Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Jul 1908, p. 4

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. IEdtor's 'Resldene8 Te*phOas NO. 1141. LtbsrlYvMie ExOt'smg *X* &lts e epostolcee st Libertyvule. Ila. » Soecond ClanMater rU 5KLY. AVBIISI5G RAT18 X1 ESKOFS OU APPLICATIOS. IPTION PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE NK M.'JUST ............. '................ ...........................Editar AL KELLEY.............................................................. City Editar k- FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1908. COOK COUNTY MACHINE A MENACE To STATE. [lteprimar republican campaign country liad a two-thirds vote a few u *t la now an it lu toid it la necessary years ago, and this matter ofIlimiting r.ý te~ ave a governor trorn dow-o state Chicago's representatton vas then orderta get inserted lu the consti- pressed, but the country members ntoia provision that wiii place a then could not he got to stand togeth- 1IMdtu the number of representattves er. It looks ase If Il i too late for ýýk sbil corne tram Chicago. Pus- them to do so 00w. the. thing can be worked wlth a But the limitation of Chicago's rep- lm tate governor, but even * that resenlation must corne ln norne wy. __jq e:x suire to be a mighty coBè cal. bI ail other states lu vhicli there are ysthe Decatur Reviev. large cilles representatlon f rom them Our state constitution fixes the lias been limiied. This la true ln New etBO representatiosi hi the legis- York, Pennsylvania, 0hio and Mis- F~twe hlch ls population. A change souri. NWhat hope is ihere 10 get IltIn cIa11 ha made oniy by a constitutional Illinois? geas.drent, and il takea a two-thirds There is just une teint hope. Itlsl ré* 0ln both houses of the legisiature Ihat Chicago men some time bIn he ,,>osecure the submissioo lu the peu- future will wani a piece of iegisiation * pie o a constîlutional ameodmnent. very mach, so much Ihat a few of Cook county nOv lbas nineteen of the them vwiii be wiling in order to gel ht - legIsatIvit districts lu this to gi'.e a vou ln favor of submitting state, vhich means Itl bas nineteen out the necessary constitutional, amend- .of every fitty-aue representatives aud ment. That cao be worked. provlded sematOMln l Springfield. Thal leaves we have flot a governor who halls tte doftry-but ttrty-tvo ouf of -e,- f rom .Cblcagoý- With a governar conui- ery fltydae. aud that la Ivo shy of lng from Ihat drty Ihis lest slirn Lope tianeemary Ivo-thirds vote. The muet vanish. VETERAN EDITOR GIVES REASONS FOR HIS POSITION. J. if. Barou, aditor of Ithe Scutiseru liab Herald. Canhoudale, I., prints Ie fiioîg under lseh. ee.d, "A batteffl Idol, Governor Chas. . De- wm.* tie n taiue b. ftler. motier, 0«4, tubt Msd couin o!lthe prftary 5Mdos system. He deiscnk.d tise "OsM ecton 1ev 51 lb. firt ap- mu*snfty, usauci,: the .epuhiian Mt* ocavmum onla lmiO y etting COM.- th, b#mplies nomination far 941 trou«er« au. subttuting e gio te of bsovu, John Smulaki. thus settlug ai defleoce the very spirit uft he lav. Ha secured over one million dollars mure tissu vere given (lovernor Tan- uer or Tatas for the state 'charitable Institutions, but lnslecd et betterieg tbier conditions ba saeted mors' scandais tisen al lie epublrcau ad- rninistrations praeeding i. A com- appalnted by s rapulilcent houne.of representatIves ofthle state legilature lias found hlm gulty of liinous efensea, lu dental o! vhlcis be ba s ent tb lte coumtry pres ovpr oeehundred columus a! bolier-plate malter, aud doesnt ssem la have as ru" sinsila&.»ctail Cook caun- yeî completed lie job. et- Ubtd5 5ent Iterist us dovu- He bas ainignonadlte