têlié ail - z IF IT'S ýIANC IT'S (MOD tlay Jlaklag Tools Týedders, Rakes Keystone .Side D eIvery Rakes Rock Islànd Loaders Kay Carriers Track, Pulicys ) Ropes, etc., etc. Batcheler Forks Machine 011, Sections Guards and Repairs Anythiug lu- this Uine we.have nck Bros., LIBERTY VILLE ILLINOIS :AM8ETTA PRINCE"Y - I LI 1 . W. vafsbrough. Ubertyvlnis.li. %LN BREIFZES AT hM tWER DISCOM FORT? or FAN ÇOM FORT?: ~L1-EIE-IFOR YOU tI OUR R£SU- ?% VVUeU DENCF. STORE OR OFFICE je fan for the. mai t voit; for the family et homo. Coate frlimte a Ilf-tnw. Useful in bot weatben foi coaling; lin '>rventla4 u.Electrlc fan eau la useri ln any rom luI 0g. roie gentie breeze ali ught if denireri W. wîll tia fan ou request. WMStIORE !LECTRIC 'COMPANYV 230 N; Gene..Stret WV4UKEGAN. ILL A, Conttnted Woman inley apt to tel er friende ithe se- cieý of ber msatIton. Wben vo soS a pfan, vo aup.ct lu, tirougb Its puochair, ta soil us thres more. Tbst'a ouirosau for selng gooi 4. instrumnatsai sewaa 04 e edo. Ton as., yon beilp ne ta seil mmrensd Re broraur output tbolowen aur prias X~j,~JaYEMAN. voua b«w,5 jéýA embnnda àatd RnyAcde wl4a bas bossl au tday si' pa"te, Mr. ud lMrm W. Leunpker. Uri udMlrt rtdTowneTanld eildita apent Bunday wlth thelr daugbtereat Llbe*Itvllo. )I* Wm. Rouese vluted lu Waukegan gaturday. Mir@. Kofboe le spendlng a ev day. witb ber fMondsansd relative@ hors. The. farmeosare busy with the baying and &Il report a xood crop. Grandmas Dorfier 18 vistlng her son, Frank, of Chicago. The Mii aus ySociety met witb lMr@. Frank Dolph lEt week Wodnoday. Born ta Mr. aud Mr@. John Orgaard, , a son, Thureday, June 25. Mr@. (Jeu. Roslug, of Round Lake, visited ber parents laet Sunday. Frauk Dolpb aud Ama Jolce are busy gradiug tbe roade this week. lira. Ed Dietz and siater @pent one day laet week ini Waukegan. MisrIa HeldQr, of Cbkcagfl, ha. beau viatlng at Henry Grabb's. Mia. Roua Docker, of Evanstan, caflari ou relative@ and finonda ber@ last 8atur- day.1 Mir, and lire. Frank Smtb @pent Isat Tnday wth relative. iu Waukegau. Mise Lillian Payne la @ponding the woek with ber sister, Mr@. Snobe Jones.. Mim. Henry Coudrey, of Wankegau, @pont the lait af the veek wth ber par- ent, bore. Wllard Beach le Improvlug the look» of bis proporty by painting bis boue and barn. Mir. and r& .Joe borfler, af Rockefeller, speut Isat Sunday witb tbe former.a parents bore. Wo underatand that the Mystlc Wor- kersaxae prscticing for an entertajuament ta, ho given lu the near future. Mrv. and li re.Athur Gulîige started for liontas lAst veek Thuroday, vhere tboy are ta make tbelr future borne. - A aumbor from bore attended the ser- vices ai the Fremont chftch asat Sunday t belng thsocaesaion ai the.eonflming of a laie of thlrteen. Dora Doiflor of this plane belug a member of that claim a nuqýber of ber fMonda froin hena ee Pa4set. Toa Byons nve bavlng bac! an oppoîttuulty ta vîtueuatheee cere- mémlea tho elgt vg# very lmposing. Bain ta 19T. sudl"ra.nESmithit, s sou, fflday, Juno 19. Conigratulîations. Boru ta Mn. suri lra; Frôdervltz, a on, Jane 92. CongratàiatAoasMeee. Mrn.dsuri i. Je. Msh" ilg bàd for theiu t olst ver n uus. N.