Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Jun 1908, p. 1

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[N DIFPENDEN Wu WAUKE'M,-GMý,,- WEELeY SUN - - ~.-------- -. ,,,-,r, ru-, n nt n.? a -svnn LMBETYVLLE LA.KCOUNTYI II , i RIDAY, JUINi 19, 1908-12l Pages ene 'W*at u té chaise te put is1 qýw,6h«* lbg;ope for tiseir dirot4 Aeý lAsiUt SPh it tb. prima- -gl iîï!mIW Otmlot mb tii.hecampa of quinto? Abert J. iHopkinasAnd1 ,Xo«SL 8cot. and extendlng the. = à bad or felowahip te is old % e~>sd egbhora cf Wauiegan-1 Mi4Seu*or Wlia4m B. Maton appear- .1 fil Mo 100people At thse Battery C ima5u onrY ou 00mi17 treet 7rîd&7 ~iii*fad foind tisat big poplarily The iotmd ei-é,atoy diaplayed asu bis oi, ad iue ourtlinesa.eloquence Mud pg*e« t argument sud mure lioa eue. dleqei the popular cisord as va - .be - 8 requent burets of applanse. - . Xwst. as b.closeed is a4dresa aa 4toem broie outaide sndthie raa fell in torents vile Inide the roomy k 51.01 tiere vas aNisand sakiag bee V1t1-b.-U4iiIOras 'the central sud Mi gfigure. m c.Tlling Speechi. Ater bi lubtaiozUn hyAttorney John X), Pope, Mr.Maou thiskd the aUdi«Mi for lis attendeuce, especial- ly h ladies. extended a cordial wel- cossé I bis old frieudi sud nelgubors of W*uiegau. bilsbome cil>, sud lima metepboriesily vaded la, "I ain andidat, for United Sttes senstor." be delared, " ad amn going rigistle lis. peope for my support. At Mm aabould b. re!erred te tHisa for Ibie direct vote. "I bo:ve no ime to attaci My com- petitor sud mn going te les*@ It te the penple vie are ps-Id for Il te peddle Telle et opiins Challenge. î 1have assed Senator HepkIss to aeet me "If vay an4 disute our dif- foreucie sd ehm asdecbned. 1 bave *gala si@àed ii te suids by the. de efclae.t lb. direct Primary sud ha ba rufuom. 'Tborelu unotinlofiet for me te do bu t * apoues direct to tise peope foi j~ votes. rocs are ail delegatesate tise jam t s e oavention. Itlelabel. onAugtut M sud yoï don't have te go avM ti'M baome te vote. To tisa vote 1 M nma"Ing Iis appel. -1 sam tirid o! the buying sud seld- I ng o! public offosa«. Ineyer yel have boOth l nee. Tise danser te the rep" là ila b Ibs va-y traffe In cou- vepUiam ud onese. 1shaHnot pa: one do»la for a vote. or for Influence durh b is"campowi. Thse umm vho la We wu& viiib. for me vitisout b.- "J fe ohiwe wluth ,.14.kin& Thcee4mtor thmen tered upona diaop met b Isdiffreoes'ith Smu*aMe pkins, ih brielly esc i. b.liaflgiM ouflas, 1. linsem ivore lb. direct pas m«7 »Wap» for illa 4 cooti me saM*N3epus e-d Il uuWbé »vw t vlm goingt téposavhe it &vu" lan fer I t. ama ieh.te voes iving tb. people vole.tantU seleetion of preoldeuta. 4 L e.Chargsti"atHopkns vhit profumini teendormetise poUicles a Ï. poeod~s-$Theodotil Ilseveit votai - utuilb't*distro thse movement thatd5brle pident for go auo elthers oppelagtishe regulatil 'of latwiWe commerce, notahly tIl agipmmâei*1t-o! raliroada te preven st0d~ -w ~thrn ie mevement te il. Mgii4 so*tir, thtie employer' lia lity iCItitÎnt terstate for sud th, 10 '"#g ~m short haul ralroad Clans -9 1, opkinssupportai tisesesîl: o lîled sot as snaorfromUtal sud.,q«' à4pprs5bils stand In tIl r1AUU~t bôo gpo claaimes, Mi ~~ mccsiduIdk~ch Smýot la an apoafl l*ciep lomérciy, treaaou, polygam eVand .