Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Jun 1908, p. 10

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t1i~ i~tee ~ a lio ,Ome' t%*i"t SUO as> upe i1uM Rflu na~ eIû e h. avebeO ris e . iotrol aofcasrpoatlons ase lur tradmomi lu the procen of de bintatious that th"~e pteat andiW yelolijelt a point was. reached Wharu nar& ins@trmuetn m5ca et Hlînry Cabot Lodge a. the coultq wa ceitiroutei by a ste ,bsinns may Ise preservetiau s1 Chaaon. onetin ever teceti eecpt lui the civil wer -Usey bave threatened te become dan Chaiman.anti' vo Republiceas were. tisetefare seronsamusters. ablled ta deal with prôblems of, tht "Thlis polyl teasaueoppasî ErPULICAN EI5TOK mo&t complex snd diMencit charecter. of goyermelit awnersliip andi ail ]IL "To oui houai h. t nild, we havi meesures, advoated by oui apposseàit net slrauk froip the test. Much biai whlch tend directly te socialilsn a the Pa.rty Wsnta AUl tbeau doue; nsucb, neotioubt, tll e te ani ts attendant miserles 2dti evil mdIt e~.mains ta, do; but the great untienIylni 'ltInilui pursuance et this po>leycl principles bave heen established.-SDi haped andi settIeti turinglthe pas' upan them we eou buli. au neMt2 f~ ew yearu, that old laws bave heem i~cIswiue sehe enaarsa. , H.aries, carefully anti delberstely. entoreti aud nev anes, euacted. j B'sffeesthe New iaaues ad NvPobeyRaeAiq,. Notbing la mare destructive ta Ibé Malogts Prealdent "I have spoken oi the sertouanese « geStfrlawy-tbht ce lwi e-r Boosevrlt.. t~ise situation with whicb thse eauntr3 clllied scleyta apaelv 4 nomvILwas confronted. un gravity cen harik2 svaffl be tatnte book ln arder taetil, Folowlg S th seec aiSentabé averesimeated. Il grew out of con public clamer and gatafy thc people ditonsandvastheresit i orce' but -làcs le tneyer Intended ta en Irllwlg e hespec o Snso iton ad al te ealtoff t res.Thwt laaignbear lieM7 C<abot Ladge upan essumîilbeyoud the cuntrel nt raen. Scienefreli os anIgnbeat Ib permanent l!armansblp of*& Raid invention, the tva great factor, -tisune wblch are alloved ta rust, un leuvnla:ln tiis stuation, have net only 'atlteet anti because, If enfarccd, tacy mtgis "Gentlemen af the Convention: radlcally buanncuvirannment ad jtrer ihvsei bsso m "-,IraZ yen mont sincerely for tbl relations te nature, but, lu their ap the ricb andi powerf ut. " tbulryen ave tioue me lu cocsplication, tley have revlutionizetecea Preident la Sulowlad. _r eta prealde over yaur deliber nomnie conditions. These chautei ece "The prsitent bas enorcedth t aîions - ur lit la e great hmoar t, nomie conditions bave, ln turn, If lavi as be found thiex on the statut. bêtepresiding ofcar o a Reput ecteti profoundîr saletY sud pâllutes bok. For tbis performance af hi tule» eonventiou. 1eu cancelve , They have led, amaug Other tisînge, ti evain duty be has been bitterly ai ICI" 1tf-Ihave SIsee heard o combinations oi capital aund lahor on 1 teketi. It was te be ecpecteti. Vent vmUtlIwbere the honerao u cl u lhavrnyr bfln d sInsed anti profitable vroeags crt] &a pent as tbai nov accuped.jy me i vituesseti. They have openedth Ie val ot londly wclin their eutrcnchmeuta 4 O s, ad viere, If exctut ilta accumulations af weaith lu masse, are carrieti, sud sanie one 19 sure t( »q,$@Mt. pleasre lu conspicuans by lt tcyonuth te dreams af avarice ani( i haàhrt ,ben tbe bayonets ot the las atbssiee But ta ha the preslting OSl never betone contemplated by inen. are pusBhed hocme. lu thse great Amert ini a &Républcain convention Io eve 'lTie social and political lîroblei cen eletorate money bas few votes ta bat, distinction ta. whtch no mv: thsug createti are wolly uew. It 115 9 but It cen comniand mauy volces nai JOM bb. Insensible. Gentlemen of th tailacy ta suppose that becaluse dit cause m;ln? birsdeta sing. The restul, emveutlafl, agates I thank you. elemetts