P TMOTLY liq ýiANCi Mx M. 4QST...... ....... ........ KFIL E Yi ............... .............................. lty Editr KRD&Y, JUNE 26, 1908. YATE* 18 NEEOEO. trust press, conltlng1 eqr-lfirald, Tribune and thé ~k mné.la imé4ltng Fobnérc 'Gqortaes la l s UAI vlpérOué unme. The trust prss made lghti 1*ýf Oiuovar Tatés' nomination lu1 b posShm tnantlcmlly lu 1904,1 tg j" «XertlflK itiutinsten- mi t stem thé Ue tiéaalut thé wppulosentiment uow éveeplng thé ,ettofor the tormV govérnor. Thei. ifouMbe vlth the Chicago trust pressé Is * <It Ieaconent dictite ta Richard1 'fat#. Ndttier coull dictate ta j'ai, W. FItan or John R. Tanner, tva aaie gorernara ai thé têts ever1 &naiSçongequentjy thér apposedi ~botb Ifer and Tanné wlth ut as1 Mach rln1dictîrenesséand utter iban-1 46n et ail décéncy as thé>' uow apposeg ltlokird Tatés. Thé taut prss bas1 tuvored only one govérnor of Illnois1 ln lite lait twci décades and that la Chai. 8. Dénéén, Chicagos ciwn péér- iOUaprduct!on, u'ho laiat préacot dis-i tibullna jobé promiscuously cirer thé 19e i the éndéarar te hald passés-1 yas. Whoever goes ta Sprfpg-I l~,snor oet hh state, aid Sues1 îjt46 <lé pltîcal blddlng of thé cît>'1 fl ýCW!ýo gti thé kiité ram thé trust presséand tuat lé why Goyevrnor Yatés gels thé i-luit a little deéper tu aay tonracr ovrror, b>' thé vay--becaiuie tor tour years ha deflesi thé cit>' boasé anS the trust préss.and condnctéd the affaira of thé saté tram Sprugld, mundet'iroua thé cncns and lite nakleg loins af thé Chcago politîclaus and verS héél ers. Anotuer thlug: Thé campalgu of 1908 vlI ual hé a réptition of 1904. Theré viii hé na Roosvelt thîs réar tca set thé pacé and îveepthé coun- ta-y wlth a wlld lire o! polîtical favon ai l vas four erems ga. Thé repub. 1can part>' of thé nation hai a battis an its handé thié eréanad, thanké to thé présent administration of têté af- faIrs, thé laad viilbeh héirr ough ta carry in Illinois vîthout luggiug an icé wagon ai thé heêd o! thé têté p rocession. GIré us a cumpaignea- ln whomn théeaank end file havé confi- dence; one who vîli peel off bis coat and sam> t thé héad of thé figting liué trom Augut 9 untîl S oclock lu thé afttrnoan ut Norémbér 3. , Dlck ya±ési'A nch à leader and his nomi- nation as thé saindard béarer a! thé pkttula linoisé vîliplace thîs stîté i thouiund léagués tram thé douhttul columu. ANOTHER VATES SUCCESS. debday night Richard Yatés Open- trol. 1 want to warn you naw. I want " Ms caupainl Chicago at thé ta sar tu everY man lu tii hall ta- Obem. Tlhouanad were unable uight that fot one word of truth cou- cernlug rny campaigu wlU appear fram »M admIssIon. and the uaw ta thée M day of Âugust in the <igo trust preou givén a démon- Chcago Dal>' News, thé Chicago Rec- iéln Of thée tttude of ciîzns of ord-HérAld, Or thé Chicago Tribune. 0«. whloh resulted In ardérs ta If rau would have tué trnth about thlé tpbàais md ppltical wrtérs ta get campaign yrau yul haive ta laok ta r' tltaniais next goverpaor. écoma othér piper. saa splendId démonstration. "This morniug a Uar tram thé Tri- d usupeoP1,e chéered Tatés, hune lu a two colurnu lie, printéd thé e tegia and again, cheered -ime kiud af a Hie that théIliar an thé yewr. loaineHRUappelr- Recard-Herijli did, and thé liés of .JW s etorrn stirted a Ifittéén hém bth were ta thé éTfect that I . ti4oar ei oui>' b> that arn avneti b> a