*a4 liMm B. C4Uov axai b. ises. Ivotypn d Lolali, aleoMr. and lie.,0..M; .Olaen, ai ilpJone Paddock graduateri froan tbh Dle . làbacoal - the tbird veet in Jane vith houais Married inluPalatino Baturday, Juno 27, Uii'. EmumlluSKuebler ta Adol>b Goikuacht bath at Paltlno. lThegôoai vle of nitheir fl"blase101w tiomu tbnongh proopelt.y aMd advenslty. Mb.,sud Mrs. A. Z. Smilth bave obanger tRein place of reoldie suad viS b. At home o t ein frlende Inuthe place fon. merir oecnpisriby lin. Badge. ]isa Mary Qasuei l b. t home ta bWer &O a i UrM. GrseiiTsue.., tiv doorseuet ai Danileuen'. iuritun. store.. Marnld et tbr-ho th* bride IA Norwooti Pai, uiayJune n0 j"s Gne&, Cleveled atMriPaddock, ai Arlneon mdghts. "Nov tbey bave Immed her botbu il. sawleIWnls es. May uii.. encou»W rno hroakr aboai amre i lhe uatheir tinri. LakOr~il 4t -ifJuiy' elebiatlon at Gtus Sedureke andi G. W. Pausa marie a riait ta Mlwaakee Saturds.,ansd Sunriay. Dan Smith, ai Dunriee, in visltlng frilnda liais. Chai. Rokmoer,vAq bha, hein vont- fuin luhe nov creamory et Ucbsauubrq bas retner ta Quentlm'e Cbts ta amsit Wm. Bneabîeg. I Fred Soilpasd John Fin ir ee Cicago vlItons Mounday. Tb@ Zurich Urayé playeri a lad 0119-» li«t Sndayfagluestthue Barrn atn y. M. C. A. teanu. Tbey lId tiien witut a rmu until the iau innlug viien lRey conutqd tbres. Score 5 ta 8l. The. Graive iiiplay the. RSokuw.ra th F0rth fora warie ai025". .Com J. Q. Whitney sud Henry S.Ip made a busindes trip ta Waukegn, Tuosday. Hast praatrates the nerve., lu lie euntia ne uadpsa ule tao .t vîthia 48 liaurs strimbvg th M"t sn'à a 'nmdLp. Shoopis autor:- >ir. ou elcome. lie..%»A, Stahl and Ifa.i eet âAudag e vu relative. aAt Ilaif. Dr. &bd . VIraoey eniehse Specla l peclaîl For Jily 4ub eai'tboolBovlug8nnday vo wilI bayeé ô> aglefancy brick crmai. Aalactnd Carmel, aiea vanilla- etrawberry iud nt. Yaur orders viii be appreclatueriaufi given specal atten- tion. The New Drug Store, R.ockefler, 111. K~EVERET The. Rondoal. deioated the Evoretta last Sunday inua ecare of 12 ta S. Mise lisyma C. Joyce opeut Satuiday and Sud"y wltb Mr. sud M&fs J. Seyl. Mr.in.sdlira. Fiank Yare vieited reia- tives aver Suuday. Fienk jbbffs ha. returueri tu Chi- cago whereD ho viii take up his work again ater tva veets' vacation. Laet Thnrmday night a boisa bolang. ig ta Mim. Daniele va. atalen front the pasture and a "plag" laiti Its place. Tva uew monumient. wère erected lu the«cematery lait voot. Mim saelaCaralan sud friande fîamn Cblelcgo bift Tiiuiiday igbt for tihe Deih ofai Wsconsin vhere they will spendi soveral days. The familles ai Everett, are planning a privais plcuic fai the Faurth. WBfT FREMONT. Clebrate the Panrtb at rysiake. Mr@. Emma (Unrch aud daugbter, Obstie, af Waithlngton, Mian., vielteri relatives bere recantly. JobnnieMoyen va. taken ta a hospital iu Evanston a fev days aga vhere ho has undergaus an operation for su ai> sciasou hienack. C. P. Thomas underveut an apenatian in the licAliser bospital lu Wsukegsu Mauday. Mies Maudie Lîppencot, of Battle Creek, Milch., vialtari relative.sboe receutly. A garae ai bal vas playeri betvsen teFremont Centre boys sud the. Fott, Hill Climbens unday at P»ddeck's Scoreý Fremont