» uT'ytT INDEPENDENT. and WAUKEGAN WEL UN____ VO'XI O4.LU3ERTYVILLIL, LAKEL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FIRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1908-8 Pages $1_5 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. N TA T Ya body hal been round at RaviDia MACHINE r5JAP!ED beIn thenature of a nfl ioral uDIED YROM INJURIES disottnueWAanUa eGAN DAY A ou NS A TV KILLEL Park on the norning of JIIIY 22 bY fthe ONT R EW ES Dowieof whorn Mr. Simulons a it IN AUTO ACCIDENT -da dpag asiaguael A GREAT EVENT BY N. W* TRAIN brakeman of the train. ardent admtirraltiough nt a t' ume ahis inanws k)aediae renîts hre glttadath Ths udwa nowu of before but bel h alt isteachiflis MsM oeT a tt u r Peter McLees. retireil, wbo reslded whaý was nt generally known v.aa Two Chicago automobilelrendas - The sague Misslds ifs Tylorunea d dapprphatof r crarned rttim r'ii t Dan t ie 1îîombise o! and In aukegan, on North Sheridan road, ta h ecito nwrdta fcpdtanteplc nLbryil nLbrDyee g eertilaf tishe descriptionie andwered that o! cajîtlfromotbe police u Lobertyvîlteaon ,abor Day evendug.oýIepramisegoftthT was struck and instantly killed by nsan naisprety.ada rlday eveufug ln a manuer that was rsi aniersary under flatteriîtg aur...L alr fLbryilwss-pprsaeisesl yaue iiiesismslett h era t h e i n o s i n g I n g a l s p e r f c t l y , a n d a F tie n a u Ir ed n t i ea u t o m o b t i e t OC i T h e c o r î m n y oh a - o u rst a a y a ere a t l z e d t h e -fe t i il c t !ý t o t o r P e p train N o. 12 on the N ortilw esttirn rail- once D ep ty C oroner Co ntrad , w rd exclfng and seusational In the ex - i a vJto a tae g ilteadw a lt i et t1îii r ute a t ai ot o e t-,t T e rfie ntraid. e c o neyru e, g t . ta nd i t Ilitu it re t ti i n i ho is a ie p r ron atrthe lJeffertroit tomIagat iigats and hetpolceihot nothe tasettra-.tl'leforbrthebuiedaglw l e;1th1Att'i"n tat tii.ny astiteat rhourseteve- 2: 59 TueudaY ttrnOoütodtemn wehe1roc il oy They carne btethte vlatttgi e t pites aitd wfthla healtby gî tii froriJeferson a as aon a, tleitdi tset, ~for t.ther eie t ri ntîî ain brought ils AsW5 li hbiMr Mfee wsla that of lugails. At iton i Lwas bo- abiout dust at the rate of sixriletîîs show.allite roartruîcks otf thf-, aiittoitili- Xr. Katit-n 1-Ii tasing Syracuise. e iota of gîPteet.homencorntera, and dia- teunn rom the Lake front wich îîevod that lu alla bad tlicîtlocated. an hour and attracted tariutîar at- The lîea that the Simmonht T iiau.ici-e liet,- î,a t tpeoptle ant inuse tgobal-ad r ilo visita every siternooti when tbe Queer Quirk of Fatc. tention wben they struc a lonîg lie l lin tenatuîre of a Dowlipi tni, i ai kiad Th t ai ru otttid car titi ed toti lt-e iii T il-,aloiti rothe r.i i-a i-i0'11i e-.eane Pr Pelle Marquette l8iaudiîîg ai fihe city It la a qîîeer frlct of fate filaf iad trefch of freshiy aitiead gravel r.- te futher streugfilened ily th.ýttýj h laitrîîi hîaige t1o> llti, arttilie seuotiintd 10 tfttilt> irire grth re i Mlart irooup h steamjoperf0te dok.Deîîuîy Coroner Conrad perforrned cently put ripfou the at ro-t. hecit,-tienît that the Kenoshan witt ,t ciil] C iandut îoi hi ita îifrh.Tho, car rît>, niant tif 'aoni t otît treet cars to * i. ~As be neared file Ciaytoii Street tfic nquet he woulul have recogulzed gin@% were poerfut ant li.