t" bat emjan name4 be ha e champion ejit r rancel mtcle races cause many qtMiy. Bo fer as thse rid. DOIi. the cotesta develop ,or diseppearing stoju- *hrork faces that ramlnd *,wi iun1Mr. Dates "In- apetater anafly getsaa wt nec.k hef ore h ta prA C ttyiug tu "pipe off", aul tbas à te h erlar frsck used Lla aht&SixB day races o! tise b"e deterloratod to such an âat there 1leflot tisa sllghtest ut1 sport ln them. They are baishm erasrprlaes o tisa beoei sort "Balins of the Oakln" (Cal.> W' bau fclowad Au"t Bel- OmCF ofr efuSlng ta slow esc- Wwathm ta be sent ta pool "M thse trseL laUltis thing e a mma tram Iosing hW. mon- du e5ouemdtnt vils tise. 94Btu ast.et freeami Ttxbm *ooW Drciw *-rima eff record. B80Wu e* et uea"thse mme.wUot a ~6.... eluhet tu a ýé-ami vmS b@U mdli me a W' Wu * OW a ai- - us Tâ*l ise at Gk@G. Mt. i'vam in m uj gte JO - eteb. À4 " T *P afl. oe&db mm wý Iuuàsmdmb. tao fthe tb~ etfflnu u Mt ispbwl teacem m bw tom =nMd ed m-eu.r aqgmug a poemx, dmn- va,.a. .~.14 0 42 IUUMr»' EÀBEBALLDIN- alOPble to tise tune o "The M Vhas&" by Georýge Cohen. y"7o know Mlke. bAýop Ch""*e to bru et $udab.the. best la the won&d çltW*W imst fai Mt* &Zt51 brt»inl a wSdrl iy 04i 4 LUT Ladies Coats and Cravanettes. Our %reat lot of sample coats whicis we were very fortunate to secure ln New York from 'two of the largest manufacturera, are mede ln the very lategt PrlInce Chap effect, made up In tan covs'rt or fine black, chiffon, Panama ami are worth as high aà $1o. They will he on sale et the $ rldiculously low Irîce ofU..... 3.9 l,a1dlce Covert Jackets, ver, llnelY tailorp I 2 Inch ength; s a s secil (>penhuîg Inducenient......$ .9 l.ades' 'overt Jacket, 36 n h lcngth; en- tirPily taffeta lined worth $L ifl a uropnigweek $1 0 1 w; Ladies' Beautiful Chiffon Panama Jacketsa 1 36- inch iength, taffeta lined througbont, worth $1.Dur- in SecalOpnigsale ........ On o fcraveneptted rain-coat:s for ladies e,ý and Misses. special for the Opening$3 8 3356 ~week .................... 39 Remnarkable Skirt Sale wu LADIES 0F WAUREGAN AND LAKE COUN- TV: COME ANI) SEE TUF 'ALEKX REBlIN VOILE ShiRT FOR $398. Your money will be refunded If Yon can duplicate this offer else- where. They are trimmed with bands of taffeta; Made up iu fine French voile, and are worthl and neyer shown for less than 7.50. Our special price for this groat ~ O sale.............. U.J Ladies' and Misses Panama skirtýa lu ail colora; pleited or gored stylesq; trlmumed wit.h 6 iuch folds, sbsoiutely the ver>' latest effects. Regular price $450. Opeuiug week ouiy............... $1~.95 Finest Chiffon Panama its, cmew th two tolda of taffeta handismewit f s rsaine material, full four adfv .yrswietibot- tom. Positively cano edpi catedl for less than $1 'l'h. This OPeuing week sale ........... 4,9 Ladies Beautiful Lace Coats. Ladies beautiful lace coals nl tan, white, black, and golden brown etc. l'rice .sked everywhere S.o.Our Special 0peing Week pnce............. .......... ...$79 ALLY INVITE YOD OA NEAR POST OFFIOE * .......'.- † . 