INDEPENDENI. s ~ and WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL XVL. NO 35. LIBERTYVILLE, L4KE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, MAY -)qI 19O--10 Pages FOUND IN ROOM AT t 0IOT!L SCHIWARTZ SuiCide Wnt b>. the Poison Roule but Mad Revolver Rsady in Case of EmsrgenCy. Lylng flet on hiestauach. aithbis head hangiug off te bei. white ou thec bei la>. a bottie of poison belevei b>.t phrysiciens ta be cysuie ut potassium,t on opened pearl banled bulte, aie- parentl>. new. sud a îîew bultdag 32L caliber revolver. the bodly oaioee ha signa- ieisname oo lhe hotet register as C. A. Wallec ot Lnidon, Ontario, Caoada,wasa toundI lîytle chauber- mali id ftete RId Ebcascîsat 1:30 Frîda>. atternoon. Depul>. Coronier Edward Conrad was summonei by Mr. Marins, the nea proprletor ai the botl, asoi bai charge ofthle reusios. lie bas startei au Investigation ase ttîe cause outhle man's demîse. Applies LaIe for Rom. Enterlug rie huel aI Il ocock , the man applicd lu tieclrIenfor s rootu, tellue hlm at thalt Uie tlîat lie irad becu reterrcd lu iti,, buta-i it Nlght Chief of P'olce Vogel. The a sas immeiately asIgoci ta ounim25 ou thc secontd fluor, s room Just nîxt lu lirat Qcuplilcb) Manager lZYar>oî pie oethlie Schwartz Theater, sud no more wasa accu ot hlmoutil 1the dis- ru'. .ry carty rîct afterntoti, The FirsI Dlscovery. The chsmtîerniaid ut the iota-ims- the first tu discorer lb,- sîlcli-. On passiog lbh- darbeocI ronu t tiuuu, ahen nîskini th e lieds, sh,, s onierci if thte rcoctîî au'.oceupici sud maie an atta-upl ti uopen te duor. To ber surpris.- lii. door yictd- ,d sudtha-ru, 1. iîg bli,-ir 11r, ah,- w1ienead tor te fdrst thou-the sut clide on the bi, Turnin ntheAlarm. Rusing down 11e sîsirs atlbreak iicii speci. tihe mai rushedI rto te office ofthlie iot,-l ard noiltic those lîesent of the ,diautisery. NVbile a tîuoîlar prebeîît ruLsbei to the suicides ruent. others îeleluhoued tu the police heAquaiters soi ta Dcpputy Corouer Conrad. Tire deai wagon wasa rusiîei lu the eceeeasd te Investigation starîci. Was Probahi>. a Desponnient. A searcb by tire coroner rpvested te empty 'dat. asamaît wIue glass, te opa-ticifie and te taici revulver. None Bsitedeiose aith the eceicplon ofthle vial, wvilla ssa etpty. A cari totîndInlutie mau's pocket assurci te depulY crouertaI thre man bai sigucd iei correct namne on the register, as bei-e agalo wasa tounsi the usme, C. A. W'atier. London, On- tario, Canada. b intermans cîothing acre touud a box of cigarette cigars. $194. a cheap Ingersol -tch, an extra pair ef chesp cuff buttons sud a amatI pg- skiiupockeltaok utfte vsrlety crm monly used by Canadieus. sumnmon Dr. Kalowsky. Dr. Kalowsky wasa aise stininec b>. tebotltmanagement but te dec- tur anuncc tiraI lite man bai ptebtici dcas55asuicide or trou heart f allure. Mr. Walber, if that ls ils nante, wase apparently a man ut about 5 ted 9 lochcs. welgired 210 or 215 pounde, bada srad>.muslace su ad ligil bain. l-es-as clothdInc l a ligit gi-a>. suit sud aare sai-ci shirt soi amali i-ci boa tic. His clothinlg boec ntli te usueet lire aialesaici-. Tic unkuoan puison Isa-en b>yte suicide wasa evideul>.puii-haei ln Chicago, as Ibis la te oui>.nai-k au lire label tiraI can becutade ont, duc