Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 May 1908, p. 2

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'wqr -- A tee. mu $à 1 ce .. TOflC wlth valuabe Ume Save your toge trom E 5110E J.. T. STANDARD NAVY TISLEY'S 1"-z., Maturai Loat SPUR HEAD R-c dewI Te, VY, ON st... mureR ou rames o.- .È kw W L MaI usa Týmgs fi-r the above brands are good for the fbgowing Mduidmau »v useful presnt as shown by catalog: Gold Cuif Buittou50 Tags StedCarving Set-200 Tag' Foimtain Pen-100 Tagu Beat Steel Shears-75 Tage Eanglbh Steel Razr-50 Tags Ldy's Pocketbook-50 Tags Gentleman'. Watch-200 Tagu Pocket Knife-40 Tags Frech Briar Plpt--50 Tags Playing Cards-30 Irag ILeather Pockedbook-80 Tags 60-yd. Fiing Ree-60 TagW Many merchants have suppfle themselves with M" et~with which «tab uedem tag.. If you cannot have your taga redecmed at home, write ~*camIg~PREMIUM DEPARTMENT TEA CA N TA ioACCO CO., St. Louis, Mo. (AUCONDA DEPARTMENýT -, Ml E. MAMAN. Correspotident sud Agent qeaýry reiurned home mion- .d berz sommer vacation d ber echool ai Long Gravej lire. L. E. Golding and Il Làhortv'ville, @pont Sunde>' L lire. Jas. Neville. à Ou&@, ai CicagG, speut Mh lr. and lins. B. T. inwortb wes a it>' visitor 4M7 Hook and HllenItay. - id on friands lu aur villagei 0 elosed Frtday and lu twa hWt1OR ezercises are ta ha .1t rgreduates ibis tL94 our IssBei .175,vii: UMuteee twauton. bav nearly gone the rounds bope there wiliuDot ha man>' )Oh. et a flne borée lest ~ibe hmd*net hought irom tmBeArove im Va 011- àtioUkk &Bd wheu ha arrived h beond bis horse was 9 baued for Dr. Sutterfiéld, , Who came irumediatel>' &0 Dogond Vthunore dyiug " t Mr. Grautliem bas been Umbad luck wiih borees 1 »0 wlthln a year. . Obitu"r. Sbone t isgrand-daughter,1 Bordick lu Chicago, Tuesdey 1% '08, Wbehofe ha few ls wseks heving livei li Om e1845, vulà bhle 5th year ai tbe d&* ad was aone ai aur 19mI eiewas ho'-u lu Z-i'41. May' 24,1828. le bUa wif le uh urvives hlm. M bom to tbem ClarenS Id.1 , UI twolve yeue ago. ~ i @ tore two diffent aiO etbüsinesebers lu 1878,i ,,b moaduKrid a smsii iarmi it.5 o! the.vilege tili a goeWj ,whsn lhomoved inca téib village whers he reeided untili the iew week@ precediug bis deatb. tir. lliwa8 a soldier oi the loyal etes lu the war oi the rehellion. a iiemher ai Waueoude lodge A. F. & A. M. and a eiauueh member ai the Baptiet ceburch. lie wae a goad ueighhor. a kind, bueband, pareut, triend and au aid nelgbbor said of binei het lhé bore the lurdene of lîle wbieh filita bis loi witb mors resiguation thau be bsd ever wituesetd lu aneiher mou, hur- donesud lusses were soon lorgoiteu in the courseofa duty which he wam waut ta ioilow. Hee eaves au aged aile iwo grand- daughtere and ana graudeon ta revers hie memorv. The fueraI wss held Thureda>' et the Baptiet church, 1ev. J. R. flali conducied the funeral servie., and tbe romaine were laid ta, ret lu the Waucanda ceniefer>'. Une brother. R. C. HllI and four sieters, lire. S. Ford, lire. Williami Seymor, lire. A. Rangs and tirs. Albert Ceuikins survive Mheir a«ed brother, degased. PALATINE H. C. Whipple 14 moch iutpnîved lu heiib ai preseot. 