Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Jul 1908, p. 6

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riember the bof our.mas- money - sav- " eë: ::i: Absolutely the most extensive reductions ever muade in any clearance movement in our history.- The greatest vafues we have ever given under -any circumstances: Al price-cutting records broken. It is a grand sweep-away of every article in our store, to make room for. Fait goods. Prima Reduced --- Slaed--Cut to the very imit. Compare the values WC offer with the best bargains adverdsoci bv any ,other concern i Waukegan, - You- wWl find we havec ut under them to a wo4ru"mat .~Is 4CI4.'t ý! Aw.~4 i~ " el J .. i L E f H N Sw a r r e n . . . . . . . . . . 7 . 2 6 .0 0 TL f~ lI 1N SWankagan, towu . 4c,29 34.03 Waukegan, clty ........ 49.57 24.89 O I O N H OT SIIO T Bhelde . .............. 78.35 361.36 lake-Foi-est ........... 84.032 36.6g Mare-ugo, Jul 20, 1908. 1895 sud lu 189q, and vote-d for the. Lbertyville . ..........107.97 21.42 Ui. Edtor-lu au office ln Waod- Allen isue, grauting a flftv year fi-an- Fremont. .......... 83.15 28.71 _0tock, backed by Chicago moey au! cse to street ri-lways, the gas cou- Waucoda. ........... 6577 25.34 tarned lin, a political manti (actai- of Alberit J. Oison le lu the fight forC i,..........6-. 76 "'th peeles canidae fo iinato'l.stat seatorfro ibi disric ai he la .. ....... 82.25. 26.156.3 "the (ai-ne-is fri-iod toi- Congrest, reqUrcat of Governor Charle, . SDIe- Vernon .......... ..... 81.76 22.69 and "the candidate- of the comnn e-eu, and bas jofue-d bauds witb David Wesat Dereifeld ......... 79.20 26.63 people for statot aattorney,"s ne-ss H. Jackson, the mayor of Lake Forest, Diserfied . ............. 43.00 20.24 paper article was wrhtte., shIch fir-t who le Lie- De-neeu leader lu Lake Hghland Park......... 55.16 21.64 appeared lu thoeXisuikegari Gazette- Coonty arud a candidate- foi- the- lower> and wlcb basz beeru cage-ilu cople-d by bouse. Mi. Oison le baud and glove- the Woodstock Rolurillicior the-Har- witb an e-meut in Boone- Couuty ted DjD f TC T IV Ç S AFIER vard inde-pende-ut sud lhe Hebiriu of wbom a few days ago v sited Gov. ALL!GED MURI)ERER Tribule, as foliows: e-moi- De-ne-e-rulu Chicago sud obtaiued ýmeàni-y coutyte-e-k,. not only the sblidation iaw. sud lhe- gas frout5 Chicago detectîves ai-e-bot ou the. Lak eenat&hh, but tLe Legslatuire as ad. wlcb cre-ate-d a gas mnoopoiy 1u trail of Peter Petkhwlc. alleged mur- weli. a ste-p wicb lias bruke-u tic oIt Chicago. Mi. Oison wae a me-me-r o! derer of Peter Je-uces, against whom agrement pasuilng the seratosi-sli e- the- city courucîl lu Chicago fi-ni 1898 1hs-i rfuild arn br tween the- thi-e- caunties lu rotation. to 1902. LAkE COUNTY'S CANDIDATE. lng lm witb bavlrîg coimtted mur- Olitrtleff's enti-tuce lto the- race- for "leur ocde-i-rs that I muet lie- drIve-n ot To the, Lpublitan Vote-sfthe,! S. der.F re-eecton e te oe tl.g hIc etpffitis i ths dstrct.A report cr-ie-rt amoug the Lfthur-co raaldtouisli o. blg bltif Aberitldtlu iidIsric. Ditrict: anlen cii-cie-s tbis e-e-kla that Itle broke lhe- arrange-me-ut sud that stil hie J. Oison. if electe-d ta the i deâire te annournce that 1 shah b.a Fp- n xeced htP-kwdwl alone wli jase-Mi. BLinitie-f