- heels tîtrritase Silob Hase, Doal,' l iaMro l)iiat ie tîi IN D T ETeV crossi g, ont the îorth aide of thé. ingalls at a glanc tu. e ws ail ready s iin l u the g ravel i -king ni) a r îuide tc , and insta l fle I in , - ole. iIit e, p rt h f P to c pa tstheiik utareet, be brute Ito a mun evldenfiy tu go dos-n fte emorgue af Highland spectacutar foîîîîiaitt tutrock anti diri fection ut boots permanentt M iss tîîed Iu-n.a ndth e l. oan DOLLARS N D O TS Te -ffntateIVEeailo iloping ta page acrous the trackalbe- Park wbere file body waa faken after tilat ajieuteil acrosi. the- -treet. The thc most fit place. bad ab itie iettthe cl in DOLeARSAND_ îoilThermsttt ot atle refgeerl fore the train whiclî wusbearlug found wlieu Coroner Taylor decidedta tocar carecîîî-d fri în clU- t... ide aîîd -tue accioneuti îtîrîteti the attr-criansufot the\ccidnt lrrloitk iiî-W. . i te-î atilit own erundaaxgetl eatrcisfr dowu tram file norfil passed. go hlmacîf, and ase le did nt tnow both occuptlt (iii îîîlied ittw as the ane tHghodat u efita uoî-a terdat. AccordIng ta Agent Mafthews of tilt'Ingatîs could not mate identification. car spahri sritct a linfoftotinug aitd STOLE14 AUTO Ili tîia le- ioîîîltftht'wowh nýaura ui Norfilwesferîirond, who was standig - shot aaa ai ligtiitiu-gettet-it ofl the a-t a lit aîi iedlas The day was a broiler lu every re- -itetiteiti ighninttittiatEIntINi,î îiuttiiitwasaflle(]eefntîtîtedollas spîtitutln o!s thio s tactactilio- It tie norfil sud o! the- !rt-ghf itoiise Tht- drus tr nss,eined ftdevofe I ICMleit suýona wp aad costs befote Justice taidgguiiiar ad atetltihsear'sad flfruwheheîe- INGALLS WAS VICTIM. -teýli-guani arît a lonug distance cali ate andsif ou coaîtthetsaantrso!stan thefrotlatforrn Neiflihr was if ansîtecfftrtainiltîf Fottoeil ifi theont tiifihaketBruffe a-e-tf coU o! ofgIHo-e tiip ftrfti elf i POtFoourtt-ttsh Ch icago automobile fon i lLitiertvvillii-office auiiii îîoned Qalathle- o! ile Laa aîeddftotiBiglea gu edteacdnt h gdgetea ioe thaf Ingalle ilad Ulsappeareul a as ik as posile ant ia th a lietfWho bad stolon a large deuon ithint front h aiit'gaii waoetb- a-as froheatitg a hlind tIg anioiiuces or lEeai akadwiete tairly raced lu fronti of the oucùrin isig fhnn wsnt a er aitd roar îles itouni,-d crîtsitttts fer Dolsoi autornobile car ioi Illeite itattendauci, ai tht' Waiiegaii Day iiaf biot'kbriîsalltesuit otei irows aînd arathernafized fthe train an fhough courting wil deatlbi. eaihitttwa.ut"r- 'î <du andi up thetill hiti1tue iPour hoiit'-.fon o arsturn O Stiitr-ttciserain îtio aiitrtohoh. gana irQuyl hagîg îa afhw'ahsuiittlltoe afn loeof This tactwas alilrigili when Ilt i iithe followlng lay. Thitrtday. The ..pced asa gotîtnstial that a large fro o c eta unny de-ici f. etiet rain olît o (hTagoer okte,ai couvtreloii o! h y hi w T iteael-mtharlsteris ihcoseffet- * lazne he yelglt la benfaTheSUN waGeis first ite o ri on rtiati sas sooau aftracît-U ftu atch car near the S. S. Wileeler i iit( îg o!filhe disanfer thaf estitingTheltowlug bis arreaf ataHdgilwoed tu ai h as ii îtwtl rituiss d career. Libertyile, ef seven d'Clark S- Mr. o insobis-as ft ente ihatoodec !fl dtaa ha !Sn Th rinbwi Infrn fthe nortil. the stary thts norîîtîg aitd stcci'tttd Adgrysetr i