t . . . . i.- ~F WJ ~i WAT1RYGÂU WV mEJVTV jSUNê - LIBEUTYViWUE, LAXE OO(UNTY, LjXISI FRIDÂY, JULY 8, 1908-8 Pages $1.50 PEU YMAJ IN'ADYV on' Mme a '4w wy. th Tureal§ne of telesLoulta ian Thompen, Zvon Cty fat and f.tit vlatim, wlllb.e eçhumed ln a f#w daya a~,erDepaty'Coroner Con- 4 rad lbas .xamlned furthir witnesses mfd found out thsexacmtuttue of the. t cees Tihi latet develoçimant lu the Thumpeon horror et Zion Cty la the asrival lu Waukegan today oif Jndga . .Hontes- of Bus-niam, who wtt tait. charge of bis wlfe, Zion fat ad- vocale, and se. that she recelvea nec- essary attention. Widnesay Mrs. H1unters brother telephaned fromn Chicago thet he would tait. charge of tht- wosoan and te. that she ia wtll attended lso, but op Ile 12 noon he ised not ytt ar- S rived, Tisera may ha a difference be t twaen huaband and brother oIt-r tise Caroe of the woman, who bas now fasfted for fifteen days sud seys shbe Vill cotinueutil se receivesaa "revetation' that as emay ctast-. AlZDon lu lnteseted ln a determitu ed attempt to make ber tet. No Warrants Out. Sheriff Griffu deled tiis morniug that b. ban warrant fer the- as-sest o! Mrs. Hunter, Mr@. Funk,. Undertater Hopins or Commizioer La Rose. sud statad that noue h.ad bt-en ianîied hlm. No prisouers have ht-en madt- au yet. WIliIKsep Up Inquiry. Deputy Coroner Conrad, wbo ije beadlng tise luqutation. Tbîscts declared that sould not t-nd until the sacret buried lu Mrs. Thosupsons grava, tisa secret of ber deaîh, ta un- covered. No Susrendes- o Thompson. White it la said tiset Thom paon ba& offered 10 surs-coder. I.' bas not dons so ai yet and ia îîtt ilii uctody. ncl are bis whert-abouta s. MaesMm-s.Hunier mat. This lns substance was tise os-des-i os ued b>' thse conty coust Thursdoyt Dr. Fremont 0. Kntght and confis-un ln wsitlng neigt mosning wlien th Zion fasi fanatic wss brought unde arreet tu Wautsgan and tan to th Jmne MeAliaes- Hospital. "Tisewomcan la undoubtedly i sans," ssd Dr. Knigt to a SUNn portes-. "She la not greutly affecte thu fors-by lber fait, but 1 @hall mak ber te food." Dr. Knights tated that viile tisewi man ia emacalesi.aie la not noti'4 ably o, snd hlleves that afler Rh bas eateni for a few days lirbarlha dnations Vit disappear. Breats Foàrteen Dagy Fat. Nsxt mos-utng wissa tht- physiria Crt vitesi tr&. Hunter aise annun ed gibetmase was footing aud would si tare food unU.l tht- Lord gave bt-r Manifestation. Tise phyiclan tla liber tisat bieha tisa coust order toi feail ber and pr poceil ta ob.y Instructions, If not wi ber cosent then witbont ItL At a litttie after- 12:30 aise brokiteit fous-ean day fast as a s-tsut. Plaid for Anothes- Heur. At 10:30 Fs-day morulng Dr. Knl Infosrned ber tisat hae vouîd give ig two bous-s unvisicis to mate up ig mmtd tti t-t os- have food fosred bn ber. At just 12: 30 lie seturnt-d ta tise ho ptal. «"tla no use to tait to ser sald tise nurse. "t have Oiilt-i to p suada ber andi falei." "f sali not taikto10ber,". Raidl t phsysician.'OShe Io golug to.t-t." Whea ietuh approari tise fast fanst she stili refuseil. "I have secelvedi Manifestation," se sald, "and I rA utt est." "Brlng lu tht- foodi and theists maenie." cailesitise physien, but Mi Hunter tisen eurrendes-ed, viatblye citeal andl aven filgitened at tisept ceaus e Vas tao ndes-go. "ll aite food,." se gaspeil, God wvii bl younreapossiiise andn mie. Ou y=u htad ha IL. WuIsed tu "Save" Hugiband. 