tRih" bu bt@Je a fondt« riqu' S t mlaie Ceuuty. 3Muly Tarte. A. 1). work sud ebove 1l snob Planta mt tr in -nro AE l Ri onf outo b. dan il he tsagous5W5, wl» b.carriei out. 1Tihis ne> "Baiii5 Te e'But there ~~1908. Severel vblIcb are net dan have son Concert» Wl» be given lu the gr- féver qU1'.I 51.utres± luti.mtee ReetaeoFrd been fouud i Waukegahi It ia sud tw-noons at 8 sud lu the. evenige t of our wlnter habita. Thie nerVes areB. Tsagrt, deeo&ui,.To Lovina ftult Tird, wràao t S iaell Tagart, JbcrTag-t ---- This fi-t visit la on, o! varuini and 8:80- mostly at fut levoêci eSael Ta ggmrt, RobcrtTag-t, s advtce. The. net viii b. on. On nerve. letve un languid, Ilfelemsandu4 ii= et Hare and Robert Hare, wbihlCiarreats vilI b. made la Case LgtlgSrc ,* vtotSiit0 miin ew_. Rirt et luv of sald dece ed. W USE ovatoimfoui eanhanse utOnsdam@es oô(Dr. ShRoo's Restor Tou are hereby notifled that on BOUS! f~uî, sudOne orevu »ed 1sud twOvers"absolutely uM" qulcïly ch'ng__ail ! teTe±ebdyo uy will foliow. bdybreI oepae h hair teedpesn ypoi.Teyou;l dr Chi idl~rlv'lltOlacr-bd ,l bt erElt ypai R t-10, at the. hour of ten o'clock I i .iW1 lmmCuiiate Conception ing t Inspectr aVi ltins acd being burned off ibeir bcdies, vhmn lu toratlve of course. vn't brng O forenoon of gnid day, the udr 0ee Inspn o e t u e ctri, er . vii wose home lt he stor recentlY lightug at uck back te fullbeau in a day or tvo, sigued, Adminitratrix o! the. estate of le,5 cent SOOin lsu ot w hi ound t b fwtbe. hum of Bd Johnson n- (lumrn.,but it VIlI d6 enougo in 48 heurste Fred B. Tagart, deceased, viii preent L*» Thn *80,00- sad ntsros ument cases the Thie XMlburn Company Paid for thie satayo-that ibe remedyla rach- tethe non. D. L. Jones, judge of tibm n ws:,«the hqrCh01 t e rnempoyer vorklng hi$ help igt sud ideéfbora.. At Herb'm Plac usg ibtttlred SpOt. , Dhiifltstaounty Court of! Lake CountY.Munois,4 mss0ftRe bscb ! ii i hal! jnstead ei the legul eigt bouMrs. ' Tk. bd Juat pufled the. plug ont- everyviiereare adviing litsuse SaZa brfnalreport sud final secount cf ~ impatin n ai a the Employer' vere warned sud udrised of he am- lin. telephone and splendid and ptompt generul tenir- ber acta and dolugs as ncb Adulte'Y ~ ~umrsevies voted o!0 elw rve ailt>bdve hr a It give more vi, sud more spirit toitaitrati-ixt amiLt have the mae up - trY hid rvir iefan t heC- Ti. rork o! tRie tva insiiectors ni te spoofullhan an>' other inovu Proved, tab. dichai-ged, and ta have ~~e ~*oI ous ata cit nteemingaDOvalabl an a rae 11. abunh c bobe ndnerve or ousatitutional tente. It mid etate' decisred settied sud Clo- me vetiacs tnkîndî>', neetna&aubiad Lake smelled pint burning. rilg shaipens a taili; appetite, aida di- ed; at vhicb Urne and place you my asfrthey are welconied bere. b, found that the. lightnlug bad fol- gestion, frees luggeh livers and kld- ho preent if yen, see fit no toedo whchlowed the telepiione vires and that neys, and brlngs nev lite, trength Dated this Seveuteenth day of ue tRe ima unesae, t a and ambition. Test It a few days sud 18. S eoed$00.WiLL MAK!E NGINES parts of the. carpet and woodwoi-l< e convnCed. LILLIE Ç. TAGGART, o! bm usnes mn c th A