niany estte senate-, sud David H. Jackson, If addt o ttSntrfi-ou ti, . and xe<!ie-Ld th bars be-fie wiS a votes ln Lakte- couuty, because Il bad electeteV the House-, wili furinsL two 8tb Senatorial District, eubect to the been hoped the old agie-e-unt would votes athtei commaAd tif the- Chicago ltepublica.u pri-lary electon te lb. baid tui' pre-vali e-en onder the- ne-w pi-lai-y machine- sud combine. Aet 8,198.The Chicago' luective-s bave- rua liw. The thiiig for Siortief Vte bave- Ou wbat tbe-oiy, tii by wbat ergîr- OhgV ydte utu o fadi-ose bis trait lu Chicago. fitwas C doue- wss e-ther to go ontV afte-r the- me-t sboruld Albert J. Oison Lie- se-t e-ie-w. it wilî be impossible ta per.-ain- itLe saott eaefr< senatoithip oai-e-te-retire- foi- sO o te be- siate sonate-? What bat be- s;onatllyses al o! the- Bepublisu votera Ne-s-Yoi-ksud eai-h de-pot in--Chîcaga yeai-s sud the-uuagairi te-e-kthe- Legitha-ver don,, -lie t V sîlibe- Io toi-the- o!he disqtrict, tiierefore- i take thilaway willibe- watche-t hourI> tuythe-[hi-lis tuc i-Hi cm ler's toi-otu lgt S-atrlal District At MWood- o! annumuinrg uuyecandidat,>'aud soicitl Atoruteje-EV.Oslado r r e-ab seud a mar telthe owe-r hourse Ar- siack. iucte arlY part of May>. le - St3uur support.1AtreE.\.Ovsdsnt a hl coi-ding to re-pors, Shurt-le-fi qstand l-jue t uuythe- ste-terieatoiulp GERIGE QUENTIN. j (bat Petkesic st i ake- an atte-ffipt ou the prirry Iaw. logether wlth l'y gettlrug ail oppostioni ont of tlue____________________lie__________________ ohher tilgii, are going to hurrl hlm s s,. Throuîgh lis ne-wsplalers, and1 much this titre- trd it Ast ie-îorte-d ersoalt throuîgh tbe district, lie- ru liee-i-ledanger (bat lhe dan nol eveuubaumate- the bssue Ihal i murut ho de- fi r cari-y bts os-n courity lui bis i-se.for testt, lu1ecaurue, as. Le tay I 1am suup-Co renoinatlon. Accoridnltt. if Lie gels poitlý rig Mi-_hE.Menti-lufoi- tate- se-u L * A A th ii. lth"suppîort exuecfed t-r ao1Per.uot t fru oi-Mr. L O U IS*J. Y E O M A Nio Boone and Lako contitiet bils i-bauce-siMenîclu ortuu aute grau i>av e- nisa toi- ie-e-ectioru lokrathier tuuhous.- word tii Mr. Moentu tuu suppuor t bînu It soundt tii-auge that thelu r o-oecause tue- ls :1gooud ran., a Nwoitbv i Sa unie-nueof the- people- tioutd endoavor r ie-stIalo i ieu ceryibc Vo nuuilify Vte pri-ala aw sud se-e-k tu Vuntisa trie'! nomnate- their candidate-s by the- lid a riu siiho, If leliteýd. sould' aanctlty of a iolIic4l Largairu. il la male- bis vuuce heard and is vote - --------- astotlsbiug that a 'luee-est le-ade-"tti-n(urthre Ililinuois state- sonate-. Mr. sud "lhe hi-ble- ottire- pe-ople-" should Melci 1-, uuut asbiuug lu go to the- The worlc onthVe poser aud ie-atIug Itae-ioude lhe deteclivos b> taking a hecoune- s0worrie-d about the- lteili state- senate- for ie lurtuoeof ilver- tations wîîcb sas le- teVoau caste-ru boat for tii,.oit colunry-. Attoi-ne-y gençe of the people- sud tiei- plitîcai coatlng aoî tairiiued record, sud t fim, six we-eks ago, pas be-e-nrunder- Orvis leatif the opinion that Pe-Ike-sir action Vat lbe- aould séek e-Vodvert worrid ratlier go dowu slth mi fri-ent take-t. The- soi-k labeiag rnsie-d i l t oVeai-off aîud that lie- sîilhoieai- theni hi means of a poiltkca bai-gain Vo kefeat