LAKEÉ COINT-Y I'NDEPENDENT. and WAUKEGAN WEELSU VOL XVI. NO 42. LIBERTYVILLE, LÂKE COTmTY, ILTJNOIS, FRmÂAY, JULY 17, 1908-12 Pages , $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCIL Art H*.ln leOuftody teo T.atîfyase Wtsseeseln thse Trial of! Two MessChasgod wth Traffting. Lliliais Walsh and Lily Sterling, ai- Iaged witets#laves o! Chicago, brought to thizt country trom Europe to ply the traite o! the palnted womau, are held secret prisouers lu the Lake county joli. Thex were brougbt ta M'aukegsn early Wednesd.ay igbt by Deputy United States Marabal Wiimott snd are 10o n heid lu close custody here pouding thse trials o! Soi Robin sud Louis Roeenblum, aljeged white siav- ers of Chcago, before Consmissioner Mark Fiote. They are beiug wel treated aud are held simîîly as ait- neeaes lu the cases against the mnî. The Walhb womsu bas a cbild aud once a week it la said abe lm brougbt ta Chicago aud çermtted lu see t. as s manifesta great affection foc it. The women.i, t la charged. were lui- portedl froor foreigu counitries for the expi-ess purpose o! lying tb" rsd ligh tritde sud have been bere lu vln- -alof fImmigration Ias for lesa titn three yeara, bence tbey may be i. able iD deportation. Tht y cati b- brougbt 10 Waukegan as tbî'y are Uied States prisorters and as stîrl rangferrable. t- Thymr coming bere s'asliîeld a close secret but t leaked out today. Botb girls apeak Engllah. Tbev acre brougbt ta Canada itl s sail. iuîprtcd ta, South Chicago sud fiuali3 sueaked lt, the Chicago ievee. the charge la. Bot h Sound Over. fol Robin sud Louis Rneenblurnm were arraigned heêfore t'nited State-s Commiasioner Foute. cbarged witb keeplog Millie Wab st 1721 State etreet wbeu she la an allen sund bas been lunbbcel'nIted State's iess than three yearo. n lu il îriablittt shpbewilt be deported. She t' iiVs'akegaii now. Arguments weci' begunt efore Jiîdge Landis ln tbe (case tof Alphionse auîd Ega Defour, iwa alleged-'i'abte slavë" dealers wbom the gos ectîrert seeks ta depart. The attorney for the de- fendants eudeavoced to base the I- dicîment agatuat bis clients quaslied aun te grouud that tht' statute w55 u constitutional. Upholds White Slave Law. Judge Kenesw M. Latidis of te United taSîtes district courct yi'aiî'cday upheid te coutitutiortality of the law Onder whicb a campatgn agaluat "whte lavrs"la beiiîg vaged by h>be federal goveruiment. iai decialon came lu the form o! an over-rullug of a demurrer ticougbt byï caunsyl for some o! the traffcers of womeu lu au effort to qîîaEh the ln dicbeubant againat bis clients. Attorney Elijah M. Zollue. relire- sentlog Mr. sud Mrs. Alîthone Dutor,1 set forth varions authorities wbicb bh' maintained. supportedl bis tbeocy that * the clause of the immigration a un- der which the ludlctments were drawu assume Internai police puwers, which1 te constitution gives only tai the states, sud that It la clasa legisiation, dlscriminaUung betweeu allen sud ns- tise vomen. NAMES Of GRAMMAR SCIIOOL GRADUATES Folowlng la the complete Ii't ,of county elgbtb grade graduates for the yesr 1908: Atloch Schlol-Iaiuold Fillwcber. Paul Ferria, Leslie E. Harden, Emily King, Veta Manley, Coca Johnsou. Mary Tiffany, Priscilla Ailger, El- ie Zeluger, Mabelle Kelly. Hickory School-lda Griffun Dodge School-Marjocle Caution, Mabel Evelyn Chope. Wilmot School-Alfreýd Ott. Ames Scbool