Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jul 1908, p. 6

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OFIILPAPER OF LAKE OO4NTY Cr. .C weln Mis. ,T*ptee N. I. &mcs Resldence Telephene No. 1141. LlhertyvUlle Exchange ti54 as the potofle as Uber%YvWie.111-."as6scond lass MSter MMSO asai. DvERTISIWC R&9 M AUXE KNOWN 09 APPLICATION. >Ù00RIPTION PRICE 191.5 PER VEAR STRiCTrLY IN ADVANCE ftAWK H. JUST .......... ........................................................ Edior #A . KELLEY ...... .... ............-....................................... City Editor FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1908. FOR THE LAW AS IT 18. * ff 1amn eiected," sald Richard Yates to the cheerlng crewds ef voters whe lcomed hlm binbe Twenty-ninth sUd Thlrty-flrst yards Wednesday es'- lIng, 1I wllI ses thst thse primary law lasSt nulliled as It bas been by thse iiréenet admnstration." We muet judge men by their acte. âm ld on the record ot bis acta we muet em5ncide that Richard Yatee le sin- - cers te bis piedge aud vIii keep It lu â blrit snd te the letter. -There are countie le Illinois vhece Richard Yates let quite as pteut lu the republican organîzationasu is Ohacrlefi S. Deneen lu Ceok ceuuty. It would bave been easy fer Mr. Yates In those counties te induce bis friends teIlix up the sale sert ef iaw-nuIlil tylng siates that Mr. Deneen. by pow- er o patronage, bas flxed op lut Cook There let nota suggestion of eveîî a uspicion frein any quarter that Nfr. atubas conntenanced any socti )- ltcal Jugglery or bas ever dreamed of thus becemlng au apostate te bis pro-1 fesscd falth. Richard Yates beleves lu the di- rect primary. He advocated It: when ln office and dld ail be couid to, get such a law euacted. He pledged hie falite to.tsud lu ibat fallh he stands fast. The Inter Ocean, as la veil knowu, dlsagree with Mr. Yates on this point. It beleves the direct prlmary an Ob- stacle lnstead of a hoip, lu large coin- munitles, te Intelligent action lu poli- tics. Many or thle promînent support- ers ef Mr. Yaies aise dsagree wth hlm about it. But since it 1a the law they obey I, and do not. like Chares S. Deneen, seci tot nuhify it. Singe mutipi 'y that the iawablding ctizeus oetIlinois are lncreasili3 with Richard Ytes sud agalnst Chares S. Deneen. And the deteet ef Mr. Deneen at the primaries wiii lie a meriied rebuke te iaw-defying hypocrisy. as the succes ef Mr. Yates wii be a merited recegniion ot gond Ocean. A FOOLISN BREAK. 1Governor Deneen saye, ameng otherj tielage, lu is campalga pamphlet. that YDe atou le a demecrat. We dont kuow boy the republican voters viii viev this statement. but we do knov that as a plece et plitîcai mendaclty ItiS wthout parallel lu the history ef IM»iole poitica. For' Deneen ta gay UM of Dfck YTes, son of Illinois'1 g&vet v, goveruor. who was oeeof .the, tpsàaers of the republlcan party. la" vbo tot a glorions record for pst- lvttic Public service sud devoion tu tbei pllftig of hUn Party, lis an a&- >setiO% gototally vlthout Jusstficaton "It le neri; Imposible te under- stand thse mental process that ceuld censelve IL There are stilU came nid seidiers ameng thse votera or miinois. These veterane remember thé Dlck Yates visose deede and sacrifices lu behait ot the union were se reeplen- dent lu the dark days oethtie clvii var. Tbey can be depended upan teouent Deneensa lauguage. They bave neyer