'ut of e 5< icient 1)>! g:. Wlck I ~tove %*etion" OU Stevethe prepmtio f 4 b49-weekly îbkingtt1 Mdone witbont m8tPre perceptibly above that of any other re expprueao t* 14theb à good lIi. le gaanotooelli atte e raSar Setul =yaigitdeae noxi on. viii b.eB.ixri-Y e"enla1, lait,. ('o09 e -i ayago The Round L*be maroona vijii tb. Antloçb bail te ln the oreuoci July 4th. OUsine cat jaI1080 @ah Miss Ueffié Shnb.r le the guest o! Vua. IRamons Ibis veek. lre. JOsePhRlley vilo bas beenet Wn vthlMre. Robert Barvey the p wvqba bh-a etarued to ber bome L4bstyvlie. Mim Edih Darby closed a sucea taes of achool et Beiuesvllle Ibs 8h. gv"e b.r echolars a piculc St Itou 15k. WednWsav aftemna b@ee -ôtea1vio atuended had a good lime. 4 i K XSe Watts vo hma b;en v inI le Very much lmproved. Mi-Osera Fox viulled ai Round La bod EollnïTueslay. Endl Laitue, Of Waukogan, speni & éw at home. Lou Garwood, of Autlocb, vas 1ne, Of bis ParmaseSanday. Ml-ise My(2"0"ld, of EHainei va. the 90-l of Mide Sera Fox We eamn Grahamn, or Ohiago, laet Mn.t Of lira Kte VaWai t rs. Whit oeon tbe Lake Shore Drive. Lovell and Ruth Wbltzuors arnia hore faut vesi fron t beir uncl's ai Bt cock, Wl.., 10 apead the summer wv their Graudmother Witluore. 8eBev.aer sud vif., J. S. tiu sd vile, Mesdames A. and N. SmiI sud XiMaNUIBroutansd Alice Sire atteud.d the. ngre al oe hcSc voation et ==ulIr Tueaday aIdn port a vor fine meting. ti. Ed Wagnsr in eni.nt&fll, mother, Uti. Vîitain, of ankegan. JeSseLoa ,J.hat basinse ln Chicago Tuesday. li. n.sd a Adr.v Whieand aMu dasgh-s, Moue, riaiedt daiWaaega Saturday. Mi" AUda L*tinsvisitesd rle"ad Veakesea Saterday. Several fron, haie aaded fl tbar ralslug st charles Shaido,'.lidiVswe Ray Kîmbali, 0I Wanoad, iraig acted tWIalNese hae Wedu.day. Word reeelvi trou itor Bave ti&tos idiotb. arrived et Khimd Ianz rlgb but bi. fuaiatun s vabail ra but bal liIl vas a Paa r i0hKga Mmoving. H. "athélIoalook10 THE - MACH, Il p ond toihlm ud h. tIàlahe hq v, irm.11 i tien.. MIvyitesà" i fwla.êlI apotted Ob ball ka'ue won itsihb@seu rivealmy LeaelaIPart 10 Ai. Madames . J. W Kapple sud Johnbs eg:fln day et Vaukegan. MiesaRob.rt& Harvey vWslid frksu at Waukegan Vedousday. tire. MarabIl oIntertied th.eRoy, Nelghbhors Tueeday ovenlng. - tirs. Viol& M. Kapple rettraed Satur day aller a veek et et. peu as e dpi gare for the tiystic Vorkera, Grayalé lodge, 166 M. W. W. J. J. ouga bhae o al nolien th. stock o . S.GeneIgeie n d4y sd Wduf d n ! a Trv.k neeldets o Ingleslde. tira. Frank Fritsch ki Tueday foa tise Lakreside hospital vb.re ial» Wu undengo a serions OPratioa Thuredaj Of Ibis week. . You eau Sund ail the Po ulat eoffl lb. dea t the Grayàaa e Ou. f baMost ppulan sangp aI01 tovu ias"Somebody Lied," 25omteipb! copy. B. A. Watson, o!flRockefeller, mnd hunried Calilbore Seturday evealng.' Announcomeuts are ont Ion a jIna party Thuraday eveniug when issg r Ubansd Lester viii outtn til B. L G. Club aud a number of 1h. friends di tbe home o!ftire. R. Chureffl tFhe grades at the Graysake achoc loeed las Pi nday. M""ieretrude Lester relurued 10 hS homne etI Lieryvlle Stturday. Sig aticPa«. a