11 hava.beeu fasting to saveE isuabsad sud Msy two beautiful bh3 vito aresneItisahsmune eny more. g tvo boyg nsal ta beiang to tise fat but tisai bave ail cianged and 1 trybn u ta sve tisso by festIn g." In ties. words sit es-valed tiseri sou o! ber long fait. At. Vos-y P.ttle. Mss. lïunter slmplyijtrtook of aoi mut sund lgt refrstisilents. Dr. Knisght tate lu tise fterno tisaIbhduite»nt eRatnwilasnglY woulal have fes her 'wbic unssshi ht-s. As it'Wu, tilt-neWuvasln tendance. No formewoi lesary .Xr.ra-îu.tèy iWt geoigabu aet Raid Dr. KuigitI, 'Or ve iail have fad as. Alteras-i blos satan,1 issiîncisatuinsM a>' dhflpes. I garissr as Moist xtlmwtblhiinsu Willilng f# Sen Mser AWaY. i t l$ha sid, à 11 WlooÈ tu ho ýt teé Sticting te ber colora ta tise lait, valîantly defending ber blite! in pro- s-t- loaiged fasta wth copious extracti she from thse Bible, Mss. Msary Hunter of lu- Von City', thse fast fanalic, was Mons- day found inianse before a jury in the tan count>' court and osdes-o! ent te the sic- dtate asylun t Elgin. net -God gave me a revelation." se de- ra clrie-i. 'Atili, amail voire came to ý me lu tise middle o-f tise nîgisi andl s-o- tolil me that f I fasteil I roulil seve iti my bnsbeud andl my two sons, who art- veny dean taesme. ses -I "would mt have rontinued mry fat murs longer. Goil bel me taisen tht to tise hospital ht-rete test me and ha ses- found me vsuting. I neyer felt vorat- bt-s In my life than aftt-r 1 bal eateti Fs- nto day. However. nov fHe bas rtlt-ast-i ,o.me and toîd me tat-t. s-.'I "Tise voie cornes te me ceas-Iy sud es- dztinctiy -and tises-t-Ilano louit teabout ItL tie "Oua o!frny reasona for !astlng le tic that we are living honiifferent times nos nov. Tht- tndi s ut-ar. Tise second an coming of Christ may tete place et ru- any time andl it beisoves us to be a ira. littte carefut.", t-x- Witnt-sat- catît-il ere Dr. F. C. uso- Kigbt, uperîntendent Ht-y! o!tise -bt iospitai, Dtputy Corones- Cons-ail, Mrs. net Hontes- ht-sself end a SUN s-tpotes-, wiso got tht- Osst story and tise Osst MyInterview wtb Mrs. Hontes-. y Justice Huntt-r of Burnharn, the fast My fentica s usisanil, asnt prese-t. itis Ht- us iere Saturday but a telapisont- arn message falteil to reecis hlm toilay. s-ta- Captaîn Waliten o! tht- Zion City po- lice vas asei absent, altisongh an Im- portant vîtuess. irne 000n Qsitting ber teetis as se shut her ,st- moutb la %a attempçt tt-Iolda Dr. Fs-e- st-id mont C. Ktgist. Mrs. E. K. Hunter 1at- later fOigit tvo nurses viso bailbt-au y. summoneal te isoisibar as-ms, and e e hedSoos-as ha foscihîy lugested a ht-r stomac&istuba mb otise moutis o!tise s-e allegod desentasi Zonte, csying et sune ehtlbat,"God vin dx yosr ock; Geai vi i x yons- dock" ave, Dr. ZÉîtulglt. iteaer, thougit noth' s t misgb tue,quoe5, rampit, but cOnt vin te S, wn a wecie -aei&I BALLON RACE AT cUIICAGO rTit 4T1 1Eleven Balloont WiII Take Part in the Long Distance Race which Starta ai Four in the Afternoon. The 41908 international bailoonIng champloushçi wiii be held In Chicago Agalait the vomM sd nliy CD*- smetd to the COMuulauOn, laIUn.. iRe favors in gl .YlnM Il e«MSthe voman lu found lamas.s It aow Bp- pets-s ah wil b.. Tihe busband could1 do absoatelf .nothing *»ithte wo- Ma.n, wbicus la wby h. gave It op as a bad Job and cotentad th thse bearia. "Il Thompaon Id arrested I1mihall aid lu is prosecutlon," daclared Hunter. Mrs. Elle Fond, wbo nus-ced Mrs. Thompatin durlua barli»t ilînens, Tburadey racelvad a .ltter fs-tin Thompson lu which he sald ha bad started for Indiana. The Lord commanded Mdrs. E. Kt. Hunter oif Ziou City to est Satnrday et aupper lime,,and these upoosedlY Insane woman wbo had fasted for elghteen deye partook oif nouriahment. 