Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Jul 1908, p. 3

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c ýp8Y'ouwCool J-Refreshed and Cheerful In Hot«Weatherj& -y 0,90mr 99pr- Xiotale dinowAM suad toduam ieknown forp tbslrqulifty aMd putfy. sold svsrywbsrs. il . KLR1N CO., Budimion Wl. 4th of- JtIy Clebraion UNDBR TUB AUSPICES Gray,9141S Fire Department * GMESOF ALL KINDS .1.BASE BALL GAM ES. .2 v 10180 .. à. - Thï.mo's Clts va. plketi ?eamt StOO P. M. - Uaegia Eaa.oos va. llbertyvile Ramblera Plaimet .1Twmnay-Plv. Dollars Basket Bail Gameoue.4cGU Ils, or War' gMoEf# l lI >E ROEPARNTENvs. Rem sof AMlKnde Airahip Atiosinal 2 5*1106e A bd""ls mtch.wr Miftary Sand Maie Quartette . Gomd Spes&lng Sailing and BScatng Dancing at Opera HousDay and Evoing GRMED DISPLY O01hIrfi WORKS AT NIGtI COE 4.*ND HAVX A 00UD 'Tins es' IDOYVOUWANT iRAPtANO ? :I w- *04 i Mmd tythe. hinom SCHABIKLSCHUETTE wwet vor w ipoa 5ouri Woee W YTIM,. * m owilbe pimaed wiffhif j STRANG'S 7URNITLJRE STORE f EO. E. STRANG LICENSEO IJNOERTAKER V Prop. AND EMBALMER ~RfD OCIll!IMTelepione No. 46 SPROIAL ATTENTION BAKER __________ end CON!!ECTIONER To ou of Town Orders [jtyviUl inois And Shlpping Trade MOTELS AND RETAAL.ERS SUPPLIED WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWNS ~sssasp--------- -------------------------SOa tr ý.IC1ANGED Il 1ANDS' Lumber, Shingks, Lath, Posts, Cernent and Coal Alto MILLWORK GIVE ME A TRIAL FS. H-EAD RUSSELL. ILL Grai~Ike.Bakerii MeWenmud LambuServ« CE 80 )MSOA AND OF=0I4[C8 çÀoAR s 5o4 CAteIESff 4th of July Dance Opera bjouse Music by First-Ciass Orchestrea Dancing Begirîs t 2 P. M. and Wiii Continue Throughout Aflernnon and Evening. Corneand Have a GooR Tine DOOLITTLE & WHITE Tfl9NMW SANIIY Wi"esta announee thl hiisy vili open Dp Ibeua bew tatua tudY, gay 23d te dm Wi g o aideafor Doto Dat T tiPri vIsoale.h "~&YLK 'IFDppýkRMEN'T ýJ.Dý1JCL EdIor PtN.. o11 r dèeTakssa for Job work Advertlsrng Ratéi On Application a fi bo fi ti b ARCHIBALD JOHN COOMBS h The laIe Archibaid Jabn Concile, vba hi. oncle, Bîraut Cýoamb@. lu 1903 heu vas drawued t (Guges Lake, Saturday. eulered the FiNt National Bank,, IN June 201h. The ubove pbatograpb vaa viere lie baR worked up ta the discount teken at the age ai seveulsen, et 'weih epartment.ile was a meruher oi tis lime he wus a rueruer ai the Grae Grecs churrb. Oak Park and Ibe St. l chUrch chair, ai Oak Park.- '*Archie" ai Audrew's' Brotherhaod. A yaung mant bie Wa@ alvays crelieRvau lie eldiat son, wltb bright auR brillant prospects.8 of Mir. aud lire. Richard Coamits, of Oak Oak Leave". bis bome paper states in Park. Be wai barri Sept. 21, 1887, ail activities of l ifli e manifested died June 20, 190,S. His deatb vas îboroughness unR tenaciîy. Heswae a caused by hert fiodure white awiruming boy ut igb ideais, leunfIle aud exeru-b ut Gages Lake, ut tihe sommer home oi plary babils.t i l~e cream i wlibh,éesrved uon the graunide ROUND AK duing the day July 4th. Meali servedl L by lb. Freninnt Cthalie cougregtian f Clbrale