co9 t!mrfg u otc. raiiit p iW. Taylor Uleit at lits hontîe intri.luf Here ile ase a eard le sec ftedywst fSn q h rn c sr - lu Interviewlîtg BratemnaitRaîituii o! siairysetelta lulo onn n ok o rh ; lf hretecs a er or WillilamîE. Mason. backed up outo a idlng sud file bd Tan73,wo odteboy ust It quicleki rouufed the bili ftthe with fbem whaaf was suppospul l îîtjeffemoit la.,from rnîitgetio.n ofthe or h Lk lufJstc.Mason Turns Point vas removed trom fie tractis. The Tran 711. w iii> foui d th w lcouufy lInirmary and there if bregan f0 been the boofy secured fraitu il rotlu tongs aiid injuries reuivin t the auto- Prior f0 the holding of the trial ir. le set flic wbole city sud counfy Lmnrig ree atefcn u h raveîîîîg onth wy regh le 1adrailiand saver ant inlatit topped. bery o! saine Chcago oaeiutog or rmobiewreck. about (uS30Ttesday even- Quayle la alleged te have ekplalucd te akn ytrigtepito tr aged citizen bad met deafl InistantlY. ee oyligars h rcs.Marshai Lirnberry, securing s bors, place o! business. îng. The bodUy willihobetrouglif t,î bib-Mr. hopkinsothat il bad hlm lun af bat Cougresarnan George Edmuudu Mr%. MLesdid net ilear o!filhe ar- 500 i a font lylng arosete tracixdrove madly aller them followed tiy a The car. oeeof tfile mcdlU-vut ta-erfyvitîshfor huril ai afthe Lateoide l'ai Foss had tolti cleverly sud 'diplomatie- : ridentutil lnforned lty tYroti A..igcowtintacatrete ethrandti tfols ad better confess. ally' as ils would express If, againat foty fieotreim oRatli detof Juitsx i rodigrtec2tr.il eahrrlety, a-as seen f0 limil over Ile iiluticeretsry. He was a brother of tDr, J. L. Hopktusou daims fliaf ileasketi Bryant, o! Cîsyfen troesion the ccr- twrYove ouallemrIng o! Jhall 2. eated oftorlisuiThe hiichless patr ail e pour balise. Libertyvifli- ut al f Taylor. bl wa lwul ott gtottat gentleman. uer of tMadison aud Geutesee tstret; S pwassbroughf toe earth hy tire trouble en oclock, Sunday moniug h -,short 'fhe hafle langliter hmis uliy recover afthebi n ti uye te i Focs folU file sforyeofilhe boy whose nan aflerthie acidentf.Whett It- peared. aud hart remeved one o!filhe tirestranmtirne lter IL was diseoverepit atan- lrorntht' accident. Tite e ta achats o! taillhebote ant taattQuayle afier sîz formed Mrs. EmaF c.ethheelii li igbf front aheel a-heu tbey saw outn' fot !fl hei î ccdnscnected wîtb itflIdlîllit-.bhs son woutd citooseset betore b aloo. es s. ei,r sudhflictbaUhecstrai ed flic polict suitescort raiol lUi cilgn cebh ilaem ton the Friday reelios tht' tîttie daugli tolUlni il a-tuîld cent $46 . Hotitin-a plaBbeadadla. bier arme sud crecd eloud. the viaugeapple. a Bîbtethsud6 aodollarnd Then Wlals ibr eWsf Street, a et- fdadth oyha en i d lic bill. A card foutîd lunfile car tui- tia fer wu5 almt oef niied wbtit' b&fhiug $01f1 houd iewafcbed filsboy. The boy pocket- atie.ruiltifothe Mcl.