Centre, 13; Font Uh,4 q Misa Ros. Frederlck visiiori a foie days In Chicago recontly. Borulo Uliii, ai Chcago, spont Sun- .Iay at hame. Sunday vUscemuàunlon.. at the.8tt Msry'e iciioof ai eont Cintre. About 15 ctIdron Cam s ,t buQQ. hohleu reGirotlitdaoho Iycbool vîli Henry Kubisut, ouimailI carrier, bai a usw mail Wagont.. Win. larlauri and famlly, of Waflkegsu bave reutori the Tiiouia bous esu' vii live bore tbf. enumoer. Misses Tile sud Roese Tetampe @pont Sunris>'At homo. Naidmoyer Bras. nge a fding-bail. mu ietp ta e e to ýùfit"aaextra. for thei thre.bing outafl-Toeiday. Milse Qu*neyla, os b s e-Mput the wbestht ber gâ=ti,inJar. ari John Woodmau t. #élbt homé.F "asaRaioi@vi haine T"eday jmors g~e la roporlari ta be ropkfly 1Tbq Lde'Mlianary ea.Ity M Tluirddoy sterunon vt- ir.B A nuinlar ai the C. E. mombers toci a pleaipre tm%>-fiatnrday aiternoan by talin tlug lqecodoureaSmvelt" ta iohlgousCty. Mmra,4. C. ýWarfleld and cllldreu, a Iowa, are vislting with the Kuecht finuy. a. P. Butclson atteu£Id theb.meeting aI L 4ks Bluff, lianday ybere Gov. Dsêa e.idlivoreri au ardras. Allai the obeoWg the ladie, ai th cbrmb erveri a' lilas Marlon .Iacamof ai anegon, la the gsfflof Ài rilne Bl#ûetuob. Ante*-Noem'burg, Nuptif.U A veny Pte t eulv.beir S the boinesai .of t ;9, Jco ut. Tns= ilerneon a tosz o'cloct vlaen tbolrdisot Rda. wae unîtor inl m.riNlags'ta AuÀ siNbaburg, ai #Ibla4Park. Theoparlr,.vsevery uloeW1 ocrateri with lev*ab d vwie eviê qO*Agke, irai. 16e L»ngrln th&. bride 'a dressei navIlemo$eliei tr vwt4k Ilhb 4aby, *441ah. vbie iIet polio, Tiir4nialul0 WIn' w.roanp4 eMeIi su This rlgoom IVa.ptoei àg 4onsted in p ijud white , aroe a bouateous Floua suai j 7nlda~' vfth [ 9lauet &yer. -47.. genr w1i er fr a lev isya' visît. Th4,ipdoaBine., oai Qrarabk, are biy puittng up ligbtnlng rodea lu tbie vlclity. Mn. and lins. Goe. Ja'nlIon loave WetinesdaY oai Rl* .kion boeb"r to ipeut be Fourn th Misa" ]ehEm. Seversi from bM eatended tii. souk- menneuisat exerclase st Gurwusat Fil- lIre Zuge, af Lîbortyvillo, sudKmie Ward Bi, oi Racine, vi tboeir mathor, UTra Robt. Strsng,idonday. lir. Adamn s'mbon busy puttlg up fiaues for lghtlng hanse'lutbf I h- borior. XW. Iii mon bave * eauveuleuces e etan get. Novw electrit railroad. The Ladies'.Aid Society va. pootponed ntil J uly 4). Picnir supper. Note tiie change amnrirns iomethlng Rood. CE.tople, July 5,"Sas iofth. Hleart,"-'L . fis. IS.UOfcrfitl0uÈ -meeting. Baby Calanri, ieaWe . Mr. audlMra.Ediîn Thom nd daugb- ter, ai Bristol, spent Sunday vith Wm. MisLucy Trotter .ieii witb uerveuso Lras.tratian at the hameofoiber asten, LOST-Betveou Guru.. aud Mllburu, Jane 24. lady'. flat brovu pureeau- taining Oive dollar bill and change. Be- yard is offoreri for islreturn ta ViviEN L. BaNNEit, paoloffie, Wadowortb, 111. 