hed any deubt eliber as te the orig- bls, or the prouent posItion, of young Dick Yaies. Oniy a tool or a kuave could have beffl gullty of sncb a bracIà ef gond jedgï*ent. We are villJng te lie generone aud concede that 11 thîs Instance Denéon vas the les 'of the ive. C.Il. AVM&UL WRI1tS gther wth the air, .111 do hlm gond for e vs&Uai sfine nov. Mr«. AvenlilandI1 MRM COLORADO Mers, t Cripps Creek let Wedneaday. -thislawy vnts omise ihat tri. It l Telle f s Trip to the Cave of the fer botter than Plk.'s Peak. WLtir. Wkids snd Storm that Followed. gra aai nlné,Irmainl, C. H. AVEMaI. Coorado Siprings, Jul; 12,1f08. Th »WIaINICEPE5ET: 9 lot houe the fore part of Ma sud COM BUNATION AND knrsvsd enuth setopplng la Missouri, an <kâahm ansd thon through the Psu- I.LFILUInBe LAMP bwkdlm of Teuas. arrvW bore ton day. «4@4béîtimm ta vateh for nsa@nie sPhillips Manufacturing Company Now kn.m w. but fonnd no ons know- wa *"R foy iiis lvred hér, but that Placing à Geeeral Utiity Lamp hi -wsm book hoae. 1 unted up bis on the Market. loue ai sit Thursay altter tes Mro.- *#«M en ad I took a car ride ont thore c fousd a very plsasat pane, came Thé Phillppe Manulacturing Company, béicttto toe cau for on rstoppinLplace, of Libertvvillo, le placing on the market R« sad vile vitls Mss GrandWholr a nanbination lctric bed lamp sed ont 8 tè cargo e betsd the orn OM oear oea min is exi OZportable that le unique for thé great fmm ouboume alsa that CharlieéKeiserdivrity of les usessud thèes; manner l ez* w* tbthonud vas dt l e i au b h&dled. ctOwa lova. It vas tate andi1 &It ts more convénlent sud unlversally -t miInoeing ta look hfin u.11applicabie ta special uses than su; atiser * wjihIcr one b d bis break- lampsud combieail thse advanlages UM "sriSad, (Dot kaowlng 1 o a Prtble Wlth t"os6of varions 'W«in bblat) W ar ina 'meattchblé lampe for special purpse. IMOUdX ooîulug home sud I took hlm A missealy i; n eusp sd oiuted we &W wvu i s ot aled, vo are 1arm make It puile to attacis thé laiep W! cees thore at present. hutantiy ta any piee af lurnaturo suce UsU, vs sammenoui ttan the as bédatead, dreeslg e, desk, ïlorris no cam dew d char, music stand, work bench, ilrangbt- I.,= ilM:. É: y"'iqn tabsle, sewing machiné, etc. CààUad 1 started out alan. (1îhad 't 1 hé attacbod ta a standard, su*ékad kisew nomthleg,) maklng a perlectly balsuced iamp, bumattMitaslmlelieep itable for use anywhore it may ho passstw;er Xrrovqulred. Itcan be eaillycarrled taany seés risPaitias cdoute, porches, etc., as it eau go*o nueOOcar Wta a égielXdbelftts..ts.dtoaY W e" élY Ltheseats sud thé; are for round or flt up ta two Inchs« lu thlck- OVit1 ppi. thon tee returned to the nem",.a"d tise igt canuhédlrected at an; apdngtfilling up aial. Charlie @&id the angle. It lu oud brasal and servîceable 40lo oitaahlm it vas botter ta valk sas eli as ornamnstai. OR su Incifig. the" a lavél 50 Issiggeted vo vak np Willams Canon ta tise- Manova tavard tise cave o! tise vindo, Cnunty lichool Conférence. thé parrova la about two huedred let One o! the Most ltereeting and long and sharp turne, jet rou for thse Unique edue8tionai meetiego ever liptd wagon ta pans tlrough, drivers have iutsh îsor its.ttovi ovn Io ag al sud Fait. Alter oeepasses tie su"smr,1 the22 aud 23 utnve thrOfflb thé; caoi ee thse ret of thsevay. tlincomi. Itviii2artae lefthe atr * »yehad vaiked tvo miles and had o! aG-onfilerec - u f iiiheljned 4W aj.sdsthousand flet ve bgan t t es l ; te a coniad rail en o isened, 1 Ignu; (Charley yl tel viien le gets poffibioitiem and prora o! rurale nedca -boc.)