yv ,uh UhM~ 8110K J. T.STDA AV tome 1" Ou ilu- tu W.lILLSafy om rUumu m neu"W eu Tags fom the above bmrAd are good for the fohowing MMfl > j»r ,mefiù presents as shown by ýatalog: GOM Ctff IButton-50 Tap Steel Carving Set-200 Tags Fountain Pen-100 Taga Best Steel Shear-75 Tags English Steci Razor-50 Tags Lady's Pocketbook-50 T1ags omtkaernns Watch-200 Taga Pockct Knife-40 Tags !Prenc Briar Pip-50 Tags Pa-g Cards-30 Tffl Leather Poctbook-80 Tags 60-yd. FLshing Red---60 Tags toMony merchanta have suPPlie themselves with prçsents with which to dSem tmg. If you cmnnot have your tags redeemed at home, write SPltgUUM DEPRMN THEI AMERâiÀIC OACCO CC00- .l' uis, M. VAUCONDA DEPAI«MENT AI ,m I. FConruepoaduit amd Agen b1sa; of eNur>, vas s buei yeans mo aid retirai fiouiactive buoi-C r uoîVillage Monda>'. useslitse, we u .borp lu Wattaburt. 1 a~%*ta o!Itudavlstedfi-uF., Sept. 28, 188 and vas 74, yeans ULa S o udavbisduhtImm o! %go. The tuner.! vas held at the I wit bl duqberhome sud lintriliéainluthé farnil>'lot ai Ivanboe cemmeer. Rov. Rookna, offici- Deseut, of BatiniitO p 'Z gWe extuudoui- syrpaihyto hie me autda>'ndibfiea bore. nltlvee.à wenuysit to the Ciy 'tbun. The commencement exercises of th. d»h raditûr for bis auto Waueouda bigb echool were held ai thes b-bavug rupalred. Baptliteburcb on Saturdla>'eveulug, ý«ûiiod o vougg peope froi June 2tb. Thére vers four graduetes ý»étsded the dace boe Bat- vi.: Mlssee OaceB. Toyntou, Beggie ,elg s report a fine time. M. Clough, Minnis K. Meygr sud Myntie V'I I~riwho bas benu utM. Ku.bes-and aIl Vl Blis .d thef euh..! lu wWeousiu mabrnd -etre prograin van ver>' euierieàing ut- viii. She wîî t sie"001 sud vaseelyM caried ont. The lai addre e as giton b>' Robe. C. Kent.1 14, mi Bairy Green sud farnl>,! The fi"ti 6 year oid da ughter o! Mr-. to sp aonda>' yuL Mr. sud sud Mie. Jas. Mysi- met yuL s a vere ~e Sma. accident Baturda>'. Wbille pla>ing lu bd.XE :.. i. ber, <of Mo- ths yard oeé ound su old ruai>' kalis ~,ge«W of Mr. adM su d vitii iatteuipted to cu a plece ofJ Soua>' sd M. ilng wben te kiife llpped from te Olee Mrpy sd ~ri ~-," ~te pupil. Dr. Dawsou vas niait to théir borne ber. las m l=el suemmoued sud ater des- iaidg Bushud uei fuit >ear ait no the vouud sdvissd the parante to rWÏu Auadry lu Chicago' taie ber tu the bospiiol at Wsukegau or 01flya O="b, Nb. iltdoitl Chicago. Mr. Myer tarted for bre a8B and Monda>' Wsnkegau se once viith h Is lgirl bo Omaha Monda> omanad vs trust te eye may te savel. ,l. as. OaeMuM Etll h ý*9 summm., wlh Mr. sud _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 04lre Edwards, of Waukraan, - ,~ o frlends boesWduesday. Mr@. Guo. Htblniou aud son sud [là do! pacoa, Kan., came MisePearI Russll bave neturned home hdici t&enuid a iwo veeksa ser vlisilng lb Michigan. h iebi pareuta, lir, sud Mi s. Mi. Colb>' bas been hsving his ha>' Obr. lis Reiinookug ine sud pi-ea. i lé work bat Waucouda inl$bbi.À nu mber frornbobesatteuded the dane f ourmur reeut', Albert L ut Mi-. Mordbors, Baturda>' eveulng a a u thebome of bis sud &Illreport Ai elo>'ablo time. t esdesir ie Willie Chandler- @put Sanda>'y isi èI ou Thiuistis>, Jane l.7th on parents. " t Guimer, Mr. Prlcedl h nâ. padn. â hcgo evel ire b fbeor the pasu >ear adsor M.L . pudn.o hiao evst la l* vbtbe ima d tees gMnilalîj yuL ithlier niece, Mrs.. L.Russeil. 