1LÂK C ONTY INDZENDBYNr, FRIDÂY, MAY 29, 1908 Yau are Ail Confamed about bug9gies. T, h s là bout You want au Eamy Rider. w-rc You want a Gond Looker. I-<ILII1U <.2~You want a Long Wearer. You want Vaine For Your Dollar*., __ Evsry adyisarr ieammende a diffrent Evury dealer singe a different sang. You ame Hik. a man loat in theiswOOdO. -Sta ver Buggies Wben tcames t ugybuyM the avrageman te up lu the air-Twot ing are in plain sight- The Pint sud n« Are Uood Pric" and the >aks of tltâ hemn Bun ies and gm u omirsajo ufit fayes 8"0 prue ad henhopots on i lasti vé K ow I coqse of pint and vernisb a finish fiue enough for a $10000 job. Mir. Buyer tbiuks bo e asaviug a few dol- l ars and takas tbs cbeap job andiln six mon t hsar a year ha tlinks flot. Jut lok around yoand think of1Borne1 IFof' athe Stav'ert at you know bave heeni IF I's .runina on o twntyyears. Buggies that ware bought t B fair price too. FROM Thou think of eome ohrmksta rqLAUteV~ bve eenboght lu the let >'ar or so aand are &Il in, tbeue are Worth thinkln g abu, wbsn you boy get yaur maneys Worth. IT'S Now Liten: We bave uoid bundreds oai (OWD thsue aud positively know tiaty ou g gond vaiue for yor <oney. Tbey eau (f) no't be beat et any price. We carry ar gaod stock and wouid like ta talk it o ver with you.1 Schanck- ros., ILNI The Charm of Sweet MUSIC - ., sepeîil.. ulxeiitht instrumienit that1 gives it îoîîe 'Tîatis wlîy the i4-hiller iano bas o î,any sîni-ere aiîîirerm aud trierîdg. Neit to the liiaurgan iv tii.heperfetion of îîîuiea exresIîî.i ethe produet f yars iof î.perienee. sientille thouight and eklîful mei-baniem. 8 Louis J. YEOMANT WAUKECIAN. IL fRED jOCtItIEM SPECIAL ATTENTION 'o outl of Town Orders And Shipping Trade Libe Telaphone No. 46! Lihsrtyvilie Exchange BAKIER end CONfIECTIONERI etgviIIe - ' IliInoisJ HOTELS AND RETAîLERS SUPPLIED WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS -- - - - - - -- - -- --- - - W*~ 2DO YOU WANT A PIANO? G RAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT I P. J. DRIJCE Editor Phon No. 11 Orders Taken for Job Work Advertieing Rates On Application lMie 1vab Lo tus bas aesieptesi a pasi- Burgiseanteresi the store of Kuebter lion et the Gerlach retaurant. & Hoem sariy Thursday morning ande bisw open the sale securiug $40 and ai Edfiook bas intaiied aimne wcooie1t gold watcb. Toals were eccuresi at the ln is place af business. Wlscousin Cntral tool h,,uee and at Harvey Watson , of Rockefeler, made Pesters@ blcksmth slîîp aud the front a 4bort cit rsbeeat@ tasi aturday even- dî,or of tbe store pried aliuThe saie ing. waý tboroughiy ransa(ki..,]but îîuly money wae taken. Tht î,îeratiir@ were Tate Allen wili takre the place of Allan evidently experiauced bauds at the busi- Savary t tbe Hook grai-ery tore. Ail nees for there were two ,hales drille,] ln hie mauy triends will misshrilm as lie was tir, sae daor and nitrogl îvrirue ueed ta a favorite among bis cuâtamers. blow it open. Clothing fi rt beng piled Baverai oi the base baltanes attendsit in front of the safe tii dealtu the eouud the base bail gain s a Libertyville Sun- of the falllng door. dey between Libertyville rime and tbe Quaker (Jats tonam. Obituaty. Mfr. and Mre. John Btlard entertaine,] John Jefferson,, ulutil e ail of Elijali Mir. and SreJacalîson, of Chicago, and Mair Moore was, um May 11, fiunday. 