'Cod sent yon to teite my order for food," gald Mrs. Hunter when a nurse entered ber rocan et the McAtster bospitat ln Wauitegan. -ite bas just ht-en ta sec mie and be bac ordered me' ta begin .-ting &gain. Bring me sonw hem and eggs.' Up ftahbisttme tht- atînîs.,bcd de- ctined a ithi î,rrslstenf oustinacy 10 faite food of any kind. In the tact few dayssee tid beeni rednced ta the- pîoint tof tarvatton and thse hosptla <ocors bcd forced Ilquid nourlsbment downiibt-r Ibroat by meane of a tube. H-r illusionî was that she bad been condemiîed to fast ta atone for tbe sing of ber hushaud and sons. She bcd declered se woutd stars e ht-sset! until ber weddifig ring dropped fromn ber arunken doiger. Whcn abesauddenty decided ft-a t Saturdey thse nurse hurrtcd wth tbe glad ttdtngs ta tht- doctors. They sent tii a tray oif cereat, trawberrtec and w.,ak tee. They fearel1 t overtex the wîaketned tomacis. Tht- nurse propped tbe bat! starvetd woniai upon bt-r pittowc and setftbe tray of ln',aiid'c food btfore ber. *But,' exctafied Mrs. Hunter an- grity, waviiig a diaphanous band ln lroteat. "the- Lord îaid,*Letttht-re bli hem eand eggs.- -But tbe doctorc; said ceres!, straw- bernies and weak tea- a d tbt- nurse-. -Yon muet est wbat the <otore ttre- scribe" Mrs. ituter did flot stop to argue. She wes ton bungry. Sbe feti upon tht- food ravenousil eaîd devoured If. Every few minutes sbe catted for more. Sbe demended beefsteak. She ordered port chopa. She crted for pie. But the nurses were obdurete. So the- Lord was overrnted and the doctors' word prevaited. tchusetts. Tise s-tsut o! tise contest menus mors 10 aeven> pilot entes-ad, tsad t la toite isapei tise thouotista wilttrefsrain fs-t ilntcsfrlug Vitisthe contestants or essdangev-ng thias lives. Remspart for tht- aboya requast vili -b. gral>' £pps-ecltel b>'evecs- aronustic sportsman andl arentiat làs R àÀLNDUW COSY. They fdsy Attend. Meson, Fois, lEot*lns, candidates for the United tateasenate, Dens-en end Yates, candidates for thse govers- orsisip, and main of LAie, Boone and Mclienry eountiss rimning for the state senate and legilature, ln addi- tion ta candidates ftir cOunt y offices, wlll eilpsobably attend tise annuel Wenitegan D)ay celabration whbch wil be held lu latter July or eariy Auguat. Tbe candidates yl ail hc învlted 10 attend and ai thse primaisrtfaite place Augnt 8, thea chances that fht-y witt attend and, momne of thtuin, make addresoes, are gond. Tise date for Wanitegeo Day and tht- arrangements to b. made toi Ite cete- bratIon as-e ta ha declded iilxon at a meeting this evening. tommittees wil! probaisly be appointed taf'r. un July Fou-rtis onde- tht- auspices o! tise At-romantique Club o! Chsicago and tht- Federation o! Amerîcan At-so Clubs. Eleven battoone, reprcsenting for- aigo and Amerîcco clubs. att! partici- pate ln tht- long distance coutest; ise- ing two more Ihan started ln tise championeshîiprct from St. Louis lest October. ('aotain Merlin lPeterson o! the Olrsi csvalry, bas biten ordit î-d hy Gen- t-rat Young f0 st-comftaiiv tii.nionster battoon <'olitîtiiia' as asslstaîit pilot fos- the. îîîrîose o! making miltary oh- cervaflons tiirIng fthe racet' This wit! lie lthetis-ât tînît that a offic,,r of tise militai bas comtîtft-d in c sac, 41) an officiai catîacity. Cs)taî:i Petes'ron ait! carry a înoet conptttt-tst-t o! in- strumenîts wsecill i le seretd from tise war dt-partment in Wa-4htngtan. cnd wt!isi aite a iletalcd rt-port oif tht- advantages and i lsadvantegee tof fisc balon froto a mllitary stand- ptoint. Among tht- Chicago aeronautlc en- thusiasta, chie! Interests centers lu tise cntry of Col.