ITlM~U~~wer. ici-ced, wville a dress as '~ ALL DEALERS. -Adminitratri. bo sjie memýbers of the. church 'laiid upon te sunoonce Rbr .HlmcWt eis---- oplilos as te the. proper snd Roiiert S Hall. ,cacbtnist, genins ofiena securing the, neces- and iiead of thbe Hall ase Engin.0com- charge oftth er io o htae panyeyto!ths City, this week an-.hrg f1h clbrUilc ta nn,înced that his new englue, one o! saourth of id>' lu Waukegan as nenni ', ollavlug ,tbe decision thg1 to 2o herse pover size, bas citizens ar-e vondering what tii. gen- bé,vl l.bes f t h Chirca , herep s the Inspection o h Ereeral celebration wyul bc sud urge the £keMater CarrCChipago, o!eKenoshaeand circulation cf subecrption papers fer '40ec4re on, cf the lesdlig Mtor ar C mpiny aofpted ashmanedsp.CIsattractions snob as fireworks - - Wnlebt opleepln of power for the EaZle Cars, whlch are onhei lake front, a general plcnlc, an W H L &*E~M L ëgoï$lctions for the nev work. ftelts e. extra hail game, and the special lght- 06 WAuHIw TON 8STR«7T, us o! e the. members of the cburch The ncv Hall engine i. of a sîmlar ing of thie streets as on asat WaUkegaC , 4va« of thie construction o cf ps iont th agregesDy 04oky ftbocl bouse, wville aliers cmailflt w are nie a~ ~~~~~Ti lare str tutr.Ts~ hich have been placed on exhibit lun 8, ie catorstruturate. itathe Ingals windows at variows unies. ttI * 01 #D i hrh.eit It la expected that thie Hall conipaliy « the members of the Ch vh ili bave te contract to build at least B u t lachteîs le four o! these englues a week -idr r i (1are- de b. T veachndethre e totemeet- the deniand of the Kensa A L~ 6GE, NE W~ T CK 0 E !Ü lans viiiandt b e sttcorY ronceru. "7. a I-I iir ST CK ,,& ~i i ib c sme m ite f o r c' ie Pom t Rgt.r If e n iThe W orlds' BeSt *"Arde," "Superlative, " and, " a ae re lu laver pf having the Ambrose Truesdell, veteran borne- I' 1001 htmk.lecocdubewapdCercyBteI n an ~uo bome evd t th rr f mn, as i moinl couty court hir i Use Ayer' HaIr Vig invite the patronage of people who wish full value far bm and turnel lu an entertain- by a jury restored te bis propeity new Iinpr@ved formula, sys SPECIALS FOR 1 1,1m "ancehall. Providlug this righta as a sac. person adlon erva eç,.tIcîIljars ofilmncdOOlivesi23c kbelt le understoad the ba illi tor Dr. Daniels vas given ten daya In Yedu vin eo! reulea o M snq.Jr fImotdOie 3 à1toi ouit ta partie as la tiie vhich te maie a final report sud m- kmoW stops tfaiIng hair, ctreS Roasted and Salted Iteanuts, per lb. . . 9c HàwWu* by the Eplecepal church. côunting. Tiie county court adjourn- daidriiff, and le a meu sout Roasted and Salted Peanuts, per 10 lbs. .. 85C Il tminl favor of tearing cd for a weeci fi-m toda>'.deslg nro no.Nv C um aFispepk . . c k.I c10 sback, and havlug a tird bottie. Newcontents. -Wm* gis prpk5 'rétsd ethe eibmuv ilinlg te faii pn mudy .,. ~.~,* ~~.Ptted Ptmnes, I 6-oz pg. for . . . . t oc ~ hoi-tRimepurpoes. [avinia Park opens lie gatee net ,.,,, ______________________________ siOsrcuel tindvI aturday cvenlrug tiie ciicnshcd hopes , 55ev alev fIeLact.tbt tihenev o! north chor, nelghbci-5 ylb, rcal- 1 u ies.f'N'hSM tilI b bltit o ib cbierj~Th'e advanee sale o! tcket~ Z fr #uw 2 osue bua been large and tiie succees cf ii tEa noethRe ceter r' p., .