LAZE COUSTY TINDEPENDYENT, FRIDAY MAY 15,18 CIRCULATE PI33ITION 'FOR (RAYSLÀKE, POSTMISTRESS OVERCOME BY CURIOSITY Petitioners Ask Congressman Foss Not to Appoint Successor Until A.fter Hearing May 21. Horde of Aspirants for Job. (Prom Wednesday's Sun.) Afforney Churchisll of Grayslake, Twenfy Oive witriessela bave been repreaienting tise interesta of Annaobel subpoenaed for tise dfense aide of Whistnare. fthe posfmsiress wboau theiucae and as many more probably curiosity la sald to have ubWan(a fise for fise proaccution and tise 511fire vil- matery over ier sense of duty, la to-, lage la divided Inta t wo canmps wisl<' day If la reporfed clrclatlng a peti- are not hostile toward ecri otber, but tion whIlchs alk isaf -no successor f0 whlcis take decided tands for and Mis WhItmore bu appoinfedl until ai. agaînst tise postinistrees. ter fise hearing before Conîmissioner Tbe pet ition ln Miss Wiumore's fa' Eoote. May 21, and villagers bave vor willi bu sent f0 CongressmuanFusa, slgned If. who lni the oeautirnu bas been asked Tisere la already a borde of aspirc by felugram not w îiarne Mis Whit- ants after thse Job, among otiser nomes niorea sauccese for appointment totil mentlonedl being tise foîîowiîig: G. W. affer fise iearlng. Savery, formel edltor eftishe Grays-Tise posftrnetress' friendii say sise lake Tmnes; W. Smîih, Dr. E. Schaffer bas a sure wln case sud are alrëady and D. G. White. jubllating. doing nîy plain dIlty. silo f0 buebile Safti-r tw lin' prl(el inof in), terni tu CLAIRE C. EDWARDS ,iotin*.clasSa. Aore p on 1") iiti uc orda ttsAlr ci<iitc et t0, lac tii il. ilioti orý - ,,, m f, hi nPr ti i('- lu, t ix C.adkIalef, jcn 9tuses Aiieruy ,f cl.<2 Vwcnny, aulquc-i bu the d*leiiuaas'cf l1f 7ml)tfiin por y (ilth1e Iritaurias Pl le ell Auquel 8. 1908. Claire C. EdS'ards wae boni lii lise town ot Avon aid rs'ared oui a farn abolittwfo iiles uortiî of rayslaec le attenuîsithe,.publie scisoola Ini1Lake f'ouiity. graduiig and receiviîg ae1ariser s rriiat<- at tise age of 16. a i irfsiu Affer fwuî years e ,lnu heteîî iifrni, anîd witlî tiat enîd ln vies. l eredd tise Nortisern Indiana Ncrnîal Scuiol. Wieatoii Culegi- and t he Nortlîaest crii University at Avalîston. Iliiui Ili ail Oive yuars. lie tben eciti-reil the'Chicagou Scisool anid graduatoil tiîrefrom ln 1901, and was admitfsjd f0 pracfice In ail courts, n lliùois iiitishe early a lu fer of 1901. sud lui tise United States Courts tri Fubruary, 19(j7. buringtlirelcglt yeare epenî ln voliege, Mr. Edwards wocked and paid is expenses. tis beirîg esseiîtialI3 a self rulilant arîd suif niade mari. Mr. Edwarda lias becn engaged lin the active lractice or l a In Lake ('ounty for oiver soven lyeare, uerly six years of wiich has been lunfisc City of Vaukegan. iavlîîg biledantex- tensive and varied office andl trial p ractice. " Mc. Edwards bas, as tihe court rec ords wili show, beeiî eîgaged lui fli 4 trial of îîeariy ail tiseIniportantf criîîl- nal cases triud for tise past fOve yeara, aînong wiich is git bu mentioned, the murder cases or John Sosuosky; Setrait Ezeklilan; Pilo Sai',ature; Pibo Grava- no; Mary Rose; Salvatore Moto; Ha- rold Mitchell and May Mitchrel M. Edwards bas recenfiy been ou- gaged te lecture f0 tire tudcrîls"e-f tise Chicago Law Scisool for tise years 1908-9 on tise subject o!r'('RI-MINAL. 