rajîroad. Itlal an In- 4M prettous viien Président timons falsehoad; it lé an atracions a néme m. cerieS a like uath- campaigule. in _tibn sgSîp ,uditorium. b>'"Look aGt! Lookc out! Ever>' day and ever>' haur tram novOuntil thé OrSDeoleen were haIt as ecae o! thepolis an Au"uét8. thasé 'ja ONiémsr> asla Richard tbréé piper., thé Daily News, thé Rec- :14s fishîvouki be cirer. ard-Herald and thé Tribune, wlUIltell ftppvénor took occaioin, and )ou ther liés about this campaigu. l * mi ne oitrarng's issue liey tld yau thét Mei meeting wauld towara bis- auditars of lm- bé a tront. Ton paid 5 cents thia moru- It*a*s by Victor Lavéon ing for that Intelligence. Thé>' havé bouch of dictithrs. Hé said: tld rau othér tîlséhoada, and thé>' cmli ne mai by an>' naine. will kéép It np. That la thé va>' hhéy cali% a &vae a saidé, but I expec tot carry Illinois for thir can- I mot trI', ou thé othér hanS, ta didate! Thît la thé va>' thé>' éxpéot OMm sud fairivarda, and, at thé ta treat a répilcan! Thît lé thé to e 1 lmbirn dasirdly at- va>' lhéy expéct ta dféit thé cause ýib5Déwtpapm w hlch 1 con- whlch 1 rpresént." 1 in~amssstmProfitable if Çs'IuyMade'? ~ g at Octohér 24th the ~l, lnIg &DérsiopmSut 'vsos'gauld. Théné wers %MUsod lu Liertyvillé at aas ,= or la ther yards thé ,W" iicool $275,00.1 ie compair val organisaS ibats. ers solS at 2 sud 8 cents u, lg Lberynillé, costlug thé ait 4verige ai 2 2-5 cents per r 51,746.00 for thé 58,200 ehae. "ho lbryrlâli aà baught &mns tai averaeéof;-)1-5 cen te aàs, or 1478,20 for thé 9,100 la Lborlyville aSdvicinit>' Ow put in the Square Deal Co., a -oexatir $2494.20 for 94,800 Oul of Ibis 94,800 shêres ïbarés have héén solS for nal lea., ë#100o learlug a total o! 80,20() >bor e, hat stands thé owners Iof$1,75920. Ticesé 80,2001 ua hésoiS nov t forcedsale, Wl7,00 euh, or shoviug a clean ta Square Deal tocthaldéra érvdd thé>' sel nov anS caprofit. - Deal Compsu>'s properlel A *iaudeztsieveu. Thé> INE. i prorén, prcSuing. 'léwith millions o! tans oi ome aboyé île 1,400 foot * t, drainage anS Irai.- -The Iquare Desl bai shpigore ireadr ta $W0fper ton and ai put il 10 amakt sud ~.vr$5 per ton id clear OelConmpayba nu v-~ppnc, but Itast4tk *41 ven 5W cents per Anothér Casein gWood a shoviasg 0611 n Oscce ln thé Ifint 1Mlng & Mllling Ca., vbase tunnel la nov la 761 let, p nopent>' ?totd a&dnov bas au abunda"ceof 1111, ors end viii i400% havé higb grade <ISIo abvetir eompa*ié an sasc- ceeses, andS lIe>' saiS thslnstock a. peL pro t" propositions. I pré- dtet 1at tbé Suare Doil Campai>' viii puy rgular quambtly dividende luide o! a yeoanud 1 bellére, thé Bing Sboaron anS MInI Compaime ili par dividendo ialde of tva pevrs. leéthéaS eaIlsetiké a moutb agaiout 42 Su are Deal toctiiolderai have requéted me ta get anather9 loniaupropert>', sud farma othéri Square, Deai Company' aoil.I 1cou- muetd ta do Ibis anS hegen udrértlsiug exténsilo> for provo% prospecis. Two *ééks ago 1 put aur béat expert. E. H. Crabtreé, vhom 1 bavé kDowu Weil for yéars aI vont examinfing thé hét af thé propertis0ffré. Ont -a! 35 hé ba§ tbrepro etléeta l ii"abaké good," aud la vii tae sthé "pdrcbeAang con- mîitte" ,tva vééks mare ta select one ai thé tbrée, tair té il r,,complète organisation, etc. Ail pr-orgaIzation precênlians have bon taken MIl socalled propenty and promotion stock wili hé -'Poole." We expect to maie Ibis