than ta toi-n aver the- ie-lre-- tue- hope-s of Lavîng a large part of the-1 rested e-ie long. or customu hat blie eun made- by on- tentation oft tLi EigLtb Senatorlat Dis. outtide- construction work comple-te-d Tiree- Chicago te-te-ctive- ai-e- on bis hoypoliticiens. trI-t ta the- CitY otifcbuago. by (aIl. Nrtb Chu-l 1aosude ake-auntif-d .And wbo la Ilb that le lnvok.hug the- If Mi. Oison it the peeriess leaderNot Chcg an tienof a d f a p oitica i b a -g a in t e-le ct a I a t Lie - cla ie s t Vo e , letV i iico fid n t - aTO A T S I state senator tram McHe-ury county? hy tr-ust the- pe-aple o! the- EigLti Sen- CHICAGO REM^IRKABLU.T ll OERLFTEEGT li Abet J. Oison., of Chicago. atoiial District sud noV prate- about .arv1 IleraTH ENAOTORSLODITRE IT M.=plnwau a dele-gate- Vo the ja- poltîcal bai-gaine. Lakte Couriny, aise, Richard Yates was accorded a mag- dicimi cnvetion lu Cook Counity lu bas a candidate toi- senator anuthtiree-tilficeut audience on Monday lgit, ewheulie opene bis gubeinatotilal SApil, 120. Mr. Oison stlu the- candidate-e foi- re-îrese-ntative-. Boone cam paigu lu Chilcago. Over 10,000 0 Cook Count Republcan convention as Couty bas a candidate- for senator people were ait the- Clseuni te bear a delegate an Augut 8, 1906. Mi. 01- sud oue- for ie-lre-entative-.flm delfvei- bis message te Cook colnu- snwsadlgttethe- Repblican I yehcirsm-n h-df-ttfty republicans, wio ai-e-saidteVobe son waeecioasmdelegheaefet tf8sliplg away (rom Vie- Deneen le-ad- stale- convention et Sprinigfil-d (rom Mi- Oison, sud Mi-. Olsau's election ers lu sncb numbars as Vo ztai-tle e-en the. 11h Dele-gaVe- District oftifVe- 22ud me-ns my defeat, I saal be-mai-e- tiau he courageotie Boss Lawsou. Tates'n Ward of Chicago, on August 14, 1906. glad lu acdept Mr. Osons challenge. fis me in nChicago was nothiig Eighy-treedaysonl alter ittng am et ryig tedicateas t wbm a o!o mai-velous. 'Mat 10,000 people Elgty-iree dte nl afer lttug au ul tyln toditat- a Vawiiniwould lire out on the botte-st u.Ight la tiat convention, Mr. Oison iast bIs the- people- of this District siail chaos" of the smmer aud che-er snd unud!y fi-t voVe lu McHe-uiy County, on No- for state- se-utor. Neltbe-r ebaîl A. J. procIai their friendsblp for Richar-dt vernie-r 6, 1906, lu defiance- tf the- law Oison, David H. Jackson, et ai. dictate Yatsn le uotf the, sensatous of tie Igubernatorl!campalgu thue (ai-.Ilt thatiequi-es a nlnety day reside-uce Vo ML' whom 1 shallusupport. Let the- waa a stopendaus uudertetdug for Inula couty betoi-e- a pereon ls entltled plueie-ibouse-. Vaes aud bis supporte-te lu Chicago te vote. Mi. Oison uas a me-nier tf Veri iespectfully, Vo0tink of i-euUng the- Colîse-un, but the llioiskiose rom hicgo n , lhth meeting waa a wonder. No oth Vii IlinLs loue-f rm Cumagalu EDWARD D. SHURTLEP. er Rspublhcan leader lun llolez and asphait, wbicLu le inae-rte-d wLea lnas red bot condition. Harbor la Donc. The twelve foot habi-ti-as be-e-n siali refuge Las a et. Tbe picturesque se ta ne caustructet of tbe bLor la noue se foi-ce-a of me-n are construction tif Ve miluetratian buIlding nd otier larger Lild- de-s officiaIs luni-barge ounce today tbat the i-g nIrel> sud tbat cii wai-k be-u co-- oeninluthe î us' toue Surgeou GeneraI Rixe-y, tf the