are old the protîleus teet le thst the president le tise best-abust *<'1 sbil! net delay or dtan yau iti ndust, tiserciare, differ only lu <leg, net ethtie mut popuitîr man lun tt .WiUs h umay yards. Yaur resolutionj f rom those whlcb bave gene before United States today. He bas becu 'vOl Mt forth tise princples af tb. The elementa may ba od, but tIti more abused tbaîý ny president ex pS'tr antid décare tise plilcies upos probler' presentedl by a change lu th cepi Washingtou,, Lincoin anti rant 4#gi*w alsisali for the support ci proportion of thc elemeuts a.iity ha He passsesee clove anti confidence t"eeple oi tise Unted Sates. Wiu d ln ibis case ls, cntlrefi~'ew. of the Amenit-nu people ta a tiegrel mn ati iihelouene ynr cm 'Great ludividuai fortunes Ran t et neyer equaleti except by Lincaîn anÉ cisezirman bas lreaty revleweà men are, Il la true, as oit as recordeai Washington. May St not be snld, n v WtM of~btrya tise pasty, ban givey history. NcalZ tva thousanti Yern sober frutti, that the fearles perforrae l til caouni t a vian aibeauenean ga the tex tramessoaiIRome forme; ance ofasweoru tuty Is not vîthou I- bas set forth visat ve hope ai et 'trusf for their own proit and pro : Ita er.ieedlng great reward? Ïsim ate do My duty Ia merly t tectian; the Eniglisis people, tas-e een "But the wart bas uot ceaeed witt yen, no fer as 1 cen. In thc ortcr1let n oople rne tusles ago1 s-volte.d agaluat the pe t the enforcement oi existing lews. A prompt transaction aiflthe husi et u oooiegatt y Ellea epuhileen congressaned e Republiei rbeftwsicblb u brougt us tagether bath andi James ta tinaer courtiers ad precident have tlacei nov lavrezo rbat busness la momentus-nothinl mnopoliste. Fosestaltars anti sPecu thse statuts books, dcsigned te cerr tIssethan ta name bers tas tva met ltors lu thc necessittes Of Ilie vers à ont tiseRePubie« apole aof gavera lW~aekns with the imp4iglfr01 cuine luneus-revoita nibitr!mn egniation lunea sfc.reesona&blt tru I, ib. thse next president anc denouned by Washington. Yet it làansd effective mannes-. The Elkius lew v*le.-resident ai the Unte States non.ue theles truc that the samnt te receta ebts bc <Ta iâoder te win for theus andi for otia oa rsn usin ifs bave heen thse usse of our trausporta pmrty. au assus-et as well asla rmer eut lu kinti as vall as i degre trox lion and aur business; the raliroaf '1t.d vitary, vs mut teteet O3U op thiiea predecessors.a rate lev, vhieb matie the supervilas pamnts. visose exclusiou tramua -ei "I l Ite htige ire ai pivete ftrof mairiroads" marceffective, anti the -lh deireti by tisa country and dteserve tues, tue vent extent anti power ai pure foot 1ev, whlcii bas beau lu the btii.aL motien combinations of capital, imatie hiieut degs-ae benfilcent ta tac masseit Wausl aveth Sioar Rd. poklsle by preseut contittions, whicl i o or People. ame ail monuments al "Ne>poltlatylYReod e timehave braugbt upon us, ln theac lati eacplcy anuthie labars of the Re ta* show sncb e record of aciieve ,years, probîcuse postetous lns theli pulcen Party. ~smutdurngthetet Siyyca-sas htposiblîttes, anti thrcatauing not oul3 "lThe preideut. vba bas led bàà MUent uiangparty.ntTpo th asth(-< ur social anti polticai vwelfereI, but party aud tise people lu this great ica n d art iepnge at l cmeven aur personal frecdom, If taci vos-k, retires. by i. owu détermuina. ýw nsadadcalnealcmn are nt ixldiy met anti visely solveti. i>.foalsbbafcaonte4t b~er ias.h Butest w clavet e mem là "The gteat body' ai the Americar çoiî>(Mcb uext Hi. refusai of e nomu - ter battis tet w bae t met bpeople, neliber very nlch nos- vilory t ntian. ditatei by tac lafttict me> anUs leus severe. Tht. loae compara the bouentthse tbs-fty. thse bard-vos-i tives anid by a noble loyaty to Ameri tily.sos-id. We do nt go forth ta con lng, tbe men anti vamen vha eas-z