thse bigget aiS quickest proposition r, cbhèe everIlaid, ai thé propent>' viii hé provéu. ground sud siluated close ta anS bélveén big prodncing mine. No one cau put in leas than $10 anr er $50 at thé pr-arganizêtlon priaeInl thé new proposition. Rememier lu inresllug lun mining stocké, mn ounce ai prévéntative and iuveétigaioien lWorth a fon af curé. B>' nslug thé senié commen sensé -and '0ré in l investîng tbat yen do lu buainées famiré. yon yl seldans lage a cct and big ciému money vili hé made. Fieepéélfuli>' FRAxK E. Wiaz. Mesdames G. muSd F. Kennedy and ton Roy', of Hickory, visiteS ovér Sunda>' et thé home o! Urs. J. L. Hughes. The reméiné o! Wm. Willams, cf Chiciaq. ver, hroughlta oLibertyville Tuesday sud hua-led ét thé Lakèude coenter>' in the aflerucon. À short louerai service was reaS aI the gravé b>' am uinlfiten from Chica. 'i vite vas fonméa-iy Milé% Miaule Clément àçd aI one lime résidéS ire. Shéaidanusiér of tienad@ accomvanied thé body ta lés lait rétIug placé. Hé val 52 years o! age. Deati causéS b>' apopiex>'. I10! 81,50 4DU lY! Théné bai héen a changé lu the timé #f rnng cars on the C. & Mi. oiéctric roand but it takes a Philadelphie, lavy.r tà t 4ape it ont. Afthr éight a'clock a. rn. I Om Cat ýhrsou,noms t ai Lihértyrille sud do uat go te Bockes tellen. Asir thé couductona, ommtinms e thé>' know, alten. thé>' dos't-bul t 1 not theIn lanlt. A party af *bout Oftéén persanai&U af viio n recounectsd viii thiÏ;Idon usibol and Busiiess Philoéor, iae çumping on thé bckis of Lake Bina ai thé iiitrérné veé.,n d afthe laits. Thé>' bave apormamnteîaanpa.tabliad" sud sno>'tIe oposi air ide hugi>. Bai. ln.botsg~Ibahlugthé>' Sud Y:nr attractiveéMManti atbut out boita uighî's reit an thssé ultrn>' lto.e (e af thé huMa on the J. H. WéSté Reld farm wu sstrück by Ulghtalug Tuéeda>' ittémnoon &bout une o'clack. The boit bit thé capeloand ran elovu Inýo theéby ha. eh fmmsd iand oould- oémi6aklug 'mors éme thoIn lire. Theré lé quit. a forcé of men ompioyéd I e t thé ferim d vith the belli of mac>' tif thé uélghhorsas buckét brigade vas forméS anS thouasofaigallions of waten pannéS au thé lire. -Lois, $800. Tbé éxrciieé of thé éigbth gradé ait whlch diplomai frOm a4thé g mer échool vont veee gvon ta a large clama were Wéd in thé Union church Tbunsdy éeopng. Thé évonlng vau a vinenos but thé chgrcb vas peAked Wita sang and rnusic thé.. hippy youcg polé célébratéS thoîr promettio thé ignlt> ai hlgh achool pipI1,. Att>'. Arthur Bulle>', a! Wag a ddroae»d thé 'clam usu an i «an4 ploalug maunn. The oietatlon b>' IsW Mi. Scianek wv ery good aswvas aima th clam hiator>' and prophscy of Chach0p Fré>' aid thé farvéli addrmsofaUm AShNlcholas. GeorgeJ. itzgeraland Mia. Lotta sIfoen (GénoearoBradley vers umlted lu marviagé îst t. jooophi'sehurch b>' Rer. P.J eilon, Weduéédsy ahornoon at fotr o'clock. Thé chunch vmmcubl décoritedw vti rases sud synluga hios- noransbudîléed vith h En.'trWlsudo of the yonuogcouple. lMr. Flt*rld Io =h jnor rnsnhér at theéGoorgePlia- «& 4Sous'lver>' Din. lu Laoi Frwet anS a vefl-kuown sud popu MWoun man of tbet cil>'. ]lieé Bradé>' irthé i dgbter af John H. Bradley' anda a mosl éétio)6ble young lady vith min>' friands lu and srannd Libéntyville. Thé>' viii maire tbéîr home ci Lae Forest Thé Breckenridgê (Colo.) Bulletin sas' of thé récent at#ijcémade ou thé prapent>' of the Square' Deal