Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Jul 1908, p. 8

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bootes er eervitreprmiesotthe affaira te of fe th attepbi George Honderson, Dtroit, 08; Mu bootemwer evrywereproise ofweifare sha&, e ry gulding Motive, Georgia Hanrahan, 26. good eheer to cone Waukegau DaY. an, v eer.,under anY circum- George Obdàllah, Highland Park, 29; posters vere put up and tags were stanes, erashield ta crime. given oututil it is sal e toa ay that i a wod viiiever strIve to cou DnCFpFotMdiolova. 30. g n Waukegan Day, and its date, Augnat duct tfilsoffic to I)romote obédience Andre* J. Douglas, Ciao 9 Places visited Includad Antiocit, Respectfully, John F. Kroyda, Chicago, 22; E1en iESptCTACULAR Lake Villa, Milihurn, Round Lake, RLHJ AY .Brat 1 ..&mANi.,o Grayslake, Long Lake, Lih'ertyvIlleGuaV retMlae,42A- IN Rf~uu~uaAppla.ud Mr. Frost. glna Nagel, 46. - Higtvood ot hrdaLk For- Attorne A. K. Stearn s poke et Perey S. kaufman, Milwaukee, 36; Tiare *4u dred .. . I Tak s t La it Bu. , N rt 1tcgO ad Hlgitwood MondLy ae ning to 300 Cec la Flynn, 23. .atl a fe m a Ce-tElcri o ter. W auk g n b iei lt ou Highwood citizens and em ploy ea W illiam Olkof er, -W aucoi'da, 22; Park on Waukegan D&Y. of the rooters vito made ltnown their of te Chicago, Mlwaukee Electrlc Carrie Takanipe, 21. cming mast as they hsd out In the Rail Road. A. J. Douglas, Chicago, 29; Sadle >rofeamor John E. Owen, cslerated cuuî' After an introduction by the chair. GG. Suow, 21. *tag litruct0r, viii present "In u echciy h rcet fnle man of the meeting, Mr. Stearna ex-______ ieiljd"the fairy spectacle, et Wankeauhit e a iatiog lu thte plaîneti national issues, explaiuing the = ZtiePrko - eS Dy xtreme and the entire sciteme'may Replibliehpanl ii rfrna oMl rWu anshl r ~4rthç auspices of the Waukegan ha made an annual feature of the injonctions. Uited States Depoty mrhl r ýjx Association.- Waukegan Day celebration. He alan gave a detileti account Of housing their "whtite slave" prison- ?Io reaotion vas passed at the Farinera actually topped vont an proposed remedial legslation on te erg, particolarly te voman hroughl »edlmeigclldMna vnn hljd u urve olmo re question o1 state Institutions. boere- !rom Europe ta ply ýa nefarlous b General Chaîrman Buck. holluv ta tee te auloists go by and Mr. Stearn ib n acsa m relytafr ait usy anlu-e Rulquirea Three Hundred Chiidren. read their banners. way bappened to mention the name of they a re safe frei te strenunu u * vill be necessary for three hun _________ A. C, Prost, viten all vere surprised terviewer. 4».d littie Waukeganttes ta step for- at the demoualration givan the mere An Iterestlng outil1 of lapanese .'*an and offer their services towarda ANNOUUNCLeMEN mention of Mr. Frost's name. women ls expected liere nov and it , tMl* cause. l a understoodthalt cella hava beeu A oommittee composed o! saume lead- THESE WILL WED. prapared for them. - lngW*oen vili he selected to pick out Elsa C. Shanit, Lake Forest, 37; &M~ cara for thte cbIîdren. The pro- Ernest C. Leue, 32. "he ek"bssatda p duction will he staged ln a aammotit Jos. Hagberg, Chicago, 30; TIllia ha ek ecsaida P tist vitich wyul have a seating capac- Melon, 2.-. pareutly Insatiable îternsnd for sa- fty o over two titouénd. Thr iii Cassius M. Moody, Algoma, 62; Mate lanlous literature in Waukegan and Thlv udrdrsï e re as.Wells, ?Neosito, 56. 1the book talîs aiere IuPg flooded vitit b o. Owvenrelreeed «ko tsG. Tônas, Northt Chicago, 36; P. eaerything frorn 'FiveeNigits-ta'1 cirf. I n la M vOen istuinWelonkia, 20. "Lifea Shop Window- a isumber nf Wankeganites, slagad__________________ "lTe Merchant of Venice" under tae auspices o! the Llhrary committee. ,Tl4e production "in Dreamland bha& beau produced on Itis cotenent 1624 T eE e tisies. The performances ta be given T eTit bèeWHi constitute thte 1625 and 1626 performances. a dtePcebo 'The expensea for au art o!fiisar lgm ied y description wii arnount ta ovar two hundred dollars. M. Owen la ta re- c»Ilee 50 per cent o! the net recelpîs provldlng bis sitare does not mun over OL D tour hundrad dollars. Pour hundred dolars la ta ha the maximum suontoa I take this means of declaring m M AA RN b. peentad hlm for his services. candidacy for the Republican toi- AA RN W. J. Smith