lu bils isvlg seracici al olici- marks1 eff aiti lie kmite. Evidcîîly iis s-as donc just betorc tline. as te openu mnite la>. sieugeide te bottie on the bcd. Wiic tire revolver aas leaici tote ireit, lie nman evIdenti>. taek cnougb pison aud aas lias not catici upen 1.0 use ibie ueaauii- luecoibils lite. Dr. Kaloavai>. outti nu evideuces af suicide except teemcotl> vii.a hicit ic believes tua>.bave cottauici hYdra- rysmlei acii, a poavectutluoison. Jcohdng tla srepuort liaI carinul bc serifici, tire suicide ufthti Ferrin giri Saturda>. nigil late tIbind lraglc affale f et tir nilaient>.. otitenZion gils belug aliegci ta bave suicici aI Kenesha and Chictago.- Tiece acre nuo ea devetepiPuls ln tbe FerIetue st oda>. athaigir Yea- Ici-day lie ZDon police proIsci elarI- ling eveiltIbna. Stile Threatened. A telegrapis atflke laelireatenci ou tbie Chcae , iiaaukee & St. Pauil ria.>.. iMoe, aqüg tise entlre 575- lent demnani a nine itou] r day titstj rep- au - tic& PARTRIDG! IS MADE ASSISTANT ADJUDANT Womnen'a Relief Con-ps and Elks Elel Officersat IGrand Meetings Vea- terda>. Qaiuc>., Ill., May. 21.-The Illinuoie G. A. R. encampmt co e ThursiaY aili a sitan battie aI Baldwvin Park. aviich was alleuici b>.10,000 persona icapite a ircasy raim. Tic Chicage veteraus Ilf nau sspeclal train aI 3 p.u. AItich business meeting Ioda>. officere acre e ccîcias faiiows: G. A. R. Depacîment Commander -Josepht iRoscuitaunt Chicago. ; Senior vice-M. Wilkineon, Prince- iton. Junior Vice-J. R. West, Elgin. I Ciaplabu-Her>. CFuret. Rock Ila land. Medical Directer Atti-ci Cote. Cbi- cage. Assistant Adjulant Geacrai Col. Chailes A. Parlrldgc, Wauikegan. Rosenhaurn receicci 258 Mai-dock 144 soi H. S. Wells ut Quinut> 86 voles. W. R. C. Prcideul-Mna. Elizabeth Morse, Chircago. Renter Vice-Mrs. Blanche Calitoun, Decatur, Junior Vce-Mrs. Eusa Rue, Jack- sonville. Treaaurer-Mi-s. Louise Spauldtug &atvilie, Rackford. Cha7plan-Mi-s. Emma Durcit, Chii cago. Titi-ccbalots acre taken ou presl- dent. Mrs. Mre wanintg oser Isa 1 Painer of Chiîcago b>. a vole Of 207 . ta196. .h.11 cansiat t of uie consecutive heurs. The cumpany employa about 3,000 eperators. Tire enfercement ut the new utue irour day le bhc cause. thia clause: Mue iraurs aservtce with- ln an>. twcîve horîr period wtll couisti- tute a isy's work. This, tbe tmen dlaimi, erables tiecocmpsuy ta divIde the hours loto two eirits, -whtcb tîrse ttcally would mean a twcîve hour day. A voie is blrg tuber, ornlie propousition. DESERTER IESCAPES IN MIS B3ARE SKIN Boys in swimmtng Often sisal and hide the ciothes ofcfrin of their num- ber and go away teaving hum 10 find his way homne wîthout ctothing as tient he may. The capture of Waidran Taylor, saîd la be a deserter troun the miiitary poil at Fort Sheridan, ha& aimosi similar farcicai circumstafldes. Taylor. situ la sali uI ta e i e ut seve r-ai da y5 515stand ig fcî,i tiih ie-,erva(laou roil,- bis gaaay vi ces.. Itti and au i14i lilosîýr ticsr c aniltît 11, b-ru bu maie bis caîtîlu ut the,-aisii of ilthbe t- whaoc.sih le saine distance trou the village Tii, ,-a ietachua-t tfrotîtic tort discvered i ti lte Suuîiay *ftiîoîî iciiid bis clothes ituatti tiiled on th.. btiks oft ha-river a' arîisa-iat rniîîg iowtîstreant s heu the oiilitar-Y guari aller uni camne uolb.