À>s'e esi- uatiftl'broo oge f 1îy sttC luîCtfoi lie Mitre r> itir tisse înartcd ou if lihe wterrnainueu.in irefliv ier aud tvas reetusd wifb diff eletdutfeuyOedoi Uthe dollar. sete leappie and hogan Highland Park.wr u lreigfi ie neyiatur îî eue.518Nk,. ate culfy. f-uuîlay affernootileîwîgQuayle ig acctîscd with havlng placed t i- o c t' c e e a r s d la l a r i f lg w r u h o i g t e t r o o t e l o gt e r e s U d it e B i b l e , s e f i e f a t i le r b al r - for er aed elatve b -carwere off again oun racticallY te.Chcgo >cnrred liheautfo aci-deufatest dollfs atht> itte orastuîugolithieaeu rleU 0 ILs îitrwl ldaii The body waasmangled ,triitehaf. bU îrc hirîe abeis soU sonoîi istanced the The viuage marchai notii! thiu sft TUia irS'hci fuereafrc olarUii it 4,suryo!f9MCk One arrn was badiv criîshî-U astwas ahlg wr rknan h edbowling mnh ehind thentcîiuai iChicago and tealîi utiaillwrite Ntitriocterrible tubeodsurilîed. Couîîty Lasw aiittOrder Leaptie. te sDhreand aUGsked4, l9 th Th tilbotedsa-i crlitaaiongoteyaoagootbil hIobeetiugilboys acf meant He 050 eten the theriht Bi. A large gash l h luoy file fagn ooigwt l linru oyadsrppd1I uon al fteSa- apetecoc r hc ln 011 bodiesd, e hvoeidenfîtmn wthbow hirdgel filearid hemroteorIurot0 aiîichO SEED AR S PEUhadG OU D cnused bgrs . He asti about fortviticars nid, for raciug. I are h îuhretaurantîs attwio Oîctoct utthehaeIdcto rmn asbspo gray.aîih oHPîmnngf0 heaboout- erutu I lauîougutr tt'FOR ATTORNEY FOR DIVORCE CASE fessien, lbe baU pocketed fthe -doflat Nooe 's eblm, rsuug aba inesud ss eopen, sud a-cii y bîttit wonilch eltaeteulutihave hiig.tfd' aat aulegthtlth Mr. otlbews. as tht- gaies a-trt toile direcfort _____tetrito hcescm pn h ilgwtotwbe bud aehneda e% duvu aithfie ime sud M. MCIle uit ndwsstu ndwlb I .th .A.Reuhl, Sheridan rond. Chicago. aity aruilip. ibrouiîta lac kfkiluîo'aî Af a meeting o! tht. Lake couîufY hsad nam RJ r aer n c"lrn h l scoufet arouni thlent lit an effort t hi1 nwe0te ecrpinUfLbertyvilîsle oiarthîe Milwaukee cl eîcnn it lhsittî iquor dealers ycsfsrday, the canîdîi- f ahuanfanrny a.lao crersdisba reU ieBi befrethetrinmhuehîg Ingailis 1er!ecfly. vneratedrctatmbl-decnerigIl lha, m dace o! Cl'aire C. E d'aardu for tates dped te the Philippins Islande, bas îintinta 0a5miniaferlal plan o!flits. crossd the croeslttg lmnîdtaCo!y fer nDerviption. lauroute front Chicago te the lates, aud Tile chauffeur e! uhe car stasseilîte îînlted saloon luferests aili tiseth ubngrndfoderinIWe E SnarMmngtup& Mr. MeLees owîîs u-unsdîratle tt ieSXifrctc îîitrdozens e!fomachines visit there evemy carrving a heavy suit case ily te i tniefr eeelEwrs the iefit saccn tuantlt t moceedsdHtel-manhe pointlu bis dm Gryaatwîmelu-tunt aeînntrPrier ati Highlantd Part, litsdescriti- lifuisund erefo c.ewards a-ilit hi s ef licauet haf dge Ha- arnimtaeeIay 1roplaerty ii flicity 55 a isme iono heui d ged iht ay Tlag ernt ae fieena numtitis eulapu eadutthuf een flrti tu t.' rnîrbyes aloo poflcutiSStnthuew eydorceilatioeels odf ent.JonHsab i atHed okthafboygrothe "dollr borne ci! Hauhin. hît- titis-u.o! a Utitmer atudion1this account the village lie halcd ia tasiug mut wagonu When one sou osutops ta hihh'mcctracfei te o lcuîîîta arc îlifa lgrtfcnc !tle iUfle u-iti urungo a b lcsioî toul.