1ev. Young bad tir iheir guesi the. Preiding Eider, Rer. Ced>' recently. Mies Mary Hoftmeistere'o sch'oul in Plum Grave elooed recenil>'. P. H. Mather and temly illviiti relatives lu Wlnoua, Miin.. n the near future. Miss Clara Thies reas caIliiig ou tieude in Paletine sud eitendiug ta ber lase lu mule Tussday. The Court ai Houar leld taeîr lest meeting Satarda>' 0gb!, May' 23rd, un.ui Utuber. B. R. Converseý and tamil>' leave' Jane lot, ta epend ib'- sommer lu Préeoti, Wls. The>' bave rented thein residene ta E. C. Maspludori, of Cicago. Alderman E. Prellberg celehraied bis 69tb birîhday wite a tamil>' reonion1 Sunda,May' lTth. TIie !.je tret rime ifie entire famnil>' bave heen tageiber, lu fktoeueaers. This te one oi Palatine'@ oidest and larges!. familles and the aid gentleman bas a good reasan ta be proud ai hie eight sons and ibree daugbters. Died, lu Chicago, Mopday eveniug, May 18th, ai heart tailure, Miss Josie M. Carniort eldesi daughter, af W. R. Comtort. FunRral ai the residenýe of ber lather. Rev. Young officiating. Banial lu the cewetery ou the iliside beside ber maiber. lire. Rose a former resident ai ihie place was a ver>' pleasani caller on frieuds here riceuil>'. lire. Hutchinson aud daughter, Llbhie, aid reideute ai Palatine called on triende bers Suda>'. Mir. and lire. Bauman and childreu. oi Round Lake, were guemseoa ber parents here Suda>'. Lire. Wells returued ta ber home bers Frldjay aeccmpanied by ber daugbter and bushand, Mir. aud Lire. S. Blackiey, ai Lake Foreet, atter 8peudiug the winter thers. Dean Aynesly, aifliukwanigo, Wis., epeut Sunda>' wîh hie family bers. lire. Kramer visited ai ibe home oi ber daugbter, Mmre Frank Knlga-e, ai Wauconda Monda>'. Mir. and tirs. Bergharu spent Frida>' ai Houey Lake wiîh hie brother, Fred, wbo bas been il i, r some trne. Miss Blerschherg..r, aiGrayeleke, ileta preseut amsietiiîg NIre. Irving Payne. Mr. Alvoid aind son, lIse, of Chicago, enjoyed Soude bers wviih their tamil>' and home. Lewis KTiiiii and wie, of Libertyville, vioited %, ih la rento.bers Sanda>'. liah-JIaiîd Ira Nelrliech have been sick with iit-heal. Mie'4 Lysle tlougbion, ai Wankegan, wae a ..uî--t eit tIi haine ai ber sieter, lire. A. .1. King, thbe peet week. Mr. andi Mlrs W. Buehiug and bilîdren. ai Gilmer, calied on iheir parents, lMr. and Mrs. F Knaies, Frida>' svsuing. George Hutchiusou epent Sonda>' lu Chicago. Our ecitool closes today wiih a picule. tir. aud LMre@,liClinger and daughier, ai Wankregani, spent Buuday wlth relatives. Pearil Rusgell's sebool cloeed Thureda>' witt a peuhi. BIRKSI1IRE SOW LADY BACHIELIER #»Wl prise lnata Ohioanad Illinois Staue Faire. She in oui>' one ai aur great brood saws. FOR SALE hmv bev boned, 12 mouihbhoar pig fmoii ilis eîw adi red hI>usa100lit. boar ihai won Illinois Si3tteFaire. Sboar le the iuaking ai a big lîtîg We beyv,- atherenoui excellaéi un ih.. vtrld. Our bard baar rvlbd780 lbo. the day lie was 16$ mouthm lti. of1 wsaiLibertyvilis. RODNIEY B. SWIFT rwiag, black P0rcheon Stalihun Remeo, stands for service ai the farin. Fea 1$15 to mneurs. J eported ad regisiered Jerseym. Young Ktock for sale. . .Wm.PpdYalcsnfbroa '.M. Smille i8ads >i u a lb rpt lib. pst g aPle ot dyr w-Mhg p..eaU o5-it>ne 15Id53y Mamie Sch euer lsai home &aian alter Mir. Bedeb bas two carpeuters making spending a tsw wseke witb relstives- lu repaire an his bouse. Wanksgaa.1 Mre. Dortier and daugbter, Dora, speut T. Lanege ba@ moved lu Vhe uew boue Saturda>' at Rockefeller. usai the treck and Frank Shea bas moved lu the bouewhlcb he vecated. Tom Bayer *peut several days ln Chl- liabel Lux le viitiug relative@ lu Wau- c*go on business. kegan. Miss Laia Smithe bas reîurued tram