1826, iurue r u .connty, Penn., unt of a Mms. Grey, oi Chicago, le tbe guest et family af tourteau cbildreîî. eleven ai the Fid Kappie home tîis yeek. wbam ived ta rnaturityt te brathers ilastili eurvivlng. ln 18131 hie iamily MissaneoiaFrelerirke, oi Libart'illem igratasi ta uorthern Gicle t that 7pent Suuday at the home aif Mr. Allie time evi ibr, -îur b Japple. the pioneers suffarsd extreme privations lire. Arthur Dlbblc visite,]lber parents and hardahîps which lit ebare, anid nt Lake Villa Suuday. wvhich loft their ilupreos ou bath body lir. Oea. MaNamara, ai Russell, and mind, opent a few day@ with bier parente the jie was sent ta achoof a iew winters filrt ai tbe week. ad got the rudirmenta aIfauncîîucatlon1 Mir. and lire Orsou Waehblurn are the wbiihe added t-o h7 bis î,wu t'ertlous lu laten yeare until inyauug maubood proud parente of a baby girl haro Fr b le ras able t.o tesch sehoal anîd tili day. liay 22. iurtber educate himoelf. fie tudie,] law Mir. and Mms Fred Miller and lamîly, and waA admitta, ta tih, bar and ai Waukegau espent Sîînday witlî the Eu practiced for a few yeare î,uly ta tind the Rowliug family. profession uncougenia as weli as tryiug Mir, (eo. Rapîiviitite ulativ e at vo bis iealth. He therefore au-it baik Aitio, l htis ie tek. ta the salI and began farmcug bfur hinmecif litr Beluey,!f îiîagoi, e ut,d,] t the lunlS:'i7, bavlug lu tht neu tneufIen Rov;lingho;ie Suday.married iu 1850 ta Auna Elsina Rase. AloaI o f în h uuaol2o. e ite Ater living an a ieastliald lfr tîre CAtie lî,ad a U blu eripe from thtyeare hae banght aosnai farna nhif-li lic ~aînroubuta caled ere8undy. old eight yearm later au,] remaoveul ta Mont Allan tran..acttd huineesin Chi- ilibrale, settling an the tarni n nrth oi cago Mauday. Grayslaka, wbich wse bis hume' for Mr.usnd Mmr. Rd Washiburni vieltasi rel- thirty-nneye&I'e. ative" at Lake Forest fiuuday. A few weeks ago ha weut tu viit twiu Mesdames Reamington and Brandtetter daughters, wbo reside lu Kansas, wbere visite,] friands lu Freninnt Monday. ou May 15th, hae died ofi heart failure MiesmerTome, o Chcago sput ollowng the earfy stageseofi puriionia. MiseIne Toiffl ofChiagoopetagesi ighty.two yearé and four daye. Sunday t lber home hers. -Hebhasimade a&l preparatians af ind Dr. Clark and iamily werQ lu Chicago and bearti as weil as@ai1lînsinese affaire lionday. and awskited the final somnmons with M eser. Hartzwell sud Madier, of Chi- calm courage and faith. fie retaine,] bis cago, spet Suuday wth the Misses mental tacuimtls t a remarkable dagree James. thooght .ornwbat oppresse,]!lby bodily Paul Avery ac-<mpanied by Miss waeknes. Hefils f precede,] hlm three Georgia Kappie ejite,] at bis motersyear, ago. Six chiliaen survive hlm. home at Vola Sunday. two @one baving diei, oue in 1886 the other iu 1898. He saw al hie chiidren Eari Laitue, af Waukegau, epeut Sun and graud-cbiidren eicept one, duing day wtb bis parents. the few wesks precoding hie deatb. We regret ta tate that Editor S-avery 1Ha wa8 a man ai trong convictions a&bd bis asteempd tamily eave thhie week Jan unuompromlalng advocate ai what LOUIS Ji. YEOMAN THE SEWVINQ MACHINE MAN mai ry ii. tnou sc~s~i & O _________________________________ MLLBURN C 0 if wc= na tyte mm CA E CHET Mrs. H. D. Hughes. ai Gurnes, was a 0 Piwnost ye d4mosi ai aur tore at ANY TIME. f