lLieërtyvllle L( 6A i New5 Brooni Sweeps Clean" sala an olti adage. They do that anti more too for tbsy get lDia the rack, anticorners titat au olti broaij voutt neyer do ln a tbhrsand years. Naw that itoumelcning is done a new broont la ont, of the first thingo necessary andi vhy not gel a gooti offa. We bave thte largesi stock and the moou varied tIs'rtmnTt In town andi aI prifes ranglng from 1î; ~25 to 6(C J. lELI TRIGUS UBErTY VILLE miL tolook vell, i. t. double objci acoorplisheti by Our coreels. Ladfie uhoutd lake advantage of our Oul prie saleoto get tlie ueu.futanti .asenti.al articles ai minimum priou.. Confort andi Eteganco are united mn oui corseta. W. are nov slltiug tir. best of thea. uaefut articles ai grealy redned price. Ladies vilt notice thai Ikis i. au uuezampled opportnnity to secure lb. finst corsets ai the loveet prioe. -XOde and ends in 50c Corst.e are cloing 2 Ou «....... .................. 37c Am so me $100. $L25 sud $150 Corsets, go ngfr...............................79c GlIRLES FROM 25c UP ~SfITH& DAVIS Libertyville, 111- OUR 198LINE Straw Hats àa nov jady for vour inspection. Ail ltest shmpes aud sgtyles &ad prices in keepidg witfi your purse, Corne early wbile the stock is conipete. Mens Suit% in ail the Istest aiMes of broya. __________EVERYTHING FOR MEN jJ.B. MOOS J4A4BY 51.00K, USUÉ*TYVILLE Mr@. I. E. Brown, of Bloominston, Ill., je vislting ai the boorin. Wblghain. uaiay thte tet boise and cow food soid at ENMON»-MEHtIEii LuxiuEu CG. H. M. Wheeier, of the Kimball Piano Cmupany of Evansjtan, paiti Libertyville a viit TueedsY. ýNice fine of summer wasit goode NN il be fond at Mas, M. A. PaTixI.'S. 35 c! Mr. andi Mrs. Davidi Banson have li Chicago and wIli reide at their farin duringte summer. Mr. Hauieanarrived Monday. Thte l'hulilçe Mana!acturing ComItnnY expect ta instail macbinery in titeir new fatory building in thte course of a few weeks anti bei operatians bters. Wben li neeti of new creens sne Howard Boyeslire makem a speilty of makng andti ftting wintiow andi door mseena. Yonr order will receive prompt attention andthIe price viiibct Tesson. able. Walter I. Manney and wife, of Ster- ling, 111 spent Friday at tbe baone of Mir.antilirs. Wm. Wblitam. Mir. Man- nay le a meruber of the bouse of repre- utatives anti le a nepbcvof tirs. W hig- bain. tir. Battis M. Gable. otsopaihie 1 pysician le in Lbertyville, Tuestisys andllaturdaysatreldenceonly. Those deuring treatinent atidrea. ber ai 718 Cburcb Si., Evanstan or phone 989. Mthels Miitary adud vili give a dance t the tavu ball on Friday eveuing, june 12. Muai by Hapke's full orcbee- tra. The bandi wiii give a concert on lhe sIres! ai 7:30 o'clock tirai evsnlng wihicilli be toiiowed by the dance at lte bail. Titere bas al ways been a sofi spot in thc balH-mile Irack ai the tair groontis near tie quarter pois andt t retnsdy this the. fair management are putting in a tileti dîlch ta carry off the water wilch cames train a smal spring. This track bas lhe reputation of being a fast One anti this vil b. sanlmprovement much apprecliati by lb. horsemen. B. E. Tarnner, o! Kguosba ihm beau demnotratlnx 1h. Remblera utomobile intevesd a numnier lu liaI niaiblus. lie irat bah tva cylluder anti four cylinder car. anti Ubarlyvllla bas beeu turnat i ntc, a Raublrvile o couat 1h. nuorber aofmachins.of liaI usake ou lb. Tb@. ladies othtie Preubylerlan cbjmrci gave a Salmagundi social lacs Friday evaulng wvhh a. veil atlended sand vy" uccssul lnanclaly. miteisIls Multary Band gava a