proposed that Calaeb nation for the office qf States Attor- P erteoua ima governor of thte ney of Lake County. Realizing te 0r Spaghetti BIne Grass State-KOtucky-wbo Importance Of iis Office to thte people was ouly recenitiy liberateà from the lu general, sud apprecl5ting the re- The appeizing look of the dish, Kentucky state prison after bundredasplousibility titereto attacheti, I ask The delicious taste, The price of thousanda ot American people had your support.lusaSpckg, osesfru» *Ie eIinasklng Inat Gov 1l aviug practicad law lu Lakte Coun- Iuneurdpags, zt 10 cesfryu aInd plto yfor more titan tvelve (12) years, cneine n 0cns Vilson Pardon hlm, be securad as onue vit a gond measure 'of succeas andi Recipe book iu every o f the cief speakers of the day. rny Republlcanism neyer itaving beeupakae The big spectacle, "I Dreamiani,' ln doubt, I feeloJustified ln asking Re- for portions bas been presentad over sixteen hun- publican support on Augot Stit. * .red Urnes hy Its autitor, John E. eIf on the aboya date 1 amn nominal- eti sud lu Novamber electeti, I shahl Oveus of N-ew York; it has been giv- during my tenure maka an honeat ef- en ln ail te principal cties o!fiis fort toan conduet thte affaire of tite country, as weil as lu London. Eug- States Attorneyas office as taoumeet the lad . lt rem .a, -narkable sure, approval of tite -ntire peuple. willbe gven ere aueas. - u- My natit of office as prescribati iyT the tatues hallat al tmes e m der a mammoti tlent at Electric Park, platform. FouiM * vl a great throng of boys, girls andi Undar thea new Prlmary iaw, wicit e. eicii Yugladies of Waukegan lunte cast. vw1i eI n al force July lat, sud viiiEo e Th"wo lbefileng wrgil, u-therafore govarn lu August, the Pao- Thoa vli a aîns, iown irl. bt-pie have tite absolota power ta select ___________________________________ tenules, royal goards, gnomes of te te men ta mata op lte Repohlcan . .pp:p*Is sb:: .p.p.oe s*O *0 .oreat, and many otitans lu tae big ticket. and viten yon rnske your mrak 0* 9. enemle hernsl a unfu iten front o! a candidates nwtne you R D J CtI!MTaleplutuie No. 46 esml.Temscl ueuteara dolpg titat viticit has beau doue r E JC H I Lihertyville Exchtange story lterestlng aud thte movements heretofora hy a dlegata ln conven- #nd orouplngs of the large chorus tion, 80 in reallty on August Stit. 1908, veybeautîful. Lake Couty wiii hola the largest SPECIAL ATTENTION BAKER ,ery convention luinls iistory, and I arn * DUrlng tif susmmer o!fte vonîtis partlcularly auxioua ta recaive thie en- ____________ aiC NE TO E fair at Chicago, anotiter forino! tiis dorsement o! bat convention. adC N E TO E zffltacle vas given iene hy Mr. WM. F. WEISS. TouifTwn rda- i os * OWouILfor the eneflt of the itospital T u fTw r s LlbdltUyvlIe - Ilni 0" Ilse a great succeas. It vas To the Republloen yoten là h o n uas -The Fairles' Carnivai f ae o Vt a" te affair la still pieasantiy r- oAnfS pinaTadlMTES NOREAIER SPPIE n embered by titose vito vituesset Il. AdS!Pn rd OESADRTIESSPLE Ths I i h e chidrens coutri- i wouidilike la meet avaryý voter of _____________ Sfnadilab-Lakte County luraunally, hul as :this WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS * bation to thte art onani laii h-isîranîlcsliy Impossible. 1 take itis11 Illved that it viliibcha ie great altran vway o! appealing ta you to suppori me - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - OSêê * ion of Waukegan Day. A parform- lu my candidacy, If ynu feal Fou can 60 4606---- ^nce viii ha given late lu te aller consistently do sa, »Suo and another at night. EoyBanaud girls of ail ages are re- Bigger, Better, Cyrander an( qured for tisl greal production, andi thoas vlshig t ta ta part are re- quested lu assembleat te Ammony at 1( tItree oclock tororrow allernoon. Thte c ommttea urges a prompt rasponsa to thia Invitation. Tite participants viii reeve a splendid training sud have mue plesaure out o! Il as weli, Mr. Oven la nov itere sud vii li er- aonal1y direct ail reitearsals andi per- ormauces.1 AUTOS ADVERTISE WAUKEGAN DAY Towns vuated made s much ado about the Visil that Trip may be permanent Feature each year. Wwqkegan gutItIs titare o! )I)iuulCtY Baâujday, viten eleveui automobiles *te early avery ety of Impor- tgp« il Lake county. posted snd is- trbbuted Waukagan