OÀIIiàTiON PRICE 01.50 PER YEAR STRICTI-Y IN ADVAMOC( m~ M . JUST ....... ................. iK E".EY .......C.......................d................ FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1908b HIDING THE RECORD. lu Edgar coanty the olutY et law lnvolved lu the suppressIon <01 C t lu trouble as a recut of qui, publie recoeds, the practice lga &dqu- Wtý ua 1rrggen cnse. t apersgeroue one, and especially mn lu the I~g arrsielicnce Itapparecare of marriage liccose records, says i,. beeft a commun PractiOe there the State Journal. One of t pur- rfir to keep a marrige secret, poses ot the 1miw requlrln.g a liceume lIn bà ,Irk to vlthbold the informa- advence of a marriage fe to gir. pub- *or a time, vhlch was donc by lic notice o! the union, agd no oOfficiai sraOvl o! a portion of thc publie should wthhold thus notice. T'he Cath- r Nov tiings are taugled up, llc ,cburch requires au adva4ce an- ~~a eam are rtlcizlîg the nouncement of a&H veddlngm eolem- ibstethe aoffce man Uhc onhappy nized n tluUicchurch, mcd a stünlia? mie ~Ib tii totMfg ln for ail sorts of vouini not be a bad thiug eheeviere. = datme and abuse. If there were no secret mainages from sany technicai violation there vould be fewer blgamy cases. May $0, a li wva'biisurteE at 't a>e' last, Therm. a e w".-a oviaINaif Day sud lve< tiersfor sý tlgmrý of yecr.summdd 4n5117 11*ndlia )Li erty- vile anid Lake C"Unby. H. 'ý ràea nepliew c9l mm.Wm. Wbimm. A cnuei ber of rnltilvi froui a dimtance attended tht floirai Dstb vwu drata tpodp~mc whchbe-i', VQ ito'p4=,-villa tiue w ur tbbbe5tatilé Wah"s an »obewl. TaI wâaalrl Who "d a leadmmg rai%, 'u"w dou lug. ns appobea e«onceab b.vstb ta contfinue. -e vas remove 0 hoptlonliayh Wheetordlsdbia'ir. brotbmr Were at bisesid. Tiiay are Fr"z b Laumou, m6lWak Dani 1.; a"d ;t I Laumo<i P oe , Ar. MlieJO* Lamoon, tii. nicer, Whobo le3':70M' old almo liresla fhOei.L Lamsonwg. begmabimecareer la hcgve, 4r i, ",Mer. 8,te natg 4bljnncea Pa7je rayIîof 1te im.~tombl041rl of every youug 3lwao& àud 4iend deliglit 1h u s isalec tic. 0 "aUgsea ofr w*"dslMlf "' eIgt iu acceoang tIý *L l allg n*1. h Il iithe. beoi ýk of -te goldgiatI. lOwae jeue of 'tihe ot sAPe,,PriAtti sudisei nift t ait. youiv iwýymarid nds »ïfzid , sa lu, I t ur to be applS0 r4eare larget autoûs of jevelry tiBas u ru'but on. 7woý ou get more for yonc moule,' teé. suss' tha yon have value "* "0emomen mAZ, profit Iby oui capurlisca *wt bhu, jôvéry and ulu'r, mmay lnformuattIn taibue mablera je qheerfally given. JANDEW 1IUS io seani __________ -he apperd lu Rd*swood eolks. 14 CHICAGO TRUST PUES0 AirtTAIs -HE OEA!>. Dat suIpoted Jamese A. HeWa" StIaXtRobonand plaYel sv$rt go polticians are amaaed et ia bridal vay abuahed tMr. Miller un- semons lnutock comopanles, maki«a "s o! the Cbleago Tribune o!ttII, tagilgii under Ils maiedictions, he encemses "(1apt. MsrlWs*At" la Th* det. lureprinting, uuderr aun mlkped aud-died. Hesvas not the Le fLovs, SlcstiVmÎ nObtiieJ bod uani abrutal attaik It mde firltth- n vo had been houded t ta ome, "es' n lath#Janer of %,N»m7 Mier, speaker afte léc 11death by the venomous Chicago "Knowltoi In luTii Lont Paradise. ageue, eo&f four yqarms *a. trust- press. ITbéemons od 18#94Q00 la crsabed *thé <~ii~ç,tOdagaluat viat. Tht truth bas been kuowu, ton, for sOsual nvile .l.ne ain ~ iaÂc ueler blIa bll everal years, liaI tic Muellor bill to ree David alU Y -CI.e siseetccr tuesti- In vus boru o! corruption. More boodIele 0m " M#JW NW " la CalebWWm a. U9W paket 8h*tQeu mous! as Cient to effect Its passMag Wn4 us lb Iaelgglnm8in At Pu #di, t4o stand a ev 4ýysm amivau ever beone,.