concert la front of the Lake Counly National Bank anti aurred ran licesto ti. chumcir vere fsneësplae. ersplayet. Tii.crovd toilvattbond.er tirs. Peter Bockeiinan ts spending tire wecEk witI bher matiter ai Hall Day. li<ady-made washiabl.. skirî, ai Mite. M. A. PaOTINE'S. -i H. (ilbert of Round Lake nas in te village Wednesday. Bigcar FancyCornat 1w EN. l'L Li m ltEit Co. Roy Euh eanti tanîiis taritve(] irom (lraoSprings MWedi<etty and ans uîaking a ebort visit with relatives itere. Fine lot oi Corn MitaI. i'rff, k.d Corn andi Sielieti Corn St iF M t I' LuxIiBt Go. Frank Appley, -hit l wrintending tb. construction work on lthe vlectric moa extension ta ilwautkee, spent udaiat bis&ba0cboe. 'C. Manney antison, W. i. Manrtey, Uily, Indiana, spelit several weak astteitoute o! hie, eteter, ' !û. Quentin, W. F. Clow anti Tite. Graso, menihare ofthe- coutîy itoarti af superrisors, werc viitors ibere Mon- day en route la tic county metropolis. Amang thre new arrivais tire pasi weck are: An eigbt pounti girl ai lite tome ai Arthrur Matol Bille, of Rondout, Fri- day anti anliré,point boy ta tir, anti tirs. Fred Chard st Giages Carmers Tues- day. Hiowarti Bey wbom many Libertyville people win runember tram bis residenve' bore oin. years ago le anoîtg tire nun- ber wbo gradnrat5 titis week tram lthe University o!Ilinais. Mr. Ray entereti the ani.vercity lImmediaiely aller gradu- aing from t ghahool, but was oui ai schaal twq y.ors vorking on the- ami- ologicl sirrvey couducteti by the univer- sity. Mir. BaY graduates lu tie Callege of Literaturs anti Art. The libertyville Masanic lotige wiîî boait aope"a sesaot next Saturday, June la, btin ltlies! ternoon anti even- ing andi initiats several candidates lu 1h. Master man=tiegrec. A banquet viii ha givea ai 1h. New Casle botlianti prepa.malons au bong nmade ta royally ingMaaanlclatiu bave been invlet t attend:Grajilnka, Âutlocb. tiliburu, Waukegau, WI.ubig andi Waucontia. The Libertyylls uchool close. Frlday, Juns 19. on Bouda, evenlug, the 14tb. vii occntue obueàalureai. atdssa la th, &enior o19thesbliê aciool. lit Wini bho voby R . H. J* Lawier at lb. Unlochareh. OnThursdyevsning. iJane 18, viii occur 1h.gradualina czar- cisasof lb. aghth grade Artrur Bulk- ley, o! Waakegau, viiive1.the atidresa. 1OuL VrdsY- auis thle.comnement 1lof the h*gb chool. The atitras.wili ha 1givec, iv ProL Frask .. Miler, oft1h. 1invitedti lahb.prsusuiat aIl oaithbss sr- Viea. LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE JEWELER MAN APIRSTtDON rWNDLE CHARGE G.o. N. Gilbert, Foreman of lte H-an- on -arn. , ast 56,000 jnReaI Estate Deal_ Ciciago, Vas- arrestt-! lier(-lest Satu r- day inorning on ý oiplairit o! George N. Gilbert, foreittan o! ti, Ilanson stock fariut, on tie charge of ha% ing worketi a confidence gaine-. lie <i! already bilked Mr. Gilbert ont of!$6,00in îa tari landi deal anti returnet here ]st xçeek with the deeti ai anther pice e o! property trom whicirhbeexpectel tu realîze about $1400 niore. Ulîricit was caugitt quite unexpsctedIly andi wns batiiy iraken niover te ar- rest. Ho went ta Paul Mac( itflln'o alune on saine business anti asked ta use tire telephane anti on the desk ai wbich lie sat down vus thte warrant for bis arresi. Mis Flora f$tapie@, the ritenograpiter, bat learneti bis naine wien bit camne ln anti itasenedti t cover np titis very im- portant paper anti for a tigne was in a quandary as ta vitat ta do. Atty. Ben Miller atIbis lime conveniently appereti ou tie avent- anti when inlaruneti wbo the