1,AW,' thua beiug recognIzed as otri nf tise leadlug CrImitial l,aaîcrIs Irn tise noctis part of tise Slate. .By reasoti of bis extuuded <r irifiril practice and of is iavirîg niade a sîîecialty of criminal law, Mc. Ed- wards, If elected State Attoriney, couid and would give tise Pi-Olle of tise County fise benefits of ibis vainu able traning and experlence. Marchi st, 1904, Mc. Edwards furin- ed a parfnersip wifh J. K. orvia. arrd on April 10, 1908, tise saute wnrs dia- solved uiy mutuiel consent, MrRd- wacds le now engaged lntise gunierai À practbce ut law intise new IVoîýzel Building, corner of Wasblngfon aîîd County Streefs. In an Interview witb a Sun Reporýter foday, Mr. Edwards tatefi: "I arn a candidate for Iis office, standing squacely on MY past record, c wicis lawell knowni tise Maiority o! the. votea of Lake CouatXy. Iisave nothlng tp gind14 11.plslt$ REAL ESIATE TRANSIERS Fuu-uuihed by Lake County Title and Tru Company, Abracts of Tule. Ti- tics Guaranteed, Masonic Temple Building, Waukcgan, Ill. Louis J. Gurece, Sec. Ma, 1",190R, If. A. Di a', r d wiflu o I.-Llet lut inivvllarge' of Arît <,h 9%%'.D., Geoo Zalîîîio and wlfe to Margaret MooupIe , tÀ, 9 7Eassutof blck E. Hlighlandi Park. W.- b),-$1 ,460. P. P. Craî<doiî and aile iii Caroline G, Erskiri,.loi lb <block 22, Wasb<rii Spîrinîgs. W. D., $100. A.i>asic'iîel< snd aile ltu Niikel 'Nozna anrd wife, lot milo ick S. \W seS humn Park. W I .. 52,. Mary Tisroaol riw istîs. to GeoiLiid- tritis, hO ft. uni sul ilielevidero st., by b1s0fI. <niM'esrt-ide <ilPowell av., -\Waii kogaîî W tV)D.,$1.i0 (Chicagor Title & 'Trusvt Co., Io, il J. Wii1dec. lots Irînd 2. iblock :2, Chiicago Highlarnds. Decil.$85 F. IL Parker to W. D. Wlîyfenorlh 12 ftr lot 5, iblock 7, Srîith & Adamis Northî add. Waiîkegaii . WV-D, $2.200. STATE 0F ILLINOIS, COUNTY 0F L.AKE, SS. lu lise Coîînty Court Of Lake Couîîty. in theriatter ot the ostafu o! James McCaise, duceased. To Mary An MCabe, Artisur Mar- fin Mec(abd, IlW.illiam Mcisael Mc- ('abe, and 10 th e unknown hiers al law of James McCabe, decuaseil. Yoîî are iereisy notbfled tisaf on Mon. day lise-201h day of ,Iuly, A. D. 19018 et tiseisour of tell o'clock intise fore- rinon of said day. tise undersigned, Execuirix of fuie Last Will and Tei mntîofu James McCsbe, deceasud, will preseit to the Hon. b. t. .joues, Judge ut tire Coririli Court of Laike Counfy, Ilinlrois, ber inaI report sud accourut ut her actasaard doinga as sncb Exe- cutrix. ask te ihave tise sanie approved, to, ho discharged, and 10 have said es- tale deeiar"leittiud and closed; at which imtantard place loti nay bulice sent if yon sec fit Bo 10 do Dalî'd fiis Thirteenrtii îay of May, 1908. SARAII A. M,ýcCABE. Exerutrix of tise Lest Will atnd Test- amont of James M cCabe, deceased. TO ALI, PERSONS 'HOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice is iereby gîvei tisaf tiseoun dersigned, C'harles Wariîer, Guardian of josephs B. 'Narnier, a mînor, will nie application tiste Couty Court of Lake Count y, lntise State of IIIl- nuis, at a regular terni tiereof, fo bu bseldi at tise County Court House lntise City o! Wankegaîî, lu tise sald CounItY of Lake on tise first Monday of Jone, A. D. 1908, belng tise Firat day thereot. for an order and decrue of said Court directing iim as Batcis Guardian wu suilIail of tise rigst. tiltis and interuat of sali mpor in and to tise followlng described ruaI state. situatedIin tise ('ounty o! Lake and State of Illinois, tu wit: Tise Nortis Hall of Blockt Seveîî (7) Ili tise Norths West Addition f0 tise Town o! Little Fort (now tise(Cifty ot Waukegan), lu said Count y o! Lakte and Etate o!Illinois, for tise support and maintenance o! eaid minor, and for tise purpose o! lnvusfing sucis o! tise proceeds of said