Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Jun 1908, p. 9

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4, YFIr fS 1I3 IN JOLIE3T 18T11 -THREk DAV 0ýF UrNON DU&INESS FOR THE MEN. UpulesiWàr Veerars. of Woukegun Not Numes-ous Erough tb le O- - -- - garslzed But May Bond a (Tram Wedu.ada'S Boa. That tht Illinois dtpartmensl, Unit- et Spanisl War Vettraus, vîli tn- dorse - Depacîmeut Commander John R. PowècKjsf Elini foc tle poition oi ccmmaisder-ii-chitf atItis anouai eu- campmet l lis e belef ai many meut- ~- bers ai the organizatian. il lcunoter- stoodti fs a numuber of prominat liii- noa members have heen vocklug la- ward that end foc tht pasl few weeks, andt le>'beileve lIai mia vwouit le a fftttlug recognition ai tle efficient ser- vices performet 1>' eomuoaudec Pov- ers lu thtellui year. Te aunqW 4eucampmenl t îlthee parîmetof aIillinois, U. S.W. V.,viii lie heid ln Joi. Tluraday, Friday sud SBaurdsy, Jue 18 to 20. Tht te- tallet pcogi-sm vas piepareti aud sent out lotis>'asd viii be bu île toi- leving acter: T'hurada>', Jurse 18. Estahilal hesdquaclers,lBotltMu rot. 10 s.m. Meeting of counili of adminisra- lion, 12 Doon. Business session, 2 P.. Campfire, 7 p. Fiday, Jurse 19. Business session, 9:30 s. Business session, 2 p.m. Tour aont Joliet, 4 p.m. Mllitacy haIl, g pm. Baturiday, Juns 20. Business session, 9:30 aont Visîl lanjenitutiary, Il a.m. Parade, 2 pm. Dresa parade, 7 p m. Prograut, 8 p. Tht business session of tle Irai af- ternoan vii lake place lu thtestîdîtor- lus ai Delvwoo Park. atît the camp- Si-e viiil b e l i thtsanme place. In tle latter affair Col. J. Hamilton Lew- i.a ni Chicago sud ex-Senalor William 9. Maan of Chicango have leen se. cure as main speakers. Otiters wIti aiso participat lu thîe pugram. On liritay an enJoyable feolure vîil be the tour aroundi Joliet. Part oi the tripu la ta le made hy solos. patr b>' st-etlri. Tintevening ai tht game dt is>'vii ituesa a fuliresmil- ttar>' bal lai tht dancintg pavillon in Delvocti Park. Tht election of officera andtheir lu- stailalien viii taie place lu tht tuai- us session acletitlet for Saturday maruing. Fiblowing Ihia tht delt gales viiilie gueotta oiWarten Mur pli>ai thîe stale penal Institution. Al campa yl participatlu the tresa parade. and fOve campanies ai liseIllinois Nstional uart viii alan take part. Among ilium viii probably be Comparny E. Elgn; Companits D anti, Auraca, anti Compaulea H and K, ilackfoct. - Saturda>' evenlug aI 7 o'ciock au- ulhui- tress araade vilii lceparticipai- et ln 1>' tht campa anti miltia<Dtm- panlea. and ai 8 oclack a program t a Delvwooti Pari auditorium viii eut t- hîe eucsmpuîenl. Among 4ie speak- ers vii le Assistant District Attor- ney' Avoo ai Chicago, vlio vas heard ln Aurora recently ai tht MeIl- odîal banquet. Tht sonuai convention o! tht L-a- dits' Auxiliary, U. S. W. V., viii taie place ai tht name ime lu lie prison City'. THE LATEST NEWS BULLETINS MRS. MARBIURY FOUNO. Mos. Isabeila Marlury, whu tiaap- peareti fcom a aanitacitm lu New Yock Cty at Saturday, la vsltlng relatives lu Locusi, N. J., accorting tea a legram received Isat niglil by lier son, Fraucia S. Machuîry ot WiI- mette. She lad been a vicllm of mel- ancliolla for somete ime sud vas tin- ter trealmeut at tht sanitarlunt. (Prom Wednesday's Sun.) EXCURSION STEAMER INVOLVED- Jutige Charles M. Waiker lu CÈl- cage appoltet George E. Brenuan ce- celver for the Barry Bras.' Transpac- ation Company ou application yeatec- day aiternoan hy Josephi Lamortaux, a licier of Ire Judgmnet nItes ag- gregating $7,200. Tht court ase en- joined tht Pere Marquette Raillay Çompany from intecfaring with the steamer Flers Marquette 'S, purchased ý'Ëi&lt by tse lra!