1 UW tmt. o detb cs.led At tLe aipeial meeting beld ai ihs eI raai M~ a one f! oui- ichool bouse Fridsv igbt thé membeno budueseminucndutinia ,,voted ou s uew scbool bouse and h vas tome luoui- village iun rn er-dcidai thé>' woald have one. iii bis brotbti-. IL C. Fric for Mise Forence Lodeskl le atteudiug i.yeWI Be sold out about six ilihool at Dgeab. MiesLanrs Sprague had ai ber pueste over gunda>' thé MiseeeEduàand Flosl simmong, o! Chicago. J. A. Igson entertained Mr. aud Mie. C. Eaeton sud Mr. and Mme. Vincent, o! Deerfield, Wednenday.. Frank Mitchell opeut luit week with fils slstei' and famil>', M-. H. Msttesou, of ourlington, Ill. TIII Mitchell and Sue Mason seot Monda>' at Libertyvllle. Mr. and lMre. Bld Mitchell sud farnil>', of Libertyville, viettd with tbe former's paete, Mr. sud Mns. F. G. Mitchell Fraucie Molite, o! Chicago. vleited wltb hie cousin, Francis Stauclifi ou Mi-.ansudMn. E. H. Mason c-alled on Mi-. and Mn. C. Binali, Sunda>'. Mi. and Mn. A. Loomie entertalned their ater, Mise Minule Eliensohu, of Barrlngteu, Sunda>'. Irans Maetiier, of Waucouds, i. spend- lng eeveral weeks wlîh ber oncle aud famil>', Mrnand Mn. A. G. Muether. ,&unouncemeute o! Gi-ae Emagellcal Church o! Prairie Vlew. Preaching ser- vices Bunda>', Jlune 29, M s. M., eubject ,*An Important Question, Gen. 3: 9; 8 P. rM., subject «"Ouri Reneonable service," Rom. 12: 1; Suoda>' echool 10 s. im.; Young People'@ Meetng 7:30 p. m.; Mudweek Prayer Meeting, 8Sp. mn., Wedneeday eveungq. Ail au ecordially iuvlted. Pastor, hb. Kooke. FrO4ed in, of Chcago, la epeud iei vacation with hie aleter, Mre. G. Weid. uer. A. Rishin wai a ChicaggoPalier receuil>'. Mies Careruie ' i. laipeudlng several days with Irleude et Despiaue. Ume Gie Weiduer le vi.iting friends Iai BufiAlo Gi-ove. Ueo. Sturmn, o! Chicago, spent Sunda" ai home. Mr, and Mrg. Wrn. Washliug Ueo. Volte and eMater and Mne. Knopf daughtens sjoied a trip to DiamoDd Lime kSunda>'. Mr-. sud Yre. Wm. Rudolph o! Hlgh- wood, visited with J. Scbley ï2p;iday. Tbe part>' lent BOnda>' eveng at Mat Wicterabeirn'e wusenjoyed. SfRkSlffe FSOW ADY BACHIEUR t 1 i.tprii Idiaa, hloaudIllnoI BiteFairae. elq ouI>' one o! our i6t brood lova:' liailit hivy boned, 12 moth boa? pI trou, ibis mow &ud sred b>' a 1000 lb. boar ibat won I1mi =lofa b bc* hg.W. bave othm onnt exceslisdlua111e vont. ýOui hai" ho ff~± ~ L8 our otl =dà, 4 .aoio . ad n.Wrn. mpier Med - Wt4her-ie. W9l, st etqW owkbm.'a'a NY exorcises vil! hi Ie d tle&churoh Stida>' evenl umg, , le .a 't.80 I ola«tid wr. » d Ms. fHamr>'Blow$ go se" taai Mdoi MiMry Baitieut en 8 r o' a i. ilaxhain pet Wedoesday viii Mnr. Wiff Bouse. Mr. a;Z Mie.'Pied Towuer and chlld. tsuwdyad Bunda>' wibh ýq4"IavesatPalazne We wig> lviisoon te ringia. iion wiii ieet with Mn@. R. LI, Si-., n banda>', .luiy 2, at 2 P. M. AllI rnm ser pIsai attend if possible.1 Everybod>' ln golug where? To the aneat Auaun'e hall Baturds>'eveuiu, 9 jnu. 20. IVANHOE 'Tii Avis Payn'e was home over Sun- d&Y. Mms.Dicier la st holne agai lu aitu abeoe o! several rn9iÎb5. Mlie uma PIster fepeut everal daye at ber holue her@ lait week. Mien LillisuPayne smnlved lait l'huis 1ev toîspend ber vacation witb the Mlems Payne. Mr. and lMn. Bei-t Lu. 0f Wauksgan, 9int Snda> witb M. ad Mns. Frnk UMis Ada Kuehier in ipeudiug arto! ber vacation with Mien Retb Welle, o! Oterlin. Mrs. Carl Doilier sud daughter, Dora, spent lait Saturda>' aftornoon at Rock..