- We turned iack for io looked tien. Tise cause and effet (ol existitig Je 6)orm over beai and tisat vas alilconditions villi tetrn.ced. aDmi Icacticai $» obal adsse, eli 1t5 vas Dot more tisae solutions ai difficet probleni suggeuted. voa pinetes before t van tisere ed il CouuitrY tescisers. patrons, count; ayiovWeldt knoiv visat an electrie superntendputs. and praminent educa- MMM le te a earrew canon in tise tocs 'wlil al b' t rement co pondar tise Mouelsi40 ns l'eJst ask Chanliketroublese!f thse lttlc, one-cooem seseol. Kalmr, Or go tisera and take yoer nerve_________ MyuIt dosé nt taks ma; .Iaaas ta use tresans and vater falîsMehiiSrie. 114004ao We thouglt ve b.d a dry aodsSevc. ;bot fbs dl" s t the s'de ai tise "A Seunoal Faith" viii lié thé $00 uinrusan#,luI sund thé aubWet o! thé pastora sermon noit s came vaiig fillld it l inda'y norelng. Th Epworth Leagu nie thé road It comse ta aur boldo Ih devotionai service at tise con- » * t'Xo h alil and then lusion o! thé open aIr meeting. ganse front anotisar v;_________ =oaLd a narrow placé Pain viii départ tueeatiy 20 minutes vu tvo ltet over the Il oee of Dr. 8hcap's Pink Pain Tableto wlatt an hoDr fq It le tateu. Pain anyvise. Bemember *JWpooi l lsgFala alva;au»in»necongestion, blond lobgh-ad trm remars-notblng cisc. EHéadacise ln hs ot eebod preoure; toothacho le blond pros. 'W. vl teil ern uthe %auitve nere'e. Dr. fihoopt Huedacisé Tablete--&elsMied Pink Paie v shm Taleia-qui an sd safoly coas: tis ýaw bM londcdâe bsWeyfroin pain ctera. l.K PintW e n.ln.. itls wcsmengotetat 5, ID ~hI~ta 25o. bld b; kIl Hry Davis lsft Thuroday for hie hom4 in Cata, Wla., whbsWlllepend a ton days vacation wlth bis pereote John Barber, wlào wae opersted on at the Jane eAllister hoapitaliin Wauke- gan, a week eaga Sunday, la recoverlng C. H. Kaiser wnites frons Colorado fiping8 that ho enjoyed the trip thor and think it afine bslthy clmale. C. B. Avenu suad wileon are om there sud Liberty ville in wéll representsd. George D. Cleveland, *hohm basle. employefi by the Hamanand Packlng Co. for the pant three yeane, bas been pro. motsd ta bond cattie buyer for tho sadu company et St. Joseph, Mo. Ho 1sft for thora let Tueedaby évouing. LoyelegStanley Batou, John Ayfte sud W. C. Bdoit wee members of an auto prywblc attended tho Odd Fellows' logele W aumonda luat FnI&Wa nght. The experlenced a littie lssonvenhee and sone bad teck but returned ma»Islu the cold Mey dawn of the morning atter. Among tho unuaual lhappecngls Tbnrsday was theovertunsslng of Bnd's mail wagon b;y a passlng bua .The haose immadiately gat buay wlth ts bled lest snd rmade a very favorable In- pression before otappsd. Tbe express wagon loot a whoel that mornlug alon and traffie was delayed several minutes. "HBealth Coffee" le real; the closeet Coffee Imitation evryet prodssced. This clever Coltee Substituts Was recntly prduced b Dr. Sboop, af Racine, Wl,. taailu of rosi Coffee in it elther. Dr. Sboop's Health Coflee in made frons pure toasted grains, with malt, nue, etc. Reaily it would fool an expert-- who might.drink it for caftes. No. 20or 30 minutes tedioe boilieg. 