MinS gCampaur: Wé hève at this office a simple 0f thé are receut>' alauckiniuthéelSquare Deal mine et Frifto, sud are pleuéd te noté liaI il bearé évidence of hélng ai uéanl>' salIS Joad as an>' ore va havé évrn ééu ln this camp. Whén liraI éuconnteréd It wa, not sure <laI il vould balS out, but thé furtier thé mlél a fllowéd thé vider and more proinounced bécornés thé velu, and aI thé présent vnitlug lthe streak laàaven elghteén Juches vide. This pute thé Square Deal in thé liât of big producers, aud provos thé valué af pesitent and détermineS efforts in thé Prn gbusiness. As; the temperaturégoéé up thé number of autarnoblés liat Posstbers, éêch Sm> Incrémé u roportion.Th laué Jeuu ridsthé direct routé ta thé laisrégion sud on Saturdi>' afiérnma lu particular thérmail la kept hot. Marshal Limier'>' ha of late beau taklog, a gréat deal oaitleret lu automobhile mfaire sud le becornug se prollclent lu thé ludging of speed Ibat héoematé ke spéédometér look lité a toy vatcb. Que roadater made Ituél! v ooxi thé other da>' b>'y sdvthe 'vhii Ïiesd t nougb théevIlap+.Thé bal faildta catch thé number sae- télé inurnier Ibère. Hs tisu v ro te di te tb. ovuér, vueis "' e. G. Bs bveil-knovu commisSon macs ta , nS romaéird IL mosntoostéonsré i -eh hoésid thé son hédiséend the car ta hie entamer home et w on r ud thst ai hé mextete ma, bw ibamé ln Ibis ccnt>' Sruriathé su r lîi t. nIdcorainI>' observ e th e V~ ~.ebew h<ibjveter la the arb é he 40 eQÏ everY yoî g eroaand.friend& dellgkt'lu Itng, Th>is- in ale the open sseo4 for u'eddlng rlip -and vo deligît in accommodatig ana rpleaia you in ibat lune ýWith, thé béat workt of the -Sid4mtîl. SUvrervare in one of the Most aproprigte ad tuaanrod gifsitq malte your ne-ly u~rid friand dorne tha Inl sure W be appreciatéd. îThou, are lugïer steaks iof jewel than otrebai on * where yau get more for pour mone'éc vlth thse aasiam thst you have vaine roelvéd. * ustornérs may prolit by our experleace wth vaichç., levelry ad ilvérvere, and &Dy lnforuatloa lu <hem. 4 matterin jéchéorfully giron. ANLDREW lIUSS JEWELER LIBERTYVILLE. ILIJNOIS lu ,-Imbu Wiodueéda>' for New Orbe«a, Lomuian, =ok orton thé congtructloa ot à-rail- Thé amount af stock daucage by tire and virer vas nitzch gr"téer Ibm weas, Êirat ex Wc nd wfiS v rdidpooed of rnc !it at greatl>' ,oduced péte.. Look for our ad assît wéék.' Il le rumoréd thst theRFAUdbl.rapbs.d bail at i>altle lest eunudy bét nottbiO detulté cmn hé learad froua tbérepor't Itsmosrnthaîé%hm,évé a moar 015to 0 jaud tbéré la "aim oesblltait&about îrvoré, trlké ontta, a slow diamoa,,etc. Mmr Alfred Faynt of l Lbaoti, Mo., la risting at the borne o! ber aduler, Us. EttasU". MUh11 aumbées iiia "Wi criticalcondition f or thé peës#O veeoka buts la w fou'obwlng teiubt lmproro. ment., A Premier lanrlng car from Indien. &polie, Imd., pe@md through bere lait Satuvdav berng <blé léged: 1100 Mlle@ per Dao r .100 Daie." Th#,é machiné wu béugseat on a test rua and crriéd four paugérs Thé>' weés tIen «on théir twentiéth de>' and hsd aven 2,100 miles ta thir credit. Norman Biathorwiek,1 a i rlél, la., épént aérerai days théelIrat of thé véek eit tihéhume otfblé@alâter, lira. Fred, Crokér. Hé topped* hère for a shorn visit ou blé rturu froim Lake Généra wberé hé épeut ton da et thé Y. M. C. A. conférence whlch hé att:endéciai a délegate from théeliufIel Collée. North