-sci-ne. Tha-etuhohes wcrec cuîf1-csled. TaN or gtloui t oftic sal-r snit nttheb thber tîatik. lie sas sýait)i ea-i of Sume 1)eucrin g for hi s lt>., bult lb cc was the detachricut saltiîut tr irni ta came ouît. sasailýa au> ublig btiia tuookut .desierat init. tia-ted "P ilu ruai s11h the- metnîiîti,-rîîîng att,- hlm. on lthe say hcie tanpeticî a nilxa-d Picolc Part)y. menilers ut s icb tai screaming sway eahbis approsci, sud sas fils î-aîturei and hrughi hack tu thc tort. Ibis tintes lb hth c lotues on. Apparently tirediouthlb salder's lite aud bcbng unabie lu ubtain an ehonorable uiscitarge. two saluiersais Fart Sheridan pust took the liberty ta dclear out tis mauth and since tite lay ot their departure uothing bas beer eheari or seen oft leu. The deserlers areý n George P. Granger. Comns Ni, dTwenty-aeventh Intauîry. Private Frank Waldrup, Batta-ry E Faîîrth Field Artillcry. BaRth out hese men desertci un the 'eve ofthelie11h af May sud aithougi à-drag nets of ail description were use. aby the United States go'.erient. al Lefforts lu capture thc mer, bas Dfproven unsuccesstful - oth men acre off dut) ai tic tii. Waukegao Seat Sheircygan. Ticunuhesten Sicboygans tram thc uortiei-n allia of Wisconsin joui-ne>.- cd duavu. luce Suinda>. vit lte la- teol ot cteauiog up lie Waukegaoa. But alas. lic uncxpected iappeuci. IntacaofutdomSingluiga. lhilga acre dans ta lieu, sud donc lu firetl cîssa sBaps e lbtheerry tune of 7 la 2. Tire>. bai awon ahi their lb-ce games pîsyci by bbc situtout route.,irut If lire>. iaitIntentions ut doiug tire same 10 Waukegan, Ibeir itopes acre ver>. bail>. sistterci. Tieihome boys simpi>. playci rings arourai tirerailn ait departuicuts ufthle gante, pnlling np tlire ict garnte oai dr career. Everyboiy aas ln lire gante trom start 10 finish; aben bIta meant iuns te>.acre lirere althrtle gooda. L Tire aiakeup ofthlie team i d tem a worli ef geai, as escir sud ever'y ane put up a great game nifihall. Arr-sted for ..ddling Beer. YOUNLI (IIKdi.-I1U. Ka 1rnaNI.araoiiandi Vi triella AT ZION CITY North Citicago lîcuaiie tiies sre lo te habit Il le sai fut l îg beer by thc wagon ltudaiiîd .iîitlîig iltot licir buarders, scuru ifltlaliasis hu resude lu len-nient>ind ., hbeir lat- rouage. Satuonkeeperut are -..îi iii iîhîje-t tu Ibis practice'as the ,..- i.i,îoîcb l n Wakegsu. The îîî îùiî- ihaii-- in progreas ouly duiiîîg ili. miie ,iînce the saluons went it i of il-ttec tînd,-r thte omite aud an iglitihlaisl.iîi.ry 1. The charge lals eil.-liiî Dean at Hig i thil.salooni de- sclupmcuts toltosîîLý il 0o1it. iii. .îîîîl an elghtb a enactiîîuîî las- lî,en even more seriaus aii bY îapers ilci Monday two al,ul s i,laîors ut the taw, M. C. (oriîîaîl .îil \Xllian Kolest, arc unier ani-1 mi inîoî nia- lions att pltîied hs 'ual - tf îî i i-s llanos. OPPORTUNITY FOR COIJNTRY SCIIOLARS They May. Take the Hgh Schoolt Course Without Addtional Tuition t Home District Paying the Bilt. t If te rerent lterpretatlon outhte new achool Iaprov iing Ifree igh schaul prlvllegcs for grsdustcs of the eighth grades shouli stand the test ut tire courts, titere willt bc msny pupils ut the rout iy school-, seeklng Pli trauce tu tiie high scbools of ti- Tii re arie a large.