cie traditions, S. final ant iirsevocable tutte great Prire- with tac Idesa anti save, have uo base envy--ac Ananvh etepsaue tpetyvich va seris s e euf rautie batset ai vealta, vhetberln nea acandidate illerthe presidency Ime !2Zydeltdbypras fSl dividual os- carporate, IIt bas becs pupsa bath bis inceesity aud is goait . anes d dchronie tfsentent. Tie nsl andadl lsl n e.fih w e h rsdnsget ~ gabstraction viscb tlsey sp bocty anciatiiwsl at eu -it n vqualiepr fies, g rs gllitoelng c~rousîy employeti villa aseue ioreanti mont lenspicuous set neyes- existei yet on Bea or landi spansibility ta tac publie. But ibis vblcb noa aiadev bes ever bccii s-st t gleatus upon us lns prlnter'lsi, but great body af aur people, by habit and Tisa mais la no friand ta Theodorli S bai neithes- substance non argenize instinct allie, wlsly canservative R»oaseat, anti dues . net eberisl itib tien nos- candidates, fer organiatiani tisece people, isa arc flise hanseand naine anti feme, -wbu.naw, tram axaî sanllt candidates mst bc taken frai suev af aur ceuntry anti upan wvin tive. seeià ta urge. tim as a candi jtis rais f mn ani cnna b~~' ta fortunes anutlits a-fety rest, begai G&ie for thc grant ofice visicis h.bal BotierPhantoma af anu ucasy dreM e t. observe, witb ep alarus, Uthese Snally declinet. Tise président bas re 'T$ Ameican people muet choasa uer cent manifestations of tae newvse!* fusei viat bSn countrymen woul? Wavemiser beineen us andthie Dema nuillec condiions. Morc e soe tbej giadly bave given ithl e 5 viai '«tic purty. Witiî the Demacratit aet eiv stteeve o'~ mssat en btb'ay lparty ant i wtlnthat Raous, mugit tcm tebleOtR hsvetfr emnu admnswa h ay hipr effb atie. Ve tiffer trou tues anutithese buge couintions 011ant i iiiParty antidiis country vIIi se OOsfPe.nc55capital ver. iornsed ant ihlt UP b3 spect is vishes as they haeur bit * tiat Party 'in moine imîportant particis tortuena ant i dîsouesi means, blgi chaaacter anti greai publie ses-v 1liaM.W. bott, il la truc, have a pasi 'ana a bistory, btnw~e treat hose pas OJiulaIa.UsestApparent. te. lesiota very tifferentiy. Tney vist "Te Usase eho looketi beueath fl>i PflaNaite fa i liales. 'tekeep thect peet e profounti secret asfacn On minons unAmxet vas avIsai"But. altisotigisthe presidetica"tir"~ W' ile by ait menus ta pnbllmh ou ent. The vicient caunselsaifvIOIýui he leavea bis policiezs hiind lihlm. Tc to the vanid. If wc refer ta tiseis men, vis alamai et the destruction ai Usai.e poicies flie RepuhlIcan parij htèry tisey charge us vîta calumny propeni? andthUe ovcths-aw et taw stands pcdged. We muet carry thez IWO regard ours, trutitul anti natta began taeibe heard anti haniene te taOu s e hava begun, regertileas alie ltote i u gtetgas-y T h e Tise reat order-Ioving, tuduetianaofttise radilcale 0f reactian anti the 'yoeoft tie country iiscy say, 'Judtimasses ai tac American people turDed radicals ai revolntioes. We muet bald lm pWely hy Our- undWsovereti future. aa'y trom tilese atvocates ai violence attto that vbich le goati white vi We say, 'Rend aur recoa; jutige ni but et the sae time demandée!Usai uaie tahestvances visich tisleitune by qui pasi Rani aur preseut, and iran taha- gaves-nuent shoulti give thae, lIr tomant- theme lega wht ve eam viai w lawinl aud reatonab>le veys, the pro i We al bie a onfidence antisui> have beau anti vbat vo men te h. tectian ta wicb tbay vers entitîcti. prt of ibe Ameien peuple Ibacaiin BeeqL1Ue cries vhicis bave sounueti "Thea great duty of ivlfiliing -hs s bave met Use ps-a'lems of Use'dai 5.., ,osnta.lips of tise.twa partiel rigisicous demande, ike ail th.e gea' antihave tricti paticutiy to slve Usèi lgtelet hait century. on the fbibilIc services of the letfiaf ce: Wf ppeel far votes anti forthe poele mee se: '9avery; sece"ssin; repudi tury, wus Impsel opon thé Repub taey