îedioc ciouo iet.Jht si.'e otflsaps ilaolr of_______T___lnonf__edeil hoarud aiîuouîces filaf thet anc going ns l on h ne u sei fr large majorifa of th , ilîîoi. dealrs Bater, fi S -al, w ose home bes R - Thafs easy, salU fie niustar ma10 mre . .Iw e amate a rasfic effort f0 stop if. rd-1 ieraîodieo ornîîaîîo this counfy art îeiî-îoîraiIle qules-ite aud ait la suing bis -lfe. Auna *mate hlm a potifcian" BO)DY FOUND NVAS standu for Far iiugls rte lions ariAes as ta iir rigttl t uartici- E. for divorce. Tilae istsfry as told by Fou. TIATO!IN AL~Sf0fltieccatiptithere was a agolU tnp tai ltesuit cait' 'asaton feavy plite lu repulicatii otiice TIey acre niarricî lit Frcepomf, 1Ii, sud file Bible as desCribeti, and n"V wHTO NG IL aic ll întu ae i it IG B A E I! f ar le 1 rvrThilastafea tuuttot lý itIghti ceenta f0 m eus pot etae sîtti i e baasehi!ts the B G B A Z Nh1 E alrry t hase deselitîett tub a t eff oirut rio u file On Se l t. ,1899. T ile action w as i lu e tg aler tee o! ssc i" From Saturdays Sun) mnspce- i( ohd t leSIIERMAN IOU dtuer hteut ilk wagodiver. hr art of the saltuotn leeî 10 elect a stituted lu Racine but was transfersd Tilus ils cleverly reterred fa tbê - The mysfery o!filse disappearaflncents. xece ha hefu mati abo witl do ilîcir biidinit, sud a f0Jutige Haisete court oauanaffldlav- Fose campaigo for t'a-eOffices, sen&- o Frank Ingalis of this cty was suiv- Thle boUt bas bt-eut hîtrîcd I acpci. la i orauto dcferrnatin ip î~outhîe tart o! theILo rudeInrps blinwf>tradermnaiv.Tecod cd fdsy If as hs iodythatwas The at-ch le recogutzed an fIat o! Fîemen Battis Conflagration f rom tobliers aiticd a large butsiness bouse people f it dcci a REPf-BLICAN Whoiftprtdceiîroedybs te.orairpeenfve Tlcov ad td msngId on filsbytact o! the tc deat I nlgalie. Ground and Roo! In Stren- l)iChicago or soute outii tifig reel eblil s h reîtreseutattve .! ait o!flte Six 'aieks ater file couple were mcm- goftfils point and ruared Ifs approvt fondmagld n hetrck o te he eew0 ietrintht oud ous Effort fe Con- tience sud bail insie- ofuth!uflcalito- people o! Lake couuty snd not carry iedthfe iluehand, ile was then s lu a sform o! laugiter and ajaltaire. Norfhweatcrn on file morning Of! YIbJ l h' Cme !fi tnllif moble.theberaîîd o! ant clique. organization privafe, wassorderedta ftfie Islands, Dontn1, INet Thcre. 22. An inquesafwas ibid on hitand if fhc liody luucuor Murîîîv sud quer. tele or______ h asoiton.eq ctyaiio et leaving file wi!e ai ber hume IluMMid- Jusf*af oee firfy or betore If wu w«s buried us that o! an unknown, no Brakeie Raun osud Mumîîy. oeshavinq ceneforward tebidenfify The tuolice received the newsa At files thirty Saturdav a liotthefieemergeuîcy. are fockiîîg toaflic stand- 1leon. He returueti on June. 1901. and sfafed ihat fie invitation and reiep- > t e aure to b. at Ravinla among filetOet whcu a tetephene nies- bhistorie otd Sherman Bouse, lu past Hv arwEsae fleWheF.chane!iraw eng n rcmel afteMaiig onfethnevefrtix ot ili n a m t e feef fiat Guivernartelle-i it. How Ingalle c ~~gtieinsFure!Wategn oug etulei ubut feanef ar. cmne Mdsn hymve aFr hr*grmt h fet htGyro e andasleng file tract la sf111 a mysfery sage carne f0aflicpolice station sud years the' scetue o! notable dan soU taferFofrsofittary posf lu necu wpeopleanti would ils orabie te arro esapv ron cerainthe ol Te as. andatuteream ag oste in estend, o1 n d tvîeo ls opials110 sasis the tact thaf in hie pockte au a filspolice box at Pearces corner front caugîtf re andîtd fPress urne wss a had a nro ecat-ftetin Saleeiteepcra gise ouftefol- tike ndenig rii h vts n b teSaloon teetiems o! Wautegsn sud urderedta telePhilippine Islande anti iuailandlgbs feg or a mecte way home from Grand Rapide, Mch. WlthreCrw