Magdaleîr Meyer. Fort Sheridan Scbooi Chartes Haîneaville Scbooi Kther Ernst, Ruth Davis. Lake Villa Sctiool-Katbry' n Leon- ard, Fae E. Poiber. Flors E. Pester. Hazel R. Wltou, Auna C. Sugar. John J. McMahon, Iee R. Shecwouîd. Johnson School-Margaret E. Me- Greal, Rutb Sbory. Rockrefeller Schooi-Gienn Kîîlgge, Dorothy Holcomb, Morris Wlcox. Bes- aie McBridge, Ida Belinski, Mary Buahiug. Spauldinga Camnera Scbobl---Flor- ence 1. Burke, itie Decker. Jobsuna Erhard, Galyn Hallett. Biddlecom School-Clara Johnîson. Vose School-Mary Schryver, \'aure1 Lincoln, Eabella Vase.2 Deerfield Schoôl-Ireue S. Hutchin-1 son, Alex M. Wtllman, Mabel A. Horn- berger, Gertrude Zabule, Lillian Ry- der, Edward Bradford, Margareth Plagge, Erna Barbmus, Auna Peter- sou, Robert E. Petits. Laite Bluff Schol-H.' Rubh Wtber- *\ ime, Mildred Green, Della Steen, Boulait Sunderland, Emumna Severson, Heury Glbertsan.1 Vlckerman School-Luella Altridge,i Mary Steele. Keigey ochool-Naicy E. McCor-1 ]mek, Rsmelll M. O'Reiley. ftbe SIoffi-abel, Hall, rc1 filaford Behool-Otia W. Ormsby, Ftloyd C. Metcalf, Minute Faulkner. > Dlamond Lake 9ehool -Gertrude Towner, Robert flouse, Gordon Ray, James Towner, Eari Kane. Grayalake Ocbool-R. R. Proctor, Lloyd MacMilUan, Clement Whitmore, Mark Neville, Mabel Murris, Franzla Shauka-, Florenîce Eftngeà, Carson Ne- ville, Clîfford Gesier, Clifford Benweil, Howard Couverse, Edna Kappie. Hlghwood School. Arthur Swanson, Berudt Widell, Clara Biomqulst, Forence Mockier, Carroll Ehrlch. Martin Conortan, AI- lene Webster. North School, North Chicago-Fred Kalwltz, Hulda V. Nelsan, William Deren, Wlliy Sesre, Rose R.afflîî. Libertyvîlle School-Josephene Del- baye, Edltb E. Smaie, Adah L_ NIcb oias, Gertrude Evilsizor. Mamie Hait lie. Mark W. Ellsworth, Geraid il]i lanîs, William Nagel, Cliarlie Fres. Morris Proctor. D)orotby 1, Schatîcit. Rutbh ou. 1eslie E.Vsarit in.Mautrice R. Graihe, Vs ilhlmina l;ngletîrct'cî, Mamie Jeniiiins Gertrude Niowtrs, Ma- rie Scbanck. FIorenre ENs i'lor.lRoy Barnett. North Prairie Schoo-iVsliliani Con- net], George Clark. Blanchard chool-Johu L. Redding. Fox Lake Sebool-George Koeth. Grass Lakte Fchool Eddie Forbich. lluttertield School--Wiifreil LaMafi- elalre. Stiuth Schooi. North Chicago-MNa- rie Reildiug, G~ertrude Simpson, Irma Arcbbold \\'alter isuson. Kentt Mc- Kinney. Ruth Fairbairti. Bdward Ma- ginnis. Thomas tlruri. Gertrude- Kel 1ev. Beatrice Lsmson. Mary Victor, GurnmeeScbool liffsie Harr. Be-. sie. Stedntiau, Ethel ,cbliiker. Watpriiury Scbool Madge Sîtîtit eus, l'unie Irsing. WNai renionuSchool tari Betifstin. Maelie le ýnz, Anini'tCartroll, Mamiie Kiager. Rusîisell Schooi-Zoe Chase' Appointmenbs for- Lindley Scholac. ahiPs. Ne-s hrt JennIe Irs ing Antiocb Emily King. Waukegan-Gaieu HaJltbt. Wa'rren-Mabel E. Cboppc Avot-Ruth Davis. Déeeîield. Shielda il. Ruîth Wtter- Liberty vlie-Cordo, Ray. Fremot-Morria W ilcox. i)eerfieid-Antis Petersot, Highcst Averages in Couuiy Exarmi- nation. Firt-Hula V. Nelsont. Second- Morris Wiicox. Gordon Ray, Fred Kaiwitz. Third-Morris Proctor, EnitiiyKing. North school, North Chicago, bail blabeat average for achool. QUAYLE US STICKING THÉ! BLIND PIGS Sîîperlîîteudenl Quayie of the Lake County Law sud Order Lesgue. le prosecutlng the "bliud îîlgs" at i-igbwood, sud Isaîîîtting botb hi,' days aîîd hie nights m t te work. Since the Higbwood