ber Parmers are buisy lu the fields getilng vîsit wltb relatives ln Waukegazý. tbe grouud rsady ta plant their corn. Graudma Darfler sdeuîSgturdaY night Guod fishhxeg ai the Deeplaines river. and unuday wlth ilsfde at Frernt Geo. Ceehrnore Io bavlug the second Center. story ofaieisbouse finlshed.,1 Mrs. Henry' Couidre>' speut lasà Tbure- On Monda>' lest lire. Wrn. Erzkine re- day and F'riday witb ber parente boe. turned ta Waukegau alter spending twu Mise Emma Fisher epenitbe fret of weeke wiib ber parente, Mr. and lire. the weok ai ber home boe. Mise Irsue Knowltou' speni Sooda>' Mire.Iving Payne, ai Rockefeller, spent wiih fiende ai LIbertyvIlla. ana day laei week wiib ber auut, Mies Jack Gallagber bas purcbamed a llQrse Agnes Payne. ai Mr. Waddeillî. The exercises for Decoration Day are lire. Helen Paterson returued home ta he held ai tbe.ehurcb Saturda *v aiter- alter vlitiug Iriends lu Chicago. noon at 2 o'clock. Mdusic le ta ha tur- Lest Sonda>' the Wadgworth Whlts nlehed b>' the choir and Lihertyville Soy played tva garnes bers wih the baud. Mr. Iloakue and Anihur Buck]ey North Chicago CuLs. The score lu the are ta epeak. Everyone le cordiali>' lu.tiret gamne was M ta 4 lu tavor ai Wads- vited to attend and enjoy the pragrem 1 wortb.' Tho second gaine was for a and belp decorate the graves of aur de- pnroee ai$5' and.the score was 17 tu -)lu parted soldiers. tavor ai Wadeworth,.Hurrah tor aur Mire. H. Seip was a Chicago visitai' Friday and Saturda>'. CIRJBEI] ER FAT Carl Ernst ana Will Tonane epent Mon- day lu Berrnugtou. lire. Wilke bas for ber gueste lMr. Grassi and lady frlend tramn Chicago. Mesdames Froelich and Branding weut ta Chicago Wedne@day. Misses Emma Schaffer and Jennie Seip visited witb lire. Ludd lu Wauconda Thuroda>'. Frank choiz seho bas hein touring nome ai the western etate@ lu an auto- mobile came home lest Thur8de>' after an absence oi man>' monthe. He let again on Saturday maruing. At tbe hall garne played here Snnday Lake Zurich deleated the Elgin nine. Score 21 ta 16. A surprise part>' wa8 beld at the Lake Shore Paviliou Saturda>' lu houar oi Herman Prehm's hlrthday. A large crowd attended and bed a gond turne. Mir, and lire. S. B. Fink sîcut Suuday ai Palatine. Mr@. Smitth, ot Carpeuterville. lias bten visitlug relatives bers the pasi week. 1ev. Tilimausa moiher arrivs-d Tues- day ta vi@it biers tor @orne tiime. Lire. Rote and niece, oi Chitcago, ai. rived lionday and are oecupà'îng the Helter cottage No. 1. Crippled Girl Made Wel by Visit to Shrine of St. Anne. REAL MIRACL.E, SHE SAYS. Miss Ellen Keefe of GlaesFalls, N. Y, Tells Hnw, Aftor Eight Menthe of Helplé, 8h. Thr.w Away Her Brae s ad Wslls.d. Miss Elien Keefe of Glena Felle, N. Y., le a very happy youug women. She clalme ta have mireculousi>' T- covered the use o! ber llmbs and. after beiug crlppled for elght mnthe, la able to a wlk agrtiln th)rtîugh ber devo- flous et the sbrlue of St. Aune lu ihe Church of St. JenapItltiste, 159 Est Seveuiy-slxth street, New York city. iis. Keefe le the daughter ef J. B. Keefe. a harnees manufactuerer, andi was stopplng wlth ber aunt, lire. Thom" RoIaerke, et the Lausiug apart- mente, 113KEst Seventy-sixth tteet. There a repo;*er found ber. "*Elght manies eair." she sald. "I had LOUIS J, YEOMANi THE OPTICIAN The Ladies' Aid met Tuesday at the m tlrat C ofmcain fol]owean home of lire. H. Branding. There was , beceme uneble CtiOws