Unit - cmpieted as far ed StaVes uavy wlVhhbeadquarters at canceruet. The-a Washington, District tf Columbia, ac- depth tf twéive fe- companle-d b> Rtaer Admlrah Rots, ai- dri-lyesi bch 1 mo o! the Unite-d States uavy, are- at ai-ound the edge-co pi-aent lu consultation at the- Unted unde-i way. etates Naval Training Station at Lake- At pie-ent lai-gi Blune. t wor-k on thei "reanAdmirki Ross returtet frai drill hall, Vie- sdn Wushington, tD. C., wbere he was suni- Vie dormtories aui mon.d three wee-k azao, ou tie ele-en luga. tiritii e-ght at Lake- Blurffilis mai-The Unite-d Stati Ing. tf tieres-ik anao The nature- of Rlxey's mission la not work le piogre-s knowu but lIV ma,>le- ioui-e-rue- th linever bas as mu, lbe sanitation of the naval ai-hotu site. pIeted as Las be- Finish Frt Building. w Ir The fi-t o! lie go ernie-tLuild- ings nowue r nuci- tructiitonîat Vie- Unite States Nasal Trairnig Station at Laie Bluff bas blico oetl(-d Tic Hist ut the sccii, /or nnore uoue C under constirction u the uY our of- 4 C A ice-ru' quurtcuuu sblcb su îe -recto'! ou the hiuff ule lt o ii ttcas tanh-t t K M ! ut lire-labefoti-.u Thue l outroi,-tuc îe suit l ui iîl 1 on pi luge soi-e aîuuuug iii. fil 0Io b startot. m r Tbo,> w,-, o iuîlu i euuntt,> iii houl sud isu e ut l, ulisple-i-t d as> et b,>'the guvis i-runi-ut ffki ais. ~ . The- large- afîtouîuotutlu and tho-se U -J stable ebl-h eau. orer î(! uîu on en 'u l s-t quarteri-futhe o ras aI sitohas ruaI passe-d the- crusernie-ut uinspectionr. At Work on Drill Hall. The- large- dri-lîl 9whit~h sien ci-- peted 'sil coteira a pce- of1,#--eu ove-n 284 (e-et long sud 172 Pde la nuder constpudtlon. The. ste-e-i pllars bave- Leen ete-d snd the. floor conirele soi-k hà.,be-e-n Otanted. Rom À large- 45 lI-ch ventilation VIle- pipe - bas been lustalleidlitider the- floor o!f d" te the dill hall. At the, centralinitei-- s e seem of aithi ol.tuB beau plâced a i e tI&M ictnin fa inb le h drise the at fent. Butlie dhd sud nou he lia .tar-tet a gi-out sue-ii lu Cbicago mui- as he bas lu th, i-matiei ont- aide Cook. AVERAGE VALUIE 0f MORSES AND CATTIE Oeerfleld Duacovered ta Have Loseest F Valuations for the Domemtic Ani- mais, Folloueligla lie board of re-vie-w's averaging tif tbe saluea of hors,.,asud catte hn the varions towna of Lake county thîs year: Bousea Catte Menton. ............... 68.02 24.60 Zion City............... 67.11 25.34 eNe-wport . ...........82.58 29.59 tAntlech ................ 52.54 28.02 1Grant . .. . .... 49.03 20.55 ivan......... 7<4 a I R FARE Refundcd ut-of -town customers )urchases of $5.00 or dice sub 1901 L.o' qua for Seý mei 1here-y annuncle myse-!! as a can- ste for i- Ie-office- 0f SlaVe- Se-utor ým tie iEgbth Senatoctal District, je-ct ta Vie- acîtin of tih,.R: tiutli- aprimai-le-s ta be Le-id Auigu'ut Stu. 8; my twa teris serice In thli we-r I feel ongbt ta have- tomuesbat llfied me for the- position. if electet 1 do bore-livagi-ie- to vote- ,the- candidate- foi- VIiited Sate-s ut of the- vote-a i-s the- Prttariet. FRA.NK R. COVEY, Be-Ividere-, I1I. Branch Stores: I I j - Nom o! s4tre.t commission o!fsad ulai- pastors ever stabioned un Monnîson village ........................ SO0 and bis@uany f rie-nde be-ce, regnettlngý that tbe-y are unable Vo vote for bu Total contingent fuud ...31W.00i wil> ibhly gratiied tri learu o!bi@ e-lac- Fo- tiie puirpose <uf payinig for repaira,I lion V tue iimportant office. He-le ver> Maintenance, inuproveiuento and <-un-i etruciun o! strets, alle-ys, bighwaym sud wil qnaiified for the pooi Vland Vie an-. avenrues ofaind lusait village o! Liberty-i oembly would be elevated by the election rifle, the suumioftuertluoumand tire oif sncb candidates a@ Mn. Whipple. Uion huindietd dollars I$2;3>0.00) of wii bis heaviug Morilon l in thef f1894 0gui one thuosaut dollars shallb. de-rivet tronu saloon and utien li-cnes-atii. Mr-. Wbippe uent tu Pinlceton and f-oui estumatefat aounit o!fuebl-ba@i berein tiiere Vo Joliet uere hue was pastor of befuire mad and lu sait! appropuàation Richards street M. E. i-hum-b. Wiiile ordinauce mate le $4950.04). reeldeutol Joliett.lit. Whipple was at the Thue balance o! said @unuî of tueo thonu. eaund fi v,.iuuntred ou. heat aYrtueMunurplal l..eague aud wa5 tiuiuîaaud and tlve hlun.rd ýdoullars re vei-y pronineut and ai live in the affaire hereby levî,il tii le rauseul ly gene-raI oftliecity. He îuracticed Ian revions to taxation. lie time le trdtr iity.adoFor the,- iurl.osc opaving the.-npensee uc etere Vlu miustry auu fo! ightig tiue streete arud pulicî-places at Vie present lue i@ engage-t un the legai o! tb,. sfureeaid village ioi lîbertyvulle departmniet o! the Nei% Erîglaut Mutual th.i sn ut igbte-n lun!ru-d sud lifty Lufe lusurauie Comupany in Chicago Mn. dollars o! wlîicii muni eigbt ikuudn-d auâ Wiiipple lm a goot >' uiixer', fauuîiiarîy fi!ty- duilare @hall be deired froua saloon su ad other licenses, theestiunated aniaunt knouen s ParsuriJohn" and le fii- 0i wiicb ap iieiibeiire ma-is sud lu me-n. _________ aid appropriation ordinaue mude 4 Annual Zubait Piculic. $4950- 00. Tiurebualanue@o! said soriro! eigbteeui The Zobak Club, of Chucago, wilI gire buuîltred and llfty dollars to ueit, on,. tieir tit annual exursioun and julcuic thursauf tuIlai-i ie iicreiv le-rieiltuibe oive-rth,. Wisconsin) Central htailway raied b,> gene-rai taxation. JuIy 2(;, at thein oueudnove,,Catharine For thie purpose o! paying thie <oui-tii Lake, Autioci, 111. Ou. Ewai't 1). instalmnet o! wate-rasemmeuî warrant Shurtlef! and Hon, De-nis E. Gibbons, No. 1 and Vil-t ingtahinient sewer uspre-s.ntativea of the 8tii senatorial vsari-aut Nu. 2 snd initeresit and street district, and Hou, Luna E. Menti-b, o! cromainge and repaire ho se-me, said émn Cary, will di-res. Vhe gatbering. Trainsii eneiiy leviedto10be raimet by gene-ra ueill le-ave Chicago at 4-:30, etopping at taxaVion, thee en o! $300.00. Haet-d sud Kedzle Ave., retunng st Par tiie purpoieo! payinig the bll for -i oîrluuck p. nu. Ture fare rs $1.50. mer-vice-esaengineen ae reuderet by village engineer Andterson, ou .ewi- '*Health Cuufftce-" lmi.raîli the clooset outiet, tiihe un ai$309.38 lm bereby tCaffee iiation everyetpriiduZ-ed. This le-vled to b. i-ais-d by gencral taxation. i-lever Collee Suibstitue wam recently For Vii. purpose o! paying se-coud in- pi-otuced by Dr. Sboop, ofluRilusn, Wle, stalîment sud interest ou the- John N ot a grain o! ne-aI t off.. iu It eitber. Wooii-idge notee, tic surir of $575.0f) le Dr. Shoop'e He-alth Coffee lem mde. rmi