- ît tîr of boys and i rlrs iii tii i -iiiiv s h. ill bu giad lu tlob,- aisautage of Superîn- tendent tBlairs rilliig, s hilb tathat te law inI-nde thal the district ;allI tay te uun. liJerc-? fore ,- niîiY chil dre,, have bec.. deni-1 a blgb scliool traioilng be- caulse-thflr jarourîla uli ont siarf the tilitil iîîn icyIl lii,- îdistrict bas tu jiay Ihi..s iî i n iIad ofth*» In- divîdîjal. iiliolîr l -in ii ibcounttry sut bi 1 ,ut -<iiii -iii-.swiliisitsnure lui tinate i-ib,,.--.,l ai as blgh achot oppoclunlti.-s ar-- cotici rncdt The na-s aw sai s on this question> Tbe- graîlualca ofthe ielgbth grade in an su. vuu district i titis siste. tu whicit nuoilgh sehroul ismaintain- cd, shahl, upu.. the pa) ment ut tultion, lie admiît, toluthe buSh sehool of auy district in the county In shlch such tîuîita roside, or In any adjolnlng courtl)by soi sith te conscrit of the sction! hoard of sucht district. The tuilion 1n cases sucre the parent or guardian of such tiopil la unabie ta psy tliti. ite sanie shalitlie psu b> lb.- schothuoard ut the district In s icb iiiiil., resue. trou the tutus ufth tistui.rict. But the tîttion in nu case idiali cxced tt ir catîta ,-osi of ut notai iiig bhe h gh subuol sc- IUnier lhii.section it -a. tak-,i to nîcan titat the pari-lit badIoluniake a uwritteu iteetaration thst bu smas un- Sable Iu psy, heture the district cuuld tdo su. Supernleidint Blair lias lu- eterprted lie Intention outhtec aw ta be that thc district shaît ttay, without sarîy dcclaratiuîî ut paverty. Iiis de- cision silI ituti until set aside hi thc tcourts. o As the mater nou stands, Suci 10 ytendent Blaira uopinion Is the taw and, nuntil the courts 55> aterwIsetac ri graduate uf sit elgirli grade schoioni Lakecocunty or an>. adjonin couanty wbo wisbea ru take a tour years' course In the Waukegao Institution ut tcarning uay do su aI the expensc ut bis home district. bh Mrs. Rabertson Returnas. ,d Mrs. Alexander Robertson, site of l . ss or Robertson ut Hgland Psr.k Body. Found le the Lake Sunday Morning-Famil>. ^It Parhaiants and Ver>. Religiaus. lier ni ni un ts anýi, t li hii- u tries ut Parbsiisri. a io, nil, lilulci back ut the lrag,,1l>.Satiirda, nlgh i Florence F. ci i n ot Z iîî.î it countmtfd stîlci .1 e dr-týt.ia ilir suod atcuoi luInb.-.,ruomi a a t1wnt.i, 292() Eiam av-niue, and itli i , ustI itîg herscîf iii?,, the laoe -)()"ii t1 south utTs dîty-îtlnîb stret. Abolit a month 5g( iss Fer, n iý ccivcd the -gîft ofuttngues' ai a Par ban. meeting St thi- IlIasen nsud lte tbat Orne bas îîfteîî expresci the hoî.e that she wcre (Icai. Site as ofu Dii She Ha-ve Guarrel t Sslîîrîay oigbî t If s ssii he baills quan cl it iiber faheî Weli-i Furrin. sh bu la attci lb1wa lai bainttil-ani a disliirb-r of Volila meeinigs. Wbat Ibis quîa cccl ws ,aahcîut lit tIec at, te Icla-rri. [lt it lus,îîid lb,- d qi glilei rtatoied Io hase nuls il a i - si-lalioti ocdeciîg lber tati-r tiisop îanîîoyiog Vous a. He rcciiîsîtanîl tiir- s. as - i oivy Tir- girl leftlie biaise. Salter Dîscovera Absence. A sialer, Miss Bernire, îiis cccir 111e girl*s absence ssitcîî he came bomne trou a tai ty rit 12 Satana>y nîgitt. Site gasi. liie alaco. snd at 2 tite scarc b ligani Il sas Ei tnîîgutî , bufnîiiil titi girl*s