flk. Physîand a large attendan ee. Ual e ak hyiin W'm. Bickna@ee Fred Seip and OttaI Oes ,eswere.called to attend Frank traueacted businesiu Chicago me, but after fUr Imantbe adviged me Wedneoday. te corne to thiB City and Comsmit spe- Clallats. p -- --- -~ "This w»s doue. Two speclalista I D MON D A E were vlelted, and eacb sald that It ~ would be impossible ta cure me wlth. Piekie growers that iniend to plant out an operatio1nad thW, would)leavs cucumbere tiis ea8on cati and Osec E. W. me deformed. Parkhureî aa -. ILt.W. STAF~FORD. " O ltcuett ueg 26 sncb an ardeal. My relatives Ihen seB- Mrs. Williamn Rouse spent Saturday Cure<1 a pyîlno xeln ua aMr.Sanday i n b a ndau. , tfro rm Washington helgbts, and R. u is Wna n duhenuder bis catreful ireatment I was eu- Rutb, ot Lake Forest, speut Suuday with abled wlthln a short Urne' te stand, Fred Towuer and iamily. Tis was very eucouraglng. and afier Mr. and Mire. George Mitchell viFited another mouth, with the assistance of ai Frank Mitchell'ef, Sunday.eriieotbrcsedakem- Mis. Harry Blowaviolted relatives and crt hsfoo baes t a ove my fe trieud er vmaolls the glor an Inch or two tae ech ,ia er Mitchell and lire. Ein& $e- manu were Waukegan caliers Saturde.y. aen uterpars nl Meroril srvies illha eldai be hgen attendlng the annuel novena of, churh Suda ateoon ai2:30 P. .. the Roman Catholie cburch ReUl,P., 0""w a Roklle, will asst 0 t enBais P-ie1. Altage hbprogramnme. Ail o tJa t l%.a blacli tfram My ane invited ta attend. aunte home. Whïen 1 aitended the Harry Mitchell, of Prairie Vlew, was flovenaftfret I bad ta be hait carried @een an our sîreise one evenlng last t0 the door by my cousin, Mise Alice week. ROar1ke. She lt was who carrled me lire. Henry Kane, wba had au opera befare theelabrine of St Aune, where tien lest week le on the gain. thse relie wa expoeed. 1 praycd ear- liesF. Herman Alrlght le on the sick nestly te ho restored ta good hostile. Elst. I head abeoit. fath my prayors would John Holland epent Sundey with is ho beard. hrother ai Lakeo (,orner@. "The visita wero repeated ec day Mr. and Mre. W~ill Brockmanare the lthout any'change ln my conditian proud parents of a baby girl. util Saturdey efiernoon. I bad been The Diamond LAke Aid Society wiîî ta church lu the morulng, aseisted, as give a strawherry and creaui social ai usual, by mY cousin, but lu the after- the cburch parlers Thursday eveuing, noon when 1 arase tram the divan lu JUne 4th. A short programme le heiug the parlai I notlced, to my amazement, prepared. Everyone le cordially invited that 1 feit stronger and was able te te came and briag.their friends and bave increase the Ieugth o! each step. a good urne. Admission, adulte 25 et@,,"My cries brougbi my relatives to childreu under twelve, 15 ct@. me, anud they Were averjayed ta notice tirs. Leo Drury spent Sunday with ber tbe Change thet bad taken place. its nidther, Lire. John Whitney. the uovena and tihe superuetural as- Fred Towuer, Jr., who has blo on the elsiance of St. Auue,' 1 iold sieem. sick li8t le ahle to îe out agalu. 'Take off thase breces. 