('harles Andrew Co-y's record hotdiug "Chicago," wlc Is latise targeet iselloon In tht- wontd. Tise magnifIceut trophy. tnown as tise IMon J1. Arnold cup. t-sisîtmatir o! the world's champoluchip. will be awarltd tise wInner, endl tht-nefte lit- le doubt that ail previone records for both distance sud endurance wi!!l e broken. Tise race aill start fnom Acro Park. Sbxty-seventh street and Soth Park ast-nue. about i o'clocklu n tht- etter tuou. VThe grouinds e-bt! btt-optto f spectalors att lay. beginning at 9 o'clock in the- mos-nlng. Foltnwbig lse isat of! ties: Chartes Andrew Coev, Aenoncutbque Club o! Chicago,."Chicago;" C.A. t"y lîot. C, i. umbaugis assistant. Ai' oîîu-nitiqîic Club o!f(Cbicago, *111 ntile,"J, L. Case pitot, C.E. Gregory assistant. At-ro Clibof Canada. 'King Ed- waril;"Lit-ut. Preston pilot, Charles Bennett assistant. Fedenation tif American At-ro Clubs. 'Colombia;" C. H. Laicistelter pilot, Capt. Mertin Peterson assistant. Aero Club o! Texas tif San Antonio, -Fielding San Autonio;' Cept. Hon-y- weil pilot, Dr. Fredericiti J. Fielding assistant. C. H. Pennigo. tI Witt;" C. H. Penrbi go pilot. At-so, Club o! Nortiswet tif St. Paul, "United States;" Maçi. H. B. Ht-rat-y (probeblyl ; pilot. At-no Club of Nortbwast o! Minneap- olis, "Arnerica;' Allen R. Hawley (proisaily) pilot. Normaen J. Keenan. "Cincinnati;" Lealie Haddock polit. Geti. Howard asistant. Peut Luie-. France, "Ville de Dieppe;" A. E. tnt-lier pilot. Samuel Baldwin, Quincy. Ill., "Bald- win;" Samuel Baldwin pilot. Probable Entriez. Dr. Julien P. Thommas, New Yos-k, "Pommes-n.' Arthsur T. Atherboît. Philadelphle, Pa., "Phitaet-phla." Chas. J. Glidden, Boston, Mass. Howard GilI. Baltimnore, MdI., "Ches- apeakte." CEASE !IRING WIIEN BALLOONS GO BY 1Balicons Whbch Wiii Probably Trav- erse Lakte County Salit Witt Ail Sai 1 Lew, Hence Directions. Col. Chas-les Andrew Coey, prest- dent o! tht- Federation o! American At-so Clubs end At-ronautique Club oif Chicago, bas ieaued tht- fotlowing, ad- tdresM itatise newspapers, witis se- -utet that same be publised sud sent to poatinaster. asking tisat It be postèd l n tht- postoffices: To the Public-On JuIy Fourtis the Aenonautiqut- Club o! Chicago and tisa Federation of American At-ro Clubs will hotld an Ioternat.ional isellooulug contest, etstlng front At-so Pas-k lu tChicago, about 4 o'clock ln tise eftes- noon. As ise majority tif tise contestants will saitlo1w csntil tise followlng mos- log, it la eeruestiy requt-sted that no sky soctets tir firewors-itbh sent up ln any section white tise balloons ara pasing, ansd tisat no biant cantrbiges 'or ldded pisaois b isedti in tise ais >white e ballotin ba tn slgist. rMs-. Charlies J. Glidilen's balloon, n"Boston," ves strucis iy two butlts dntiinug bis recent flight oves- Massa- Sait Laite, Utahs, June 29.-Tht- Iaw against mrnoeaugisler bat bt-tn invoit- ail 10 puntsh Chartes P. Titus, a "dl- vine healer." vit is ltegeil Pt-t-l ted tva tf if bsenal tsds-en to dit- fs-arn dipitheria alitiout medIucal et- tetilon. A thi sil l Itfs-onute dis- case. A warrant for Ttus' as-sest was Isgueil this afternoon. Tise above dis Patchs shows isow faitis heating fanatirs are treatei lnl other states tif tise union, et-en Utahs, with ies lVasrmnucuit. Tht-rt-bave been soverp.i cases simulas-1tiste aisove lu Zion tty Itta saisi but no action was takený The question arises, If tisa crime o! Titus tininanalangiter because he et- toveil bis cbitdrt-n to lie o! diphtheria, la