«poýoMUtncas- <rom Wodneod&Y~A #UNM l'lderman Matt DIgert atte-uded the national repuhican convention in Chi- cago today. The Cty of L.ondon a ilite Ma- tanasa have cieared Buffalo for Wau- kegan wtli coal. Margaret Kirby, dauglter Qf Dr. aud ,Mra. W. T. Klrby of Chicago, la Ili with dlphtheria. G. W. Savery, recentiy owuer of the Grayalake Times, lias bouglt the KIrkland, Ill., Rterprise. James Perry Akers of Waukegan in taday expected back f rom lb8 old home lu Kentucky, wliere lielias been vstlug. The Wankegan Black ltand terror- tom lias completely quleteti down. A change In the weather la looked for, people favoring norne hot weaîher In theirs for thia ime of year. Mrs. J. W. Carter andi Mise Maron Carter of New York are visiliug Mrs. Dr. C. H. Aibreclit of Cory avenue. Miss Eva Wilbur ln visillng wlth trienda -and relatives at Gurnee Iis week. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett and cbuîdren of Chicago are vlilltng at tiht home of their sont, Mra. Beckman of Victory Street." E. N. Wexberg. one of the ronces- Mionatres at RIverview Park ln Chi- cago, lo a Waukegaîî viHittr today. Mra. t'. E. Sayiî-r or North tienese Street gave a lulîchî'oiî for torty ibis afternoon. Miss O'Maiiey of Los Angùits la vis- iting lier sister, Mrs. Daniel FSalmon. of 1301 Washingtoni street. AI Crainmonti returned lissi cening from Clinton. Iowa, where ho lias ieen tle guesi of Miss Marguerette Foshurg for the post week. Cauteloupes are now on the market, carefully wrapped and tasty aud de- lirions. Cucumbers are aiso on saie. Iterries are uture numierous. Mrs. Byron j-. Suilth of Lake Forest gave a tes yesterday, afternooîî lu lonor of lier gutat, Miss Pauline Mac- key of Boston. Tht Social WhIst (lot met asat niglit ai Schwariz' anad M. Kuieisky, Mma. Max Iliradli and Misa LibtîitRu- bin csptured the tropîtîts. The club walil have ils animual picîtîr aI Druce Lake Suutay. July 5. Tht SUN la tht oly Waukegan newapaper îlot la miaitng auy ttempt whatsoevtr to report tht national ce- puilican convention at Chicago, Tht SUTN for the news every tîme. Mr. sud Mca. Martinu Sessler of Kansas, accompaulet iy their grand daugîter. Miss Bertha Hiagent. arrIv- eti lu Waukegau loday sud are visit- Ing wth Mr. ut Mca. George Il. Ilia tia sund otier relatives. Il la reported that Speaker Shîîrilcff la b liste oppîostionîii lu s race forg re-election toiatht bouse tf reîreseîîta- tivea lu Meilënîry county. \Vho lis1 oltpondît la rau flot lie learued. Miss Llvesay, chef cashler at the Norh Short Dlry ant Ire Crcam Company, who suffertîl auntîeralion for appenticiis iwo weeks ago, la ce- itortet today as getting aluani; lceiy. Tht teadhers aud officers of tht Presbyttrlan u Sîday srbool wîlltl 1 morrov eveîîiîg hait a Il e hoe at tht honte of J. tl. Sk'e,"'5 North avenue. lut boîor of Miss Adelia Bas- hian, a former attache tof lie Sîtîtay wdhool, a Jîue bride lu bu, wio ont week front Oaigît b,.cvns the vif, ai W~,iliam OUourley, sou of Mr. sadît Mca. John Gourley of Northt Sheridani roa,.. At tht Maronna stag asat night 0QI son andi Garland, Vintcenît sutdlSîmitht andt Haîtua snd Ughtfoot met lu hoi Ing contesta lu vhldI na deelataîts tatre given. Thtre were cigara, mu- ic, soîtga. and aK geîîerally fite stries of tutertaiumeîit teatarca. Tht Ma- ruons know how tu give a ooud ime. There bas been no imptortant police news for some weeka anti there la a general feeling nifnirent aud of su- ticipation that wieu s9mething dots iatmpen il wililie sointihing big. -Tht