body in sbslli'.v 51r ion lthe take froînt, 20(0 fe-a-Isoutli niT%-ilt. nîinlbaira-et. This s'.as ai 7:31) Silo- us> ntorîîiîg and liai leli ai totigai iîscoverci the girl aclico ier falbei rame atoug vili saitorse atdîibîggc Thte gîtrtsas liftcîl loto tire buggy sud remnov-d otit thIe omainî part iof Zion City. ahere lthe Inqliest bell ysa teria>. dcs-tupcd a verdict ut suicide. Took Aicohol Firet. Traces utfs-oui aleooatsîillei au lteert fthegirl's rount and cvi- dences liaI site swatioaei sotue ut Il sud Ibrew il op atcravari ledlutoire conclusion lthat sic tuai Ibis poison lirat sud tien avent lu Ibe take, %saici oîît. anida-eliitcrsiety drowned. Her sdater, Alice, lsa smissionary lit triedscusbresktparettgeetis teniperaîcr1t prebcudcd. Iloavever, ailtsacre caughl -t'iti tavu ufficere 51 tire bacti doors et te racis nedîCaptain Vuget sud anc officer aI the front. Tite raid bueti place aIt 1:30 Sunday mou niug. Weieila sai le bave reut- ci lie ronu of anc Bob it tkuan fer $2, but bai occtîîîed iltfor lie anc c".nIng ouIy. Tie coottîs arc sai lorucrl>. ta have iîe-uîoccupici as s cotorci ccii . 0f the tutu tîned Fred IVetri. tic promoter outhle gante, sas Sici $15 and cosîs. the otiers beiug ismisci ftler a sarîuiug.Tic uamsucoft hase arrested: Fced Weteb, Juin Faster. Ray Kinlg, \iltard Crossuan. Jacki Emmons. Jake Pi-actai-.Johnto lii ta me. ieucy Aitnalts. Abert Tyashian sud Roi Hiekuan. POLICE WIERE AFTER POKER PLAYERS Csugbt ci-il itanded pla>iug 1poker on tic grass ofthbbcravuinelianke bu George's gnose. baharofthle Suioderilo pasturi , Suiis s flcnoru. cdx Fluna plunged neriiesat>. mb tic wa Ici-s oethleswolten cceek soi crossIng il maie toc lie tati ilubers lu dcl sa>.ott-uieicsiabritai cyeut uuiif et Police Ts cccl. Citiet Tyccrell avas drbvlng over tram. tic aoulh aide. aller having bai- en sa1irisuner au Teotit st-cet aund ou bis a>.back caught sigitofuthle gaine. lie anîi Officer Beiliosi gave pursail sud lic refuge lu lthe creeti tuek place. Tic police îiîd not cane lu catch aoy ofthle crnipta>,ecsa sindiecly desir- le t rghten lieu. Sanie (U the souiti elicca are ssii te he more bec ii aflter poker titan lthe chon uecisou ofthliceqoaton la aller lthe bancs ut s or> audtihure ares numben ot prairie and iack lot gamnes bail aser thte sîuut.h aide ever>. Suniac. Ciriel T>ru cil hue itosever declarci 1a, on gaîbitg sud stops csery ,game tiat bu cao reactu. rSeserai Sîuuday st,l sare ruine.l aben lic six 1uliigdd tutu lie creek ite get asaay luit tic>. saltplay no Bpoker- Picuiiccre bl tee sme grase louit>. aappisuici 1t1e crielastic>. rosi-ci a stte fligitfthi uciacemfilleigara- hIers. Thius llalesci lu be ai tihe olloînN ufthle git' trouble, witi possily a lovce miotiie uudert>iig. Bar-el>. Inew Giiette. X bita- une ufth11e deai gicla sicters s ssii Itu base hi-ciia rhum cfCia- ter Gîlîle. c xecuîled for tite norier ut 131l1ee BrowntuIn New York, Fiai- oce Fi-crin bardly tnea Gllette ex- relit Ibrougithlie otici- uemiters af thie faiîuilv ansuis sait! neser lu have ciiiirsoniictl s b ini. Sbe -s siilu iras-e acbei sîrauget>. i-esecue stinte fdcc wccbs agu. Tii-cc sas no es-hnereou murder. .lauiy iciesc aI i-astthlaI lie case aas oe eoftmortier, bul Coroner Ta>. lac's tuquet