man won aI once notiflet Marshal Lim- bcrry vbo armed iibt tewarrant met bis man lu the hailway jusit outaitie a1 MacOuffta's office. Ulirici was takion ta Waukegen by the marsitaH wviere, hewva held-jâ%the. county jâIl until lkiontay viien hiecasa came up i n the. County court 604 a Con. tînuanve granteti b. boing roleà.sd on $5,000 bond. W'ben firàt arrettdlere bit madie a tiesperats effort ta procure bail but was unabi. ta do so. UlIrichit il seins representet inaGilbert tit ire itatia purcitesr for soins farin landi in Wisconsin but that be coulti not boy the property anti vanteti Gilberlta do tiisfor un anti ha voulti99saliti again. The property vas lu tis nain. af is wi!e's sîster anti be uinrepresentcd tihe pries ta bit palti ant iis vas tbe poit upon wicb bis arret vas secret. i hat been carrying on varions negoti- ations vitit Gilbert for somns monthe past on varions deails anti te rocitsl o! the Case in a long anc. Gilbert bas blon the savings of a Ulit ime andtihie case le a beauliful abject lessonto lire fanmera or anyona aisefor tliti nailserwbo tisai vîit setrange agente Another Scalp-S to b. The Wauk.gan Maroona vere lb. victil. Fora leam vhlch basboasteti liat lis Bamnial ers reafrali ta Pl" thein, twhy csrlalny naTmp .hovlng. Or xý nem8MMy rua, il utvika outeasud about 7 ecors èr th. sun total et Ibsir acbl.i'arlrsal1 Thsy looketi quib. dangerous la tlb 2a4 ' thii m u 2 uti an di rd a n d =ut, bu1tf2fils 10 lb.sSnod bosues andi a strikeout Wb tr gis bas mns s erantist. The Srd itnla vlh beasu fui!anti nobodi out siaristvace vois.; but only ons ra ua Pa.Iloesby the Idaroona ant taionu a v.er " décision. ll .he6tk vith Ibm SUCaos bat bl. tld'bq . kv tbe 4tk on a tWo b. urby flo' a sacrifeby Seller ast h*&~$ekargot Boyes sootu fa b. 1.L Inths 8tibite by Dosrer antiDavis andi ïnmru wua tbrovs brwlghlt Utotal up teo5 Bainblsrs-O0 00 1 1 008 M-6 liaroom -0 O 1 O O O O 0 0-1 Rita, Bapiblers 5, Maronne 8;marei, Rambmrs3, Maroona T; setucout by Bo=11, blc Kemf -7,hi Boul1;bos on el.by Bys. 8, b y BUl2; wo bs 1ia lgiMlo 1; bIt by ptêi b.ailKsnt *Ikinson. The Bamilers baye thefoi!owlng dat.. achoduleti aireat: Jung 14--Combine t lam courposeti 0t Ântiocb anti Lake Vi"la îpayers oru tia ail yau vant ai EntoNs. New car Corn anti Gale Feed ti iJEU- Jue 28-North Chicago. tiMEsaL~eBECo. ABoNS-tiERCER Lumoia CD. Jnly 4-Round Lake at Round Lake. tirs Kon ati iauite, o Onrga titehlistiitar Bati Nrîsb July 5-River Forest. Mr@.Koo an daghte, o On Mithell8 Mlitry and illfurish July 12 -itaberte & Gaks, of Chicago, Ill., le vlltlng ber sons, Ârlbur anti nie bar lie celebration et rnysiake lte Fuller & Fuller Drug Ca. te.&L George Koon bers. the Fourth. Jo!y 19-Carson, Pine, S&Ott & Co., 01 L tir, anti Mrs. John tM. Strang, of tirse Maut Whitney bas acceptid a Chicago. Mlburu, viaitdàlew a evtiys ai tie reoe iion in tic Heswick gallery anti w-i July 26--Chicago Warren., V. trvelling ofbis ister, tirs. E. J. Rugnegin= br dalles nt once. tcaibal baIns a cracking réputation an.. ame ükwil wmigi Came ta Round Lake nxi Saîartiay bas been piayiir an tis roadom 1893. EmverThuock viftrle sv euting lobe night anti enjoy a goot danc.Gondti Only tva ai tumgaines vii! bepimyst RierTurtayatenon cthi oot music. Tickets f0. A.ANBo vyta on iivt aaieo quite serlouely bav"ing lime &t'"-e Round Lake. -Jane 21 andthie gamn thei Fourtir at take. fe l abe lbe al. irant tis. Hrrion row nIRound Lake. takn. e l abe t beoutMr.andMr@ Harisn Bownznt Tic Ram hiers viii bUda nev grand s The