Waukegaîî police are ever vigilanttasd preserve a careful patral. Iu lie case niftien Coin againstr Barris & Purty Iis aflernaun a jutg- ment vas renteret lui Coins fovor for vages leanat amount someiwhat avec $100. Attorney C. T. Hitydecier represeuîîed tht teitudauls and At- torney J. K. rvis lie puisbtiff. Many viii attend tht sessionus of tie national conventioan n Chicago4 tomorrov and Il la sait that te mati1 win eau gel le tht Illinoils leadqnar- tersata 9 lomrrov nîorumlng stands a gootdlhauce ni heing able lu break1 Imt the moal Important session ai tle grand ait itart>'. Lnucoln, MI., June 17-Tht >en- tielli annual convention of tht Ilîlinois Music Teaclers' Association aptuuet here ta continueutil Fcltay nigit. Amaîig Ilose au tht program are Mc. Ors M. Fletcher, Miss Ethel Freematu. lirancia Moore, Glenn Dillard, Hans Sdlrotter. Slvia Sconti. HuoaKorI- csack, ErpetalUtrabo, Walter Spry and Alexander Kranss. John Alten le q b.W&1*egazs1 and -Lake county tale- FvAl AlLni 1La M eto 'veto a~ N doeuts b&nM& , souid nOoinat. om the firq baillot Willidam Howard Ttt for pupildeiat of the Unteîd States. Crodentials Committes at LODGE TAKES THE GAVEL chicagQ Seats Ris PraetOgnaîu itcCn Delegates. h vention ls A ccompishcd. Permannent orgsiî'.tiuun foliowtd te a dollitun or tle crtdttuiah-u report. ant REPORT IS PROMPTLY AOOPTED H'itry Cabot Lotige ivas ireselîtet as the permanent ciairutuuutoutthteu.oneuti lion, whilpe for the other posluluniithle OnIy 110 of the Original Conteste tunuuary afflcers were caulunuet lr) A'. 6't. . k. - Committes. was introduceti by tle retIrIn g îlt ln atew graceful wflrds. siand ùnýemore NatinalCommtte Inorme initothe hall rasoendedwlihîhe4ervs I.odge Natona VomIiteelndrse lu~ sauioed the direction of afairvs ad Action Upon Ail Points at proceeded tu address the' convention. lasue-Other Couvens. Hi% speech wasapaîîîauded repettediy. tion News. especiali, as was the case wîit iîr- __________-rows, wieu IRoosev elt a as rrferreýd to. OhlegoJun 17 WIt evry entanti as lihe ciosed wiih the words-"In Ohîcgo, oue17.-ltheverset tiis opirit we musot prevail-by this In the gret auditorium of the Colise' sign we canquer"-s watt of etthu- um orcupied te second session of the siasut swept the convention fairiy off Rppublican national convention wamlils feet. caliedt l order at noon by Teinporery j Following Lodge'v 9peech the report CuaRirnan Burrows. The great expecia- 0f the committeun raPýieivli iii tardl tion of the day was the report of the andt stiectiOlas wîllI> b.' iaie or memîter', comonittîe on cýredentiala, as tg receîpt of the nationual cotiiîitee sud of haunr aud disposai would put the crou ý sryt vice presidents ot the conventtion. tion oulits feet, as it were, sud nuhel Ont woman lna sdlgate ln the ('oli senimthrong. Site suMca I îi'v A. the permanent orgaulauon buraîtid sud ilRire Clark.' of Osriand. lIsh. ànul s aesting alternat for a dlgew ici djit ut couLe. Sie wav ttan ivlot, ani t9q"tfseî. IIE1RY CABOT LODOYI. @;%y, Long beforethle houir toc the gos-el tb riluthote lucky enough ta blId tickets uf admission vert wendiug titeir way ta tht Coliseunt andi getllng int titeir s'-als sud vitl tiem weul a vast tltroiîg viase sole satisfaction vas ta stand autaide, listen te thte cleeca, sud guens at wlsl was going DU. 4 lusplrlug Seene lu the Hail. Standing at tilt speakers' position sud looklng arount tht hall île sceut vas enouglite1a Inire tht vocal of a-aoi-a. Here wec1712,000 cllzetis sud citayennes of lie United States. , M9) of u'hom were posgessed of thtlins' ilege cf lîooisîg a mais for îlesatllai le tle liguitofice lu tht gItt: of neor- ly 90,000,0(K) people. Thteocher 11,0W1 wert deepiy Inttresttd vaîchers of bloe action of tht convention. Spclukied through the audience vert ladies ly heutretis, their brigtit apparel hlepIng te diversify the irillisut "rolor acharne" l"IGOT 0FrTHE ALIEiS FAIiS Couid Nasa Oea the Naduioalt(ntinit. tee Action fi-t',eroe'u Tht tiglit of the *ýill.