not tiseatIegail starvallon o! Mr$. Tisosspa uondes- tht- saeaheadlng? A Sénatoril Candidate. Mess Fs-nki R. Covey bas formally entas-ad tisefiel for tise epublirsu nomination for state seilator fsonthtis district constioz o! Bonnea, McH-ns-Y and Id.4te counties. Ms. Qeve>'bas represented Mtitisdi- trlit lu thse bouse for tvo teints and, bai beM iM *~db>' rany friedmto au- 'lzte'ffl efor tise upor bouas anal Isa. saiss-ta todo 10-Belvi WILBUR citeVOLIVA BUVS TAneRNAcLe Dy a demi thet wss cloaed Satur- day with tihe paymeant of $1,500, WiI- bur Glenn Voliva hou gained owner- chip and controi of tihe historic Zitn tabernacle, thse scans of Dowe's rise and fa!!, theis.tting in wtiich ha hlm. self strose te, power-. Voive made the annouicement Fr1- day tluet he wonld pay over $1.500, Saturday anid thus close the dea!, wbich bas tht- sanction of Federel Judge Landis, w ho bas art oversight oif Zion affaire. The ptirrhasee trice of tht- taber- nacte e-as $12.500, as set hy the- court, aid tibis Vottra tmust met-t by Jiity 10 or lie caiîlot botd oin. e sys lhe tilt! lie ahI o conifletît, ht- dca!ai Ihal ime. lTht- tabernacte ait hbe us. id as uow fo meetings.fi le under- -tood that sorti- of Volivas tollowers are dt-tgii.tt-d euh h l-e ciscoî for tht- buying (if thtetig ibarn and wtt!lt-ave Tthe ULis ilt-s regard tht- Voliva In- vasion orI tht- talnaune ags a pro- fanation. Dowies realdt-uce, Sioh Itouse, la slowly teing given oser to tht- rats and the Influence oif age. A fatthftil negro cuitodian ls lit charge but the bouse ls vacant of tenants. aitisongh it ta furnisbed almiost as Dowie left It. Tht-rt-le taIt o! setliog It for use as a sommer bote! to outsiders. Tht- paymcots for the tabernacle arc to bc made ln Intailments of $2,500 t-sdi six months until thte total la tîcid. Tise targe dlntng room of the Etljah Hospice wîtl be tranafontned loto an auditorium for tht- Bryant meetings, Sundays and week daya, and on spte- ciat occasions tise Bryanttes willtuse the auditorium ln Uhc baris. The changea taise effect et once. RESOLUTIONS Of TOTAL ABSTAINERS Drastîc Resolutions o! Total Abstin- ence Lealgu. iChicago. "We condemn the- violation of our Sunday cioing laws isy saloonkeepers noanlnalty Cethotic. "We condemnt tht- disrespcct by Catholia sloonkeepers toward tht- teachinga of the churcb with regard to thein trade. 'We preyerfutly hope for tiserom-. pîtte eimination of tieseaceoon. "*We rccommend thse work oif local option. 'We recommend tht- wos-k of ail so- cieties that bave for their objeet the- iesenlng of thset-vils resulting from the- Iquor trefi. 'We condemn ln unequivoral terme tht- open saloon on Snnday, "We unbesitetlugly condemu tht- candidate for public office wbo diare- garda extsting laws witis respect to tht- saloon. "Wt- recommend tht- teaching tif ttale abstinence lun our perocial schoots. "Tbanks be te, God for tht- radicela and cranta! Tht-y are a useful put-ce of machinery for tise nift tof tise race. 'It would ise right to blow up the saloons of this country as publicet-ne- mît-v If tht-rt-wt-rt no ther way to get rid of tht-m." Tht-at were sorne of tht- sentiments expressed In rt-solutions adopted yea- terday et tht- Thtsty-seventis annuel convention of tht- Catholic Total Ab- stinence Union of Illinois, ht-Id ln Tempereoce Hall, 55 Eldridge place, Chicago. MAN ARRESTED ON SERIOUS CHARGE John C. Davat- prominent lu tise town o! PieaBant Prairie for visomaa warrant, cisargiug a st-sions statutory offense wes hsueil Tbursay after- noon on tise comptaînt o! Mrs. Mes-y