1 believe 1 eau walk wlflsout them,' 1 sald. The Diamand Lake Cemetery Aqsocia- "Tbey dld as 1 requested, andra, much Vlan wili meet with Lire. J. Witney, te their amazernt, 1 walked uualded Thureday, June 4th ai 2 p. m. Al tefuiut !th prret I membere please attend.tefullntofhearmn.1ai mast fainted wltb loy wbeu 1 reallzed E Z 3CRA Z ] what 1 had doue and apprebeuded that Iouce more wae able te a elk. "I have been walklng overy day Will Welcb and Gardner Faulkner ince," contInued Mise Keefe, ber eyes @pent Sunday linlseuasba. beaing wlth happineus, "1wtfbout any Tbe ladies ai tbe M. E. cburcb are assistanc, and 1 hope, wlth the help planning for a grand pieute for .Iuly 4th. Of God mdý St.- Aune, te Improvo every Gertrude Northrop was at home over day util I arn éntirely well. 1 amn Sunda". sf111 nmaklag daliy visite te the ebrine." The chair will meet for rehearsaal at AU I«lKeefe relatives and se,- the home of Stella Sha>' Frida>' oveuing. aral of their neighbors spo» of ber Corn plauîing lin the aider of the dey'. rnracutoas Improvemeet >aud bellsvs, A uitile sarler than latyear. as te dos@, that ber falth snd prayom Blancb OlIver is vlitilug lnRicbmnnd. ..tectsd tbs curve. SÇcott'.r Emetldton tà powSrul ouai . irnent-highly concmnatod. It maicesbon., blood aM muscle Wltbout ALL DRUOGIS$i, Oo. AND 01.00. i i I j HAVE VOUR I1Q<JSE WiRED FOR EJ.ECTRIC LIGIIT NOW SPECI AL OFFER Ilt YU live lu 3'ur own hane, ,ocated auonyDy M aur distrilbun lnles, we otter ta wire t camploie for yoo, ai cast; and yau eau pay 4ié bock a litilpe eh bmonîli for two yearo wlîhoni Interest. The Humblest Home eau attuird electrie light ou the aboie basic. Lt le the eîai ibtis cout. pauy ta put electrlclilgbt oihîin recbaofail elase. The reèt bas be-n greail>- redu,.ed. For Jeteils esa] Waukegau Si-, 14ORTHI SHORE !LECTRIC COMPANY 230 N. Génesc Street, AUKÉGAN, ILL DO YOU WA NT<y4 A BARGAIN Vie bave at our ilatory at Lubertyvillesà iew urnei leaio odds and euds oi our MCîDEL FI. CE.Thees are thesarne bigh Carbon Spring Steel au aur regnier sitan, the oui>' differeue elng lu uneven leugtbe. While fhey last you may imite your pick at about HALF REGU- LAR PRICE. FIRST COME. FIRST SERVED. laquire if Factory sud-take feuce Home wifh you, AMIERICAN WIRE FÉNCE CO. LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS llertel's ParkAT sTuu IIALF DAY, ILL. OPENS FOR THE SEASON ON Sabirday ni"',' MAY 301TH Dancing Ever>' Saturday Night Music by Hertel's Orchestre Every Accommodation GET REAOV TO SUILO 1 AM READY FOR THE WORK JOHN L IRVING CONTRACTOR and BUILDERt Sidewalks and Cernent Blocks ROCKEFELLER, ILL. Lot Me Estimais Upon lhe Vob Je Je SPOUN ROCKEFELLER ILL. Hardware, Stoves, Eave Troughs, j Roofing and Furnace Work Eetirnates on ail Hardware Bills prampiy given .; i Percheron Colt Pin 0k Parader 43,928 P. S. A. FOALED APRIL 13,. 1905 Sire, Pink 24,765 Who for twa sucesslIve yaars won the Grand Sweepsitakes and Obemplunship at Chicago International. Pinkiletoda>' the greatest Percheron Stallion ever lmported ta Amenica. Pink Paradêr's dam le'Sirene. e 2,00<) IL mare b>' Villiers, 13,169 out ai Semele, 11,254. Sirsue traces beck lu four uines ta irillant. Pink Parader wlll ha limifed during the season Of 1908-1W.liLto 88 outeide mares. lie wilI stand at the farin Oi J. M.PA1TER$ON LIBERTYVILLE, ILL, Fee $15.00 Cash ai ure oa i ret erie(, with returu prlvlleges dnring the eason. Pink Parader gai fluet>' per cent of mares bred ta hlm lest year lu tuai. \ Sc I IR SF T 1: z e,.- Ak o U J o' o' o Oc o e *0< c Ai Bg 1'oi Go ta LEO DRURY th New LBARBER SIIOP j;.§Boehm, Building' Libertyville, Illinois CIGAIRS AND TOBACCO LALJNDRtY OFF ICE RAZOX.$ IIONED s' -4

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