estern trip dnnlg ho, Gurai Lnsfr aud lanaily, or ivanboe ver gueits 0!1tirs. Nick Smith, Sundej. Miss OhnilnCa DeithontaIWeUksga vlsitqd bar motber firet of the week. Miss Ada Kuebier, of Chicago, sa Saturday and Sunday vith bher brouip Heury sud vile. Wm- Pes*«r-transacted businesa Chicago, Tburedey. Ali Grang r, (fAilocb,espet Sn,'da aI tis. Joe Turner home. Alty. Churchill Inansacted business ai Atilocb tioaday. Mis Ey Dolitîle vlslted ai Wauke Miss Aunabel Wbitmorse peul Setr day lu Chicago. E MMnyAdams waasa waukegau visitei Baturday. Miss Gymaol ch- vas tb. guesi01 tia Bards., o01Aftlocb, i>"unay &Bd suaday,1 >.,4 l5be"Me Pbhctou"Steve as ideal for aummer um ~Ma&gin Ih tli= «iesad al vwarrate& I.f - not et Y=ouh esiiswrite our nearest agency. l'hoLrnp *eIê..-s huior irs ftm deag.osNa b:ian àmo k& oit co mito d i.]âtt ~9 YIJ M!d A IANO? ,tu om -9 7 huw..mmSCHAEDR fSC. TT nom% 0 ai -éat M AY TMME STIvu Io o roUNITUR TR 0. E. TEANOLICKWSE OUNDERTAKER AND o ;: a as. EssS* TaipoaN.4 Ami slppa gTrais 13AKER and CONFECTIOER Uberbpuvle - lI Iowa NOTEL8 AND RETAILERS 8IJPPLIED WE LIVER TO ADJACENT TOWN$ ....-r.~--1*,SO*IS*SO**lS***S BStO5*S~SSippppspsp;:p:*~j e- - 1V 8UR SOD AI ï'of Soda Drinke bave pronoued our Founlain Specialties boat fruit@, thbetfliavore, plenty of ie sud the beel creare vLr svene la always cean sud our price..resonable. We nî7inlg too good fontu fountaiu or our cue3tomera.. bouc Choclalo MalleS tilk-ft'a a vinnen. )rayslak6 Pharniacy r, P. J. RUCE, Prop. ORAYSLA.KE, 1t. -Griwjslake. Bakerq Meas .~ iuucesServed aDEP TE N T' Z~~T 3 P~~~~~~RTM ~~~Iira M. Barries, of Park Ridge, aent ' . sm.> sla e~ Lo Iu No. 11 maieral day. at lis tarni here lut week. C 'ur'73 sls ia Adv.tlslg Raes n Aplicaion J. B. Keller entertained is brother r AdedlgjitsD ppiain from Itockford the ladt of the week. i.tL ti1o r. and tis George Van Zandt, of WiI. reSU!t ficmn tk. Who "~~La Angelot, Cal., are viaiting relativesi7(nm 1bSlst Bial Gane.bas Tb la a verse ai excting gae lent Mr. and Mira. Fred Chard are reiîeîg Hope, Test, j ai-~u, ar ina. Suaday ozitbIijlpnd Lake diand th. Over ithe arrivai of a baby boy'bora flan.. Round LMIWtJimrons trimmed the. Tueay, June 9. EmasIn [Ake. juaker Qae*&.min a score or tu 7, liae. C. C. Ames and danglteropput a AU.. DROGGISTSa. 50c. . play noQuke 0i tean agot their ft fw aksa o o ekwhrltvsi on of la the arothi lnniaus and the game 1v aya0flai wekwtbrlaiesa âan>. stuvd6 oig.lulvor o theaQuaer Oato - 0 0 b0e-ý Mire in tbe elgb* 4lmlg. When Gorbain H,, MoU elitertalued boarders from came up 10 bat fur the laet hall f ithethe ciy ove 8Bunday. toi>_ elghth loologhekiocked a 3 baeut and, Pbul4 Van Zari la vlsitlng bis brother RnJS&Lj~ vat at Mlloi i by soine more good nad eilIy haie aller a year at Columbia battueai m t.sore wae a tie wben the Unilvesiy, Nîîw York. A good ehower wonld be greetly 'e ai Qak«(3BW oame iuto bat ln the Bru tr.adtie D.vyadthrechl.apreciated. ha o f lb. ath but their courag Mra . nn, of ChiDrago avypnteay i , lie Ladies' Aid Soeiety was Welf mIi gon.undtofChicagose@red.tThe a- CrokenJ..attended at MiW Browea. 