-s i iii rt tIt decîsion of the uat itnailiîîiltiie verseti lu tht cavqe, af 11ii i iistliig delegales 1u tht convestt1onwai,, i iuit before tht credentiaisr,,niîiitii, tîi beganIls york litidl.iii 3aft-t rle adjourument of tht tîrvi.t,i'. or of ii convention. 'rie noli,ioi cîîîîîîîttu favoreti tht TafItdiiegites ln mach or the atates sud districts invoived Ir) the figit put hefore tht craîleuilss riilt tee Tht nunier ut contsta the "aies"* deieldt to trIos, tisa c 'r. la ouiy about haitîf ut lune dg italiy modie before tht nuttionIislîîîtiitlt There wa% a disposition uot tht part of aone of lte nuiuera of tht cre- deuti pis cmmitteetolu scept tht decîs- ton the national coiiitîtlI e vi tiîîît forîler hearîngs, but this pîropiosition vas defested. Il was dtuilýt ii slos lenu minntes 10 the attorneyîs tfor ecr cie lu cases lnvoIrig delegats aI. large, sud sigît naiio ta tari de lu tht district contesta. Sena tor iloarfes W Fîuiton wos chos. su ons Ielrman of the committee, sud 1the cuttata vert dîiso'd of rsaîtdly, il belîg lthe purpiisctu dispose of al tht cases ta as lu repiort ta tht con- ventIon todîîy, Tht Alabama cases vaetcslled tirist and decîdcd withln tWO Minutes atter titrisclse of tht ar- guimenta 38 te 7 lu favor of Taft. Tht Arkauas casu' went by detault, sud t te Cneorgio cases, aud tht ottiers fol- 1lowed lu rapild successionu, ubtl al wtre decideul sut tht comutîttet pro- ceededto10foi-mulate lis report. RESOLUTIONS CONUI'a'EE Hopkins ia Chairnoan-St lieîtr. Ad. vacatffl of Planke. Senator A. J. Hopkins, of Ilîluota, vas itadi' ciriiiau i. tie resoîntions that met tle eye on every baud, anti cormntiite'.andjîMajor John F. tacy,1 ta lgiben up tie more or legsabomber of loa- se eretary. The commitiet met1 gri of thtemen. As s notable appesced lu one t tIo, alora of the Audtoriumtu onu the îlatfarm sutd lu tht aiglesa 5Annex, stoi tuttir isttîiog for bornef cIter a otit break forth, whldh vouidtime 1tai i-i,îît orîs f umecaus Balas tutenthusasotir, aud somelimeq pecautîsIit, i irc e ta aure te Insec-1 long sut unit. accortlng lu thse regard lion of sloi ii unis ln the piatform t tu wiicb ils recipitlwsa belt. ippoinleul t sui otmmttee of tilctnE Mugie Enliveus the Occasion. 1 tuitsidlur ai!l isptied questions lu Durlog lie wait for tle convention dtailisut i lte hulsingtotuches ta, ta opett brans bauds eliveued tht oc- the documiient. camian w iii patrialic or popular Ainn tiig il-.huard vas s delegatlon mugie, sut as vate sic more papu- of lais. i iîuing Mcra. Hencatin lac timanu saiber was playedthîe mu- snd Mitss Janv Addams, ai thus filaits vert gis-en their meed or sp- clty. llss Aidainasorgtil that as planse. A binîm of conversation per- woniîtt art'liilerusttd ln legialation for adu'd tle htall ticept witn thteusure tht prttitnlof utiuitln luius do- vocîferauts lties 0f cItera drownetti e- mestis- relaionl's tliey siotl e grant- erviuîg te, a-bwile above sud around, td tle fruuicli e. A large talegation lis ssery directlin, tht national ansigu cspreseitlitg Ploes, Italens, Bohem- srwung l to thereze-lt s egls under ia, iteriiiîsJu-wsansd otier nation-1 tht protection utfvhlch goverumeut ofai Bules a-as Itetrdlnlusupport of Ilberai thse peoaple, by tht people sot foc the Immigratiounî egsiaiion. 