diep)racci this. Girl Was a PosI. Thel Zion police promise slartltIîg neveltloîts lu tic case l le ssii. luel abat direction tiese ailil ake la nal inosu. bul ncighbors ai-e ssii te have given bic information titat lie Fecrins arceîuoorly ted and liaI lie Sicient food, clathiig on any pin nione>.. ineeefr Chester Gliette fisc -ceks ago and sien sic neluruci sic soîci It .thi-rsialtr 555sacting etrangely.Flou ence Fer-lut asa ot a pocei t, suad t la tiuîgittsireavas aorking Ion ibard un a volume aI peema litIstuc lolcoîlci lupubliait soun. Tue sister s'as jotabosunt lu seni ha-n nu Su.Lois )Aien ltesuciche carne andl lb saas Ionte, Ferrnubes anigit satchmuoaithei, Zionotiser>.stbe. LAKE COUNY lMAS 10W DEATII RATE whlrh lu Isesuundte prufot ut ut la thal iu 1907 Ibere acre tacuenti-e dealis les..titan in 1906. arroi-ding la the iatst ul îletin et the sîste huard1 ot itealttit. aitt eiieps tracti ai stui Fonrbondi-ci and tort>.lavawaille peneous and 4 cotai-ci persans dici hn Lake cont>. ing 1907 sud of lie total 225 acre mate and 221 acre temale. Titis avas a iccresse et 23 over 1906 soidte rate per 1.000 la 10.70, aviOn le stalci ta ire exeeci- bugi>. amati. $1. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVAN( r ,iia.iaiii e ,,, îîi e iiiîiiiiini uîî,,-as,-- sud the nurnber s bu uici fronu tbcm, sithongh a ictaJlicilisl sbîcb laiIn the bulletin ta not quoi-iý Tuberculosis ......................48 Pnî-umonia . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Infantile Enteritis . . . . ... :ý Eiîleritiis......... .. .. . . .7 Brigita Dtpse . .....c . . .2: C'ancer .. . .... . .. ý23 flteart Discase . ._ . . . . ... 29 T, p bnid . .. . . . . .> . . ..12 [iiîîbthiî-ia ... . . . . ... ..1 Sîsil-? Fuer .... . V. iiiinig Cîiigh . ..., tnfantiilc t)bihiy . . . . .. . . . 22 Itenînri bge of tbe Brain, etc ý...t t Acute 13ii .îiichitii................... Pars!> si- . .. . .. . . . Stuicidle . . . .. . ..- Cirnitusis utbiser ... Stomari Couîulaiîts Ilpieas.etc. .. llheunatism -.... Appendicitla Congeultal Malformationsa Diabetes................ ... . . . . 0 Tic iabtrîstian spesis for Itseîf. Thte reniariable tact lata liosnesa ut lie ty-îîiad tever deti rate sud te biîg number et sanieetflite olier dis- eases. lie ra4sgcaet awici acre net arîtbclpstcd or appreclalcil. SAYS T81E SALOONS ARE TO BLAME How an Honest Girl Was Led Astra>. b>. Otters of a Job and Awolre to Fînd Herasif a Oegradsdd Creaturs. Tiesalootua thal harbor weme- ihat tesîl them ni mb vii says, waile iiaytig lieu s perceolage on lie iriîîis hitlake bnî-oitupsn>. ut men, are mtore ta itîsme fer te -hite slave traffic un lie nartir stde titan any other element'" declarci Municipal Juige "Judson F. Going et Chicagoaai tic aijaurneut et court 51 East Chi- cago avenue Salonsy.. ne nan juan ufiauru a st01i-n. e, Heotai la JuiniMe tter, s salao keeeaI 370 Jh u eel Musaloer bir ti170ie fuo ut a oanarestei for s-sulrîghelinestfcea wan accosttug for a-î ic sth-astreal ande save. Sire nia.s olîl sudearieuiteBolatic.mora sas lîcndious. .Bu temoa Ta ionie s. pnrmrybtrsc iThaess aug ainatiSaoo neeMa lucarcae. in aI els sîeel. ai avs rresîc ite11 uls day ou lie chsaresethelg e riehr y ouste cale Caîbein Rlnad, a rl tram MstrsCter ie. lnad