te 4th ai Juiy, t Round an the grouds. Lake. We wiii show yau ail a jaliy good Evsryhudy te gnoing where! To the1 lime. denceat Amun'siaîl Suîurday :eveaing Saut Tarraut epeut Suday with July 4. triends at Round Lake. Hligbvood bail players were defeated îWARRENTON< hy a score ai 74 iytyhle Round Lake t liaroanilait Sunday. Joseph Libai and farnly are vieting Dont lorget ta ste. te bal gamet beýe. Jniy 4h an Round Lake diamand. Chas. Schlicker isentertslning relatives Peter Flary aud John Piaustili tramn the cty. attauded chanci ut Crayelake lait Sun- Miise Kttie anR Nellie Ryuu and Mr. day evenlug. Ells, af Chicago, spent Bundey viit ùelle Brewer le rsparted quie ick. trieWBd5 ers.E We hope ici ber spesdy recavery. Miii. liCartby te the guest ai Mra. lia. Rd Brovn, Elma White, Ada John Oheridmc.1 rWhite Edua Snaand Katie Boelug Sevejel irom hbere atisnded the gradua-1 Iee drayeiake naller. lait Friday uui, l. ion exerciseut Curais. John Brver ipent Bandai lu Blêory James Ryau le vlaiing relatives in1 willa irieddse. Indiana.9 iss RatIl. oalng entertalued Miss INGUSI Evible Roctorlt ram Cacaalait Ingitsde Camp '39r9. W . A., sxS951 S ~ vr i aud third Tuaedayofi1s«ch *nGotlle fi tow tendlug brtor Ulot. Itln Nýor uRmmn r AmsW éeýdil niteS asattend. mm s. Gornian Wusa. BRqui. plais cý Dé ~Couxndl, "4« IL MUî Hga , Q«k. 'LMNG! Là= lire. T. lillhi leeattalnl*g rela- tives iropa CbiIýà«o Ibià veek. lils Mand Suyder and brother, of Lake Villa, called- on their uncle boe Sunday.- Mis a Lte Wash vlted au. day tuis [week at Ed Renebana. Fred Fauter, oi Chicago, ipent Bundsy with bshi&te mcad luttle ion. Mr@. C. -Thorn@, ai Antloch, vlslted rel- atives usar boes liaday returnlng borne Tuesday. Guy Hoak and wieeutertalned oeveral Chicaga boardera cthia week. Water White transacted business in Liberlyvilie the firet of the week. Mir. Taille bas a niew borae and ru- about Ibi eeaion. LOON LAKE Mir. and lir@. Warren Hook and iamily visited Smday with Mir. and idra. WiII Dalitthe, of Iloffins., Richard oock ipent Salurday lu Chcago. A lareveil party vas given isa Elvia GldeSaliqrdaiy aviing belor. ber dea turtWashintcn, viere ah. expecès tu remalu fer aà yer. Tid .Roy Wood and cbldreu, of TldOihave casse ta speud the annirer wlti lMr. and lira. J. Martin. lira C. L. VaPatten viâted ID Weukegaa, Saturday Mcd Bnuday. Um Nelîl@ Wlcb, of Waakegmc. visited a ew dayî vitii Mis.Tese sCuningham. Miss Margaret White le attending the inmmer scitool at DeKaib Normal. Perey orgy, oi Chicago, &peut Suuday the photcgujphlc work t the Derna- at the âKaPPl borne. crate comtlton. Lyman who leaa mm . d llixfwSBifàlcbcago MOIlday.Grayslake.boy has only beeu et Ihis Ameia Waklevasthe nes ~iwork fora short time and bas made very lire. Am" Wj" w th guek.ofrapld progresiand his ambition and frieuds tu G « 9frto h ek persistance la rapldly bringlng hm la The fanerai o! Mr. Johnson, ta ther aofb theoa$ la the.,newepaper world. Oto Jobnéoof at liplace.wu@ held et liait 0«y Tu s. He dled Baurday Mmra Scott wa@ a Chicago