Chica«o vili rosé bêlé witla thé liambléré st theLibertyville iairgroaud net Bunde>', Juné 28. The North Chicego teum lé a good oneéand in sud to havé nomeé Wankégan players vhich la ma bsoluté guarantqe af a lirai>' gm.Thé new grand stanad i.novè énclaééd and will séatcomlortably about 250 Pesona. Maur Block LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. <vine n0, th rle t tod"'F' O= "eaun fPlymuth Twm'FWl! bedmone gra n han 10 =otg warth oai À Ms~.AalgTd TVLLE, ILL. Just rsoslved ( ap atm Who* "M"dw ##-mmbàs boM marketo t4 <hirwtill= lowppahdof lOc 1 é, 20c end25UI Loetfbd~ao PIRE WOF<K&>S la Sr, «wir deh.boys Ml! awt&= m tu<hi4* -b*s~ e Yoms nov i d soppeingtbte ltifUoW"mhIm. E3. B. E L L S WOkTI LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. If U eyou itn to bafld Wan t ICOME -IN. T O and 1fiure on Lumber, uenet, Brick and Fin- F>ost lat- ail have dedlined adwe can gave yon You Mny EMMONS - MERCER PHONES 47 and 1171. E.A. 118H0P, Mgr. EW. PROCTOR E. F. SWAN R. C. HIGINS THE OMELUMBER CO. A àO-parturhip §Uccceese or.t G. H. SCIRANCK Il.umber, Coal and Feed LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS PHIONE 5b A CITY WATE. SUPPL For Your Country Home If yeu live in thé country thér r W *Y for Yan tO eniQY anl the comiotta and conréniencé ol ciy vêtersupply wltbout the expenditure of a penny for watertax. It ln accomplished by tbe Kowanoe yptem. With the Kew.uée Syntsm yoiiget even more than city service, becausé, la addition to every benofit thé latter affordm, yon znay have- Pure, I resh water. Cool water in the summer. No fréezirug water in the wlnter. And a plant wilIl lét a life-time. It wyll soir thé country waer probiem "completely. In a K.wane. aystem your tank ie Iocated lu the basement or any cou- venlent place, and the water je pumped loto the tank irbivh forme thé air préésure. No feér of Sour tank léaking and apoiiing Sour home. Neyer needs éxpense of ré- pêirlug for there la nothIng to get out of order. For eetimateé and Information êpply to ALBESRT W. UICI-TFELD LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. When Vour New' Piano Cornes frminaur var*room yen viii hé déliglited vîth Its haudsome and tauteful case. But you vîli ual reail>' knov thé tremsure Il l,,untll rau havé enta yéd thée avlu 8sén-sof Il, rnumlc, théenici barman>' aité toue. Cmarnedslect thé piano nav so pou cen théesooner Commence ta enta>' Il. * LouislJ.YEOMAN. WAUIoeUAYIL - t Over 77 *EST SELLERli ARE TAKINO A Tremendous Drop T IM InternmatioalTafi orlg .. whosetsamplsstny bcsm a t- E W. Park&nSts Cents' Foemlaha st, are 'n'ktn eea " rksle r pst fow-you Zat sfford ta let the chanc go by-77 of the best sels have bain re&uced from $2,00 to $800O peradti Cma talée yaSw messue Wo a pair of TaulaiModie Pmb mani have <hem reatifor yoS ia <broc daysCe yoé aiderlà bdfeth&e rus* 2Oth Century Casbi Store E. W. PÂàKau"MS , achauck Block LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. wlcaver. And on a good Surface at wnlI caver MOre Mhant± N6 point wiii do, better, and very few paintà viii do asîtelL Maximum covering capaciy, eçasest peaigqualities, Iongestwear, and, gmatest ecoomyarewI~lmv daim for S. W. P. lesthe orne safe ra=toue Always gives sa*ishctim< - battsave amey in painting lt'us so you tihe way. W. eilUpuint.for al a do of g004 paintiwlg. Young & Lynch B'ros. à ài