Gof Cisc. firernen hbaîtitng bard to gaveit. ou Grand avenue taheu til teafo Lake coîtfta teicnumber o! f 10metlile sent for bis waife, clslmiug filaf sile îng a tcone is tant ct hfed~ The Identficatifo was made beyond Tile Norfliwestern crcw potlifs finît The buiding, 'aiich la at fhe corner whicil tiet were ruîjuîg rau awsî et McCany's Hall on souf ilGenesee refusedta itaccompant iliulTeposdafrats ob ae a dou it thi af fe no n by E w ard due rn e sdng s description e! I u- o ! L a e a ud G enes e stree f, le s f111 fhrow in p fe occuptsu ou f pen îe stree f y eterday af fe n on t e take s -T i p occf er a d a e a & e Ingais ad Coers Taylor anti Co- pae .tta iri iCcago Examiner whiciuetias au hotel but part o f lJe or- ard gm seaon o bt cyadleratig fotrnuatsilerBertad aaybug fia tht ci ese fof the prsuo fie cieef r U T e f r f d s g v e by a o fh p rin t eti b is p ic tu re a n d des c rip io n cu p i c U ity A I U r n su F re d E . B ell w s T le o c c u ta n ts a n d it bu'it ju rie s u s - e s r f h t d b t n o k a d l e r f s d a ln h t e l i s d w t o t t e p e e c f t e c i r e vester train cnsw, followeti sharpît yetemday morntng. 'atil a sloon.ic ee5 tuitî Thet made ne indorsemetf for explairiedth ie mytert. occupants o! tht' saloon sud hetel FRANK HUBER. eifutlotes o! tic states attorney, file purpose for whicli clef les sud effeef s eady lu time. Senafor Heptins Fure Speasker. Mr.Inall3 nd r.Conadlef fr Dnen aFae.weme scafferedta tet'four wirtds wheu Nortil Shore Oaa Co.,- frmerît s bar-file nmeeting a-as caibetLeuit. Baker le a brother et Heury Scoafor Hotplnc wascgivesa fhecpieu', the ligealle sodt Mm.oCouratiownlbefaforheDensennsabFate.h F'urtht'rnore IfLJe afatedtfat no bu- C. Baker, chie! o! police lu Racine. etience filerefore anti vas th e Ar liberfyville oaitanoon treef car sud Governor Chartes S. Deuiec. s fan- efile lirerbrote otît sudoouadowu te-enn ber AftflicyTontîîkinFratkrlerGilboptou afl twe baU gatlercd file tangleti steins didtae ferrecectihoitaf0bieexalfeti pu- streefs tbere sas a pal. Thle Tilird streef, -kaii iuacfumed auddoeeuf ahminie adbeure th i umexf AtereecalPatboGlefl peatcm ounfils prograanth ie ffet o! fhe wect le<, mysfery togeflen stion. tilU lotrtiint enoughtoetWallu afreefs wers crowded sud movenient buiseti ceusidersltat o lcbot 1htu u e o efi cuug fer afme o m.Bkr In file waftil, fthe ,te iejacki tegan f0 felegrapi tilat hilswoiuîd tfo-aurds filetire created janîs fimeugil MISS EVA WlIit H. dsugil'er O! certain candidates fttIf le Impossible Affer file examntifon o! Mm. Baker malte bis bo'a kule ad ail Six halots vere f aten with the rew ils suit, sud lutuIge HaIsey dis- Wauleegan' auivancemenft terough tM. tissU man MnIringalils ideuifisd' ie exorcises atrhva gacptftlil- Teliesate]r cine la-tisa osdea h. ouîglh hesuereut-o eIin-n h mse h acctpeonîlelu he rs alais ii acthoititiretitsree, ouidrîtti h tted ahouifth brother and isier et Higilandi Park vtto ing froin theflictchen io! a cafe operat- biody, meetinlue sdcd wifb lithe me ers jutmse tealo t r e s i l e v i d e n c e s a r e d i s c o v e r e t iW i h i t i l e i s e n t u o a o t e d b li c e s i n e t b a r g e r îîri t h e g r o u n d M I S S G R A C E B A [h f i t if. d a u g î fe r o ! a s e m u c i a t s e s o sv e r t fi r p o l i i c a l l ui -M a i WNV . 