éBle -ot ifor Hepkins. Mn-. MadOtb. aid If tise people Illtaoig sMAQ la insa.Hopkila, vibit polIicy l e .iquport osevelt'a mov menta IUtb.Wiste House sud doh bét te kilS lise0nt butise Senate. R' e polnted ont *0ise nsitency i o! supportwa, týle psmm vho vieulda bure t&te- Iis Pruedtlqe. l 5!erence te #saedSmot ai _____b.sad among oth, Snmoot asaon oettlsteive Mar- %postizlea ssoffga to à5 aid laI ~ea'Trasc, pWg$iylanarci>', .iw.ery. mmMIlsdsof4i'ir O tedbe S. Tisat Hopkinh, go a, Bat muP- portr, suives 1#. i., othéb.resolu- tiona conimittae or tbtuýpeit ePub- lm di loua I ICvIII.oIfor the. sole porpoa. of bogtng of a* &ntu MOr- monu ial"alu lb. piïty plat!orm. 4, Tist Hopkine stanling for emot and thse Mormon churchlel Htopkins standing for the Mormon cburch and the. Union Pacifie ralroa0d and the smrn Hopins wvbo aided ln kicking Seaator-eleet Robert$, po0« but able, anotiser Mormon, f romttise douos of the Senate chamiser. &. Tiat th Mormon church repre- senti an alleged trade la young girls froID forelga countries. if Net for Party fer Home. Hia conludlng plea was that If Waukegan folk could ' ut bury thse hatchet and forget-thelr differsace of opinion with hlm vihea six yeara ago be tocc bis stand on the Spanisis- Âmerlcan viar, If it cdoud not vote for hlm &asuspporter of the Party of Roos- evet snd Taft. then he should reùelve local suffrages la lhpIiinterests ofthie home and against Smoot and Hopins alleglng that a vote for Hopkins meana a vote for Smoot, who le rua- 1ning again for tho senate. He recalled that la hie address ln the court house la ihis city six years ago. a remarkable faci. Ibat he out- llned the present Roosevet pollcy la the Philippines wich la that they aiould be retained untîl they cau go- vera theanseves. Maay recaîl this part of his speech. Addrea Teck Weil. Mr. Mason tslked for an hour and a half and mae a deep Impression. Hia audience wus as a matter cf fact s large on e, nearly filling thie armoorY, and he recelved the compliment of Close attention thronghont. It la sald that he dlaims ainety odd countes ot of Illinois' 102. il la certain that he made frienda hère laI nigit ln aumber above thome e biha alviys badl ALICE !NTERTAINED IN LAK! !FOREST Ma-. Nedibl MeCoa'nuck la Hoches fer Presbidents Daugiter on Stay n This Part of the Country. Aias Roeeevet.Longworth, daugh- ter of Preidant Roosevelt, la dividing ber tinsu batws.n Chicago and Lake Feret whl. aeh* la attaasdlng the na- lion rq"aiican convention au s gueat, The social event of lie day Mon- day tantise ranis of lise "Who* Who" in conxeuoa circles vas tise arrivai O! cagressmau sud Mra. Nicisolsa Longvortis. Th isedltlugulshed visitora are ex. pected te taie partltathie social se- tvUlofeem oveion veei. and are aaiong a number cf vistors via are g»o«ita thle MeM li MCormicibhrne, 120 tairs Shore drive, and st Lake Foarest wviere lie. McCormicks nov have Isola- semmea- home. Mr. sud Mra. Loagvortb avoided a tisa-cg of curlos permona sud lirev itervievers offthie track b>' irrivtag on s trainochier tissu liaI on wvici bis>' ver.e xpected. Ths "Princeis" Alice la uaderstood le bave seid as she 1,1 thie train: ~'Wy, of course, ecretar>'Taft wuIliie noninateil. 