Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jun 1908, p. 8

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~(Prm Widnesday's Smn) John8.1 Alexandr Dowc, juf oaWs prophet and founder of e- -W Cite, succumbed to the impa- table çtred of hi* Oune.les. Igàt W*ail 0disth lius îvideaiiy fnt P»W 4ecedit pisionts feeling of ie- *"" moueswingmsol!cfhia pon~- i-ý iensudm »amies, ince lots yistir- ,*Yaftimnuon a stick of dynmite, lOàem oworlc bavoc snd destre-__ Iýta thëunaids ot Zion City rosi - aXé d 0Wbuildings, wua cidintsiiy dhuec'arid unr the tombitone of flihe ~diçèaWd ruter. Tbi* laid w»amdi by Misc Bntrie ý,-"ï4rs» unempoya etfUtceZVon City IWMhofatcr, sud 1 la only a mirace U U naicent girl ws notsascri- et -thiésnkndsen miscrianta. fuie Mises the Dynamite. 1%.p le Jon Alexander Dowi. M.tb, M"iE union, onc of Zion' Seel biautiful young ladies, bas been àa ftUffl caretaker of i grave. h __ WsU ber custom hi plaec floral irib- t.. on the iomb of the man ln vhose doctries she mosti mpliciily blleved. Teiterday afternoon ,armned with her Itile rake. ulie set out for thie cerne- tpry to, rake the debris off the plot and tecaui for the fowera vlilch she had ait out -but the day before. .-MId4e Ug-h-&»n-h Mw"ý&pecullar black stnfck hait '~burd la thc ground. 7Ui rake. whielh she auill hld ln -~*IiwjyeuiGmo -t - atuaater'ward dis- loovèret t be the pereuasion cap of a sttek ef dynamite. Thje contact o! the steel point of the rake on thé sentitive cap, which was load th umokelesi powder, wold bave bieru Uic young girl hi atome sMd cffectuaUly vreckcd tii. grass o!f __ iLU former Zion leader. ;A feeli"g of Intuition rarned thc 01 tl $ omthlng ras rroug and 9M. leehid up thc sexin ad inIôrm- ed àkI of et c"gucer looklng stick" 10hîch âbi ld unearthed near Uic T'h 014 gray " iedsexton, guided 817 tii.young lady, hastened hi the mira,. whre thc object o! deectruction *Ms Polnted cet hi hm. 11à old folorer of thc former lciât ei 'etUoned thc young lady hi kesp *4 ditance and hlmelt was alinost protrstid nitu i tougti of nhat tigbt, have happened. '¶'bey bave cailed him name@ be- binG bbis back. thuy bave lsndered hlm. Suwd uer they are net aatlsfled, th.>' nVOUldblon bisromains f rom Uic gromid *itu dynamite. Oh, it fiav- tal."This laiaa iTIlla qiotation tO tht rieorted to ~e en uied by the sexten AtUithe of the findlng of eticdynamite. 'Pour for the lois of is ovuIlite difi nat daunt Uic old favorite of the tai- leuio leider. He caretolly remoyed thej mite Mud carefully lifted it out as gaUy> as possible. .kýî Tb*. stick o dynamite ras carried to~~ h John A. Lewis, acknowledged lead -_ or ofZion hoto by Uic Dave isl whicb fia on file on Uic local court housse rho pranonnccd it to be of 81u111cet force and quaity tg bave hum ng bhait the City.4 \~At th tinte o! Dais dea±h the feeling O! resentment vas trong ' Alp~ b la and it ras necessar>' ta keP inau rmed guard around hie ffle for nome montbs, but laiely It wui tbongt tuai tuus feeling had died Out and the. gourd ras releamed from furtber service. 1%i cernent vauit in nblch Uic re -_ mWils of Uic zuler vers scaledra made 4the iritownsot iis cityvh arc o Uic opinion tuat li ould have taken a Uarger quantty of dynamite hi blor thc valt open. Thweelaiabsolutely no aIne -to Uic crljainsis altuough Uic buiy police Chiot of Dion, Capiain A. A. Walker, bu bas rked sieedily on Uic case ail mmoning. £85 EWILL W__ WiliM M. Oourley, Waukegan, le gg ac. Adella Bastion, Waukegsn, Xou e Insen, Lake Forcit, 21; Mary 19 ýsse, Waukegan, 21. *oe MiiKn&. North Chicago, 30; ...' l UjiitUltli. North Chilcaga, 30. l a Krplâ, RacIne, 28; Joseph- (_,1beýKlIM, ]"CIDe. 20. W iCuba 1 i omBel. lib% juse 4-WiLcomed by th# bot"adof the tate. the C1:5 P tt ederatl or 0fWoieps' *e WL tb1%rse tbongsnd or moe ie ae gb Oiinzy40téteiid 4h iy wÂ~ r r ? tii -~ JLY ài THE OR R OF 1HZ DAY 1 Cèlébration -of the --dey when ourat nation gaiýned' C~~I penOn IS ebrtHE Q ji Oeorddf- dy at o-,rgnw anid up-wîth-thc-timcs soe elbai of the sucss fhat bas ben.ours thi~e emoment c dçQOnofm'ur flew store wr hono*it h t~i.Wa makes a man i kl more desirt to cektâ* tan the, fact thaï *henlhe put the people's conftd&nce 'in bi*u to the test, th-ty' with one accord, stood shouIdef té ïhouder-by. hlm, assitUon to lx truc that the inan who knows how to b;y wilejyteprnge of' the prople. AiMd now we -piopose .