sale as shall not Ibe lxnedlateiy reqlred for BLid sup- Port lad educatIlion, ln otiser ceai us- tata, or of tiser-wise inyestl1ng tise àaune. SAY IIAVENER IS BI16 CRONIC DISTURBERt (From \Vodnesday'a Sun.) c Tise arret of Miss Anna B. Wblf- niore,. postrllsiress at Grayslake for oIgit Years, on a charge o! opuning lttera whisiebtise Eev. Cbarlee E. Havenor, pasior of te (ongregational cisurcis, wrote tn is fiancue in Fort1 Wayne, Ind., and which hie fiancee -the guilt or Innocence of the post- " Tlrere wili be surprises In store THESE WILL WIED. roewtemnitrbailid iemistress la about equaiiy divided. Ev- for a number of persons at the hear- littie town lo tvo hostile ms ery one le waifing for the iearing on ing'" says H.W. Churchill, one of Miss Chicago Lîcense 601-Frnk by Arydo th aieo h-pS May 21. Wiitmore's s ta uniet friends. Round Lake, Ill,; Anna Barrett, 3-ei Arraed n tie sde t hi îîot "I neyer opened any leffers belong.-W. IV had isoped," Pald Miss (Calvin Fred W. Oehme, Chicago, sg; Byïwoi thefrvillae brederVilioc R. îng f0 Mr. lHaverrer or aîîyone else," ln9Port Wayne, 'thaf the affair wouîd cea Kupke, 27. thevilag bard Vllge O> îî~'R.Miss Whitaoore says. riof bucome a mnatter of publie coucern, United ln marriage by Justice WqW W. Ciurcisili, G. E. Sfraîîg, it jhanta '«'f course aise didn't" say llwr'but now fisat anêrrest has beun nmade Tisomas F. Moore, Evanstozw, - . and memburs of ail th- <ra8iako friends. at tbe Instigation of Mr. Havener I1IBarbara Fruquan, 21-Groosie t. ehurhusexcpf be forg'gaioni Sue oune rn leiersandthou o suppose everytising wiii corne ouf. churhesexcpt te (ongýgatoril. ofTise fact fisat certain persona In Grays- TRAFFIC SUSPENDED. On fhe aide of tise accusing pasfor are Miss C'alvin, the young wornan f0 laku were acquainted with facta wisicis Traffle on thse Chieago-Mlwauke dî<14 F. B. Fritsch, chier of poloc, ad imcm -wiom 1 arn engagcd fo be narried," could flot be known f0 fisum uniesasvision of the Northwustern road i bers of his own congregatii. says the pasfor. tise luffers isad iseco tarnpercd wifis lied Up for almost fwo l:ours M."ldW-" The case Io tise soie topileid con- "I know rny luffers frorn Mr. Hbave- conueid Os to acf." night iscause tise steel- freighter, 3aý' versation In the village. h i, d-isr-ner have beenularnpred with," soya Mis Calvin bas been coninected with roui L. Kopp, grounded tu tise K4- ed on street corners, ti saIme-., Iii Misa (Calvin lnnlber borne In Fort, lie Indianaa chooi for Feeble Mindud nickinnic river and hlufise draw of tise bomnes, everywisere. SiaInucrt as t0 Wayne. Youtbs for igist years. Northwustern railway bridge. r- 'Il' .1 Es fabishd 1899 In.orporaied 1907 (Ybe Globie Department &Oo. Waulcegau------- -- ------i A BIG SATURDAY SURPRISE SALE jT'S A PLEASENT THING to be surprised if the surprise happens to be a pleasing one. We cafi this a surprise sale because we ha ve made prices for this day that are surprisingly Iow and which you are flot in the habit of having offered you.- Thereforc-this-.strprise ought to be a pleasing one because it gives you a chance for practical money-saving. Percales licsu>1- îeicrii-<silu 111tarnd 'lai-t i <linies. :132 sud f Iichi', ii i adiS, 111e ariff i'Ui e values. si <ccil, aid .I .... .... 9 Pongee Silk "Ti' srora" Sbaî<tiîî< - 511k, rougis finish. 27 hoi, l-' a île tall. îîuw brown, tîîC <tic-, rîu<and navy blues, 89e grade. ,<<<(1i,69c Surprise in Suits--$7.98 luti ,,xtreme]y low prv i sei iieii<id garnienfa leyaeaiul w orth t0 more ta ýal Ih ctlts aru Pince hp Juip ,afl n-r i,' rcly tllu fa o ul i Paiaia and il e i n black, also novelty iiii.. B te cohue arnd 1,e thse garnierîrs < ftomorrow.....