pasi ev veeke aif goond veather several tinys ru Chicago Ibis weekawitrit stand ai tb. fair grouatisanti expecita bas been titan"tly reoelvet by tb. tisysîtentedthlieluerai o!ftir. Brown'@itave it campîcîti anti xvmty for lira trainers at l. mile 'track anti auj brotier-in-iaw Rchard Davy-.ginusISda.lviialbqlt numbr o lie un. bve adini vrk- Straviterries ail1 bit ripe et Bridge- as large sastis main grand stand but anis. Elsie Allen, vba le ovueti by Mr. vater Farn about June 121h anti wil viii aceoinnodate lu th. neigibonroot Dei, a Denver mant, Ihas danhr mile in latIvoortirteweeks. Orders are uow of 200 peope ant i vii bave a roof over 2:12 anti airallin l1:01. A lutter .-in being taken for cratescanlainiug sixtecu it viliv ili ha aprotection front tb. Dick McMaiton's string ame Shavlng full sire quarts aI $2 per craIe aili e sUn anti Cmomrs coinfartabie th"rat goati tom anti Citation, the star of tb. arm or wiii ti,-iver et your bore ne up=stl A amali admission teviilb. stable, bas a world of speati. Libertyvillt- Teisphone Libertyville iagt th ie stand. Base hall ia the mielilustu, fKns iti 123. AUSTIN Cii tMENT. anc best bel lu Ibis hamiat andthli fana spedin tw vekaaI iebais a tr. Barreil, of te Burreil Mianu- willi epprecinte tbis new accommodation A.ennt un tlt- ritieter hame 0u tcturing Co.. o!flBradlety, Ill., was ilere very mach. Tbougb taîketi ai every the tMilwaukee avenue rond. Sic goes Ttiestay looking for a site for their year h iras neyer materializeti until naw. .ron bers ta Lake Champlain and ti ob. plant, whiih tht-y wanlta omûre. The New suit@ bave also bet-n ordereti by li * catera pointe wîîere site viii speudtihlic ost a! the inoving they desire <raid hy ttan anti viil e whrite Irimmet inl sommer. Miss Stout et oui, lime hadth ie tawn t0 wiiit tht-y go au wouid black. _________ th l.distinction o! being thI- yanngesl inouritI taabott 10,000. Porm A uewspaper woman ln New York City but W. A. Miller. fattîer of 'Sborty' tMiller rg5n was compellecto i gie ap lhe work onutaok bis first automttobile ride lu a big Childrenes Day exercisits viii bi belti at q accoani uf iii beaitit Ramiler car lest iSunday anti expreseth ie Presbytertan ubrf, udt Sunday himseaitvery Wel ileaaittiwit te trip. morning,teprgram beginingallOl5. H. B. Eger iras j st receivet a car oif Mr. Miller is eiglty-two years o! age pesnlnu chor-Haii to sumnner.... &bool PlymotuthBinder Ta lue. Nol a ev anti when a loyabouni aine yeure o! age Smatnl..Myl e nudHein Spate thausanti pounds of second grade Lie radeaun tte ir.tt team ratîroadti ltI-0hbllreit's D ............ *divîietiamortg thtret- deaers bolt* ful vas hut. Ht- ays ltai lt-ey wetnita ecienion-. ........... Jsephiiilnski anti viflf uaI a price-t ltIiaue lov as off'àd on wtt-ne ci- he pleaseti wittut Rcitaton-, sermon lo tie Fowere" th 20,000 oodr t c bn gaes ftine ti..e.l....aniheva.hi.a....Bas Eer ol....n.....Oben li lvet orli iitli gad o Iln. n sriaedanîgr 1< binit e ttiezroîseý,,Do;,eitDaisies"..I ott Al manutacturers af laine putthLeu n6tatteirpt titis ltaiSuday balteitation-'Irt <Quet Plaun'*.s- UeonCse namne on tutir test lwint-. Tic Ivine ogt8it a<ia pvreolii aSn-For Vou aud Me- Prmarr als îtattitcy are asitautedtoluwn la narkcet carry many movretpieehai , i i and tatti otOu "oo iit- ........or au *jusî plain "Standard.' tiraI il vas utond, belter way of getting ~t t§oa",riffl tbn............. . o1 M tr. Carl F. Kocht, o! Chicago, antid Cbc .tta...kng .Sv PrtunSmi Grls Mie ily ectyuget auhtrýf Ttc