-or mice s N- goS *eUBII ~'~ibRproWia5*0~g. pamt. 'tme bauvindicatet m aFp. eakbtaieasg a ~~ow r seIhatcallît. iLler. Thé. Mucher l1mw vue sir osbteu*ies.uqb Sl e tbrowa uffl the virilknocked ont by theasupreme va ie uln ChêOliago #lses ,côqpS.0 lle ýt a iat t b9 Tvibusaprobably imaieSthat i' 0 j ie4ý,oo.abutëat"4 ar -ti. reinmefiIae ta tits1ë ttcsl. l'trof a. iwam th ftidi *O*UoC Tates, fûld injureDk Y"SU is p1 ru-- pa bowl~uilng FudIni **eodbthlie aon uiplgn, but t.re ! tiu U!4aidAw7esa MI*A flegeS uy sm4sl lat u'hsm om U u ml T ram eole lva" t> mai' tI* et :#uel t e'9lmn O > Mur-F. Ac.rs in ca..et 1 ftt dist . bariseF. Acers vie bora la 190 Cgelaluo baoi ieas aa111 osIia~X &0 ~4i~assiSeW :r8-5 me " omm t t-1 Ib thý pmfer btme laere it *wu *1mw. 0utb a0 r<*wmi.,u, thI1ie-bs0w t~ o ~ ~ P! ond «eeMd for.m6M 46 i àletortaiinmat ti c tfdg~ thebalme miaofLaçt. baisai *ire W oes efosinaI t efflaud U hW @*@ "d v ociolptIthev '.Oa,bue r, on wpeibe. retmtia hoirs, *spmi*lylaeAeW dieranesas. Wl»wMurnW whon té .bmegefthef mfees luIdSWd h«M&"rj4st Nbbéfaereli»d by Mr. Demies vere juled luabthe bois bouis or matiS- '400, é Mme ao im re a siiimam t ta everal un manoy at St. JooueceeritTumday ta iambemoring eainclO 'clqk. Th"w "dluî viiver afsrvrd erysllamall PROSPRI1VI S LTUPt4II4.. .enterbalnad ett ha bo*a ôbsi,14. mal rMw rtmning sowl, the crinat niprovlsiomiadrove out of Fylak Cver «. m nd u.t st.j - Stjeling muet More the state lice legltlnmate boaM' rt !b-ae Phti ir e r .Z eloa, WSt aerntm j~4~tiis temi ututril ~ interests a el as Uic beokettmiops. mQrmln .5 elgbtoclock.* otb'r à ae.expectatian o!f icsuche u m,.poiiPliyoin p7pe nibaa i*iltOda, but mil litea ingo the crops lunUithe t, Uie mon-. oura0 laton aifmay irisude. Tic lug iliimae thair bome. baré. WIM m vatcbInF thec r09p ro1S ulacturing interesta that cuiter 1hare Hobeft J. Bwsn of Rockellls,ail Àwt ,r.oe magermissa thanvec regradually lncrelng their forces, 1MCCaar'lsM. Herrington, of Llhrtry- b.k4impeMhly, for zooO, efope as are those lu tbe ent. Thecoca i 'alle, verg marri9d On Wadcsed4Y ut sý,spreict& 'roi,- usiesshan ot et eltthl Inreae to oclockea heicMtho4it'patueonffe. 1=o e.aaepeice.Pcl-bausahculylfi u lces, TIi.7 r willkuovi aud tb Ir msnY 1 . T. flargau o!fUieilliltois mand Uic lumber business bas had, an fiends wîli be glad to know that bhey rail rmllvs, oueviich la very 'enormous tmlug ot. avaltlug a. ne- expt ta make thir boucs lu Liberty- "et ou agicultural prosperlty, vital c! building when the moneY ville._____ troin ttus -yar's crop la put loto cir- resuts ttedin a ulaion Ouy afrction of the crop "Health Calice" la remfly thec ciaseat lSnsScIs recits attedIng a ctatin. OW aCoffee Imitation ever >et prodoccil. iliSsi crop viiihave an uncourag- vii lie needed