5V . J id s o n 's o f f i c e l u M il - o n g r e e b a s g î e n b l mi e x t r e me p cet- fleor. Theliantes art' coufined te the Wm. lisuer o! Ceîîisreiett blactetu- dTIeens lea weîng fecliuthed atikyseday. HIl iduu ts sn rads lire.asoatedone 9 fle eCty Wuda op Kncw Wafch ait Once- Cilairmnan Whitney announeti thaf a Teel togfeigta oysedy ii- oL.sdls eettv n rtesaea fetta ecnwa 1,Cara umee sdonted.Tice building is filieti TRGYVE NELSON. ittiof!Nict N'l lie matis ant iius olicy nat liespîsudoltgciswrere fuluprtctiroraan brofhe'c -eatcil -eilt fwae pritduicedfethaDecows iCama wihilmoke. Evcrt ie as far as le son. macîloîst, rîglut 5itoulticr balytdOited rudtercl.'iemjrwnpi.araiaino wdrpsiilte by Coroner Taylor, aud ailouigil he Robert Eskute. aile le the head o!fpaîe - -tarbug for litfrîptf Fort Sheridan , a morestsrengthened co-peragtit. coulti nef identfyiîifby umotrbc lstIc invtation sud recetîthoutcomitfee tino-eu escapeti lu safet.srie wr leilpaicaelnhe'o«prit. tue If by siglif i-e 1reduced a sud WhilaissalU ftailave reccsved file Alderman Bellees oçerates fie ho- Team Rates iOff.NEW MANAGER FOR eromntuf uaîeuîvemese asarecuit o!fasTiue eJsgs tioplicafe fer Kesefounti ou fie deadti elegrani, deule thaf ihe ever receivèti tel aise If is learueti Tlere acre notPyfrbuet ugei "-v mari ant identifiedth ie jacki tuifs. snbamsaeau elrsi aemaut peop le lu ticstructure wilen The youug peopleî 'at-ucdrivhuug slow-tIEIN.ORNSTEIN Presîtient H.oocvelf's orter reqiiring To tiose f wo greaf men vh iai*mw I-le t a mfistilset augf frotlfie___IL__a__talorire te of. Italong Grand aveute when sitiotitaiofceltaaka rymleheisrdjuiesabyWilnyge tic e t tunt o tic dea t t aini t hilsa sefourt.ir r u dthoe oI is le a sa nu, îî o is horses Eugeue Hahiei o! Syracuise, New ounilorsetiact. He iii leave for Fort go,, by, Jîtdges Botigeftt ad lUpfou brotiler muet bave beco te Grand Daho I ele.wihnILegtta s fet ILît sture offrc , rive an titrent adetael o ef dt ter.isme. meî !prîe nglvn Hahds sud vas rsturnlup. (Front Saturtsys Sun) thni o obsf-tII fre f ie Hein Oruetelu stores Rt Waute- Tile initiale B Mfi>o al Uhe sati Mme, Mchlael RHoeustasister o h IR RY BUILDING ai as vilrîind -rIe îragginp anud gan. There ie jositlvey o ne esse Mail Many Cîrculart, Concludiup ils illetiWaukeganasa man's clufle s ienfifleti as a nmarki ate Mme, Hardy vie passilaway lu O IEM ORA scarlug fie ofier antimal.tSalin bull heceaffer coîîîîcted wlththefil aruiage- sgreat city ofthfie efafe sud express- Iged. his Ciy a fe menthWl!o, iednata niasL eod h eta fment. Mr. Kahen fates charge ai Thimt tiluosand circulame o!fie edth le hlte tfitlafis progreas Mid file Irigalle brofilema bave aiways tst1 fl iyst muteao iUc unasvesbtuu tscurl~ Once. baw and Order Longue, bearlug lu- grewtlt voulU kesit patte lnconint Ordr dyExussd hm me u ilcaocf472 Saf MticialLeague te Celebrate Fret file driver-F'rank Buter. EngueeKahetu for several feara dolasments aseprîofsd ysstertiay ln yen",îti l ifspast. The remainsaouthfietissU man, hu- sfref, yestWitiay attemnoeti. Annivrsify Laber Day With Tile surre l lnitch ft eere trins manager o!fie lutuerisî Cloat storey fodt fr Wuteau.111.Mtamanage Thle Ladies' Auxilliary, clalmeti by Rih .d ala ats _mp IL,