- sr.d.Tii. initial t- lot o vier im id eholtraction wyul ho ttheNv Yoi-kSyn- s==a ud aeluevery vaY the vef7beef phon>' Orchestra, under tiie direction Rieurprepusdtoii evef iscelupon t*6 Pho o,.1241. accordlng ta present In- o»prveVentniesaiepolcylune-ae. a b tmnReatisg iiv aie'-s, hc. ae p-'0. n .e Kgipewmwqo -;l~siettalled et a lgh cast. bogt te beat ibe névihol t i ather Ovn' ei-,- L FB A A~ u - Mabens o! nie churcil are uly tu favor 0c ffpeng t m fr the nev achool bons. pan s peciflcti IR tuf ne over ta thie cbufcb tRieNmicg architect, apu lMt o! thie memebrs « the te Re medc, t vRich * 1w vlI b. taken mest "ei go vbih are favoe'ed by !opkoeed by othemu. 0*r the erection o01DAv build- ïbe Cblsre.h o the Immacws W~a inl Include an mn- ~yarantemet of the par- property at WaLter snd tyetzeeta that Wn dl Fitbe a«uty of the ctty. m« t tRie* outh and eut Win l*mloeUt nev eburcli for ýbm la npv a fond of mou0 vin be added to gret]Y. wMprobably beb ut 4b .,Wu,* a outheaizt frot. *9 u#tb o it Wii b. e test«- phti a.E. W. Gavin sad on Ïo*west corner of the lot vii ted tRthe nev $30,000 seooal 4tefirt o! the new buildIngs j 'J 'I int- io sothvest cerner, as it nov viii b. left the couvent, wici rl vii ustain impi-vements ta ý00 or more.I outimated thut t I ili cst close POto put tii. pariaii property tape beftting hlm dignit>' sud lm- iis and this expense the pai-ish Lasme ta sustain. se large. so M4 an u odevoted are its >gurib viilb. contrscted for CTueII!ICE Pr-Au rACTORIs 2"eltiouis for -the. Manufac- - of this Favorite Sumnmer luepecters Johuson o!Chicago this -' WSakegan tceecrearn ýa vasaito!f iscRiIf ibere lu auRi~t L me oe viii Re fosed out Of 2948 Foi- Boya -XIiee Pants Suis. Foi-- Wer prie .$800. Fo 8o' .25 o te t lIn. Suits,wrtiu 4*95 Fer Boy's Kcee Suhîs that sold for $600 Ail sîzea fi-cm 7 to 16 Yearg. qswwesuw.uwivmvOPFERRD AT A DISTINCT SAVING Sr»A JIEZS AT f SUMMER DISCOMFORT? or FAN COMPORT? WORIIClI OURRESI.? lIeetie fan for t w,=k;for tbe =tlayat houne. Catq myltte; lait@ àlIe4hii.. U d lnhibot , ierfor coollng;la ~ = ,In r, for vul.t . Electrie fan c mn b. ued ai ay 2-oon la tb. bouse. Prv id me tle brome. Il nlht Il doirsd. W.vWW &end yon a fan on riqumet. N4OR[H ShimORfELfTRC COMPANY ,ead the Want Ad Col unm ------- IL DASEMT STORE der thbe U. 8. EXpMa IeS.Of ce- oi&tla ukato" Flour. Wayne & Low's fuil welgbt etra ibricks. Crockery, Glassware, etc. We especlafly )r cash :1 : THE WEEK $ 1.40 $5.50' *6c Minnesta Crean Flour, J-bbL uack Minnesota Creamn Flour, per bbL 25c Imitation Cut Glass Diles s Sfd gi ad 0e&k. fer UIGLHY 6a CoJ --------- 8SUIT& 0 Br r1 ea esm on Bos eti atircly, too rnany suits for thists = of the year, and while we have no comn- oaint o mAk, as Or bo deff-tmStls alaYs a "Izy lath' tepve hae reductidt nsithredgtieatrtattractiondo anan tdûs, CO8pSd wVêI the d qua>ityof Our vgoÔd, %wll l kesuch values as were neyer bMore offeWdto the peopie of hits vtclniy. Spcial Pricc Inducements on ail Boys'and Young Men's Suits UNES 0:F lOTS' JACIE AI Am T fSM"T THtIS MEANs WHE iILld BSOKP. O N& f OR PER14APS TWO SUIT& 0F A KINO