Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 May 1908, p. 8

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S Suray miuuayt. Momdays. Tundays, Wednesdays and Thanrdays FOULD$* MAC ARONI, The grat dish in combination with fish. A1 book of recipes in every package tells of many ways of pre- Z 0ngF ulds' Macaroni alone and wjhih, meats an d vegetables. Foulds' Macaroni is a clean, pure American product. f Summer Comfort The main thing in warm weather ia ta m3ake yoursell andi yww fbmlly as comiortable a possible, Hardware la uually caled a utope article but ne#erthelea we have in stock mflay o the luxuriea andi neceuties that aretaieeded et your home durimng the mmer sema. rirgerators keeg.'the mi&k swetand the butter soliti, Screens keep out the flices, bug&. moaquitos andi other peuts Oil Stoves do away with the unpleauat duty cf cookng over a mass of bot metel and keep the temperature af the kitchen t a does «that s endurable, HB. EOGER LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. TickIed? 0f course, why not---- We sed the SCHIAEFFER PIANO We consider ourselvea very fortunate ne It la an Instrument no one hetitatea to buy BECA USE Mf1R-The price la mot low (yery few people want a cheap Piano, so ve wont loue much busness on that uccouat). UBCOND-The - prce la Dot sway up (people hesitate then. they're doutful as to gettng ful value), Se yoenuse whex thse toue la hourd and th9e price aaanumd it asena anothar SCRAEFEE aIold and another home. ma". happy tbrough Alden, Bidinger & Co. 209 N,. GeneseceSteet s i a a a WAUKEGAN, ILLNOIS A CITY WATER SUPPLY For Your CountryHorne If jeu live ln taie country there lu a way for yen tu enioy all thie comferta and m._, vu4aimm.aOf o!City water euppiy wltbout the expenditure Of&a penny for watertam. It la accornpished by thie Kewanee Sy.2cm. Witib the Kewanee Bytem yen get aven mare than lty oervice, bacausel, lu addition tu every benefit the latter afferds, yeu rnay hâv- Pure, iresai water. Cool water in thie ummer. No feslng water lI the winter. And a plant wiIl lat a lile-tima. 12 yul alve the country water prebleot -empletely. lu a KewaaaeO.Yutem yeur tank lecated ln the haeement or any con- vicint lac, ad te wterin umpd ito he ankwhih frmetheair pressure. No le.oe of -vour tank eskiug and epoillng your heome. Neyer need8 expenee!fce- pairing for there La uethiug ta get out ef culer For etimatts sud Inrmation apply ta ALBERT W. LICH-TFELD LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. A5 u iJRUtKLS. 19 ass1 stEsiers AdjudIatioandtice koess, ive Ibttie Adjudication Notice. Publlejtotne la bareby e htt mmxsÔn 1 j ai a!Orsuald '. , te MANY DEMÇCRATS WERf I'ORGOTN Thie anger ot a number of Dema- crats bas been aroused te auch a piteh this week that It le ietimated a bat- tie for thie bead of the county cent1f.J committee wll be thie outcomne and that already a feeling of hatred tô-ward each other existe between the leader, ýMichael Huasey, and other promineet Demecratic heads, as the result of a general turndewn admIn- itered Demcratir leaders Saturday niernlng by the chairman of thie cern- toittes. Recently, en the stery rune, M. Hua- sey, chairman of the committee lu Waukegan. received a comçaulcatlon from the chairman of the Kenosha Democratte ccmmlttee, asking that he select a number rof leadlng Demecrata as a body te represent that city at the Bryan welcome lu Kenesha Saturday niernlng. . Mr. Hlussey, It le stated, Immediate- ly requ.ested that Attorney J. &. Orvs accompany hlm te Kenosha. The at- torney agree dand Saturday they left for the clty of Kenosha, where they found two reserved seats await- Ing them 1tr the large hall where Bryan addrt0ased the crowd. Accerdlng te a statement of oeeof this ctys leadlng Demecrats, who does ont