ý feuler. Mr. and Mns. Fred Beach, o! Indiana, havpi been apeudiug several daya with the former'e parents hers. Mm .BotertIlchardios hae beeu on the siciIlet loi- the paet veii, Min Naouil Vase>'abateeu staylng wlth ber. Mnr. Anus Oigaard and childreu.ar- rived fi-oui North Dakota Bouda>' moi- lug toepd the aummor viti ber par- ente, Mi-sd Mn@. Henry Van ?lew. The remalns o! Altert Price vers brougb; bemsfor hurlai lutSi aturda>' aftemnoou. The aervices ai thia graye vers couducted b>' theé,Maisons, that order belug repreeuted b>' a number tîom Waukegan. Tberevwas Y. P. 8. C E. social beld ai the borne of William N lickery, Wodues. de>' eveulng, June 10. Tihe prociedsaar to h.used inuseuding a dèlegatoto the Urbana-hampalgu convention. About fil t,> Young peop le vers pressai. Thé>' were enter=ale lu the boume ou accouai Of the chilI>' eveulng b>' s short but lu- teresiugpi-ogrami e!ollows Récita- tion b>' Mise L4"siWiiutwio viollu solos b>' Iurnerd Joues, a vocal duet bÎ the i.Msene ckwith, two coic récita- tioue b>'Glad>'e Pay ne and llmiiBuck- with. Alter lb. program, aupper van eed duringwbiehinoelc vs furnihed b'the Newton brotheis'pbouorah l'.social brokê up about msidught ever>'on assirlmg M*. and Mns. VIcier>' ibey leb.d aitamont dslltul dine. Betweeu ivelve and thirteen dollars vers rsaizod. BARRINGTOK MisSelma Torgiar, ci Paltin,, veas a gueit st thé' bome o!Win. Sodi Bu-. MIsem JennieBWici o!Dundéeè, led vitb Mie Mildred FL-rmk ove,Bude>'. Mm. Charlotte Ephimnan aged S8A years died Moiiday idruing at the home o! ber daughtei, Mn%. Hauusb Sodi, alte ta-u liums cd ouI>' thieSday.Fun. sual at the Luatmn cburcb Thureda>' afternoon. t Newton and Warren Plagge vers Lake Zurich callers Tuiesdea>ltrnoon. r Misse Iouisé andbMargnente Boebmer vers Chicagovit oie Baturday. Beverikreal esta*e tiasafer vers made ibis veei Int"eVllaege. Bdwalrd Wlcb' mn upurechusit thJackou properi>' ou Gi-ove avenqe, siederation $2450. -Fred -u-e__ hclte bougbi thé Doiol puopeit>', __ oCok and Ruassil etreuts consideistlon 02M0. Mm. John Dixon wbo bas teen III la able ta te ont agalu. R. G. Munda>', o! Chicago, visited wlith fiands hére over Bunm.' Mr. and Mn. W. MuSrne nsd famil>', of Palatine, s@peut Buds>' with relaives Mn. Carolin e cOme,-of Baraboo, Wia., Wa theéput o! ber @futur, Mns. J. H. Landwer. Mn. H. 0i. Miller was a Chicago vie. toi Baterda>'. IL!. WllV.flveyM. W. aid. -MaI+Lso Mt L eZ hlbcallen Sun. d:rtarou gag, i4~ * I ~ ly, Mofrvae. Mi ageLwis, le cflg ou har he~metb aick and ne rem dm*bIoe, Un. Toi. w*" pstn«4 se6oad queilse ut d~h tian ci '.vut-fiv*members Ilot. be iMsttr Hu4ui.nZeirna uver>' iii wlti Mr. sud Mma. Se Dyle and huilA>' vielsd tsl bo, utlaeunda>' fi.laattedn t.Joeeph's sehool a --ache>'. Wisconsin with his brother. -Mies Mari. eOrarasu gave a muacel- lneousa ehower at ber, home laat week fr IMAs. MaýXàrwt Moone>' who lato be ,arrïed onum-94th to JoLn D. Garrlity Mr. &udMien.,Lartz.-of Obieago, and Mr. and Mme. Uo. Bock, o!Highland 'ark, were thée tuaeof F. Horeuberger and famlly Bunaa>' Imiltations arn out for the marrùM ofa Mise PdAE. Antes to AnutNoreubrfl f Hgland Park. The weddlng taki place ait the home of the brl3., L'usdal atternood, Jue 80. Only te m.ed aillesa Winlbu peent. B. P. Eutebloon atteuded tAhe pollUe.!l convention at the Colleeni laut Thuma Mise Bansl Vaut vlelted lu Wankegan, monda>'. The Arnît> Club gave a miecslaneous shower to Miwe Bon. Autes, Tusende> eveulug. 