bill passed if- teen dives wcre removed. Four or tive joints bas been opened np wltb- lu the lass six weeks aod the firal con- vîcton was secîîred Frlday, Juiy 3, Comîlints were sworn onttasd war- rants issued. sonne before the justice of Lake Bluff and some belore the jus- tire of Lake Forest. lu ail three sep- arate suts were filied and when the divekeeper was srrested and cou- fronted aili the wboie iiiosecittion" he iîromptly tbrew op bis banda. tîald fines amonntiîîg 10 $46 and sgreed to quit. This la the irst conviction on- der the new Iligbwood law. A sec- ond case seufis the cuiprît te jali. Prosecution vii certaiîily ucteltt ti as long as Quayle lasuspîerlîtendent ut the leagiie. 4iiots Issue. RF-AL WOLVES BUT TIIEY ARE STUfFED Tbree wolf whpips, the lotte ast o! their kiud lu ail Lake couiily sud lios sibly It the state of Illinois, were s feature of the celebration ot Lake Forest Day at Laite Forest, Ili., Jtity 15. The mother of these wolves, stuffed andi standing lu a natural piosture, vas asmo sbowu near the cage. The owner of the tbree wolves, s farmer near Lake Forest, bas given bis consent to have the animais ex- hibibed sud will stand near the cage lu atteet titeir genuineneas. The Waukegau, Day promoters are fIgurIng ou comlng lu now and lft- ing the stunt fer Waukegan Day as titey need--every iensa61ona tenttore !ORfflD CHE!CK AND SEICURfD THÉ! CASH 1Alto a Suit of Clotes in Wauconda l ouer. Was a Part of the Dividends Approprleled by s Nervy Nat A amooth IndIviduai wlth a facile peu came lu LibectyvîIe recently. He secured a biank check at tbe Lov- el] drug store on the Firat National Bankr sud fillefi h lu for the sîîm o! $12. flrawn to A . WMilson by G. M. Harvey, he Indorse Ilt un the back A. B. Wilson. lit- sectîred $3 lu cash on t St the Libertyville Hotel from the îroîîrtbor, W. F. Kasson. wbo was ausploîrs outhte uSiner arîd shortly afler toniIl ift tti-batik s'hecc be fotînd bhab it va.ititigoîd.Tht' Ijrd1 fiad ittisti ut luter îts-ti,-l Ihai l'- hafi also sot t.'iisîtr,'Nfîitnît \aticutid.s sud tiiere s'cceîl s$30 iisit tif clittit"i ti tht' Naitni,î ii e , ttiltl'5,ttl' t ha t be ha t sertirced a potsi tits in bthi' itali lie,artme'ttotf ('ar-titifltrte. Scobtt & ('-ni.aîd î-x ieti t gî,tut in un, title cstiit lits bartt iil, strry "tasniaide scry ' plausiile and a-. heliîad bt "n In Aau- couda abouî,t twii cars acti antdl as slgtîgbisacqîîaliiti-d. tie scctred the Iliii ar M ai tian lîrotigb t hi m Io Lib.t5',tllr Tliirsday. wbere be saad bc' ssa 10iietba frienfi ard afier loaf- urtg abotut thet itn that day be fbualiy ri ati- a ltînt' v tri k,- andî a.ftî-rard d i-tappet'a ced. lu \Xaii-oiitta hi- gave bbî' tnne of t' B, Iliîsitianti hi" Suit.-. as '-I Michigani tient,-Chicago. Ht' sas abottfis t ýtlt ' lv,îî lnrb' -sit h rtgh t, igittmioutaache il itI wotitia li gbtsuiît attdilstras b,". Thi. hai bas giveri bis descripiontt oth,' Oat' Bau I-rs' A asoy at toit an]t tIf ssiit pruobablet.'iat if ic bas becti b . ii c lb.' ganti' ,t-iisia ely lie o-ii ttt. c-a ugli Titi-frorger wvitopî~eîateid t hi cugit bn-t locality aidil aoîîg the nortb shore ast siiter sas rapttrt'd at Miendotat in February sud bas aince been sent over tht- road. lie passed worthless checkts on Wm. N.