1 vas sure biset h. vould b. a long lime ago. l'm ver>', ver>' gied-" Mr@. Lougvarth vas garbed lnaa dan. ashort sirted tailored navy suit sud ber face viavres-lied vith alles au aie emerged from the ilepot At the MeCormici mansuion, viere the ditingushed part>' la quartered. Mms. Longvorti laughed ove,- lhe va> la visicb aie ialdoalgei tbe neya- paper men. The part>' lacludeal hesîdes lie 9ongworths, Mr. aud Mrs. Dougas Robinson (Mrs. Rlobinson ls a stter o! President Rosevelt), Miss Robbla- sou, thiir daugier, Misa Mary Phielpas, an aunt cf Mrs. Medili 2AcCarmock, sad Oden Horilman, lie champion golf player. Mr;. Mark Hanna, tie mother o! Mrs. McCormici, bas blisalu Inva several ulsys, sad Il vas her auto vihlci, ith ber daugtera lrougham, hreugbt the part>' 10 tie McCormci mansion. Did Nt Want IL. Wien attepipti vers ms-de b>' At- taruey' Ben Miller o! LiberbyvIle t1, served nmre klnd o!fs a-lrt on Mrs. Augut Stolmm, ltehe mas u laaid ta, bave plod up tise piper vhIch, afles rediýK'ltse attorniby bad tbrlev ontI 1W bius, a bar lite. B I -~ He refund 10 diEdula poiltîca la LAk~ rux~. WW Nô It~Non ThînicaTIerela Digo! ofLocal Op-1 tion RepeSi sud As"c.That Right Legielatoma b@ IEc«ted te Prosent.t The next local option battis wil bb Augut8& says theIllinois Issue, the state local option ergan: Elsevisere in Ibis Issue wili he foand a synopsis of the Illinois prl- mary election law. This measure has a beaa-lng on the saloon question sec- ond oly to the local option 1ev in im- portance. The make-î.p af lhe nexi leglature viii be largPly decided at the prima- r>, vhea the canddates are nominal- ed. No use 10 vote at the election unleas there la something better than a cholce hetweeu bad men. And the place 10 weed ont the bad ones le et the prirnarles. TGoviii, we muet be- gin at the beginning. If you i-an nut vote at hoth the eiection sud the li mary, vote at the prîmar>' it la more Impiortant. Do tbelilquor intereaf s uaderatand Ibis? Let us repeat vibat Rudolph Brand, leader of the brewers' Interests in the recent local Option campaiga, sald immedlatel>' afler the election of AprIl 7: "Our part la thus flght bas juat be- gun. * * a Nov ve ieyl organite ourI nterests ln everY COuaty, tlova. village and hamlet la the tate of Illi- nis. There vilîl be no let up on Our *psrt.ilathie comlang, egllative Camn- Spalga our work bas been panned. WE, * ilîl mIns upoa candidates for the leg- Iiature subscrlhlag ta our principles.' You, Mr. Deceat Self-respectlag IVoler, muâI Interesl yourself la this. For- you ibis la a malter of self de borne la the dead of nlgbt,..o do not výait outil he has rIfied your bouse, sud perhaps even altaciked y our farn- lice. No, you exercise thie God-given rigit of Immediate self defens. The liquor oulava--tiat la vusat lhe 18v mrye tisey ara-are >lMmsy, aud yOU muet get bus>' too. Nov le lhe lirne tua sct and not after a vile. The primary election la a very prop- er fieldo! activIty for lhe AntiI-Baloon League. Itlaoomnl-partisan and se-la lhe League. We muIe mlie tisat here la lie place te declde thse legis- lalive conteat of next vinter. Aller lise legisiature la nomlnated and elOt- ed il viii b. ton bale. 