'Tha nexi enfu So» ad qsy »evr eore. le Ma Crxere. loan Fdeywt a lcmeeting wil libe vlth tira. J. D. Mrray. rek. roue ras usne more score ln the flext Our achool clM.Fia wt k tr. Peteroon and lamily, of Waukogen, )Ud haillvhleh gave themn the game. Th5y nie lu Battorhals grove. ut.PSve' rery. vl) molube 4) L1aie team nexi sun. pn idyatE .Svrs àý etkhedlamon. Mr. and tins. Wm. Butchinson, of atudFnkSvr&etudl dary i 0Waukegan, viglted oven Sundaet Fred at 1. L. S rau ie petSua 1 ituary. ChaiR. G. turne aad Willia- m Kenooha -j-e Jama BL Bauetwas bore June Oblidren', Day service@ viii b. held vs~r audy u 80 Mý ;ý 1frore hi& young at theschurch nextSnday »orning. AMl Dtos avtureandr. L M Bnn n lI. ui Tn» i we vas the Jouaneui eblren ha i gie li reoet. A vlsted at John Bonlier'a Sundsy. aof . »» Fred Bauer, demmase6tempenance >.rviSe vil b. given lain te ild obi " qiJames Brown oo!tibiaevenlng. Mis. Dalsy Dowa. elosed beroechool the pac., bUSs 10 'ouru his death Te i.Pck feilly, of Cicago, have lent Friday. Monday ehe gave the nule bi.otbar, 1111er Bauer, of Round moved luto their summer bomne for th,.ehubldrnu a ploic.Ail report a fine lime. lie Lako'ed t l * t ee, tirs. Geo. Clve- leeson.Lent Frlday altircoJohn Kelly, of Fed land saad L"a ils'aofRolluns; and Itie.Elmer Melcait. of Guruee, lé vîsît- 1h. fitm of Kelly & McCanu h bât. lire. 0. - -wa.&The limerai was ,held Igrltvshr. il-uet rakhslg @wi teSaturdes't» ~home of hie elter, Ire n elv.bore. lrtuae à breadbs g. Be vasoff e, o. Cblvolad he buriliat Grint - rnc u otIr F egnL hýNR reàklzag bhouboues irsi below the 1 cemetery, 8ev. ,Tuecker, of Waukegaum. ~ nes. Revee takn1 .he oapital la Yod ffice . ne am o Thaks.(11ago, the àmre evening. 111@ many an- M5lg o ak.tr. and Mire. A. Aile aad childreu froan fiojde hope for a apesdy recovery. rié W. vwub 1 thank ail those Who Ciago, vers guesto et the home o! Mr. tMr. and tire. Gao. MeNamiara @pent a__ msi ljus lu our 1ad bereavement , aloend trs. 11111,, Suuday. fev day@a ai <rayeake. the. ingera a"d thefloral trabules, tira. Chaa. Wllbur and Everett, of It le expecled thon, viii b. preachlng Mas. liMÀiRv BÂt ai- Waukegan, called on relatives.lbers ervlc. nexî Sunda 11.uss ie -iBVMNEI BAUER Sunday. unday sholai oa bugus GEO. CLEVELANDecol oai ou- . H OWARuD The LadIes' Aid Society will give a tir. sndlMr. Warrens Colby aid re- LieL BAJEB. lnawberry social at the hall WedneedaY daughter apei undey la the enuatry. 1eeulug, une 17. ChsailleJoy spont a oouple of day. at be 4GLEIDE Mtra. 0. 0. Hawkius aud ]dise Floy home receui!.o ~~ ~~ b989, M. W. A., mees awkins vere Chicago visitons Satur- jnva.~ ~lf'l m voy 11ad, 1usdTuedai of maCh dy Fd TC monlb. Viigsgbore a= membere Alec Hughe, iowley tMcCluresud Fned.rlck-W&VnerNuptiel. id- Su0 codl1u5io attend. Robent Dady ame home froan Urbana tionda', Jane lit, cmmrd 111111mi. Ola . HOWARD, C<>Ui whotel, h. ave boeenattendlngacoo.rino! 1 "Màgr" aFredeacà"an Ir 811-tif ILHEauccu, Clerk. A blage nmber n ý theM.W. A Wagaer aith. St ilaMi bci tl et and R. N. A.menioral Sveera.et *aiý Preaaont Center. Thoslu -waatas SAU"TUCK