ecio Minés of tlis. tata lu lis dstrbution ot pst. ,»bii suit ginst tise estates - aIbesectlug vîdove. sous. u*tere sud bondsmen, for tees re- dau; frOnthtie stale lreaury, yet !Ma xenatns tees arnountng to a MWbW «f a million dollars-e cgse ut te optt inlg tise pot back. go làr. a quarter o! e million dol- irs froin lie stata treaaiiry osteusîb- 'te eOlet a vast Oum from theise Ma Central Rallroad Company, pald if uey te a. buncisof! issfavorites, id. altisoughi@ isadministration lias Pt levan maullis W mn, tise people M ao recuite sud are holding tise Mr- He poio as a retrmer-sacurad kr pssasge o!fea tate civil service onhend inglt betore tise iaw 'fect ordered hy telephone a ý« siumber af appolulments for tise Aie InUatuions of Persans visa had a civil service examination, rona5c. But one position Worttnaim-i lug bas bain awardad to Jackson coun- ty, and tisaI vs. given to a aos so unpopular - Jackson county's Pan Baugis¶iat vlien a candidate ton a city office iu Carboudale, vhîci easily gives a republican majorlty of 300, lie vas bealen hy a dernocrat vis aid 153 votes lu spare. Ha cast aside ble friands sud com- blned vilShaisenarnies. lu tise tveu* ty-fitth congreseloual district hie stroug and earnest supporter, Mr. Bd- ward E. Mitchell, vas lguored, vile bis enemy, Mr. Frank T. .luyuer, vas taken to bis hoaom and made île con- fidant; however, It didu't malter s neltiser lnfluenced hlm alan lu the Most trivial maltera. L overnar Beneen lias bain velghed in tise balance sud tound vanting. 1The Harald bids lim s anmrai tare-- v eli. - - -- - - - F'inie Cross suddlins. WD Celesîla M. Trasirs Clark. lot lu village of Wauconda. W. D., $1.600. !umAsd8yThorine Oison to E. J, Gnaedinger and vife, part lot 7, bock 2, Merry- 'iaWs Count inti. & Trust o. wood Point. Deed, $1. bairace ciTitle. Tille. urau«d Mater ln Chaucery lu Sarahi L. Bld- tatole ti LouBis . kgua, lu. loger, 60 acres lu N. E. qr. Sec. 1, Lib. Loul J. catiE, Scy. erty;rilie Tp. Deed, $5410. Boac Bulley 0 G.M lt il G. D. Thomas, receiver of Zion. te iace l . W. ,r. M'e. R y, lbe -Chcago, Waukegan & N. 9. <Ry. Co., slnTp. W. D. $125. 3,Lbry strip of land through Sec. 22, Benton Mary E. Seys et ai. to Mary Mun- Tp. Deed. $1, g er, tract of land ln N. E. qr. Sec. 12. S. A. West lu Auna M. West, block :levport Tp. Deed. Il 16, Lake Bluff. W. D.. $100. Mary Munger snd bus. toIl. D. F. P. Crandon and wife lu Franks Ar- Thielen., tract ut land lu N. E. qr. Sec, lac, lot 1. block 17, Wesisburn Sprlnig5. 12, Weport Tp. W . $1.200. KbWrsu vDel..m W- .-1 -sgw ssu'if.te u A TonF.,loH . su ad 2. Keblsar'Wis. M.Fary, lots 2 sud 3, W%'llngtou's sdd luPiiî,c Park. Lake Zurisis. 24 sub. aI Round Lake. W. D., $7610. W, O.. $ , lt «r' ~ooty ler luC. . Ieydcke, 1F Slîtand vaile lu, sud CountyClerk o C. .oHeydckedon, î, aesat ha ItS. W . qr. paît N. 152 f. lot Il, block 27. plat E, Seci. 7-'2- leds ýT1 .W. $9.0 »10wiood, and loIt'9, block 42. Wash- Iboît Broshers certiicate o! Incor- ',la= Park. Tex Deeds. poratbon 10 anufature wood duslers O eirnly Clerk lu W. C Iievdeckair. 4Lbryi 2.4chaine W. 1.1 ha eW.hall .W.qr. Sc.25, VrnnTï TxT hen 5h.Smiîed. aLong and wife lu Cao. Long. motrtis sIda Grand av. vest ut * W- .Waukegaîî. W. D.,1.,690. Ciit Clark tWE. ..Heydecker. 8 b !Woodlaud Bluffs, North Chf- '!xDeeds. yè échacier tW L. fi.Keler, 2 *à X. -W. Part Sec. 30, Vernon b u* of Lààke Forent lu W. R. Wla1, Oeen Bey add. Lake r'. PubbMat u d vite W Josepis ». lob 1 iisol2,.blooi 1, Park- & slgsussub. Lbarty- Kâ 2le». 