'If tise loCat OP- lion lav le tu h. safe froan a4peal*; If county option, realdence district op- 110, sud searci and selatr. are 1 corne-nov inathe lime te attend tu lb. Remember lise dale-AUCgllt S. NAVAL MATYU sees Chiempl e athe remt- bnînd No- vol Conter Wlth C.ptioai of Northi Chicago Iftatitu- lieus. Congreesman Foee wil mai fer P,. o00.000additional approPrlatoi nf0i th. United States navalt aflnllsg acboob et Lake Bluff, 11113#000M0 ha. ai1- reedy bien apprý.prl»t"d Bays s Chicago piper: ,,CMelago. tise Great Iatand 14aval Center." vas the therne of a speecha dellvered liy Congresman George Bd- munel Fo«s Tbursday eveotag te tise firat battlion of the Illinois naval mililla la Chicago la preeentlag to lie reservea ateals for long anal hon- orable service. The recognizeal hîgi standing ai lie body isevis adilreaaiag, lhe com- lng o! tie Nashvlle as thelr crulaîni sbip. sudthie building of tie Lai. Bluff training station, were the elEý mentsi ulostulabis julgaient, midi tie city tie naval center of the great laies. "The Illanois naval renerves are not only lie largeat detacbment Of thil klnd lu an>' state la lie union, hut the>' are the beal," salil Congresamat Fous lu lie course of is remaria '-Ofîsa i have set vîli aval officerE lu Washington sud bs-ve isard tise praiang lhe Iliniois mniS. Il vi5 largel>' boause O!their splendit sioving bis-t vi creaseal tie annua appropriation for tiblairaci o! lb service from *$40,000 te $100,0001 yesr.1' The. apeaker alse outiaed th grovtso!the nsy ace is'e birlhinl 188;, visen the. -A, B,C IP." the Âtw4utu5b liBoston,thie chi Ipi plioeer- -cf lt a-i le as st dr ut e te in, way, saytng bc. ed Dot vialited the scenes oft tie convention activi- ties except teo CHail i Je Auditorium for a few momOnts. The Nashvlleo te which he referred, ad whieh wassagemod for Ilinois through bis persouel efforts. lo due to eave the repair do*& »Don and prob- LbIy wiIl reaelh Chicigo lu Octoher. t loa amoder* satesI gahoat and la the flunt vesseI ever gisea 10 the une of the naval reserves. The depart- ment was Icath to take lt out of ac- tive service. it la 230 feet long and nas a diaplacemeflt of 1,200 tons. WM!R 13 ItttIOX LAKE !LECTftICROAD MuCh-mygtery ataches te the fate of the Inter Lake Ruitway Company which was orgsnizad lri Chicago and took out papera at Springield in March of this year. since the day incorporation papera were issued neot à word hss developed n regard te the Intentions of the compsny and a latter te each onc of the directorsha elther faîled to reach thsmn or has remnained unan- swered te this date. The road *xpreuaedlis intention of building from aàpeint on Lake Michi- gan te Fox Lake and signified itaelf te bc s propoaed eistric tint. The SUN h.rswNh offers the origi- nal toI.gram frem the. 5151. capital n connectleai with another disatch that may mean. thht the Inter Lake, the "vanished' eloctric rond, ha& been mnergod Imb the N.rtheastern Illinois rond. Borne, however, helieve that the Inter Lake was merely a development of opposltibn ta A. C. Frost and was neyer reaiîy lnteaded to he e grown. up, lîve and coming road. The diapatchea: Springfield, Ill., Mardi 23.