Hanta, istes- o!Bettia Rousseau o! Wlntisrop Harbor, susrendes-a ihm- self to Chie! o! Police OHare just af- tes- 6 orloci Tisurada>' eveolng andl a arraignei btfore Justice McCar- son. Tise heartng o! tise cama vas ail- iounu-il untît Wt-dnesday a ndi Dowzeewae bell in bonda e! $1.600, wicis e prompt>' furnisiseiland vas releeseil. No evidenca vas abven In tha caseansd thse girl viso made the charges against Dovia vas not lu court wisan ha vas asraigneal. Ms-. Dovat- dental tanenouncertain Ian. guage auy counectton vils the case anal hua flienda dadas-e that thes star>' of thsegil-lafalseno0 feras iJohn Dowa la cncernail. Tisaaccuseal Man bas alvays berna à splendid rap. uIitatiohs. Ée vas repreoilted in~ court T - by Attorney James Cavasiagh snd 1; ta thought thet the case wli be bitter- ly contested at thse adjourned hearing. The district attorney admits that the only evideuce against Dowse 18 the %tory told by the Rtousseau girl and the la being ht-d idt the county jeui l order to hec eble to tell the #tory wben the hearing ceûmes off on next Wed- nesday. REGATTA AT TIIIRD LAKE THE POURTI1 Much Sport te he Seen at Bachelor Club Hangout on the Gloricus Na- tional Holiday. Saturday afternoon, .Iuly Fourtb, the Third Laite regatta wiit be pulled off. the Bachelor Club. the Biedler yacht and the Waukegan Highhali be- Ing the-ieading favorites which wiii contest. The Highball. owoed by }teppy E. P. Bidinger, the north ide grocer, la the favorite. The Higbelt will be salied by Chrsflanson, a yacht veteran who bas experlenced considerable setrvice on tht- amati laites of this county for the past fitteen yeers. HiamliloPrentice, eldeiet-son 'nt L. H Prentice o! Watîkegan bas Iaunched his new twenty-slx foot teiunch et thse Prentice quartersaet Third'Laite. This new adidition to, the lake bas arouaed considerabte attention as It la catpable of maklng twenty-six miles an hour. The amali ch~ft le capable of running acros the laiteIn a littia tess then two minutes. The teunch in t-qiipped wlth a large searcbtight, a fog horn and other snch paraphernalle. WOMAN lIAS NOT TALKIED IN A YEAR' Zion Ctys cîrange. uncouth pud terror striiting "Woman of Silence.' Mrs. Louise Seigg, who bas not spoit- en a word for a yeer and la believed by the superstitious to be unader sons klnd of a speit, roamed the streats oif Zion att nigbt Wednesdey and wes fonnd next morning hy the polie sud relatives on thse laite abore, whare aise ley ln tht- sand after a breakftte of mareli gatbered barries and fruits. People ofi Zion City- are -aaid tc re- gard thse "Woman of Silence- as one tnsplred and wben se passes avold ber witli superstitions ewe, beileving that abe ta holding couvertea wltis h- toge beyond eartb andlits influence wben she la ln one tif ber lits. She wa taiten home neilt morntng efter she bsd been fourndiln ber Im- proviaed bermitage. WAUCONDA' WILL GET Veterans tof the Lakte County Mol- diers' and Sattors' Reunion Asacefa- tion met et 1:3:0 Tuaiday, and awarded the village of Wauconde the bonor of entertatning the reunion this year, Anguat 20 aud 21. Libertyvilie an# other villages made a strtiug bid for the reunion but were distanced by Wanconda, wbicb offered atrong eutertainment Indisceienlt. Laite Zurich wasaltio lu compati- tion for tise reunlon. Waucondaisow- ever offert f ree buses front Rocke- felter and Barrlngton. two days tif free antertainment. free livery and tabttng service. and prices on meala not te, axceed 25 cents Bach. Liberty- ville was defeated 4 to 3. Waucouda le an ideal place for the encampmant, but bacante oftifsta tck of rail connections la conidered lgitly out tif tht- way. GREAT DANGER IN TII! LOCO WEED Vegetahie Terrer ofthfle Western plaina Drives Catle! and Herses Mad and Matkes The-m Un Mana.g.ab. S. E. Corrst, tise Rtussell tmail mati wiso dbcovered tise prest' tut-t- lie deedly loco plant lu Laite rîttulîl t t-i onty ffty ln tiese aee ot tise tfat- ty-five mites along bis s-tite iud 0e- Ieves tisat if prompt su, .