ereby le-vied Vo, b. raaed by general pure toated graine, ueitb malt, nuits, taxation, stc. Really ut would foui an sapait- For tiie puirpome o! paylug tueo water who mugit drink it for cofiee. - No. 20 or boude o! malt village tii, suni of $500.00 30 minutes tedione Lioiliug. "Mate in a e-ai-b, Nos. 9 and 10 togasher witb inter- miinute' sayo the doctore. Soid by est ou the water bonds aud intereet on Co-letV & Fi-ederli-ks, $4500.00 o!fscwenboude o! said s-illage, RACINE KENOSHA DEMS.GIBBONS ldaneNlS ie DEsoriELD, ILL. An Ordinance levylng the. taxs toA d.fray ail tiie nee-eumsry mxpanees and in i llahulitie of the village of Libertyville, for and ding the. flcalyearsndlng thebe lt day of Marelle A. D). 1909: D Wiiers..s the.Board p1 Trustesof the. village of Liiertyvill., dld, by an oril- ance pamerd by m&id board ad duly e Sapproved by the premident tliereof, on l tii, 6th day of .jrly, A. 1). 1908, and le dnly publiliied accordlner Vo Isu on the 1Otii day orJuly, A. D). 1908, aècei-t.ln- tl .~iug the total amonu't of appropriationm dý for ail corporate pupoeà iegally madeto mi be collai-ted fronuethe %asi evy of isaid fiscal year. aud tiiereinmpeciifed ln detall, the. purpomai for wbicii sald appropria- tions werm made and the. muîe or amouent a appropriatad for mald purpom. , b Tb.refor* bslt ordalned by the Pri-n ak. Countym Choice for Reproieni- dent and Board of Trusteeé;of the, villagea ative in the Genorai Ass.mblY of Lubartyville: e Six-TioN 1. That tienne siniereby levied n from 1the Eight 8mnatorial and aim.aied by the meveral amounte mo s District. anc.rtainred, or mo rnch tiiereof auini -antiiorized by faw, uipou ail property i Pivereaseons why the. peuple oif Lake oubject Vo taxation witin the Mlid t village of Libertyville an the maine la 1 unty siionld mupport Gibbons: asummmed and eqnalized for atate and t Firot: He ie distinctively a Lake Counety county purpomai for the. year A. 1). 1908, 1 [an). tiiat le to may, for the purpome of aidlngc Second: Hlm paot record laedent, sudîn paying the necaamary contingent t inorul,.expansa of the. aforeeaid village, the. nm ionornle.0f $3100, the. lid moim of $8100 to b.s Third: On quemîlons Lake derleed tr-onuemaloon liienmm and île-n.. ;unrty lie standm foi- the people and not fron i bllard tahles, pool tables, bowlingj 11qes.alîmyq and otiier lienm ir use eolnatedi iqus.amount of receipte fi-ouie uu-b sources1 Fourbie: Hier pleasaut relation. wl&h hafng as follows: li fe-low ruembers lu tbe legilature, Froi, maloon liceno.,, eet ....$*4 (000.(M gardiase of party ailliaions, enables From hilliard tables, pool tables, 9 niii to secure valuable legiglation bowling alîcy@ and otiier lieui. Fifti: H ha fuiilie evry poin se -s pý, eCI............................. .i0.010 Cut, B ha futlîedove-y ui-uule aking a total of $4tM.110, tiity-one hha' e-er umade V ieris oustituents. huudi-ed dollars of msuod sum bIaving been1 l)eruoci-atic voters of Lake Couuty aPpropriabed for tiiepai-pose of Raid cou- re-tuber tiat 1). F. Gibbons s as the,.tingeutfuDl. lesu icg a balance of eighteeui buudred and liftj- dîlla-ie et. fi-st rmau Vo break the Nle-nry Boure de-ii-l from saîd lut-ensea bo i- approu Courrty combine uhat enableul tiese 1wiprrated fas un said apupropriationa <i- uuntioes o i ctate th ii,. ro-ity ou aleprovl%-Itd. 1 w t, on,. ttii8aid iation fuir nieruluer,. lni the.gene-raI dollars, to tire,. ad ami Hinie.fond and helbtbie d udil ifty dollar. Vo tir. assembly for sixten en34ai-e. s--t lig,htiag tuI,.i. 8Stand for uour rights ou prima-y ulav. uti Zcu itingent tuud so apluro- Saturda,>. Auguet M, and renouiiluatÀoe i, iltodch bpadtineeer honorable D. E, Gibbons aud bel p ieward exieurses (o! elis-lionA field lu eaid village.. amani wbo bas ,tood laithIolly Liv lis calaies of menihers of the Board of constituents. Truostees, salaries of memiiers of local hoard o! inupi-oveurleute, salary of village F~EV WiiPPLELO(LL Itreamurer, sala-y(ifi village clerk, fees for REV W11P LIELOC L' village attornîey, sala-y if voluuuteer i-e OPTION CANDIDATE co un, repaii-ing and building village regand operabing water worke, and nuaking improvemente Vo Water Whiteaide Sentinel, of Morrison, 111 works syeî, pr<s-iiinadditional bo#. PaysTribte o Mr Whiple an d boa' art for lire lprotection anal tire Pays rubut 10 r. Whppls alarn ggi-eg,,iug a total of!.. $1500 Their Former Pastor. For Vie purpose of pavmng for -- ~Police pi-otActionof said village N00.00 Everyhini will be sold ai prices that wilJ compel yoq thbuy: WORK PROGRESSES ON NAVAL STATION thesmn of M100,00 It e b by levledto b ramed by goaral tomation, a fotiows. &Mount of boudé 9 and 10 .. 1000.00 Iterent on 01000 water bond@ for on@ ye............. ... 50.00 Iteresit on mewer boudé $4500 for one year ...............225.00 Deficiency on collection on oewer boudéa...........«... ....... 25.00 For the. purpooe of pming eueh cthur epéusesnot mnuimrat.d aboie and snck fnstbcknown an the unapproprsated fnd, thei.mof W84.62 in lireby lvied to be raimed by general taxation. Making the aggregate nmm of ton bhoumand two hu»idred and thirty-nin. dollars ($10,239)pjofwbiciiumum 8v. thon- gand and two hndrod elgbity-nine dollrs ($5,289) la h.raby levied to be raiaad by general taxation. Each of said smoni of mon$y and the augregate tiiereof are deemed neesary îy the board of truite.. to dolray thie n contery xne and llabllitiee of the. iforeeaid villge dinrgthe dlial jear *ndlng Mardi 8lot, A. 1). 1909, for tii. respetlws purpomeu aboie, mpeeiflcaly eet forth. SECTio.N 2. That the.mld varions sinounte aboie met forth to b. rammd by iaxation, theAggregata aMont of1l= $5,289.00 are appropriated an propor. tlonate fraction» of laid total amonnt of 15,289.00 and In cama o! failure to reeSiva orcoi.ctmalidaggregateomof$5,289.00 the defticfncy ohah bLa deducted pro rata irom maid varions smoni. Siv'riox 3. Ail unexpended appropria. tiono and cashbaa m j.for thi ec ye Zmdng Marcii lt, 1908, are con- tiudfor the. purpose of which tiiey were approprlatod. BSECTioN. 4. That the village ck'rk be and la bereiiy dlrected tu file witb the, County Clerk of Lake Coulâty, Illinois, a vertllied ccpy of l is ordinane.aipro- vided by section or:e of article elghs, of un aet of tiie. leueral Ameembly of the. State of Il inoix. entitled ,An Actt o Provide for the Incorporation of Cities and llgs aIîproved April 10, I572, anid tiie aiiiculumente ubieretx. .liE-rtoN *,. 