visitor Wed- 'w U b wie falRe sad vsited hi. nedaY. ou un', er oly* lait week Tueiiday Tbere wag a large icni, irom Cicago appasntly ta ood h"ath. st thenci Doolttie gros e on Tayior'e lmss M. A. Wagner and children epent lutI Sundax. mer"l se luat week witb f riendiat mi" 1Da >nuot*iJowner'ï% Orove, te Prairie *ie ad ber motier a t Lake thegui= = ii Mary Hook thio week. Zurich. IWIII Kook, of Loon Lake, wbo la evli-on 090W1tre uçent everal dae 01a kuown bore, le laa very serlougcoudition last we* wXk l bis ather in Chicago. dit lb. boàpital ln Chicago. &ec. Aèàau nov deirers the mail In Tii. mother of lir@. Gosler arrived auto baving purcbaw.d a new Orient Monday fram Fon du Lac luin ver toas Bukboýid. tepagm ummouin ber ta tbe bedolde 'L. Ba"«eeètau~ hi8 brother, John of We daugbter wto vas Ibreateneld Bahe, k agro! Brown Businees vltb appendicitis. Collsge =b1~egD I. ai eu M .B 0is'o Druices Lake, bam cloed d*yai1utdar.' 1-asWe ber sammner home sud=gneta #pend a -.à tCo! ipt wi umade lait week ut lew veeki wlth filnde lu le at the n 0ff Id.fluFreddie MacLachiau lilasEva Dolittle le vsitlagg riende 10toinOmM ZêkoD s on of lbe civil lu Chicago this week. Jackson. of Chicago. The ira. Frank PFrtsch ha. improrvedWd »k Sat Chcago l auffiletly ta b. brought home tram theii.Mie acLachisu là weli bospital this u'oek knows4 la It ivclnity having ipent Mrs Oto Jhnsn i enertloig brnanY einfl utaber father'a summer libe r01 om Ksanleé,Wn.,trtalnlaghbonms "Ttw Piaue et Gages Lake. The fater ra KeauneWle, tievee.Young coupla "Iiime t home ai er Earl Laitue and a&lady ironi Wanka- ,înîy iBth#t aeir heautiful new homne gan @pont Sanday at the B. J. LaltIs recently emeted for them at Austin, a home. iuburb of lChicago. Kilm Luchle Webb, oi Weukegeu, i16LLittle MarlgKapplehadi the miafortuns, @pudug ber vacation at the home oi B. to gel i.dlY eut. in a mowing machine J. Lotns and fanily. lait Tnesday. Bh. wa.4 taken ta the lir. and Mmr. Henry lCosbker and boipitai nader the cure of Dr. Palmer. Barry Rici of thii Pl"c attended the Jesseand Chi. Laugabaugh trac- alumni banquet of the Waukggsn bih gieted butàneés lu Chcago, Wedneeday. scoal Saturday eveuing. F. D. BattàmbaIl vas in Chicago ou Savillo and-B9eeker areout. t ýlberbues.Tsdy smnuer ioîneoIp ound Lake.-.vuWu aiipOe i Mir. and lira. Kimsrk, 0i Chicago, beautiful properly at Druce Lake by hae corne out ' b M umaEr home ou addlnR anotber new cottage. Gaugea LB. .. ,ir. and Mr&. Wmn.Smith and sons, MWa Osale M!iler, OfI Ake V#l BarHMenami Mlltrd, wil lave chia rlulted boe .Tusiday~. veek ta ijnd the iîb oi Inly and Jacob Bsellbart.cflWoeter Lake, sevrsi days vith their dangiler, trouaclsd tma"M al sp Tusay. Florence and ber buabsud et Hastings, Mr. and M&. De ToW'umM., oi Round MuhIgan. le , vlt4tse'wTueiday. LeWiRils s@pont Wedeiday In mise LscY âowlis, aiWauconda, la Cbkàcga. mcv eag it aI ottu Gardinier. ise Annabel Witmare aed nWsc, Wjple Gaidinlerwuasn Chicago on Ruth Witumore "ouet lait Frlday ut badges. Wedeeeday. Chgo. UmnAaW h