happen te be the chaîrman of thae cemmttee, ail wlth the prebable exception of Attorney Orvis were turned dewn hard and left eut In the cold. They are angered hy the acticns of Mr. Hussey and now the g.en.ral cry la revenge." The actiens cf the chaîrman ef the ccmmttee are unacceunted for. Seme dlaIm It was a plîtîcal dedge. Otai- ers are cf the opinion that he teck this cppertunlty te even up with taipse who deserted hlm when aie tan agaînat William S. Bulock fer xayer cf Waukegau. Taie last opinion was expressed by oeeof Waukegsn's attorneys whc lisp- pena le be a strecg sud energetic Democrat and whe hadl cectemplated attecdlng the meeting at Kencaha. Thie general result wlll aie, It lsaai- leged, that whee thie votes are count- ed and Waukegan la called upon te express bow mrnuy they deire te cast for William Jenulugs Bryan, there wilI be but taie two. Weak wcmeu ehould read my "Bock No. 4 For Womeu.' It waa writteu expresy for woemen who are net well. The Book No. 4 tells e! Dr. Scboapes INigt Cure"~ and mast haw thee soothing, heasiig, autlaeptlc supposl- taries caulie successfully applleti. Thee book, snd strictly confidential medical advice laenetirely free. Write Dr. Shoop, Raolue, Wie. Taie Nîglt Cure tg sold by ail dealers. - I" Restorative "AU. DEAL£ERS" rBAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Marbie and Granite Monumenis Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence boIicited 126 Geoesee St Wankeg"~ Lake county Title & 'iai Cou. Abstracts of Title. >Ttie Gueirauteed lMauonlc Temple Bdg. Wauksgau, 111. Loi .GURSE, $-Y. Michael Maher et al. ta Fred Pear- son, 5 acres ou southmaie Wasiug- ton et., about bai! mile wet 0f Wau- kegmn City limite, W. D., $2. C. E. Saryler snd wlfe to John Soltia sud vlle, lot 3, block 16,%Weyer'a tuai. North Chicago. W. D., $480. Estatê of Sophie McEwen, decd., ta T. K Scott, lot 45, block 88, North Chicago. W. D., $1. Susan D. Whituey to T. K Scott, 7lots ln Northi Chicago. W. Da, $2. Estate of Ellie A. Hilt deed., to T. K. Scott, lot 14, block 84, Northi Chi- cago. W. D., $1. Mollie 13. 2hipe sud hus, tu T. K. Scott, lot 1, blocki 110, Northi Chicago, and lots 14 and 15, block, Washburn Park. W. D, $1. W. P. Jabes and wlfe te Caddie L. Turner, Iots 23 and 24, block 2, Bat- tershalia s uai. Grayalake. W. B, $200. Caddie L. Turner and hus, tu W. F. Jahus, lots 17 and 18, Prectera suai. Grayalake. W. D., 81,5650 Rebecca B. Bernstein and hus, ta J. G. Hazzard, part lots 0, 5 and 6, Pow- ell & Hutchins' sub. le block 31, origi- nal Waukegan. W. D., $3,500. Abert Yagec and wife ta Fraudas Yager et ai., undlvlded 1-5 66 acres ln Sec. 27, Deerfielil Tp. W. D., $1,200. A. F. Thurîxan te E. C. Thurnan, part lot 2, Wlnthrep Harbor. Deed, $100. Frederlck Busse and wife te F. W, Busse, Jr.. 80 acres ln S. B. qr. Sec. il, Avon Tp. W. D., $1. E. A. Cummîngas and wife tc C. J. Bjork and wife, lot 1, reacai. lots 4 and 5, block 3, Waukegan Highlands. W. D., $400. U A. Burge snd wlfe te L. H. Pren- tîce, 40 acres lu S. WV. qr. b'ec. 13, Aven Tp. W. D., $3.600. Estate of Seniual ý. White decd. te R. W. Hawykins, lots 113 and 114, Ra- viola. Deed. $1. f B. E. Booth te Adeline Booath, lot 8. block 12, Exmoeor add. Highland Park. W. D., $500. Mater lu Chancery te Gerhard Schrack, lots 8 and 9, block 55, Nortai Chicago. Deed, $799.64. Mary A. ONeil et ai. te J. A. Seyl, 20 acres ln N. W. qr. Sec. 18, Deer- field Tp. Deeda, $4. Electa A. Waters sud hua, t e oe. 22;aIttie P. Mapn, ZMon Jlty, 19. iverett !As Millard, Hlghland Park, 41l; EUzabslb Boyiton, 26. Edwin M. I3odd, Chicago, 29; Hed- wig A. tifller, 22. W. T. Foabender, Highland Park, 25; Jean Mackeie, 25. Clyde E. Cjran@, Chicago, 25; Myr- telle bicKee, 25. A Cough 13'edicine - Ayer's Cherry Pectoral l.aà regular