'rît tiie village clerk, vanse tlîim ordinauce to be Euhllslied u. witbin one uuontb alteýr dle passage o the sainin a u.w,, p uilimued o cii-wlated inut, village of Libertyville. j -irioN (;. That tliis î,rdlnanee sahal he and the sm ai declared lu full form, aud efiect fronl ani after ite paumage and î,ubll-ation according to law. 1 ily.iîî f. i. ,Village Preslidont. 1EARI. H. tX>IL.iTT. Villaige ('Ci-k. Pam"e July 21, i190M 1 Ap roved J.lrîl 21,. O 1Plubhed Jîîly 24,.i lIim c Abstra 'Wamon E. C Pin, 1< 9, Gi-a Jobu -block ville. Leai Coi-a I 4, Lat Cor T. Rn and Ic Drede- block $326. Heu) wife, Ne-wpu Wm Huuiks block Lake-. W. lot 6, Ti se-ni Mdet WASH 5UITS, COATS, Skirts, Waists, Lawn & Lingerie jumper and 2-piece Dresses; Muslin Underwear CLOTH SUITS COATS, Skirts, and Children's-"kear; Millinery 1.07 GENESEE STREET, NEAR WASHINGTON STREET, Old Higley BIdg., WAUKEGAN, ILL. 1N'-T FAIL 'TO ATTEND OUR BIG SALE whloh h. gins SataW~ayff, JuIy 25, and aondlnues until'Auguat 1 L lnARI FARO Lak, L. ST FOR FOR imbdl FOR ard si FOR, bard good i FOR moder Lhberi- TOWI --fa barga WAN1 work. Libent ville E BOAR and b Tu.t WAN i womua right ville. FOR FORf voqti Vine A FOR t ibe-ai,. FOR e aken FORf GJermia FOR i coi-n al FOR f H. F. 1 F !ORMERLY RIESIDIED IN LIBERTVVILIE lie are îndebted tb Rev. H. E.Part- idge. luastor o! the (ongregatiouai churcii st Ponina. Ten., foi the follow- ing ob 1itnary notice: Joseph S. Naramoredled in Deeprbo<dge, orga caunty, Tenu., June 22, 1908, a ae8 ysar. e waa boru in Gomen, mas., and maried la Sprlngfield, Mas.., to MWa Harriet Spencer wiio mnrvives hlm. In the eariy settienient of Lake county, prohab> in the. 40'à, Mi-. Nara- more and famils resided in Lîbertyrlls on tbe plaie afterwa-ds known a@ tiie Trîggs farm, juât eamt of the old Norton bomsetpad. Be wa# an eariy t»eier of the oldIdtMecanic'i Gi-ove ecool and tii. older Norton@, Holconubo, Calins, Payns and 'a-t-idgem were arluong bis pupil. Suion alter my retuoval tu, Teunemm 1 ' leînrned by a letter from bon that mni od- tiue teachier %%am living in an adîoin couuty to nie and 1 have munce Visin lhlm uiualîaly >riuig tii,.Civil war he enlietel in a Miinemotu, regiaient but be,-ause of th ii,.diau ri.ung in bis own state tii,.gi-ester part of hien iltary lif, wau, elueut on i lie rontier un Minnesota. Ta,îoois [lia-l- Si. and iFred A saurvîve TheIi, lualer ai l>eer Lodge ms.d of ui: "He %%ana grand, noble mn up- i-igbt and houiefet lu ail him dealinge. Ilelng a mnember of the G. A. ft. thie oid tifag %a@sat bis grave.'- 1 feelsure the fee renilning old ni-iglibors of Mi-. Nara- uiorewill want tu know oif bis last ysars and deatb. He was a truc nian wbose death 1l e gretted Liv ail]luis ueighbo-s. H. E. PARTaînut. Board of Revlmw. The Lake County Board of lteview le uow lu sessioîn in the Court Hous. at Wankegan, 111. Any pereon or corpora- tion tbat desires to coniain to eaid [Board of Be-vie-w becane. bis or itA property bas been amemed ton hlgb sbaîl file with the, Clark of eaid Board of lteview hl@ or its complaints in wnlting on or belote the Firet Monday in Augnît. Comiplaint blankm will be @eut to any addi-essenupon application foi- the. @me. lembera of Board: GEoRUE QUENINo, Chai-ian. SAMUEL BLACKLER. THOsiAM MOCULLOcUis. 422 MARTIN C. DEUKER. CierK.

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