ilWbluore Io rmtated Dont fai t te sheb.basket ball gaine, st the ftffica lira. D. o. White has bail g-e&Pd tennis garnie wb bisfag cLsfer the paiýt sven veek» a 1e plmbers Juti' 4th. relurned t0 ber home auIle.. H. A4 Watson, oi Rockefeller, cfled ou UMe lniTurner visited triende at ilnd W Tueedaî ;evenlug. Atloch lait veek. lir. Scott traasated business iD Ceii Lyman Alveil who ha. gaiued a c«". dY aplshdid reptatica fer bliaeolfInluthe art Once more vs vili give YOD a goond de irmut aithe. ReeordHeraid by lime. Corne ta the danc Saturday even- dolng mci lue ork st the Chlcago cou- lxtg at Arnn's bail, Round Lake. venttn, bus b..ii aeqtu Denver to (Io Ticket. 50c. Lanasis' avistors, Mandai. Mir. and lire. J.R. Carris ver. Keuaîha viailora Saturday evenlng. Mise Brave vase aWaukegen viaitor l'riday. lire. Defiry accampanisd Myrtie Carnes home Frlday and îlayed unil lionday. DaviR turne sund Mre. L. M. Banner callsd an tieir ieter, lune. John Banner, wbo le very poorly, lait Suuday. The etereoplican ehov vas ual Iargely attended. Mr@s. E. P. Sivtr eutertuiued campuuy Suuday. Don't larget tbe ire creuru sacial on i. L. Sîveres lawu Juiy 9. Ail wbo uîtended the danceilu lerville's burn limt Tuesday uigbt repart a fine lime. Saine ni the yug peaple attendeR 1he dauce ut Auitiocb lImt Wedneedey nigbt. Miss Betsy Cunderson eutertained finde iraru Pleaiuut Prairie a fev days. lioliy Coiby is euterlainiug ber cousin, Mmr. Dyiuond. Mir. aundlire. Parkhuret. ai Liberty- ville, epeot Suuduy ut 1I. 0. Caîhy's. The muuy fiinde aifliC. Kelly viii b. pleassd to heur Ibat ho le expected home ta epeud the Fourth witb île fsmliy. lire. Mary Caldwell relarned ta ber home Sunday. The Mount Rost Cemetel' Society yull maul vili lire. Jas Taylor Wednesday marning, July 8hb. AUl tie membera are requeoted ta ho preseunt a@s il yul ho lie annuel meeting. John Palmertan ha. been entertaluing bi@s ieter iroin Cenoa Junction. Cet my "Book Na. 4 For Women." It I iii give veak vauten mmc y valuahis suggestions ai r.lil-and vitb etrlctly confideutial medîcal advieis9sntirely fire. Smply vnite Dr. Sioop, Racine, 8Shopa Niglal Cure ami boy these Dotlg, beallng, afti»tisp 1- taries en au uccooofaly %% =ld carr.ct haeveakneee. Wrte for b. book. Tie i. lgt Dcm leIoIR.01 AUl Dealer. eelebrate e%' at ROUNDW PROGRAM 9:00 A. M.-Parade, beaderi by Autloch Brase Band. 10:00 A. M.-Seleution by BrasBaud. Balil0am, Anticchvs 12:00 Noon-Dinner wil he eerved an the grounds by th. Cathod cCougregation. 1:00 P. M.-.Siuging hy Mals Quartette. Selectian by Baal.,à< the Fampous Orator Alexander, F. Beauhien. 2:00 P. M-Ladies' Raev. Catcbing oif te CreuseR Pli Mq Cllmhtng ai the (ireaeed Pale. Girls' Race. Pie Eatlug Coteet. -1 3:00 P. li.-Baee Balil ame by the Lihertyvilla Ramblere là Lake Mrooni. 5-00 P. M.-Fat Meusm Race. Bag Race. Tug oi War. 5:30 P. M.-Sngpper. 7:30 P. M.-Singlug by Maie Quarette. 8:00 P. li.