-rlîcb at Roctefel- ler anîd Fred Enderlin o! Libertystîl. le gave the namre o! Fred Bryne. Hea also îîassed checks ou Waukegan, Zion1 (,'iiy. North Chicago, Lake Forest and Hiighland Park merchants.t Two NiEW ONES hAViE jusT BrEEN IIATrcII Step live ly--step lîvely-right this way-greatest show on earbh. Here we have th1e two new"t secte of fanatîcs in Zion City, lest chtppcdf tbrough the sheli, have neyer yet sccatched, but are anxîous for theirf bunch of notority. This ta the way a hallyhoo man8 lite tia> bc accu at Rivervlew anda alotîg Sut-Pute wonld put it if het acre hireil tu air the attractions at Zion Cty. lu a notbtle addî'ess S'unday, Over- seer D)aniliBFryasnt, the bralualeet lead- er lu Zion. ocont after" the neweeb collection of faustirs and anuouuccd of dolng ail he can to clear the clty o! theirilit. The two ttewest fteat secta: 1-The Hoty Roalers. They believ n what may be termed the religiausf "free for ail"'in whîcb evecy memnbera prays, shouts, dauces or roits about8 th1e floor as ha pteases. 2-The First Apotetites. They aret climed to have deifted Dowîs whom they worsbtp aud tb wbom they pray as bhe 'First Apostle." They have a fuit cast Of bweive "apostes" of their own. Bryatît la s'ttgilîg the steigeo agaluat the ta-o sets af farîstmcs and1 s esterday rîdicuilefi thei vitb bott sbot.i SERIOUS ILLNESS f MUST BIE REPORTEDd The fanablo huas probabty macde h&bt ast harveat of death ln Ziou City. Heaith Commristoner LaRose bas so tghbened th1e linez that it s practc atly Impossible for religious lunatîce again ta torture or starve asomen to death as in bbe past. ..-Orclere issued and publlshed show cleariy that th1e reign of creeds o!f1the cark middle ages sa corne ta an end. Itlaistated hy Dr. La Rose, rom- misatouer o! the ZMon City board o! health, that the atate board bas made a ruiing that ail serions cases o! III- neslu the clty must ha reporled eltt-a ar to Health Coiasloner La -Rose Or Boule pIlier regtstered physicen, oit has Dr. Bpelciter, saya te Zhînt City News. This requlreorent should1 be met by anl te people as otberwtse thuyass resuitlng fttally wili necesar- liy he Iuvestigated by the county cor- Calied ta EsquImaux Chîefship. Mc. Thearos Alaska, au Esquaimabux from the country itearing bis naine, or- rived lu Zion Cty receuti> sud was employed Mauday ai Ellah Hlospice. Mc. Alaaka's istory fil Zion la an lnterestlng une, dating hart to tmîe days of the Woottan Hut ti, 'hicago, wbeu une day lu a druntu-nconition lie dropîîyd lu ta attend a tttctiîig, wben lie wasa hraugh the pras ens of Dr. Dowly. lnstantly beau-i sund 1pet maneutly reformeit. Friday forenoon liei te- 1iv cd word f rom home thât bu- îs:î antecu to retîtru imruydlately toui--ttjiii the' chtcftaiîîship o! bis tribe. tii-ftlîhet bas been dead for somne tut, lîtîtit > tng to tbe absence of ' fi, yotîîîgcr urother was matit- thitiftaJnt Mattera bave jtow sapecit bi .ni "laî's s0 that Thearos, who ws', i lnl-'it suit. la to taire bis rigbtit m l i e left St once for is home,.-t, îig wtth hlm the heat wisbes of isliiZîtîri f rien ils To Sell Oowie Libcaî-y. Keceiver Thomas Inforni, bh. Zioti C'ity News that be bas a d-1 on for the sale o! the candy fattir, lu s'hîch two or three partit-sti*,-Inter- csted. The recelver ta aI îî aiîsng s conîllete tnventury tati i b the Jil- brartes o! the Iste Johti Alexanider Dowtc. s hicb arc lucateit o- ibiii' se- onui fuoor o! the administrai tutti ituild- tnig andfilItiShtlob House. oitJi ihý n t-tti utoo!disîiostng o! th, t l, til( ill himabogany casea. MILKING MACHINE AT CRABTRE! DAIRY Main Who Wîth A. 8. Cooiey Manages North Shore Pure Food Comnpany is Representatîve for News Desices. 