- .. $7*98 Women's SiÛR. Suits These suifs are madbe fcom a splendid îîîalîfy o! taffel a siik iii tise 'Merry \\Idow' style. Colons ace Copeuisagen ticsy, broan and black, skint is fu arrultedarîd trinimcd. e wltiî foids. "î ciel ......s Women's Coas Tbey're tailored frtiri a remackebly good quaiit> <f tari roîcrt and alsu noveities, seri for uit firg" stysle. Great offor ar.....3.198 Suitings Petticoats Remnants t'l<o<I.-J iisatirigilni bla-k,<I)II, Wi wh'i itiîe potf(coats, fine An accrumulation of table linens bi Nn nd hIt, aso lais, tlied lotiure, wii a wlde eun iin.desirable lengtlis, ail grades. br ni îru W uc' ali, îîaîî<, roi<i, iutlile, rogilsr1.2f va Tbuy're pricpd aI 25 per cent f0 doublei.-fold, values to lac. 3d 19c lUes. frliii.... -..79e 50 per cent Off. 1 Go-Cars 11 The ciii abuie la an exact Il- lustration uof te (icCarte tisaf au offer sîtrtîlil $6. 75, are collaîîsible. trilterc luirrEng- lI at1wlicr, HPli-lt v lied, % Refrigerators Wp ecarry a cr<itrlete litre ofce- frigi-r aI <r S lî<Oitr Iargaîi Base- niernti Titciarc' canitary sud arec eiir cir l nsrch a a-ay finat lwritraii tire ire foc a loniger iic-ri d taithtie ordlnary niabo Iltîr tirires are sery cea- MilHineiry Sur prise Thec surprise about oîîc wornen's h-auiaear sis ow au are euabled f0 offer atîrh lîiatifal aund eltracf- i cli Irinîrîedts alet suris low lriur tee 'litee r eatiiiiîaarc exact ptr ns orsf te rîrttapproi etiPa- ris asti Newi Yoîrk desuistr A big Saiuda tri lai icilis a 'Merny Wl- liii , SItil i-ir ii falirey ahawa, t rirînîri d wiiir differ ont coiored iosý and<rii a Pc-niait 3 5 biand.l Spieclai ... 3 Long Cloth Persian Lawn Ribbon PU re wh it ilea ched lLong Clofli, Aircx ei i i w iiîî id s ci No.i 6 sand 22,al il k teffeta .0oft and fhue' eguiar l2iiegrade qualit hl, liiiP ian< .,aii, re- ribironblaritabuite anîd aIl lead- an ex tremreir sîecial offer at gilarly ' o h pî'cial I ngsids eyseila d8 yard . . . . .. ..> c... ie yard . . .. . .. . . .. . 25e ig sad s ry aîra a yd B Sale of Rugs and Linoleums We're doing an immense business in this sectias because vie bave the riglul gonds aI ftue riglt prices. Room size ruga in every grade, ail new patternsansd choiceal of colorînga.. LinoleumQ and 011 Ciotha iusu as big a slection.. People wbo know values say tisat our prices cassot be equailed anywhere. LINOLEUM -ExIr*a reavy qualify 2 yards wiîle, nlet 1attcrn, spe-isi pur square yard------------------- ý42i/2c INLAID LINOLEUM-11,st grade, 2 yards wide, attractiveeptitern, siiecial per square yardî ....................75c LINOLEUM-iieavy wood finisised lino- -leuni, ln fancy paetternu, epeciai pur àqtuace yard---------------------..Soc OIL CLOTH-A big sbowing o! Floor 011 lols, ln 1, 1 %, 1il/ and 2 yard widtbs, at a varîed range o! especially INGRAIN RUGS-9 x 12 ah woui Ingrliri Rlrgs 11, i cUe ypairl<e aitterris. 11flîsCi -ri - - - - .. .. $795 WILTON RUGS-We sf111 have a tew uf fliose $ia si\Vilîri itig hlat wse ad- vertised foi $15.75. Tliey are ianîlsoîrre liatterrsanard eolurirrgs, ize 1) x 12,aile- doal . . . -- -... -... -.... *15.75 AXMINîSTER RUGS-SIze 9 x 12, Eleect- ra Aminlatere Rngs, beaufifIît Oriental and floral patterns andi coloringa, actu- ally worth $29.ý0, speclalat .... $24.75 Hose Boyr, andlGl l.fine sud beavy ribbed, sizes 51, f0 91h. positive 1ic valures, spucial ai pair . . 