'T<ley sui pe'ope shatll aut perlai from theeatl. notînced tutruugli ue of titir speaktrs, ______Etitor Zacnilki. uft tus ety, lisItiey1 CONVENTION CALLE») TO ORDER vt ert oppu'uud ta restrictions an arcounti ai pus-tI The speaker 55sai e fa- ____voret neltiier s floancilnom an educa- Credeutial.1c CuîasIt Reports a aid hiouaI test aud declared i t ithace Tait Meu A SHappY. whom le represeuted utoult judge the The hour of opuning listing arrîvesi pîucy by lh iîlof a plauk l migil lu- Tê.morar UbarmauBurrws rseaert'on itia subjent. Temprary CiarmonBurowa ose Henry I).Cliarkt, of Omaha, spokie sut wiii a sharp csp ou the stand lu supporter niiant wsterway imprave- culedthlie ronventtion to order. Instant- 1Itnlent.sud slvcaaet the tiusofa ly tht littui 0f tle ceaset sutd1ev. $t,0iOOCoairti of 2 per cent bouds William 0. Waters offeet prayer, ifor the cacrylag oum of the woyrk. 'lien vhlCIt beiuîg nuuclet, aller a pause, lthre vert piluts foc sistehood for Newv tht clîalrmunouced that tle Si-t Meico and Arizona; suother fuor a dec- order cf busitness v-as tht report oi thse locatIon agaînt finlertat shiprmenla credetiais romultes Tit'is wasa vlhtof pî'son-wifuitîtgoods, sud tien tome île~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a cneto "aatir o"oîythe publie discussion of the injoniction sud the resîmone wsawailed hy tihecaprtseuted the tlratiedioatls ot greot majorily of thethtrong vili motive Enginers. Firemen att Train- tentie Interest. It wassivaret 'liaI Il iuîeu-230,OtuO it-presenlet vhat Ia wouiti ual le rrady lu cunsetiotuce of regactet oslttherugi:ctraiaiofail lu - tht lieavy vomi la be toue. jonction propsiions In evience. It Tht report vas retudy, sud a cIter reomi rose as Cîsirman Charles W. Fulton "We pledge ourselves ta suri legisîs. appearedvil Itiluhobils haut, Its de-t ion as wil guiratte lwsorktueii allatare onneceesary hece. Suffire il buose rîgitîs necessary tla heur litîus- ta 55' thtitus decisions wtrt eminett-triail1icotemtlomu. iuulutlng tht rigimI 10 ly salisfactocy lu tht Tsft men, vIa slt-ie asut ta hidue or persuade ollers9 mait their satisfaction kuavu ly te do so: suit ta suri legisîsîlon as vll appisuse tint vas long sud t. Thot preve-the îlessanuce of cestraanlng or- l shouit be adlopteti lu lie convention ders sud Injonctions without liearing; au constitutet b>' the national commit- sut guarunteeing trial by jury ta per- tep va. a foregone conclusion sud it sons aecuset of contemPut ai court, If vCfll lhrui-a l itI s vloop, sud the podis siieget rottuapt be net commit- w«y va. epen ta-the permanent arasai'ted in thspressenedlthel.court or sa fatration of justice." J. A. Enery, of New York, nepled (Fromi Wednesday's Sun) toFatlr. He is geralicounsel.for Pirt onTbn natcea the Nattonal Association ot MaDu ae- PiatJh oî natcea toirýtc. sand rlorousiy opposed anti-lu. the Fort Sheridan mltilary p)oat, whlle j ur lion action )out rowingIncnlaywt ohe 're ast speaker befoirethcomtlaoîînywhaohe 1-i"' o îhn . LHamilton, of Illinois., soldier ofthe for t ishoue naime Is ou pre-"lient of the American Bankers' ag- known, rit 12::1) today discovereti the soi lation, who opposed a plank favor- corpse of a mari, iressill it cîvilîan's la_- te establishmtent or postai savings ciotiies, ltoating tir the surf about 400 batiks. Plie committee then -went Int executire session and appointed th yards off tire Lori Sheridan waier %subcomîinittee wlth Chairmnan Hopkins works plant. ritIl tr end, and the fuloommittee ad- PrivatTobin lutirto uoîlmfi,î Coi. jourrd to 4 p. m. today, while the 