iragirhe bai ben rougel, itt tatc saloon b>.adl der troughF othSerbsloonduccaiste bang rurt birt Seridlantr ite ce t- ssiaon sic suloonmatheouoi-lus mssinl hai bldeenotin10sth adoueviepcr b>. liee sler oth Tic caseeeragbuahel cbrlc vl r bhciaelore lige takhe lu t i crîn t c eor exî m a elnthi.i -a Thourl, sii irejuig, l un "Tuis lenahî>. ieutheRenie rls n qusoalyegivn edeacSoe lucort, boult ie a impl cedesud ln curti Tbut> e srs iplender sa>. tra homen ears lie, lievex atye et comeunti- egr l sicbai exat teoe l counr il s,i al Otber hluego le vieil iter sister bn Hlgbwoud. Tucad>.PaerofnSaiethai. ps 3usa ocoiuttriino aut alftane abo lices north ut Barringlua usai- Hone>. Lake, avas acized b>. a atroke et parai>sies wici affecîci iris enlire rigil eude artd cprivci hlm et tire power ot speech; be lies unairle Ici roniunicate ailb those ai-oued hlm sud secuns la be muci disîressi iry tic tact. li-e bas becit 111 ail winler of a irop- sicat treuble and confinei te ils bed fan man>. aeiks paet, He wasa alone ai tic tinte, for a te-w minutes, sud it ta nol kanowairether ire sufferci er nul. Desthir laexpecîsi aI an>. bain Il> papers filci Tuesia>., nFu cîl-e Busseaso i ale quit daim 10 heur seau ,Nayar Fred Busse, Ji-, aI Chicago,.thb toi-t>.acrestaI lire>.getlnb a grant front lie gevei-nmeut yesrs ago aI Fax Lake. [L. A. Burge, tan $3.600, Iransîcrs tI L. H. Prentice land lu Avontowneaship lntri l aies istrict. tci man of lire Fox Lisie regien, lm iraci qgain lli tebusinessud tan oi operating lte Point Comtort at Foi Lake. WORK DELAYED Window Framnes That Did up ta Specifications Stop 100* of Men fromn WorkJnf ilutîdreis of laborers, brickrtý carpenters andInlspectors b&*e ile at the naval traint 'ng ta» the past week snd accordlsng 1t0 ent Indications wIll be laid ofý« off within the next te-w dy complications that have ariae*ý. are overcome and everything Ilý more advanced nature lin the Io tho- In 1charge ot the work., Recently 5,00 wludaw trazae4 sIzPý and dfimensions, for usv..I larger buildings at lte station,.1 were onl, shipped Satur'ýWa, were found ta be other thasVIr ed for in the apecîficatlonis. 'the was they were condemned and '0 lhrown aslalit the co8t of the n wbosc place of business la it là Ohio. Il la estilîatei liat the Coaft1 conideronF trames wtll reach ai as $5,000. The nissan worl. whlch hal ously proceedcd as far as potatbl whlch was awaltlng the frrIVidi trames, will be forced ta %top. Il wss learned at the gtalie specitlcallons called for will trames; those sent were compoi a litte of everythlug. This conderouatlon tiesnrap building work a lte statt.oc& ireda of men have been tbrému wonk by lte action oft Iis BMai t ta unnerstood sud aMfrm.ê wlll be force intastand 5&B should an Investigation Pr«oýè was bis fault Ihat the apft4"' were ontlilvsd up te. Local carpenters who hae@ lte station are ot the =p~1 wheu a caretul InvestigationW te reaulta may lead to Ibq it nment acceptlng ltetrames, are of the opinion that thse maie ot western white pine. tertal Is equally as gond au cru plue, but Iheir resarnIsIaSe Uncle Ram w11 mab Lion, tirougir bisinpco dlatel>.. Fîvit Thousand are Homels», t il>. of Texas City as Remf1t,«ý A mute witness of thée fle", near Fort Worthu