Little Notion Needs - Little, Prima 1» liez Allas Inytaibue houks andi oefl,,2 cards <or . e I Vne box paper andi envelopes, box ..................... 15o 81>0. lecea, fdat, 5-4,and 8" iengths, 3 pairs for .. .......... 5c Xaffe of 200 ping, for....... ..........................le0 Polis' Unscented Saav, bar ............. ...............10ec Oolgate's Talcum Powder, can .........................1e IColgete', scentet bavlag saap, 10c cake for ....... 5 t -.SPECIAL- MAXIS!F -I MAY 16, le,-.1 19, 2 2 2,23 The MATCHLESS VALUES -THAT TELL-WSIE E8 RIERËI>UCTIONS Tedozens of speolal bargains we have put forth expressly for ibid sale wîIl set msuy of you thingiq.ýwh.a yon bave nated thele~. Undermuling of "ay gra8e-sgoin made quit. plain, others tuceod, while mont of them are elaborately tiimmed with laces and enMbyoideries. Fromrei n . !a of the. cheaper kind throughollt the entire lino to the very finest and'daintlest cru-~ tiens, every piee e perfectly made and tailored with utmoat care, andi at theliegular pricin*e they are vaines beyond comparison. At the specially rednoed priaIs as advertlsed bore, they are bargaina of the. rarest sort, while the. $&vingt madie possible warrant you layia& in your summei supply doring this Special May Sale of Muulit Undervear. 25e corset cavers, reduce tet.... 19e 29e corset cavera, retince tta. .j. 29C 49c corset cuvera, reducodte l .... 39c 65e corset cavers, reduced ta .... 49c 75e corset cavera, reducedte1 .... 59c 25c drawers, retitcedti 1........19c 49e drawvers, roducoti 10.........39c 66e drawezs, retineti ta........ 49c 75e tirwers, retincedti ta........ 59e 49c chemise. reducedto t.........39c 85e chemise, reftene to ta .... 69e 98o chemttireduce to t.........79c $1.25 chemise, redued ta ....98c ONE-FOURTH OFF On big line muslil underwear, sales- mans samples, aUghtly muosseti. Va- lu"s frot 10e ta 1$.,aa. ONE-POURTH OFF 4qe gowns, reduced ta .......... 39c 59o gowns, retitcedti 1............49c 7ke gawns, reducedti t.......... 59e 89e gowus. reducedti t.......... 69c 98e gawns, reducedti t.......... 79C $1.19 gowns. reducedti ta........ 98e $1.48 gowns, reduceil ta. 8. 1.19 $1.75 gowus, reduedth t..81.39 49e akîrie, reduce ta 1........... 3c 75e skîris. reducdt a ...........59c 98c akîrts, reduceti ta .... ....... 79c $1-1 21skirts, reducedti l.........98c $1.487 skirts, reduceti ta ........ $1.19 $1.75 skirts, reduiced ta ........1.39 $L.98 shirts. reducoti ta ........ $1.59 $2.8 kt, redild ta ..........$1.98 98 orse<ftL UUveI, reducedu LU.. . . 7c $17 heie rdV ....11.39;1.8UgwtJSLD, *VUU....LU LU z.n mçwý, - -- Asaviug5P i 14 tgeC tin fo 9& a ar20 0Y rs& T ch n L es or c of50e If you are lu time toae>l n tua hargalin. Marceriseti colored Cottage Atm and ver>' rare bargain this, flnesi 8c Torchon laces, %l(Inlch to ever 2 luches curtains, fancy Roman strîpes, our regular $1.48 one$. (Clearance<1u t at pair................................................. .................................... wde-tbe entire lot.5 45 Inch flsh net curtain maierial that w. have solti regular>' for 25o a yard, muntilie at aýrd................................... Dan't f ail to asit about our 'largehUes fine lace, net andi mualin curtains. We willl he Tousandu ntthu sale. is ofyars o!aprettem trradere