-(Spe clal t thie S1JN)-TWe Secretary ol State Iaaued a license ta incorporats today t thie Inter Lake RallroaÉ Company. The principal office la Chi cago and capital stock la nominali »6,000. St lu prcpoew1tecoatut railroad f rom, a paou the @bure o Lake Michigan te a point on ti shore of Fox Lake lu Lake county. The incorporators and flrst heart of directora are Otto liepper, B. H Conway, Martin F. Smilis A. >' Stînciman and G. 9. Melciser. r pringfield. fil., Juue 11.-(Bpecial. -The Secretary cf Blts tejdsY lsune a license te the Northeasteri Eleçtri RaIlway Company, with principal ci Bones ln Chicago. The capital stoci viii b. $50,000. Tise rond la te b coaaatructedl from Woodatock, Mcer. ry county, ta Sycomore, DeK[ali Ccanty. tirough the coamles et Mc Henry and DeKalb la thie @tate c Ufliola. The lucorporators and fin board of dIrectors ara :CiUnten C 14amiey, e C. spinney, Irving D. stel ons, B. B. Haraag, Fl. H. Risodes. Wil lamU .Ahbott, George W. LYudce George T. Goodrow, charte* A. Spei ny, &. C. Wlnans, B. J. Simpson, Nl A. Garrett, B. E. Livingoton, B.-i 8t.randberg and Darius IL Leland. IF8ATUSGRMNTD lm -5AL0074LiKfN5! Cuba Milk Pistform Otto Licqiase 11e ü rmes Shop te b. RuaI by MeGra, b ad Sterreft. Dry tevin saaoonieepera got rehatesb o! their lîcease fi-es Friday. One t Lonts Scisuer o! Wailavorli, receiv- ed a rebats o! nearl>' $60. Antier, t john Rtamussen, vas dealed a re- i bat. asahe bas solal is place sad it bas been sold again. He Cllmned t about $60.a A licenue ta operala a dram shop wase isgned to McCrav andl Sterri-It ate Cuba Milk Station lu Cuba lova. Team Febb Oser Bluff, A mlracuîauasesaseu from deati od' curred Salurday afuirnoon at North Chicago vissa a teanu belonging 10 A. Ge, sttsched 10 a load of grave], bacised oven tie bluîff at tie lake. a distanceo! f1>' fi-et. L Spectters lelt that the fate o! the &river had lissa irrevocablY sased, sud liset Hie bornsa oulil he dasheal to pleces, but fortunalel>' neither sup- position vas correct. Tise driver, beyonil a nalurai feel- ing o! fear, escepeel unscathed andl lie hois; altltougi bruiseda l a 111e, vers otiservise uninjureal. The vagan,, isovever, visa complelel>' iemlabeal. Oallnquuist Tax Sae. TAl# aprWs, saleof dl*nit fs- r ~ 3 iliO9*w to tise î Ma' tIeADS THÉ LISTI Lake County Academy and ls Husky t Specimenê cf Young Manhood Gel Laurels ln Chi- cage.p Hewthie Points Were Divided. Lake Forest Academy ......... 25 n University Prep., Okîama..15 Oak Park .................... 11 South Division, Mlwaukee ...Il Detroit Central............... 10*5 Muskegon.................... 8 Beloît........................ 8 X\est Hlgh, Des oMiase......... 7 2 Wendell Phillipa .............. 7 itantosîl...................... 5 5 Joliet ......................... 5 f Morgan Park................. 5 Harvard Si-hool ................) North High, Columbuîs........ 4 Central Hlgh, St. Louis ... ..... 4 Couacil Bltiffs................ 4 Appleton (WVis j -ilgh..........4 Pittsfleld . ... ................. 4 Racine PreîîaratOry ............ 3 Normal ....................... :I McKnley Hlgh, St, Louis.... 2 3-5 Mechaulevîlle................ 2 Wentwortb Mlltary Academy, i Lexington, Mo ......... ...... 