5t.b- Wyland, who al)iiri.sed State's Attoe' eoimmlttee proceeded to 'knaw t. file." I ana honttldAttie CUMMNS OR ~COD ~ Benjamin Parmalce, couiie for Mrs F. W. Raether. audtColunty Coroner "Jack Cary," yésE NpS man, 00w J. Campbell 4Oml' York City, la the edîtor ,BOi* of "The Great Northwest," 'w magazine lsaued every lttIê the benelit of the Alsaka T enterprises lu which CO"ry lUI ested. PARCELS POST wlTm tITAlL*., (F'rom Weduesday's Sl " ý Washington, D. C., Jum 1&o master General Meyertos cdi a piostal convention wIik whereby. heginning Au ut 10 ' Taylor. - iiiccnîise may bt senlt by "I Iowa Governor'a Nane la neSmonlgp ost hetween athe on12tcet a IU very Penontneus. State a Attorney Iiaxina asked ltaiy at tht e of1ceta Coroner Tayltîul ssu,' orders for ulp to eleven îolînito. Ohicagu, Jue I'-rhe boom Of GO,- (t0i. Wylanid lu îisîuaictt i a iliteecr @tuor Cummine, a« Iowa. for lhe vice crew 10 lck optil tti hotu of the NORTH SHORE EXPANOS. presidenlial nomination ile laîtint- dîuîwaed tit.Th nestofhePer.F tive feature lu thée ontut f lox the sec- At 2:15 thil t fernoon te boit s CaThtomintercaavofeht eer i ont place on the ticket, andlit receive-i C oa otpayhv be u- mudli favorable eon$id.ratlou. enalor 1e)ictiy a voltînteer crcv dislîatchyth~îe North Short Fuel aud Borali. of Idaho, wlio stnrted te agita cd il, thtý sceut iîy tht oitnîatîiliîigCompîany, te deal belng 000di lion on hehaif of te Iowa gsseruor, 18 attirer attd ronioveu tri lte ligiiwooii vesterday. F. J. Becker, the M44 vutniu wstrndeeaton l bs .ie torg91W.anti BellL. Smith,. the bQîkk ltif sdln o et-ureltth iIfais b i i.ator ativices froînt Fort Sheridan fotr tht Peter F'laer, Jr., O mocli encouragement i are te, tht effect liat tht body1îiy la il ite lu charge of the e0110. *81 ie mention of Governor CommînS' thai of Ratlier. itt titat of a mtait 61) îîcw comîîany. Kenosha News- mimet wss received witli varying_.emo- , years olI. A fcw dsys ago ait aged lIonst by tie members of tht Iowas dele- 1 mnanadt his soit were drowued off State of Illinois. Couuty of t*kO, galtion, andILi soon became evideut titat Evatîston.'Te sou's tioiy was recov. iii tht Coîtîty Coturt of lAke Co lit the eveul tht governor's rsndldacy <'ced. ILl lu uta thoutght that tit Frt lu thte uatter of tht estate of The %iottul be mîore energeticaliy pressed Sheridant body is that of titi fatîtîr. Il. lhinglas. deccased. Te Maud' hic towa support woald not lie cou-1 Coroner Taylor arrivntIlon tht titis.bher ai iaw of sait deceaff fiuedtot tht su called Cummina factIon. scerie thîs afterttuotîsuit ai pro-'.lIr Yoit are hereby notîfitti thatui Se'% -rai Aiiisiin-Lolivtr adherents cece u iet -)iîttti ~th 100 of titIs, 1908, at te hmi prutiitiu snnoîmcd that as a mattèr d odr ec h iou .ten'ii obesliti'tht forenoon of of 'tate pride, if tfîr no other resson. Prîvates l.eDaîi),o and 1'oiîii, utfiî' da. the uiter4igned will preea tlttv wouiliisî,r the go)verlor's rau- Thlrteenth cavairy. fornni te tody titi'Huit 1)._Jottes, Jutige of, dloruser ( oitîty Coutrl ake Cony, M diayflo Ittg ln tht lake off tht fort ree-at the CoutI loise lu Waukegm A nuther of lowarns asocttd p -'allo(n. sald Coinittt, lier finai report and IlIcsliy siMiliCoernor Cummins, 5ft Qeo Rtlrsfsne i if.