confer because ve upisl theis att.. CethUe publite debi; fiai money 1can party, eps! taey bave noi: flineSueti1ps-ca dent'a plles antiaslait continue 'face tiradie; fs-ce silver; the averras fraus tac hureen.Tnder the tendcte ai ta utain tissu. We maie our appeai Arthtés courts anti gevarumeni avuer the prscalent tac Reputbican pesty biai with confidence becanse we bave0 iabWgrepplet vith Use nev probleme, bort weil-tieftned ponecy anti are not Ilue "On Use Republicau aide: 'Frsai af the nev condtuions&i bas been uns ouropocinta, tunabllng Lu Use olai- 4men; the Union; tas payment os ligt tank. Danges-aus extremes thiet ta und sMme opnion on gomiething. dcli; set money; protection te cnet on eubes- baud. On tac ont ia 'ebieel s aneac ai AMrkln Intnstry; the golti standard verhde radical. ai mectian, vho re law anti rder anti ln Use support al ow maintenance or 1ev, of os-ten and aite Rany change etat a; on U th ie courte lu ail tct-re iaanti&s. tie courts aeuthtie g'avcs-meut seg aite vere thse radical% ai destruction uty- W. bellev. tu equat l rIMint o aifs-et corporations.' Tise oie wawieisedtiet change evenything ail men anti are opposn et aspedis eoftaseIJemocratarese tota) Tisese îwa forma ai ratîcaleliama a. privièges for any suai, or any clan ophtapho af plicies wiich ae-e eadi far apart ai the onist as the polea of men, isigilior loy, rlcis or pour. We dasmuotd. They serve only ta s-e but, wlen ces-s-ed ct, they iei atti isa hoesftabliedthUe golti standard, ane Os ai dRngers eseped oas-te vas-n te revalution. lleiween these tva ex piedtie the a cause af saun t fiece et ptis ta he shunnet. Tbe bat trames tihe Itepublican prscalent atni W. said for protctiote Ainrenh ciset thse Republicene have heer tac Repubilicancongreas vero cm n ndustry anti Âmes-ban labor, aUtluit .wtchworde aofs-et causes. The! pellei to stees-, anti wble thcy d wyul resuat ail tis a mui tfilm Afviesles won ntitrimuphi vencet stesdiy. soberly anti effeýlp'ti,. fesuntien viatever naine I comas ;4ihey arc embadied te l se evly. tbcy vere obige tet repaS tisesad tilunîel We wiii ust tIste dtsuia4 thé e cppinig-stones hy vbiet Icl asaulte on es hautand fic, countr-y. W. mean te hae bas risen tealever- fs-atel 1 "Yet, notvltbatamtiing anl theste Ilifi vy wwtiy ai these aeCis ai et Pov anti prsoeosty. culties. muchs bas beauReccOmplishet ýW. eai epence ant fi a-boudl si 5 , Q l aai nBI e. Thée response ai the peope ta the poli Uste nations, but alliance wiUs a»~ onug Mi l p t e stand ca urgeti by the prealîlent bas liser-Tet vo have no lintenofaibeing thm r ldcoI l up the p go em phatlc tht hlita heen matie "isermit nation." Tise great 5WrvieU lot U&eatcofli ga"'elear, Once for ail, thai the gaves-n aitcp-lentaa.-ad ee la n srs andt iscb tac 'ar ument of tise Uniteti States le neyer itevl libe continueti by (1* prt, vbi * grc $ ti'Rot tands iart ý ha dominatet boy momscy eut' inncla be bas lait. We are es Party fet tg a il m1*158. li s epublicamIllinte-es, samatUai thse poltiel partI anti goverfi, ta legIaite MdtiadotoW u_, L _ etece _vbnIl viicis pas-mus iisci to Se s-ild b) tes, snd net a itoues elleetiau a WADKgaN, tuNOJ T BARGAINS That Mn w hîrs Because of the High- ChrÉacter Ôf The NIerchandise'and The ExcepioM1Loas oh Pie Hosiery Handcerchiêfs Vesta Gloyes Misses tan lace stock- Women's fine coiored 00r- Women'a gauze vefte, lmv Women's 16 buttan lengtb excptonll ~ der handkerhlef*5, Wtb i taped neck, short sleev,e Venetian liaI. -<ioves, re- tngsecpt. ayfn narrov . tbi,*el y 12%c values. speclai ffer gujar 1.00 klInd, "Kayser" rotton. -,Se values. at pair Rpecialiy pri;;d, nt ea~h et make, per pair 19C 3c 9C 75c Ne& s and Young Men's ligh Quality Clothes at -a Low Price A great seleetion of mens and youing mens suits, tailored fronm the choieest of new faney fabries, as well as p)lain l)laek thibets, worsteds and blue serges, thayýv are values thiat yon ean't luplieate- for less thait $15.Oand $18.Wfl. The tailoring is of the very highest ehara.cter and we hae ail sizos. Výour choice of a big lot at Men 9s and Young Men's Trousers An extensive range of mens and young mens trousers,, Mtade froîn niolN»' striped wool materials, in the popular Varsity style. 