2 Woodstock................... Newman.....................1 Englewood...................i1 AvervIlle Hîgi of Peorla ..... i La Grange...................1 ttaivelrsity High ................35 Peor» Hlgh ...................35 New woands interscbolastlc record, Percvai, Lake Forest Academy, halt mlle mun, 1:59 2-5. New U1. of C. laterscholastlc rec- tords. Cowley, Muskegon, Mlch., one mlile rua, 4:39. Daveiport, Oklahoma University Prep. achool. quirter mlle rua, :51.15. Sciioblager, Harvard school, Chicago, pole vault, Il leet 8 floches. 'l Lake Forest Academy. wth hree iathietea, woa the sevenlis annuaila- yterscholaatie track and field games ai athe University of Chics-go at Marsa-l field Btufday., One cf tisa. three athietea tbrew tie velghta for fifteea epoints. Another broke a viorld's rec- dord and tisen ran second to a record breaker. The cher won a third, rounilg out a total of tweaty-five points. 1 t visa a big victory for the aorth shore hoys, viho have competpd la I- maay interscholastica thia spriag, but iaviug von tHiir ovin meel. Thé>' are aov vestern champions, for lie>' defeated lie champions o! aine di- fereul tates vhIlch vers representsd iy a horde o! record holders o! van.- ous degrée.. But Lais Forest la ual the oniy tovin te rejoice, for Toniava flu4a it, self on the athislic ms-p tiIs mornlng. Tonkava la In Oilaboma. On. athi ltete frorn hat lutIle tovn vOn second place lanltse gam»u..lHe had le via lhree races te do It. but tise laik memed qk»y1cr Nanas faDing off a log Kitmplyrau thielegs f hi. competitors. Nakes Tonkawa Famoua. Daveaport valie hero. He mads a large field ln th. 100 look rldiculous tisOn aut-strlpped the so-calfled 'speOdy aes' In lie 220 b>' as muc as e tn yardsapetîte frenSteg ah bnuet. vibii iapta efollov H i manqet broke lie Iaterscbolsic record la the quarter mile. Alderman vas the ouI>' atilets la the long liaI a! stars te approaci hlm ln point o! indIvidus-I performance. The Laie Fer-aI youag giant tirevi the lires velgbts arouna l le a college star sad von liraI lia each o! lie tires i-vents. But is efforts scarcel>' rani- ed vlth the silI>' of the Oklahornan, Percivai contrIbuleal strong>' t0 Laie Forest'a wmnlng ttal, but be slood ont more promînent>' as lie ireaker o! a vonîd's Iaterschoisatlc record. He ran lin hall mile uiuriag a doviapour of rala la tie great lime of 1:59 2-5. Thia shaved liesachool- boy mark down oas fifti of a second. The lrack ensil>' was two seconds slow, Percîvaî's remariable recorda vis due lanunoamaîlldegres 1tes- gally dec- onaleel, diminutive runner frorn Coua- cib Bluffs--Redfeni "Red," vils is achool colons atreamiag from bia breeches, set a terrifie pace sad urged the Lais Forest ruilai on 1e lha rec- ord. "Rai" lien came haci and von tiîrd la the mile sud Ibird lu the Ivo mile avent. Lase'a total roseilier viti t4ae uhot put Alderman, tise <tth, 'lee, a$tBq4f *ePPOI04.8. ubeat Norths High of Columbus, 0., lauded second with 45 feet 7 taches. GiMni, the Joliet diacus tbrower. unexpected- ly digured la the score by makiagthie third hest put, 1which wus 44 feet 1 Inch. Woodatock, Il., produced a fourth place wiaaer lanZMer, viho pushed the weight 42 feet 6'À loches. Lake Forest cllmbed near