Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jun 1908, p. 3

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UflN1 V4Lar INFANTS OMILOR EN 'S , N'S ~VEAR c14ILDISIWA::~ t' LONG BEDFORD COftO COATS. LACE TRIMMEU REGULÀR $3.50 VALU ES 491 ALL WOOL COATS IN MIXTURES BIZES 2 TO 12 VEARS, POSITIVELV - wvsr" L 2ORT WHITE SERGE COATS. Collarsnd Cufetasitiad witi, V^l vet, actuai $6.50 vas.O -lawn KV4OSMA SATUI FOI 1,K OElON SATMNAT, JUNI lîth Betveen the BOUT$ of 2 and 3 P. M. MhseW and Children's Muslin 'Nlgbt Gowns 29c Regular 75e Value I LTIONAL PRICE LY AND-NONAY ~~~X#~1MENDGED SUCCS&Ourgra sale has alreacly ï:h tdy'cxtraor4u*ffarybargains and WC- feel that tbde 'people of Waukegan and ail Lakc County who have ey r ntitled to the benefits of this etupendous gnoney saving sale.. Heretofore, when we had our large dut, ru epectdwndru bargains, which we'"eaIy gave you, but neyer in your anticipations have you -bargains as charaeizet1hiigigantic Price-Slashlng Sale. NOTHING BUT BARGAINS-fortified pproacbabl. Corne and convince -yourselves thàt ov'r store is the one fQr you. iv ybdy aturday V~~WLAND FRENCH LINQEMtE R#*ANaEMROIOERIE$ WORK- 1 00 4.&$5 iILAWN WAISTS LINGERIE Fancy Embrold- 0-E ered WAISTS 850C 1.98 A~t 25 Si- 4$i Wo-rth $15 to$2 ONE TO A CUSTOMEA WhiIe They Last. aal Attention Ghaiig suouc i sses Below Maker's Cost A PROMINENT MAKER CLOSEO OUT IS ENT.RE STOCK TO US AT A TERRIFIC LOBS, BRINGING VOU THESE CMARMING NEW SUIT$ AND DRESSE$ FOR LESS THAN HALF TH..IR ACTUAL WORTH. PRINCE WA1, ASA 1,L E TWO 0- P EC E Two Pisce CHAP SUMMER TUB DRESSES Lingerie Dresses WASH SUITS DRESSES ALL COLORS in white, Pink, and Stu. 390 1.98 -1.39 4.50 i - - N I -..--.-..--.-', ,., - BEAUTIFUL COM- tMUMtiIULfl' r.- WHITE SERrIONS, FULL A COI-ORS CI4AMURAY AND 'S*IPED PERCALE 4thePrices $#IP ISQWN 4«IWT~ ~îktS -. çJ., et. , s Speciatý,gashing of Prices o. ali ANG MO%9c MLAC£S COULl.*"jANO BOW TI Es, 19C ~WSITMED4AOICftHIES,5c ASBELTS, ODO D* N N" z:zr 7c -kW"M CMI LDREN 'S WHITE WASM COATrs, %L~OO Values '79c INATION COLORS REGIJLAR $2 VALUE 96c Lhm Skil GORED or PLEATED STYLES 189 -'v .. - _______________ We Are Recognized LeaderE COATlý,,ALL COLORS - S~VALUES WOMKLN'S AND Ab»uttéy worh $72 3 1,V Dr* EIegantly TrIma.< With Lace Worth $5.00 Worth $5.00 of Low Prices in MILLIN-ERY TRIMMED MATS AT LESU THAN COST 0F MATERIAL MATS MATS MATS - 49c 98c 1.50 S SEVERAL HUNDRED BUNCHES TO SELECT 1c PROM. SPECIAL AT Women's, Misses' and Children's Muslin Underwear AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES MUSLIN PETTICOATS MEMSTITCMED, SPECIAL .............59 Misses' and Children'a Drawers, tucked and edged witli embroidery 2 Regular 350 v"Alue... 12 GOWNs Low NecJ<ed Wlth Beading, Tucks ad Rlbbons, 1.25 Ad 49 $1.60 values .... WOMENI8 MUIbIN DRAWERS Very fult, opSO or- cloed, tuoked or lc* trlmmed, Reguarl2 S0c values .....12 I - U _________________aima.___ iT'h ~.*merle8~I o.hgPa ~ ~aaaiU.*i Uti~ tt lui 1 TAF' Ex] Party and NÂVAL cag CmorS ou n latual VsTU ( SI L REMONSTRANCE AGAMST 100- GRAW AND SHERRET PETMTON. Citimesu Say They Suspect th* Pt- tionerl of Running Blind MU00 Aver Dry Village Muet b.etU% thse board or supervsors togruNI.