1eg top, cuf at bottoin. Special .....2 6 Boys' Suits Very.Low Priced Madie of faney serges andti ght thibets, in Norfolk style, w i{mKnckerbocker trouscîs, anti also double breasted, sie to 17 v'ears. Spec %. offer 03.95. BOYS WASH SUITS-Nohby garments for boys, tailor- - '~' d fin faniey duck percale and plain ehambray in Buster Brown, Peter Pan andi Eton styles. We have 819C pricedti temi at a very low figure. . Spécial ... Klinonas Towels India LIinon India Idnon Waihen's long kimuonas. Big assortment of huck A fine and sheer quality We offer you a reguler fine lawn In attractive Onl- and Turkish towels, large of white India linat warth 20e grade of fine sheer size and good weight, 15e loc, very low priced at India linon, special et entai patterns, special at values, special each yard yard 98C loc c 'C3c Drawers A very interesting offer tu womens drawers made of good cambrie timmed - with two rowe of lace in- serting and one of edging, . J Î J relar price 60c, special 29c Women7s PettiCQRtS An exceptieiially 10w price for Oncb splendid garments, made of rawbric bas a wide flounce, and nicely finisbed wth a vide cmbroidery. nuiSle, ................................... 49c 'W. ofrer you unrestricted choice of any woman s wool suit in the store at one bal! its rbgaua selling prie. matie ai an extra fiue anti sheer qnality of Indue lino- anti lingerie, tallas-St lu e cereful andi paluistakilu man- nes-. Tisefrania are beauti- fully embroiies-et, tsacksti anti lace ts-immed, lu a number ai tiffes-eut designs. A remarsk- able valus ai $1.50, Speclal chioce 98c B11k Wais Matie fsrn a rsmas-iably Sine qualhty ai Japaesue 11k, ai black and visite, hbigbos- low- neci beutlulî eubroder- 1.98ge .Net Walst Wame's aIt ave n net alais, beautifut nev styles, timu ,mad wvlUs modellons,- anti handsome f ilet lace. Spe- ctlly ps-bat- -t......... 2.98 I Princess Dresse Thesa îvyliih drsaesarmse the kind usai are u@ually priced nt $7.50. Tbey are made of an ercept;onalîy fine quality ai lin- gerei pink bue and 'Whie. Spcil . ...4.98 White Shkirts C'ol and comfastable skist. for auninses wear, matie ai a -fine bs-m quality of linen flnjshed ciitiug, pleated and îsimmed with flitt V4sy Speciat offes- et . . 48* Fine MgIIiery A ouitabi. style lin nually the mois teentitêIas %~elisau Ibeo firet oonsiderationn with a lady' Whou me1etjnq ber bho" Wear. After fi.ding a style t st aiti the pricesmuit suit aI»o. Our 'vauîety of modem inse extnave sud aur prioe. no varied that you Vit iand sno difficulty in gettiug satislaotioua. At $3.50 w. ohow- very speial-a "Mer- ry Widow' sailor trioemed ihn a nuamber of charming stylos, with wnsod ribbons, .7ca . . 3.50 Pdsmme Haie of *ne Pa- u"" ea vPrettlly trimmed with ribbon and flowers. f A very speulal offer at 4.75 FOR$ "ibes,, ItOUSE 7Stons. 7 Grooms. 7 7 maao. 6 moue 7 rooms I r 7oams Grooms ' 7 roomaâ SFOR SA ardSta . FOR SA S Libertyt -, FOR SA isard vi goasp- Uà(lç, i FOR SA vus bat laS., go( Mm-sNet FOR SA 8 sund 4 goad car3 mente. WANTE yiet ca , arn a 1ake, IL on thse Il Wiscanm reaaanst tires. Jas af tise Ne Addlms, WANTE quire et ROOMfl Dus-nf boas-dlo Lber#v Pleis« tdi FOR SA ps-paity FOR SA piste Ifit Nessly i los-I ha Ph ans4 FOR S) oline esu Round I FORS cheap. FOR R FOR RI -4 Ight Ib Adulte p ville, 1 1 FOR Si boss-dite ,i TO REI .- $2 to B as-gais- monte, Flaches-, Apollo 1 *Musie ci ,Bd M. à Lfissry

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