or Kirkland, Ill., where lir. gavery wili bo tbaughita oha right. Lu politicselha Miliburn taller lest Weduesday. * ou wiU bd!imed wfth it. taka charge of "The Enterprise,11 wich was an early 'abolitioniat" and "iree- WiîU Huok, son ai Rimer Hook, wag *O paper ha bas aurchae,. We wisb them soul man, jiuiug tha Republican party operate,] ou lest Friday in Chicago for *STR&NG'S rURNITJJRE STORE * tncb sucre@@s and bappinasa in tbeir uew at ire birtb in 1856. For many years appendîcitie. At present wrlting be is GE.ESTAN LCESE NDRTKE hme lehm a beau a prohibitionist. gtting alang nicely. * GO. . TRAO .ICNSE UDERAKR O hae Funaral services were conducted by lMr. and Mr@. W. G. Thom vieited their * Prop. AND EMBALMER MissEmma Samarttr,of Kolssssent Ry. C. M. Reed at, the M. E. churcb i * * ~~~~Sunday and Mouday witb braunt, lre. liraysiake. ItrethigB a parente lu Lihantyvllle lest weak. Amelia Winkle. VIll., lro eo. ea rrty je entertaining coin Hen~LaIte au Waler Bak sippe piupeace oh' ourfathar! TiIi tbat paniy from Chicago. a carioatouf cattie ta Chicago iflday t irte row shail feel the reviving breath Rv. Safford attende,] the Sunday eveubof theetrnal moruing. ___ choal convention st Dizon sevaral daye MimGergia Kapplia at last week last wek resurlng home Frlday. 0 U Aaniarial Day wiU ha obeerve,] at and Thorsday with Mrable Hughes, ai The ld older8are akig aope Gmylak, BturayMay dth. lu the Gurnet. efta omake Mlisrnlay exerea 5I5s e no tbe aid soldiers will decorate MeCEDua u culrvst, aoccese sud averyone shouid attend. Mr@ graves B four cemeteres. mu tht - There was no schoal Tbursday lu the aiternoon there wîll ha axercises t thte Mse iwla uns at ek grades on account oi two ofthtti teachers Opra flouse, cammaucing at 230. lire. i. L. Hoimes' sisters returne,] ta havng ta appean t the postoffice trial. Thin will cousîst of addrses, vocal sud thir homes lest Thorsday. instrumental mosic, with sang and fiag M lr. fiuhbard, of Kenosha. visited hibils ytht thiî,]r@auAU ar ecom. ire. Trotter wlio bas beau stayiug parenta iter or__ wsd.iih lMr@. A. K. Bain returtiasi ta Evans- p audi s enin er er sdnesall.ndBy ordar of Committee. ton Saturday. quaeuari tht iveny bet t the Grayslake Card of Thanks. lMr. and lire. W. B. Stewart visite,] Pharmacy. their brother, Pater Stewart, of Ornes,- We are grateful ta, ths uelghbors and recently. Last Mouday whle workîng on the frende taor thaîr beip sud sympathy lu John Beak farm near Drucesw Lake, John aur bereavement an,] desply tauchsd b John Fulton and ta-nily oi Waukagau, Hook's worklng team durlng th. their expresions oi respect sud aPtîrWla. pent Sunday with lire. Fulton@ par- thunder torm receive,] sncb a enevers lion of the dear oua who ba@ Etflefore. ente, lMr. and Mre. James Pollock. sbock ofselectricity that tbsy were bath TREtFÂ,i[Lï 0F JOHN Y.- OOE.EO Miss tuez Pollock an,] a trian,] from Rq tuacked down an,] wsre uncausclaus Chicago spent Sunday wlth borne toits. ~ ,for sevaral minutes. Mir. Hook was under shltertram the ram close hy aud WARREN., Schuyler Deumau wae bitten by a dog- __________________________________________ ad let thettai standing at their Meonldy ri î hbd in .Waukegan lest Wednesday in tîhe - wnt.the Warren cemetery Sonday alternoon, AnDr.Goy ad inTh eoun wa eaa About thirty-fie-e witnessee au,] friands May 31, at 2;30. If the waathar shanl i by D. Gulyadj etn l attende, tihe poetatk'e triau Tburaday. hoastarmy the exercîses wilU ha postponednily ThaMysie orkrs oaklu hit nil the foliawîng Sunday. A good Bert Trotter, ai Chicago,.