1 1 Thse beautilul girl vas in a pet. lNow." se exrleimed. lmpatuously, you meecao stamp rMy qOt"' But tise Youug Mau only mmiled. Thii madieler unlous. "Tisera. site sappad, hrugtug ber dainty beel down ou thse pavement, 1l'i1 etarn it agabol' ý g, you are toc0 extravagant.' 'Eztravagant?"' "'Y... Auythlng as @Mali as your foot oly naquirem oue etemp." And tissu aise mlled, sud seid ie vas claver. Puling Hlm Wise. Mr. Bizzine: "Wby dont jou work- v"yoyo ate your lime bun" Tra "Bd om aven bsg?"' 1r llas:"No; af courenot."I TUeMP: "Tissu jon don'l know vhet D.B 'Iintso eý iy bittr Nw York ?burelby alleiu8oi. Six ecarsofai. he trma tlulie Y-49~ Wedaeedy iuarning detae 61l train seysai boure. he cars rua tirnub an open swilch but au eue vas Dr. E.V. Smith bus returned tromn course on tise eye Wisle et1 reaxlnln bis goberai practie lie vi give xpeecla attention ta diseeofaitis esys sud les- ing for g4wees. jamnes Lie, au engluece on thk I. I. & St. P" itank bis train @eIlY taChi- cagu'W edussday morningand as lie welked tbroug i lie rouet bo,:. reportiughoIe1. lorto a pli brsaklng * boue Ilu ii1tfoot. Be vas brouglt ta bis bomne bore that atternooz. A gentleman drivlng su automobile on a countr'y road, rnet an old "isloneil bigis carrage iu vhich vas an ocM. aashloned cou ple. Tbey jumpsd ta tbftý «round snd thse automobile came le a hit. Tise gentlemen of tiseCMr lstepped Ion wcid and offsred vo bel i esd aRabil hurgespt lise macine. "Oh, a mind tise horse," eld thse aid gentieman. Il ou iesd the aid lady pet tiseS »sing and l'Il get tise herse by ail ighiâ. 'Bealtis»fe" le rwcly "h. lassaS Coffe initation ever yetprodisos. Tlu claver CoteSubstiluevas rseetiyd produWad is Dr. Sbcop. of Racine, Wl. Not a grain oi neal CoUlse lu il sitiser. Dr. Shoope s elli Cafte@ lamade lromu pure toasted graine, vils net, nte, etc.. Beadiy if vouid bol an expert-9 wbo mighl drinkit for coSse. Na. 20or 30 minutesi tedions boiliig. 'lis aa minute" Ray@ tise doctors Sold by Corett& Frederleks. Tise peat week ba@ been "4aieine da", et lise mile track sud mauy isrese bave been ahipped evcý vo begis iera vork of tise sommer. DIck McMha. sud Gea. Fasèter shipped Il eildtr K#jvwie, iiL, visra,.the *viiibogieth rsnlng eason. Thebalance .1 M. Iiabons stnug versslspped tu Wheceoe' BdHlbhs guoPs -Mmbs h Ale.. Tom Looard iqipped%0 r, Haute.fTbem re e a m reig09 horese a bisbecci »d inMMIs~ btter tisas.210 leultse voikoc e r . Muring Hi* DeMince. To so»epurUet rsm*à ut a pro- tàioàW lbro*beraeWoutcea lanw ell gan hm epys 1011ev.: =h cocs !reai u"% uar ula tovercd wih thue emàe aeolse I ea, sd protouele " sigle olàmneran lOefbsel dh. ml to bu, 1 Ai %Î te b.bof th pro- modsonai fase Who hmeIj"sou doua and iey hie ettempI 5w pem vle W he pny tiog the lsmckes ofigy im- Youcg Motisi-1b dortor thiaks IUe baby lock»Ma ie . Vhutor-Tu-, I vantel t. my su, but tearsdyou migis b.o ahd" PaM in ideprtln laýwéY ffOiat i 0" a1 Dr. Bbwo<'s Plak Pâl fcihe sa taes.. Pax scyvhsvs. bueswbr Pain alvag Umm ccooasstioa, hloo sure on th e "Ms"tirsmor. Shoap Readaelme ?sblta-clocailed Plnk Paus Tebite-qukieky and eshiy Comax " blod predeurswaay (roms pelacter. Palini lperlods vll i sse mmjet fat reDlel. 20 Tabletg 2.raidO by Ail UC! ClREAM Raving ust o1ss cc ire creais lactery cmptepsrs tQ uinrnebyoulith Ibmverj' let Bik or BuIk lmcCseam. M19sm lg not retaiâmd la Liberkyville bul Sn cen heure et the facbory or vili b. delver.d ln Lihettyville in quantti"s o Srs. geliconsormore. MICHELL BLACK Maker Bul4t and Brick ka. Creem TeL 2m15 Lbetyvu£ILs . 7508057*.EOOK"ELLE. ll.