- tisem a license to cenduct A, è" shop et Cuba milk station ubO" f te miles nortiswest of BatiUUlO'W Cuba township. Thlr Petit» 'A tains :samajority- ot ail1lb» v0f.ri hl thse township as requtrel by law. Suporvisor tainey prOSeSit.a eo-ý monrnce sigised by forty-thT4 <l sens ofthetownsip lu MA "U i -it je alegel"ThM tthse vRlg :I.- U«egon ut thse elestion-bell A*II21, 19", bec"" e" untl.saloon t4rltoey. and tisat tise evident paroMe et lb.- »pLDlesnts for Buck lkcusue la ta Pro' viue imm"nfor uemulmIZa IitozÊ1ting liqur ta thse reaidebV6t I a ardtnlaW - e4ltdug thse saine, wb.@ 0M am t 8e550 It vitisin sMM village, s-4 that b* grantlM oôtsncb Ileenue by yon VO tend to lbisente th Ie ruideutb o!1u&&W iTijae the. bnebi.nt resulta Ofthlie recent electiots. Tous attentions luabIs called ta the tact tisat It IlasaligE d generally belteved tsaItihe auplcmitâ for sncb licende have for 8u"sine n been engag e d ilu tise ,nlawfui "M mU ot liquor Ait Cuba station. and VIO, out iicense f rom your honoahW jbody." The pelition and renMmaOt«W& are in te banda of the conitte M license. New York, June' la -4 TIV'" Allen, tise plIol 'myt 28, vas not 4dme *tIbw lbg toa srep'ort m&40,W a ecfflue k I ~naj btesMn 89CI COL.ORED hil ~Ii4I MA A#tD KIN%*IKIRTS,' ..L I.. . . . . . . 1l.98 <PECTED LATE IN THÉ Y6AMt ty of Chicagoans Look Over Siter .d Buildings and Ends VIsil With Game of GoId ut Onwentela. (From We&nesdas Sun.) MeLdJÉ by Con#ýeaumn FoI4, a Party ersmber*of the Chicago Cent,- meree- Association which purehaftd the. site for the naval uchool et Neft" Chicago, visited and inspected thse ras- ervation this afternoon. Flfty members of the Chicago Com- merce Association, beaded by M. 9, McCullough, vice preuldent of thse Chicago & Nortbwestern rallroad. as- sisted by Admirai Rosa, Capt. MeYay and Paymaster Rose, of thse naval uta- tion, spent a most enjoyable hour ln- spectIng the work now beîng Corn- pleted ut the naval station lest soutis of North Chicago. A speciai train brought the promi. nent business men and bankers trorn bi mois at 11:45 tblsoioii- Ing. Thse Inspection committee utln- ner ln thse oew dining cars, wlilo b"-a been attached to thse speciai timta. Aryiving ut thse station at 12.30, the- party wae escorted ta thse laite ft. where an ezamInnation of thse marine construction work was coMmenssel AIl members of teparty were beail'- lly pleased wlth the. rapid stridesap-l parent Althougi thse party spest aun e bour ut thse station, not one moiaber f thse association w s ale tu lo at & n aingie flaw in thse work alreadY - pleted. Thse party left the naval tralnin# site at 2 o'ciock for Luke#FOrUt. where members swapped golf be"l snd romped &round Onwenitaia &UaIla- ternoon. This eveaing a banquet WI lb. 10é,ved to thse bal! hundred ut the toitI grounds club bouse. Cgpt. Hood, oetihe Britishs n&TY, wbo at present la acting austhse SsiI- tais attache to tisis couattT, vas n- able to be in attendance today, but lit is understood tisat ho vill vielt th station neit week. During the year President TheOeU«*. Rtoosevelt and Secretary Of War 1Tat - are sciseduled te visit the station. iL has; not been learued yet Itist Ie7 tisese two leaders of thie ootntl7'511F teresta wîlI pay their respfet t lst part of tbe country. À"", Imm. R ci latINgTON, DIT, Fu4 NOVE FOR fhI

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