a win- ning total ln the discias throw la whimeldehyrmaniagaotlndsiie orda hmpion ybeinscoutllchu rlGi! chia n o! m eAlsermahsulgrlie puatef aodist.Ancerman5 eeti ncite platuacistaerofLe2Taîbetta1Univers- wity of Chicag iLerschlaetsUversy 2t feth2cagohes ilastdefeat vas dufee 2areJucbhe veathseeroadtloa4 due lieytheo the w eelonito2n Tet Jlie e. trwathener ! at Des Mot las ocsdhe agergt of ees Minsseandd tersouu o!07 Wevorl Mllltsa Aderson ifLexno o. 100 feet 10 Inches. SEEING TIIINGS AT ZION CITY The eipected ha* h&PpeneOd. The ghost cf Dowie h«a been s"en in Zien City, around hie aid reaidenCe at ShilohHonte.. Moresthan this, liere »bis ben s regular deluge cf spookanmd at Iseil twe wei devoleped giioste hava bOen sien wanderlng &round. The firat gboat visa seen oae day Ibis vieek by Mrs. Henry' Sine, vifs of a former city lire marabal, If re- ports are ta he hslleved, Il vas me- s-nderiag about lie lava o!thie old Dovile reaidence at Sui Houas and Ia sald tb have borne a strlking almi- iarity 10 the late John Alexander Devis, vibo alvisys said tiat bis bsad vould he slretched la eternal biens- diction over the cil>' and that he vould corne backInla1,000 yes-rs. As tiers las no lime la eternlty lie gist may bave made a lligit miscal- culation. Laler other peope viOle nameni are nol givea b>' the vers-cls bis- toriau savi Use sanie giost vitAl lIa vhille draperies, Ils flovlng vieker sud ils bhlM bel!, lu tise vindOva o! lhe same resldsnce at varions elt limes dnrIngthie aigisl On the. ay bomne frorn meetings, il la sel.. Carns Saw One TOc. il ail started laet viesi vben ou., Rita Caras. aald te lie an »Agent for the KimbalI Piano CompsOY, ruilbed lto lb. office of tise EMLh isHospIce. decbartag liaI h. bh eard th-rMe my tericua reps on lb. door of bis rocu. There vere no detaillahemeMasle tise appearsuce o! the gst but Cairus retused 10 gQ aci te bla O te îleip sud atayed uP Ra il ngt thinilng over thie chili h. isad viien lise reps reounded tlsroW;b th. long corridors. Lewis Faction Splît. Ths Lob]a A. Levila faction, wvicisla the. -old ibowl. elemeut, la aedto bu splt baS!sud bal! hetveeu aeptinig adrejec4lg Daniel aEmnt. ebectoil tc, bed tsI sut-VeIV& forces Daid Warren, self announced- "Seveateents Section ProplVIetor Zion Cily. vise las visitai Walkigsn man>' limes and vho bas attrieled. conIderahie attention by his regalie, vih consista of s Salvation Aras> suit aad as sa-ltband hal on vici la beltered thti nscription "Mounit Zioni." vas brutal>' cluhisil viti s- large la-ou lag chiu nda>' evsalng s-t ie resi- dence lu Zion City b>' Jophet Amabuts. viho ile lu a crazeil rage stormeel lhe home lu ln hciisvife vas a- sldlng. Warren, It appears, ruae an Iuatitu- lion opîpositesisovin home, visera sa>' persou la velcomeel. Anssta' vife bail lîvei Hier. for saume lime s-nil had alvisys rsfnaed to go hoe viheu her hualiani ljied, It la salil, Suauday eveatag be es-lied for ber sad Warren refuseai b glve ber up. Tie fight ensileal Monda>' mornlag Warren avare out a warrant anal laIe tiat aflernoon Captain Walker servea lie vwarrant. Rais. Fric. of [ce. tie Hiermameter moi lte an overcoat level lie Kiackerbocker les Company' adilsal5 cents te the pries o! 