aaelhe altt rnand tloest pry'lclg wl glad to show them anti wIl guaraaitee you îowest prieea.yorcmn tatasl.Dnteiatmattratvaeteptersadeîusy'lfnd ROU'USING MAY 1 LL& ANCE IN ALL -DItY GOODS, ?May 169 189 199 209 219 229 23 OPPORTUNE BARGAINS AT A' T2, WfflN THEY'LL BE 0F MOStr VALUE TO YOU A May Clearance in dressgoa Ua ahgou oetis t.l optlgoto h ordlary this.trne of year. But The Spot Cash entertains a reputatioti for dong ts fsa-nuurtn d nrl dfeetfo ter.Te giwyrnot clearance at a timie when they wil o oumot oo? t Ii iv yu.a hacetomaeup the gamet o hsaeason's wcar. Wool Suigngs 6000 yards ver>' hlgh grade taucy plaid wool tireau goatis. light anti darks, yard wide, 60ec une. reduce tht. sale, ad................................................25 Ponget i SII 26 loch Tussah Pangee stUc ln a beautiful tan ohade. Ver>' sotý anti Ot excellent qualit>'. worth 75e yaLrd man>' places, thBlb .. Pea~u deSoie S&1 27 inch black Peau de Soie Sîlit, full wetgbta andi an excellent pions, to offer a, per yard ..............................................75 Taffeta SiIk Ver>' lgh grade taffeta silits ln white. cream, brown, Copenhagen F hie. anti auher shaties besîdes lackr, 19 Inehes witie, seflsla l regulari>' ai 85c. Speclly reduced ibis sale, ta Yard .....69 Dama*k Snow leaehed mnercerizet table Dan,, 60 ta 74 luches wlie anrd sella regularly for 50c, clearing sale price 39 Yard, for...................................... 39 Underwe ar Economy ]Ne kit tirawers. lace trimmeti. Ittle m"Ises ames. soveral dozen pair. . ........................ 7c Wornen's gaunse Vesta lu white, ecru, blue anti ginit, 26., 19e, 15c, 10e, 5 ~lw ................................ S WoSmn fine white ribbed summer underwear, aotor long sleeve veste, ankle or kn ee leehdrwes.Gamets59e anti...75 >O&ME-Womens plain tan bose, a fIne 26e aUIt.15 dazen, pair at. .......... 1.... 19C -fflLDRENI$ HOSE-Blaci or tan, plain.25 ý vbbd or lace, pair. 10e, 15o andt..i5 v0aI of $1.00 Corsets at 69c '~sthan wholesale for these corsets. Thompson's IroeFtting Corsets, $1.00 kinti everywbere, 1 learance 9 drice .......... 9 GL.OV ES S11k, liaI. and finest kîi giaves; ahortV andi el- how lengtbas; black,. 'whte ani brown and tan shades. Kidi glavee ai $j ta $3 pair. 811k gloves for 49c, 11.25 Mle glove, Pe75ic, completesasoriment in . ibboos mb o,sýpns, Grand RBMM'ANT CLEARANCE Every reoeabnlng teninant in the store left frooe formt msalesto be pushed (NdtWs May Clearanc Sale at *off I~~ mz ~ f Dresa Glnghams Ma>' -Clearance of ail genoîne 15e Batele Seeraucker Qlnghams, 27 loches wlde, tis sale, for yard............................................. 121c Modestly Priced Dainty -Lingerie Waists and Bofi blue glogiiam shlrtwaint suite, two shaties of bine. Tocketi walet wlth full plain talloreti skirts. $8.50 values, fur...2 5 Jumper suita-samne of plain tan, plain blue ant ifae>' plaid sot gnghains. Muers of ilotheilanti crosa-tripeti wite atertals. Tsiiorlng anti trtmmlng elaborate. yet ver>' usai and wellà49 doaue. 13.58 anti... 9C.5 White wasb shIrts, limnn anti durik. Foiti trimmeti anti plain, anti matie ful Worth> a third mare, $1.50 in...........3.50 Flue white Tutus linon walzis beauttfuli>' embroldereti front pin tucks over shoultier. EMver>' one Worth $ coi .e............