graduatîîtg clase o! 1908 gave naBotetio-'TIteButefi ntitis " yoangesltetaaimgir t the tZrAse .ond *thre latEmai Hocitl, itre unitet in ôr oietialtnetirn-t ueen:ïié< hSni Ue' Ir is 11 marigeetth hmeofth bid, e Unbn iant on last Thurstay cventng. Ecess'bnlna Han"*.,. ulor vsy nesda, Jue 8,onlymembro o theThe ribban dril anti chorus ty lte girls etto-AlwrlLs".ut v nsda, Jne , oly ierber atlit0a tbe bigi at'hooi wers very pleasing L IllbySg.. .......... ....... ofamille@ao! tire caniractng partis b.ng . MIse Rmenu Cleason naael Sms *prueent.ý The vetiding was a very quiet numbers. Seiectiins vere aiea r-ntersd Bcoltalbonu Qortis Bod"..EllelKoDopna oeoigta the revent deai af the byisses Rut More and(iGrâce Wbceler otto-Te o n h vete it the (Germania lnurance The anc acl play "AHegular Fia"w ,**...**,*,...i,718ho neclti a Chicago ai vbîci piace evalreciveti anti was fll o!comical Eeosi-*T eChljdtcli'&Psa "va ilsi ty : make'lisir banc. No Invite- situations. The cash vas mate up ai .... .................a LlîthP udr tic losWere . leanta luthe ceremouy, tirs follawing: George Wrght, Giuy Law- Clioru--M'aUtolu Smmer va's". .Sbool anoneeta only ireing seul out ra rence, Frank Eger, Harry tMeyer, Neli Ixerole fosa teRaomeB. Gls guikisy, OG t-Wheeier, HutMoore, 'Il Olus Our certificates@aiftisposit, payable on Mary tielaoy anti Horace Kapple. Theia tt".ý,:yàee demanti anti bearing 3 per cbent per p oram vas given untier lie direction ......t . 6eu *annun or aj Nilmouthb tram #slý ta 01 rs. E. W. alhy. lomaaorasý~ Ot'Kle tv.lvenoIltairs araasale anti liberai o.................... hho *invesuasint for ipur Surplus fonds. W. Advertised Lete"................... Sn Im lanetrat. vicb are by fer the cheapeat Ativertiseti leiters tor tis veek ending Ntice of Meotbng at ndmnou avsat vaY o! senauxg June 8tb:. .M Môrn tbhough lb. Mai!. W. Invite IL. C.Wallace, P. W. Smih Robort Tic regular uouthlyxaeuulg of the jour Reyns Sixoldis, Ban Nalon,'John àeckutan, Cithan'.ls provseSul asoalJvi 4 -~ITIONAL DANK 'Frnk Diabo anti trs.-L. J. Âmes, be bhul ti tish Ie Via elT, .Mn u4beetyvi#,lllr,ý C"a. W. TAYLO, Postmaslar. da$y ss.nug, Zuei,~~lhodak Something Doing in Browns BROWN 1,S KIN( EVERYBODY IS WEARING BROWN EVERYBODY WANTS IT DO VOU? Madeto Order Suitb Librtyill Floup 2 The Conservative 1 MM'1Y YBARS 0F EXPERIENCE INW" VINCE US THÀT CONSERVATIVE KT1 .&LWAYS BEST-BEST FOR OlUe STOOL BEST FOR OUR DEPOITORS. WITRQUT Il "HEIDEBOUND"I IN OUR DEALINGS, WE 1 TO.FOIeLOW TRE CONSERVATIVE PATI. Lake County National 8. Q #à Eý S Baked ToÈnato PORK AND BIANS ý4 Once let your folk% taeste Oiderna u&. anmd they' *"M you serve thoin wlth others. That ltutty tiavaf, tha4e and ment are sneolng in othar brande. INSIST ON ONIDBR'5S CORLETT & FREDENRIe LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS New LineWashG We are reccivln t" wcck a new lot of IF" Goda-u bave boughit et pr!kee conasU"mly lover than pytvaddet beginnlng of the memon Tventy pleces of Red Seal and Toile du Nor4 Zoimhyr,* ba intpltain liglit and mediumn bine, grey, Pink, g i cheoks of pink aud white, tight blue and white, biý white, plaidsansd fancy stripes; viilwah and wdatbi botter than 'auything on the market; redaced front Ibo to jý. Galtu Cloth iu pink and white, red, white anid b10, white stripes; splend id for wash nuits, akirtsanduJboyd q hr.tofore 15 and 18c, nov .............: 6jnuine INDIAN IHEAD, full 36 imohe. vide, nov ouly) Meroerized Novelty Waitnge in white, pink, lîght btl I1TH E FAIR1~ 'l"i iFtritNiý, al