Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jun 1908, p. 10

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I ~ Cut the cotfot the meal, 4 1S-a-ys the Husband.. How can I P Thinks the Wife. CARONIY Says the Groceryman. iundred deidious Recipes give ariety enough for everyone. pure, wholesome, American made., m saga.cs.2r ld h =10u18s=f il A booMk ot cipea ln every pçkage- tlivrode ,spqàmhEffl. ggVruiceUi, lad £ou' ] Ilay Maklng Tools Deqr1ng Mowers Tedders, Rakes Keystone Side Delivery Rakes Rzock Island Loaders Hlay Carriers Track, Pulleys Ropes, etc., etc. l3atcheler Forks Machine 011, Sections Quards and Re iars Anything ln th)s Line. we have WBETTA PRINCE"Y welaht 1s60 lb'.s, ted br *Oaoaleons hoby Gain- msir"d by Hnibletonlas Prnn"b "X n1au ubetta Prin,' won the 2 year Mid .tae ro ie latLlet a1 hOlr Fair nt Lbertyvhlle. 111. As a 2ss lwaukac rak; aý a.,3 seas old ha tmtted a V lu, n 2-M .aud I- th-, Suas headet oua lunrace thit I h avic " rnat qed as SenIt. liebas Dly17as 1w latlon anud recs speed,."Gambetta Prince- vii uic traek ai 25 ou te mure. For fsther partieulars J. W. Swansbrough, Libertyville, 111. IRSTOW TURIR 0F ad Granite linenis Wk' 01 Every *o-n l» ion Dr. Shoop's ~Otort POLICE ARREST MMN AND YOUJNG GIRL, Carl Dowse, a prominent ad l-1 dustrioses farmer viho reidee a few miles soutis of Kenosha on Sheridan1 road fin compauy wth Miss Berthai Rousseau, thse 11 year aid daughter of Peter Rousseau, who fa emplayed as ai tanm band near Russel, vere arrestedj Sunday evening at 8 o'clock on Southb Genesee street on a- disorderly1 charge. Mr. Dowse, In visose employ thse girli had v'orked as kitchen 'gl i for the past eight mouths, invited thse Young lady ta partake of a buggy ride ta Waukegan Sunday afternoon. Thse Young girl thought nothing of belng invited and accepted thse invitation. The young farmer drove the girl ta thse state Une, near Wintbrop Harbor, visere tiseir horse and rig were left ln the State Uine Llvery Stable. Mr. Dowse, aithsougb 25 years of age, induced thse Il year old girl to occupy a room lIn a hotel witis hlm for the evenig. The little girl, prais- ably flot knowing better, accepted the. Invitation. The couple set out tp la- cate a hotel. Dropping Into thse Mackenzie drug store, thse man Inusired ofthtIe pro- prietor for tIse beat hotel Iu the city. Mr. Dovse% actions at that timbe aeemed rather ont of thse ordinary and itte propreton notifled Chief Tyr- rail, visa lmmediately dispatchad two local police'officers ta vatois the couple. The couple gave the officers the slip, however, befare thay recelvad their onders from the cbiaf, but a clew as to thair visareaboute vas soon plcked up when Frnk Tnyan notlfiad Chiti TyrtelI that he Isad seau the couple enter an Iotel. Night Captain Vogal vas dispatched ta the hatel and later the manager of tise hotel infarmed the couple that they would ha raqulred ta leave the place. Thse couple were arrested la front of thse Sauter building on Genesee street, visen Chief Tyrrl beard thse mlan varu tise girl not ta tell aaybody wbo see as and ta tell them tbat she vas his sister sud that tbey lived in Chicago. ~gaé ui~~$gatiee have U~seded ots r~ Wukean as*eu haKepane, aamne, Evanstan ass4 Chîcago. Tise Iitary