M~tr. sd Mis. B.Sponeubergenter- .mbrui ble asd u &âo-. i il. sosg Hulilass vet taChlc~ talais thoeau onShe rman, hisle and u ,ii e bli 0 m o. dag ddaughetentWoodstock durnng vs. wto bwoph. Mie. g -ia ' l_:)m Rube ToWaslWons attesi blm, s, ne 111ey h4Mb i RubenThovbWo vore a siPblie ii. .dle gava gati etaWuisbS». Tbureday evalng Mias Lota Auctin smeata ew day. aud cesile arntias..Tb@,? s E tu onir.f W tbdy. vllh M"seBanale 8tangreceutlli b hi bo Lâa btdafaewrdaya wlh MAoi lsd Uhm RtsyandGaitead b ma Z nesO.8oaBWMepetatsday vlth Lacis SePrd frOm &macuI»tt§, l10WVff P1H4O('NT. vWlgat tb. bomeofhi. utFrank Tekaaape and Nordmysr am dlgci~~ en hopard. a11Sa tle hhlmitMer"l 11sWM VI" Mir.,Md tina.Ney Lamb aseUtr"-au. eabug atemptsd by otb.r.vilbu- g~ log a cousin, ti..May Klagfrom aucoeul eaich.. ahia.Thar.lea a..etum,ît Ub. glvea Me. B"5 5 r«W hie econd etarC e e t . S.Mari'.sehool of Fumantm li, 0 889 Ul b. Za nglhlD('alsConte oi Frday) Jupe 12. U W U UE- = = i*Evaelila 51C *P.* Thoma. fo.t a valuable bora.e _ Tht7 i otmlu hlam ebuwAcheof wat MOiD&W. ~~AI.8 b"*«, À!Anumherlrm bars attonditb«»dauca 'dalle flture viii sutertala lthead raffle et Ivasha. Weineeday alh. :EI Ggraduaig laoa et bie houe FM"day Frank UDrlch amg C.P. rwouan x lm ook, the rua mail carrir fouad N 1 r onRivh.a dom ta i. pop___ _ @ou___Coroner T dur, whohbl.tWaqun mG." M.The. body vs. barisi ia Warren cemotery byties. Lamb ka VLO. adS chuvr. It in thougbt tua a lu. oo ho bha. been fonnd tu, hi@ id.aily but lla ria Arthu Prost, of hcgo a t noe'ot certain. A (o c Mie Lido Ruaeell, of Waukegau, vas Do't forget tii. dance Saturdey oves- Ada i - o da thie "t ofher parente bers Soturday iug. Gond munie and e gond me 1 snd Suudsy. Anans hall. Tickes ~m yruHoir VIV.r, DIV lim- Ul Dr. Harry Bull, ni Nunda, made a Miss Editis Daibya chool picole vas pioved formnule, leA S gUifle proféesaloual calla Volo one day lai veil aitended ou lb. bauk of Round halr-food. lefeo4a5,nourlshos, r. WOk. Lake, Wedn..day lu apie of the cool bid p tegbolvgr W MRern. Fisher and Klmb.rlv. of Wou- veather. bid p mahnlvV- te e e- r. e. lii 17 tsi r. i. us i tsi ai k, an s, r, tii va' Up 17 'i o. t,. an id eodwere Volo tallera TueMday evenlng ofaavek. 3tir &and trs. Wheelock sud IamIly, o! Vaonda, visited Mn. buSdtins. Scott 51.4 Sunday. 8 C. 0. Buson, of Libetyvili, vas lu Volli a ev daye receutly. VIII BîrOuimus @Peut s lew dayî of )Mat veek la Chicago. )b. Mary Rauglit vslted la Weukega Tftqsd*y hud Weduesday of ihis veek. 1Mis. George HBOusoentertelued misa Oorliuode Turnuer o! Wagcouda bat veek. NIMsElla lire and Beleu Raymond spel Weduesday lu Waukegau. Miss EWae Smith bas let ber home on a, tte Buson farinan sd îlI vieil =nChicago aud D«Miestu Iis XM sWm. Bironaînus sud Miss Lucy Dpul ver e eut. Weucunda visitura. Mr. sud tirs. Wm.n Roslng aud son, %,Ora"s, lis Kate sud Joe Rog. f àdià#sdLake, @pout Suuday ai the Johna ntiog home. 192X. Chas. Rauglit vas the guest o1 Wbs, kau relatives IroinaSnuday 10 ,wa4dsday 01 Ibis week. Xr. suld tirs. Chas. Parker eulertaiaed klslV'etfImm South lDakota laaI week. Mr. andtira. Pete Frost sud family, of tbçg,.)are 'aisitin gthe- former& ri. aud tirs. Jack Frost. 