙolemodern couveuteuces. A wateï sy90ZUM »sereran sd aan eiy- lele llghilgpi&as furuiob modern ad- vautegeoh&t Menfot toblis ouud uudsf the old regime. The Benefit Dance. With ithe rattis of drurnssud the blare of homes itcheltl' Mlitary Baud openeil their graud bal t the tovu ball la9t Thuruetay ulght. Thursday vas oueof tlie worât days ltai couid paeily lie expecteil wth wind sud rain that cou- ttuuéd ail a sd into ths ugtbbut despite thstc het tav hall was elled. Refreainuta we»e servl lu the base- met from wich te proceedo au weli an that froin the danoce vent toward the prchasse of usv .uniforme lu whteb tii; boy epet emeâteir debut ou Dee oratton day. B&pir'. orchetra reiu- forced by memlbers et 'the band furniahed Annual Meeting. Tht reglai uneLuml meeting Of Che LsWe metur 4»Son waie ilI h. svauing, May 18,. tu trame0 busineseas maycomWOore the umting. A fuit atteudanu le d.oeff. Wtaumi M., tgte', Trusts. To addi rsteand jo Okicego .515 4IatT#7;» .f1 114 M-iUi $ L VtýR-W A RE Quallity la what you ahould stand out for wheu 15uylng 8llvsrware. or Silver Plate. Silver means silver here and everything' ln plated ware is the begt of its kind. Wtt can Lahow yon a splen- did variety of elther at Roason- able Prices. FINE WATCII REPAIRINO I A. IIUSS JE W EL E R LIBERTYVILLE ir LEA VE VOUJ? MEA SURE Wora suit of clothes madle by the International T&SIhg Co.-PRCES REDUCED-only coot you a littie more than ready made. Fit guaranteed We 'have the Beat 50c BLscIi Sateen Shirt in town- ask to see it, Mens Oxfords. Patent Leather and Ox Bloods. Mayers. Plorsheini's and Menies Shce-eU sizes. Mens Hosi"r-Fancy Sripes for Oxfords and Mens Work Socks. Summer Underwear-good assortment. 2O1th Century Cash Store E. W. PARKRUBST sChauck Blocke LIBRERTYVILLB, ILL. GRAND OPENINO The Lamibert-tfayes Co. UNDER CANVAS AT LIBERTYVILLE IFOR ONE WEEK ýMolday I3vening, May 18,'08 A new p1a' ever3' nlgbt, inu oanad every one of whjie wlllli e lutroduced FUINNY SPECIALTIES, ILLUSTRATED SONO$ and MlOVING PICTUIIES. A powerfal cut headed by the famous comnedienne Mis@ Grace Lauuberti Rebd in the locale wbat @orne of the large ctiesa»y ef our opeing bhill-THrb GIRL AND tR1!1AbEPEDE. Let the Boy Lefrn toplay the. piano if ehmheti. llh$ýst tastetorupuole. Iwfboapos~ to hlm ~lbis li.. Lohlmbainoà' la-good pltaiB*ch me 7011 cea btila hème.Thé e li Il know al lie p3eco uie thatggond mu* cn, gl- u'..Yi- wiiil be boesdlgghlm and MLthei Mmeti.provldig p"--ur fo] THE~ TEJ e foR THE! L!AST MONEY 1FRY 25 Corre! WITI SATIsI'V Io SA"RLNOX SOAFI........ ...................... 35e RAKif SPRRMRM CHOCOLATE peu -cuim ................. 20C N. Y. PuillOrsm C...,POTlb..... 0 c a June popr eau.............a.2 FmeyjC6lomnisP=une.,per lb....tSOC solldjeck aTomi POT..Zper.........2e Crick. Pau Cke Flur, 8S kgs.....25te PPukbIbie,.. ...................... soc 8hbrsdded Comout (ln bulk per lb..20ct Mon-elàCSdnousd MUIk, per cas.. ..o Cake F'un MapleS ugir..... .......... 10o Ymt iClub 4eet'd Soupe, pur cmn...10 S EslneMU, 2 g'..... .....28e Perfction L er m. ...........e Claid umu b.pÉ ........... le New Ormeacsu. m.......eo Moawb inest, àpka..... sicGood MTable szrup. pet men.........120 Pcettim Cereel, large pkg.......... Ut.3 10 Baxi Aur"ucen aly Soap.... 434 GOeps Nunte, pkge. for............... tue Fi' apI by . 5 Pet1jQhn' ar= .t.fFood, per pkg.12t 10 Bars miple ..........4'A ReJton'@ Brenîtmat Food, per pkg..lSe 10 taie SuDD nudeon a> .......41G Relit Bole 0t, par lb .......... ......o Perfection Bluulng, per botti ........109 Nw Nav' Reas,. per pound ........ cExta Strong Ainla , p bottlé ... SOC Paucy Bea& lilas, perpouud -.... 0eBeet 010.. Stareb (la 1<111k) per lb ...g SBelled PUp Corn,,per lb............... 7c Bon Ami, per- cake ................ ft Granula Yellow Corn Boi per lb..Jc Sapollo, per eake ... ................... Ie ,Sweet Corn, Il eau. for ..... .........25e r15 dor. Clothe@ Pins for................ t String Beana, 8 eau. for................ 28c Washlug Soda, per lb ...............2« 1E. E. I3LLSWORTtI. LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. LOOK AT THIS Buffalo Gluten, Grainoe Gluten, Daisy Dairy Feed, Molasees Feed, Mlddlinge, Shorté, Bran, CJorn and 0até, Ground Feed, Pure 011 Meal, Wheat Corn, Oats, Ray, Rye Straw, Red Comb Poultry Feed, Sheil, Grils and [Poultry Powder always in Stock. EMMONS -MERCER LUMBER COMPANY PHONES 47 and 1171. E. A. B1SHOP. Mgr. ANNOUNCEMENT We are pl.ased to advise our frlends that havlng formed a co-partnsrship, and hevlng purchassd the G. H. Schanck Lumnber. Cosi and Food business, it will hersafter b. known aseth. Home Lumber Company We will b. et the old stand where ws wlll b. in à position to taes 4. cr. f ail rquiremnents for Lumber, Ceai and Feed. We respectfully solicit a centinuance of your patronage. t Very truly yours, v. Lbertyville, Ill,. May 1, 1908 Phono 650 e r v v~Uk 4 C- e 0a keip wbt L -* aforesalj orsree10a * i0.cut e W, E. F. SWAN R. C. HIGOINS "«GAMBETTA PRINCE"P L. -N.. hi CI m

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