'Made in a minute- says thse doctors. Sold by Corett & Fredericks. The Ramblers played adesperate gaine of bal mt Suuday atternoon but iu spite o! ail weli directod efforts tise; lailed tu secure a rue in the aine innings The victorions aggregatiou was zis Fuller & Fuer Drug C. teans af Chicago and thoy bad a Pitcher that vas ans ton snany for the home teain. They got three ie but fot a in reacbed the home plate. beerlove pitehed the tiret eigt lnnlngs and Bayes wound up the nintb vith a grandtand finish and Ianned the first thres men up. Score: 6 ta 0. Board of Reviese. Thse Lake County Board of Revlew la nav ln session ln tise Court Houe@sat Waukegan, 111. Any pérson or corpora- tion that desîrea ta complain ta said Board of Bévlew becaus. Iseor its praprty bas beén amsassd ton bigi shar file with thé Clak of said Board aI Bévlew big ar 15ecomplante lu vrillng on or hofore thea Fiat IMonda; in AugMa, Camplalut blsnks vill be sent ta aay addresa ~plcatian for the sam. GEORGE QUENTIN, Chairman. BAMUEL BLAsKEmen. TuaseAt bMcCuas.ouGH. 422 MAsTIN C. D)EcaEsE. Clerk. Annual fobak Picnic. Thé Zobak Club, of Chicago, yUl Rive théir third sunual excursion supdà pic over the Wlsconain CentraRaliva;, Jet; 26, at thoir own gravé, Cathaniné Lake, Antiocb, ILL. Hon. Edward D). Shurtléff sud Han. Dennis E. Gibbons, repremétativés oI the 8ts senatoril district, sud Hon. Luna E. Méntcb. o! Cary, vil addre e ségatberng. Trai wiii leave Chicago at 7:30, stopplng at "astéd and KeduleAve., returnlng at 8 o'cioek p. mn. Tise lare in 81.50. Thistle Notice. Notice le héreis; given ta isighway cosemissioners of the township of iÀber- tyville tao notlfy patismastérs ta cleen up théir districts, hlgbways, iraliroade, fermasud lots o! Canada thistis belore théy go ta séeda 1 shall se that the law » le fu;observed. î DENNis LimBEIUY. Canada Thiatle Commisélonér of thé town of Liberty ville, Lake Cauntýy. 111. 39-tf Advertised Lettern. LoUters remainmng in Libertyvîlle poot- olfices for week sndinJe;1108 a. Bek.r" isBeta~ Glny Neil Peter Nelson, MiseAÂnna Teuchrt (2), C. W. Wilisou, Frank Wood anâ Umis Louise Anderson. CHAs. W. TAYLO, Ponttinter. Open Air Meeting. A good crowd came together ast auuday altereoon Itr thé firot of tihe open air services. T4s crowd should inerease with each ucedng service. Thse 11v. JO Van de Erve wili preacis next Sunday afternoon. Evsryone welcome. ICE CREAM IN BRICKS PLAIN OR ASSORTED 1i make a epecaty of furnlsbing eitber Brick or Bnlk lee Cream tu Chiurcis Social@, Piculcsansd Pub- lic Gatheringe. MITChELL BLACK Tel. 2ô24 LbefrvIll ROOXEJSLLER, ILLINOIS DR EDWARD V. SId1TH 0ENERAL PIÂCTICB Office aven Luce & Co.'& Store Speciat Attention ta Diseasé. of tisé Eyé Llbertyvilii, lImais DI C. R. GALLOWAY, moa-from 1 t. S8sMd 6*. Spa m. tWhe Timùe's Pleasure There is ,oy for Father Time iu a stock of time picces that may bc depended on for ail tinte, It la a pleasur to thoseWho insst on flgrA-ls tinte pleces ta <et Into a place sch as ours where the clochsansd watches may be depénded upon. Ve a«H the lest tinte pàmcet a pelce you might expect te psy for a poor one, ANDREW JiUSS JlEWELER LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS I. - r: An Early Sum- mer Sale, at Late Summer Prices Toalwing bave mede a big drap on a great uy cf their new poular Sprig asuSumr Fabrims You ought to set thein and tht pekes theyre going et. Every sut vil hi mede in the muidua high cd. a ysà o mees- sre ouly-periect ln appointo ment, fit, style. Cal