'tiis Scott luitaîîd.os n. atîti tialr auer of the ('iabrree Baui .îtil.Lake hIluf. lias mîade riImportnt addîiitli tu ber estabushuseul liibi' fttru tif. sul nilkng machines, the labesbttitt tit thîs ]tu, Tue urachinres are tht' ouly omiesioi titeir ttii ter îî lsed in Ibis coîtuti s Tue) oece fbrai îîteuted lu Gernuarirý sud base iîeenu sed there witb great sttccess tocbwo0 or tbree years. Tue, aie uanted int every country of thte wocid. Vs' Ohîbaver o! Waukegatt hrougbt the six machines bu tbis cottn- try abotut ta'o mouitîh. ago lu order tII lInroduce tbem tout'nited States fsrm- ers aud afier showitîg wbat Ihev cati do dispose o! the litef States rigbts. Be frsi sîîproacbed Mca. Durand about a ruurtb ago. She was nul mucb tncliied to try therît, as site is ex- iremely cîscerul sstib ber valuahie herd o! caille. butl Mr. Obîaver final- iy ioduced ber to Iry the machines on Oive o! ber cos.Tht rearlt pieased ber su grcaily thîti sue souri installcd ai six sud tbcî ido tht' work- o! front fîyten 10 isents Oive meîn. The machines estac the mlt bt ouction, each hetug eqtîuîîped with fou r littie onction hutîmîtawhtcb sesemtl- amalband bicyclec timps witb the bottons endasrawed tiff. The humps1 fit anngly oser the cows' teats. Whert ail six sud they do tht' sort of frîîm exactly the samne asiliat îtroduccd by a sucking cal! saîd therefore nantirai sud barmes. Thte motive îîowet us -aiptlefi hx a une-bbrtieth of Saihorse-power mittor attached 10 earb utachitre sud rtu front au elecirical nu-rnut auîîplted hv9 a central plant rîîtîtîoscd o! a ta-oi horse-power gasottutpeninle sud a one1 kilowatt generabor. 'i s generator also supplies lightsanditi ail electrcal fan for the barn. lt' machines are1 amabi sud msy b.-n:trcied aroîrufi aeparatyly at the oui îtf the otterator. Escb machine dncs tii' mort of filvcto six men sudonue itati -uait erabe four lu Olve machines ati ontue. NEW BUILINGS WILL BE FIREPROO! Arcitect Ira Wttr, ( sat oo t ou plana for two ii-stbuil d inrgsaitfit e Lakte couty fait, gi tudtîtt 1retlaci' the burned buildintu. "lite new bild-ît ing aIlble one oai î,'ctîn.l oclis anti une o! brick, ecrtitie ti'ory it beigb, onue 34 b> 71) tnt otie 34 liv 91) feet lu dimensionrs. Eacit will bave etuts pt-toîectlng *e fret oser the ides,'- itirovide shct- ter lu lime o! storun tutti so forlb. andî eacb alhl be ln a toiti of varieti bîugalow style, as tt fireitroof as possible. Tagether tbey oii rîot $5,00()i Running a Bli Pig. Accused o! continDg a blind plg lu bis code St Htgbwooîi, John Gear-iît- ger was Iis mocniug fOued $25 sud cosbg sud waruyd 10 quit by a uortb shore Justice, Seccetarv Quayle o! the Lake Couuty Law anti Order Leaguu lung te warrant andi îroaecuting. The next- fiue aili bie $50 sud ten fisys ln Jai sud Gesbriîtgersasys be wll nout mn a blind pig auy longer. It lo cimed taIttis sud the Hotikin- son u cas vpe out the langeaI blind ptga tu lgiwood. Quayle alwsys goealilgbt on lte keeperb Il tiuey promise ta cesse teir Illa uaacm. TMES EXCEPTION TO GAZETTE!S CRITICISM The Woodstock Sentinel Say* thai this District is Proud of Speaker Shurtîsif. The