10c Vests Women's Gauze Veste, low fap- ed neek., leevelese or sisort sîsevea, regular 1l,c ,VaIueg, speclal at........ ........ Se A Bargain Basement Surprise PICTURE of Pharos Horses, Jusf like cut, 14 Incises veneered and. or. 39C nreretd fratre, î'aciî.............................. ....... ... . .... c CREPE PAPER NAPIKINS Decorated and* plain white, dozen................................ 30 CREPE PAPER-AIi colors, pur roll ............ 5c SUIT CASES-Imitatirîn leatiser, canvas liîied, leatiser corners and isandie, la-asa trimmings, 24 or 26 hncises, at..... ........................... $1.48 CHILORENS KNIT VolýMTS-Tape relnforced, 15Ci kind, for ................................ 10e CHOCOLATE CHIPS-40c grade, lhs............. 28c COCO CREAM KISSES, lb................ b We have an extremeiy isaudsoine assortmelaftcsf Framed Pitures lu our basculent. enîbracing A la.r number of well known poptilar subjects Md »Ir0 onea as weii, lamg sarnaeil aises, Ouer priffl WMI Bave ion cousiderably. Chlldren's Dresses CHILDRENS WHITE ORESSES- Ages f f0 14 years, fine India Linon. iow prbigis neclis, fine tui-kcd yoke wifis erniroIdory frimined rutIle. 3 very attractive sty les, n Speil ai e.........................79 C INFiANTS DRESSE-Made or fine wiite naInsook, yoke of fine tucks wih val. Insorting befween, special ait.......... 39c Children's Suits Tisese chlldrens suite at $2.95 are very noblîy garmnet, nmade of attractive patternein fasscy worsfeds, rassisi e rps snd ciseviots, ages :l 10 17 fr'are. excoptionai offer aI f.%u Ouîr compiete line of Boy's Clotbing le prlced at correspondingiy 10w prices. You bave a ier line here tu select from tisan. any place In tfie cily. Surprise Waist Offer--95c A greet collection of cbacming neW ni odeis af 95c, oscis germent made iiu a ias-icrly way. Mtafeniais are India L.iînonuni] dLiugerie o! exceptionally fine qualilies. fronts arc beaufifuily eîubroidere-îi.tuîckeîi and lace95 tnloîmed, yoîrr ciîoice at .. 5 White Wash Skirts Vi omette assekirts, made of a fine q îalty of Miien flnisbud suling, full fi swcu),plpaifed and witis or wlishout p f ls 8 different 14 Beautiful Silki Petticoats Very- unsiiual ls this offer because of th isebgis eacacten of tise gartneniits and tise lowness of tise pnie. Tbey corne tn severai two- tons combfi altion coloresud also black, fOuonce is nlcely shulncud, Very Special ai-------------------------- ...... HEATHER BLOOM PETTICOATS Tlîey cannot bue ejualled in beauty et mafenials, ricis sud siiky, deep siirred floinceali waiatad colora sud black, Speclal offer ............................................ . 1 Best Malkes of Corsets THE "GOSSARD" CORSET Is recogruiz il li) îu.rtucilar aunieu as being wisuout ai, equîal -il gîves fo tise figure tise cujrect suaj, i.-a rouf tiuurring fShe ligitest dis ro orfcitr Lace li front, supporters aur,, lti-il, washable, white ooiy ...5.0 THE KABO CORSET Is forn reîluciîrg itil court!c ibe. havelitou custable anîd tin IîreaktI tel,-sicci.garr-r atlaclîed. $:P1 to ..ici ..............- .....------- $1.00-ï, THE C. B. CORSET is a greai faewîîlhe If irtiduitto-,h5desircii shape anrd Ilanit fuulaIiîIc (<tiitc's iu, Coutil aUdlBliar- ___ wite ],' nîo-$2 . ...u----------------$1,00 A Great Surprise in Womens Tan Oxfords Tisere 1ia an extra fouch of grace and beauty f0 fisese tise particular dresser. Tbey are made of a splendid quai- lt y or Rusalan caf leafiser, Blùclier cut, isigi miltary beuls,> hand sewed extenston suies, plain toe, Gibson fien, 2 eyelets. Tbey wo'id quickly seil for $300. Our very spa- ci lpneu, pair 2.50