~9couetof hec itis snd duingg M pr IL t'otferc-iit. vIledt litIwhle they Oeo ate' rinstltoeecutîrîx îtf the havI Will andT hqtl nul cîîîntrîîiated wltli the govt.ftifhé assistant ligltîccîers ai Wau- lient of Thoutas Fi. Douglas,'40 ernor on the sstisect it bailtuten deter- kegan, left for Fort Sheritan hîîw cd. ask 10 have thte sue appre" mett assume' tht reapoulility 0f cur ihis aflîrîtoon lu establîlshidItîl- lie dlschiLrgee, atnd to have saide tht aim f toa fo se . fcaîln ~ ~ hîttî thtiio 1 eclareti fulty settiet aud close presienting tecamO oafrsf lain twshpdtebd a which lime aud place yon r51 anti place ln te eventtliabttere deval- titat of Raether, as lu spite of thtelîcesent If you set fit Bo ta do. opetii s oîtlnned purpose on the part utroeas that the lightkteeier niot histiatedib tis Iti dlay of Jqoe.J ot te Taft mtanagers In Waslinugton te duuth lit thtetartiter suotteut tcscriiî EMMIA DIXON DOUOI nilt Lupari an towa man. Fxecairix of thte..aat WiII&a,!d' 'l'utronttrenceagreedt I as as basis 'd, tht iittiîîg of tht body wouîd set- netofTina II og of haruieny tl shouit lie understood Ili'titi' uatter fîtrever. coased. tiot if Dollilver were nominateti for i____________________________________ vice president Governue Dommine mostj siic'dhit lu the senals aud ln u tmt'uuWn xente ottfliowilig lbe rettremot of Son- Y S C I D S E R , lier linîtiis imn o'rtosI i i i I ISSUIE0F RPEmTUY a : 3 lEli Question la Warroly Plseuaed by the ConttlIe dus RI". Tht question of whetiser or ual there shah libe aretuctlon lu repoesentatIve n future, national RepuNblcan couven- tions was wsrmiy dlacnssd for Ivo hoîîrs by tht rommitte. on cules sud order of businesa, vithout »Inutan sîjotîrnmeiîl ieing taken te oday lu acter tînt tue ntembea's of the commit- tre mîgît corifer avec nîglil wilb Ilisir dple guti,,in s Tht luistof tht discussion vas te resoiuti iii ffired ounte Ioor of tle convenut ituhy ttepresetattiva Burke, of PeninyIvsula. pritviting lIaI litre- nfter uschitsate shah lie entitiedt 10 four deu'igntes-at-targe sud one Étale- gale foircvii ten Ihotsand votes, or nîsjii iv traction thertof, cet'aetaIthe lest pîeieiig presldentiai eleclian, sud two sIuleitssfrom escî af tht terri- torlea 'lT'eopposition, tof course, rame fcoii te voulu. lu expiîutiou af 1mw the seth viii le affcteut by île resolution Burke solul Fiat lsking ita oceunultht delegates- et-large Southt Carolina would have s vote fer every six unudred votes cass, wh-ereas Pensylvania. Colorado n sd many otiter 'iltes would lave tint ont vote fac et tcy tan thoussoti vatas. Northt Caroline, le doccirra, would hase une vote for tvery eight banu- treti vots. while New Tork would hast but one for tvtry ten thonsauti voles. MARCHING CLUBS ON PARADE Show Up onu the Avenue aud jMaa'oh Througb the Hall. Titre waeas diversion lu the proreed- ings of tht convetionitteaciy ln tht ses- sion today siettht dooca veret Ilrown open aud te te munic of gaveraI bauds six ntachting clubs passed lîrougî tht conventiont hall, The lula formed on Michigan av enlie aI noon sud the col- AS CLOSE PIISIJNI (Prom Wetneoday' a Sut) o ther taugliterVîncinaa, ut Il Cisargiig tîtat ils grautdîlaîîgiter. father look Anna sway front hi Atîta Youîîtkavicz, ageil t, l uîg pothec lu charge of Gudutoe helul a prisoiter hy George Kttzic. or ward tlsappesriug. Cuttir. tuis fterîîooîî Domnitth- Flîsli- Htdotanont charge anythia$ mat o! Norit'Chicago filet a tutitioti[naI oit tht part of Cudzlc. but h for a writ or habeas corpuus Iiroutgl chtarge in thtepuaitinu for týj ais attorney,- E. V. Orvis. and thutoltaitue cuIt Ilasaubjetled ta: u-sanie a mati.-,-o! reucnerdmue of tle man" tceatmeîît aud that h nost ottusual doumeîntems ever 111u-d iii she la about 10 lie takenav7 Laskt county. Cttzics. Ht siso statedt iat Accordlîîg ta luîshmuuu. ittIe Aunas restraint against ber itaer la tend atîd tht father has that she wililibe lnjurtd a=4 s ruti awsy sote lace. Buîshîîuau says that tht Cudzica are no fft pers ils tauîgiter, Antias moier. gave Tht heariug viii take pa h ni cstat of hoth Antis suitaau 24,'lien Judge Douneliy viii b THE IDOUZED AUCE IAKES LUNCHEOUA WESIWOOR TDE IEDIL PR1TERSON I. le *1 *1 q q p President Roosevelt's Daughter Mrs. Nq las Longworth and Party are Guests.,e.'