î ,rî s are taten tise ptst wbich le ut deadty 10 horste sud cattît may hfît- trni- natéd Itlal betieved tisat st-tde o! tIlt- eed were dropped fsrn freiglit cas-s or came n hay or grain front tse atet and wacre tisus IOed ln Lit.' touity Bol!. Tht- plant gnows twet-s u incises bigis or so asîd bt-are a bloýsocorn oe- what lite those on pea vsinnes dt-so which the plant Itself bt-st- a simt- larbîy ln many weys. Tht' flona rs are a yellowtsb visite anil long aud uer- row. Tht- stem a lestbff ean!itis atîd tht- lt-ast-s as-e lance shat, d. Fat-mers are exorslcîloitr tise tîrescocetif tise 'wet-ilanduital! fuie meestîres to tarnp It ouf at ottce be- foire any cattît- get "oitt. as tise terni, le on thse western plainu. Horst-s andi cattle that tet these td htcornbe Insane, lu vootd appeuir, andi are un manageable. Tise effect o!ftisea-et-il on men le not isoown. A epecimeq o! tht- plant hanga la tise SUN office window and e-as st-en isy iundrede o! tise curions tolay. No ont- offeret-ot experiment wîthIs l. Cattle ahurn It except wiseu ilsiven isard by bunger os- vien tnt-y Lake t by accident. ECLIPSE WAS NOT UP TO SPÉCIfICATIONS Laite rouuty reidents Sunday mos- lni; who peered eithtie sun thnough put-ces o! srnoied glass witnesseil a partial erlipse o! tise sun. To tise nelsed t->e tise suri vas In no way obacored and Chicago astrono- mars ilt-lared tisat it bed no particu- les- significance andi was o! but llgist sciettdr value. "Tht- eclipse vas s0 sllght that we wes-eunuable to obtaîn photagrapha tisat woulil show tise condition.' de- clareil Dirertos Frsot o! tise Ventes obeervatory at Lakte Gent-va. "It la of but lttte use et-en for srientlfic purposea ansi pottendis nothing atanm- lng." Prom NostiseesternU tniversity, boy- t-ver, came a message o! cisees- to thosa Interseted i the antirs o! tise inn andl the mooti "I1n 1912 e-e wbl atuesa a rt-aI eclipse," sail Prof. G. W. Hougis o! tise Evanston arisool tif tearuling. "On a certain date ahîcis ae vilI soon be able to fdx tht-rt- att ut-e arompît-te eclipse of tise suni thel eil! tue o! great scieutlflcvalue.' Anothen Divise Heaier. Chicago Man Finds Clue In Wugit of $7amily Who Have biee Mi4- ing for Over Two Mosthà. C. P. Finnegan, manaer of tW American Curry Comis andifoetu~ Menufacturing Company, 1445 Vil- more ýVt-nut-, Chicago, came to Watt- itegan Friday ta, get sosse trace e 0> bis wife. who bas bt-en missing for about two mouthe. Two monthe ego, for the fifth at~ sectitive Urne. Mr. Fnnegan 1iýy. billt- wlft- left hlm suddenly andI vltisolat werulng. Ht- had magt left ber et the. tent colony for pt-ope affliotad with,t lung trouble. at Ottawa, IR.,asi coule bacit to bis worit when a day tir,. so tater he beard that aise bad disapý peared from ht-r tent wtis. tht- t*o eilîdren. As she te a stîgist womeu. ln 111 h-alsh, snd subit-ct to apels of! rbt- rit-s, according to F'lnnegan, ha le worried murs about ber, but until he- gol ta tht- Waulregan dlue Vas unablo. ta lnd. -asingle trace of ber. Tise Waukegan cise concernes.ator. mer Wenitagan çIiyalcian,- Dr. Doyen. Mrs. FInnegen, wban iiwo plain Jemima