100 paunda cf artificlal tce. Tise bouse- vitfs nov muet psy 40 cents a inn- dreai. Tise pricesOf natuw iIdeJe mnsue$at ithamaI UIgurs sr!ARCI1 FOR WRr-CKED TUG Marine Mon 8.11ev. body of thé. Mmet of the Anspach wili ho Found , Under th. Wrockage. Saturday three flsbermen of the, - Smith fleet spent the satire day barbor la aearch o! the leat hoileft wbich dropped ont of the 111 tated ish- ing tug AnapaciHie aigit o! lhe dis- aster, vihea two of ber crew rmet - Iheir enad lu the cold and icy waters. Local marine men are o! the opta- Ion liat vien lie bolier la raised lb. body of Belliagiausen, thee fia tat4 af the tiag, viii he located, un they fear lhe corpse hecamae vedged ender tie bolIer aithe lime o! le ie ali Although lhe searchers vers unahie 10 localethie boliers Salurday, the eearcb yul be cotnued, aven tisough. it laies ail sommer. The seareil vis resumeal Ibis aflernoon. Marine Coatrartor Adoiph Green ' assIsted hy bis tbree sous sad a force o! tweny-five sblp carpentera and la- borers, commence operatton upon tise construction o!flise nevi pier hisat la teý be Installed s-t Ibis port Ibis sumuter. Tvo pile drivera are lu opoebtien and the long stretcb of plltag *eluIni a- tu he Instai.ed dlrectly monts of tise luside end o! lis. sentis per viii be completed aceurding to Indications -n about tvo montis. PrIday morung bise sloop Mati, bi suad nrigiually o*ried byWllae? Jllsoa, under eomnumd o! IrW0~ Hayes sud John Biene, vIii 1am port for Ciicag, vere on SatIrWV morning the Mate vUI ienter tisé uamnaYacht Club rauce lito X uî~4 1City. Tise Mate bans sufiered a 'is -piete ovenhanling and l@ readyfo test. The Ma-te line ocnly ,s yacht entereal tu Ibls race. Jctib, son viii maite tise rua 10tuMe City vit tise local boys. - The Firank Jasliaan sloop, tht rela, vblch basisben iueored *$1 port for thse puit week, beftt eaffi#y day mng for' Chieatc. 'l:. r elia aenorbd lai tise cbte agan Clty race wbIèokfia eba A. Tise Glad Tidiga, oue of!t lb. ý and lbeat inovu sciseensr YaetW freili vater. Mmde port yo moruiug. Tise schooner flt1 r Tie yawl lsunit, tie lgartg aliçat under tomigaad o! mide port »Bade". 'TheJ .ft Sb.sbygsnlaarlg M«a4ý luE eurogle for 0bieagoý Co Burton teck fis. teste I.a* 10C mbi .011110. and Open oundq te PWOWý July Poèel, Ss$day, iw P *U viii be eQei#ee i .' Rockefeller. -At BrI Il U. le4.r, te opusm f The Blisois -At"* IO 1i e the. Chicago PrmeaClub,.w1v», haye donated ta>tisenat s "âe day onmqebieis lie! vist* bait* Chargeofe! th.e rani. Laiat veekGeorge I.L UvA tes. teck nevi piles cM f ths e d=v acres.,llÉ. large laie, tIÀ*e Ar4 . à vieil ai Eocia!ellr and L4brti-ý' « Tise nav picture la sensevibat 5te tissu tie ou. taken listit eabi cenaldsred a prester Dieco. ci iQO,- grapi c or tissu tise pidluretakUt of Ibis City'. Mr. Moon la Freskdent. Tise aevly elected eofi er thle' Christian Endeavor et L"i . pnuty for lie enauing year are as 1olliwos: President-Renbert liou, Higislan Park.' Fîrat Vice Preaident sud Juiore Superintenlt - Delay Van PIOi,, lysnias. Rodis., Ivanisce. 2,ecr!-C. A. Hallein. Jr., WaIb kegen. Treomuaer-Mrs. H. C. XQéib.e - ti it $1.50 FER YBAR IN ADVAINUX

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