4I llnois Federation o! Woman's placeS aanew @et orfbooks witb R uttthe Raught farm. asacordiaulinviltaou tu use 40 .hae îream aocial ai the 9. M. chuncis Fiday eveniug, E'aI ver.roue invited. >U!it min the Saturday igbî hep ai Atbffl'*$aIl Rund Lake et8ur day uJlgt. 'Ïtlketa ne5oc.ur LOON LAKE MRIffl ' th Adoek, o! Autloch, viaieS M'th Pauline Petersan.- -, qeiapen, uWhouadevni lorppuicllglillàchtw« Tom- ee.,Dick Bush and Charies NafilersputSnday at RoundLake.. ltlr. and tire. VantWoud,tir, sud tire Tom Mff sud tMr.eaSdtira. Barry Drummod @peut uday vusiboineï parante et Round Lake. Mis@a-Edib Bitter visits ber cousinu, Misa K. Roiug, Tueaday sud Wednes. day.1 Heine Jensen yUl returnu 10 ioshen, nd, vbers heobha accepeed a position. Itemember the 41h of July celebration at Round Lake sud ve viii show you a good lime. Mise E. Darby vili spend lier vacation ut ber homo ut Wiluaot, Wis- Round Lake ta Celebrate 4th of July. The citixene of Round Lake viiicals. braie ib*4th cf July for the tiret timte lua tise hlsory of their lovu. Il b.lug the tiret celebretion ithe buainesa men bave put forthi thein bestefforîsaud regardiesa of labon on moaey, ihey mesu to make this celebrallon vithout eqalal. il viil b. beld et Whte's grove jmat vest o! the tqvu. Alexander Besubicu one. o! Waukfgan'a moat billaut oratore viii b. M oleading speaker of the. day, be vill b. lollowed by otber good oralona vise vINi b. preïent. Thers viii b. music hy a insi-ise brae banS d aiging by a gond mals quartette. (Oue o! the laslest bail gamea of the sea*ou yl b.pailleS o[ beiveen the Libentyville Ramblors anS Round Lake Maroone. Tbere vIii b. e $25 Purse Ion the vînnrAs sud p lent y of aide bots to keep Il lutereutlug. Gaine, 10 b. colled at 8 o'îiock sharp. There vîllo b.1e usuel races, greaied plg, greaâed pale and aIl sorta of emusements on lb. grouad4. Dsilcoa ascension at 2:80. D)ancig altaeroou sud eveniug et AMenasobaà.tusc isy a celebaste4 onchestre, sud. e gisai spectaeud ian Saey af lire verbeai nlght Al t a ve IJIi «tapet Round Labeoncastisi Sats. Coaeasd have a god lIme a»i help to maes ib Is i- taltion th. boat hiiS,.oyer bapsisi. msw. The hair grova more rapidly, keeps uoft and amooth, and #Il dandruif disappear. Aid nature a uttle. Give-your hait a gooG huair-food. Dm e 4t#t fl.celeof LinAIr. Vwi*h eeewih bMel Yeu ussed M bM" atoaboutuseinag Ibis nov Hait Vîgoffroan auyfnofi iehang- lag the. colon aofveu ain. Tie sua Ayer's Hslr VI'gir preveuts preamafure raasbut doesanot cbange thecocot of goic liIwon te the s liglitest doesm. WawwksaGrus elt Vaudevili. Bout. TE Washington Strset, Borne aofBle-lais VAUDEVILLE o n y l alIW l as ud as 3 l n t tho Bannia0 , Opus aMme PnleDiiy atinSb..O, P.M E =ulg, 'S.0, :8Wdpi o'elock ,gt AND 01.OQ. cft Post% C b M"* GIVE ME Ai DL a1L G mm ovua DIL O)VM ours. la M sd? PAULMAC o ATTOENJY Aie DL ov»J. L TA 4-. t1100& . . Smne ouBroadvay, DL E IL S Lu x.AKL couNT'tSM b-8 t' 12 a. mu. DLUa F~ u CIVI iuq~~m Alrt i Office vitis FUNAiii CLARMZe I 0" MoaUS aDi. ov1 -1-