Farguson, w»eUOsý,ý t-i as e domeetic by Dr. Doyeb's*V - or elgist y-as ago. tInaffa wi In Chicago rt-cantiy that ]Dr. had gathes-ed togetisar soice e1* patienta andl tstablished à teat open air coiony near tiUles Oi,M and putttng two and two togatiyp., came to tht- couclsssou ntiat he hed perisaps jolued, tbzoloay.oît nId friend end gone wt-st vlisott lng word. Ht- bas wrlttan the- colousy md~ wife, but altisough hlm letter, bo-e returo addrasa, it bas net c*mrt<'9 nor ban he receivad su aniwer, Ht- le wtirried much about dtwo, citdren andl thse vomnand msJne will telegrapis today, n su effot toi;I cea tete tMites City. nosl are agasi 2 aud 5. Columbus, Oblo, Juna $ 4-- niaskamniWhowbo aie io ahe dbmapolnttngly for tu els, cd tbemtes Tbilrsdày f whass tjsay cars-led off lte iti*t cisaasslmoaalp for DVce e brtailjg 470 out of 5MO. mtod;ininsteantwaa of George RolI of!lu ahattes-td 97; Chaunîcy 34- Po' Decatnr, wbo broke 96; Ja>t výo cored .9t ýs-pro sai Yosug of tisa Obs ag etr talliasi 94, sud Lem bruita 90. Déclares for Bs-yn. ' At a meeting of 'the.- lAXO e tus ilerocs-acy bell Tlssiruda>',.et 1 Ca"-, eautos- o!tise >VUessa 1.em viso supported UoSeveMi"fde ath drema, démocrate state, la WbXea doadadimself for Bryais Taft. The Laite oounty democuse>' ail>' favors Brysu. Bécanese Ciarman O'Kee et< counit>' etntt cmmmlHtte. v0 gona ot In Califorala d tinte of tise primaslis, Dantiel 1' tif Wankegail vasaOa ciarsilsuasd wI U YurIi democracy. An executive eom ,btte. A folova: John OC0~ Grady, Fs-ad lo*z, Milas WhitnSaae 1' Annahele tltmore bas b00 accos-dlusg lu hsiormatbfmt Thus-sala>' rom Wasitl racume ber letIes Jul>' 1. Yb mos-e va. auspandedito - on chas-ges led b>' the.ReVýý , uer of! Grayslate, vWh* potristresa o! opanIng andl correepondenca betveep bi vomsu to wisont ie bus et,=& mars-ild. At a heSrIssg bali bei Unitedl States Comuuniomes- tari Foote, -4ige WiitrnOre vas stoc t-i o! tise chsarges. Special Police Protection. Tt-srosimed b>' repeetelattaCit negroas, Wite have seiffl defenaî èwomeo on tlils- ay hiomietir louaI>' soadis, vuetit>'resl1<smi Kasslvortis sud ' wnlt touxi ifflda>'t -tottbie. >fmiullles. PSbiW lte55 l l ployed te pats-ol thse st4i aristocratio norths abOra Thts étatseto fatabei vils hthese S'er. o f Ms t mre 'tlmW1 0 F-r Burgiar Ars-estcd. Kenoshe. \Vls,, June 29.-F-ns Taylor, ageil 55 years, a crspente- glv- log bIs rt-silence as 84 Hanive- street, Milwauke, Vas esttt-Stise pount of a revolve-aiethe home of A. B. Ames, a weIl known marchant for- rnerîy o! W'aukt-gau, Suuilay ilorulng. charged i viisburglary. Taylor wbo crimeil that ha bail corne ta Kenosisaln seas-ci of Vos-k bail entereil tiseAmes borna, It us nid, bot waast-t-o by a maigihbos- visa ito- Oeil tise police. Taylor saelng thse pe- trot wagon contlng leaped ont of tihe wtniluv, but tooklng loto tise revolver o! Asistant Citef o! Police Neuitousa ha sus-rendes-ai. Ht- dadasad iesd neyer been as-reatdand sud clnited tisat ha entes-ad the bouse. The police recoverail $10 and a savinge haut. An effort ba bebng made te find out aometilg o! TaySor'a paît iitory. Ail on the Nos-tb Shore. White Satns-day a!teruoou Gavas-no- iChs. S. Danean o! tisis atate adiss- t-i a gslses-iug et Laite Bluff and ht-id ea meeting, Sanator Shahs>' M. Cuflom m at on tisa porcis tf tise Hotel Moraine at Highslaud Park andsi moteil the nsual'bacit cigar. bIt la rmors-t-I tisIJohn D. Rocite- rfaîes- rmay spanal part o! isamer % t Laitel'os-est. Nov itl ooisg a 1thoug i t vs-e up te William H. Taft to gettît- down along the nors-heore talso.