et tti re ail o! t 1l8This ciever Coftes. ubstitut. vàa rs- qffacý upon busines guuerally, harvested, but tihe sytem Of! ex- ceully produced ,by Dr. Bloop, Racine, AS tblu tht as soon as crop cou- changes turmalai a market vbcre WWc NoS a 1nlMb!raol Coffea lu t cethoghu telad areaspeutlalive lteres co dd crr hier. Dr. *..oP'a eeaob CoMse ta ~~at tiaroanodtdoe iaa aremade trom pure toastad grains, vitit éb ere vilite a graduai ruaîiuap- the maJor part o! tie load under tie mat, nota, etc. Realjyiy lboute 1001 cfd genera business activity." future dellvery systeni, vilci beglus an'experlt-vLm-o Migit drin~k il fer ion me Býadstreeî'a reporta point with lhe farmer anddsmiivtia tie Coffee. NO 20 or 20 »junteB ledboUa ý'*tb alimportance o!fte cuccss- consumer. That the commercial and bohllo. 'Mdc uamiuebeyyh solgof the cropa, wvieln-l banking lterests wure rlght lu de- CORtLEYTT PrtEjRCKS, isteImperative oued that thc nbuniciug attempîs tb crippie this sys -_________________ utc crop marketing. which tem lias had reccut illustration ln thc fer Uice odrplugetaIhanvesl, lbe soutit, viere imlar attempts lu ru- ,iOlibet br unvise legislation. ieelt tocotou curallildthemrie cçbç*1)ng tbe cvii o! "buckut and reduceui prîtes, wlle Iat ycar P A *e~ Wbc do not demlinl real lhe active market e!tlteecanges~ ,~ ~af.eOkahomas recently an- adv-aocethle value o! whaet hundred~T 41 w hIlifor lac o! dia- o! Millions of dollars. e e d m- ýýSquare Deai Mating Good. mq«V FoUmý Tic followlng Item froni the Bricks- ukldcBulletin ôi,June 6, vinlâlteus.t ÏtlWmtodka toabad fl'4y of aur readere who bave tck la liaI moety Word - atnetrom Frisco Wedneeat SP**. lu -out tbat a boumuza et*ke h" bs -7,d l Oo er lasp. thé SquareDW lmin-.Tda etrke coik. Inosly o Imdla Ibis. 4O.acI @Wm kiimaubig 40,mcd ï aqb-l~ 4bntslunowg 12' . as.l PO Sa ,*Oo . bbs.a. the SquareDm1 be t f be.mot triset BUST SELLER8 ARE. TAxime A T.r-emenàdous Drop7 'IVms,& .' PuMtmae OuaFmW lha Cm~ "W mam wvmnk §W. P* 5ta-Ss 20th Century, Çsh Store In , .um mier Cool a"i oomtmýble Chairs, sm-a mmcug the neealtica of th. saunmeracso giu'ahcred togethar a collec- tion cOf »*evcO~tM't>44Iu 'i %omfor ithe Porcit of moto*.1 odI#, ~ id aye iavearked hem ah Primua 'olaaur iaie ylmg, Kaiaes tLL. ~"i: 't., vmsM ,ok cn o r . lila Zan , î C .0.4fo .'athhag E. B. I3LLS WOR TI L[BBRTYVILLE.'114.. Ionee Po"ta.Dr"In TII.. Ser Ppe.' Catch Basin Covorm a"ti ds. ,Ous.st, Medusa Portland, bath white sad #My *âter Proof Couiýound. Don't railto eUtmate vith un oe ait yeuý Lumbet Bills. Prices the. lowet; large* stock. Z MM ONS LUMRR OMPAN4Y PHONES 47 and 1171. E. &A. BSçet MV. E. W. PROOTOR E. p7SwAN R.,C. NlGM8.,r THE HOME, LÜ&MBIR-CO.:- eScca.te . IH. SCXÂZ4CK Lumber, Coat mand î PHONE 60 - --- ---. ---. for YQu~QI9 Il jo lir int utl7tiersIaawy foryou fjc ralI4b e re xbi sSI.aonmpllsbed 1y the. KOW*Ue y.m With .the Xevaf e Sî*eaou set even more tbern City ervie, heauqeï la addition ta de eybenéfit tcslatter aSrde, YOU mai bave- Pure, freeb vater. Cool water ln the. sommer. No f reeging vater tu the wiuter. a plant vili lait a life-time. t ill iiol"e theounitty vater probleni ocmpi.eIY.- ALBE3RT W. LICJ1TPI 1.UERTYtLL. ~.1- i.11.