sacleties made a splendid aisowing hast year but they will do elven bettes tuas year. Iu the. àtt.ruOçptier. yUll b. a pic- nie ah Electate Park.This villI fn- clude e!Zsiiltien dytla, dancing, gamea, etc. There teil éha ie uouai booths, lnclnding tise fortusse tlling booth. A new feat1are 't.6b. intruduced i vl b. tisa vaudeville show withbobth»iodaI sud pxotOUtmaai talent. under tihe Charge 109 Manager Malmes et the Bar- nison Theater. Thia should prove a great attraWctou. sslton'a orchestra wyul furi8h muaie for tisa dance plat- fea. If present arrangements are carrled Out there will Prohably ba a balcon ascension sud Pamlibly a balcon race. [t la fait that if a balcon race could ha arrngad, It vould ba fine of the- moit noval attractions ever presented lu Waukegan. Au ehechric sow lutise evening fIs also under. conalietatîou. If this in net provlde4 ftrewOrks' vili ppobably be sustituitd. All tÉat l0 ueed$# leagoo0& Waather Iu ordar ta Yuketise day a succeme sud a Credît to Waukegan. TRIED TO RIJN AWAY WI WIBRTII!RS WIFE Throwfing hi@ brether'a wtte te the floor, hie hand on her throat, Ottomîr Ludwig. of Waukegan is sald fe have trled te force thie womnan te run away wlth hlm. -Tihe incident bappened Saturday 1morniug at the Luldwlg hameau Vlc- tory street. Ludwlg, the brother, la behievedte t have been drunk. Causlng home,,ha beggeti Mr, Ludwig ta mun 1avay vlth hlm, accardlng to the îhory' that le told, sud viien she refusai la Leaid f0 bave attscked ber, grappliug iwlth lber. Hîfis bauds at ber throat Isa la saiti ta bave tbrovu ber ho the thocr In 1spite of ber -resîstance. Than It la 1stateti be made a threat that If se 1matie an Outery for hielp se vonîid stab ber. it fflghhenlng tise voman I submis- t'Sien thua, ha brôke'luto a rau, cuttiug eacrass the fields to tbe ehcctric lIna suad takiug a car narth. Mrs. Ludwlg 7 aya. & htla belles-ad tbat Ludwig sougist 1refuge lu Kenosaaor Racine, visera fit la salid ha bas friends. LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE JEWELER Chiai Tyrreil arreifted thse couple ou Obituary. the spot, Dovse ,being locked up lu Ifonday, Jue S, oacurrad tIsa death of the city Jall over nigbt aud thse girl Mir@. Catberine Shea, a residant a! Laka belng given board in the couuty jail.* eounty for over fity years. She vas Nextmornng disrdely car sornI n Ireiand, 1821, and came to thio Neatmoringa diordrlyChage viiity early lu thse torttes visare se rwas praferred againgt the couple. ban ever since resided. % States Attorney Ranne, actiug as the Some hwo years ago this venerable oid prosecutîng attorney. lady met itih a painful accident whc Dovevas faund guilty sud isald f ractcslly aebas beau evotDuiy earc natder a fine of $200 or forty day, lu for by ber daugister, Mrs. M. A. Monan. tise county jail. Three otber children survive bar: Mr@. Misa Rousseau's parents It wa Riordan, of Lake county. lira. 0'Duvd, of Iova, and Corueliee Siea, of Los An- learned had not caned for ber lu tIse geles, Cal. past fev years. Tisa littla girl had Mr@. Shea vas au admirable woman been complledl to earn vages enougb Ivio rejoicad lu those qualities or mînd tot support berseif, as ber mother that made ber daeply beloved by ber famly andfriande.. Se vas frugal