LIFT, BUT IT DOIS INCLUDE ALL SIZES FROM 4 TO l VEARS. hANY 0F- Hit UlITs ARETHE PRODUJCTIONS 0F THE VILRY HIGItST CLASS MANUFACTUJRER& 0OFD80" Two-PISCE SUJITS, AND WIILE A FIW 0F TI4IM FORMERLY SOLO As 1.0W AS $SAD,. THE MOST 0F THIS GREAT ASSORTPAENT SOLO FOR "80 AND *8.00. WlIHAVE PLAGED THE ENTIRE RUNON ON ONE TABLE AND WILL OFFER UNIeE$TRICTED CHOICE FOR Test Uurmstwletd Cheiçe For Boys KIr.e Bouta. Formerl>' ald for $4.W 3,098 Beys& Knee Bita that sold for For Boy'a KneeSumita tiat old for $650, ail Bizeatra"m 7 ta 16 years I BOYS' WAISTS AIl ages. al kinde, al colore, absolutel>' the gi-etest asaortment O! bioy&e valets lu ibis cil>', snd ever>' vaist ha o! the celebrated 'K & IV' lind, nie reasan v. offer yod thia braad le becaus. the>' are mucii better, have better style sud ,better colore iban the ordinar>' klud. 0Do't deatro>' yodr eyeslght viien you cau boy aucb. vaiesAt hardiy nie cest of material. On. big bnnch of collur attacbed boys vuata, aIl sizea !nom 2 to 16, wite or fancy, rnany o! ibis lot ver. Ras bgh au $1.00, and noce Iss than 50c, came lu sud loak aven theie net valt values ever offi-cd, 92 la Sale price foi- ten days oniy.............................. 7C OWAdreosWooci Rossîmu Blouse But esai2% ta 1 ye«", timw~ $6iek .$500 cuit or1 »1xdJhUts for % blRie serge il&.f -. -e -, loge- Y..w U.wutrlctsd Chelem 7,e98 For Young lMen '.Long Pant 2uýits niat aold for $10-00. 11375 Focr Young Me's Suite, slzes 30 to 35, that sold for $15-00. 14*85 Fr Yung Me's Suit-s, cizes 30 ta 35, il tii. snap sud style an>' on. coold wtsi, anf frmeni>' sold as higb as $20-00. 9;Ô98 For Young Maen's Long Pant P-uits ibat sold for $1250. 12975 For Young Mena Long Ps uta imes f-cm 30 ta 35, ibat aold for For YoancgMen' Buta, sizes 30 to s6. This lot are odds and ends, oeil> one or tveanitis o! a bled, fi-cm or $10, $12,50 sud $15. lines. Childrmn'a WOOl Norfolk SUIts, agea 2½ to 7 yOar. BluO S8"g84,fncY wevem, clame cheku, go n this sle s mre proportion of reductions meether muite. * e.... e>' VOLS #y NEWEST TION, IN CURE A SELIEVI rv ITUAL M Dy TENAI WIFE IN TO DEAl THi OPCALII ~- PROLONl TH TMOROP IVRA H IT FORE PONIIII Stte*'@ Att called upon t., ~-if he a uh M. lint. the My jThomptei o Moen City, mand that wiII muid than that li lAi Adami Thoml pellet of thie 0 e. rlied, la accel Khi* .1!. te dmi e fortyge. dejo à' cancer of Il du ah d sà~er ?mrs.Thom$ *anid the. death "" ,stien wlth th9 dîfference aras e-mein.bousi 1 cg of Tver mi te, * M s e la the. er o! Bui-nhan - nd. M.-i. Mu and wben se. rooma an ai-go I' rsr. fLarUIl -Walkcr o! the. talked frely, (t-be Waest beir etarved A SUN repai son home Tu -paper man on kthle staryoucu ,~bouse, vho ta tiens taiked i-e Thosapson ci had met hlm bléM teacblngs. -th. Darlinge, v and suother fa -~end finally bii- iving offconte "I flimly be ed hlm vi ug ta, a 8 wl axpreme y te s, ise ber a di- mii. hadlbeen Ir cetbîug. for Telle of , Foi- fortyI-0 - igito, foiiovl mands, lrs. tie a!faod tien. * 'H.r's vas the end nearci sud wasted, ni tlu aboaea i "Sh. cnled and ber busba drinkor tc tel "Sh. dicd Ir .~tlga stcffy Aa- t vas ~e w it-boi ocancer sua - Ler deuth, ati if 1 the 1 E