1 Frank Petersôn, o! Wankegan, spent neverai d"y this week with tbe flutebison fmii>. Mis Wulfred Warden, of Chicago, la te.gueet t Mii BadiGslloway.* Mr. and UMn. Vincent, of, Waukesae, Win., are the gnu. eo! Mr. and Ui. C. B. EsAwton. Mr@. 1. R. Rehm. la attendiug a conven- tion at Wicona Lake, Indiana, Don't lai] to bu at the dance Baturda>' eveulng at Ainann'e hall, Round Lake. Oood uiansd a good turne. Ticket@ iÇOc. Mi. and Mms. En-ril Bprluger, fi-oi Pltteburg, liti their daugbter, Mrud fa,? Dr. and Mns. Jolieare entertaiulug relatives fro ic lago. Mm Wi. Biais aud baby daughter are spening the. week with Irlende hem. Tbe Ladies'Aid Society' baispot pouid theïr aiietlng until July 9iith o aeount of th'e Fourth. l'he meetng ewlll bu at the houme of Mie. MIil The. Bible Claose hld It% second meeting nt the home of Mr. and IMn. R. B. Dixon. Tuesda>' evsulug. The. eveulung was very pleasantly dopeut in gaines. Mr. Bponenbsrg le entertAiuing hl@ @jeter , Mn. Neville aud farnil>' sud hie mother. Mn@ Nelson of Cicago, vlaited at the home o! Mn. ieac recentl>'. To stop any pain. snywbere ln 20 minutes, glibply take luit ons of Dr, r boop's Pink Pain Tablets. Pain means c<gestlon-blood preesure- that lea&IL Dr. Sboop'g Heeilaehe-or Pink Pain Tablete-wîli qulckly coax blood pressnre âa~y fi-rn pain cen- ters. Atter thatpin le gone. Head- ache, Neuraljia, peai. perlode wlth women. etc., get itant help. 20 Tablete 26c. Bold by ALL DEALERS. ICE CREAMý , .lnjlut opendaue ire ur cran ato> arnprtp re to furuieh you with the ver>' s Brick or BqIk teeCreai. My cream la uot reialled lu Libertyville buti cal' te iecure<lat the fu-tory' or wlll te dellrered in Ltertyville lu qusuiiueof tbreegallon@ orrmore. MTCIEt BLACK Maker Bulk and Brick lces res"' Tel.2m iii. L lta lleEx. Thisie No tice Al Canada.-Thi"lsmet b. cul m b.ot tey gmo ta e.d .,QeO.,BICIIINUER. 1 Townof SVeruon ---w .4 .4 Dancing EVeY Uatwua4 a. lIi iuofi b? mortelle Orcheustr AT STUD Percheron Colt PinOk Para4 dt r 43,928 P. S.A. FOALED APRIL 1. I 19M5 Sire, Pink 24,765 Who for ivo auccesire years won the 'Grand Sweepstakes and Champiouebip ai Cbcago Inter-national. Piuk le oda>' thé great»oet percheron StalIlon even * mponted to Anietica,. I' ink Psi-ader'e dam Io Sireue. a 2,000 b. ILmane b>'ViIIisr, 18.169ouio! Berneis, t- 11,254. Sirns tramesback !lu rhUnes 9 to Brilliant. Pink Pearder yull te lliited daring the setmotf 11905-190 to 338 oatside lamares. ne vîli stsud ai the la- o! J.A.P A1TT ER$Obj-0N LiBaERTYVILLE, -ILL. FEE'$IýO[ cael et the dm 01f i iffievk raou cmn se.d lier OR A&NOTHER MARU back to Pinki Parader nert ses fiee of chargçý, 11300e vho bred ta my colt flue reer, before the reductio n hie Mee Imm $15 fa $10, vil have the dil- erence returned ta them, GET READY TO BUILD AM READY FOR THE WOàK JOHN L IRVING CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Sidewalks and Cernent Blocks ROCKEFELLER, ILL. Let Me Etlmate Upon the Job J.J. 4SPOkIN RO29CAEFEL.L£R, ILL. ro6CA'1 0 "-'4 w- I o E te -1~ O d I e - Gr .Cr OStW) <'Ai >0 'If [ z o ri% --------- -------