'f :1» Saturday June 6th tbe doors of one of the most magnifi- cent stores of the West will be thrown open to the public. This store which will be one of the larges specialty stores ini this vicinity wiil contain everything in the lime of ready-made wear for ladies and children, and wlllbe amost complete exclusive ladies ready-to-wear establiahmeni; for in addition to an extensive line of Suits, Coat8, Siirts, Wai8ts, .Afillinei'y, 1osiery, Wecktear, Belts, .Mualin- Underwear, 'h idrents -Dres4ses aznd (>oats,%etc., we wili aloo carry a most complete and reliable line of Ladies Shoe8, ev*fr 1>811 of which wiil be positively guaranteed and if unsatisfactory a new pair will be cheerfuily given in excbange. One price will prevail throughout and with -the har- mony existing between employer and employee our friends and patrons will be treated with the utmost courtesy and cordiality and our greatest endeavor will be -To Piease. 7~n-,,vcj. .e.:.".3 - j- r 7.za ~ Cm1 a FOU CAN U Lingerie and ~W We put forth the gratt effort ta e$spm prices tilat would enAble 111 ta 01yrex wunderful silk jumper suit Mt 00.X5,W1( Those suite are Madie UP Of gafflha4m skirt. Tise effect la beautlftsbL 140fi hàne Rhowu for Iesa thau $16-00. Ousr Opeieing' Week price wI be.................. Silk dresses and jninper mlitsa 1u54%%P la n>t# i;tyles and mterials; ail I J2600UMp4.6 ilta Opening Sale pries ......ý ... Handsome white lingerie prince»a dreommw1i shown et our opeulng et the amt0d»iiUglY Beautiful sommer dresseslu white. il kIix or two piece stYles, sud are triinm >î laces embrolderies; worth eerTwhérm 7,0 Grand Opeuing Sale priçe . i. . ..**"1 Most elaborate white princasa dregaOm4 stadj broiderles and othur fanCY CreatiOna,4,rigÏeae worth es high et $2600; Ladies $15.00 Suits $4.95 Ladies Dressing Sacques. Beautiful Black Petticoats.. Ladies Si 5no suits-not nuis lefi oyer fromspring Ladies dressing sacques made up in fiue figcdBlack, rusiling petticoats with embroidçmsd but brand nw gouda. This sale begins at> laiwn. Sale begins 8:3o in the morning u open flounce, worth S2oo. Opeing week o'clock in tise mornug. Sper-ial iA F ng day.Opeing Sale jQ * Li l 0OPE 'N 1ND AY SATURDAY9 JUNE bth' 212 No. Geneu.. Street. Handsomne Souvenirs will be presented to ail visitors on our Grand Opening Day. Delightful Music furnished by the Lindberg Orchestra. Through years of experience in the buying of cloaks, suit& and other ready made ladies and childrens garments we are connected with the best maitufacturers in the country and are in a position to off er to the public the greatest values and most exclusive styles shown in this vicinity. Carfare wilI be refunded during this great Opening Sale to aff purchasers of goods to the amnount of $5.00 and over. Grea.t "Grardxd Opetiing" WaJst Siale. Our waist department will he throngut onue combination of hargains. Lawn wats made of good materials on sal1e et .......................................................5 Lawn waistri with entire embroiderd front, wil he e.Id49 Corneand see the display o! -AlxiIs he" shirt waists at 9ùc. 'ou will Sund here wasts made-up of al (ver ('ifbroidery;inuit haudsorme crpations ofu colored and white telior-made mliist for whicl yoîi bave formerny paii $2 .00 and $2.50. These wiii leligrit Che e>e of every lady viitor to our sale and go at the astouishingly low 95c price of ................................ . ... . . . . . 1 We will show an arrangement uf ecril nrt waistqs made up lni imîorted maelliste thOU beretofore have been considered wii be ....................................... .~ C= mmi a -mi Lai COD "i,