~ - 'Q« ùâfy ffrd and patrons cause to clbaeb lcn tt~r d.soà ure le tc fbeautiful. neW Ïnd 4eanmcrchandist, at prm that wlawM sùy give them reazon for celebration. e Onward la ouatchwrd neye thndgo era.And the *ian -who always prospers cdoesanot know th~e word retrçat. CARFRE WILL£ 1 DOÇfl VUR PR REFUNOED TO -AT aL OU OF niI TOWN WUT1< PURCiiASER TQ ITH4E AMOUNT OF Gret 4th Ju]j 511k ]Dre n ad JumPer Great opportunitiems wait the ft h10 vlinity ln our aille drs s ad jump- er suit depatmi nt. We here lust two Items for this ssie tht deservis special mention. Handsomc silk dresses and jumper suite, narnmtcd pure silk, mont beautifall and tyliaBhgarments Worth as high as $16.00. fUi Juiy speciai $698. O-er 75 beautifulsample dresses bougt espccially tram the manufacturer for ibis sale, tuey mornela tWa piece, anc piece manalPrn- esestyles Mad9 up lu handsomc xÎoul ad dfine tafreta alîks , somn. vere made hi sel as bjgb au $35.00. Extra upecla for thia 4Ui Jely saiî GElÂT 4lMJY LADIES' SMT ESALE Ledisa Suite arc aur spccialty; and niien ln the East ru aiways make specîsi *ports te' soeurs the. mot nobhy and up-to-dlate styles In this lin. that ai-e te b. porclismeç. Tii. uits liere imtsdare .very one NEW, and ihe tyluV THE LATFST, ait for this 4th JuIy sale ru are offoring extra spicial bargaifis ln tis Il»n. Ladies Wasb Suite. made up lu plain vhite and Uie se popular tripe materfala. They corne ln beautfiu prince eiiap styles, coat la 27, 30 andl 36 1 4- lengthu, sud iréehaownueveryvhere Mt 8.00 and 86.00. We vUii have them dornna this gfeat fUh iiJly Bale for s ecial alling at . 2 9 Ail our 820.00 and $25.00«clotu *sOu*sgo at'7.75. Yeumust sec tusse suite la order ta coaince yoursel! ofthte great bargains offercd. Tbey- go durnna fU July Sale e4tul anc apecisi priées.......... .51 GRZÂT-4th JUlY JUMPER SJUITS"LE. Everybody la avare ibat ne bave the largesi sud mnat lieulag lise ef Ladies' Jumper Suits ln Waukegan. 4very garment la ncn andl acasonable. Make selection now, nblle thc stock la complete. Ladies' ltandaeme Jiýnper Suite, lu ail the uer styles and colorllzga Thoes, suite cannot be duplicated for Icas than double. COûr price special for this great celebration sale ......>.........................95Yn Very exclusive and handeome hue o! aver 400 Juluper Bulis and Saleor Dresses. some et theei are exact imitationf o te flaet 111k cresions Off-ale fuma gthiSs pecielJnly fUi July reduction se,at . .....el GREÂAT 4th JULY SALE ON LADIES'M»MS JACKETS. Large lot Laies' and Misses' Covert jackets; great variety to select from; ail new fresh garments; special for our holiday... 10 sale . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . Children's Jackets, lu a&R the ner materiali, Including white serges; aises up to... 98 14; 4th July Special, prie......... Ladies Black Panama Conte, lined throughôiit; beautiful styles, new lengths. wot 7.50; specia for thia sale .... .3.75 'Great 4th JUlY SalePrinces8 Dreses. White Princes Dresses, mont batltful Pat- terneIimaginable, nome worth as high as $15.00; going while thus g tsl leste, at ................ .......595 rptooié vods Teis »0reU. FORooa S FOReeci brdon GROoM FOR E FOS FOR S 8 and' goo e REi ' ~WAN1 letk Lîberi FORI kand, harve oimai vile. na FOI FR E.0 F0O ld 11o9 -e Ftile FI 1, DRESSES This MaM.on i.dlue Dreees i u b.