$etut Suuday mg new members lest Tbnrsday evauîng, pragram wii afrib,.wt i ît ie .K an afttr whicb thay had a banquet andi The Warren Cemetery Association will 1ev. Safford gOes as a doegate tram a genral ooelme.met wltb the Medames Tower Wed' Milihuru ta Ponia ta attend the min - Good judges ai Soda Drinks hava pronaunesi aur Fountain Speiait agnrlgo i*nesday afternooni, Joue 3rd. ltera convention and lMr@. Safford sud uniono the bot. F. D. Baltershall was in Chicago, Miss Foate go va Wbeaton to- visit for une se the hat ruit@, the hat fiBvors, plenty ai ira sud tht hast cream iWedneday.- eea asti ek weeubuy. Our gasewýare la always dean and aur prices reasonable. We MisesAlen Grauger, ai Qiuago, le bere INGLESIDE J.S.varal aysths andMs@krgy baenyrfun *nyhàooale Kaftrsi KiWo-itawnr or stmr. cariug for lire. Rate Wait. who is vsry lngeside Camp3989, M. W. A., metteWite visite,] tripuds t Rochester, Vis., Tr Yaoîieo coae1al eliei'sa inrick. svary liret au,]third Tuesday ai eacb Satnrday an,]unay Gtiyàlak P arm cyGeorge Fradericte;, ai Lihrtyville, was moutti. Viitiug Neighbore sud membere The Ladies' Misionary Societywl- a pleasant caler hrt Toesday. are cardilUy in vite,] ta attend. meet witb lire. GO. Jamnison Weduasl- F. J. DRUCE, Prop. 0. HOWARD, CaUncil. day alternoon. H.,A. WATSON, Drugglst GRAYSLAKE, ILL.d L. Baker-visited at Chicago Wede- 3141f H. HENDUmeaS, Clark. C.EtaiMy1,Hm Msio. _______________________________________ ay. îîÂîashn Ifor Christ," lsa. 60: 11-22. Sherifi Alvin Griffun, ai Waukegau, G G SL MVivlan Banner, leader. Gray lake- B keryIr, buoneu orsTuoeay.The Ladies' Aid Society wUll meet iu AWtn i n G isak ~ k t talsatei uMessareaeTuoahsday.oyGoy ibiliganw d h cuc alosfrtoi eu A t n i l dChristan Hudeavor Union, supplie,]0t. dition tabohase. montbly meeting, Thureday atternaon, N acancy at the Congregational cuhrch tB . a u rmJua 4. R sa r nletSnnday oening in tht absence ai lut ewatBoirwa nt! Chcago The Warren Society wiUl meet with Do yor glssesusad epaieRBy. Haaner.lstwsk is. Sarah Towsr, Wednoeday, June 8. Doyor laon nedfioié?Hrd Chard, of Austin, vIsite,] rois--_______ Do your ineime noeesita b. thaugei? Doutia t thedance at Ananu's bail, tîvu beosBunday. a~luchsSeve RnsiL~ eitStra vnn. lr u lr.Ca.Sga uus Heaitti Coffea e' sreally the closest Do yor yes needatt*tti? Meals adU c sSre Mal 301h. ..tStra veig É. n . Ch&,SpoffreC ea ImitatIon ever yet produced. @peutl Sday t Win. Sa'@.Thisclavai Gffa. Ebbstltute vau re. il o@a0amu nansi talk It orer. at al beus lira. B. J. Lotus sud daughler, AIda lirg. <jw< KaepIevle aie s dne, Wîs. Nod a grain oDr. ShpoofRee Workguaranteed, 0 RENSDAvsts tWakguWdeea. Antiocbistweek. ,sle ritie l eti p otea y r. Bnof raëd a- IC RA OAD. T. Nfoib, oi Wankea, raucte,] The Butler faaaalybava res,] Mthe Searsin It Sther. Dr. Shoopa Hltb CR AND SOPT DRINKS buolnseeat Orayrike, Wedueeda. cottae for the sommer. la made front Puretoael*d 1pal»n. flOR"lC J. .,J. P Shermen bas stawpled h*work fred Va" Z&AdIeut Suadày wlth wiah Malt. BUgts, etc. laaIlyt id e. , ~~"ý 'ANI4DWS f oe S.t vika&long 'Loge relamffl fa 9" kPart. ~ fo nepr-onlk ra l Misses May an'aikvsd Carrne Lyon froin Waukegani were guëete at thle [illy home Snnday. Roy Bracher traneacted biusiness iu Chicago Tuemday. Mire. Hughes entertaiued ber aont, frr. Trotter, from Mlboro Sunday. The Ladies' Aid Soiiety bel,] a special mieetng ex the homeof lirq. Mille Thure- day afternoon. The next reglar nieet- Ing wkl be hed at the home of Msre. Chit- tenden Tbursday, lue 4th. About thlrty-tive persous wtre present at the reception given at the parelinage under the auspices of the Bile cla8s, Wedne*day eveumng. A Bible claies wa» organized and the irllowing iltliers Wcre elected: H. D). Hughes, preideut, iDr. Jolley, vice preoident, Margaret Haw- kins, secret.ary and George Ijaîziel, treas- urer. 1ev. Wiliams wlll act as instruc- tor. Memiirial services will be beid Bt the Warren eemetery Sunday, May 31. The Royal Neighbore and Woodmen wili hold their memorial services Bt thaearne place the flrat Sunday in June. VOLO. Miws Nttie Russel le visiting relativee at Waukegaa. Miss Edith Ritter, of Stoffei's Lake, was in town Saturday. Miss Anna Compton bas gone to Elgin for a stay with friende and relatives there. Mfr. and lire. Sýleter Wagner and daugte", of %Nest Fremont, were iiunday visitarei bere. MisseAuna Miller and Elsie Waltofl were Wauonda aeVe ouday alter- noon11 Miss Lncy Duanuili spent laiit week at M'et Fremonlt. lirs. John Rosiug je risitirng relatives at (oshen, litd.. tiie nek. Messrs. Dowell and Smith. ,Vi Round Lake, were ln tiiwn onteOBiay at week. Mi"s Maude Eatinger spent laet Mou- day in Elgin. Mise Ruby Cook, af Waueoula, was the gueot of Hellen Raymond over Suday. Mrs. George Bohr, Chicago, le ependiug thie week with her parents, Mfr.and Mre, C. Sabel. Mies Fanny Seton, of Wauconda, vipited triends here Saturday ight. Mire. Fauny Tîîwer, of Chicago, visite,] at the Kirwan home Sunday and attended the Illemorial ezercises here. MigesERla Moore visited trieude at Wauconda last Baturday aiternoon. Mlre,. Cba.rity ltaoght bas returnad to Wak ganatr a stay at the Raoght far m. Paul Avery, oi Lake Villa, and Mis Georgit Kapple, of Grayslaks, were Sonday guesu ext the R. Paddock borne. Mfr. ana MrN. Mike Hertel, of Goshben, mnd., are parents of a baby girl. Mr. and Mmr. Hertel formerly lived at Fremunt andare well kuowu througb- ont this vlinity. Mtie Etma Hanson bas gi ven Up ber position at the Park bote]l.at IL fly and is at ber home lu Vola. Missesl Mary Hook and Hellen Raymond were in Mcfienry Monday eveniug. Mire. Rate Effinger and daugbter, Lillian were iu Wauconda one eveuing last week. DR, EDWARD V. SNM Office over Postaffice Hours: 10Oto12 a. m. 2 to4 an,] 7 taS8 p. m. Libertyvilla, Illinole )tzAlesWaiTii5T RmLaS J. WHITNEY F, DADY LAWYERS 305 Wasbiugtan Street Waukegan, Ihlinaiâ DAn! DR. GOLD)ING DENTIST Hours 8 la 12 a.m.-1 taS5 pa. Kaiser Block Libertyville, Illinols AY-K.STEARNS LAWYER 218 Washington Street Waukegan 'Phone 2761 PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATT~ORNIEY AT LAW. UbortyvIUle, Ilâllols Puais 8U DR. 1. L TAYLOR, OFWICE OVES J.