&'eJV0 NEW IOtA PATTERNS Are ani>' 10-non. hîgh- or, andtite>' give sails- faction ta ovor two-thirla' of aul pattera users.. .nno New Idea MagazInes.. 5c W SMnhote Pt'e l! c lercitas tr i s c Balance of aur besi 16c percales ta close out ai tic yard. Yard wie and extra qualît>'li Per yard ........................................ l Ail Amoskeog apron gngam on sale agaio. Regular 7c gtnghams, Ma>' Clearance, yard ...................»....................... .... 6c 6000 yards bigh grade calicoe s, llghi and tarit on the bargaîn count caun 1er. The Spot Cash regular prîm c7 anti Se yar-. . ý Reduced sale prîce. yard (Iimiteti) ............. Sbeeting 1 big baie o!flune qualit>' browu sheetlng lu 12 ta 18 yard lengiha, worth 9e Yard, Clearance price, yard, b>' the plece ..........................1....... 7 Pllow Tubing Illeacheti Atlantic PiUlow 'Tubtng, 45 Inches wlde anti regular 20e a yard vaiue. Big bargain ibis sale, per yard ....................................... 15C Men's Needs at Saving Prime lu our tboroughly complete Ue of mens spring snd sommer uuderwear you'Il l Ruti n best of valu: for Otandard lowet prîces. Rlbbed ând iialbrlggan' veste anti drawers, per germent, 25c, 60e anti 76e. Union suitis f.2 Menle fancy vests, washable; white, browna, fig. ured and dot patterns. Eotlre $l1 Une, clearance, at cholce ............ ....... 7 q Black andi tan bosier>', ilaiaIl zes for 85 men, pair 25c, 16c, 10e andi 3 pair for .. 5 Speelally gooti value In men'a suspenders. - ffll ase anti worth 36e, fer pair .. .. ... .... .. .. - 5 ýýWrapprs, HouscDresses, etc. Ver>' etensive linos of women's ful sise wrap- ;a pers. Wel1 matie ot neat- iy ftgureti pereles in red, blue, grey andi black. $1.48, uO $1.25 and .. 8 -SUN BONNETS - 0f etty gie ndbm oach, 19e aid & WASH PRTTICT.- At 49c, 76e Suits A dtatti whie Swiss walst for $32that equais besi 13 values solti elsewhere. Pin tucka front anti bacit. Prou>' lace Insertion lu front.. *$2 a $3 value for .. Beautitully irmti .whielu- dia linon waisis, these 11.50 otes-values you canot bu>' far lema than $1.75 la mosi places. Ver>' newesi t *modelas, ta oIelai ... 15 Ver>'. extensive lineofo white lawn waisis la pisai>' ttior- ed latent summer styles, moine tm*ieti, auera wîtb lace pa> e1. ln front, 59e, 65e anti........ MU Plain white lingerie snuis, of fine Inda Linons, tallareti anti triunmd smilar ase lneutbuat no two offets ithe mine. Sklrts trimmedisamo asasits ant d iii <aStis, 87.50, ~.O $5. 01 sa.598,.35 VEILS. Dur veillog section merltq, your closesi attentiêa, Everythlng la newest ad-l ptoâ*g veous ynpvde 0 ni. b re1pu1 SALE Bâby, Bapnets ai ow as 10c, Npt on»' glU.Ln4r styles, i6ut *w. are ibawing a very large line of dalnty UtUe .bonnets 14 elaborattly trImmed styles, mbail.of fl»ne malinse aiflka, and yet flot mie of ou>' ýprlcee fufly re- presents the. worth of lb. bonnet. Lot ues sow them to yoit hiext trne Yoe're heme.$2, I*t.76, 11.50, 11.25, $1, 85e, 75o, 50e, 15e tc,......... ................. I I 1-ý l VOUIVA PLAN TO LOCATE Shrt« G rtIlOnServis InjuftIon ai seolui natig aw ~te Roui Li$ Nor Cty Holl ta Volve, for hUdiag Gourai Stores ud BatilmgEnseta (From. Wediijedars m) *"I amn now ln possession of he *second floor of the. oit>' bail blld- # Ina and wa enat night, lti Wli. * *but Glenn Vlilva ln en Interview * * wth a SUN reporter ln regard te * 'an lnjunction againot hlm, "and * * no power ibis sod. of ithe suprenie è court can dislodge me."