Waukegau Gazette lu s two- coitîmu discussion o! the tegisiative situation ln Ibis district amoug other ihings severely criticises Sieater E.i- ward D. SbiîrtIeff toc beibg a canidi- date for ce-election to the lover bouse of the state Iegisttirî, The Gazette' says: ' lltcoinutily seeks riot only lbh- sciatorsbii buit the legisîstîve as weli. a qtii-l obcb bas Itroircuthe olul agreemetboft îassitig the' si'atorsm htelocîît he-tht î'e couittes lirotatin S3hut i ct n nI eratne tri tie ac fot i '-cb t itt ttthe' ttît'thitg ta icb buoet, iii, itaiig-tiiî-nttantitai steli atoton ii lii..-stiNfi 'buuti F imari%* tii n. i i Lake I îîtt i l'caliii,,' t haf iih- oiteilth ir,-tit îgrî'eîtîu rît vouold jîresailievei îîîîdet' heb b- tîco i iary Iso'. The thiîîg urc hbiir blif tî lns e dontc vas i-tbher tgo olît iftei t4t. sutýiatorshit1î tr ilaei: ctîrî' lfo i ti, >t'rs sud thien aga.ii sî'ck thet' li-latulie a-heu il came Ncîliit i tointtbu setîti a mnto10the' bac, hîttsi- An-rltt lu replorts, Sburtlî'ff'.n stanîdotitbhi' primary taw. bogither o ith 'o'serai oitbcc thInga. aie goîug to bîrrt Ntnî mîîrh tbts time an tîdist etiorleti that there Is îdanger tat bhe nrtot caîti narra bis os-rcouît i., it bis ri ,fîîr cenotiIination. Acroit iîgi t . if b t gelst the it tiie aituptorttexpouti'ed tfromt Booîit' attî Laketconîîtties. bis chancis for ceel-tibton otk cather dithioti', If tht' tazctea Restiniati'ofrtfhbbcurna- bî'-r tif v'ote's o hic s-il ucw 'ast foit Spetiake-r Sliiitlt,'t'a n' tiictiiîn tu the' egilt - uti' vthe rite izcii s o! Lake count ititno ivair i-orrct 't Iluiis i .Mc. Sbtitcb-f o-ii rart v Lake" roîtînt> il> a large otajority. 'lhe Sentinet mashes no tais. pre- tnt o! baaintg posibin'ekiowl,,dge as to o bat sîturt Ir'ilc itctie!f vili iretei cttec lu Boome or i.ate rouit- ty- lIn comtt. boss ver. ol' hase no test* of cotradictionti t ex- pressing an optuioi that ht o-ii te, ccis'e an ovecwbclming niaiucity. The Gazette secuit to forgct fbti Mc. Sbîrtleff's cauîîitacv shoîttlulît lic treated litithe-saie manîser as tht iai o b thler cantiiduat-s for te Sainte office. W'tt iui litue nuîîrtcsv bui Messrs. Cowar, ut Boone cuînttý atndiStearnsansd .tack,îîuî tf Laken onîtu> -if mut blt'contb-'---.d i)'v "vent Ibeir uîîost ardntut upp torte-rs tt thev Ste bat dJii ni 'ir. Slittrtieff's c las Excett lîtrulli tesaiie tnknoo'n uteni iuithe listi rct andtulatiotîgit escb ta maling a canînsas fuir the office be seeks, Ianautîtule exjiected thal lu the shotrt timc rviuuaiutîng liefore tbe îriuîarles cititur o! thunu s-tii Oreste any îîîîîînîîalitnîism ini bis favoir bevortu the hioîîdau les of bis own roiîn bs On thlic tirht baud Edward D. Sb,îîticfftîoth as a reîîreseuiative front Ibis district andi a speaker o! tht' bîouse o! ceîresenitatlves ai Sprtug field,. ban for eighi yescs stod sud foigbt for postive prtnipies I-He bas masde a gond fOgbl sud a lastiug im- tîression ou the legialation o!flte whole stane whlcb is fuly apprecisted b> ail lersons who are famîliar witt the politîrsi bistory o! blintois, ducing tht' pasi eight years. Ou i al o! the Important qîuestions wbicb bave agitated the citizens and taxpayets ut Illinois ducmng these >eacs Mc. Sbîrrtieff bas bail positive opinioîns, wbichbcb always exîîccssed ahi> and fearlessly, but wllb that dtue regard for the opintons o! others whirh bas wou