- ELI. TIUGO BLDO. comms-7 ta 10 a. m. 2 ta 4 aud ô ta 8 P. M. sWeldnca on Broadway, opposite Park. Llhertyville, IllInols. DRI E Hl SMTH. DENTIST. OVES LAIE OOUISTT1NATIONIAL BAML ausé-8 ta 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 P. M. DAILY. Libartyvfle, tUili DR, 0. F. BUTTERFIELD, VETEINA.RY SURGEON. ASSiSTANT STATU VMTUIUABL5.. lhbertyll.. tUnols. JESSE & HYATT CIVIL ENGINEER AND) SURVEYOR LibertyviUleIli. Tsi. 851 Ofce with FRANK A. W INDES Wlnnotka, 1lu. 0"udr Cigars and T obacco LOundoy CLARINCE !LAG TONSMRAL PARLOR LUSRtvyaVIL., EjN J ROUND LAME Rusty limoit basrecîgueilat Chas M asone aralh,,. giug t o ,t art a harber slhop Bt lugl-n.ie Sam Tarrent and Fred lirakenian Suudayed witi Round Lak. foli.. Phil Flary and w (e i i@ltî-.lrelatives Bt Freinant Suudeî. [Del Smith i e e,.,in i ,r lurgir uit Olten. Frank Stautoil transeetd lbusiuess litre Tutsday. Mrs. Goa iichards,îu andl hildren spent Suday with Vola relativesl. Lyin u irrie ptiriraseî(l a iiew buggy iii A. Paddock last ivgek. tee,. Rihbardeou spaut llunulay !ri Cfi, ago. We rpflffl ta telli nhat giod wiîrk tht il.uud Lake Maroone did ta Johusburg lla3erel last Stiîday. Thiere wlil te. a dance here neut Satur- day night. Everyhoidy iuvited. RUSSELL. lire. iakt,. io Goruet. wB$ Bt Roseli r ftw dayis lat we-ek eeaing for Mre. F. R. Willuy. Farmere are boey plauting their carn and pattats which bava heen dalayed very much (inu acont ai the wet waa- ther. Dr. Lewin le imite poorly. Dudld Newcll weut vo La Part Slu.- day ta inspect the Gonnes artu. Mr. aud lire. Chli Siver and Warren, of Waukegau), senet Sunday wlth thie Siver iBinilies. Mr. and lire. teflry, iif Kenueba. clýint Sunday Bt A. C. Corne. and Murri-r Bri-.' lird. 1. 0. Coby spent Suuday with lire Mariatit, ai Kenogsha Mn- andlira. IMelille entertained eriit pany froiiî Kenoihea Suriday. The ,adlies' Aid Society wîll meet eith MiseS. C. Brî,a'an Thor8day afternoon, Jue 4 A large attpudauî-e is dêeireul. tDr. W. B. Lewin aili ,delivar a m - mon- lai addreesnext Suuday morning. Every anea ispersonaily invite,] taiha proent, especiBily the aid soidiers. lire. Sarah Young spent the weak in waukegan. mnez and Alice Siver visited lu Wads- worth tht lesît ai the week. Alvin Meville returne,] tram hb west- ern trip Saturday nigbt. Ha report& a fine time. Healaso visite,] bis brathar, Mlton, lu Montana. J. A. Reevas rrived with a Ioad ai nows and caiveas the middle of the week. DR. C. R. GALLOWAY. OrYICE OVES LOVELL'5 lRIatieSTORE. aus-trom 1 ta 8 aud 6 ta 8 p. m. Libertyville.hIllios. LYNC2H BROTHERS aluIerakas, Liv" laInConaetion Phone 1383 1LberyvIlis. 111. - WlitSetaaawn* 'lby vIliopeùvlà 1k wfactUry in due tims for ordero for DoCooIB Day. TIo very buet ai creaM vW 1 manufacturesi boeset Prims. usaouq CN~ grayiake le a ff I L. FRANK,. Massages Telqahoas36 RAYOtAe.S Kuebker& I1o, hal *e latem POlb modoeate prkum ELIZABETH LEU GRAYBLAKE, I114. CLIANOfD IIANDS Lumber, Shingles, 1 Posts, cernt am d ALse MILLWO9 GIVE «E A THIALi- 4 I --c Amnn Bros.p ROI;ND LAKE, MIL This wilhaethe openlng danesof laturday night dances1aithe seasan and] a grand tima la pro ta ail. Excellent Munie Ticket& 75 Ceuta Don'pt Mim 1t AMANNBRS ROUND LAfitt, tu- FARM MACINEWRV» of ail Kinda REPAIRED w th~ Thoroughness. Dispatch Disc IlarowsShru* WILLIAM LAYCOCK C Opposite St. Paul Frelght 0ee Waukegaa's Great Vaudeville Eouuk The Barrisoà Sherdan Roami sudWashington 8St Home ai Higb-Case Vaudeville.Toi will always finol a splendid bih i j* Barrison. Open aIl sommer. Prices-Daily liles, 10e, 8 P. M. RvenIngs, 10-20c, 7:80 and 9 W'I 1 1