Texas. osai kegan Saturday in te mutiatd and water aaIt, lte Fort Worth Telegrana, en of which papar la emplo. L Coiby, formeri>. of Waukoff ertyville. Mr. Coiby la safe and the flood $tory. Fort Worth, Tex., May persan are kuown la be are iromelcas, a dozen or roffl pteîci10bave iteen kl-s WVor-hrasd Nertht Fort WOVX, atîlî etfte grealeal rise In allihe Trinit>. river, eI 7:30 hSaturday evenb,& ciax at 5 o'ciock tMs Five efthlie destba occnrr.4 lao Isat nlght. Tic paralysie c rJlOs almoal total. TI, -0 iacontinued servc s Worthr sud »allas. ThisRo«,, maie ne attempt to ocpua - nelther dIi lbe Fort Wort> ver. Tira Friaco detosareil. - a rosi eacapei more or 1sa Man>. peracua are lan police aulirorities belIeve td 1 ]l lte beginning of a long biat ot lu inte flooi. Net nntUtiste wt -receici ilI lire possible t a [exact lbas lu lite and propetty. Wanton Destruction of P",ef Thursiay on a viit te hie a OO aI etDruce Lake, 1h.esammer nDeput>. Sheriff George Powell Icollage, smaaired disbesansd )x oindleftIaffaira lu a dSodSi1lý tlou. He lter touni theI tc collage soidte Hull cottaele i asme bai condition. Othiers are iellevei to, b&Vquu Invaici aise. Il la bellevei ltat eltiser le pot bulera or Waokegan - aili no regard tor- decemey ixare dobng lte triek. TisaI h5* ltaI a valoh ir alha ket~ U t'-'w, '-AIL WALJKEGAN POLICE RAID POKER JOINT, Officer Watches Room n Fiat ai 112 South Sheridan Roai for Two Hours and Then Acts Gallantly. Ten men, fivc abllea-nsd t'.cne- groecs, acre Saturday iighî arestci when Caplain Vegel ofllie tigbî Watt- kegan police raici an attegcd poker game ai 112 South Sberidan road siit lire aid olit trce otttcecsanso oupei al h l bmates 1ith ie police net. The worm avas cleser inasmnuritas te game irai Jusl starci soi sas ln th.ics of ets i rst nigitt Fi-eddie WelchIt la siidliihase beco te owoer oetIhe r-uiiîuandi sa-s e ufth tie Icuarretei, Tic game aas pokerc Captaîn Vegel itai becs ltped off tu the tact ltaI a gaine sas ta tarI sud as a resulthidinluhlicalley ln tic cear af 112 Siteridani rosi soi watrh- cd tor sonme time lu-turc ssiistyiug hirlfthlaI a garniesas ln progresa. He satchcd ter lau boucs asdoinllst dccided liaI lire tirte ta raid bai roue. so be calici tirce elier ut- ficers 10 bis aid sud saledinlugai- lanti>.. lumates iîi under heis, behbni ainioav curtabos sud sitades sud even *U.i 4 has ctorncd boane trou lihe Unis-cis- ts liosîîlal ln Chicago tulty restoccd t,, huiati sîter itavlng uniergone s criira eai tilerpertoruci b>. ne les. a peroage tban tire enincut Dr. t) A.K. Sîccle, prealdent etfte bosîîîîal. The Unise rsit>. Hospitaile a tiCS otie ilaely cempieei lli aIt nî.oeuuatpiauca tinean te science, tîtder liceumaagemcen tofPrei-caict Sîehle aînd a corps ot taienîci sur- geonuisasd conipeteut nrses. Presidenut Stecees-as onceofthIe- foudera ufthIe Wetide Hospital soi for rmaîisyeaseils presidenl, an- tiI ite seeci is conuection witi liatIniltuttion and buillire uew Uni- v-ersity liueîital at lie jonction of Og- dcn avenuieLincoln soi Cougres Tite mtiu iulucuda of Mrs. Roertson wil he pie.a.-d to bear et ber comçuite restorationî Iii ealti Mr-. sud Mrs. Reberleon eco-l 10lesse cari>. In Jul>. tocrstu exîidcd t-ri tirrugi Scetlinann.ud t7,-iuny. j,-ý 1 ýo