6Evprbo.ly dancias uxt Saturday Aveu. lug at Amanu'a hall, Round Lake. -Fine muaic and a goori time. Ticets 50c. il FOe~RT H[L 1 Ail roade leari ta Round Lake July 4. Came and bave a gaod tîme. Mis" AunuMemaban, ai Chcago, va.aa C leasaut caller at lire. C. E. Combe' andaysaftoruaau. Artbur Stanfard in ont fram the. Clty euperiutending the cuttlng ai a largo quantity ai hay on hie farm. Lme Straug sud Roy Mu, rie, ai Grays- lake, called on A. B. Cotnbe Suuday. J1 8 Clevelsnd, ai Long Lake, aund M. Â' san are putting up hay an the Clêverdalq'farm. à;tsufçd Bras, are haviug their largo bay baha repaireri. Mir. andi lire. C. L. Thomson and sons spent Sunday at Lincoln Park. A. B. Combe eold a fine drivlng baise foEay Marrie, aif(irsyslake, the firet of the week. Lenn lima. bave bougbt a fine large ongine &Mri ili haprepareri ta do tbresh- lug for the larmoela the. near future. WARREN. lire. Ella Prica and'daugbteî, Char- lotte; ai Sioux Falle, Soutb Dakata, are vlsitlpg relatives anid inonda bore. î i r@. Myron Philllpoa Amhierst' Wis., le vleltlng relatives bore. Hobant E.ty aud daazghtor, 'ýaIena, are sallsrlnw Im sn attack ai mes"I.. Mr. and lirs. Thome. Cbampeun are rejalclng aver the sarrivai of a ton paunri son. Mir@. 0. B. Wbtmare and Alma and Elmer Rose sent Prtdy Iu Chicago. Thé Guru.. W. C. T. U. wWlllbora social meeting at AMfred Mdes leWorm..- day evonlng, July 9.ilofreshmente vii b. servori abr a golri ogram given. Auà finvtation lot@.d ?te those inter- ested hIthe i1ée. Robert )3oupaan Jglve auentertain- mont ai tbeime rus.clreb %]rldayeeu- Ing, July 24 unden thé auspices of the Gurnee W. L5 T.UC. Mr, Bounusu leaa Weil kuovu elacutioniat andi thqSe Wbo atsnuld tbf. entertalnumt1ao sumnair viii ha plosseri ta hea&r bia gain. at.Dlo ir u i ooI nrs chnrCb Wlth 1tretl Wre oe tory. Louise Bbopard vas in the City Fri- day. Henry Bbepard bas juil bari a nov llgbtleig plant put lu bi@ boums. . Mre~K Jimb of E4g0%, le visltlng ber aiter, lire. 8. F. Sbqprd, of Guruse. She 1 accomupanlori by b or granddaugb- toi, ;11e st.. Mw. e.Oongla Grotban, ai Kauey, Nob.,ls vlsltlng bh« mother, Mnm. Litzi. Mr., sud Mire. Levi Waite, of Wauk- gan, are ipendîng a ev day.s t Elle- wotl MteaI' e. ROA sudt Mis . Ssler, i as 0' (1 C. mes, of Geges Lake,1 are fret ai thae veet. ajeiçbc lahbnllring s fine il uIl 'ratio lé et home for netatur v wflu Kenoqi 0 slgtbe çrpr - oathé' 'as! la v s" 111. Bverv Accomsmodation AIT StU D Percheron Colt 43,928 P. 8 A. FOALED APRIL 18. 1905 Sire, Pink 24,765 Who for tva sucessâive yeare wan the Grand Sveepstake. andi Cbamplan8bîp at Chicago Iuteruational. Piluit oday the greatfot Percheron Stallion ever importeri ta Amerira. Pink Parader'@ dam I. Sirene, s 2,000 lb. mare by Vilîbre, iSilIGaut af Semole, 11,2U4. Sirene traces hack lu four linos ta Brililst. Pink Parader vlIla limit,.d dunlng the season of 1908-1000 ta 83 outside mares. Be viii stand at tbe faim ai ýJ. M.PA1TER$ON LIBERTYVILLE, IL FEE $1,l0t Mub et thetidmeof &mtsa v cwith -relues privileges duwltug the semao if YOsr Mae do« xW prove in bd 7MuCao tend bhr OR ANPITM MARE bock te Pink Paradsi netC seasenfree of charge. Th=n vho betd -teo ey cot t yesr, belorethe reducion id Iùs fS fin $15 bo $10, WiIlhave th~e di&- Uee ra=murned tthedmm GET READY TO UL 1 AM REAOY FOR THIE WORK JOHN L 'IRVING COMTRCTOR nid RUILDER SidewaiIis' dCernent B"ok RIOOkEFELLIER, ILL. Lot i.ssiImate Upon tbe Job ILL. Uvad. iO daliy -d 4, \ V~0 J i~y~ I. - m o '-a a e0 B' B' B ,Oý 1s 17: C6 t'm PIF e >~ e ~ie e m o o- z * 4 t ,#p% à 1