cougli medicîne, a amrg medicine, a docîor'>a iedlicine. Good ;or easy coughe, bard coughs, desPer- elle coughs. If your doctor endormes ht for your case, tae it. If not, doa't uake il. Neyer go contrary to hie advlce. Auer's im: Thie doue of AyesaPilàlse mail, ouly orne aijedhie. As anale, axative doses are boertibaicathartdue .For con- spalabifioaaanest, dyspepsla, sick- b a 'ahs they cannot be excelled. Ast jour doctor about ibis. Ilke a New PerfectionWick Bine Plame OilCook-Stove. ,Anyâàlg that My uMWYecm do the. -New Perfectioà" Vii do, aud do it ber. Ulm, rom, boUi, tawM; h" t h. waah lcm ad8. fronaand does. 1 wthout dbdspathaag had agb 8. ro*4 to JI.r dàuoft.lh actuaUly kees ethe kitchen cool-.ctuly ma is..1coafortable for you while ddlng the faaaily cooklxag, becaue, unlke the coal range, ils heat la dirocted ta cee point onlp-.rlght under the kettie. Mode iu three sassa, fuaiy warrafed. If mot -ith your dealier, write owarucaest agency. ~RavbLA MF ~~ lght Ibat luveagastefai to tlrmd eye&-eà perfect atudeut or family I.ap. Bna., nickel plateS, hence mons dur- able thau ether lampa. If ual wttai jour dealer, write aur er- esl sgency. MTANDA» uD iCOUPA"T 1IePfftf IF It's gooci clothes you want you can every time and aalways find them ini Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes and we sel thcm in Lake County. A great selection of ail the new shades. Btowns, Tans, Grays, Bloc Serges, Etc. Suitst 1$ 10.00 to $25.00 Top Coats, $ 10.00 to $20.00 Cravanettes, $ 10.00 to $20.00 Or Boy's and Young Men's Clothes Departments the Greatest ti the County. The Gwreat Clothes y er S and Shoe Stor e 121-123 No. Genesee St., Waukegan, 111. Your fare refunded on reasonable purchases. l'el . -À là Zeller, lot 3, block 8, Park add. Wau- kegan. W. D., $800. G. A. Loebsted to W. Wachowiak sud wlfp, lot 19, block 19, Washburn Springs. W. D., $200. Henry Hahna ta Wm. Jackson and wlfe, lot 6, bock 3, OYoyles suai, lu Sec. 14, Grant Tp. W. D., $1,700. Anus Werner and hue., te Jacob Goldschrnldt, lot 29, and part lots 27 sud 28, block 11, Waukegau Hi gh- lands. W. B., $1,600. Geo. Thomson sud wife et alint Chas, sud Ida P. Spielir, lot 7, snd sautai bal! lot 6, alock 1, Lakeside suai. Grayalake. W. D., $700. Gustave Leffert sud wf e ta UGeo. Zabule, lot 10, ailock 14, Exmoor add. Hghland Park, W. B., $2,800. Mstlîew OMallia te Mary Arm- strong, lot 6, block 1, McKay'q 2ud add. Waùkegan. W. P., 8600. Master lu Chsuncery to F. IF. Pale, lots 5, block 2, sud Iota 7 te 12, block 3, Berd du Lsc Bluffe. Deed, 1&75. JUDGE 1ItIBAm MW LOCATE IN WAUKEGAN la Aiso Consldering Removai to Na- tive Stat. of Vermiont or Remaining ln Hi-ghand Park. By a deal completed s few days ago Judge Lewis B. Hiaibard e! Highland Park, taie veteran SUN correspond- eut sud nortai shore leader, suiS hie elegant reideuce te S. M. Hastings, a Chicago manufacturer cf scales, Waio la secu ta take possession. Taie cou- sideratîcu la 81,000 cash. Judge Hilihard wae lu Waukegsu this week sud le uudecided waietb- er te tay iu Hghland Park, wbere taie people wish hlm te stay. remova ta Vermout, waeraebb as an'eye on su elegaut lîttle place, or cerne ta Waukegan. Ha bas so mauy cordial friands lu al threa places that aie bas net yt made up his mind. Dpad. Mrs. E. H. Graber, 32 years old, wifa of E. H. GraIer, suparinteudant cf taie Wilder-Manning Tauuiug Company at taie foot cf Water street, dled Son- day rnorniug at 3 cf peritenitia. libe was 32 yearl eld 'snd leaves aie- aides taie husbsud, a dauglter e! 6 yeare o! age. The family realdence la at 106 Soutai Utîca street. TIiESE WILL WEO. 1-ea 0. toker, legal agè; Hattie Oiluon, lu gaiaa. Chicago licos.: Kuuwtee lee Wauk.aff, 44; Battle Demam, Lake Bina, 44,

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