ý Magnifcent GroundsNeal\Libertyvill<" (Prom Wetuîesday's Son.) Nîrs. JosephitMeuili Pattersoa Yesttrtay Alilc ltuus,'sîIh 1,0119-ertyville. wtril tangittîr oui l'usiuluiii 'l'leo- latht pariy vert Mr. aud -N tort Rooisevelt uîîîuî wlfu uf(tiftogcî'sa 1111McCornmuî-k.hostaof ith'w manu Nînloluus Lotugwotunhu. lumîmlunch- dents datîghler, aot othar L clou aii theiic îuitrnu hîtimmiof Mu. sud etera. SPECIAL FAVORS SEEM TO INFLUENCE POLITIOS, The newspapers over lie stale fa- men umu vîs eonîposed ofth e afoliovlug vrie ereiaddc c n ens bodie: Anericus club, Pitti .burg.te;adiaY fMr e- tc Young %Mens iTariff ol, Pittebumg oee foc governor, ieaded by tie a 'I pron Blaine chutb.'Incinusti; Commercial Record-Herahd cf Chicago, are e- ho clu, Dnvlle II.;Kno clbPhia-deavocmng to mule great polîlicai cap- cia teiphiit: Marlon niaI, indiauspoIls. btal oer lie organizationu ofa "Suai- tiom Kgch club vas beadet 1>' a band anti thse m tit columu vs. lsd b>' a plaloon nasa, Man'."tDeueers Club rscenthy mu CIar of police. Pons, lun hlitgit cf a carefui an- mee Tiht parade reachedthtie Coiseom 51 ahysis,.tie quetions wili arisa viether la 12-80 p. m., anti when Mutled lIat tic tiare se ressort foc mnuci congratula- Coi eonveutiun vas ready for l the marchi lion foc theur candidate on thii score. joy caulînet tirongi tIe cavntion haitll .Lues i al dlra i u sud lu froint iathe chairman, vIa ce- Z .Lnes h beeio ftefO viewedthlie lins. Afler paslug tht Republicars cf Oregon, Mi., auaiyzeul Sar ohuurman the riais lett thse hall by the lie "big busiuesa" organization in De- prot West exil. sec'a behatt lu Chicago se abuy liaI Icus Tht audience "rose" ta tht occasion, lie props vere kuodked out tromn un- tie From thtetry of the leadIng club unu- dec liaI proposition. Mr. Laotiens an- demi tl aîh 1usd passet tIroyu@s Il vas onte guati liaI by vittue of lie "big stick" inu contînuuos ovation, smnitasized b7 hel by Mr. Roy O. West ase ciaucîtat boei thteis clitImate thtei-acf saha». Esca iteeba oul or a eiwt club ladil s partar a-partisans, sud o fteCoknit bado eve tYh course luise partisans made tht mast1 wae necessary foc tiesa business Mes POO noieturing tIlr pallweciler. etub's pas- 1la appui-euh>' "lin. up" orit was pas- GoI sagae. Bat mccl ai *sm e lev,.parti>' cible for the lui ceturus ta apeli dme- m la tise hall at oue time, and everyboty aster for them. Apparnslhy Mn. Lau- tiic vX a clau. 18hla ,Ipad fer R dors filied ltat clutivent full of flics, and marnen1lt u5t 90 it ib 4flr0dfoc 1111. mort le Ileard of il. ,l th 'w ~~ Ai. The commen t a made by Pooris eo mers liat despile thd aslistlon eofIth. PrN en who formedth le 'OWOO.u« ss Meusa Club" in Poeri5 - ton was single In IIItUU mante good governmefit ose sîf same msnare eun alpriviloges under thse ak, chairmîrs of Mr. eetung sud promînent in v' president of tic Clark a <e Company, a Sirm sliegs10 s amonapoiy ofihlei oy Ie tor h li e Insne 'w5 cltouville. G. OeF. Kimmy, umirseul member of thec kl51 ste. of lie Pontiac reformstory i aiiegation has blersmcii sis Died liaI lie officiai eo', titutîcu show tiat Mr. sou tirowng big butini' holesale drug sud 9s'oerv; coia. Hea a -ouftt*.<1 ohurn, Burkie* £Ca.5or0r Aien thase iSets 4#9 -,w e i_, 7 1 - 1 1

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