for btm the admira., liontand Indorsyment o! hotu side of the question. As speaker durinîg tht' lasi two fcrma Mc. Shurîleiffhan gîîirred the titîle o! beiug "tht' iteat spieaker umlim nislaever bail." This ta non idie hasut, but îîrsctlcshiv theueînaînioîîa expres- sion o! ail the unîeuiuer'u o! the iasf bouse. botMeituililtan and Dent- ocra ta. Althottgb front tini t.'n hureiias disagn-eed oitb a majonity oftihe ruema- bers o! the bouse oser o'bicl he lire- sidefi, on queustionîs o utîblie polir>. bis absolitte fairntessansd ImptartiaImty lui deaiag lion h ssiIluthn'menîbers artdi wiih the qîtettiotsiniutiîer consideca- tion hlase gaincîl foc hlm ibhe admira- tiotn Sud resptect of ail alîles. This also applies to bis constltueuis o-ho gîînetiutes flsagrce witbh Int, but ai- ways admire bis slnct-riuv anti rnsel- lisah motives. Allbougb Mnr. Shîîrtleff iielated ranfifar>' soîneo bat distuchefi the equanimlty o! the- situnation as regards to olfi preereetts w-tirb have gos- cruefi beretofore lu the distribtution a! the offi,es beiweeu'tte neyeraI coun- Ceit-aluthe district, Itmuai be rcmem- heue clthat îiersoutall> tebas haf nu desire to go harktu1 the legtslature agsliî. Fromtithe lime Mc. Shurtleff wibb dccv from-ibe race for the goveruor- shiti bis friends. botbliii tbe district sud ont lu the state hsve lmporiuned blini lu stand for re-election. Much o! this lpessure bas cone !com mem- bers o! the legisiature. abo will ite re-elected andf ast hlm agalo foc speaker. Thte Seuttuel beiteves tiff tMr. Sburtleff's dectsan bo accepl re-e1eoCý lion Ia a flisbjuct compliment bo lte district sud ltaI lte satura wlll rec- 'oguize il as sucb. Ris prominence aud the deference showu bis opinions by bis fellow membera bas been a source of great pride to the votera of every couuty o, the district sud the iflere Iucident that be cornes froor Ma- rengo, lu McHenry county, la of no con sequeuce. The votera are not disturbefi he- cause bis candldacy Interferes with that of one or another of the ther candidates itecause they recognize lu blur a public servant who lu promin- ence. known ability sud usefuineas, towers so fuc above the hlgbest arn btilons of bis competitors tbat crmps. citions are imliossihie. The Sentinci l hlleveq that before Ibhe day of ib pîaresMsas('0w- an, Stýeartîs and Jackrson Nwili fuîlyv appreciate the sitation and seutl,' Idw 1 aveiy rco.uteat ýfor the re- malulng position as Mir. Sbtrtileff's iruiniig mate ontihe Reiiptblicaîî tint- et. Woodslock Sentinel. Dying Man Tells What eame of tbë Family Who at One Time Llv.d in Deerfield. r After thirty-live years the secret of the fate of the Bender farnlly of W- famous memory bas been reyeaid. Tbe fact is ot Interest lu Lake county becatise thý Benders iived at Deer- field before tbey removed to Kanis", wbere they i)egan their carer of niurder. George Evans Downer, the grand- son of Pierce Downer who fougded Downers Grove, Iii., lu 1833, told the ' story ypsteritay and it ws pjubllabe4 in the Sunday Tribune, wbere It was PÉTITIONS 0f SENA. co n ty1lpe oiIe.s TORIAL CANDIDATES Evans sass that s coin mittee o!f lve or six vigilantes orgaulzed la iCangMXý S"l iiîgih Id 1L II lir 1 (Se i wih Iintseif as the,>oîîngest rnem bof tb bî F ýUN.)