ý oM, cs u tou e topyom ur oo blsksa tcy lBseyblsck fer mothe. just paint Il au.opoih TVIK You can't rub itaoff, nar viHi bum off; oui epicin lsata tram ane ta Ivo STOVINKIelal otexplosive and viilnet in any vay injure yonr stome.Ouly cot SC*IANCK BROS. J. J. SPOIIN USERM~YIu.E. ILlU. RIF ELE R, ILL. F. BMRSTOW mANrUFACTUNEC F Marble*aiod CGranite Monumeuils 1 Cemetery Work of Eveay Description Correspondence boIicited NOWATiT pnrchssîug preounts. ~Commencement Day i.4 leuttheICmewo*e*e <1475 lun the 1f. eof every young pefson end frieii<i.ri li umaking thern happy with beeui,iful gif w. This je alec tiie opan OCABOIt for wedâIng rings and vo delight in acoomiuodating and pleCcing you in that lin. with thse hast work cf the goldiuélith. Blvrwart i@eoeaof tise Most approprias, and treasnred gifis te make your newiy marrisd friands and on. thatisl muredo b.e ppreciated1 There are largar stocke cf javelry than *ours but noue' w vhre yen get more f«r your money wits <h. assurance tbet you bave vel* recelved. Customers rnay profit by dur expirlenoe vith vatehes, jelery and silvervagis, and any lnfortuation iuns.bes ustesis clieerfulyltiven. LibERTryviLI.ft, JLLINOIS NE' ntermdobeaai laies are fI An n zarly .Sum- u»o* laeieg s oied at a rie- M1?er Sale, at ýdou@ecutlalupriffes -Lpte Summer Pr) ces - Spe4o igdropme CM à " nunof theince is - tices gol-ag cet *Evoymas vm be MA&inthe IMM .-. dm way-lo m-l are cuir-pekct lunappointe ment fi m. ci NOV Sr MW 6 is Cfne. 20th Century C Ir. W. PAEK.R Seham= MDicitA amrst a. bmkbloy -pr1c, »I tw ticue teget 'Ymr U4b w b Inter- TOUedies ailte 88.00 a suit sud.,yaur aider viiib,ý elecaued as perlsctly m tisougi 700 lied peyed ttiserefluierpc. THE bargain fabrlcs crse-an popular sud attractive, but you can't apprsclals ths.bergeit ofler unim. you setise goode. H EBE ie the place tomse liem. wash Store I £un" E Daveuporta. 526.50 CcUla ancd Ilook at theun Youtng & Lynèh Bros. Kaicer Block LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.1 1DR, . JL..TAYLOR. OFFICE OvES J. EU. ?51i0 S LDO. voum.-? to 10 a. ma. 2 te 4 and 6 ta 8 P. aM. Bsulence on Brosdwey, oppoite Park. Liertyvulle, IllUobs. DR. EL FL SMIH DENTIST. OVES LAE.L COUIITT NATIONAL 5551. aomm-4 ta 12 a. u. sud 1 ta 5 p. a DAILI. LW. 0 P.Là DIJTTERFIBD, JSSSBL ATtI CIVIL ËI MquSURVEXOR L5bttyh~;E. si.8%1 OHÂBX.ES WEXTEEX ILPE J. hAmuT wHITNEY L DADY LAWYEIIS 305 Waehiugtou Street Waukegan, Illinois DR. GOLDING DENTIST Hours 8 ta 12 &.M-14ta 5 p.m. Kaiser Block LibertyvilIs, Illinois A.IL SYEARN 218 Ncahurtan Stretý ,. waukegaa hoe2761 -71 -91r 1 Jui reeisd ~ aoea~ . Itous eaahdw wh iwW e me sIatsft!liqyw Io. 1Q1 -5é h,25ç " ~mobp,~~ZW y Vp II& It,è j tw$iè h - .ombRtwja b" Msyos*q eu # 4,.-, Loo et&tbe &@playad jel 'l3WORK$0 la our i" 64 m -w vii n t d= Aim ,t$e.èe yusoM dma M d i &80»" *t i g lt"leeo -E. -E. ELLS WORTfJ il -LIBERTYVILLE. ILL..' We To You If -yon litend tb now ln the tirne ta COME il rbulid N and figure on Lamber, Cernent, Brick aud 'Fin- ish - ail have, decllned and vs eau save you Maney. IEMMONS - MIER-CER LUMBER COMPANY PHONES 41 and 1171 E. A. 818140P, Mgr. 11BERTYVILLE.. ..... I S aked with Tom ato Sauce PORK AND BI3ANS Once lot your folk@ tante Seller'. and they'll frovu If you serve thsm vîtiz other.. Thot nutty "Taor, thst twang and zesc are missiongtu other brande. INSIST ON ONIDER'S CORLF3TT & FRED1ERICKS LIBESTYVILLE, ILLINOES -Teplehooe 3( E.W. PROCTOR E. F. SWAN R. C. HIQOINS THE OMELLIMBI2R CO. 8ucccessorà to G. H. 8CRANCK L umber, Coal .and Peed LîOERTYVIILLE, ILLINOIB 1PHONE 50 -1 TobaccoOffice CLARIMCE rLAGG Orders Taken for Itort KU nsund PutiluOrder "Marnî.4d 0o ta LEO DRURY BARBE' 'UO Bobelsutzi.8la LibestyuilI., Illinois CIGAitS AN» ?O8Q»*O - - -.- - - - -- - D. EDWARD Y. SMrTH D QVT hi E~E~ ~WT ~ ~ ~ri~E~ I W'- h7 t"' i. i 1

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