and dl ed some years agoansd ber fatiser la industrioua, vithal kiudly, a goed Chris- supposed ta be vorktng nean Russell, ti ansd S wset old lady. Wedneday altbougb the girl dlaIms tisat se bass moruing tise fuperal vas conductad st notbead rom hm l oer woyeas.St. Patrick'& c urch Isy Rev. Fte notbead ionihlmlu vertwoyeaa.Joycea boas tribute ta the deadm ni Miss Rousseasuvas living witis ber to deep tboughh ail those wboâsiteued sister prior t o ber accephance of the ta hlm. Interinant vas lunMIII Craek poiina he k1tch.en girl.t the cemetery. Dowse fsrm. BIG CÉLÉBRATION AT THt METROPOLIS At tise praseut tume ail Indications point ta, Wauktgan havlog a record bres.king ceebratlosi an the 4th o f July. lu previoue yearý thera have usually beau several celabrations ln tise county as veil as a raclng meet at Llbertyville. This year tIsera vil! ne*o races at Libertyvîlle sud but tva ceebrations of importance lin tise couuity, as a result Waukegan vîli draw from al uven tIse county. Tise oyant la belhg exteuslvely adventlsed aud If tisane isas good day, Waukegan sisaulh ave ovar.5,QOO vIsitons. Everyouc la iolung lu vitis tisebat- tery to, make the day a isuge sacces. lAst years celebratlon vaa a large one, but thls promisesta hab even eu a largen scale. TIse day yl ha oua of a mllitany nature. It vlll be open- ad it hte dring of tise national sas. jute vîtis ttise eavy guns. EarlY lnuthe tosenoan tisane vîli be a large milltary Parads, Iuciudiug rali- ltary organisations, unifonsuei socle- ties, tise police, Bre depgrfemont, *e. Wankegue ta ves'y iaaor*Wby joctd to a<stg *tim.a ai tilt" h&' I-fer Proposai. Evlyu-You'ge beau ooertlng. me nov for a number af yaars, George, aud I vaut teomake a littie eapyean proposaI. George-I-I arnnot lu a poeoonqpo m-marjrjat yet,' but- Evelyn (iuterruptiug)-Who laid suy- thing about marniage? I1vas goiqg ho propose that you stay away irons bers and gîva aomebody el@e a chance. If ana feels dulI aud spînitheas, lu the. apring or early summen,thbey calt $4Sprng Paver." But there la no feven-usually. Tt la the sitar affect of our winten habita. Tisa narra, are mastly ah fanit. Tirai,wvanu-aut naerves leave ui languid, Ilfelesa, sud vithout spirit or amubition. A faw dosas of Di-. Siscop'o Rashorahive viii abBuiutaly sud quickly chauge ail of these dapnassiug symptoma., The Re- tonative of course won'th ig you back te full isealth Iu a day or two, but if yull do enouga lu 48 hotu-s 10 satisfy you that thse nemedy la reach- lug that 'tirai spot." Drugglts evenyvhene are advling,I4 use "a splendid sud prompt 'îleai taule. Ih givea mone vii smd moré e it ta the apoonful than suy ather huavu nerve -or vaslatitutsal hante. Tt siarpesse a - tallgappetite,, Madi .d aactohfraesIg4 1i isea sd k . aIn i, eCouty daurt ai Lx> eCounty. 