-Tht' followIng randi- and onue f the aptes cauight the Ben- claî,'s for congrpss lu the' tenth district diers in the arr of flight from their anîd for the legislature ln the eightit death trati home on the Kansas plat- hase bled petitions for nomination rie. abot tihe nid man and wornan Mnd libli bhe sorreiary of state: the son, and Ister the daugbter, ater ln tbe ocde,' whi,'h tb"ir usmes will abc ba'l snatcbed a pistoi froua one ot, go on the ballet. the posse sud with a buliet froua Itý ReýIibllcan.--Frederick E. DeLang, wouuded lis owner lu the arn.1 Gienvoe: Ge<î. Edmuud Foss, Chicago; le does not give arnes as he «Wy Wm. l-erbert Johnson, Gleucoe. Dem- a paet between bina If and lte ote ocratîr.-\Xesiou Storm, Wilutetîe; urembers neyer toutel what had beWý Baiet O'ltara, Chiîcago. Prohibition dune bas not. Ieen dIssolved. Hie teir -Chas. 0 Boriug, Evauston. Social- tbe story oniy because he beilevez be' it-Aý M. Simons. Evauston. . s on bis deatb bed. Suýai-,' elgbih district. Reptiblicari -Long F. Mentrb, Cary; Frankt R. it wili be recalled by eid Umez l'oves .'lsivdere; Albert J1. Oison, thatthie Itegders disappeared ater \Vood',tock; George Qujentin, Long the dlscovef o their crimes Md Grosý,' Denorrar-none. Probibi-1a tut ion ,.o i-I B.,ucas, Heividere. So w hile they were reported to bave hem< rialîit Robert Giese, Waukegan. seen at varions points al ever the. Representative eigibh district. Re- woridl, nothing detiulie wasse plitlicrn K.dward 1). Sbutrieff, Ma- known Mf ibeir fain untîl IDuwner' rengo; D. Jackson.,iLake Forent; A. K Stearns. Lake Forest;.John W. \Vi11 sitoke. pie, W'aukegan. flemocratic-Chas T. The Benders llved for some Yeeo Hiaves, Ntuds: Denis S. Gibbons, lu the village of Deerfield, where oee I)eerfielfi, Tbos. WBuBtrns, Belvidere: of the oid residente whose usme.l 1). C. Cossat. Popiar Orove. Prohîbi- lion-noue. Soctalilat Marlus Jorgen- Moses stîli recalis thym. They *ri, ~ensatd 10 have been a wol d, gypsy sort. of people. uoled ouiy for their shftm-, Vilage Treasury Shy. lessos sud luabllity ta pay tlbê* '11wH.'larrington village board la feei- bis. Tbey fInaiiy dlsappeared. Tbl nz 11e is,ofthte saloon lcns.Al was belore their career o cd.1." their imeeting Mondas' eveniug bis to There are scores ln Deerfieid vbo the amounît of $462.78 were ailowed. knew tbern by slgbt years ago. The tieastîrer bas only $150.81 lu bis bands availabie io ureet tbe bis. Did the ProDer Thinq. Cencrai bond., 10 tbe amount of $2,000 him Qetnfuresa #1- and iinteregt $225 were due Juiy 1, 'but Cara uuiftr bt ~ there is no money witb wbich to meet ator from Lake Boone sud 1Mclieuy the bonded ludebteduess of tbe vil- counties, uow bead of the Lake o«Mý lage. An adjourned meeting will b e ty hoard of revIew, and memb»-, held next Monday eveniug when the lkeradMClog 9ie aonuiai appiropiriation ordînauce wîllaiersd cCiohofce$ e; be presenied aud aometblug doue to wlbnesses at tbe marriage of £rie. W4ia-. taire care of the generai bouda due, son snd Sophia Peterason at te w The niarsaa waa Instructed to en- bouse todsy. Ail klsaed the'bri4' ' , force ordinance prohibitlng the use of prvdfsinadddjzý sldewaks for bicyclilg snd coastîug a11 e asinsddd ut~~- wlth wagons.-Waucouda Leader. the eveut. I GEORGE QUENTIN Popular Chairman of Lake County Board of Supervi4ori, and WV-,M j Lake County's Candidate for the Republicein Nossshieio» fer the 88.1. Senete. A Vote for Mr. Quenini la* Vote for Laie Qotmt.