~ *This ln effecttte corittrueti as a defi for the anti-Vollvaaa andti t meuon titat Voliva wtll eperai. hie genoral stores Iran, the eiy hall, whlch he lbassd t a meeting Wi th tceity couneil Monda>' evemin,. Therp wes a tirasoat e cout itino <il liait oleht whmn illnriff <Iriflu,, gary- eti l'5U@ris ln au Ilujeaction retratnlnz tht. <,utitll andti he niayor from rent- log tho st-eoti dourorfutthe ZIonc at>' baill tu lolive for bit getievii etopes or from leasing lois atilinsthei.City' hall for the lurpose of ereeilun aw grera.i stores upon theni. Sheriff Oriffil was pressait ai the opelng ef the samion Wbh w« calleti for t he sole purpose of leinlng lethe lots anti as somt as Mayor Clou. 0linen calledta lu rder he serveti the papera. l'he meeUng afijourneti et 0once after a I1111e ezeitemeet attend- 0ing the serving on te papers. 1 Voliva Sceme Leaketi Too Soon. The lruih of the malter la Volirna schemne for building bis general stores leak.ti out tac, soon. the. SUN havlng publîshedti he detalîs of lhe plan aev- oral weeks ago. Do Thcy Violats lnjunctionf Excitement was lent the. case wien ioda>' Attorney' Claire C. Etiwsrdg. irepresentlng the antl.VoIlva Intercaes recelved word tbat the Injonction was belng vlolateti, andti ta the Volivans werc removlng the effecîs of their general stores loto the second fluor of the City' hall, deapite the restrainlng order. Terme of Injunetion. The Ilajunctlon was issuet at 6 ltes nlght by Master la Chancer>' Clarke at bis home and papera were ai once bustieti oui wlth Sheriff GrIffun ta serve them. Attorney' Claire C. Etivarila la rep- reseting the plaIntIffs ln the case who are: George A. Mitchell, W. H. Lichty, lieury Rose, C. P. Bbebe, J. H. Haro- ley- who le aita! ta have shouteti, "Hello, aId scout Bill," ta Voliva lant eleclion day, aud R. W. U Ely'. They are ail promîneut men of Mon .CII>'. The terme of the injunellon re- straius the mayor and cammon coun- cil of ZMon Ciy tram leasing lots ad- Jollng the City hall ta Votiva, Voliva fraoocupyîng the second fluor of the ci>' hall, whîcbho has aireadyjeased, witbhie sgeueral stores, the councîl tram aceepting bis bease. or the City eleri f rovà algnlug il. What Lesse Was. The les» the terme of whieh are blocked tram exeeion are tIsai Valîva .hall have the ue of the.second flor of the Ciy hall for bis general stores for Lwo yoars, wltb a prîvilege of two xi >ears renewal. IW1u11 WELL KROWN lES! Nickolas Whie, wllo for over tiwen- t>' years bas matie bis place of rosI- *ouce la Grayalake, passei away yes- terday ai bis home alter a short andi brief Illness. Mr. White bail paset i bs 6611> hîris. day sud was hale and bearty up ta the tast moment 0f bie oartlily caneer. Manda>' afiernoon hc vlitied ti iîs City Wihbbis iwo sisiers, Mes. Gra- ham of Evanston anti Mru. 'Katerlae CDWatt of ibis City at whoae home ho > tok dinner. MThe tuhera4 wiil b. hilti tramn- the. fanuil> residence ai Orayatake Thurs- doy-fiernou at1 oclck. Mr. Whie laves bebiindti amauru bIsa t hone daugiter, Mr&. Mary Carffelti, on. grand daughter, PIva,. three brther,, 'amu i t etilounti 11