àsdiight te eVery cuitomer. tii. dasIlgn a tht are Impie. sibii 40 duplicat. Tbo puruhasing power of .'dady Camshe s ucli tht ru are înabi.d 40o oSer thi. d.ný Haudiome anc plae idru.. ses, iplitk, bIne snd nhite colora, north 8».00; Special for thu, grand 4Ui July Bale $1.95. Splendid hune of white or colored tro place dreseg. ail richly trirnmed rit.. lace and medallion; over n00 styles t' select frn.. Wrth ashigb as 87.50. Great celebration saie prtc0ê. JULIA MARLOWE SHOE 0ur .hoe departet ia previnq à succesa The Jiulia Marlowe la s tyish snd most ru. lubile uhoe, and wnu thi-ough the atWotcon expericnced by 4he purch*ser, crante a du- mand for Iteilt, hue&o r.havieino fîmresfor the future of this deparimint. We lier. ist a few of the many values te b. found in thia department. Ladies Tan ShoesInluail the up-to-date ibapes. higb and oxford styles; regular prid'c 12.60. Special for the 41h July sae ......... ..........L98 Ladies Fîancy Freait Tue Oxford&, band made, regular $4.00 values,. special faor holiday sale ............ 2.48 Ladies White Cauvas Oxfords, regula.r pnIce $1.75, going during Ibis greai sale ai ............ .. .. ,.... . Children's Tan and Black Shoes, lace or bot ton styles. regular $225 values, Special 1............. . 50 ______________I ______________ ______________ M I ~ i - Great 4th JulyIadies'SuIýt Ladies handseme two-piew Butie, man-tailored ln pure linen or fine galatis loth, ail the latest stripe. or plain cler fecta, &Il the fnov- est shades are repr«ented, tsilored mast like the finest voolen soue; kirt le eiefa f ull They are worth si hlgb a$1000and *il go during thip great calee Great 4th July Bk e ESais $6.00 Black Voile Skirts,' ,3 g Sale price,........... *7 $10,00 Bilack Voile likirti, Sale price . ..,........... 5e" $4.00 Panama Skirts, Sale price .............l 85.00 Panama Sirtis, sale Prime............2 Ladies' White 1Lndersklrte, 9 Worth $2.50. Bliccial .................... te Ladies' 60oc Corset Covers,1 at 4th iul- Sae on Wash . &41s Beautiful white or colored Wash skirts, ln al imaginable new miMaerlis; wortli $1.50 and 82.00. Opeciai for thio great sale ...........................85 Over 200 besatiMulwa sikirtoin laIl the new matertals sMd rmi; stripes Your choie ,out 0dgtufs ii2d eolletion toeholiday al@4 at .......1.95 Ladies l5t 001m3, regaw Price 7' o20 puclafotuf. îe ale ..... Ladie Whtc Underskiris, vortb 51 $4.00. SPeUMsifer tli- et lui>' asie.... Ladies. Chemise, vyt 8100 $peclal..... ......,. Great 4th J-ulY Wai#, Bale Ail our $1.û00.and $1M50 aists go on the tables during this price slaghing sale, 2~ .t...................U Ail our $2.00 Walots, ln ail Imaginable beauti- fui patterns, for tbf. Speclal Sale, ..95C Our beaUtful $"~0 China .11k vaaiss ill b. sacrmeied durinsi this sale and nIl j7 go at .............. 17 Our cb iUne or 8500 ralistintu China .11k ta iferta A li ngerie vil 2.95 iold at the upqeilPrice Of......29 G;ruat4th july Linen Cioat Se' PureWhite Linon Coats, lu ctuer 27. 30 or 80 Inch lengtu; ver>'ftày taflored, nitb . strapu - ,ad pateb Peck cia; aiSciaifor 5 ........ ......... L 5e =G- at4th j1ay Sae Speciai Cbjlr~W Dous. n~1ali olord * '~ verthln tla sf ft in or millln" yde- C ~ ~ ~ pmnpeet esu dnn ttii asie ut Scon te Ld Tr6,pl"c Srt WtLa Mi ie BleevelesRIbbcd prc. ....................... ... Great 4th Juli rWel:on Children's W. have midi aS patial effort to ameure germent@ for this sale that wiIVpliiii the litti. on... Every mothér centifford to pur- chssc a drus for her girl wheithe notiesthe seciai pricia on thise items. Chîlfiren'. Dresses In plain white or colored materiala; aises up to 14; vortu $1.60. Special for 4th JuIy sale. Ait our Cbildren's 83.00 D"Beses, lu white or clorefi maierials, gises, up hi 14; extra. speclaifor 4th .July male -.. . Cbildren's* Dmeesailthe latest coloringi té select. from; thei flet larments that the affl-f son baosahwn; Wortb 05.00 and , 1 $#.00. Holiday 80aie price . ......09 Gingham Wash Shirts3, oth 60c, spociai during ibis Maow...... ........................ fLafieé 'Genuine lieatierbloom Skirtmi In plain bsk land ColOred -J*tra, &rý.... ............ -~ -~ I - - - ~ ~ - M mi s - i Noir lice ~ I m iL tif

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