-Firoworks and Bafloon Ascension. DANCING-Afternoon and Rvening et Amnun Brai.' Rsli-DAMa Flies Flies Fil With liese you gel very litIle tnilk. With Mackenzie'@ Fly Dope yon have. na dies but lats of milk. Mr. Ed. Ferr, of Ben- ton, ueed my dope alit sutinmrer. Bougbl il galloni Ibis oummr--sys ha vauid flot rmu a àda7rï withont il. W. sollit io n the your money back if yen adan'l 1ke it. Gallon, $1.00; 8 gmaons, S4.50. J. Ne M A C KE N-Z WAUKEGAN, ILUNOS Plymouth Twine ai 8 cents ls the beta mdi, twia. on th. Wakef tody, on. pound of phi Twit wilil bisai mmregratha= 10 cent. -Or&h tag twine, For sale by H B. E GE LISERTYVILLE, ILL. Imported Percheron Stg RO0M-El French Stud RegWser 48684 Ameicau Stud Reglate 44980 Romec is nov accimated and vOl become a Ili-claie Irea boued draft heres, the kiud the markel ay l. b19pic 1o. 1975 lb., when Importe, ila soubd, cL=u.l2ma! and in o»nA compact mcd heaviest, boued boras e I.breed fee $15.00 to insure STANDS AT MY FARIA ONE MILE WL8T OF ~We have lm so 0t W sBeftSr tinlt t* -1 lira W. M.Buson,ai DoesMoines, lova, le viaîllng ber parente, lMr. and lira. Jeck Frost Ibis iwauk. lire. Mary Raughl, of Libertyville, apent Tbureday night and Friday st the Raught fana. lir. Leura Buaou bai returned ta ber home uer Vola aller a viil with rela- tives lu Chicago. Mir. and lire. John Wallon and dauglie ter, BIaisvers guestr 0iWaukagab relativesSunday. Mir. and Mmr. Fd Snyder, ai Fax Lake, ver. lu Vola one day lait veek. MdissesVer, andIBasis Bavward, oi Grant, vere ln tavu Mionday ilterunon. Mesdames Gertrude and Lawrence Miller ver.e t Kenoaba 'riailng relatives tram Tbureay ta lionday oi the pit week. ises Helen Cook and Caroline Pope, oi Wankegau, ver. guus ab thle Ray. moud home Tueeday ntgil and Wedne day. Umis Mande Wallon, of Libertyvllle, le apeuding Ibis e Sk vlth ber parents Mmr. L. Y. Luak and sans@udM issm Catherine Doveil, cf West Fremont, ver. lu bovn Thuuaday ev«amlg. UMssBeete Du"anmd a trond irq Chicago ver. ganeai lbe home i.1 i formera@ arat, lir and lir. Vred Danll, J.=dansd Tusday. liiedaum Geoî. Walutiley and Jack Stadtiald epeni Rimday vlth relatives ln Round Lake. Mir. ud lire. Barry Nichais entertained theu da"iter, lire. Frank Zueledort, of McfleurY Bnnday. Meure. Tam Young mcd Haward' Co veri, ai West Fremont, ver. Vola cBmMauday eveulug. àgesdames Sarah Howard and J. Ernet, ai Haiuevllle, called an iriendi boe Thureay. lim. Dick fleiniien, ai Libertyville, va. iu Volo a few daya lait week. lira. Jeunie Csman and dsnghter Muri, visited tii8' farmers mter and iter bers Sunday. Mir. aundlira. Ben Rooiug and sang, Frank- und Abert, epent Sundey et Fremoul Cenler. Tbe Rev. Arthur Reinlien, oi Wau- cùdRa, will preach la tie Vola M. E. lurcb every Sunday elternoon et '2:45. Everyone ie given a cordial invitation la camue. RUSSL Itie expected tlie. iii b. pr.achlng service next Suuday. Evsrybady hlu.n vited ta b. preseut. Word bai heen r.cslved ai the sudden deua oea. Caiper, tse farmsr repair biackomltb eout of Rueli. Hs vint ta Dakoaulait îpring vher. he vas reidlng at the tume of bis deatb.

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