Day literature aud ,1y vord o! mout gave a sampie of ,Mt& guond ime Waukegan la going *ou;ive ail itS visitons August ihirti. Tj»,atomobile train procepedtInl sigla order afler tite car o! Alderman jisMuslF. Bidinger vho vasute pi. IbM a settIemelut vas reached te vPM oud atop and al lte cars, ilobm a block apart the entîre dis- Z"paoe vnld Ilin. np bn s gnon sud 'U oi«d work of bo«etng vould be- U,~'IOdFaIu'8an" te gond ,pflW* wo 2 no e .forgotan RALPH J. DADY OF WH-ITNEY & DADV Republican Candidate for te Nomnina- tion for STATE'S ATTORNEY Primaruez, Saturday, Auguat th, Tite îrimary election on Augusl 11h wiii ha a direct primary, andth ie can- didate receiving te hitgietanomber o! votes ilte ENTIRE COUNTY viii ha ltha nomîinea o!hie parly. Titane are certain offendara vito knov hitlte Lav la, but viifuiiy violate il; as 10 sucit persans, My poiicy vîll ha, if lecteti, an oncoin- prornisins proaecittionto1 the end, 10 tae best o!frny seuhandti llty. As to many offenses, te Stata's At- torney la -reerseby 1eVfvth 'A. dIS- cenas1 ta mpon te prosecutîono. r a~~orUtaOW sgamt4 hlm 10 4, oL'< m55of tii.ebar- -y Y £lk q ..i IkIL Final Ud- -wm Oharmnco Sels Our, Final Mid-summier Clearance Sale has creatcd great en- thusiasm among the people of Waukegan and vicinity. Our store has been iterally thronged wlth eager bargain seekera in the ladies' ready- to-wear fine since our large circular was issued announcing the fact that this sale ta on. Have you received one of these circulars? The prices quoted therein wiil continue to prevail for some days hence, and it will bc greatly to your interest to secure on~e, that you may sec what splendid garments are offered at so little cost. A postal to us will bring one of these circulars to your home. In addition to the many bargains offered in this circular, we here list A fsw extra speciai values for Saturday's selling gp.oaI--- Ladies' 1.00 and 1.25 SpIaI1--- AlI our 5.00 lien finish whiite underskirts, on our tables for suits, in stripe or plain colors; coats Saturday's selling 27 and 30-in. len h a speclal bargain .... 9 special for St y ..24 SpleaI--- AH our 3.00 summer dresses, including jumnper suits and other dresses in white and cqlored materials, also other hot weather g4 drse ofor final clearance at..... ................1m4 ISpoiaI--- Ladies' muslin night- Irpooliel --- Ladies' 1.00 shirt gon, ful size, extra 2c waists, special for 9c seilfor Saturday, . ....9 Saturday... ..... U Bp.alie--- 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00 3pIaf--- .00 net and lingerie shirt waists, special for 98 waists for final clearance no.9 Saturday at98 special ......... ~U Be tween the hours from 10 to Hour auo11 Saturday morning we will Hou Sleput on sale one lot of beautiful 3O $ 1.00 and $1.50 shirt waists at ý..................... 3 9 gp..Ia --- One lot of beautiful silk dresses and jumper suits 7 values up to 20.00; a special bargain at .............. 7 B a r g a i n s advertised here Carfare Refuncted Carfare wiII be refunded to all pur- are Genuine Bargains chasers of goods to the amount of d More'Sensational leatures T-hon Ever Before EGOAN D-AY» Monday, August 3, 1908 OVER ONE 1IUNDRED FEATURES Of IfrEREST TO EVERYBODY ýDon't rail to See the Sensational Water Iight----==Waukegan rire Dept. vs. Kenosha rire Dept. Picked team froin WAUKEGAN FIRE DEPARTMENT vs. picked team from K-ENOSH-1A FIRE DEPARTMENT. Teains are to face each other and do battie royal with streams of water with full fire pressure on. Don't rail to See the Man and Lion in Balloon Ascension A real live "Lion" and a "Man" will make a most daring "lBalloon Aàcension" and sensational leap for life-each desceuîding to earth in a separate parachute. ONIE IIIJDRED SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS combined. Don't fail to, be one of the 50,000 people here on , Waukegan Day. " Don't fail ta remember everything la here for yoùr pleasure and convenieuce. NOW ALS.O REMEMBER that there will be -the greateet and most notable gatherlng of Pollticians and Candidates of aIl parties for National, State and Local offices ever usembled at one turne In Lake County. * o" 31 yjl aisPN.. o Ncar Postofficel WauiaU, E. F... 45 _________ --__ contints,

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