NOV for Dow le the inte. NEW International fabrica are îsow being offered at a tremen- dons eut lu prices. IF you n t a nice new sum- nmer suit at a remarkabie low price, new le the tîme to get' hoid of It. Made strictly to your meaeure, ln the Inter- national inimitable vaY. YOU can cave np te $800 a cuit and your order viii hé executed &As perfectiy as tbougb you had payéd thse regular price. TIIE bargalu. fabrica are ail popular and attractive, but yan cant appreciate this bargain offer unise you mse the gcode. BERE is the place ta ses thein. 2Oth Century Cash Store E. W. PARKHUBT achajek lock LIBETYVILLE, ILL. Summer Purniture Suggestions Outdoor furniture as now uppermostiniiiourtmisais.We]1 visions cf go004 roomny. coanfortable chairs sud rockers for the pc and lawn or a eetteet t tone up the 'suagiker cottage. We 1 provided liberally for your wants in thisdir'ton and bave a fine of rustic old hickory for your inspection. Young & Lyt FURNITURE, PA Undertaklugt DR, 1. L. TAYLOR, OFFICE OVEH J. EL1. TRIG BLt)O. nous:-7 ta 10 a. m. 2 to 4 and 8 to 8 P. M. ftesdenSon o Broadway, opposite Park. Libertyvifl, IllUnoig. DR. IL IL 8MITFL DENTIST. OVER LAIt COUTI NATIONAL flÂN. nouB@s-8 to 12 a. fin.and 1 to 5 p.m. DAILY. lhsertyvllW, Ilitols DR. 0 . F. UTTBRFIELD, MEEBÂRSURGEON. £5u5A1T U"AMVIUIAM LibentVltl.mio. JESSE S KYATl' CIVIL E!IOINSER ANI) SIIRVEYOR Llhsrt1vIis DL1.Tel. 851 't.-U hav Im have nch Brot'hers 5INTS AND OJLS LIBEIRTYVILLE, IL DR. GOLDING DENTIST Henni f8 ta 12 a.m-1 ta 5 p. J. Eli Trigge Building witis Dr. J. L. Taylor-Psane 191 liea. Phone 1092 Libertyviiie, Illinois aEAaLas WHrXmET JIALP a J. DenT WHITNEY L DADY LAWYERS 305 Washington Street Waukegan, IllInols A. KSTMARNS LAWTBR 218 Washlugton Street Waukegsn 'Phoea2761 PAUL MAC OUFMIN lyamoth Tvan e t si cue t ett est adceps twint on the marlat today. Ont pound of Plymouth Twist vil! s mme grain tdmn10 coaworth of plan teg twirS. For sàkby fH 0,EGER LIBERTYVILIE. IlJ. - .ssssusssssss:sss;su:u 3~~3 We Want To Post You If you intend to build now lu the time to COME IN and figure on Lumber, Cernent, Brick and Fln- lsh - ail have declined and we eau Bave jofl mouey. EMMON- MERCIER LUMBER COMPANY PHiONES 47 and 1171. E. A. BISHOP, Mgr. SBaked wlth SUID'ER'Tomato Sauce PORK AND BI3ANS Once Jet your folk* tante Snhder'. Beau. and theyil frown If you serve thees wltb others. That nutty ffavor, that twaag and zest are ,nlaelag in other brande. INOIST ON SNIDEIR'é CORLETT & FREDERICKS LIBBETYVILLE, ILLINOIS ____________Teplehone. 30 E. F. SWAN R. C. HIGGINS E. W. PROCTOn THEI3 HOME LUMBER CO. A Co-sarnerthip Buecceseors to G. H. 19CHANE Lumber, Coal and Feedj LIBUIRTYVILLB, ILNI PHONE 50 ------ e------.---------- - .~. oving Iiannony Into Vour Home le a great achievemeut. But we * can do it if yen bny a Schiller piano. There le more pont up plesure and amusement, let &Ion@ musical train- ing and wnrding off of! ca, in la Schiller piano than ln aeytblng yon eau buy at the price. Louis J. YEOMAN WAUKECIAN.ILL C!garsansd LundryGo5 TohaccoOffice LEO DRUtRY CLARENCE FrMGG the New TONSRIALBARBER SIIOP PARLOR Boeham Buuîîag LIBHRTYVILLM. ILUNOIS Libmnryvlfe, Ilnt Orders Takn for Razors i B N? AC Put ln Order wpo~et~o 14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------- - 1 1 - 1 ti B CK 1 0t ri d in q- 1 a ýn it

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