1 lu the. matter of the eastate of Jo- seph ]B. Warner, miner. Petition for leave ta seil real estate of sMid minor. By vituq of a decretal order made and entered of record Inthe above Meld cause lnu mid court on the Mt day of Jea»e, 1908, 1 @hall on, Tuestay, the. ltth day of Juiy, 1908, at the, bouT aoraode o'clock lu tihe ai- ternoon of aid day. at tihe llaaDoor of the. Court llonaé, in theCity of Waukegao, flu the,Cagspty et Lake andi auto of, IlIssl, off for sale at pub- He~ vYene te thigsesat «nd best bidder ha' cash, ail thé rigbt, titi. and Interest -of said miner ln and tg thse folowlng deacibed real çatat.. site- ated lu tis. Couaty of Laiets ad State 81i Ilinlois, to-wtt: The. Northt Hait of Block even (7) ln the, Norti West Addition to the Town af little Fort, (n0w the, City of Wankegaa,> for the support aud main- tainauce of said i nenr, and for the purpose of uveting sucb of thse pro- ceçda of , aad sal, as shallfnot b. lmmedlately reçniresi for sald support and education lu <4her real estate, or otheMwà-invet1nr-the samte. S Dated thls Nluth Day of June, A. D. 1908. 37-5 CHARLBS WARNIDR. Guardian of saitd Miner. Our New HairVigjor Ayer'a lEur Vlgor vas good, the bm st îwu mâdc. But Ayer's KHali Vr, pc lfi- hevcd foimuls, ta better. le hthe orne <roa sp el for lu- I0< bahr. A ncv preparadion lit every way. Nov botle. New. contents. Askyour dnaa0st% shovwle w you, «etheow vio. .s muLA. àw rviA . l a% - - -- -, li As va nov maah. ourmcvH airt filer lt thse colofthe bair. Yoss May une h fréyadfor ansy loue ftif lme vitis- ouf feu, et chan n gthse color. Stops famlng bair. Cures dandrulf. «"0 by a'tue J. CL Aiea o&. LaS.Is. FARM MACHINERY] of ail Kinds; REPPAIRED wlth Thoroughness AN D Dispatch Disc llarrows Sharpened WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. Libeftuville. 111. Opposite St. Fat Freighf Deoa a .-O.ur. Great Fourth of july Sale Commences Saturday, lune 27 for Womex4,> ?'"*fie 001 Cook-Seoveigodo du w go cCa'sliSft s ii myve, 01ves a wodi boatst me oNMmd nma- tains it usse i tm dout WkktflàmOflokS ve yo Mwm-as,Ttua js 0&T1sM sfrein the chimnea' ci the. Nsw P«eescion" la c wsruse padarshs keasd nosdiWap&Ms4 fuougisthi roep by radiatin. nuhtsaIdo.. af she cea aga ltb hev codr Askyouzd..l.aboat ffl tow-ifnth»04 *rsêÎte Ouur*rstougre. The ..àT. aa u MsraPl @ce et miawi ou Cepmt d i a ler pwrf1lght morearml to , SEA BREEZES AT HOME *SUMMIER DISCOMFOfrror FAN COM FORT? FOR YOU ?'~IN VOUR RESU- WHICHENCESTORE OR OFFICE? IEletriv fan for the uman at work; for tihe famnily at home. lotu e' littie; isats a lifeý-tirua. Useful ln bot weather for cooifng; in winter for ventilating. Flectrie fan cau 1w uaed ln any room lu !thse bou@@e Provides a gentie breeze ail night if desired. We willl senl you a fan on raqueât. * NORTHI SHORE ELECTRIC COMPANY o _ 230 N. Geae.. Street VAUKEGAN, ILL. Tickled? 0f course, why not---- We seli the SC1IAEFFE R PIANO] We canalder ourselves very fortuat. ne k lin an Inaruusentno one heatitates to buy BJ3CA USE FIRST-The price là flot low (very fkw peopie want a cheap Piano. so we won't lose much busioes on that account), SECOND-The price lsa otaa up (people heaitate th=n theyre doubtful a ta gettig fu)Value), goS you e., when thse tone ln heard and the price annossnced It fme ne another SCRAEFVBIR aold and another homemde happy abrouagi Alden, Bidinger & Co. 209 N, Genee. Streetsà s i i e AUKEGAN, ILUOIS i. .5 e I "'A h rir's iiçm s' f Carfare Refunded T. Our Out-of-Town Cuatotanm $ tg O o 105' -UDT GENESEE ST., -nsar Washington St. OId Higley -Building : : : oWUEGAN M WITE AN I IGANT MSOMENNT, O7 Mîdsummèr Wearig Aparel -1 1 1 .

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